Yakuza Zero Screenshot Thread

ITT: Post your best Yakuza Zero screenshots, especially such as good reaction image material

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Fuck it. I'll hook you up, fam.

Here's a novel thought - how about discussing the series while we're at it?

Kiwami should be released soon. Anyone getting it?

I want to play this game because Kiryu looks and dresses like my older brother. He's white though.

I love you for that. You are that user from the GOTY 2017 thread, right? You have some excellent sauce there.

Give it a shot, user. It's pretty fun. Solid, flashy combat, main story is pretty engaging from start to finish, two very fleshed out characters to play as and, as these screenshots show, the side stuff is hilarious.

Yeah, I dumped a bunch of these there.

Btw, these Pocket Circuit challengers, there's one I've always had my suspicions about.
You meet "her" at the okama bar, "she" wears a lot of make up and is noticeably flat-chested. Might be wrong, but I honestly think it's a guy in a office lady get-up.

I'd like to get it, but I heard from HyperBitHero that Kiwami falsifies certain events from the OG Yakuza, like the encounters with Majima. On the other hand it wouldn't be much of a pain to play it through. So, I'm really on the fence on this one. Should I rather play the OG or embrace Kiwami for what it is?



They said, they changed things to make the story tie with 0 and then there's the whole "Majima anywhere" mechanic.

With the combat changes, all the dialogue re-recorded and new mini-games, it's probably a whole different beast like Odin Sphere Leifthrasir.
Kinda disappointed the whole playable Nishiki talk was a big nothing burger. No wonder I couldn't ever find footage of it.



Hard to believe we are getting TWO! yakuza games in one year.

excited for 6 its gotten me into new japan can't wait to get rainmakerd by okada.

also based nagoshi is revealing something yakuza related in 2 months, hoping for yakuza 2 remake.


I'm now doing the Pocket Circuit missions now, and am not at this point. Any tips on how to gid gud? I already bought all parts until the Expert Circuit, which I cannot finish due to low speed and acceleration. Fuck, I never thought this mini game would be so fleshed out.

Hmm, if there's nothing more there's little reason to not buy it, especially since I haven't played the OG Yakuza (or any other entry).

zero was a really dumb game, and also short as shit in retrospective.


That sub-story was spoopy

I've my reservations about Y6. Read a lot of bad things about it, mostly that there's not as much variety as in the previous games. Apparently, the frame rate also suffers because they wanted to make it more open world.
But then there's a cat cafe and Okita Anri.

Crossing fingers for a remake of Y2 as well.
The director said the series wasn't over but Kiryu's story was; maybe they'll look into other characters to wrap up their stories too.
I'd kill for a Nishitani story.

Go to Quijote and buy batteries. I'm a bloody retard and did every race up to the last one with just the starting batteries.
As for speed, I was lucky to get top tier gears from the million vending machines.

And that's a wrap. First screenshot makes a nifty PS4 background.

when I finished I had like 60 hours wtf are you talking about

Holy fuck nigger, thanks for pointing out Don Quijote. Now I'm unstoppable.

you think 60 hours is long? thats medium at the very best.

the main 2 minigames are shit, just forced time burners so you'll think the game is longer than it actually is.
the sidequests are 90% references to the future games, because look its Ryuji Goda and YOU KNOW WHO HE IS doing something whacky like stealing pants, I CLAPPED WHEN RYUJI APPEARED BECAUSE ITS A THING I KNOW.

zero felt really low effort, at least in the writing aspect. gameplay wise, it was OK at best. maybe my expectations of the series are too high because 4 was an absolute masterpiece and 5 went downhill like a rollercoaster around the time you reach the end.

at least bacchus was a fun character

I agree in regards to Kiryu's given it's extremely simple (it's really a glorified cash dispenser) but I found Majima's enjoyable in short bursts.
Mini-games are a mixed bag, there are some I enjoy, others okay and some I won't touch with a ten foot pole like pool and that goddamned women's 'rasslin' that is pure RNG completely rigged in favor of the AI.

Are they? I don't remember any references besides Ryuuji, Daigo, that skinhead kid that becomes a underling of Kiryu in Y1 and the fortuneteller if you want to stretch it to rather pointless NPCs.

Has enough twists to give M. Night Famalam a aneurysm but I felt the main story was a lot more focused and every switch ended in a cliffhanger, as it switched to one character, I wanted to know what was going to happen to the one I just left. Found it pretty engaging overall, especially after Y5 that's completely over the place.
I just wish some characters had more screen time, namely Nishitani and Awano. I kinda get the point for Awano since he's the guy that's been trying to avoid direct confrontations but Kuze has about four fights.

some characters do outright retarded shit just for the sake of "seriousness"

so was it necessary for him to shoot the woman? he could have just shot kiryu really close and missed on purpose, he just shot the woman because the game needed to increase the tension of the moment, and what better than a fresh corpse right? right, lets have this random NPC bitch killed.

it feels too tryhard, and thats my issue with most of the game, the "tension" is false most of the times. with Nishitani is the same you can tell he isn't bad and is just a crazy fuck looking for a fight.

still not a bad game, but considering its the 6th entry in the series i can see how they're running out of "fuel" and going downward on quality. i've heard 6 (the 7th game so far) is even worse than 0 and 5.


the japanese real state bubble of the late 80s-early 90s

Your thread is a piece of shit and you're a faggot but I can't even stop myself. Help

i honestly lost my shit at the bit where you get nugget, as if it wasn't goofy enough that kiryu isn't phased by the fact he was not only given a live chicken instead of a cooked turkey, they double down by making the chicken your fucking property manager

i guess it wasn't the worst sidequest, but still pretty dumb

its not the fact they got the words mixed up that makes it funny, its putting Kazuma Kiryu in such a stupid scenario that makes it funny

The anti boner girl is actually one of the best hostesses game is the funny thing.

And he has to point out it's a chicken and not a turkey which seems to leave the bowling alley clerk rather surprised.

She's got a very high 'Talk' stat so any costumers looking for that, tend to always leave satisfied. From my experience, I noticed the hostess stats are more important than the physical attributes. Getting both is ideal but meeting the stat seems to yield better results.
Speaking of which, there's a starting hostess (Bronze) that is remarkably good because her 'Party' stat is huge. You can have her working on top tier clubs with very wealthy patrons and the bastards leave with huge grins on their mugs. Even ask for extensions.

Kaguya is best hostess though. Vapid cunt but at least she's nice. All the others just bitch and moan while doing their best grumpy cat impersonation.





Yea stats are what matters.

The faces in this game are surely realistic as fuck. But lack emotion.

You can at least pretend to be good at baiting.

In the cutscenes the faces are way better animated than in L.A. Noire, ingame engine on the other hand is, sure, rather stiff, but protagonists and relevant characters still have good facial animations. Other NPCs have animations that serve the purpose, so saying they lack emotion is a false statement. Also keep in mind Yakuza doesn't have a AAA budget.

I always liked how the Yakuza games were this serious crime drama games with a lot of really goofy sidequests on one end and sidequests that really hit you in the feels on the other the White Lie sidequest in 4 still almost makes me tear up no matter how many times I've replayed it
One thing that I miss in 0 though is that Kiryu isn't a pure husbando who seems to be completely oblivious to sexual cues anymoe, I remember in older games I liked doing the hostess minigames because when you finished the minigame with a hostess it's implied that they have sex and before that the hostess always says that she wants to "warm Kiryu up" or something like that and Kiryu reacted in a way that he doesn't know what the hell she's talking about.

The rando NPCs are pretty bad, has to be said. It's like their 2 gens behind from the main cast.

While he's not oblivious in 0, he completely misinterprets stuff which is also funny in its own way.


no fuck you

This shit needs to come to PC.

They sound damn near the same in Japanese.
piza vs biza.