What are some games where I can kill communists?
Commie killing simulators
RO, any ww2 rts. I dont really know
Very few games let you fight ww2 russia, and I doubt there's more than a handful of post ww2 games with commie enemies, so tough luck
Why would you kill Communists?! They were our best pals when we fought against the evil Nazi menace!
Hotline Miami 1
Metal Gear Solid 3
Truly, the best allies of the Jewish people. Going "against" the Judaic bankers by appeasing them and catering to their every whim.
As a r/shitredditsa… I mean, Holla Forums Holla Forums regular, I think such a game would be a counterproductive, bourgeois attack on proletariat trust-fund hipsters such as myself.
Honestly, they should have went to war with both the National SOCIALISTS and the Soviets. All Socialism comes from Judaism.
>>>Holla Forums
In wargame thread nearby op recommended great game series called Graviteam Tactics.
It's shit, but isn't Watch_Dogs set in SanFran?
I would actually be willing to play ball with commies if they actually still existed and weren't just a bunch of LARPing bourgeois neoliberals. If I hate Jews and they hate capitalists, are we actually hating different groups?
Nigger please
Jews love bureaucracy user, and the bureaucracy is in opposition to Capitalism. Communism is the bureaucracy, with all its welfare and taxation.
in metro 2033 you can kill both commies and nazis, in metro 2033:last light you have a brief encounter with nazis but communists are the main villains
It's honestly surprising how uneducated and underaged a lot of posters here are
Prussian Socialism is still Socialism, its roots lead to the Jews, still infuriated by their defeat at the hands of the Roman Tyranny.
The only commie killing game you'll ever need.
They were the jews user. Communism is jewish.
Didn't Stalin purge the Jews though? And fascism came out of socialism and syndicalism. I'm not saying communism is realizable or that I'm a fan of Marxism, just that cobelligerency against the (((elite))) might not be a bad idea.
No, he literally did not. Where are you getting this information? The USSR was largely made up of Jews on a cabinet level
Since they have common goals and wishes I've always hoped that Holla Forums and Holla Forums could bury the hatchet and become one board again. It would be in everyone's best interest
No? He was literally bribed to break relations with Hitler by British Jews.