It's been 4 goddamn years since the teaser trailer and we still haven't had any news since.
The fuck are CDprojekt doing?
It's been 4 goddamn years since the teaser trailer and we still haven't had any news since.
The fuck are CDprojekt doing?
Other urls found in this thread:
Selling you smoke to bring their shares up
I'm not even sure I want it anymore.
I mean for fucks sake all of Witcher 3 took 4 years to develop and we haven't heard a goddamn thing.
The game better be revolutionary, I don't want another Half Life 3.
There was news, for example the game will be fucking huge, so huge that they hired some extra 200 people to work on in. Serch for cyberpunk yongyea, on youtube, some asian guy compiled all the info into a 1 hour video
The release date is in the name retard.
there is no 77th month retard
Prove to me there isn't.
If GOG will become just as profitable as STEAM, then just like valve CDPR will stop making games.
Neither do I. Everything before it was bad enough.
Yeah if you ignore all the news then there hasn't been any news.
Have you tried crying about it like a little faggot?
Why the fuck do slavs lack creativity?
No need for the racism please.
Slavs make the best games these days.
Anyway, do you expect Cyberpunk 2077 to be on the same level as:
Every year has twelve months. Every New Year the months reset.
I expect it to be on the same level as your mom when i fucked her in 2003 in july when i was visiting my grandparents for thanksgiving
I am not murrican, i don't celebrate cuckgiving.
I expect it to be on the level of Human Revolution.
Only because we say they do retard, god said there are 100 months in a year. Read the bible fucking atheist.
This also includes the engine IIRC and Cyberpunk will use the already developed engine too(again IIRC)
And Harry Potter told me I can fly on a broom. Fuck off. The whole world uses a twelve months system nobody uses 100 months. Bet you use Imperial instead of Metric like the good cuck that you are.
bad news for you goy, the CDprojekt that started this project is VERY DIFFERENT from the CDprojekt working on it right now, after Witcher 2 they cleaned house and re-worked their "business model", that`s why Witcher 3 was a dumbdown and streamlined when comparing with what they promised.
This game won`t be good, at least not enough for to be worth the wait.
The difference is that for witcher 3 they shown a lot of varying gameplay trailers during the course of development.
For cyberpunk we don't even know what to expect of that game. They might not even make it first person.
t. muh westernsfag
But Witcher 3 was more complex than Witcher 2 in almost every way.
Indeed. I believe the worst thing anyone can do about it right now is to believe it will come out as some sort of overhyped masterpiece. In reality you might as well get fallout spinoff from slavs.
it also had a lot more money and man power on it and still managed to not be what devs initially planned, search from some old dev videos
Wew, I'm ok with this.
So, in other word, shit?
Yeah, I hope it'll be both a high quality and highly popular game. It doesn't need any acclamation from the gaymer community, it only needs to be good.
You need to work on your baiting techniques.
There's a part of night city in original cyberpunk lore that survived nuclear blast actually.
I complete agree.
Whatever happened to the "leak" they mentioned, or was that just a PR stunt?
The second, surely, because the Glitcher 3 was basically on that level. Sure, it was more complex than the second game, and sure the story was not bad, but fuck me, the combat gameplay was so fucking atrocious it brought everything down. It also wasn't a very good RPG, because you never really become better through your choices while levelling up, but through fucking jew magic, and the game literally has "This enemy is 3 levels above you, you do no damage to him" shit, if you level up 3 times, put literally no skillpoints in damage nor get a better weapon, you do magically more damage.
Its a toddpost retard.
Wasn't the creator a coon? I heard they would be directly working with him.
Wasn't it a direct statement from them?
It was nothing. It won't surprise me if the leak was about them not getting done anything this year.
Really though. FO4 and Mankind Divided have infinitely better combat and gameplay in general than NV and dudesex.
Creator of the lore is Gibson, a libtard who hates drumpf today. Creator of the game based on that lore is a nigger they work closely with.
I'd fuck toddette
What? Apparently hackers stole some files, including some relating to Cyberpunk 2077.
At the very least, CDprojeckt still calls it an "upcoming game"
I miss toddposting
This is what i fear. Cinematic combat instead of stat based gameplay.
Yeah, they said something like "something was leaked and they're asking us a ransom but we're not negotiating with terrorist so please believe that whatever he has is not what we're working on and we're totally far from the drafting phase go- guys please believe us".
I was expecting to at least be able to see whatever the hell they did. If anything we'd be able to understand what the game would be like.
Oh yeah I forgot about the "stolen" stuff. Nothing did come of that though. What I meant is didn't they say it would have some dream system and some (((seamless multiplayer)))
Multiplayer would fucking kill this game before it even born.
How? MkD may have a bit of that but FO4 improved upon the mechanics without making any of them cinematic.
Reminder that FO4 combat was done by ID, not bethesda.
Doesn't make a difference when you play the game.
As much as 2020's plot is ripped off from Gibson's works, he had nothing to do with the game.
It's almost as if everything CDPR does is plagiarism.
Going to post the lore nigger.
But i thought poland was supposed to be based.
Just fucking make VATS into bullet-time for fucks sake. Add leaning to the side. There you have your basis for a corridor shooter but with gray textures of cracks.
kek the artist had no fucking idea what he was doing
Making more cutscenes probably.
what that has to do with anything?
Holy shit I just did some research and apparently they're 500 fucking employees working on it.
My dad works there.
Around 2/3'rds of the way through this long ass video.
giving your money to drug dealers and prostutes.
2077 is actually a date of relase. It's only few years.
Im pretty sure it will be like Human Revolution but with way bigger maps and rpg shit getting in the way of the gameplay. We never saw they do an urban setting, so not sure how autistc their level of detail could be, i doubt it could be garbage like the Obsidian tough.
The best thing they could probably do with this game is come up with some new dialogue form, because people standing still and talking staring at each other while the cameras changes back and forth is really starting to get to me.
I have no doubt the writing will be good. The problem is if they'll do anything of what they promised in the initial pitch (different backgrounds leading to vastly different gameplay styles, hard and brutal combat). I doubt they'll implement much of what they promised, so I'm expecting a Cyberpunk GTA with dialogue choices and Dark Souls drop-in multiplayer.
The bible was written by men. If God exists he abandoned us a long time ago.
God is retarded.
Restarting development a million times because they don't know how to make games, just cinematic shit.
They're hoping by the time they release their third person shooter with RPG elements that no one remembers it was supposed to be an RPG.
They'll do a big reveal at the next E3 like Beyond Good and Evil 2 and the main protagonist is a black woman with a giant hologram fro.
C'mon guy he's doing the best he can.
So how are you going to stand beyond your father's shadow?
Which deity? Some are actually dumb by nature.
So we're positing a Shinto-style deity of being bullied?
He should try harder.
By brutal they meant gore, so thats easy, since W3 already had it. But "hard", lol nope, the only dificulty we will see in this game is some artificial overleveled bullet sponge rpg bullshit.
You're right.
He should deposit that boypussy on my doorstep right now
fucking great, because huge teams surely work just fine are easy to coordinate, and totally dont drain huge amounts of money
They're taking their sweet time with it, that's for sure. Maybe they have the vision of the game in mind and are working hard on bringing that to reality or maybe they got in over their heads and have to keep adjusting the game to meet a more realistic state.
I think its pretty much going to be cyberpunk GTA with melee combat, guns, tech, stealth and hacking and of course some RPG elements such as stats and dialogue choices. Which honestly doesn't sound bad. If they can make every play style unique and fun and offer multiple paths through the game resulting in multiple endings, they're fine.
One idea I had was to let Netrunners complete the entire game from their hideout through the net and cyberspace hacking.
Those are 500 slavs. Thats like a billion mericans working on a game.
Which is good, because neither one of them ever made a decent game to begin with.
like they said, so much has changed from that trailer, they have rewritten/remade entire thing at least once apparently, thats why the theft of some early drafts don`t affect them and why they didn`t cave
someone post the esports webm plx
Or they just don't know what duck they are doing.
YFW Cyberpunk's campaign is just a brief streamlined tutorial for the eSports focused multiplayer mode.
I want to fugg you're mom, gently in the missionary position.
I want to fug his mom doggystyle.
Is this game going to subscribe to the idea that cyberpunk=neon lightning everywhere?
Nah. I think the cucked dev of The Last Night has that covered.
It's all rip-offs of other stuff more creative people developed.
cdprojekt red never made a good game, nobody should be looking forward to this shit.
So why would they care to make a statement if it was just some throwaway shit they got their hands on?
I am so hype for this game…why you post this OP?> we know there's no updates (apart from someone threatening to leak early plans holding them to ransom in true cyberpunk style)
How does it feel to be this big of a nigger?
Kek, are you not implying that they hired them dirt-cheap and it will take them atleast a month to just start up the computer?
I've had slavs working for my neighbours, they are the lazyies sons of bitches, above niggers obviously but still. Took them 8 months to put on roof-tiles for example.
Well the creator is black so dont have a meltdown if *SHOCK* there's some black people in it!! :O
Cyberpunk is a dystopic vision of the future where the corrupt mega corporations own the world and the people have to live in multicultural and multi-ethnic slums. Where the truth is hidden and people just spend their time escaping into the Net or some hyper drug. Its not a pretty future, but having black people fits the dystopic vision.
Yep. Id be really confused if this pissed people off, well not rly, not here. Id just assume they didnt understand the genre.
Unless you're a mentally ill leftists that thinks such a shithole is paradise. Leftists are too stupid to realize cyberpunk is a dystopian future and that we are already living in it.
You know what doesn't fit? (You)
100 of them are diversity hire, trannies and faggots, the other 100 are diverse shade of Niggers. They also renamed the game: CyrberQueer: Revenge of the Pozed Nigger Dick.
It's gonna be an open world sand box FPS with anemic leveling and crafting sistems
I expect nothing new on the gameplay departamente at this point i just want to see how pozzed the end game will be
Such is life on Holla Forums
It's a fucking Polish game developer. They don't do diversity hires.
Don't reply to Americans, they're all niggers.
Prove it.
Their teaser in witcher 3 was ok I guess
I'm cautiously optimistic
user, the description they gave could describe any cyberpunk game
Given that PR was developing Cyberpunk, I hardly think this would be a coincidence.
Anyway, it's just a tease. Doesn't tell anything about how teh development process is going.
I lost all interest. I don't even think it's ever coming out and the trailer looks worse the older it gets.
I can't wait till this comes out.
Because I can see what will happen.
Initial reviews will be glowing because "it's CPR GUIZ!!!!" and dissent will be crushed under the fanboy heel.
Give it some time, it will change into mediocrity at best in the eyes of the people.
The longer this game takes, the more likely it'll suck. Duke Nukem Forever showed this.
this, the longer it takes to develop the bigger people's expectations and the bigger dissapointment
That's Star Citizen you're talking about.
Exactly. Happens every time, no matter the project.
At this point we should consider waiting for the "welp, this game sucks, done with gaming bye guys" posts across the internet. IIRC this is one of the very few things still keeping people invested in the hobby let alone the industry.
Pic related, but I honestly think when Star Citizen crashes and burns, it's going to be fucking messy.
3 had the best gameplay out of the entire series.
The threshold for the "way too high level for you nigga" is more like 15-20 levels.
So why did they England stronk independent womyn in the Witcher 3, and then add sandniggers for 'dieversity' in the expansion.
The polish are at the head of the anti-refugee movement in EU.
Duke Nukem Forever was not a disapointment because of excessive expectations or long development, but because it was a piece of shit. If you knew nothing of it, you'd still see the bad design and performance issues.
Consider, Prey also had a long and troubled development, but it was actually pretty damn good.
Are Poles Slavs? They seem to be in a grey area. On one hand they kind of act like Slavs, but on the other hand they're Catholic instead of Orthodox, their alphabet is based off of the Latin instead of the Greek, their movies are never that depressing, and their brows and cheekbones always look less pronounced than those of other Slavs.
Come on, it's the 13th century
All I hope is that it's a TPS that isn't slow as shit, cover heavy, movement locked down, airsoft weaponry AAA garbage.
What's Witcher 3 like anyways?
All mothers will lie to protect their children.
I'd fuck Todd before any of those other trannies, and while he moans he better tells me sweet little lies about the future of vidya.
Wait a minute… Is the claim of a ‘magical evening’ just another one of Todd’s sweet little lies, or…?
In any case I’m going with Todd of course
Compared to other Eastern European films I mean. Polish films are more like French films, only less pozzed.
The world is a shithole dystopia, of course it's going to be multicultural as shit.
It wouldn't be believable otherwise.
half their team is working on a card game a pretty good card game to be fair
i just hope they dont go further down the ubisoft open world bullshit route and tune down the follow the red line to replace it with actualy following clues and thinking on your own.
you just said the magic words
The trailer was mostly just there to garner interest, so they could hire better people.
Also they only really started development after they finished TW3 + DLC, so it's probably too early to panic.
Intellectuals are cucks
You're wrong, it's just a decade late for the pozzing, but luckily all universities are working really hard on it, despite language itself not leaving room for gender ideology due to the fact gender exists as a linguistic fact and not pseudoscience.
Poland will be as bad as current day germany in 10-20 years, because peak of patriotism is to roll over and die(obviously it's better to die so invader has easier time), and everyone valuable moves elsewhere, the cesspool moves to UK to abuse anglo's retarded welfare and immigration laws.
Women are huge sluts (can't cook whatsoever so forget about trying any of the cuisine unless) and will easily go for spics, Mediterraneans or middle-easterners, niggers are too much though.
Thing in picrelated (Named Krzysztof Bęgowski, pretends to be anna grodzka, whom everyone calls using neuter form in mockery "anno grodzkie") is guarding the country from gender ideology, and the most prominent faggot mayor is so much of a failure, his city has lowest citizen count in 30 years.
Poles are west slavs. Different in many ways from east slavs and south slavs but still slavs.
Just out of curiosity, has anyone here played cyberpunk 2020 before?
I want off this ride
God is simply natural law
Was Witcher 3 even good? Worth a buy really made that gameplay look like shit.
I really enjoyed it despite all the shit anons say about it
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Ever play any other games with the interlock system? It plays a lot like that.
It's alright, better than D&D although that isn't too hard if you've taken a look over at the newer additions in an actual gameplay sense but it's harder to craft campaigns in the setting than it is in D&D.
Actually, the first edition is based in 2013, so we're well past it.
The game looks like bait for every kind of cosplaying degenerate imaginable.
Its good at pretty much everything except being a game. The main story is shit though. I can plenty of enjoyment out of though.
Yep, and I still don't give a shit about it
Why is this garbage with no gameplay footage hyped up again?
CDProjekt died the moment they went Public.
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They're still fucking hiring people to work on it and have been trying for several years.
There aren't exactly hundreds of highly qualified artists and technical people in Poland.
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This is something I'll NEVER fucking understand.
There's no footage, barely any discussion of what the gameplay will be, the devs never talk about it and there's no release date.
I was going to draw a comparison between this and Death Stranding, but then I remembered DS was only announced a year or two ago, it has a rough release date, Kojima Productions regularly talk about it and there's plenty of information on what the game will be.
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How so?
I simply poster Bannerlord because it was announced 4 years ago and yet it has gameplay footage.
I don't see where the difficulty comes in this choice. If it's sales you're after it's guarenteed anyways considering that 2077 is a AAA game and there's bound to be a shitzillion dollars behind the marketing, which is the sole reason AAA games get sales in the first place.
What model would you chose? I agree its guaranteed sales for a variety of reasons but the design challenges are pretty big.
Ideally, they'd want a fallout/skyrim rpg with full customization to get max players, but how the hell do you design a city metropolis? Are there cars etc, how many interiors.
That's what anyone who actually doesn't live in Poland think. Living in Poland is a weird experience.
On one hand you look at your own culture and think that things are not as bad as they seem.
We seem to have a lot of people with patriotic spirits but the truth is that most of them are mostly delusional, memeing the "POLAND IS STRONK" shit and wasting their time on watching videos and memes on how Poland was strong in the past and how heroic we fought yada yada. They don't actually do anything worth noting, there isn't really any strong activism coming from them and most of them are claiming to be patriots just to feel better about themselves in a very normalfag way and not because they want to realy help our country. Their patriotism is limited to listening to Sabaton and wearing a shirt about some popular topic of our history.
You would think that we are skeptical about harmful modern changes that destroy our tradition, but the problem is this doesn't truly come from knowledge of the dangers that those changes pose. It comes from simplicity and prejudice against any change in general. Although it has some good points it makes people close to tradition, the problem is that it feels like people here fear any kind of change. Even if it was a good kind of change that could take us out of the awful situation we are in.
It's a country that could have potential of becoming greater than it is currently, but the problem is that the society we have is just far too weak to improve. People here do not believe that anything can change. Everyone thinks that there is no better way, that no matter what they would do everything is stacked against them.
This country is not actually developing, it is slowly withering away and no one actually cares.
It's all the fault of communists and there are still retards that would defend that shitty system even after seeing what it can do to a populace