I'm worried there's a hidden indie gem out there that needs my love. This thread is to recommend such games.
Indie game discovery thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Only one I really know of is My Summer Car, though thats treading a dangerous line between meme game and fun game.
Pretending indie games are special is something millenials do to try and convince themselves that video games are as good as they've ever been. The truth is that the best indies are an 8 AT BEST, and the good ones usually shamelessly rip off video games from a better time period.
I don't care about your indie metamemes. Whatever advancement there is in the art today is in indies.
You've got the hipster attitude down pat. I'm guessing you consider poorly done emo vocals over folk guitar an innovation as well.
I don't know if Zeno Clash is obscure enough, but it's a pretty surreal, fun experience while still having gameplay depth based around skill. It's very interesting how almost every individual enemy is unique and the challenge comes from learning tells and counterattacking properly. The AI is thorough, too: the more elite characters are capable of having dodge and counterattack chains with you four strikes in a row.
ONI is really fucking good
captcha under protest
It's one of those rare games where the devs clearly don't give a shit what the rest of the world thinks and just follow their own insane vision to it's glorious conclusion.
Also, "meme game" is a stupid term. It should really only be used for trash that was deliberately designed to be "meme" like Goat Simulator and such.
just close the tab and let us be.
Why is it SJW?
Hollow Knight is fucking adorable.
Settingwise, it's basically a 1:1 copy of Dark Souls, but with lil bugs. You arrive in a dead, dying kingdom, and have to slay the Dreamers so you can either extinguish the bonfire seal the corruption or absorb it and become the new lord.
Mechanically, it plays pretty solidly as a metroidvania, takes about 20-30 hours to 100% your first time, punishing difficulty if you're bad and stupid at games, but is otherwise fair - every death is basically your fault. It's like 33% off right now, too
Lets not forget, after 22 years, Grimoire Heralds of the Winged Exemplar is finally complete.
Xenonauts and Ultimate General are also pretty good games.
Upcoming enhanced games that started or ended up in mobile but that are still really good are Solomons Keep and Carnivores.
I was about to post this too
I still haven't seen proof of this, nor do I seem to find anything in the game leaning toward it other than Bart Degasi having a fascination with ocean life.
Even the knife line becomes ironic if you look at Alterra's lore.
Its mostly due to this
Its mostly due to this
There are posts in the steam forums about how anti-gun they are in a world filled with shootings. Bunch of virtue signalling really.
Apparently there's a new twin-stick shooter out and one of the devs is guy back from the arcade cabinet days.
The trailer looks decent enough.
At least one of the devs is total nutso and the others enable his craziness.
Flayra said that the reason he doesn't include guns in Subnautica is to make the game a "vote for a world with no guns"
That doesn't surprise me, but relating to the game itself, it has no impact. Conventional weapons would be kind a cunt to balance, implement, and since things don't always seem to respawn, would depopulate the world.
Not to mention you can make your tools into weapons anyway, there's a gravity gun that you can launch explosives and other stuff with, gas and warp torpedoes, and robot arms. First minute I had my prawn suit, I found the nearest stalker and boxed 'is fookin ears in.
I just realized Factor 5 is technically an indie company, they still exist and they recovered the Turrican rights.
The fact that they're hypocrites doesn't make supporting them more appealing.
But doesn't the Mechsuit have rockets?
Lel, that's pretty funny. I don't doubt that guy is not all there, but my point is that by whatever symbiosis it doesn't seem to matter. Even after getting most stuff and being prepared, you always have a reason to fear because you can't just stock up on explosives and kill that sea dragon.
The only reason I supported it, after pirating, was because it's a solid, good, fun experience. I don't care if half the devs literally eat their own shit for enjoyment, if the end result is good.
To me it's worth the 10-20 bucks, I've easily gotten that value out of it. Not only that, but I doubt every person there marches in metal lockstep. Your money also pays the people doing the meat of the work, who don't have time to 'interact' with the community on steam.
Even if the Dev team has retarded opinions, their game is still great and they deserve the money.
never seen that game before and not into star wars (but into space simulators)….
The way the start that mission, the music, the pace, everything building tension….. excellent. Triggers my autism in the same good way Descent: Freespace did.
I gave you your proof, wasn't trying to argue your later stated point.
There are plenty of good gameplay reasons for guns not being in Subnautica, but the real actual reason there are no guns, as stated by the devs, is political bullshit.
Yeah man if someone who hates whites and wants to kill all of them makes a good game I should totally give them my money. We should support those who want to ruin our lives so long as they make a fun toy.
Quite honestly I hadn't 'seen' that until you linked it, so if anything I can now say I've seen proof.
I suppose my umbrage was the potential writing-off of the whole game as SJW, when it's one of the few that seem absent of politics in the actual game.
A misunderstanding to be sure.
"Horseshoe theory doesn't exist!" they said.
You have no argument.
You’re not even trying to have an argument.
captcha under protest
Try harder :)
Other indieshit that's not shit, SpaceChem and Shenzen I/O are both really fun and solid logic puzzlers.
Nigger listen up. I don't care if one of the Devs has a retarded worldview as long as it doesn't affect me. And it doesn't effect me in the slightest, it makes sense lore wise that you don't have actual guns in the game and besides, later on in the game you get a fucking Mechsuit and that shoots rockets anyway. If you wanna miss out on a good game because one of the Devs is stupid that's your choice, but I'm not going to miss out on a good game just because someone that doesn't affect me has a retarded opinion.
Go back, now
Great argument, kike.
captcha under protest
You really aren't from here
It effects you. You are retarded and are pretending that behaviors in society don’t effect you unless you are physically touched by them. This is madness.
It does. You are retarded.
Then the lore is irredeemably shit, as there is no logical scenario in which weaponry ever leaves the hands of the average person.
Not an argument. Not even a “compromise.” You can’t excuse this one away.
wew lad
You are literally the reason that society is in its current mess.
captcha under protest
You would be shocked by how not-shitty this game is compared to how shitty it looks at a glance. There are a whole lot of other independent games I'd recommend first but most of them are well-known by now, I hardly see ESA discussed at all.
Hollow Knight is getting praised by everyone under the sun, man.
He's made at least three other solid games of the same type, too.
Except they want their opinions to affect you, you stupid nigger. That you are willing to part with legal tender and not at least pirate their indie shit shows that you're among the dumbest niggers on the planet. Now fuck off my board, nigger faggot.
A face you never see, though lore-wise he may very well be one of the passengers from the mongolian states on-board to assist with the degasi rescue missions. Which might explain why he doesn't seem to have any kind of special access to the aurora and doesn't seem to be noticed by the other crew looking for survivors.
This looks too autistic to be enjoyable.
Sad. I thought they just wanted to keep you on your toes instead of dominating the ecosystem.
Agreed, vidya above politics. Don't care what devs do or think. I need my escapism and won't bother mudding it up with the crap of the world. Too much mediocrity in the industry as it is to start drawing lines.
No u
Wiki says they finished a game called Rouge Leader for the Wii but never released it.
Also they made Lair? Damn that sucks for them I guess.
Is ZenoClash better than EYE?
If you don't start drawing lines your escapism might not be around for much longer. Draw the damned lines.
As a Dorf Fort and Elona-fag, it looks just autistic enough to suit my style. I think I'll give it a try sometime.
Speaking of which, it's not exactly an unheard of game, but if you haven't played it yet Elona is a damn great journey through a subtly twisted and eerie but mostly campy..ish JRPG world.
Get the most recent version of Elonaplus that has a version of Elona Custom built for it.
Go to Elona+ Custom and then go to Elona+ and get 1.69 along with the most recent version of Custom for 1.69, since it looks like the latest release. It's a damn good game if you're in for a weird-ass roguelike/classic-JRPG hybrid with a shit-ton of content and some easter eggs and other weird shit. It's more focused on gameplay rather than complete solid realism, so you can do crazy shit like use any "party member" (tamed monster or human or whatever) as livestock to breed it, marry it, fuck it, or whatever the fuck.
I want to have a child with a slime or some weird shit just to see what kind of horrifying half-man, half-slime abomination I get and what kind of bizarre stats it has.
Then fucking pirate it.
That reminds me, in a similar vein to yume nikki, is a game called 'ib'. Free little game-maker style game, but a weird little jaunt. I think it's free.
What this argument fails to take into account is that there are people who have already played those games from a better time period.
Fucking go away.
Locomalito makes great fucking games, and they're mostly freeware.
Thread got derailed by politics, as usual.
Also, you're not contributing any fucking game to this thread.
Post them and educate us
Oneshot was pretty fun, now that it's update is out it's a complete game. The game's gimmick is the generic "the player is a separate entity" that you see in so many other indie shits, but the game actually manages to make the gimmick not annoying by not trying to do the whole "you are a bad person for playing the game, you monster!" thing. The puzzles are a bit easy and one of them is annoying, but in total I enjoyed it, it's a good story/puzzle game.
If you're gonna pirate it don't get it from IGG since they replaced some of the textures with shilling.
Oh look, cuckchan scum
So after playing Dex, I have no idea if I should recommend it. On the one hand the gameplay is fun enough, on the other hand all the little things stood out more and more over time. For example, what's hair names hair makes her look like an old mannish woman in her sprite. I found myself taking the story less and less seriously every time people hit on her because I kept imagining her as a tranny.
And yet, I'm a sucker for castlevania stuff, that doesn't look like pixel shit done in MS Paint. Stealth being directly effected by your screen settings was fucking gay though.
And its OP, who would have guessed
Completely incomparable. Zeno Clash is just a simple linear first person brawler with a wacky fantasy setting. It's pretty fun though, never got around to playing the sequel though…
I think I saw a few threads when it came out but I never paid attention to them.
I'm glad people seem to enjoy it, it's probably the best game to roll out this year or last
What's up Mister Caption. When's the next video?
the fuck are you talking about
I just try out Valdis Story: Abyssal City and it's a Metriodvania with pretty good combat. I got it because some random guy in the steam forums said it was better then Ys VI. They're not really comparable since this game is 2D and Ys VI is over head/3D. but anyway the game is good.
Webm's not me just a quick video I found.
who got link to the latest subnautica build? cant find one for the voice of the deep
IGG nigger
silent running only. all sites i looked only have this. weird since its been out a week or so now.
Off, bunny must die chelsea and the 7 devils, Cart life, Papers please
the only "indie" games worth recognizing as legitimate are Japanese releases.
Yeah we played Valdis in one of the One week, One game threads. It's fucking awesome
Your naivety belongs on
Alright nigger, tell me how fucking about with politics ruins games. Subnautica is rather playable, fun enough, who cares for politics if they make a good game?
You want us to throw away the baby out with the bathwater. There's a limit to this shit, and this absolutism is retarded.
This is a fucking video game board. This is the one fucking time when a dev team with one idiot on it managed to make a good game, which doesn't push politics at fucking all since the game is about swimming, collecting shit, and avoiding death via giant alien monsters in spooky water. No politics reached the game, and people have already noted the retarded nature of one of their team.
I want you to understand something, the reason that gamers jumped into your political ship is not because of your stupid fucking spats with the left, we're not on your side when this is over, the fucking reason is that SJWs took over the industry and made
because they inserted their entire retarded being into it instead of holding back and making a game for a sake of one.
Then they bitched at us when we told them they made shit.
You're not talking to your nazi LARPer buddies, you're talking to a group that is invested in quality entertainment.
You want us to ditch a good game because the developers are arseheads? Fuck you, we're not ditching some good music because Micheal Jackson wanted to relive his childhood by fucking kids in Neverland, we have to take the scraps that we get these days.
This is in no way in support of SJWism, just a recognition of a fucking miracle in a wasteheap that is the left. Broken clock and all that.
So fuck off with your insistance and save it for another fight. You know, the ones that actually matter instead of preaching to the fucking choir on this shit.
I would understand if the game was perched on a soapbox preaching to gentrified hipster shits over progressive nonsense, but it's not even that. They made an interesting game, people asked if there will be guns, they said their won't be any because they don't like guns. That's it. Don't buy the game if you aren't interested. Don't buy it if you don't like their opinions. But if you actually think not buying one indie game without guns is helping Western civilization step in a better direction, not only are you a dipshit, you're a dipshit who is blind to what actually matters and spend way too much time playing stupid goddamn videogames to distinguish that and should do something actually useful to your pet cause.
Cheers to you user. Fight the good fight.
just like pirate faggots
the problem is they will end up making shitty games or telling others to make shitty games if they become popular. it's like supporting a shitty publisher even if the product is good since you know they'll just use it for bullshit.
Agreed 100%, its funny because it is a form of drawing a line, one simply decides to separate art from the artist, hell I know KF2 has a retard for a president, I still enjoy it quite a bit, a dev has to go to really crazy extremes for me to write them off entirely, sadly Holla Forums is to infested with Holla Forums tier posting, really wish they'd stick to their containment LARPing board already
The golden days of Holla Forums are over, its either retards crying about denuvo, people derailing threads with Holla Forums shit or the same old threads on repeat, if there's one thing Holla Forums has taught me its that imageboards might as well be dead, they're no better than the communities they claim to hate, just a bunch of sad fucks with a hivemind opinion and whomever steps out of line is insulted, only difference here is the user aspect.
So? We're all fucking damaged, but it wasn't like this before. We've had to fight to keep our hobby, and that naturally left few unscathed by the constant truth bombs.
People get jaded, things are never like you used to know, so fucking what. This is Holla Forums. This is fucking ours. And I don't give a shit if you're disillusioned of this place, it's the best there is.
And frankly, the bar's only been getting lower due to the world tensions being on the high due to all of the SJW bullshit at the moment. Once this fad is out of the books, shit will get better.
Getting jaded may seem comforting, but honestly, it's just fucking stupid. Why let your enjoyment be diluted just because a bunch of fucks are being loud in the next room? We have to fight and that's just how it is at the moment. Being jaded doesn't help things, you want a better Holla Forums, it all starts with you, with me, with every individual on here.
Post with quality, and none of this emo bullshit. That's what saves Holla Forums, not fucking bitching all over the place. Be an example, you're not the only one working on it.
Bruh, I don't particularly care WHAT their politics are. Here's why: If the game designers are able to show political and ideological restraint in order to maintain the integrity of their artistic vision,
they are better than 99.99% of every game studio that ever touched a computer in the last 10 years
To me, that demonstrates a level of maturity and sophistication above any social justice degenerate fucknugget that's ever existed in the history of the world. To me, that deserves attention, and if I'm interested, I'll spend my money for it. That's an attitude I want to cultivate, and I won't ignore it.
Then I won't buy their shitty game, or their other shitty games. I may not buy on principle if they're dickheads anyway, it's just case-to-case. And anyway, subnautica hasn't proved your logic in this case, so it's fine by me.
all of this right here
You're not fooling anyone you fucking goons.
Playing goody goody two shoes gets you Yooka Laylee and Last Night, get the fuck out of here.
Kill yourself, you fucking enabler.
It literally is that. No guns and a nigger PC.
Yeah, lol, that’s totally all it is wow lol we should give up our human right to personal protection and the protection of innocent life because lol all opinions are valid don’t you know? live and let live!
More than three years ago we proved that the influence you’re pretending doesn’t exist does actually exist. You’re wasting your time, kike.
This is the best you can do? More “live and let live” bullshit? Truth or death.
No guns and a nigger PC.
The games are bad because of their political leanings.
There can BE no quality entertainment from liberals as a matter of IDEOLOGICAL COURSE. You don’t comprehend what politics is.
Then you are complicit in their behavior and are actively supporting the creation of the “bad games” you claim to have hated.
Yes, support of no guns and a nigger PC is explicitly support of SJWism.
If this pile of shit code is a “miracle”, what would you consider the opposite?
Drown yourself in semen. We will never stop fighting anywhere. No more ground will be given.
All fights matter.
captcha under protest
But it also gives you Subnautica, which is a good game. I didn't pay for those other games because they are shit. It's actually that simple, faggot.
Try counting again double faggot
Here's your (you) you divide and conquer dipshit. How's it feel that I'm going to buy and post on this board about games that appeal to me and there's no amount of your Holla Forums sperging that's going to stop me? :^)
sage negated
incredible how they made him look so ugly, and had to make sure his hair stays standing up despite being wet then exposed to high heat so much, couldn't just have him have a normal shaped head and have his hair lay down like everyone else in the wild
By that same logic I should never have to include niggers in any games I make because of how many people they kill
What a stupid limp dicked weakass little bitch
You know, I'm kind of getting fucking tired of this idea of "indie games" versus "games." Games are games, whether they're indie or not, a game being indie shouldn't be validation to make a half-assed game, and a game not being indie shouldn't inherently make it "less" of a game. Stop splitting games into AAAs and indie games, that's patronizing bullshit. A game should stand on its own and be a good game whether it was made by one person or one thousand people. I don't even care about things like schedules, dev times, etc, budgets, etc.
It was when people started saying that "hey, this game is free" or "this game is indie" that people started giving "slacker points" as I like to call it, where they'd justify bad game design on the merits that "the game was made by one guy in his basement, therefore even if it's a badly made game, it's a good game, even better than a AAA game, because it's not a AAA game and it's indie."
Fuck that noise. So fuck your thread, OP. You want some good games, I'll give you good games, but I'm not going to spend an hour trying to figure out what games are indie and what games aren't, whether it's a small game or a big game, there's just good games to be played.
Try And Yet It Moves, that's an indie game, but I don't care that it's indie because it's good enough to stand on its own and not need to fall back on the "well it's indie, so it gets good boy points!"
Is it don't starve in space?
Play legend of grimrock 2 its pretty good.
These types of games are fucking amazing
7,62 high Calibre
Hard West
Shamelessly shilling Exanima because it's fun but seems to be relatively unappreciated.
Nice. Sui Generis when? I've heard NOTHING about it.
Hows Wolcen?
I'm a retard that can't categorize vidya so I'll just post an awful trashy rant
Thanks for your input you stupid nigger
Actually I just checked and the last update on Kickstarter for Sui Generis is still from 2012, and the last release in the patch subforum on their site is January for Exanima. Last thread made in Announcements was fucking 2015.
What? I looked it up and this looks like shit.
It was last updated in March I think, and another update is due to hit soon.
I cannot believe that grimoire got released.
This actually wasn't walking sim, while still having cool looking levels to explore.
Had nice sense of scale like Against the Wall.
The "indie" title mostly really mattered back when there really wasn't any games being made beyond whatever choice dejour large game company you chose to follow, and maybe a few small companies here and there. There were flash games of course, but they could never live up to the promise you could see in their conception and that level even was few and far between. When indies started showing up they had to be made well or you'd never get any attention, so time, effort, and passion were all put into the indie games made. Even more so than some triple A games. For me at least, it was a breath of fresh air to see concepts I'd always wanted to see but big enough companies thought too risky to try be done well. Or stuff I didn't even know I wanted, like La Mulana and Iji. This, for the most part, is how indie games got started. Humble beginnings, respectable devs, good games. And politics weren't as big of a deal as they are now either. Then after the popularity boomed people realized they could make money off nostalgia pandering. Places like Kikestarter and Patreon showed up, and as the internet became larger and easier to use game making became easier to get into and not any less hard to make good games, the hopeful indie market got flooded with garbage.
Now you have both definitions of indie, and why it's split from triple A. It used to mean good quality games made by independent developers. Now it's basically synonymous with the word "trash"
The same thing that happen to television happened to video games for me. I got infected with this reductionism and constant cynicism from this website that I can't enjoy shit without breaking it down and pin pointing the subversion or implications of shit wether they were included intentionally or not. Its made me a total buzz kill. I hate movies, TV, games and its isolated me from my family. Im tired of being such a baby bitch. I know the world is fucked and culture is going bye bye and 99% of media is calculated to subliminally indoctrinate but SHIT. Im sick and tired of it. Whats worse is that I push it on everyone else. I know people are sneaky but should that keep me from laughing or enjoying media? My core beliefs won't be changed so I need to take more things at face value and just enjoy them. I spend to much time explaining why life sucks and I'm starting to notice I'm not actually living anymore. Fuck 8ch, its just a sneaky way of infecting people with reductionism and relentless cynicism. No wonder so many users want to fucking die.
I figured I might as well follow the thread theme.
Both of these are pretty cool, although 64.0 is a little lackluster, Deadcore is great.
Yes and no.
It is true that 95% of indie games are trash or flash platformers being sold. It is also true we had run out of cool game concepts years ago.
This still means there is 5% of cool indie games that were made 5 years ago.
This is why it pains me where I see OP starting with Factorio and Subnautica. I don't want reddit thread here that always states same 10 indie games that everyone knows and upvotes. But I won't complain more this thread is actually good.
I will definitely check Deadcore.
my nigga
What does that mean?
Pirating is always free, does 33% off means that someone is paying me or something?
You're an idiot.
Just fucking pirate it, you shill.
That's why I said, "basically" and not, "literally" trash. I guess what I really meant is mostly synonymous with trash. The point of the post was more to point out that there is indeed reasons to clarify between triple A titles and indie, and that the indie title had more meaning beyond just, "independent developer" and why that mattered. For a time it meant hope that people would come out and make a bunch of really good games without the large corporations and proving you could make good games without big budgets, meaning a gaming golden age of sorts. We got that in a way, but it came attached with shitty dev practices, laziness, and incompetence as well.
I think I'm seeing a pattern here. The angrier people are, the longer the post.
Look I will be first person to say that in that thread but Indie holds no meaning for me. This is why I didn't really address it in my first post.
It started as label for independent developers games and I will be fine with using it for low-budget small games because of how similar end results are. It is not like rougelike where you cannot use rougelike when you want to play Rouge.
One point I will add to your post is abandoning Indie label in general because it will spare us faggots like this . It already holds close to no meaning besides small games. It will be better to just say small/low-budget games.
I don't see it. Plus posting another good one. It got little attention so I might as well remind people of it.
Creeper World series and Particle Fleet - RTS games where you fight an endlessly expanding fluid and particles with either turret walking or fleets of customized ships
AI War: Fleet Command - Large-scale co-op RTS where you spend days or even weeks fighting against two AI opponents that massively overpower you from the start and build up to eldritch horror strength as you piss em off more. A kitchen sink and more design philosophy plus several huge expansions makes it an absolute clusterfuck to learn how to play though.
Earth Defense Force 4.1 - Starship Troopers Japan Edition. Literally the best game ever made unless EDF5 proves otherwise. You should already be playing this unless you are some kinda underage fuckboy with brain problems.
Ziggurat - Doom/Hexen + Roguelite you stopped reading here Great player movement, weapons, enemies, and arena designs, just like the good ol days before 9/11
That's a pretty confusing mess, what actually is the gameplay?
No it is Rimworld in 2D sideview inside an asteroid floating in space.
Nobody calls games this but marketers. Stop it.
It did? I thought it was still a month out or so. It's not up on Steam or anything, as far as I can see.
Arena shooter.
You really need to play this shit at least once. It's fucking free and native controller support, you have no excuse.
Nex Machina seems really cool. I tried to pirate it, but it seems like there's a (small?) percentage of people that have crashes on startup that the devs are struggling to fix. Pirate it and see if it works for you before you even plan on buying it.
Ruiner also seems promising, but that's not really indie since they got Devolver Digital publishing for them I suppose.
I'm also looking forward to Frozen Synapse 2.
Honestly I'm not really sure what else is out there.
You are a cool dude, user.
I mostly agree with him except for
because sticking your head in the sand just makes the situation worse. It's loud now but those types of people tend to never stop at just being loud in their own space. If you don't put a stop to that shit now then their loud retard friends will always be in the hallway and shared areas. I don't know about you, but i'm tired of rolling over for those fucks, if you have to bully them then so be it. This hobby isn't your or mine anymore, it's just another soapbox that people that you agree with get to use sometimes. You can enjoy the good but ignoring the bad only leads to a premature death.
I just dont know.
JoyMasher is great
(Oniken, Odallus: The Dark Call)
also give me more metroidvanias (I knowa about Axiom Verge, Hollow Knight, Valdis Story and other classic shit like Cave Story or VVVVV)
No, its on steam. Its releasing on the 7th for 40 bucks. Im gonna grab it.
>tfw he worked on the game longer than you've been alive
Reported. Kill yourself.
Get out.
I mean if you completely ignore the devs specifically saying their reason for not including guns is being sjws you could think that way too.
Any percentage of zero is still zero user.
When there is a discount of x% percent it just means that you pay (100-x)% of the price,we treat it as subtraction in daily speech because normalfags feel better about it for some weird reason.
Where did these nigger lovers come from?
See, if this thread has proven anything to OP or anyone else, it's that indie "gems", "good" indie games, shit's all relative. On Holla Forums especially. One man's "I think Oxygen Not Included is pretty fun" is another man's "gtfo early access shill" and one man's "LISA is actually kinda cool as far as RPG Maker games are concerned" is another man's ">supporting the SJW privilege punishment patrol and their cuck troops". The best thing you can really do is play the games yourself and decide if you like them or not.
Am I saying you should buy everything without question? Fuck no. Of course you should be pirating them first. Always pirate first. Even if you have no intention of ever buying the game, pirate it so you can maybe have fun with a fun game. I'd sooner fist a wheat thresher than give money to Double Fine, but I'm still gonna give Gang Beasts a "test run".
All that said, here's some shit I've played that I like.
Guacamelee is gonna be the most obvious suggestion; aside from that, there's also Ghost 1.0, Momodora, Ori and the Blind Forest, Outland, Pharaoh Rebirth, Rabi-Ribi, Salt and Sanctuary, Shadow Complex, and the Shantae series. Maybe some other ones, but that's what comes to my mind.
What? That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. What, do enemies have longer range of sight if you play at a higher resolution?
The screen settings have both a widescreen and non-widescreen version of different resolutions, the enemies have a line of site that is farther then non-widescreen resolutions. I don't have a super big monitor though so i don't know what the game looks like on really big monitors but I do no from testing it out that I can never see the enemy on non-widescreen settings in a straight line before they've ever seen me.
Can definitely recommend that. Excellent metroidvania gameplay, and has probably the strongest aesthetic I've seen out of an indie game.
based tbh
I'll chime in and shill for Brigador. It's a really neat isometric mech game where everything in the level is destructible. The campaign serves as a tutorial for the freelance mode, where you can outfit whatever mech you want with the weapons you want. Also contains tanks and antigrav vehicles.
Just remember to set the tank controls for the mechs and tanks.
I never understood the praise for S&S. It's just all around mediocre, and looks like absolute shit. Hollow Knight is better in every single way. Go buy that instead.
Look at all that Early Access shit. I bet you do it for free.
Three out of 15-25 is barely "all that Early Access shit". Besides, didn't Brigador just come out of EA itself?
It's funny because every time I played Subnautica all I can think is "wow I really wish I had a gun right now."
The problem is that you have shit taste. Hollow Knight has inferior gameplay, level design, and art. It looks like a flash game.
Nigger at least post a good RPGMaker game
Fun side-scrolling hack-n-slash with campaign, survival, 1v1 multiplayer, and loads of unlockable swords and abilities. It's not just a lazy dev cashing in on old flash games, it's a legitimate new game in the series.
It was released a year ago nigga
CrossCode is pretty fun.
Feels fucking bad mane.
Looks playable to me.
Anyone know of other games like these two? I want games with no cutmemes, no walking simulator sections, no bullshit, no bloat, just pure gameplay. They should also appear to be very simple but have a lot of depth or require a lot of skill (like Tetris). Not saying these or Tetris are the deepest games ever made, just that they have a lot of it considering how simple they are.
bonus points for having equally good music/audio design
Also for castlevania fans there are the two Lecarde Chronicles games(truth be told I'd skip the first one, it's good but it's poorly made and such it can be very frustrating to play through. The second is near perfect aside from the amateur graphics.) and an upcoming game called Wallachia Reign of Dracula by this dev.
Plus they're all freeware.
Also yes Robert Belgrade was in Lecarde Chronicles 2 as you know who.
You know, I wanted to enjoy that game, but no matter what I tried it wouldn't let me rebind the controls or use a controller. And the default keyboard controls are a fucking joke.
But I used a controller, with no x360ce or anything.
Can't say anything about the keyboard controls though. They're probably as shit as Lecarde 1.
I remember someone shilled this a few days ago. This game has a great fucking concept, I just hope they don't screw it up. Video related is some early development footage they gave to some faggots to play. Fortunately the commentary isn't too annoying.
Yeah it runs but talking about the graphical bugs. Lot's of things pooping in and out, extremely fast flickering lights, empty black voids. You can see some of those happening in that video.
Kinda ruins the immersion for me.
I recently bought (and really enjoyed) Night in the Woods. Good story, some of the most believable dialog I've seen in a game in the last few years, and a kickass OST.
Initially pirated because I heard it was indie SJW hipster trash, but that was generally false outside of some Kickstarter-based characters that had hilariously cringey dialog that just makes them look crazy.
Worth a play, solid 8hrs with decent replayability. Also way darker than I was expecting, holy fuck
>>>Holla Forums
I bet you're the faggot that felt the need to attempt a thread about that piece of shit game every fucking day
Come on man, the soundtrack and art style are great but that story falls the fuck apart.
and no i'm not uncle Holla Forums upset about a perceived dig at muh values, it feels like they ran out of budget and missed an entire act.
and Bea>autistic coyote. She has a hard life but keeps shit together.
no, that was LoG1. LoG2 is more concerned with actual puzzles.
First post on Holla Forums about this, user. You're looking for another autismo.
Yeah, I felt like the story was missing a whole section. If you go Bea's route, you go right from party in that next town to oh hey, cosmic horror. ok with little to no ramp up.
Would like some 'lost chapters' or something.
You have absolutely no excuse.
Its actually not a race thing or even a minority thing. Its entirely "old dudes want their small town to come back based purely on a hope the mines will reopen someday" vs "disillusioned people moving to larger towns for work and a future and the old dudes are super pissed they cant stop this and the boom town gone bust will eventually die"
A lot of actual Holla Forumsacks got super upset about this claiming it was "conservatives are all living in a past thats over" propaganda.
Angus' stuff got a little fedoratheistcore at times but his scene on the mountain was the last solid high point. After that it feels like 'okay, how do we tie this shit together' and we get a final act involving walking, sitting on a couch and ordering pizza. Thats like an anime beach episode.
Also you gotta laugh that "i'm not Holla Forums" translates only to "im not a racist" for some people.
The characters being animals feels almost entirely arbitrary. It came from the devs wanting to go for a 'Sleepytown'-type of aesthetic. FFS user, there's that weirdness of the animal characters having animal pets and cats and shit walking around the town. The fact that they're animals never comes up once, I don't think.
It's mostly about people having to come to terms with things ending and moving on. The murdercult actually makes very convincing arguments in a 'Red Skull makes a speech that SJWs think is ebil repubs but actually is full of redpills' way.
Angus is entirely a fedora tipper and written to be that way. With how the gay and SJW characters are the only crazy and unbalanced ones and Bea, being straight, is the only sane one, it feels like the devs were taking a subtle jab at the SJW scene.
You obviously took a wrong turn on you way to reddit somewhere.
You've only solidified my point
You'd think so, but keep in mind the lead artist made that animation about men getting really upset that they couldn't have more ice cream than women.
Not the only one, theres a massive douchebag who tries to start a conversation about marxism at a nightclub and gets shut the fuck down.
Yeah, I heard about that. From some of the interviews with the dev (and just from looking at them), I certainly get that SJW scent. But, for better or worse, they keep it out of the game. Like mentioned, there's some OC Donut Steal in the nightclub that I think was one of the 'spend $1k and we'll make your OC and give it some lines' Kickstarter thing that's REEEing about 'no fascists!' and everyone either ignores or laughs at her. Aside from Greg and Angus being gay and mentioning it once, that's about it for the SJW horseshit.
Trust me anons, that SJW shit makes me vomit and I was able to enjoy NitW. Pirate it and give it a try and judge for yourself; don't let Holla Forums make your mind up for you.
Why do you shit the thread up with your furry filth?
Would you also shit yourself in rage if someone mentioned something like Conker? Or Banjo-Kazooie?
Christ user, calm down.
I honestly think the music and small town in autumn tone is a huge draw to it.
I dont think theres an user alive that doesnt love a cosy autumn town.
Leave summer shit to normalfags, the midneet society needs orange leaves, warm drinks and cold days for maximum comfort. The tone captures that.
When mae isn't being pure trash.
The difference is that Conker and Banjo were animals for whimsical appeal. It's hard for people to take you seriously when you incorporate that into a depressing and story-heavy atmosphere.
The second one is such a joy to play, and is fully co-op.
The game even has ai you can recruit to fight by your side if you don't have a friend to play with.
Came here to post this.
I've sinked 6 or so hours in and the game seems to be barely unfolding.
A related question (spoiler) Should i fight the mantis queens with the weak nail, or is it virtually impossible? I want a challenge.
If this game was longer than 6 hours and had a better ending it would be perfect. Yes I know about the "proper" ending, it's still anticlimactic as fuck.
Oh, and this gets usually gets overlooked around these parts but it's the only good walking simulator. Great visuals, good intrigue and exploration and it's pretty open. There are some light puzzles but it's really more about piecing together the mystery.
Also if you're worried about SJWs the guy who made this game shits on them pretty hard.
Everybodys gone to the rapture is a bretty good walksim too. Ending is lame as shit but the 1980's ghost town english village in the dales with increasingly wierd shit was interesting and the graphics and soundtrack were gorgeous.
Biggest letdown in the genre is SOMA, what a waste.
I actually enjoyed that a lot about her character. She seems like a real piece of shit; prone to violence, vandalizes stuff when she gets upset, woefully immature, etc.
The devs mentioned that a visual theme for the game was a 'broken down Busytown'; so I get their aesthetic choice. It's like what Disney tried and failed to do with that Epic Mickey shit with the broken down towns and everything.
wut? Good body horror, decent soundtrack, ok-ish ending. Wasn't the best thing ever but certainly wasn't a massive disappointment. Like A Machine for Pigs
SOMA was a very, very different game with a far more philosophical horror beyond the "i get it, its a copy not a transfer" one trick pony. Theres videos online of earlier builds of a far more interesting game.
It just became a repeat of amnesias "crouch and crabwalk in lazy stealth that is pointless because death means nothing" none gameplay that for some reason Holla Forums adored with the mediocrity of amnesia as well.
The art and base idea is fantastic, its just largely amnesia but easier.
There's a reason why it fails and it's also part of the reason no one ever takes furries seriously. People see animal characters as light-hearted media. It's also why when animals characters are put in edgy scenarios it ends up being the biggest piece of shit cringefest like Shadow the Hedgehog. Now don't get me wrong, it can be done well, like Conker, but it helped that it was a parody game.
Any person who's taken a basic writing class should know that the main character shouldn't be unlikable. They can be flawed, yes, but you shouldn't hate playing as them or if you do, it should be a process where you see them getting better.
Stop bothering with either of these faggots, they're not worth it. It's obvious they're out to derail the thread and suck each other's dicks.
Except SOMA has the best plot out of all of them, which in a walking simulator is 99% of the game.
Most indie games are a kickstarter scam. They stay in beta forever and keep milking their hipster/jew/goy audience by making them feel like their input actually means something.
but it's fun
Wow user that's very insightful, you sure did a great job of enlightening everyone on Holla Forums with this new information about early access scams! It's a great thing that you did because literally noone on Holla Forums had any idea that early access indie games that are not good in their current state are shit and should be avoided because you should never buy something on the hope that it might become good in the future.
Fair assessment, user. I liked it for mostly personal reasons; I've got a fetish non-sexual for undersea horror stuff the 'Abyss' part is my favorite area in the game and it tickled that itch. I did also love how the main character is a total retard and the chick on the PDA constantly insults you for it. Did you know the original game was supposed to be straight HR Geiger-type stuff? They changed it at the last minute, but you can still see some of those ideas in the WAU Core area.
I'm not sure I agree, user. I think the characters being animals was more a visual choice than anything else and it never pulled me out of the plot. Shadow was an edgy pile of shit because his character was designed that way and the writing was goddamn awful. If there was actual furfaggotry-type stuff in the game, I'd be inclined to agree with you; but the characters being animals feels totally arbitrary imo.
I enjoyed playing as Mae because of her flaws, user, not in spite of them. Ruining the party for Bae or fucking up Gregg and Angus' relationship because Mae is a sperg was endearing to me. I think there's a difference between a character being flawed and unlikable.
Oh, also, unrelated to all this NitW shit, VA-11 HALL-A should also be noted as a decent indie game. Even if the writing is a bit shit at parts.
You're welcome
Brother i understand, it may be a dumb shooter for the most part but that plus art deco made the setting of Bioshock my jam.
Sometimes an [AESTHETIC] fetish can make you appreciate something for reasons unrelated to quality of the product as a whole.
I've played through and enjoyed Bioshock 1 a fair number of times, and exactly for the reasons you're describing user. Sure it's a brainless fuckfest that's easy as piss especially if you just use the wrench, but they did a good job with the aesthetics and atmosphere and that's what I enjoyed.
Aesthetics is a great way to put it and is something that I often feel like Holla Forums either fails or refuses to consider.
She isn't flawed but likeable though, she's plain unlikeable classic.
She's a self-centered sperg, entirely inept, and additionally the type of degenerate who pressures her friends into participating in her degeneracy.
She makes every argument with Bea about her, but paradoxically bends over backwards for Gregg, her commentary over serious topics like Angus talking about his parents is annoying, she opens up more to strangers than she does her own parents, and additonally abiet shallow the cunt dyes her hair.
I can't look at a charcter like this and say she's likeable.
its so fucking fun
heart is so cute
slash is so tsundere
the fucking rocket hammer is OP to hell and back
High Tier:
Okay Tier:
Living a Lie tier:
Forever Alone tier:
I've got a few
Your only controls are "attack left" and "attack right". The game does not evolve much beyond this, but still has surprising depth due to enemy variety, some neat interactions with weapons and passive abilities, and just how FAST it gets. Not for the slow of reflexes or bad of timing. The other thing that makes it great is the Kung Fu aesthetic that permeates the music, sound design, and high speed fighting moves that makes the simple gameplay feel weighty and satisfying.
There's a story here, but to be honest you can just ignore it, it's entirely delivered in between-level monologues, can be skipped, and has basically no relevance to the actual gameplay. The gameplay is what Mirror's Edge would have been if it were good, in third person so you can tell what you're doing, took place on floating ruins instead of a boring cityscape, and had a (very limited) jetpack. The only goal is to get to the end of the level, but the movement mechanics are so much fun and the level design so supportive of them that that's really all you need. Prepare to eat shit if you're gunning for 100% because the Storm path will kick your ass, and the DLC expansion levels will kick your ass even harder.
Speaking of fun movement mechanics, this game is an open-world, cel-shaded robot-suit skating game. It's freeware too, which is also nice. It features several ways to build up speed, and a rewind mechanic that lets you recover from speed loss. It's also got a cool aesthetic with the slight implication of a corporate apocalypse in the background and the punk-art Zines you can optionally collect. Oh and if you're trying to get to the moon, here's your one and only tip: you can challenge The Eagle to a pet battle. Or you can just do what I did and use the speed loop at the top of the city, get ludicrous speed, and ricochet off of a slanted wall, bouncing yourself all the way to the moon, but that's not the intended route. Still works just fine though.
This one DOES have some incredibly out-of-place walking simulator sections, but the "simple but deep" part that is the combat is so good that it overrides that problem. Furi is a game where you are given a very simple set of abilities. You can run, you can dash, you can swing your sword, you can shoot your gun, and you can parry some enemy attacks. You can also charge the dash, sword, and gun attacks, though your movement speed will be gimped while doing so (though you can dash while sword charging, which makes the "dodge through enemy attack and strike immediately" combo look absolutely sweet). That's all you get to fight through 10 incredibly varied bosses and nothing else; no annoying sections of filler enemies, no gimmick sections with altered controls (except for the optional boss, which takes away your sword but gives you a better gun and keeps everything else the same). Again, there's a story here but it's completely ignoreable.
oh right I forgot, biggest and most important tip for Cloudbuilt: you can double jump… but don't. Unless you're saving yourself from certain death, it's pretty much always the wrong choice. It eats up more jetpack fuel than anything else, and doesn't even gain you that much height. Use wallboosts or dash-jumps instead.
Thanks, just bought Furi after your recommendation when I saw that it was on sale on GOG. I'll check out those others too.
This looks like someone told the Don't Starve devs (which they are) to make a Dorf Fort/Rimworld sidescroller. And although I've only seen fifteen seconds of video on this game I'm absolutely sure that's precisely what it is.
I remember when I made a Furi thread when it launched and not one person wanted to talk about it because "muh indieshit".
Glad its growing on some people, but I'm getting fucking tired of the likely same dozen niggers shitting on anything that doesn't have a publisher because of the indie clique cancer and the Jap cocksucking.
Fuck, the fact that we have to have a general for indies outside the ones people already know about should tell you everything.
Not sure if you're trying to scare anons off here or falsely advertise it out of your own stupidity. What is there similar to dark souls? Overall dark atmosphere? Dark Souls doesn't have shit on Hollow Knight's high gothic aesthetic, play of color and world coherency.
HK is great fucking game, but you are fucking retard.
He said setting wise, not gameplay wise
Hardly , but i do agree calling something Dark Souls of anything is an overused meme at this point
Well fuck, it's a good pizza, and I don't want to be a nazi-larper-right-wing-SJW do I?
What now do you expect me do delete my post?
Presentation is still different enough, it has a touch of early 00s hand drawn point and click games with quite a lot of jokes and downright comedy bosses.
No tell me what's wrong with HK apart from "I don't like it".
Also those gifs
I expect you to have better reading comprehension next time
Isn't this game fucking vaporware now or are they actually going to release it
much like ΚΒΟΠvania i just found it wasn't challenging enough to keep me interested in it, part of the reasons why are mentioned in your previous post
diablo 2 had god tier animations
that said the pixel goop thing is something that distracts most from noticing it , but didn't bother me with Mother Russia Bleeds so i don't think it will in this case either as long as the gameplay is somewhat competently made
Devolver is behind it as the publisher so make of that what you will
They may have gone a bit too far at times (vid related), but it's definitely one of the best indie games I've played.
fuck off shill, i bought this piece of shit two days ago because you pozzed niggers wouldn't stop screeching autistically about how fucking incredible it is
aside from that the game is just the most fucking boring slog, what even is the fucking point of going on? to learn more about the shitty kingdom of bugs that i don't give one fuck about? or some bullshit about MUH ATMOSPHERE when there's no plot to speak of, no character interactions aside from a few generic lines of fluff text that you get when you talk to the bugs? the gameplay alone isn't worth it, it's so bad i'm tempted to say that gone homo is a better game at this point.
fuck this and fuck you. time to get a refund.
get cancer and die
fuck off shill
fuck off shill
fuck off shill
fuck off shill
fuck off shill
fuck off shill
fuck off shill
fuck off shill
fuck off shill
fuck off shill
fuck off shill
fuck off shill
fuck off shill
fuck off shill
fuck off shill
fuck off shill
fuck off shill
fuck off shill
fuck off shill
fuck off shill
fuck off shill
fuck off shill
fuck off shill
fuck off shill
It has full HD (if not 4k) hand drawn 60 fps animations, if you expected it to properly run on your AMD notebook from 2007 you're fucking delusional.
Are you a woman? Bugs are cool as shit.
Truth be told I feel like he has a point. I pirated it recently and I couldn't get 20 minutes in before getting bored and quitting
I realize I sound like an easily bored child here but usually metroidvanias start off really strong and get you sucked in enough to continue through the game, whether it be a really strong opening sequence or great music or gameplay or a combination of the three, playing Hollow Knight the music was lackluster, the opening sequence felt like it was trying more to set the atmosphere of the game rather than get you into wanting to explore the world and the gameplay felt like nothing special.
Like for example Guacamelee had you punching skeletons from the get go and showed that it had more than just whacking enemies, you could grapple them and you had this mexican folklore aspect to it and it was enjoyable, ESA had a really good soundtrack, started off with an interesting boss and thrust you into a large space station that's interesting to explore with its secrets and logs and shit.
Every Castlevania metroidvania played fast, looks great, sounds great and the intro boss is usually enough to get you set on finishing it to the end.
What does hollow knight do? From what I remember it has a near soundless cutscene where some made up poetry text is displayed, then a few shots of the main character's eyes lighting up and wandering through a non descript area. Then you're put into a desolate, barely remarkable village with only one NPC to talk to and a not yet unlocked map shack, then you continue forward and find the only way forward is down because there's a LOL YOU CAN'T GO HERE YET gate to the right, then you go down for a bit and you're told you're supposed to fucking buy the maps and buy some shit so that you can fill in the maps and I lost my interest there.
It's probably because everyone hyped up Hollow Knight to be this super amazing totally the best metroidvania ever that I was expecting more, but I've never quit a metroidvania before meeting the first boss, let alone ever.
HK has a lot of nuance to what appears to be shallow combat system. Game expects you to get acquainted with how physics and interaction works. If you just mindlessly hack at enemy you can be easily pushed back into spike pit even though you haven't been hit.
It's a very delicate and indeed slow game, that take its sweet ass time before throwing ultra fast and ultra hard hitting super bosses at you.
I can understand displeasure with that.
If you want bombastic and right in yo face aggressive gameplay I can recommend dead cells, though it's in Early Access so you're better be off pirating it.
That's fucking disgusting. I don't know why you faggots keep shilling this shit game.
i liked bleed honestly
Is the second one any good?
It's about as long, and is largely the same thing as the first; the biggest differences are that you only have two weapons until you beat the game once, there's an Ikaruga system that lets you deflect attacks of a certain color, and there's also a selection of guest playable characters after you beat the game. Overall not a bad game, but maybe not worth the current asking price.
haven't played sorry
It's an optional boss.
There are some infuriating parts here and there but the game is pretty fun.
It's a bit like shovel knight, though with an heavier focus on combat than platforming (the platfoming is still there however).
You can even skip some upgrade requirements by being smart about it.
Bumpan with Pharoah Rebirth+. Great 2D platformer with some metroidvania elements. Bosses are neat, you get two playable characters(one of which is a blast to play with), boss rushes, a secret boss that'll kick your ass and all sorts of neat upgrades.
OST is pretty good too.
Also recommending Furi. Excellent boss rush game with perfectly tuned mechanics that got no coverage because journos couldn't beat the second boss (the first non-tutorial boss). Arenas and bosses are very unique and pretty too. Soundtrack is stellar, especially for 'The Hand'.
Seconding Ziggurat. Not many games let you shoot Lost Souls yourself.
One of the weapons is pretty much Cleric's staff, and its altfire is pretty much a magic minigun. Good stuff.
this series is one of the reasons that I have an iphone, there's like 20 games in the series on there.
istrolid is fun and free, just don't buy the dlc, devs are commie shits that don't happen to like windmill shaped ships
How original!
I remember that, one even felt entitled to blame the game for "perpetrating a trend" of making games hard, and "locking content for more casual players".
You sure stopped playing early.
pirated to try it out, and uninstalled when It wouldn't work with my gamepad, fucking Unity games every time. If Unity is too stubborn to properly support gamepads that aren't xbone, then I'm too stubborn to give a shit about Unity indie trash. I'll stick with Ori.
Ori uses Unity too and the characters are actually 3D models.
If you haven't played Aquaria yet, I highly recommend it. But that recommendation comes with some MAJOR caviats.
Do not go into Aquaria if you're looking for:
The game has one of those inventory systems that have very few caps on the number of healing items you can carry, and you can pause the game and eat a bunch whenever you want. This kind of trivializes a lot of the game because healing items are also VERY easy to come by if you experiment at all with the cooking system. Also the first combat ability you get is a spammable homing shot, and another ability you get later in the game lets you literally eat bullets to restore your health.
I would describe the story as passable, but really only there to encourage you to explore more. Several points that could have been told through gameplay and environements get told through exposition instead which I think is one of the game's biggest flaws other than the lack of challenge. Also, the true ending is a cliffhanger, and a shitty cliffhanger that will never get resolved because the dev team broke up at that.
The actual art design is magnificent, but the animations, due to the vector graphics, are puppetlike. This doesn't bug ME too much, but there are those who hate it, and I don't blame them.
Do go into Aquaria if you're looking for:
You go faster (and have more powerful charge shots) if you jump off of walls than you do while swimming normally. This makes dodging around and even just moving around fun, and that's the core of the game, moving and exploring
Speaking of the exploration, it's top notch. There's always something new to find, and you are generally well-rewarded for finding stuff. There are tons of little details and optional areas. Fans of Knytt will probably love this.
As I said, the combat is pretty easy because you can spam healing items. That doesn't mean the combat isn't fun. Jumping around to dodge is fun, using the special form that lets you deal damage on dash is fun, spamming buff items and turning yourself into an overpowered merfolk bullet is fun, swapping forms mid fight to adapt to different circumstances is fun, it's just not HARD or particularly rewarding to master.
Here's one thing you NEED to know to enjoy this game, however: you can switch forms with the number keys. You don't have to revert to default and sing the song every time you want to change forms, just use the number keys. Why this is never mentioned in the game is a mystery, but it makes the game much more enjoyable. Oh, and I also recommend using a hybrid between the mouse controls and the WASD controls. Being able to move independent of where you're aiming is good, but the precision offered by mouse movement is also useful, so just use both in tandem.
Pretty much this. Plus a damn good soundtrack.
Shit, I forgot the soundtrack. Yes, that's the second best part after the exploration.
pending you enjoy relative "challenge" anytime you get a "synthwave" soundtrack things are bound to be good
Out of curiosity, are there any modern indie TPSs? If not, how come no one but failed movie directors touch the genre?
were they really that casul?
There's a fucking easy mode, and even if you don't play that, the entire game is tailor made to teach you through gameplay. Video related says it best, but from the very start it encourages you to try out different mechanics and rewards you for using ones that work. Plus you have to die at least twice to the same phase to get a game over, since you get an extra life on each phase. Yes, you'll die a lot. On my first runthrough of the game, I died at least once on EVERY SINGLE FIGHT (usually at least 3 times, sometimes as many as 20. Also obviously The Beat folded like origami and I never died to her, but that's part of the game's design), but I didn't give up because every time you go through a fight, you learn more and more about how to beat them. You get better at getting through the earlier stages more smoothly, and learn more about the late ones. You don't just GIVE UP because it's hard.
Furi is one of those rare games that is pretty much completely free of artificial difficulty AND is a genuine challenge. You just have to get gud and there's no way around it, and the game HELPS you get gud every step of the way. But it also doesn't let you pass until you've really put the work in to master it.
Not that I know of.
Honestly I've been waiting for someone to pull a dragon's dogma and make a third person fantasy action RPG. I don't know why no one, not even AAA, is trying to do something similar.
I only have one issue with furi, and that's the melee combat.
The shump is alright. All sorts of gimmicks, projectiles and combos.
The melee combat is ass. It's either parry or dodge with not much room to innovate besides timing your dodges to interrupt enemy attack chains instead of parrying them till the end.
If you bear over with the overly "artsy" vibe this game reeks of, it's actually pretty fun and challenging.
the music is fucking amazing
did someone say an 8?
Where are all the martial arts/bare handed action vidya? All I can think of is God Hand and that one chinese Kung Fu game.
Thank you gaming media and shitty meme community
I lived long enough to see even fucking MEDIEVIL compared to dork soles
No, it's still a shit meme opinion
You can fight them with the weak nail and still win, yes.
Also fuck you for reminding me that they're female
most threads on most of the hobby boards are derailed by politics (usually trumpcuck SJWs) after a few posts, i don't know why i even have hobbies or try to lurk any more. most posters here are young and angry at capitalism, and rightly so, but project their hate onto "libruls", it's pathetic.
This game looks fucking intense.
bumpan with Infested Planet
It's basically creeper world, you gradually push back a front of infintely spawning enemies until you get to the hive and win. There's a really cool planetary campaign mode(I can't tell if it's dlc or not because I pirated) that gives the game plenty of replayablity too.
Kill yourself, please.
So I bought Giga Wrecker during the steam sale for $10 bucks, and while I don't hate the game, I don't know if it's quite worth that much.
I like the overall presentation of the thing; the concept of a cyborg girl smashing up robots with a magnetic cyborg arm that turns debris into a giant katamari ball that changes form is the perfect definition of dumb fun, and the artwork and character design is great. But it's got problems that range between "brings the experience down overall" and "would drive a lesser man mad", including an english translation that's little more than an afterthought, a time travel subplot that doesn't even try to make sense, and the fact that it's a physics-based puzzle platformer and all the problems that come with the territory.
Quit posting that captcha under protest shit you mega giga autist
Poor fags who can't afford enough RAM to play a game requiring 2GB should be putting money into getting their life into a better position before putting it into vidya.
Holy shit, commit suicide. You’re too stupid to operate in society.
captcha under protest.
t.S&S shill
take YOUR shit taste away and live with the fact Hollow Knight is and forever will be a well-designed fun game compared to shitty artowrk dark souls rip-off.
hollow knight may be fun but it ain't got shit on Salt and Sanctuary.
holy shit the absolute madman
Video games make me want to be dead.
thanks valve
Not to mention
the only discovery here is that steam is forever shit at finding decent new games, especially considering you can't even filter out these shitty VR titles, or early access titles, or filter by price range or review percentages, or meaningful tag(hurr hurr female protagonist such an amazing tag, hurr hurr assassins creed and shadow of mordor are totally parkour and are similar to mirror's edge)
Deadcores is a solid game, but with only mild replayability. Once you find all the branching paths; unless you are a speedrunfag, there will be little left for you.
Still a solid game.
Well fuck me then. I don't mind 3D models, people are doing some amazing things with low poly models and good textures.
It's iffy. Exploration is a big key feature, the survival becomes secondary if ignorable with certain discoveries. It's a tad of a grind but nothing bad. It wont take you more than an hour to get a full Cyclops which is the end game submarine. Overall the issue is no way to truly defend yourself and the devs being anti-gun don't seem to even let something like a harpoon gun or machete in the game.
the thing that drags it down is the inconsistent frame rate all in all. It causes the game to falter and it's not bad for exploring overall but that element is destroyed by the drops consistently.
In conclusion pick it up once it finally releases if you're interested. As it stands don't bother.
Yeah that dubsman.
I don't know man. When it comes to indie titles, it would usually have pixelshit artstyle that shamelessly copies an old NES game (they do it for the sake of homages and (((pop culture))) references), and the developers are a bunch of Leftards trying to make their Marxist messages as subtle as possible into the story which is not even hard to dicipher unironically.
In another case it would be just another shitty survival game made out from Unity 3D trying it's best to not tell you that the AI, fps and graphics are godawful, the camera POV is inaccurate to the actual 3D model sizes, and has a very boring and redundant crafting system. Ark: Survival Evolved and Subnautica are quite clear examples of this. I will admit that I do like an indie game that is basically pixelshit and copies some aspects of a well known NES game filled with said (((pop culture))) references which is The Binding of Isaac series, and really though I've only been playing the fan-made Antibirth mod and I've never heard of any updates from the devs as of now and I'm still not convinced to play Afterbirth+ even with the booster packs because it still feels meme-tier to me.
Also I like the aspect of Papers, Please for some reason even though it's pixelshit as well.
It seems like that because those are the only type of games you're looking for. There's plenty that doesn't fall in those categories, but those things you named are what's most popular with normalfags so that's what you're going to see the most when wading through shit.
How is it possible for one person to have such shit taste? wew
You have a thermal knife, warp and acid torpedoes, a stasis gun, and robot fucking fists. I don't know where this meme came from. The only thing that doesn't seem killable at the moment are the warpers, and even then they allegedly fuck off after being messed with enough.
Yeah I don't know why people keep insisting on wanting "guns". I would have preferred some kind of spear over that small ass knife, though. Makes more sense to me to use a spear rather than a knife in an environment like that.
Agreed, its hitbox would be more apparent, and the base damage it causes would at least make sense then.
Natsec 2 is pretty fun, I have it and'd probably reinstall if some more people played it.
It has (to me) the unique aspect of having FPS gameplay, but one player logs into a depot for each side to get a top down RTS type view where they can strategize and create commands for players, let them know where they need to go, place supplies, build structures. When there's actual communication it's great.
That's not Sawyer who despite being a noguns delusional cuck went to ranges, shot and recorded fuckload of guns with various types of ammo to include in new vegas.
Its not even iffy, its nothing more than a shallow experience (no pun intended). There is not enough biodiversity to form a stable ecosystem, there are no concerns for alge, bacteria, viruses, crustaceans (that arent the spider horrors), plants that aren't materials, the benz, you have to catch shit with your hands (because the devs are big pussies). The rest of the game is just a grind to get to the story points and the linear puzzle dungeons.
Everything could have been much cooler if there was more attention to detail.
It's a shame those stopped being made, they were great fun sometimes.
dumbass, eugene jarvis made robotron, this is blatantly a modern robotron.
That said, it might be good then.
I liked this game but it was a walking sim. Unlike most it's got a cool setting.
i liked firewatch
make sure you turn questmarker off if you consider playing it
I suffered though it and if I could go back in time, I'd punch myself for wasting my time with that shit.
so they want me to be anti-gun but pro mechsuit with missiles and blaze the ocean with it?
sweet lord how will i evade their jewish mind control ways
by your logic nigger should steal a bike from you because why would he pay for it if you are being an asshole?
some of the lesser known/overlooked indies i like:
out there somewhere
toki tori 2+
and please, stop with the derailing
Is Last Fight a good PowerStone clone ? It's mainly to play with my friendos so I don't really care if the online community is dead.
I didn't make the bike, it wouldn't be stealing the bike it would be making a copy. Listen Holla Forums I know you want to shit your retarded communist beliefs all over your awful, half assed, poorly optimized indie games but this is a capitalist system and not buying your piece of shit propaganda because of your obnoxious preaching is my decision to make. If you want my money then get rid of the political shit and focus on making a good game instead of gleefully fondling the nub where your white penis used to be at the thought of brainwashing someone with your leftist faggotry. Nobody cares.
yeah that was my point
here is your (you) you sad fuck
Toki Tori is pretty fucking good, it's really impressive how creative they're getting with just two actions.
Out There Somewhere looks alright, I just hope it's not roguelite.
It's actually pretty short puzzle platformer - kinda like 2D Portal. You can finish it in one sitting
So does this have to be 'STEAM' Indie or are we allowed to talk about freeware? if so I suggest Gods Tower for those who haven't heard of it. You can knock it out in one sitting but the music is top notch.
Tactical top-down vehicular combat game with some similarities to Mad Max and Fallout 1.
~10 hour length Super Meat Boy-like platformer with hub worlds, minigames, secrets and other side stuff. Shit-tier 4 color graphics though.
Arcade-y effects japanese freeware, known for Tumiki Fighters/Blast Works.
Cool mecha fighting game with decent multiplayer modes, good combat, mods and customization all made initially by one jap.
If you spent any decent amount of time playing flash games in mid 00's, chances are you played a Nitrome game at one point. They have a game coming out on Steam soon, the first game they're actually trying to sell from what I understand, otherwise they have a seemingly endless supply of fun, if not very simple, games on their website that are all free and just have some ads. Otherwise they also have a few games on mobile.
Tower of Heaven is a gem, if just for the music
shmups in a nutshell.
Though one game that is particularly dear to me is Sora, being a rather weird hybrid of MMZ style action, IaMP dashing and traditional shmup mechanics. If you like that there are other good games in the series too.
I mentioned Refunct.
It's parkour platformer that takes around 30 min to finish first time.
Challange is to beat your own time and has a quick restart button if you feel you are falling behind.
Also - i think that game doesn't even take you to the menu first time you open it. It just starts.
Are you talking about Bomb Chicken or Flightless? Because we haven't heard a thing about either of them since they were first announced on Greenlight, and Flightless was announced years ago.
Last Fight? Yeah, it's cool. Very little balancing, though.
i have nothing but respect for the team, afaik they are like 5 persons and I think only one is in charge of the engine. I'm making a battle city clone on godot, which is easy mode on top of easy mode and I've my fair share of problems and still need a lot more to finish
I assume it's because the devs made the MC, who's face you never see in game, have a brown PS2-tier potato for a face, with purple hair in the early trailers.
That, and the fact that the devs were triggered by Sandy Hoax so they refused to add lethal weapons to the game. You'll have to make do with a gravity gun ripoff, a time freezing rifle, and Submarine torpedoes that explode into a cloud of acid or create a tiny wormhole.
It has a Torpedo Arm that can fire the same Torpedoes as the minisub
I like to ply indie games nobody has ever heard of, like Dwarf Fortress.
Holla Forums false flaggers can never quite capture Holla Forums's particular flavor of autism.
Are there any good Mecha games that aren't MAV or Project Nimbus?
Some other user did a review on OneShot.