How do we fix DLC?
How do we fix DLC?
Burn the concept to the ground and salt the earth
How do we fix you
Rather than very small bits of content you make a bunch of content and release it all together as a sort of pack.
Make them proper expansions that add a decent amount of gameplay to an already good game so that they actually are worth paying for instead of just nickle-and-dime "pay for these awesome skins!" rip-offs. No "Day one DLC", that shit could have gone into the fucking game from the start.
I'm fucking baffled people have such low standards that they'd willingly part with their money for the current day shit we get.
You mean like some kind of expansion to the game? I wonder what we could call it…
Reward companies that make their DLC strictly cosmetic. Dunno if mission packs should be considered DLC, if the base game stands fine without them.
By cutting it out with no compromise.
Yes, that has me baffled as well. How many rich autistic people are out there? Personally, if a game has DLC shit I won't even buy the base game, no exception.
Only if the game is F2P where the DLC is basically a donation. If they want to charge for the game, then fuck them. If you put a price tag on something then that price should carry the product. You can be a business or a charity, but not both.
Removing it
I know, season pass!
Make new games instead of shitty additions that aren't simply separated by half a fucking decade or more.
You got it all wrong, numbnuts. The answer is paid mods.
The only correct answer.
Wrath of The Lamb
And to be totally fair, Borderland's 1's DLC
That would be everyone stopping buying them.
One argument for doing so is finishing the game backlog (if there's any)
If you think DLC is the only problem worth addressing in the industry you are a colossal retard.
We don't. The whole idea is cancer from the start to finish.
DLC should be
not as a side piece that I have to download. It should be part of the game when you are done developing it and sell it in stores. It should be part of the main game when you download your purchase. You shouldn't have to buy the main game and then get a separate purchase, they should treat it as a whole poduct. not an attachment to the barbie playhouse.
there are millions of issues wrong with the industry. We are all aware that DLC isn't the only problem
More horse armor would be nice.
DLC should be in the game
So you're one of those retards.
As long as people are buying it, it won't go anywhere. Companies don't do something that doesn't bring money.
Deal with it.
>Never fucking announce DLC before the game is released. I know there supposedly that development bullshit about how they have workers (like modelers and artists) who aren't doing anything in the final dev/debugging/testing stages and this results in day 1 DLC stuff, but I feel like we have grown to expect that 100% of the dev team is working on that game at any one time during whatever stage of development.
>Put stuff that actually make the original game better in for free Looking at you Zelda:BoTW, Hero path racker, user set warp point and Korok detecting mask of the first DLC pack.
by ending it forever
Normally, you think you want to get rid of it (it's honestly the best option from a consumer standpoint), but that will only lead for games to be sold at a higher price (due to development costs being so astronomical), which most people seem to also hate.
I really hope that companies would abandon the practice of pre-selling DLC before the game is even out. At least give it a month before announcing any kind of expansion to the game's content.
I just want the game industry to go down in flames and hope we can get good consumer friendly practices.
I'm saying if they already make or more content they should put it in the game when they burn in on the disc or make it downloadable. They shouldn't pretend that the shit is extra. I wouldn't mind prices staying up a little longer if that meant that I would get to buy the full game later down the line
Cosmetic DLC is still game affecting
nice template thread, nigger
By having devs be conservative with how they use DLC instead of releasing new content just months after the initial release. DLC should be like an expansion a couple years after,
can it be?
We make it free.
trips of truth
Just make them expansion.
Done deal.
It doesn't all have to be expansion packs that are large and about half the price of the base game, sometimes smaller stuff is fine. The problem we have is that many levels, characters, stories, missions, weapons etc. are held back deliberately so they can sell it back to you later.
Kill every single last idiot consumer out there who buys it and replace them with something more closely resembling a human being.
Take the jew out of it.
You'll never remove it
It will always be easy money for corporations
only way to fix it is voting with your wallet and making campaigns against day 1 DLC and raising customer awareness against that kind of shrewd corporate business.
Why even make a thread if you're not going to participate
What's the problem?
Finish the game first.
Green arrows go up, pink arrows go down
All DLC should vanish, should be something only approved by a governing board cause retard consumers spend money recklessly, and devs should always work on a new game.
by not buying it, and letting it die
That didn't do shit
Its about making sure you don't add anything to the pot, while the quality of DLC is diluted over time until the general populace picks up the habit as well. You should expect to see massively unfair consumer practices and sub par quality unlike even what we see now before that happens. It will be another crash thanks to mediocrity and making the lowest common denominator the average and it will be all the publishers in this market's fault.
You're giving too much hope to the consumers. They're the low common denominator of casuals for a reason. These are people already conditioned by mobile microtransactions and minute instant gratifications. They won't catch on like you are asking. nay in fact, they'll only ask for more cause the entire thing is a drug. A psychological drug. Thankfully, my brain capacity is big enough to know a scheme when I see it, but I've seen people willingly play the same things without any sort of awareness. And for those who do have it, their excuse is always "But I can't stop."
Make it free
where's the 2017 edition where it says "Consumers act like they are entitled to a game when they pay for it."
You have to buy the season pass to see that one.
make it free
only sane solution
Remove dlc and go back to expansion packs.
That's already being done with every multiplayer game.
They're the same thing.
AAA devs just need to adopt the YouTube method of monetization if they wanna turn games into live services.
You mean horse armor is the same as Yuri's Revenge?
They're both purchased separately from the main game and the amount of content in them is irrelevant.
Whatever you say buddy :)
I get that you sentimental attachment to old dlc so you came up with a fake term to separate them but you need to understand that I don't give a shit.
DLC are fine, user. They are just videogame expansions.
The problem is internet. Before, an expansion needed to be beefy, worthy of the CD in which it was burned. Now?
Shit, devs can (and do) charge for shit that is far from an expansion. Extra (and unbalanced weapons), shit skins an costume palettes, and because some faggot jerko buys them they keep pumping them out.
Is the same shit with microtransactions. 50% of revenue comes from 0.15% no-life faggots who spend literally thousands of currency in gems/diamonds/tickets/carrots or dildos for their asses.
As long as this 0.15% blindly buys shit, we will keep getting shit.
The solution? Hahahaha my friend, there is no solution. Globalization is making everything MORE MAINSTREAM, more SHITTY, more CASUAL, just like fast food as taken over, shitty entertainment is displacing the good stuff. We Holla Forums gourmands are out of the scope of most vieogames.
The bright side is piracy, and mods. Don't let them be taken from us.
You changed the definition of the word to suit your own needs now take your alternative dictionary and shove it up your ass.
I did?
In your head.
Change their name back to expansion packs.
Make it a forced standard that they have to have as much content as the base game.
even purely cosmetic DLCs can be cancerous though, see TF2 which is now more about collecting shitty looking cosmetics than it is about the actual game.
TF2 is 11 years old, anyone who liked it for the gameplay rightfully got bored
That's called a sequel dumbass.
Speaking of DLC, do any of you guys know where I can get the Nekopara and all other denpasoft "DLCs" (paid patches) for free?
Commercial interruptions?
you can't
you cant fix dlc as a system. you can only hope for honest business which is depressingly rare.
what if i like finish the game, then i sleep for 10 years and then update the game with four times the content?
How do we fix cancerous tumors?
How do we fix refugees?
How do we fix Jews?
Summer pls go away at once
1. Kill all jews
2. Kill all shabbos goyim
3. ???
4. Profit
you're the summer here
Shove the Jews in the oven and the problem solves itself.
just do it like Diablo 2 did it.
By actually implementing the DLC content in the base game and not having your players pay to get it.
Nice template response.
we cant just put the president in an oven!