Just bought Arma 2 for DayZ

I just bought Arma 2 to play the DayZ mod because I've heard it's more fun than the Standalone.

What should I expect once everything is done installing?

it's basically a mmo. Expect spending days in this, try to make some friends.

Might as well install pic related.

Nigga I already own Arma 3 and I'm even in a "realistic military" group with a pretty chill leader I met in quickplay.
I bought Arma 2 and Operation Arrowhead for DayZ for the hell of it, and it was only 5 bucks during the summer sale so I didn't lose much of anything, really.


No way nigga…

Have I really been missing out all these years?
i really hope i haven't been

Arma 2 and Operation Arrowhead together is only 5 bucks, dude. What are you, some kind of faggot?

Even though Arma 2 is a better game than Arma 3 you wasted your money if you're just doing it to play an already long-dead mod, user.


Used to be that way but the Standalone is much better than the mod nowadays.

You're just jelly he got likeminded people to play with, while you don't.

Holy shit OP. You should choke on a bag of dicks for how much cock sucking you must do on a regular basis.

same, op
play epoch, its pretty fun, has missions and stuff
people can be cunts but I still haven't died to a player, i'm yet to find someone who can shoot worth a shit

DayZ has misssions like regular Arma maps? Wait, what? I thought the only mission was to not get fucked in the ass by zombies or shitty 12 year old server donators.

Hello 2012.


Yeah, like, some bandits are attacking this, go fuck 'em up for loot, a plane crashed here, go check it, etc

download epoch mod and toss it into the combined ops folder, don't use steam's dayz thing

Why the h*ck would you use Dayz standalone image for mod's discussion?

I see no such thing in steamapps/common or Arma 2 files.

uh…. Arma isn't COD or Halo nigga.

Yeah I fucking know that. What are you trying to tell me here?

good decision bro, youre only 4 years late.
seriously, the original mod has been dead for ages.


just play PUBG then if you want to go full normalfag
they're even releasing a "zombie mode" next month so it'll be DayZ all over again but improved this time with a huge active userbase and an engine that works as intended nearly 20% of the time

You're five years too late.