4 AM

Losing control?

Whats your favorite minor enemy in a video game?


Kill yourself.

Morning everyone, Ritsu here

Parents aren't here this weekend so max comfy and home alone. Slept all night long though.

Think I'm going to take a trip outside tokyo for a day to a town nearby. They have a big ramen museum there with tons of types to try. Going to eat so fucking much.

I'm both impressed that someone would do that to record an entire inuyaha movie as a single tape, & also pissed off there's nothing cool on it. Here's hoping the yugioh tapes have some kids WV commercials on them or something.

Got a call back from a job I applied to. Have to double tomorrow. Fuck everything.

Idk I guess Hammer Bros.


Well 4 AM, I finally got the job I was talking about yesterday. My first day is this coming Tuesday.

The puppets in dmc1

Damn. I really need to go to japan to try their food.

God I hate that so much. They end up losing bits of each episode and are choppy. And the commercials would be so fucking comfy these days.

How goes user?

What'd the new job say?


I almost got run off the road. Either someone was Drunk or escaping chicago on the highway at full speed. Hard to say either way.

Tomorrow is going to be interesting if Illinois goes bankrupt

Congrats! Is it the office one?
Just make sure you take it slow and don't go to crazy from work user.
Hows your day been?

The food is one of the main things I'm looking forward to. This little excursion out of tokyo is entirely food related too.
How's life user?

just reminded me that i have work in 5 hours, t-thanks

No more gay I'm trans now



I see someone is smart enough to bail.

Im slowly regaining control. Slowly. My test date was maybe a little far. The next one im gonna schedule only a couple days ahead. My acne is clearing, i only fapped once. Things are going better.

They'll call me on Monday for a pre-screening. Managed to make my resume look better than it probably should by overstating some recent volunteer work I did.

If I'm going to hell, I'm dragging you bastards down with me.

Hoping Trump don't bail em out. The civil unrest as the niggers realize they won't get any food stamps will be fun to watch.

I feel ya on dat 1 pep

i hope dey go it only serve ryt w/ dem cubs winnin da eries

Driving an hour to and from work everyday makes me want to hit someone with my car. So tired of dealing with idiots driving every day.

What would really change if it goes bankrupt?


No reason not to lie on resumes as much as possible. Not like they ever check unless its a real job anyway.

Whats shitcagos stance on immigration? Cause that will probably be a big factor in if he bails them out or not.

Trump is too money smart to bail them out. He's gonna let them go bankrupt, make some law and order in that city, and turn it into an economic powerhouse. Just you wait.

Its better than i normally do. I need more distractions.

an hour round trip or each way monica? das ridiculous aintchu workin good will or sumn?

Finally been getting better sleep, albeit even half of one of the leftover pills I've been taking puts me out for a solid nine hours. Not sure how I used to take THREE of them per night and not wind up comatose when I was younger.

What game, user?

You some kinda chronic fapper or something?

2 hours total. And nah tourist shit. Not worth it really. Only 25~ more days though so no worries.

Built up a tolerance.
The fuck game is that?

Morning lads
Played some 40k today, lost horribly. Got drunk and slept like a champ.

Goblins of any variety

I fucking love ramen, or noodles of just about any kind. If end up going into a food coma if I ever went to Japan

Wew, I hope that like of shit collapses

When you're stuck in a room all day with nothing to do, things happen.

Probly a sanctuary city. Ain't they all.

Was once asked in an interview where I saw myself in 5 years. Didn't have the foresight to say "dead in a ditch."

You hear about the illegal that sued san fran for being reported?

Shadow Hearts. The monster designs can be pretty fucking bizarre in that series, hearkening back to the horror roots of the first entry on the PS1, Koudelka.

A tolerance for Robotussin and Benadryl is what got me into this mess to begin with.

You'd probably like the Gobs in the Wild Arms series then.

Yeee montana that shits good. Its so fucking cheap in nippon too. 7~ dollars will buy you a fuck huge bowl of the stuff in really great high quality too. If I don't gain 10lbs in 2 weeks of nippon eating I'm going to be disappointed in myself.

How many times on average you think?

RIP then. Well at least trump can use them to set an example.

I don't want to even think where I'll be in 5 years tbh
Hopefully the happening happens before then.

When i get the money, im gonna pick up all those games. I love horror games with good combat.

Morning. Might make a run to the store later if they're actually open today. It's Canada Day so they might not be. Besides that, I guess I'll probably put on an epsiode of that show I always reference but never name because I don't want to be spoiled.

I answered that way once. Didn't get the job but I didn't really want it anyway.

I'm fast forwarding through the yugioh tape now & it was taped off kids WB, but whoever it was cut out the commercials on this one too. Looks like this is $4.0 I won't be getting back.

I'm trying to find some lost media guys, I really am.

You ever try melontonin?

Whats canada day?


Back when i was sick, 3 times a day. Now im trying to stop completely. I think its fucking with my head a bit.

I always said "I don't know" but deep down I knew I'd be NEET.


Im guessing you're in canada. Im so sorry for your loss

Great. Can't wait for the new Trudeau cringe. Related.

3 times ain't too bad. Probably losing a lot of t from it though.

Do you like sit around eating moose and poutine all day or something?

i kno dey got mad puerto rican niggas tbh they allowed 2 b there tho. but yea illinois mad liberal mayne jus fuk mah shit up tbh

Once i start going to the gym, and stop fapping, i think my testosterone is gonna spike up. Hopefully anyway. Then when i get my ged and get my college grant, then maybe i can start looking for my real life waifu.

we get drunk and set off fireworks and fuck our dogs and apologize and get arrested for lolicon

Every moment he exists is new cringe. I wish he would die.

We deserve a nuclear holocaust.

Here's the catch; they're not exactly horror games.

Koudelka on the PS1, the first entry in the series, was a mixture of gothic horror and JRPG/Lite TRPG elements. It was reviewed quite badly at the time of release (I thought it was pretty decent, though I was playing it via eboot on my PSP and hadn't dropped $45-50 like people ask for it these days), to the point the main guy behind it, Hiroki Kikuta (composer of Secret of Mana and SD3) quit the industry for five years. When the company he'd founded finally got clearance to make more games around it in the early 2000s, they opted to design tbhem the other way around: JRPGs, with a horror vibe to the monsters/location/plot. Additionally, while there is a chornology and the first PS2 game is connected to Koudelka, it was intentionally left light on that end since few people played or wanted to play the original PS1 entry.

Anyhow, for JRPGs, the PS2 games have surprisingly enjoyable combat despite being turn-based. The Judgment Ring system gives the player a lot more input on performance, and in the latter two entries you change the difficulty, granting more of a boost for successes while making it easier and more punishing to miss your goals.

Only on the cities, i like the wildlife.

Gotta get on that nicotine tip if you want high t montana.

Shiiiiiiet really? Glad I ain't canadian.

It's Canada's birthday today
But who cares roll up the rim is back

I wanted the parade in Toronto to get diversified so bad after they banned cops in the name of inclusiveness. Nothing good ever happens here though

I'll have to check them out then

god bless monica

Is it those games i heard about that had an almost qte/rhythm game like prompts when casting spells and stuff? Sounds interesting.

What is this niggerdry.

Im not touching any drugs or anything. Im doing it the natural way. Like a man.

What the fuck. Why. I hope they like civil wars, cause one is going to happen if you dont have law and so many different ethnicities in one small place.

what did he mean by this

*unzips vagina*

It's a crime here. Usually they only bother if you also have actual CP or if you order a sex doll that looks "too young".

Im guessing they dont do anything about the muslims raping kids though.

Stop posting on the board.



Can i have nihilism as an excuse?

You definitely don't hear about it in the news, so I don't know how common it is here.

I'm not sure if they've ever actually gone after someone just for loli. Maybe if you spammed it at Trudeau's twitter account or something they'd care.

People say that, but I've bought a book with loli in it at our national chain of book stores

Yeah, Canada's blm pressured the pride committee to ban cops. They were invited to party with the cops in ny so they just bailed to the us for the day

It's a holy time in canada where our national treasure, Tim Hortons put prizes hidden in the rim of their coffee cups

I always feel scared on highways when I got to change lanes. I'm watching out for people who might happen to be turning into the same lane as me from the other lane next to it, turning my head around to make sure there's no asshole in my blindspot, and making sure I don't drift into the lane when I turn my head around. Not to mention you gotta watch out for things in the road. I had some guy's ladder fall from his truck right in front of me. Luckily, there wasn't anyone to the right of me, so I could swerve to the right and avoid it. that would have really fucked up my car.

Thats just lazy

Brb opening a twitter

Neat, what can you win?

Thats hilarious

Im dreading learning how to drive on highways. They look terrifying.

To be fair, i try not to eat any soy at all.

How's it fucking with your mind? I haven't whacked it in a few weeks, but there's always the temptation to slip in the back of my head. I knew I had to stop when I would spend an hour flipping through several photos, videos, poses, and scenes, and I could never find "just the right one" to finish off to.

Just finished Stick of Truth. Pretty good game tbh. I don't find things funny though so I don't know why I bothered playing it. It was good, don't get me wrong.

It was made by Obsidian. Aren't they the people who made New Vegas? They seem like quite a good company honestly.

link the tweets after you send htem i want to laugh at trudeau

For the first few times? Yeah it's pretty fucking scary. I don't know how people can zone out. I have to be focused on everything as much as I can because high speeds are dangerous, and I don't want to get killed by some other dumbasses or by my own mistakes.

Do you eat or drink anything from plastics? Do you drink city water?

Stick of truth is surprisingly comfy. The gameplay is simple but theres lot of shit to get in it at least.

fo sho fo sho fo sho fo sho fo sho fo sho fo sho fo sho fo sho fo sho fo sho fo sho fo sho

Free drinks or food, gift cards, tvs, cars etc.

Stick of Truth was better than I expected it to be. Gave me a chuckle that I got to play as a jew

don't yu jus wish in yo heart of heartz monica


iz mo about travellin w/ it overseas n what not i believe

das ryt

Its starting to affect my dreams. Im thinking that i just need to stop entirely and find a real life waifu to settle down with and let out my sexual frustraion there instead of whacking it to hentai all the time.

Stick of truth is basically a really long episode of the show. The old show pre season 16. Everything after season 16 is trash.

Im kinda afraid to drive in general. People are crashing all the time here.

I drink bottled water. I should probably stop. My only other option is water from this pur filter thing.

actual CP grosses me out. I can't help but wonder what happens to a lot of those kids. just how many kids out there get kidnapped and forced into one of those videos? next thing they know, they end up buried in bumfuck nowhere mcgreensberg and disappear forever.

where are you at where people are ramming each other all the time?

Yep. Though, Koudelka lacks that as the first game. Kikuta had wanted to implement something more action based, but was overruled by the rest of his team. Apparently the idea resurfaced for the PS2 games though, and is put to enjoyable use. It's not real time action, but it certainly gets the player more involved, and about half the status effects are the sort to fuck with the player himself, not the characters.

Here's these if you want to read more on them. They're still unfinished and perhaps tl;dr since I never could trim the fat from my autism.

They've usually got a malicious grin on them that makes them rather endearing little pests, and in Wild Arms 4 can be surprisingly competent (they can show up anywhere in the "overworld", as a "party" of different classed Gobs, and will be at level with your characters). The ones in WA5 are also pretty funny.

I want to say they debuted in WA2. WA1 has Orcs (which show up in later games as "P'orcs" due to being a bit piglike) who if memory serves sound like a cat when you attack them.

I would love so much to win a car. Tired of my shitty jeep. And its making this weird high pitch sound when I hit the gas too hard now too.

tbh that shits kinda neat tbh imo

Yep you are fucked. Might as well cut off your balls and be a tranny at that point.

99% of the time its just dads and funny uncles making that stuff.

Hint: its the state where people dont care about themselves at all

I was surprised at how well it was made. How certain characters comment on certain situations, how it rewarded players for being players. At one point, you have to go up a gay man's ass and dis-arm a nuke. I chose to just walk out though because I wanted to see what would happen. Because I ignored the nuke, it played a video of a nuke launching then played the credits before giving me a chance to re-try. Really impressed me honestly.

Oh yeah. I was tempted to play Jew but didn't want to be dressed as a kike the entire game. My guy ended up looking like Vulpes Inculta from FNV.

I read a book on sex offenders a while back and I guess it's usually family members making them do stuff. Brothers or uncles or dads. Maybe a son of your mom's friend. There were some fucked up stories in there. I expect a lot of it nowadays is probably stuff they make themselves and share. 2d is better in pretty much every genre of porn out there so loli is good enough for me.

Thanks user

I refuse to be cucked. The only thing i dont know is how to avoid both bottled water and city water without having to go down to the river, how ever far it is, and get water there and filter it with the charcoal method.

Might as well post the opening for Koudelka as well if the game might be of interest to you despite its reputation. Shockingly good English voicing for a Japanese made PS1 game (it's even English only audio worldwide), and great horror vibe.

Or they might snap and go Black Lagoon. Those episodes with Hansel and Gretel were all sort of fucked up.

Really? I stopped jerking it, and I haven't had any dreams in awhile. Not even wet dreams. It feels weird not to dream anymore.

Never did beat it honestly. Might have to try it again some time soon. Maybe after I get bored of playing DeS.

Didn't they make a second one? You going to try that user?


I read a book on this murder/pedo. Apparently he was released from prison 3 fucking times before he was given the death penalty. I think he killed like 6 people, and raped who knows how many kids. And they still gave him bail like twice.

Oddly enough the daki I got made me fap less. Fuck if I know why

Kids irl are gross and smell. I don't know how people can find those little shits fuckable
tfw your neighbour was raided and arrested for cp

It's pretty unlikely but it's be cool if it happens. A regular at my gas station won a 4k tv this year. Seems my store has some aura of luck.

that doesn't make it better.


Dont have the money to do that if i wanted.

Its probably better to not dream than have fucked up dreams from over stimulation

Probably from fake attention from a fake woman


We need a real life Punisher to take out Life's garbage.

those the niggas gettin caught tbh

I saw a lady win 16k at a casino once. What I would have given for it to be me.

Better diddled by dad than dead in a ditch.

Do you remember the name of the book? I like reading grim shit because I guess I'm weird. I don't know, maybe it's normal.
I remember a lot of stories of guys just being let go from this book. Basically "there's no actual evidence that he did what you/your kid say he did, so we have to let him go" which is understandable. But there was a case mentioned in it, which I forget the outcome of (I think he got a light sentence because he was underage or got off altogether) of a teenage boy. His mom ran a daycare or something like that. He took a little girl (3-5, forget exact age) aside and raped her so hard he punched a hole between her ass and pussy. She died from an infection brought on by it.

fuck you

No problem. The music in the games is also quite good if that's a factor you value a lot, though Koudelka's a bit sparse on that end. Despite Kikuta doing the composition, he seemed to follow more of the idea of "let the ambiance noises speak" and aside from key moments and combat, there's not much music (thus angering prior Kikuta fans).The PS2 games have music playing a lot more frequently in turn.

SH1 has Mitsuda and his friend Hirota composing after Kikuta dropped out, and Covenant adds Ito to the mix. FtNW lost Ito and Mitsuda, but bumped sound designer Imoto to doing actual composition with Hirota.

no spookin fam trust

Reminder that Commiefornia apparently puts more value on protecting and invasive species of fish than ability to properly use what water it has.

I would like to not buy stuff from him. I think i would get put on another list

It was so long ago i dont remember. I do remember that they did have clear evidence that he did it, got bail, then jumped state lines and didled another kid before gettinf caught and tried.

What genre music is it?

What the fuck is that

Noice. Someone won half a million on a scratch ticket they bought at our store. We've also had a couple 50k's. It's a little absurd

What the fuck is wrong with this state. What the fuck.

fucking hell. most of the stories in the book i read were fairly tame but that one stuck with me because of the violence of it

california is filled with "progressive" retards who will do everything in their power that makes them feel righteous and above other people, even if it means shooting themselves in the foot and hanging their dogs from trees with their leashes.

mason nigga shit tbh idk monica

Just talking to me probably put you on a couple anyway user.

I always joked around with customers at the truck stop I worked at saying shit like "you gotta come give me a few k if you win" and shit like that. Cause you read stories every once in a while of them doing just that.

Why would they give a confirmed child molestor and killer, who has already been in prison, bail after they have evidence that he killed an entire family and kidnapped 2 kids.

Knowing that I'm probably on the FBI and CIA watchlist makes me feel important.


I just want to be forgotten by everyone. I want to be a ghost.

sum times family's who dun wanna press the case too hard, ie be all embarassed publiclly ova everything will lead the prosecutors to pleain down on sum shit. also back in da day 60-80s seems like they was in a mo reform mind set to sum degree.

chill bruv


Internet made me a lolicon and I cant fap to big tits anymore at this point haha

Dude, this guy killed and ENTIRE family. The house was a fucking bloodbath. I dont think there was any family left. The bail was 200k, back in the 90's.

Kickbacks are always nice. Someone won 50 bucks on a ticket I picked him and he got me a muffin as thanks

Lolis are overrated. Aras and christmas cakes are where it's at

stop user you're making me MAD


Also, I know it's a glitch on whatever Codemonkey's been doing, but seeing that Beavis and Butthead sort of laughter after posting an image like that is humorous, like the site's code even finds it funny.

The PS2 games? Rather hard to place, to be honest. Given the nature of the series, Mitsuda and co. could make some very bizarre songs. They're good and generally fit the premise where they play, but might be something of an acquired taste, where you'd grow a liking for them by playing the games, rather than just hearing them outside of it beforehand. There's also the factor that, taking part in an alternate history of Earth, various locations can have their music influenced by the music and instruments available to the actual location.

Embed is one of the Insanity tracks from the first PS2 game, the premise being that a character has dropped to zero sanity and become berserk. This happens during combat.

ara has the perfect level of curviness, hip to waist ratio is excellent, plus they got the mature but still sexy and cute faces.

lolibaba is superior

A man of taste

I like music that has an aquired taste. I think i'll grab SH1 first.


flat is justice

Shiiiiiet. I got those mini muffins in the kitchen. Going to be breakfast soon.

This is why you won't ever get on any comfy government lists

You cant stick your dick between 2 nothings

Sorry user but I disagree, i'll listen to my dick and it is telling me that aras have too much everything

Be warned that the series is kind of pricy, between being a bit of a cult classic and not selling especially well. Where I live, Koudelka's been about $45-50, and SH1 about $40-45. Covenant's a bit cheaper at around $30-35, and FtNW is the cheapest at $20-25. No PSN versions or "HD" collections of any of the games either, though some former Nautilus staff have said they'd like to make them more available if possible. I've heard in the past they used to have some emulation issues, but there's been some workarounds for at least some. I'd direct you to the PCSX2 wiki in regards to them, but last I checked the wiki was down until further notice.

SH1 and Covenant are also a sort of "duology" of sorts. Both are focused on self-contained events, but Covenant follows up on the bad end of SH1 by a few years, and has recurring characters and references prior events.

Night anons

Well, maybe when i get some extra money. My compy cant do ps2 emulation, and i like to play ps1 games physical.

Night fam


Might also add that SH1 is at that price despite having seen at least two reprints to my knowledge (one of which involved SH:C apparently having had copies of the first game as a preorder bonus of all things, effectively netting people two games for the price of one; Covenant sold better but not all that well, thus that associated print of SH1 was still rather small).

I've played the PS2 entries with my PS2. They ran fine for what it's worth, and loading seemed negligible. Koudelka though, loading times are an honest issue with it. I've compared my discs of it with a digital eboot on my PSP, and the eboot had noticeably less loading. The prompt for the issue is mostly that any spell usage despawns everything but the caster, spell, and target, and then the game has to reload everything once finished, which gets time consuming as you get more things on the field of combat.



g'night Holla Forums

FTNW has one of the best battle themes of all time. I wonder how that game looks upscaled, it was one of the best looking games on the PS2 when it came out (up there with VP2 and Xenosaga 3).

brb killing self lads