What is your favorite Resident Evil game and Character?
What is your favorite Resident Evil game and Character?
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Resident Evil 2.
Jill Sandwich.
I do enjoy a Jill sandwich every now and then
Code Veronica X
Alexia Ashford
I didn't realize I had typed Sandwich instead of Valentine until you replied.
i hate it when people say CV is bad.
its the last good classic RE and its better than 0
Alexia got me into /monster/
What is it with this fucking joke?
It's really powerful.
4>3>5>Code Veronica>Remake
Leon > rest. Chirs barely has any personality and the bitches even less than him.
have you never played the first RE? The translation was abysmal and the voice acting hilarious
When is this guy gonna get his own game?
REmake and Rebecca.
Vendetta was fun.
Tch, nothing personel kid
3 for replayability I guess
Rebecca for being a cute
Resident Evil 0
Goddamn fucking waste
Dead aim was the best Cavia game you philistine.
OP, the stars symbol is covering the best part of that pic…
footfags begone!
1st one, REmake with 4 being a close second
I never played CV or 3. Played most other games though, except for the absolute trash like Umbrella Chronicles.
Hunnigan is obviously best girl.
Excellent taste, although I'd swap CV and 3.
Pic related.
We haven't seen this level of homoeroticism from a main character since Bayman and what's his face from Blue Stinger on the dreamcast
Chris should just come out as gay and Leon should say he's Asexual.. Then as he walks away, he sighs and whispers " not by choice….fags"
The closest we're ever going to get is I Wanna Be The Hunk; Vector from Operation Racoon City.
Favorite games; I can't pick just one.
Outbreak Series. Professional Yoko / Alessa player here. David mains can eat a dick.
Operation Racoon City
Resident Evil 3, Nemesis is my husbando.
I don't particually like the Darkside Chronicles, but goddamn it's funny. I can't hate it.
Characters. Again can't pick one.
Rebecca was my first waifu, before the RE Novels came along and SD Perry decided to make Rebecca HER waifu and tell the whole world.
ORC gave us a colorful crew that you'd either hated or loved. I loved Bertha and the African dude. Four Eyes was the kind of smug you expected from an Umbrella employee.
Revelations 2 really revealed I had a Loli x Milf fetish and the Foley Sisters were just wasted tits.
My least favorites are BIlly, Jake Muller and Hellena Parker
>Voiced by Goy Baker, because (((they))) feel he should voice every Eastern European in gaming.
How do they make such a fun playable character be so shit?
Resident Evil: Director's Cut (Not Dualshock Edition fuck that soundtrack)
Barry Burton, followed closely by Leon S. Kennedy.
I'm working my way through the hole series again now. Currently on RE2. It's taking longer than it should have because I got so into 1 that I just had to beat every campaign on normal and advanced in under 3 hours for those infinite ammo goodies.
Code Veronica and 4
Probably the hammy Palpatine knock-off. Or Ada if my yellow fever is particularly high. Honorable mentions to Alexia and Krauser.
Check out the "Ultimate Director's Cut" mod sometime user. Dual Shock controls and updates, original soundtrack, actually uncut live action sequences.
Resident evil DC or Resident Evil 2
Sherry, although Rebecca is an extremely close second Dark Natalia/Loli Alex a distant third
Actually, here:
Resident Evil Ultimate Director's Cut for PS1
If anyone is considering playing RE1 anytime soon play this version (unless you want to go with REmake, which is a fine option but is a bit of a different also delicious flavor to the original).
Dammit, user. I'm never going to finish 2 at this rate. Thanks though, really cool someone went out and did this. Reminds me of the guys who were backporting Code Veronica X to dreamcast.
Resident Evil 0 is the best one, it's just tedious as fuck at times. Other games have a real power creep. I think Real Survival on REmake is the only thing that comes close to being as decent.
I'll never forget that fucking retarded user for the rest of my days.
I respect but humbly disagree with your viewpoint sir, despite my raging , concrete pulverizing boner for Rebecca, I can't say 0 was the best one.
Two Key cards and a Math Puzzle to activate an emergency brake is the kind of stuff that RE0 brought to the table.
The lack of Item Boxes was not an interesting feature at all when both characters had rather small inventories.
I am not going to lie, it was difficult but if you tried it was manageable.
REmake is probably the best.
I liked the difficulty and new control features in 3 (like dodging and explosive canisters). Also liked that 3 did away with the cliched puzzles like the "club/heart/etc" key scheme and made it more practical obstacles.
Every story is deliciously campy, but 2 was the most engaging how they handled the split paths (easiest game, tho)
4 was hella fun, but tarnished the series (even if I enjoyed 5) wonder if I should get the ps2 or wii edition for the Ada story?
Code Veronica was great, felt really "full"
I enjoy rail shooters, so the Chronicles games were neat
Survivor felt like someone took the rails off an arcade game, and was kinda meh (might have been more fun if the western release was light gun compatible)
Dead Aim was cute. I liked it.
Didn't play ORC - never really wanted to
Didn't play Outbreak - actually wanted to when it was still new
Revelations balanced action horror pretty well. Might actually try the sequel. maybe
Gaiden was more engaging than I thought it would be, and the knife was useful even outside challenge runs (but can't be used to finish off the final boss)
Haven't played 6, but I'm dangerously tempted
Not really interested in 7 it looks like someone slapped "resident evil" on a horror game. Might play it if it's okay as a stand alone outside the main series
Jill is pretty great. She's a survivor.
Claire is a "get shit done" sort of girl.
Leon is a badass.
Nemesis coolest boss.
Wesker is a twat
Forgot to mention 0. I liked that they were trying to experiment with partners and flesh out the story while making a neat nee horror game
Believe it or not there was no shilling too much even here with fags trying to convince us it was Resident Evil because you had herbs and an inventory screen.
But you're right guys, REmake is probably my personal favourite, it just needs a better second half.
Also people never bring up the DS port of the first game (Deadly Survival?). I thought it was neat with the 2nd screen for inventory/map and I believe you can skip doors. Was the closest I ever came to play a little of that one again. 2 is shit after the first 15 minutes and 3 is railroaded like fuck with no bosses, Code Veronica is god awful and was made by some ghost dev team, anything after that is not Resident Evil.
The DS version had that alternate gameplay mode where you used the knife to fight off zombie rushes, right? The extra features didn't really sell it for me.
And I respectfully disagree with your opinion on the other games, though RE is definitely less horror. Silent Hill better captured horror for mainstream audiences.
Happy to complicate your life with good games user. Also that backport of CVX sounds neat as fuck because I am a Dreamcast diehard. Enjoy beating RE2 when you get around to it.
Oh hey, I checked on that Code Veronica X Dreamcast port and it turns out it's finished with an translation patch.
Neato Bandito.
I really liked the DS port, I picked it up when I used to live in Japan. I had about an hour and a half commute 2 a day and used to play it all the time. It got to the point where I was almost able to beat the game 3 times before I even go to my final stop.
I've been fucking around now with the 1.5 release and it's pretty cool too see all these different areas and monster types but since its not actually finished sometimes its annoying to have to reload 5 times to try and pick something up and instead climb onto some invisible platform that you can't get down from.
Honestly, I like all the games. Nothing will beat the original, especially when it first came out (I think I was 9 or 10) it blew me away and was one of my favorite games, and still is. Two is still a great game, but the problem with 3 is that is starts off really strong and then just falls flat after the second half of the game. Kinda disappointing but still a good game.
I know I'm gonna get shit but I do like the last few games they made, including Revelations 2 and 6, while they are not Resident Evil in terms of the classic games, they are still pretty ridiculous in their own right.
Now the new one, well it was great, I played through it in one play through and I loved it, but after that I have no desire to touch it. I don't know what it was, I enjoyed playing it a lot but I didn't feel good after I beat it, kinda like I wasted my time.
While they are both horror games, you can't even compare them, they are completely different kinds of horror and to say that one did it better than the other is doing both of these games a complete disservice. It's like saying Final Fantasy is less of an RPG than Dragon Quest when they are the same genre but just do thing differently.
A tie between REmake and Code: Veronica X, the first one has a special place on my heart but if I was to replay one I'd pick one of those two.
Mah girl Jill.
It's one of the greatest scenes in video games history
Good to see other people appreciated RE0 too.
Just watched it with a friend.
It felt right.
Well now I have to thank you user, this will run nicely on my GDemu.
Hmm…I…DO agree with you, and saying "less horror" was probably a bad way to put it, but I'm having trouble articulating what I meant by that. You're still right, though.
Im pissed they changed it in the remake
Me too, probably the only thing I didn't like about REmake.
Makes me sick
I love Jill's response, it feels authentic
Resident Evil 3
I've heard too much about RE6 to ever play it but this bitch
Resident Evil 2. I loved everything about it. Especially the enemy designs. Having Birkin change as you progressed blew me away when I first played it. I got Darkside Chronicles mainly to see the reworked enemy models. Even better when I realised it had a gallery for character models. Hope Remake 2 has something similar.
Kinda disappointed we haven't heard news from it on E3. Maybe on October, with Halloween and all that.
HUNK and Barry.
HUNK is a stone-cold professional. Barry is the guy you can always rely on. A good friend and a family man.
Tje two best lines are as Jill, if you don't use the V-Jolt against Plant 42 and Barry comes in and Jill is like "You saved me" and Barry just sardonically says "Yeaahhh" and the one with Chris and Wesker in front of Tyrant and Chris just busts out laughing and Wesker, sounding like a faggot, says "Stop it!"
So? He looks hot.
Barry :" Do you think we can go see Tyrant …Now?"
"Barry, you are SO optimistic." God I've heard these lines enough to sear them into my skull and I still feel warm and tingly whenever I hear them.
My personal favorite line is Rebecca's last line of the game where she says "LOOK AT THOSE MONSTERS!" in a completely different voice than usual.
I think they kinda understood the idea, but wanted to tone it down.
that is probably my favorite thing from original RE
Freeze! Put your fat cocks where I can see 'em!
Does she make RE6 worth playing?
Vid related
How about that part where you play as Rebecca and "get to the root of that problem"
The one time where even sleep deprived Rebecca can't even manage a chuckle
Leon's campaign is pretty good.
Mercenaries is actually good too, probably one the best iterations of it because the game is an all out action game.
If you can get it cheap go for it or just pirate it.
Reported, filtered.
My favorite game of the series was RE3.
Jill is my fav waifu.
I really liked Operation Racoon City's gameplay the most. It felt operator as fuck. So much so I'm pretty close to making 4 eyes my waifu.
I'll see myself out.
good thing i censored them in OP, you fags are over-sensitive to feet
The only hours I have in RE6 are playing Mercs with my mate over teamspeak. The controls of RE6 are amazing and make for a great action game. You can't do the same shit you do in Mercs in the campaign because of how Call of Duty the campaigns are.
Just got 2h 15m 42s clear as Chris on advanced mode in Director's Cut. Awful time, I know, but I had forgotten some key things like where the sword key was on advanced mode (coming fresh off a Jill run) and not bringing the crank with me after getting the lift battery.
But hey, now I've got a
REmake and Claire
That means you played the Director's Cut Dual Shock version. I feel bad for your ears. I hope you've played it with the original soundtrack as intended.
ORC is an underrated title imo. I wish we could have gotten a sequel with more well-rounded and satisfying gunplay. 4Eyes makes for fine waifu material.
Anyone check deez dubs yet?
gasshukoku eejento no sherii baakin desu
"I'm United States federal agent Sherry Birkin!"
In case you didn't know what it said.
I'd let her give me my daily dose
If you know what I mean
RE1 and REMake Barry and RE2 and 4 Leon
After 4 Capcom fucked with all the characters in both personality and design but mostly design, fucking hate how everything looks after 4.
Outbreak Series, if Capcom could stop being fucking worthless faggots for a bit and make a GOOD PC port of Outbreak File 1 and 2 I'll be happy. Outbreak File 3 NEVER EVER
Honorable mention to REMake and RE4
Either 0 or Code Veronica
Probably Sheva
Can't really pick a favorite RE game, i love em all.
And Jill a best. A BEST!
Fucking blasphemy.
Wesker because he looks like me or Chris.
I could make her evolve a few thousand years with my seed if you know what I mean.
Rebecca is still pure user, don't abandon your waifu because a neon haired Jewess told lies to you.
Nobody outside of armed forces knows to form one properly. Even then, sometimes that's not even true.
They won't port Outbreak. Outbreak was one of their early online gaming experiments and the one that ended up being a success was Monster Hunter. I doubt they even remember Outbreak.
Why is that stupid slut so fucking hot
Jill and leon
watched new CG film a week ago, not as good as previous movies,I hated how zombies now can be changed back to human.
I'm playing RE: Revelations on 3ds now. Dat Jill's ass.
3, cause it was my first RE game
Chris "i punch boulders" Redfield
Delete this.
Best girl would breed over and over
Second best girl wouldn't breed she'd be a good girl to have on the side so I could be at home breeding Jill but then later I could go out with Ada and have an affair and get fucked in the ass by her strapon
Ugly nigger
Who cares
Fret not, I created a PS1 EBOOT so I could play the original Director's Cut and spared my poor ears. Thank you for your concern.
Well done user.
An user can dream
I know it's a never ever
Wish I knew.
Nigga, you gay.
- Resident Evil Director's Cut
- Rebecca Chambers
Lupo is a cute and Bertha has the best outfit.
I agree. It was far from perfect but the gameplay was way better than the other games.
I want her bad my dudes
Why not the PC version?
Don't covet another mans wife.
I like the Brit tomboy
young asylum Jill
They'll have Scarlett Johansson play her
I love Revelations 1 and 2 for their RAID modes, but that's mainly because Hunk has the best finishers and Lady Hunk is cute.
What the fuck were they thinking?
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He's probably LARPing and has never done a minute of military service in his life.
He's just parroting some stuff he heard about berets but getting it all wrong.
It was the last RE game for Gamecube, and it pushed it to its limit. Emulating it takes more power than REmake.
Capcom also updated a lot of assets. They put effort into it, and didn't just do a simple resolution increase.
But they reduced Rebecca's hips and butt, and I don't know why.
Have fun user, it's a solid RE title. The lack of item boxes can make it bit challenging for efficient navigation at times though.
Truly unforgivable.
This isnt the Rebecca that I remember, who is this impostor?
It's the 37 year old rebecca from the new movie
Who would want a 37 year old Rebecca Chambers?
i would
That does look like a good facelift, but yeah, clearly they had something good to work with. If only more "remasters" put this level of effort. Didn't they make a mode where you play Wesker, too?
I saw that, but the map keeps track of what you leave on the floor so I don't expect it to turn out too unwieldy.
Yes. You have to unlock it.
Fair enough, I assume you need to finish the game?
That's correct.
Heh, this is very personnel, Chris.
So the exact opposite of REmake on PC?
Holy shit that looks hilarious, is Zero really that bad? I'm considering purchasing it.
That's a silly extra thing. It's not the main game.
its mediocre, still wroth playing, but its probably the worse classic RE
I know, but I always hear bad things about Zero, mostly about how silly the story is but I was just wondering if it was okay for 10 bucks.
Thanks lad.
RE0 is good partly because it's different enough from the others. Controlling two people and no item boxes, which means dropping stuff on the ground. I'd recommend playing RE0 after playing some of the other classic games.
Yes, the story is silly as is the villain, but there's enough other motivation for the characters that it should be fine.
To be honest, silly and cliche story elements are kind of a staple in Resident Evil.
here's your item box bro
I love RE3
and i LOVE jill
really hope Remake2 does well so that i can get R3make in twenty years time
Already got it running familiar, I'm surprised at how good it looks.
16:9 is just 4:3 zoomed in.
Play in 4:3.
cool, they seinfelded it.
reminder to keep a 4:3 crt around at all times.
RE0 tied for if not the best in the series. If we consider the series flaws, Zeros are quite different to faults in the rest of the series. When you finally start beating Zero properly you begin to feel the game getting better, where as the opposite is true for the other games. Obviously part of this is you know what to expect a little more and so the tedium of so much management because more efficient. Even then I still haven't been beating Zero very well myself. But it's damn good. Just make sure you use the door skip on PC. Should've really been a feature of the remaster ports since it was a thing on RE2 etc on PC back in the day.
Thank you.
Zero is probably the only game from RE series where I had fun planning a route for S rank.
If you put little thought into it, you can cut so much time.
If you're still here friendo-kun make sure to install all the RE0 DLC and Japanese exclusive t-shirts for Rebecca;
Just drag into game folder and replace files.
Costume Packs 1-4
Pre-Order T-shirt
Fan Design T-shirts
WonderGOO T-shirt
GEO T-shirt
Joshin T-shirt
Weekly Shonen Meister T-shirt
Ajin Demi Human T-shirt
Heheh a fun experiment with long term results for the greater good.
You like Rebecca drinking? How you like that huh?!
It's alright.
Are you going to throw away the cake after the 25th?
The cake now falls on a date that doesn't even exist on any month
Don't you have a shitty past to enjoy you future erasing fuckup?
I'm only here for the eggs, not some barren wasteland.
Are there any girls in RE still under 25, Sherry?
webm didn't work the first time
She was born in 86'
She was 26 in RE6 and is probably a few years older by the time of 7. There's no one in their early 20s in RE now, except maybe Moira.
Menopause kicks in quite late user.
Seems like I need a decryption key for this.
Downloads fine for me, wtf am I doing different.
I feel like they need to start pulling an RE2 and introduce an entirely new cast with only hints and throwbacks to previous characters. I mean, the current cast is great, but it's starting to get a bit stale seeing them in every single game now.
The only problem is they tried that with RE7
It sucked
Still think they should've killed Chris at the end of 6 instead and let Piers take over
Sorry, I meant do it well like RE2.
Do you think the cast are still virgins?
I'd like to be sandwiched in between those titties
That lady was one of/the model for Jill
I have only played the demo of RE7 and seen a bit of gameplay with people complaining about it.
Isn't one of the reasons that the MC has no real character and doesn't really react believably to the situation at hand?
Also it's more of a spooky house game than a resident evil game.
no one likes Excella ;_;
She was pretty good she was just overshadowed by Sheva
Also Excella had a stupid hairstyle
5 is so fucking shitty that I completely forgot about this woman even existing. I have no clue how they went from 4 to what we got: a shorter, clunkier, forced co-op.
Also, I don't understand the praise that 0 is garnering. I remember trying it on the gamecube after playing REmake and thinking, awesome another game just like it! And instead I got maybe one of the most retarded villains in the entire series, forced co-op, boring animal enemies, and no item boxes.
Has there been any word about REmake2 yet? If they fuck this up it might break my spirit
I have RE5 installed and played for a while, mostly because I wanted me some Wesker ham, but I quit playing somewhere in the swamp ooga booga region. I know I didn't much like the new inventory system when RE4's briefcase was perfectly good, in my opinion at least.
Should I keep playing ?
the game is short as shit so might as will finish it so you can say you did. You're not missing a lot though by ending it all now so your choice.
Getting rid of the briefcase tetris mini game was so stupid. There is also next to no exploring or fun treasure hunts, which 4 had in spades. If they had done what 4 did and just made it bigger and better it would be an all-time classic. As it stands 5 is only half-decent if you've got a friend to play with because fuck if I know how else you're supposed to
I had the same feelings. It seemed like the most stupid frustrating bullshit, even just beating it on normal. But it's really great . It gets better the more you play while the rest of the series gets far worse.
Respawning enemies, saving enemy locations across rooms, removing item boxes, limited inventory with balls to the wall difficulty and you've got the most extreme Resident Evil experience available that isn't full retard like Resident Evil 2 Nightmare mode.
I liked bitchslapping nogs with her in Mercs but, for the most part, she's a waste of a perfectly fine pair of tits.
Might as well though you probably already noticed that the game peaked in the first area and it's all been downhill from there on out.
I picked it back up, completed 3-2, the combat is somewhat entertaining, but like everything in this game RE4 simply did it better. Was it rushed or something ?
I'd wager they were out of ideas. A lot of parts feel like half-assed throwbacks to RE4, the game had to be built around co-op which severely limited the scenarios they could include and when they do try to shake things up (enemies with firearms), it's a complete clusterfuck.
Real time weapon swapping is probably the only thing they did right. And Sheva's Red Riding Hood costume.
It also triggers me that fuckin' Nogville looks like Sweden. Capcom completely caved in and littered the village with all sorts of ethnicities. A sign of things to come.
doubtful, I think they just looked at 4 and rather than understanding how the whole package was great, they went full retard with the action/b-movie stuff probably because they focus grouped it out and thought making something even stupider and shorter for the braindead third person shooter lover-type would sell even BETTER than 4.
This is ignoring the fact that 4 sold insanely well and they would've been better off just making a pure sequel and spinning the 5 they dreamed of into a side-game.
RE6 was bad, but people seemed to like Piers even if he was a new character. But Capcom killed him off in the same game he was introduced, so that was over.
please don't let your image be true.
One of the only things keeping me on this god forsaken planet is the fact that a RE2 remake is coming.
I hate when that happens.
Hope it turns out well but it's nu-Capcom we're talking about here. I admit that Itsuno's project is tingling my curiosity but they've got to a point where I can't be hopeful about anything they tease or announce.
A few years back, when Capcom started to go down the shitter, I started to regard them as just another dev that might pull off something good but they somehow got even worse, as is, they're a mediocre-at-best dev with blatant anti-consumer practices. No talent and no vision, they're just aiming for whatever they think will line their pockets faster.
How the mighty have fallen.
I know it's very optimisitic of me but they did at least put some kind of effort into the HD releases of REmake and 0. Being very hopeful but that could be a sign of a team getting the hang of doing an old-school style Resi again?
Resident Evil 1 HD
Jill, by far!
Then Chris and A. Wesker.
RE6 is my guilty pleasure…
I've done all the campaign with my gf and we had so much fun and laugh that it's hard for me to consider it as "bad" even if I'm fully aware of its problems.
I've seen a lot of hate toward Sheva, but I like her. She's one damn hot character, and I like her bow.
I've played RE5 for shit tons of hours ( like 300 hours I think, I should check ), and I mostly played as Sheva.
And I'm sure that badass motherfucker Chris got his FMF threesome at the end.
Sherry is definitely still a virgin
Thanks magical regenerating hymen
Who gave her the first D then? William?
I hope so because he was probably good at finding the G-spot
Wouldn't be surprised, he does have an eye for the ladies.
I bought Resident Evil 5 again for the PC just so I can have Chris slap her ass and watch it jiggle at 144fps.
The fact you're fighting what used to be a human and are given his name adds a sense sadness and tragedy to the whole encounter. He was once a human being with feelings and emotions just like you, but has been twisted by his own creation into the monstrosity you have to fight. The backstory makes the fight more emotionally engaging in my opinion.
Tyrant is just obviously a bad dude who has lost all semblance of what once made him human and his grimdark name just makes him another enemy, albeit a tougher one.
To be fair every file pertaining to him calls him G
Was Tyrant a human once? I haven't gotten balls deep in this lore yet.
Talk about worlds best dad.
Boy did he suffer.
All Tyrants are clones of a Russian guy who had the unique genetic wombo combo that gave zombies massive mutant gains.
Yeah like 1 in a million people or something can be made into a Tyrant using the T-Virus (the T stands for Tyrant).
Majority of people just end up zombies who may eventually turn into Lickers depending on which lore you choose to believe.
Leon is still a virgin
Amen, Brother.
Why can I totally see Leon saying this to Sherry at the pwanchi burger
goddammit I forgot all about that
Forgot my video
Probably the last episode since relatively no one watched it
She probably had to use mind-controlled Jill because Wesker kept ignoring her. There's not enough art for Excella
they brought her back for one of the movies? nice
Yeah but shes a hag now
Concerning resident evil revelations, I know the 3DS version was the original and that all the versions that came after likely blows it out of the water graphics wise, but were there any meaningful additions like game modes besides that ?
I have just gotten to the mansion in RE0, but from what I understand, if you give an animal (or maybe just bugs) they grow in to giants.
Or is that me being mistaken.
The 3DS has first person view for combat, while all other versions have extra characters for multiplay, new weapons and a new monster
What the fuck are you talking about. The only advice I'll give you is to give Billy all the powerful eapons and to stock him up just before you grab a key that's under a cage that Billy needs to pull up using a crank
That's what I understood when I read from the file in the room next to the save room on the train.
Too late for that now, I dealt with it with my knife.
Just remember to take the hookshot with you when you get all the stones that say Umbrella's company motto, and keep it around till Billy fucks off for a bit. It is pretty much essential till the final third of the game
Thanks. I'm going on vacation away from my good PC for a while, so this game on 3DS will be better than nothing.
I'd say to just get Mercs 3D and a Zelda game to hold you off. REv on 3DS just doesn't feel right to me
Well, I already played it some years back, I liked it enough, but it took way too much space, so when I got stuck at the one-shot buzzsaw boss I cleared it for rune factory 4. Now I'm back in a biohazard mood and willing not to be quite so casual. I'm fine with playing the primitive version of the game if I'm not missing some major gamemodes or such. But, I might consider mercs 3D, it's a standalone of that RE4 minigame, right ?
Mercs 3D has the gameplay of 4 and 5 with characters and maps from both games and a few more I believe
Too bad they didn't update Mercs 3D to use the circle pad pro or the new 3DS features.
Cindy and Alyssa were pretty top tier
Toss up between these two.
Well theres this
But most likely never ever.
Are you going to pretend REmake isnt the greatest?
I'd have to say 3 then Revelations.
I've never beaten RE1 so that could be a good contender for my favorite too.
Who else but Jill? I really like Rachel's Ooze form too, and Deborah Harper from 6. They're making some pretty cute monsters nowadays.
never ever
Worst taste in this thread, no contest.
For campaign mode, Resident Evil 4's was probably the one I enjoyed the most. I replayed that campaign in its entirety so many times on different platforms.
When it comes to combat, Resident Evil 6's mercenary mode was probably the one I played the most. Damn I really enjoyed the combat there.
Same here, the game looks gorgeus but sadly that is probably the only good thing about it.
I agree 100% with the rest you said.
I just wish the Remake remaster had the same cure RE0 remaster had.
Don't get me wrong it looked good but some areas were so blurry that needed to be redrawn and some character models deserved to be improved more.
can't unsee
Is it the back of it?
Human Unit Neck Kracker will never ever get his own game unless Capcom just says fuck it and confirms that Chris is actually HUNK.
Rev2 was pretty lackluster
I know this is gonna sound minor but I wish they would have given Chris some sorta of longer sleeves or some sort of kevlar covers for his arms, or something more then nothing.. At least Leon has the leather jack so its harder for him to get bit in universe.
That said the animation here is great and fucking /k/ tier goodness.
Just got the RE2 true end. 4 hour time for Leon A and 4 hours for Claire B. They really want you to use that grenade launcher huh? By the end I had more rounds than I knew what to do with. Those special costumes are really sick too. I can't believe they give Claire a single action army. I wish more games had hidden rewards and unlockables as cool as these ones.
Also, it said I unlocked a new campaign but I'm not sure how to start it. I didn't see any new options when starting a new game on disk 1 or 2.
It's in your save data. There should be a ClaireA file ready and an EX Battle file I believe
Huh, I'll have to check. I only remember seeing a new Leon A file, but extreme battle mode was definitely unlocked.
I think the file is under Arrange Mode
A files are always new game. B files are always new saves. If he wants to do Claire A->Leon B, he needs to start a new game.
RE5 because it's a great nigger killer simulator.
The game is like $10 on a bad day, just buy it
I like the mercs mode in RE6, that all I played it for.
I probably will one day, but not today.
Well, I got RE6 from that key giveaway thread. Gotta love the windfall of humble bundles.
Started with Sherry's campaign. The controls feel weird as hell compared to 4 and 5, specifically the menu interface and melee attacks. But at least I can appreciate the attempt to do things a bit differently after 5 being just 4 but less inspired and fun.
A shame today is the last day I'll have a good computer for a while.
God Tier
Jake and Chris' campaigns
Mid Tier
Leon's campaign
Shit Tier
Ada's campaign
Just so you know beforehand
There is so much gay porn involving Wesker and Chris is rather surprising.
Rebecca was one of my youth waifus.
Not really.
Tyrants are a mutation that could be only obtained with 1 for every million people infected with the T-Virus.
Devil May Cry