…And that should do it.
What do we have here?
Oh, I didn't notice you!
Have you played any good video games lately?
I forgot, does this get a pass as well?
Only the most kosher Nintendo(TM) Games!
I expect good things from this thread
Glad to hear, friend.
If you didn't know already, my name is R.O.B.
It stands for "I got R.O.B.bed by Nintendo again."
Next to me is my strictly platonic friend Game Boy, or "GB" for short.
Oh boy
Avatarfagging is shitposting.
This is still avatarfagging, but done """""IRONICALLY"""""
No shitposting is good no matter the context.
(o ‿ o)
H e ' s i n a b a d m o o d r i g h t n o w .
Okay, I'm loving this thread.
Fuck off back to licking up R.O.B fags' scraps
Oh quiet, you.
Right now I'm trying to justify my latest purchase: 3-4 Switch.
If you're familiar with 1-2 Switch, I shouldn't have to explain what this is.
So in other words, stop bullying the avatarfag? I guess rule 8 can work any way you want if you are this flexible about it.
Nintendo games are fo' gay niggas.
Go get a playstation.
Don't reply to me unless I specifically tell you to.
I'm sorry about the camera quality.
I don't have a computer right now so I have to rely on New 2DS XL.
Say hello, New 2DS XL!
This thread is gold
O-Okay godmaster rob, s-sorry for questioning your ultimate authority….!!!
Have a funny benis, hahahah, funny right? I'm funny now? Right? Benis! Hahaha, I said a funny!!
Oh, right.
Hey Robby, when are you going to gas the kikes?
Why would he gas his own, you evil bigot!
I've been considering becoming a YouTube e-celebrity so Nintendo could just give me everything for free…
But I can't edit videos on New 2DS XL.
Man, I'm starting to miss Laptop…
W-what if I haven't played a nintendo game in the last 10 years ?
Wait, did the actual avatarfag actually try to become some jewtube ecleb? What the fuck, I thought Holla Forums was against shills?
This thread is going to go places. I wonder which one of the /cow/boys is doing this.
You know, R.O.B, I can also play games.
Just use your super Army Coastguard ICE Security Guard Navy Gundam Startrooper Cummies BENEFITS™
YOU totally have all of those right? Getting free shit should be no issue!
Get a librebook x200 and install Gahnoo/Lunix. Make sure to open source your hardware, Robby.
But I only care about Nintendo games.
Then emulate!
Wrong!! Only "Video Games", which mean all the games…made by Nintendo.
But I can play those! All of them, for free even!
I'm not sure if this is a meta statement or whatever, but I'll leave it be.
So basically this a "user has blown a gasket" thread? I should get something to drink.
Y-You're a p-p-pirate!?!!
Not like you have a choice, you fucking hippopotamus
I guess /v have it's own version of kosher products. :^)
In b4 thread deleted or pruned.
What's going on exactly ? I've never participated in those threads. Is an user having an autistic meltdown or is there a good reason for this ?
…She wasn't a good fit for our family.
yo my name's ChadDaddy and imma tell you homeboy you wrong
What meltdown? Fuck off if you don't like R.O.B threads.
yeah sure why not
Seriously though, did R.O.B OP decide to give this episode an ironic spin before the real one or did someone get asslivid and started making a shitpost?
(o_ o)
A r e y o u o k a y ?
Everyone is R.O.B
He's running circles around us
As a man who hates the R.O.B. Avatarfag with a passion, I am glad this thread exists.
someone got asslivid and started making a shitpost.
t. hotpockets
Well since that fag usually posts with a name, and trip I think some user has gone nuclear.
Share your wisdom with us, ChadDaddy!
Exactly! It's okay if I like it. Fuck what YOU think and the rest of the userbase. YOU don't own the board.
I'm fine, GB.
Everyone: don't emulate or otherwise pirate video games.
It's illegal and bad for the industry.
Love Nintendo and they will love you back.
Promise me right now that from now on you will never pirate a Nintendo game.
What do you think user rama sama?
Neither do you, you cheeky cunt. ;^)
Don't worry, i just buy them at the free internet store
Fuck off you second rate cassette loader. Piracy is the life for me.
Bu-but what about how they censored Xenoblade X?
I was looking forward to that game, ROB!
I-I might have pirated one or two
hey Robby
lemme suck that robocock~
It's not cancer.
I like it so it's NOT cancer.
See? Easy to understand.
I'm unsure if it's because of ROB himself or because of my smug cunt shitposting in the last thread. Either way it's OC so I'm looking forward to the sperging.
That's what I want to hear.
So GB and I will be playing 3-4 Switch on the Nintendo Switch DX, which came out last month.
It has a more flexible kickstand, slightly longer battery life, and comes with 64GB of storage space. I like to buy physical whenever I can, though.
It's a big upgrade even though I'll never take it out of this room.
Are you ready, GB?
Get out.
In a world where mods don't exist, we have to take justice into our own hands.
You boys from /cow/? How many of you all got together to do this skit?
ur a faggot
Who is worse? R.O.B., or Todd?
I a m G a m e B o y !
I a m p r o g r a m m e d t o p l a y g a m e s ! *beeyoop*
Only one has a chiseled Jawline and pure Bavarian genetics.
Yoko Taro. We all know based Shigetodd Miyahoward is the best.
Over 9000!
I swear, most of the anons who bitch about ROB are more /cow/ worthy than ROB-user himself.
How many of these did you make?
ROB just fuck her and GB both.
[Inauble Excited Screaming Gibberish]
Only R.O.B thread I like
No, FCR; this game is 2-player only.
Not 1-player, not 3-player, just two exactly like Miyamoto intended.
>not an argument
(^ _ ^)
I t ' s o k a y , R . O . B .
I c a n ' t h o l d t h e c o n t r o l l e r w e l l , a n y w a y .
>not showing absolutely devotion to your cancer character
Is this loss?
What exactly got /cow/ triggered by in ROB threads though ? Did he start shilling for Nintendo ? Or is it just the avatarfagging ?
Guys stop arguing about post counts, this is more important! I don't want to have to break the illusion!!
You mean the Joy-con, GB. The Nintendo Switch has two Joy-con attached.
The plural for Joy-con has no "s" just like with amiibo. But unlike amiibo which is always in lowercase, Joy-con always has the "J" capitalized.
And furthermore…
The general avatarfagging and Mark being flexible of rules over ROB threads, as well as deleting dissent.
If you don't like it–
Kill your'eself, ROB.
Makes sense since he's a big nintendo fanboy. He's more lenient with people hating on the playstation or xbxo than he is with people hating on nintendo products.
Dr. user?
I'm Mark
I didn't delete shit nigga, just look at this thread.
Hey Mark, reading your mail?
Leaving it up is actually the right thing to do, anyways.
R.O.B. wasn't alone.
That's not nice, FCR.
The Chinese work hard to put together these Nintendo products for us.
Despire there being a thread about hating nintendo related products at least once per week
Talk about the devil. Why would we want you in?
Who deleted all the posts in the last R.O.B. thread?
You've obviously never paid attention to the type of people who get banned
trying to derail the thread and shit all over it =/= dissent
I was in the last thread and am in this one too.
To be fair, it could easily be a mod. If only we had a way to see what mod deleted what post. :^)
Anyway, this is Quick Draw Special.
In it, you have to point your Joy-con at the cue while ignoring distractions like Baby Mario crying or Reggie Fils-Aimé laughing at you for buying the sequel to 1-2 Switch.
Which one
I agree but it sure seemed like you were implying you didn't delete anything.
I guess I was confused because you talk like a fucking nigger.
I do, i just feel it's bound to happen, seeing how Nintendo gets relatively more hate than Sony or Xbox, for a good reason
Well yeah, I'm not biased on this shit.
Did you call me a nigger?
The hotpocked appliances one mark. I have no job, might as well pretend to have one.
We're looking through it, no worries.
I disagree mainly because neither Microsoft and Sony are putting out games. When was the last time you played a Microsoft or Sony first party game and liked it for its gameplay?
Wait, maybe not sony. Gravity Rush 2 DOES exist after all.
I win!
I'm starting to like this game. How about you, FCR?
Does the PS1 count? Otherwise no.
The switch looks thicc from that angle
Eh, PS2 had a bunch of good first party titles.
PS3 had a few too in its early life.
Press F to pay respects
That's a shame.
Ah jeez, now I have to get another one.
FCRs are really expensive.
But more importantly, how can I play now?
With GBs femboipucci
Fuck her paraplegic body, ROB.
Y o u c a n p l a y w i t h m e . . .
Oh, yeah!
Just let me get out Wario Land and we can-
I should have seen this coming.
I don't like where this is going.
(o w o)
O h n o , m y b a t t e r y c o v e r ! T e e h e e !
Suddenly I know why mark the kike came into this thread.
( >_< )
N - n o ! W h a t a r e y o u –
Well it was fun lads.
Everyone, this is my Splatoon 2 headset. It allows for online chat with compatible Nintendo Switch games.
I've been meaning to try it out, but it's no fun using it with unfeeling machinery like Switch DX.
Guys, I just realized something.
This is a robot gore thread
That would be believable if you didn't go ahead and delete criticisms after the thread ENDED. Instead of wiping individual posts, you went the desperado route and wiped all the posts from users you found "Troublesome" in the thread, explicitly after R.O.B said his goodbyes.
Here is the before and after.
So you only say it's "derailing" in a wholesome sense when it benefits you and the other guy.
You're smart enough not to delete this thread due to the amount backlash it will cause, but stupid enough to not listen to other people and actually discuss it without jumping onto your default stance.
If you check the post with chaika on it, you'll see me talking about the points you tried to refute in the second archive, but you never saw them. You've got fucking nerve thinking I'm trying to start a hugbox when I'm doing the EXACT opposite, not to mention the false accusations you've pulled out of your ass. Pathetic.
You give clearly non-arguments, screaming that it's vidya while ignoring the rest of your rules that have been broken, avatarfagging and Rule 7 are clear ones, doing some impressive mental gymnastics, but nonetheless, avoiding as many points as you can.
Scroll to the very bottom until you get cirno with chaikas eyes and tell me what I said isn't true. It's practically conditioning here, bud.
So let's Switch it up!™
This is not bueno
Yeah, plug it in.
Well, she's fucked now
Who do you think would win in a fight
Shitpost Rob
or Regular Rob
Shitpost rob murdered GB, and FCR, so I'd put my money on him.
Not GB, don't worry you'll see it.
I don't like this thread, I'm going to make a /cow/ thread just because I hate this so much.
oh no
Well I'm going to make a /cow/ thread about YOU
Fucking Nintendo.
I was sleeping and I banned and deleted the spam once I woke up.
No I say it's derailing in the purest form of the word, shitting and spamming the thread because you don't like it. That's a bannable offense
Because your points weren't points, they were accusations without any real merit. You don't want to discuss what's wrong or right with the board. you just want Holla Forums to be a hug box.
But you are trying to start a hug box, especially when I objectively stated that the threads will not be deleted because they didn't break any rules. and I explained to the goreposter that he wasn't avatarfagging, shilling or blogposting during the thread's runtime
Like I said, you're not willing to reason or any of the sort, you're just here to start shit with random accusations instead of working together.
So every argument I make is a non-argument? exactly why I don't take someone like you seriously. If you wanna talk about the board issues and how to handle them then I am more than welcome to talk and listen.
If you scroll up in the archive I explain how it doesn't break rule 8
Also ROB isn't rugga you idiot.
more false accusations
it's irrelevant.
Also here's a more modern archive archive.is
I think I need to lie down for a while.
See you next week, folks. Or not. I don't really care anymore.
It's called localization
Will this do?
She had just fired the gun user.
I bet the (((treehouse))) did this
Thanks for the thread user, it was fun shitshow.
Thanks for reading!
I was honestly expecting you or one of the Redditors you enlisted to delete it.
People who hate R.O.B. are exactly the type of overly-obsessed, self-righteous, autistic sperg that ROBguy is accused of being.
I hope that fact is clear now.
step up your paranoia game, m8
this was fun you dumb nigger
I thought it was a fun little side project from OP. It may have been a hit, but it was also kinda fun. Either way it's all cool.
Are we in the same thread or are you just projecting some sperglords hate on to this one
I'll suck your dick no homo
It was funny and made me laugh, stay mad faggot
Okay, I'm done. Someone archive this shit for posterity when it's all over because it's kind of pathetic when the OP saves his own thread.
You're welcome. I'm glad I didn't have to use pic related on you.
I just thought this would be funny. Nothing malicious, just jokes based on my observations on R.O.B. threads, 8/v/, and Nintendo. Maybe Game Boy rape was pushing it. Also /cow/ is embarrassing and I haven't been there for a while.
needs to be smuggerer
but yeah someone should archive this
You have autism, just like your sacred avatarfag buttbuddy
He enlisted three, and there will be another three in a few days. Holla Forums will surely change.
Also, I'm not doing anything like this again because I used up all of my jokes. This sort of thing is probably only funny the first time, anyway.
What a shame
god fucking help us all
Yep. This board is slowly turning into /vg/. Can't wait for an alternative to show up.
oh shit
Fuck off R.O.B. your shit threads are just one step above tripfags, and this thread was actually fun. Funny how your okay with your shitty threads, but not this one.
There is a reason people call him a nintendrone
that's not rob
this is rob
See guys? Even the best goy approves of this thread.
Oh. Well then tell not R.O.B. he's a fag, and R.O.B. that he's a fag.
Here's an idea, apply for a job yourself if you don't want redditors to get in:
The more of us apply, the more our chances to beat them.
redditors won't get in either way.
ROB your new is showing
You're naive Mark. There are a lot of redditors who have been on cuckchan and know of Holla Forums as of a racist gamergate website. And they praised cuckchan for deleting gamergate threads.
What exactly you don't agree with? Holla Forums's rules are perfect.
The entire site was supposed to be redditchan.
I like ROB threads but this is hilarious
The fact that there is exceptions to the rules.
Meaning that some people get special treatment on an anonymous imageboard. It's ridiculous.
Having a select few who get to be the gate keepers of what does and doesn't get this treatment I wouldn't wanna be in those shoes.
I'd believe it. Still it was funny parody.
4AM's closed
Having posters and taste akin to Reddit makes you more like Reddit than having Reddit like functionalities
OH yeah, theres shittons of crossposters here, I dread.
Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only one here who dimisses those other shitholes.
Oh, good. I don't have anything against you, so I'm glad you enjoyed it.
I do think you're a hopeless Nintendo fanboy, though. I probably am too to a lesser extent because I got a Switch for Mario Odyssey hoping it'll compare to 64.
Don't forget waifu threads, console-tan threads, gamergate threads, R.O.B. threads, etc.
a full house of lies
putting a little bump lock on it doesn't mean shit if it gets to exist regardless as a circle jerk in its own dedicated circle jerk thread
much like these examples
Holy fuck , you're just as bad as him
(so close)
Hey, I haven't bought every single available amiibo yet. I'm like 10% as bad.
You may as well buckle in to the pressure and buy Overwatch, too.
I've never denied this.
You know there are other games for the Switch besides Odyssey, right? Give those a try so you can get something out of your investment.
Just because MGS2 was the reason why I bought a PS2 doesn't mean that was the only game I enjoyed for the PS2
but with an amibo you get a neat little figurine for your money and know exactly what you are getting, you just bought an entire fucking console for a single game that you dont even know is good
Irrelevant, having faith in nintendo after iwata kicked the bucket and supporting a console that hasn't even been out for a year is a dumb idea in general.
well i know i'm not even incidentally gay because traps aren't gay
Nintendo will get better when Miyamoto dies
You bought a fucking 4 month old 300 dollar console with no games for a single game thats only being released in 4 months.
You're 60% as bad as him at the very least
Theres literally nothing else to enjoy on the fucking thing besides a dozen multiplats that run like shit and indie shovelware.
I'd actually be looking forward to Nintendo titles but they've already confirmed that they're censoring their games, even in Japan.
They've learned nothing
Holla Forums pls go
Oh yeah, can't wait
It ain't just a river in Egypt.
Reggie is probably just as much of a problem as Miyamoto but I hate the latter so much I pretty much blame him for everything wrong with Nintendo
I respect the guy, he basically saved video games, but he's a senile old hack nowadays.
Mark shouldn't had locked the application thread and make it into meta thread. This is what happened instead.
As I said. You still became lazy and just wiped ID's in the thread instead of individual posts due to the pressure of people going against the grain. Deleting ID's that also had things adding to it, actual walls of text, not spam. Unless you have a very fucked definition of spam.
They're just adhering to the rules, that YOU made. For fucks sake, you might as well put "Rob threads are an exception" in the rules and get it OVER WITH. A better reason to ban is if there is a [Game] thread and it is being spammed to death, I.E Overwatch.
You aren't as objective as you think you are. I hate those videogames as well, but they're still videogames, no matter how shit. The R.O.B threads are tertiary at best, they aren't talking about anything with substance or helping the board quality, they're all a Pseudo Disney Sitcom-esque roleplaying. If for some reason you want make a shit thread, then the shit posts and don't make you "Hugbox" claims, backfire.
You keeping plugging you ears because you're friends, you're obviously not going to backstab him, and the board will suffer for it. You don't KNOW how to run a board. I do appreciate how you respond, unlike cuckchan mods, which is why I left back in '14, but it still feels like I'm talking to a brick wall, mate.
What was I accusing you OF? I've stated things that have substance and merit to them, everything else I said was that the threads are conditioning people to conform, which in itself IS a hugbox "Don't say anything bad about [Company], just sit back and watch this guy praise them endlessly", is that not a hugbox?
You, out of all people should NOT be saying something this fucking h y p o c r i t i c a l.
I'll be here to discuss the board quality until the sun dries up, because unlike you, I actually go through and see what people here want.
If I ran this board, Waifu Threads, 4 AM threads, and other miscellaneous tertiary threads would be purged INDEFINITELY. Fun would be fun, not "funposting" that drags this boards quality to the bloodiest pits of fucking hell. Not to mention I'm better at weeding bait and shitflinging threads in a whim, but do my reports work most of the time? No, they don't.
That won't matter to you either, not only are you telling me /I/ want a hugbox, but you've projected as well. Your next line will be you telling me that improving the quality of the board is making it a hugbox. Again, even games I don't like will be allowed, with shitposts deleted, and if the thread becomes R.O.B-tier garbage, and Holla Forums-tier spam, THEN it will be deleted/bumplocked. That's not a hugbox, that'd just being fair.
You're delusional.
Read above.
Neither do Undertale threads, but you still delete them, there's your fallacy. You're oblivious to R.O.B threads, because as I stated before, you're friends with the guy, and "Friends don't betray friends".
How so? Roleplaying an accessory and a handheld. Praising the games/consoles endlessly for free (like a marketer/advertiser), asking people what he should do next, with the type of roleplaying he should try, and how things make him feel, along with telling people about his LIFE? That DOESN'T apply? Jesus Christ. I think your arteries must be clogged. Go to the E;R!
As I said earlier, he's your buttbuddy, so you're purposely blinding yourself to these things, so just make it an exception in the rules, or we'll never heard the end of it.
Tell me the accusations. I'm just telling you what you've said in this screencap. THOSE are accusations.
This means, you need to add substance to your claim and explain to me how his threads don't apply to the rules. Just don't say "They don't break the rules" HOW do they not break rules?
You barely take anyone seriously.
Then I'll message you and do more than that, and then will you FINALLY open your mind? (1/2)
Oh fuck I ruined it right at the end. I'm actually really sorry for messing up the thread like that. Let's me ruin it even harder.
I meant it as a "nothing personal" kind of thing. Sorry if it came across wrong. I'm playing Zelda and Bomberman ($20 used). They're fun and will hold me over until October. I got the Switch early because I received it as a gift with Zelda.
Again, apologies. I'll fuck off now.
There we go, see? How hard was that, buddy? 🙌👏👏👏👏
You brought something to the table!
I'll refute this in a bit due to the body length.
That's not an accusation. An accusation would be saying this; "Mark is secretly working with the Holla Forums BO to do evil juju magic and ultimately subvert the BOARD"
That, is an accusation. I'm just telling you that you've avoided things to this point, as shown by your deletions and blanket statements you've given them, it seems in the archive like you finally gave some sort of response, and I'm hoping it's a good one.
Not the final paragraph, it's not. This is what I keep saying when you avoid things along with non-arguments, you have to tell me HOW it's irrelevant, y'know?
I seriously hope you understand where the opposing team comes from, or you'll be beyond saving, and yes, I will hit you up and message you.
You are wrong, and you are a stupid dumbass.
Fast RMX
Super Mario Odyssey
New Mario Kart game
New Yoshi game
New Kirby game
Metroid Prime 4
Splatoon 2
No More Heroes 3
There's plenty to look forward to.
And by "new Mario Kart game", I don't mean MK8 Deluxe; I mean the inevitable Mario Kart 9.
Does the AI still rubber band like a motherfucker the moment you get into 1st?
All shit ;^)
He is clearly talking about the shit you can play on it now
Well, at least I'm not that autistic when I don't like ROB threads.
Not even trying
Where do you people come from?
Both ROB and anti-ROB need to go, but a faggot making a thread and shitposting loudly for however long just solidifies the pro-ROB users to shitpost more, thus both sides escalate, which means it never settles down.
Garbage, go play Redout or even fucking Wipeout
Not released
Not released and Deluxe is the same fucking game
Not released
Not released
Not released
Not released and paid online
Not released and we don't even know if its a mainline title or something different
Theres fucking nothing to play now and the future looks meh.
Nigger, it was all in good fun.
The real autism is the people coming in to profess how much they always hated that dirty avatarfagger cuck nintendrone shill because one guy made fun. They've been going critical lately going by that /cow/ thread started by the Gerald Fordposter.
oops i just pirated a game in this very thread
I actually like R.O.B threads but this was funny
You know, this thread is 10% funny, 90% Holla Forums
I think someone tried to prove a point about R.O.B. faggotry, but ended up proving that no matter how much faggotry R.O.B. pulls, this guy beats him in spades. If you really want to drive R.O.B. away,one-up him and make something better, not something shittier.
90% Holla Forums is still miles better than 100% /erp/
Anyways, take a look at.
Nobody needs to make something "better", they bothh need to die.
Just to make it clear, I did like the thread since I also go on Holla Forums but I also like R.O.B. threads.
I think the only negative thing in this thread are the "NO, REMOVE THIS" fellas. From both sides. Shut the fuck up and post shit you want instead of censoring other people doing dumbshit they like.
you can read
Really now? That's a great idea! Let's just tell everyone to fuck off and don't bother doing anything good ourselves. That will surely improve Holla Forums.
Hint: that's how Holla Forums works. And Holla Forums is Holla Forums for a reason.
Actually, level with me for a second. Remember how comfy Holla Forums was after the Gamergate exodus? Remember how everyone who came in during the Gamergate exodus remembers those times very fondly?
Remember that R.O.B threads were very fucking common back them? Actually remember that we used to have quest threads with roleplaying and shit? Remember that there weren't really many people who thought those were a bad thing? And yet, anons still remember this as the most comfy and fun time for 8/v/. It feels to me as if ruling threads like those out only works towards making the board more sterile rather than fun.>>12933972
After the censorblade incident, I don't think he will ever take a slice of humble pie. He's too busy with his cake.
That amount of autism does not deserve a response, it shows the mental state of this person, and he will not be pleased with any response
And by that I mean he will never open the floodgates and allow other shit like this because then every retard will suddenly want to do this. However, this is clearly role play faggtory. The other make your own adventure threads were just one off things that lasted a few days at the most. The rob poster has a fucking twitter or facebook. For fuck's sake, he shilled the link in a thread last year. If that doesn't smack of avatar faggorty to you then you really need to reconsider if you have a bias of some sort.
He may have gone full autism but he has valid points. He may have an axe to grind but that doesn't change the fact that rob threads do break a basic rule. However, how should you deal with this if you are a BO? Should you ban the avatarfaggtory or make part of the userbase happy while slighting another part?
Shitposters nigga, do not listen to shitposters. Holla Forums also just sheerly does not have the mentality necessary to sustain that kind of board for very long, you get enough opinionated 20-to-30-somethings in one space and sparks will fly. Hell, lately it's become a trend to spout off stupidity about "self-moderation", except self-moderation would involve the perpetuation of worthwhile discussion and constantly encouraging such things, not brainlessly shitposting and saging threads to try and get them deleted faster. This is also one of the most hot-pocketed boards on the entire site due to the board being shit + its activity, so crying "self-moderation" gets even funnier.
I just want to have fun again
>expecting nu/v/irgins to not hate fun
Mark is anathema to consistency
Holla Forums could be like that.
Communities work in a very strange way, no matter the age of the users. The people that post in a community are more likely to mirror what the figure in power does rather than following the actual rules.
Basically the way internet communities work are based on the people that run them, these people (even if involuntarily) set the boundaries for what is okay and for what is not okay.
When Mark makes a meta thread and after 50 posts he goes off topic and starts just shitposting with people while still using his BO flag, that tells everybody that doing that s completely fine.
When the BO references the guy that made 280 posts in that SC thread over and over and makes fun of him, that sends the messages that just shitposting and sending a thread to shit is completely fine, and that some games just shouldn't be talked about here.
And on, and on.
I'm not gonna say it's Mark's fault, because honestly nobody can know it the first time around, but the board started going to shit when he went from "the guy that owns Holla Forums" to "mark the living meme".
Also this is unfixable, new users naturally copy other users, and since the vast majority of the users thinks it's completely fine to just randomly sage, shitpost, go off-topic, these users will adopt the same tactic from the getgo.
I just miss the fun shitposting of the old, with quests like that one in which the heroine raped a shark at the end, ROB threads and so on and so forth sprinkled in between game discussions.
I even miss the "Meanwhile in Holla Forums's X" threads.
Yes, it has to be good in the first place, don't follow footsteps from a garbage fad.
It won't make it worse either. Unless you mean that "better" thing would have nothing to do with roleplaying an outdated childrens toy while hailing a titanic corporation.
Yes, but we don't have those threads anymore because they got stale, the board evolves, it doesn't devolve. You also forget that Holla Forums was a shitposters ballpit back in the first exodus as well, while it was heaven for you, it was like a near literal mirror to the most cancerous parts of halfchan, it would be a fucking nightmare to the board of today.
I'm looking for even older archives, as I said, we evolve. Even the one I just posted is different from the one of today.
This place was meant to be an alternative to cuckchan, not a junkyard full of garbage they threw out, we don't have to accept EVERY SINGLE THING that's been rejected by them, why would you subject people to that?. People started filtering out that worthless garbage and other lowly humans got butthurt that they were no longer allowed to shitpost as hard.
I guarantee, trying to bring those threads back would just make everything worse, especially at our current state, but do what you need to, just don't tell me that I didn't warn you.
If it doesn't work, you can always visit, or create other boards. Even other sites, scary, I know.
"Oak's words echoed… There's a time and place for everything, but not now."
What a predicament, I wonder what kind of cancer I want.
Then go to another site for epic fun cuckchan tier adventures, as said
This is unfixable
It's evolution. Unless you want to fight against then, feel free too, but as anything, there will always be a force pushing back.
Ying, Yang, etc.
I hate these feels.
I do understand that those times cannot come back and that most of those threads would be cancerous today, I'm just saying that I kind of miss those times.
And at the same time I do not agree with trying to throw out every singe type of those threads. I feel it makes the board kind of sterile and basically turns it into a "no fun allowed" shit-flinging arena Although you could argue that we're already here, so I just cannot understand the people who are so buttblasted about ROB threads.
You know, the point of Holla Forums is that you can make your own boards and actually choose where you want to post.
You don't have to cut all ties with Holla Forums, but you can go search for another boards and try to make that more active.
There's two active at
Maybe if enough people get tired of this shit then we'll have an actual second option to choose from.
Underrated posts. This board is in need of new management, 1933 style.
That's a good idea, I'll start browsing /games/ from now on.
I'll see you there
I don't like the look of this. Makes me think that some thread which may veer in the direction of something political - jewry, political correctness, agendas - will end up being deleted. /games/ seems legit, but it's a shame that it's really dead.
I think they're just trying to not get the full-on Holla Forums vs Holla Forums we get here.
That's what annoys most of the people I talked to.
You just gave me those feels too, I want a hug
Understandable, I miss the old halfchan years where we would unironically say things like "WINRAR" or "EPIC WIN".
Along with "l33t h4xor" language, there is just such a strong feeling of nostalgia embedded within us, but now that the internet is ever growing, these things will be ruined by normalfags and unfunny obnoxious memers and shitposters. Then again, the people saying those things were shitposters before the term "shitposter" was invented, I, myself admit that I see things through a false light.
True, it may have something do with Holla Forums (and all the boards outside of this one) becoming more cynical due to Holla Forums and "redpills", the companies you praised years ago, you bash now because the worst points have taken over best ones.
Look at Nintendo, the colossus, people loved them 5-7 years ago without question and critique, they thought they could do no wrong, and barely anyone questioned them, and those who did were called "[X] Fanboys", because criticizing Nintendo was so unheard of. They were "perfect", of course, that's a flawed statement, Nintendo was never the company you thought you loved. They were always a merciless behemoth that always sought profit, not caring about creative freedoms and such, and of course, once the DMCA act passed, it all went downhill from there, it took about a decade to really set in. It's all a part of something MUCH bigger.
With the internet's near infinite amount of information, it imminent that people would get dirt on them and their practices, while not the worst yet, it does shatter the illusion of them being a gentle giant.
While that was happening, the years went by people would say "Video games are shit" as A JOKE, and "Fucking Casuals!" then all the "DLC memes" "It's the Jews!" "Fucking censorship", all of those things turned out to be real or were already real. It was too late now though, and some people would refuse to accept.
FUCK, there is an word for this. When you love something and it turns out to be a lie. Deception? Who knows.
The above can answer your call, when you see someone SO LOYAL, SO LOVING towards a company, without anything bad to add to it, you now see them as a traitor. It boils your blood and you want them to fuck off.
Imagine if someone came in and made a "Ubisoft RP" thread or a "Bethesda Love Thread", or some other company that wasn't exactly the best corporate wise during the time. The newfound information makes you not see a company the same way ever again.
You don't want those people here, you want peace, you don't want people to say to stoop to fanboyism because it damages the board and makes it look like cuckchan or reddit with its never ending brand/company/product loyalty. People are SICK of that. Also, RP is relatively unknown here, so it's a double whammy.
A lot of people don't seem to understand that it's due to a cynical transparency, it's almost an envy, "Fucking normalfags, how DARE they not know this"
Didn't Holla Forums make one of them? Hmmmmm.
And a jew made Holla Forums.
Who made the board doesn't matter, what matters is the quality of the users and the threads.
We've got both at the moment, so you don't even have to choose!
Signs of a healthy board if you ask me, creativity in subjects pertaining to video games. Kosher or not kosher depending on how strict your ruleset is but still related to video games at the end of the day. Problem with trying to fight against it is the board is ultimately reflective of Mark due to his self-imposed prominence and he quite likes it that way; for all that everyone professes to hate him they're not actually rejective of him at any point. I think that if they were, nobody would have paid attention to his attention-whoring. Negative attention is still attention, after all, and quite clearly he enjoys the cake jokes and "goy xD" stuff just as much as the people saying it.
You know, I wanted to get some people's opinions on various kinds of threads. Mind if I make a new thread with several polls? I think it would be interesting to know what the general consensus is on certain kinds of threads.
Took the words out of my mouth. Personally, I would not even mind it was a semi yearly thing or something. The problem stems from it being a weekly thing. This reminds me of a similar poster though. Where would someone like Radical Von Awesome fall in this? Would he even be an issue since it's more of a storytime thing rather than rp faggtory or would he be banned for essentially tripfaggtory? You are also right in the fact that the bad pr from each company would make something like this perfect b8 for shitposters and people with an axe to grind against a company.
It'll get deleted so I wouldn't even bother
Are you new, or something? The entire reason we all left 4chan was because of the shite moderation. There were no other reasons besides that. The one who controls a board is fully capable of making the "quality" bad. I use quotations because that's a very subjective word which doesn't have any real meaning anymore since it has been misused so often and by so many people.
That's a very vague rule, though, and, depending on the moderator, can be used poorly. Also, taking a second look at the rules for /games/, I am really disappointed.
Particularly the last one stands out. I hate that buzzword, especially when used as an excuse to sage or delete a thread. The 'quality' as you call it doesn't really matter. This isn't Holla Forums where important discussions and debates are held. This isn't /christian/ where things have to be held in some amount of reverence. This is Holla Forums, where the prime directive is fun. I know that fun is subjective, as well, but it's impossible to make a board with one set of standards as to what is considered fun - at least, not with any significant amount of traffic. I still believe threads should pertain to vidya, but let's not be so strict to the point that only boring generals are allowed. I said it before and I'll say it again - at this rate, Holla Forums will turn into /vg/.
Honestly, that's true. It makes me grit my teeth to accept that this may be the best balance Holla Forums can EVER have. People are still loving their favorite companies and treating them like a cosmic being, seeing them as doing no wrong, and others wanting to fucking riot and destroy a corporation for being a corporation.
Though, both sides DO have their valids, and their faults. One doesn't care what they do, as long as they enjoy the product (these are the most basic consumers), the other wants [company] to go back to their "Glory Days". The second column of people are varied, some know exactly how to make things better, while others just want to stir shit and bash others because they like something different. I personally understand both, you have fun because you accept you can't do anything about it, but others WANT to, and they want others to criticize as well. The consumerist side is (obviously) bigger, so the other side gets louder, I have my own bias, but I'm not going to involve that here.
It's two extremes constantly CLASHING against each other, with others getting caught into the fire and being bundled with either group. It's like smash bros but with genuine anger.
True, but as I said, there are extremes that will not let us enjoy said things. They will get carried away, and there will not be a balance. One person will want "ALL OF THESE THINGS! He can do it, so I will too" the other side will say "Go the FUCK AWAY YOU PIECE OF SHIT, YOU ARE CANCER"
Then it gets very hard to please either due to their points, even if valid, there is no known fix, as yet again, has said, because people will cling onto personalities and habits, and think to themselves that doing certain things is alright.
It doesn't only happen here, but in real life as well.
By who? The mods are sporadic enough that it will probably last for a while anyway.
I suppose all we can do is attempt to make quality threads as often as we can. Even if it has no staying power at least we tried.
Beggars can't be choosers user.
Refusing to use a board because it's vaguely connected with a board you dislike is possibly one of the weakest arguments you could make.
If the board is good then it doesn't matter.
They're sporadic for anything that doesn't involve meta shit
I sure hope history repeats itself and we experience the same success that Holla Forums did.
Yea im not touching that place with a ten foot pole. Not all boards are equal and not everyone deserves the same treatment
Mark is in this thread, I would have hoped to catch his eye. He's probably gone now, so even if I gave him a (you) it probably wouldn't work.
I don't know what this means, I didn't follow the whole Holla Forums debacle
Yeah good luck with that, dude told me it was okay to make a thread and then deleted it 24 hours later
Then have fun in this shithole
open this webm
for a quick run-down
Now we're getting somewhere.
Y'know, I think that's it. It's not that R.O.B threads are the ultimate evil, It's due to being oversaturated! I can prove it too! But fuck, finding the archive is a biiiiitch! I really wish archive.is had a better way of indexing and looking for a page.
Anyways, there were about 2 "Comfy Nintendo Stream" threads last month during E3, and barely anybody saged them or said anything against them. It's not because they exist, it's because they're TOO COMMON!, and it makes it look like obviously shilling.
I finally get it!
I (un)fortunately don't know who that is.
Indeed, I do a lot of analyzing, and the reason people want R.O.B gone is because he sounds like such an obvious fucking shill (obviously, he's a fanboy), so he goes off saying things like "This is great, this is awesome, yay videogames" and it sounds plastic and fake, like, again, someone advertising a product! Which irks people to NO END, especially when IT IS SO FREQUENT
If someone made a weekly thread to solely BASH a company without making it subtle in the OP, it would be deleted. Imagine making a "FUCK NINTENDO" thread. People would SCREAM.
Thumbs up to you.
Something that legitimately works is to question stances or behaviors and be personable about it; with the severe amount of monkey-see-monkey-do behavior oftentimes somebody's spouting memes or just being a faggot and they're just doing it because they think that's how things go. A polite "wtf u doin nigga" has more power than people ascribe, light ostracization through discouragement of certain behaviors, and presenting the idea that it's not the status quo plants the seeds of doubt. More or less be a model-poster while simultaneously questioning bad posting habits through a polite informing that they're a mouthbreather, because most often they just don't have an answer or can't actually hold their position. While a handful of posters can't accomplish much short-term, the long-term benefits aren't to be messed with. It's subversion, basically, but so is any argument. "Subversion" is usually just a buzzword for "stop disagreeing with the board status quo" in most usage on this goddamned thing.
With your shit logic you would even give a board created by zoe quinn a chance.
I want to give zoe quinn my beaner weiner
24 hours is all I need, I'll try it at least.
I don't always follow my own advice, but I really should be making a thread I think is good every day. Or at least more often than hardly ever, I mostly lurk.
If the woman somehow managed to create a decent vidya board I'd probably at least check it out, to be perfectly honest.
Even if she is ugly, stick to your own race, faggot.
This. The only problem is how slow of a boil the process can be.
What this nigger said
Also a reminder that you don't know what boards Mark goes to. You don't know where his mods go either.
Jim is way more hands off than HW.
Also, you know, we could just make a new board that is neither of those two, that's the whole point of this place. With 10-15 regular users it would already be way more active than most places on this site.
I agree strongly, user.
Subversion means to "Change something within the limits of a law/rule"
So slowly making the board different.
If Holla Forums gets hacked and mark loses his BO status by force, then that is not subversion, that is a a virtual siege.
Slowly sink it in, don't make it too obvious that you want "fun"
What the fuck IS Zoe anyway? It's not like I'm having kids with her.
That was meant to be the other way around
The problem is finding someone autistic enough to moderate it/set it up. If I didn't have a job and classes to go to, I would do it.
What would it even be called?
I would go with
Does this redirect to /a/ anybody else?
where anons reee
at the normalfag's stupidity.
that's pretty good
fuck man i opened that image and turned it into a png and got a virus
I'm thinking on
Very Important People
What you said
Holla Forums and piss (in the way that you make fun of it)
Best Holla Forums
Vidya and fun
Very Vidya
Vidya Vidya Vidya.
What's the best, most memorable name, thoughts?
Vote here.
Aw fuck, I fucked up >>>/vip/
Oh well. Respond to this post if you like /vip/, if not, then vote on the poal.
Aw, that's so good!
Are the boards that can be linked but end in a 404 already claimed and need to be reclaimed?
Or can they just be made without sending an email?
That's what I'm wondering, I'll try it in a bit
Anyways, new poll probably not worth the new 3-4 names I put though.
/veee/ sounds pretty good.
I don't mind a tiny community
Do you wanna go ahead and make it?
You made the poll after all
/veee/? yeah, it seems that took the spotlight.
Veee, Reee, Three E's. Sounds good.
Yeah I like it
I'm gonna hold off a little longer, it seems someone voted for /v8/.
Man, the competition is stiff.
what can i say i like it
Awww. /veee/ it is, personally, I hate that "Normees" meme instead of normalfags, anyways, I'll make it.
Give me some rules, I'm a pretty lax guy, but we need to offer new things.
Oh wait no, It's still tight competition. I'm going to go for a run, jot down some rules for me, and I'll come back to see who won.
actually it looks like /v8/ is tied again
I switch my vote to /v8/ though, it looks better, even if it isn't as funny.
Honestly I would go with something simple
I just really want to make it harder to have the shitty board that we have here where you can't talk about anything that goes against the general opinion. That should be enough, we can add to it later if needed.
That's obvious enough, yes. I will allow "fun" threads.
This is a perfect time for that "Primary > Secondary > Tertiary" chart.
Wish I had that image
I don't know what this means, don't hurt people's feelings? lolwut. This sound vague, give me more info.
I think I'll just modify the rules we have here but to my liking. So 2 rules will be removed.
What IS the general opinion anyway? I've seen it change from night to day, european Holla Forums is a whole different face.
Its almost 3 in the night here in europe so dont expect much feedback
Just generally don't be a faggot.
You can expand it with "Try to not make really low effort posts or go on an autistic spree about what you want on the board or not"
I really don't know how to say it better than just telling people to not be shit tier users really.
Which are?
I'm murrkin', so that makes sense.
I'll just mold the rules as (if) the board evolves, I don't think I'm going to need very many rules as of right now. Just the general, minimalist ones.
Right!? Though, I'm talking about Mark's rules, It needs a few changes here and there. It seems forced.
Friendly reminder to everybody in this board and ITT that no matter how bad this place gets, at least this place isn't Holla Forums aka Holla Forums 2.0 where there is little to ZERO discussions about movies or TV shows and it's only a designated shitting board with a TV & movie skin over.
The fuck are you talking about
Can there be a rule against people randomly dumping porn and driving the thread into the ground?
ROB, you're a good guy. You took all this shit in stride, I'm proud of you nigga.
I'm just making it because it seems comfy. I'm not wanting to compete with mark honestly.
How people don't read the rules as often and break them without care here.
Sure, if it ever gets to that.
I know a european government made this but I don't want to believe it.
No I was literally asking which rules you didn't want
Oh, no, I'm not objecting against any rules. You misunderstood me, my friends.
Oke then
Wait, other people hate filthy frank too?
Filthy Frank hasn't been funny for a long time
Anyways, embarassing question How do I own more two boards in the same username?
Is that possible?
I'm fairly sure you can't
I've been told that you can't do that. It'd be nice to have since I volunteer for two boards.
Ah, what a semi-relief. I felt like a fucking dumbass, searching the archive for the last half hour.
Alrighty then, thanks guys.
I fucking hate how this board is made out of twigs and glue
uh, go ask on /sudo/?
oh my god I'm fucked.
Let me just go ask.
I'll be over at
I tried making other boards but it gives me the same error, I'm laughing, but this is god awful.
wasnt /v8/ already a board?
I seem to recall that they were calling themselves the high class Holla Forums and had a custom theme that made all the pictures two tone.
or was that something else?
>inb4 b& by (((mark))) if i type e-n-d-c-h-a-n
This is not ROB's fault. This is the fault of a cynical bunch of asses who has an unreasonable fear of being sold something.
Seriously, this sort of cynicism needs to fucking stop. I shouldn't have to fear being called a shill or a marketer just because I enjoyed a game and want to talk about it.
The fuck is wrong with you people?
Where's that one MSpaint image of people chained up on a wall while being watched by a camera with a gun mounted to it, nervously talking about video games? It would be really suitable.
Seriously, fuck this guy and everything he stands for.
It's because the rest of internet is a HUUUUUUUUGE circlejerk haven and people take shelter here from the wave of retards stroking each other and sucking corporate cock without a shred of advice to improve a product. There have been Marketers in halfchan, and they've tried to weasel here too. Fuck those people. Cynicism is a staple of Holla Forums, don't like it? Go to reddit where everything is Functional™*
*As long as you agree with their Hivemind.
You sure fucking should when you're acting exactly like one. This isn't only exclusive for Nintendo games either. Ooblets, World of Warcraft, Life is Strange, Night in the woods, and GOOD games still get you called a shill because it's unheard of to have someone see a product as perfect, and try to start an environment like that with samethink.
This network and the gift ideas and free expression helps us grow, nobody is stopping you from saying what you like, but you have to be dumb if you think people here are automatically going to pump themselves full of Happy Pills and stop being evil meanies because you want them to not share what they think.
Two, three, hell, even 5 sided discussion is something others should learn from us. People here are constantly finding ways to improve things, and if they have a raw, abrasive way of expression about a said thing, then grow thicker skin. Know where you are, If that word bothers you so much that you can't deal with it, then you don't belong here.
Look at literally any other Nintendo thread, they don't get derailed like R.O.B threads. You talk about the game and what you enjoyed, and discussion does not go bad as often because you get opinions from both sides and nobody is silenced, along with no cringy ass tumblr tier erp. If you think you can only have a one sided "conversation" about a game without someone else telling you that it's not all black and white, then you need to get the fuck out.
This thread >>>
So the natural response is to make a circlejerk community where everyone hates everything instead? You're fucking delusional if you don't see the gigantic fucking irony that you're trying to create a hivemind community with this shit.
You can't fucking bash a website like Reddit or Tumblr or whatever for being think-alike hiveminds and then tell someone they don't belong here because they don't think like you. You're a fuckwad for thinking so, in every sense of the word.
And you sure as hell can't make bold claims as to what this place stands for, either. Who fucking died and made you the community gatekeeper, you delusional fuck?
You, and people like you, need to fuck off this board. You are not what this board needs. You talk of this "network and the gift ideas and free expression" bullshit, but you're the type that stamps out any sort of originality and fun turns this board into an echochamber of people who think the same way you do, and then have the audacity to shit-talk Reddit or Tumblr for doing the same thing that you're trying to do.
Look at your pompous, self-righteous post. If you're so obviously desperate for Holla Forums to reflect your ideas, go make your own board and quit trying to impose your perspective where it doesn't belong.
People with your attitude and your viewpoint will kill this community faster than anything else, mark my words.
No. What you need to do is stop policing people on what they should and shouldn't say. There is no circlejerk community, I literally just fucking told you that you can say whatever you want, if someone decides to say something back then so be it. NOBODY is stopping you from expressing yourself. Look at this board right now, there are people simply discussing shit, there are some insults back and forth, sure, but there is no overwhelming wave of extreme blind negativity like a mad dog hunt.
Unless your fear is "What if someone says something MEAN to me", then boy god FUCKING DAMN. YOU'VE GOT A PROBLEM.
Read above. You don't have a say on how others should act, this goes both way. You can't tell someone to stop loving something because you hate it, vice versa, you shouldn't force someone TO love something because you do either.
Look at the two above posts for a proper solution, if you want things to change, slowly influence people instead of screeching like an autistic banshee.
If the number of critics are higher than the ones who praise, then that's just a normal response of what type of board this is, but unlike other places, people don't get banned for simply stating they dislike something. Shitstirring/derailing is a different thing, and DOES get you banned.
Once again, I'm telling them they don't belong here if they're trying TO POLICE WORDS, OPINIONS AND PHRASES THEY DISLIKE and trying to make moderation suit ONLY what they want, much like, oh I don't know, the sites I've insulted?
Are you a selective learner, or just a fucking retard?
Better than a cuckshed loving spastic motherfucker.
I took a neutral stance, and said that people can say what they want. I spoke in the
most general sense I could, I'm no a better gatekeeper than you are, you obviously got buttblasted in the way I stated it. You're dragging this on way too much and reiterating the exact same points you've said earlier, and it's tiring as hell. Also, you aren't suited to tell me I'm the delusional one.
Yeah, how DARE I express myself in a way you don't approve of! Let me get my official Holla Forums kosher handbook so I don't trigger your faggot ass next time.
There is a line between fun and "fun", if you're an obnoxious unfunny cunt trying to force shitty memes, you're going to get called out.
You allow yourself to be intimidated as well instead of sticking to your guns and growing some motherfucking balls and defending your stance, as I said earlier, grow thicker skin or fuck off to another thread/site where your weewee will get stroked. You're expecting people to change just because you want them to. It's really that simple, nobody is forcing you to respond to posts, if they make fun of, then they make fun of you, that's why the filter feature exists, use it.
You aren't going to change anything, oh no you are not. You're practically venting at the inevitable at this point.
Also, you have one definition of fun, and people have another. Once again, fuck off for trying to police what others say.
You should know by now that this board, and entire site as a whole prioritizes freedom over feelings, of course, that's also entirely dependent on the type of board you lurk and the BO. In this situation, we do have near unlimited freedom, unless your 'freedom' is to want to get rid of others' freedom, then choke on an erect donkey dick.
P.S: "MUH HORSESHOEEEE!!!!" is not a very good stance to have.
Feels real fucking good too. I got you pinned, motherfucker.
You don't get to make that call
I'm not imposing shit, people say can whatever they want, regardless of my approval. This is where you're flailing your arms like a retarded Muppet.
You have NO POWER over what other people say, you want "fun", you want shitty shit shitposts and a whole lot of happy dappy doopy fluffy spanky wanky shit and a place where ebil cybertroles get banned? There's the fucking door, go faaaaar the fuck back to cuckchan you little sissy bitch.
That's a place where your pussy ass "No hurt feefees" stance will fit right in.
Yeah, freedom will destroy a community. Fucking freedom out of all things. Wow, look at Holla Forums as a whole, it's so dead huh? It's been dead to begin with! Wowie! It's so dead that I can't fucking process the amount of DEAD IT IS! Oh my god you're riiiight, wowwww! How can you use USE IT IF IT'S DEAD?! Holy shit, you're a god damn visionary.
If you couldn't tell, that was sarcasm. Go slam your head against a hard slab of concrete you turboqueer.
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