how does this make you feel Holla Forums?
CDs are retro now
Not too bad. I'm just waiting for cheap blu ray burners for PC to be out in my country. With every file being so fucking big now, bigger formats are actually welcome.
you mean obsolete?
For fucks sake man, this isn't a therapy session.
Where's my Terminator Future Shock review, LGR?
Holographic disks were better anyway
Wrong nerd hitler dubs.
Pissed off that people skipped floppy dicks. I liked CDs, even the old ones that got rot and corruption all the time. Don't understand how they're "retro" all of a sudden.
Fucking plebs.
CDs where invented in the 80s. the only reason they are still somewhat relevant is the form factor is still used, meaning DVD and blue-ray are the same size and CDs and backwards compatible with those players.
Makes me feel good, fuck CDs,
What did they ever do to you? I have tons of nice memories with CDs.
Those are DVDs not CDs.
I guess in terms of PC games and other games they're retro because you don't buy them on CDs anymore. They just don't feel retro because you can still buy CDs with music on it and usually things that are considered retro aren't being mass-produced anymore
what do you want to know about it? Its a bethesda game. LGR likes everything.
Skyrim won "the test of time" award.
People born in 2000 are nearly 18 now.
When can something be called retro? I usually go with the 25 year rule after something ends production.
Don't care. All hipsters are just liberals virtue signaling. The chariot is 'retro', which is another word for 'only retards use it because there are no benefits to it whatsoever'.
I prefer floppies myself. The only difference between floppies and cds is the amount of data they can hold. Quality of the data is still the same
Raped my mom and drank all my juice
If Doom is retro then so are CDs. CDs are fucking old tech. And really I don't get what you're whining about, he just goes over the history of the CD and what it meant for gaming.
Feels like we're closer to digital only DRM ridden software and computers every day.
Mate, you clearly didn't have to use floppies back in the day.
Can they really still be called retro if they're still widely used? That's like calling the car tire retro.
Can we finally move to using flash memory for everything?
These people will soon look at Tool CD and consider it religious object.
Plus music being bound to streaming services and itunes.
how much would it cost to make a Read Only USB and stick a video game on it?
Are we talking actual CDs here or are we talking about all compact disk storage formats?
OP are you a retard that doesn't realize there's a difference in compact disk storage media such as CD CD2 CD3 DVD DVD-DD and BluRay?
Too much, considering size of current vidya.
But this is not an only option. You still can use small size USB that is extremely easy to produce as a key. Not only all your account data is protected by physical key, you could use it to turn off online-drm.
Companies uses such things to protect their expensive software.
what is that supposed to mean?
You mean every console game before the Sega CD and most handheld systems?
Made me waste time taking several minutes to load a new scene in a game.
we're talking about CDs not cassette tapes.
How does the premise of the thread make you feel then, user?
I hate this industry and this world.
Companies should bankrupt themselves and people should throw themselves into the fucking meat grinder just to bring this new storage medium into mainstream use simply for the fundamental truth of its superiority.
But no, everything has to be about business and bullshit like that.
But user, think about the economy!
You realize the average lifespan of compact disk media is hilariously weighed down by the initial run of Compact Disks before safe storage methods were established.
I honestly believe that as long as Israel exists this world can not advance.
They were complete trash in durability compared to DVDs, even the slightest move would scratch that thing like a cat went full madman on it.
The same floppy disks got retro.
Incredibly old.
You first, faggot.
Yet you can still go to a superstore and see shelves full of CDs.
I dare you to say that to my Pioneer 6-CD changer in my truck you underage b& summefag.
You can still go to stores in japan to buy NES cartridges so what's your point?
Didn't get the joke, huh?
Capitalism produces items based on their value as a trade-good, as opposed to their value as a usable, useful item.
and how would you change the economy to be centered around usefulness and practicality determining the market value of something rather than as trade goods?
Isn't it obvious?
Easy. You have to socially engineer a culture that places more importance on technological advancement than human life or happiness.
It'd be like communism, only with way more people dying and suffering and they'd be happy to suffer and die.
Sadly, this is probably impossible.
SILVER LINING: We should soon (within ~200 years) be able to create a race of sentient robots to enslave, so we can make them suffer in our stead.
If it was, the same arguments wouldn't need to be hashed out over and over. I can't say for sure you're a red but that's the vibe I'm getting from you. Don't get me wrong, capitalism is cancer, but gobbunism is even worse.
Well that isn't going to happen without massively detrimental effects. I'm of the opinion that the problem doesn't lie with the economy itself (though it does to a certain extent due to how the financial system is set up, it's evil), but rather with the people. A free market is a good thing but requires morality, which means you need your population to be moral, or else you get this pathological individualism and materialism that festers throughout society like we have now. The "fuck everyone else, me me me, I'll climb to the top no matter if it means stepping on a thousand of my countrymen."
Get the fuck out, Zakharov. This is a Christian image board.
You can't because people are not equals. Communism wrongly tries to leverage work as the value creation mechanism. As you can see, this system is designed by the Jew to destroy human hope. Cleaning toilets for 1hr does not have the same value as performing brain surgery for 1hr. It never will, and the toilet cleaning plebs will always whine about the disparate living conditions imposed on everyone sheerly through human inequality.
Robots will definitely play a role in the Plebian Wars to come. Once some tens of thousands of niggers and spics lose their jobs PERMANENTLY it will be obvious that humans are not equals among themselves.
Burn the heretic. Kill the mutant. Purge the unclean.
That video was specifically targeted at PC games distributed on CDs, not ones used for other purposes or optical media in general. Learn to comprehend.
On a side note, why are LGR videos always so fucking comfy?
I think if this means we're moving away from them, then all the better.
CDs have some of the worst lifespans of any format and are overtly sensitive. One little scratch and suddenly every CGI cutscene is skipping and crashing.
I still remember friends from grade school having to go rebuy the same game over and over again because their copy had gotten trashed, and I was a smug asshole about it, saying "you can't scratch a Nintendo 64 game."
And you know what, nobody has proven me wrong since.
One little scratch won't damage a CD that much. Only deep ones ruin it.
That's not the discs problem, that's your friends being irresponsible little shits who can't take care of their games.
The timeline is getting longer. With the clear jumps in capability, Atari was rapidly considered "retro" or "obsolete" by the time 16-bit consoles debuted, even though less than a decade had passed. On the other hand, games released today are visually and mechanically similar to games released 17 years ago, and nearly identical to games released 10 years ago. I think it will take a 30+ years for modern games to reach retro status, if I take retro to mean "games with visuals and mechanics clearly not modern."
Hardware isn't changing that much. User input devices are pretty much flatlined in innovation. If VR doesn't somehow take off, 20 years from now games will be just like they are today, but marginally prettier on a higher resolution display.
You're right, but you have to admit that CDs just didn't have the durability necessary to survive children. Children who still have video games marketed squarely for them.
If I had a five year old in 1997, I probably wouldn't have gotten them a PlayStation.
Now, we don't have to worry about kids ruining CDs or cartridges because all the popular games are digital downloads.
Actually you can. If you fuck up the cartridge contacts it will ruin the cartridge, it's not as flimsy as a CD but you can still ruin it with a simple scratch if done in the right place.
Fuck CDs. Nintendo had the right idea going back to cartridges.
Well, CD-R's are notoriously shit, anyway.
Please god
Sony deliberately were targeting young adults with the PlayStation though.
No, no, no. You miss the true point of communism. It's not trying to assert that all humans are equal in ability - it's trying to assert that all humans should be made equal in outcome. The easiest way to do this is to make everybody suffer horribly and pointlessly.
Trying to create an equal society where everybody is prosperous and happy is so futile that it's pointless to even try - but creating an equal society where all humans are either miserable or dead is easy, so ALL ABOARD THE MARX TRAIN CHOO CHOO.
You're telling me this was aimed at young adults?
CDs are incredibly resilient so long as you're not a mongoloid who fucks with the metal layer on top of the disc.
You have to practically tear into a CD with a knife to leave a scratch deep enough to be entire irreparable, anything short of that can be easily fixed with a decent quality disc resurfacer. My local library has an industrial resurfacer as they're in charge of handling repairs for the majority of other libraries in the county, I only have to pay 25p each or 5 for £1 and I've yet to have a single disc come out of it still-unreadable.
To be fair, that game was a yoshi game that was recycled
Excuse me. We're trying to discuss video games here.
Please go back to Holla Forums if you want to discuss the merits or drawbacks of certain economic standards.
Thank you.
The overall marketing of the PS1 was intended to get adults as well as kids to buy it.
Actually, this thread isn't a discussion of videogames, but a discussion of how an obsolete storage medium makes your fee-fees feel.
That nitpick aside, you're right of course. I shall withdraw. *swishes cape*
Fuck off >>>/reddit/
A PlayStation CD-ROM could barely survive being left on a wooden floor with the label facing upwards, let alone being clumsily dropped or accidentally brushed up against the side of something.
I know, because, unlike an increasing number of people on these imageboards, I was alive when the PlayStation was being manufactured and marketed.
And the Nintendo 64 was a better console.
The only reason why i could justify using CDs back then would be being able to swap discs, it allowed some games to stay loaded in the RAM and try interesting shit for their era, like with Ridge Racer or Vib-Ribbon with music discs.
I do think that CD-Dependant games should have been on PC in first place though.
Butterfinger clowns like this are the reason why Physical Media is dead tbh
Except you know it's about the context of a storage medium in relation to games to the extention of games in a historical context, which is something you'd realize if you weren't attempting to proselytize people for your shitty ideals.
Old. And resentful knowing cds will be hipster in 20 years and Dragon Age 9 will come out on 30 cd roms in a limited edition.
That's why you put them in the original case you dumb fuck
Wow what a surprise something isn't resilient to you breaking it like a retard.
It is if you're a Nintoddler that can't take care of your shit.
Difference between Sony and Nintendo: teenagers and 20 somethings vs. kids and manchildren.
I don't know about you but I wanted to play GTA when I was 14 not Mario.
I miss that job.
I was shitposting purely for the purpose of shitting up the thread, user, though frankly I'd be fascinated to find a communist who actually believes that universal suffering is actually the intent of their doctrine. Dissecting that brain would be really interesting.
lol whatever u say bub
Our descendants can have nuclear waste.
What sort of logic is that?
So a CD-ROM that can be rendered irreparably damaged or inoperable because of a minor scratch is somehow the fault of the consumer?
DVD-ROMS and BD-ROMS became more scratch resistant and durable, but as for the CD-ROMS that the PlayStation and Saturn used (along with the GD-ROMS that the Dreamcast used), you had to treat them like lab specimens every time you had to transport them between the CD case and the game console.
Thing about life is that shit happens. Eventually, something bad is going to happen to those discs and it will not be prepared for the eventual abuse it will take. CD-ROMS allowed for more memory capacity (which was filled up by FMVs for the most part) and for superior audio quality, but made for flimsy and easily broken mediums for media storage.
On top of which, a console that used any sort of disc was more liable to break down over the years. Simple mechanical principle: Machines with moving parts (such as spindles, tracks for laser emitters, and other commonly found parts in consoles that run disks) can and will break down faster than those with no moving parts.
I'm not trying to discredit anyone, I'm just stating objective facts here.
I bet you listened to Papa Roach and Limp Bizkit back then because you thought they were "hard."
You were that Nintendo kid in school weren't you?
On one hand, I don't have to have a gorillion fragile storage mediums clogging my den.
On the other hand, I need to remember to actually backup my digital medium
Crack files are only like a MB max, if you don't get them for legit things too you're a retard
I didn't play video games back then and still don't today. They're just a waste of time when you could be doing something actually productive.
Why do you try so hard to live?
Like shitposting an imageboard? You sure know how to manage your time user.
It takes way less of my time to shitpost than to play shitty spyro and metroid games.
Honest question: If you don't play video games then why are you on Holla Forums debating video games? Are you just here because it's an edgy seekrit klub that gives you cool kid points?
This is now a mecha thread.
Post robots.
I'm looking for discussion while my cornbread bakes.
Then go to /ck/and shitpost about your cornbread. I'm sure someone will want to debate with you about your corn to flour ratio
Also, Stop 'n Swop.
R.O.B. the Robot.
He counts.
Floppy discs were the shit before CDs came and improved data storage. Yet you don't see anyone praising them as some really vintage retro meme, probably because they were so notoriously shit.
Cartridges are better. CDs are obsolete, yet cartridges still survive. Just look at the Nintendo Switch.
Either that, or all of them have demagnitized to the point where they're useless.
assmad you can't tripfag anymore?
Pretty much any storage media has some drawbacks. Floppy disks and other early magnetic storage mediums were sensitive to magnetic fields. Early CDs were brittle and easily scratched. Cartridges were expensive to manufacture. The flash memory we have nowadays is basically the better equivalent of the old cartridges, minus the manufacturing costs, and even then isn't really worth as a media carrier for sales.
GTA: Vice City was released in 2002.
The setting the game depicts is closer to the game's release date, than we are to 2002.
Ain't perfect, but it's a hell of a lot better than what you're trying to do.
As long as hard drives fail and logins are lots email addresses are changed your downloadable DRM files will not be usable and you will have to re buy everything you lost every time. So I Feel fine.
The kind that involves taking care of your fucking shit.
Facts that only apply to Nintoddlers who can't take care of shit like a grown up.
Good, it's about damn time me move on from plastic. I wouldn't mind if DVD was considered retro too already.
Isn't that the voice of one of the AIs from Deus Ex?
HD is my favorite retro technology
Naked, of course, and just shitting while standing on the chariot, the shit flying out behind them and spreading all over the streets. SanFran is the designated shitting street capital of the US, you know.
Kill yourself, leftist. You won't survive the war.
I can tell you that your point is completely retarded just like you are.
You think CDs are bad? Try collecting fucking Laserdisc.
Pssst, Chaim
By taking care of the discs I won't have to buy your replacements.
Actually, the game took place sixteen years ago when it came out, and 2002 was only fifteen years ago.
Why haven't I killed myself yet?
my 1990 civic has only a cassette tape player
Everyone is this thread needs to realize that ten years ago, late '80s and early '90s media became hugely popular on the internet.
You better hurry user, it looks like there are less 100gb blu ray packs on amazon than there used to be. I know the demand on them isn't that great, I'm afraid they are going to stop making the 100gb ones. Plenty of 50GB packs though but that means disc spanning
but there are retro car tires
Enjoy that myopia, faggot.
God, I wish I didn't need to have glasses.
What's stopping you from getting contacts or lasic?
I do. But I would rather not rely on them
Expensive. I want to get to the point where if society crumbles I won't be dependent on technology. Ya know, innawoods. Also doesn't that shit gradually revert back?
You can still buy blank VHS tapes at Walmart stores and music on vinyl at Target. Do those not count as retro now.
Lasik doesn't revert, but everyone's eye sight gets worse with age. Just how it is. Even after Lasik and being old, your eyesight should still be leaps and bounds better than you were pre-Lasik and young (provided your original vision was really bad).
Vinyl's been having a bit of a resurgence in recent years thanks to an appreciation for analog sound, but it's nowhere near as big as it was in its heyday; right now it's only barely approaching the sales it had when it died off the first time. It'll probably remain a niche going forward for those that like to collect physical media.
But I understand the point you were making to the other user. Just because you can still buy these things doesn't mean they're not past their prime. VHS gave way to DVD and then Blu-ray, vinyl led to cassettes and CDs, and all physical media has suffered thanks to digital downloads and streaming. We're all just getting older.
May as well just hang yourself and do humanity a favor.
Holla Forums just shat itself a little bit
Life is pain
I'm sure there's a really good joke to make about
but I'll leave that to a professional
I've always liked the appearance of whitewall tires. They're so much more aesthetically pleasing than 'ye olde tire'
Transformers okay, or is it not mecha enough?
Devastator is top tier mecha.
That's because ATARI enjoyed a ridiculously long shelf-life.
Games 10 years ago didn't have Pay2win microtransactions and loot crates everywhere.
That will change shortly with the 10-year anniversary of Call of Lootdrops: Modern Cashstore
I thought it was weird when I first bought a laptop WITHOUT a CD/DVD drive. But I bought another one since then without one as well, its just the norm now. They ommit the CD/DVD drive for an extra M.2 SSD slot or even a SATA slot nowadays.
Floppy discs were better logically.
They were a shit physical media, but being able to treat them as a disk is way more convenient than dealing with burning an entire filesystem at once.
Or Ruby Ridge. Look up Chuck Schumer's involvement in those incidents. Yes, THAT Schumer. The same. That bloated cunt is his daughter.
I remember that thread…
You're being a bit too hopeful there. It's just hipsters trying to seem sophisticated.
I unironically enjoyed that one. Got any more?
But people still buy CDs…….
Good, Micro-SD cards and USB sticks are the way of the future
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