Webm Thread: Good Size Edition

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pure canca










okay, okay, alright, that one made me laugh. didn't expect it from a fucking modern sonic cartoon.


I hate this half a press bullshit. It's so arbitrary.

The whole cartoon is pretty fucking great, there is even a chris-chan episode.

Sup """"""""""""""""""""""Henry""""""""""""""














jesus, that's really super. How did a neetwit like you get so tasteful?

This right here . I forget the name of it, but you have to watch the Chris-Chan episode, it's fucking insane.


I haven't watched it, but i've got some good clips from it.








Saved friend

Kemono Friends is the only acceptable anime


Why would I


It's pretty good and worth a watch


That is fucking savage.






That's autism for you. Just as bad as that dumbfuck safari bullshit posted ITT. Why people have such shit taste, I don't understand.









One the one hand the kekistan shit is weapons-grade cringe but on the other hand it baits the media into even dumber and cringier shit

Just hope they don't go full chanology and lose their self-awareness













Your level of resolve is not sugoi.
















Did you expect a bunch of fitness models and Tom Selleck's to be making dildos?

very good prosthetic work



It's shit, user. Absolute shit. Might as well be a brony. The rest of the anime community laughs at you.

What a shitty situation.


Considering the rest of the anime community is currently jerking it to Oreimo 2.0 and foot high catgirls I wouldn't value their opinion that highly.



You're not wrong

Almost forgot




People find this shit funny?

I remember these. I have a playlist of them since they're unlisted.

Why do people do this?

Post moar like this.






Since when? Also it's about time.

Well when you say it like that.
I will never understand that.

Kekshit is massive cancer, but fuck me if I didn't lose it at the part with Tyrone Sargon of Akkad.

I really can't gather through context what exactly is going on, other than it appears there's some streamer or speedrunner or something? who acts up too much and is too confrontational and got kicked out? My first gut feeling was that the security guard guy was being an asshole which is the reason for the recording, but sitting through most of it it's hard to tell whether he's the good guy, the bad guy, or niether. The dude opposite him isn't even arguing with him he's just asking questions, so I can't tell if the guard was being a jerk and hiding behind "it's my job i don't want to do that to people," or if the guy who got banned from whatever was actually in the wrong and got what he deserved.

A speedrunner was kicked out of AGDQ for allegedly wearing a MAGA hat. I don't remember the details, but the organizers of the event made shit up.

Hifume seriously is the best girl in that show by a massive landslide.

Oh, that's what they meant by "the hat." Jesus. I am not surprised whatsoever but to still hear the actual bullshit baffles me anyway. Like when you know jews are horrendous and dishonest arguers but if you ever actually argue with them in reality it's still mind boggling to witness firsthand the incredible amount of gymnastics and dishonesty that comes from those snakes.



I want to know that fucking song.

here you go user

Never had a chance to play Godhand I didn't know it was actually legit.

A lot of these problems are related to the mac release which required a mass quality drop and the removal of console commands that let you go into "ultra" graphics which could not be achieved via the graphics menu, filthy iOS faggots started the mass decline in quality, and CS:GO killed off the rest of it.


Afghanistan aesthetics?

Sounds more like normalfaggotry to me. All the chinese cartoons we watch don't compare to the degree of degeneracy broadcast on the electric jew every day.


It's fake, lads.

Because it's the tamest shit (((they))) can get away with.

thanks doc

kill yourself, honestly m8




Godhand was fucking awesome. I still have a disk for my PS2 might just bust it out.

Godhand really is a fantastic game that everyone who likes action games should play.



you fucking edge lord why did you cut it there

Because it's interrupted by Robin at that point (Captain still manages to dodge him)




I can't believe how based these writers are.

Maybe I should watch this.

It's so fucking redpilled it's hilarious.






It's so terrible how he went from things like this to "muh goblin apartheid."


I don't know why I found that so funny.

makes sense

Are you referring to Klonk! and The fifth elephant? Because those were hardly bad stories.

Now that I like.

No, I mean the ones he wrote right before he died. He introduced this new race that got one mention in the immediately previous book that were literally an apartheid analogue that had this amazing culture and practices but people looked down on them because "they ate kids" and then Pratchett goes "it's just cruel math see it's because they don't get enough food and they save their souls in soul jars that are inexplicably the most beautiful things even though they're made of rubbish because muh multi culti"

Oh also in the end of their premiere book all the world's leaders go to a harp concert and listen to one of the goblins play music that is somehow
that then afterwards they decide "ok they're actual people/citizens now." It is the most bullshit thing I have ever read in anything ever and I've read some fucking severe liberal trash believe you me.

this looks like trash

Which war is this?

I just pulled out my fucking copy out of my closet bookcase of to get to the paragraph; this tripe is all copied wholesale by me just now
Whence came it, that ethereal music, from what hidden grot or secret cell? From what dark cave? From what window into paradise? We watched the tiny figure under the spotlight and the music poured over us, sometimes soothing, sometimes blessing, sometimes accusing. Every one of us confronting ghosts, demons and old memories. The recital by Tears of the Mushroom, a young lady of the goblin persuasion, took but half an hour or, perhaps, it took a lifetime, and then it was over, to a silence which spread and grew and expanded until at last it exploded. Every single patron standing and clapping their hands raw, tears running down our faces. We had been taken somewhere and brought back and we were different people, longing for another journey into paradise, no matter what hell we had to atone for on the way.

Where do i download the whole thing like any normal tv series?

What's the deal with posting?

i've been trying to post for a quite a while now, something with the site, lets just hope i didn't doublepost

I mean, you hit reply over and over, and nothing happens! What's up with that?

It died. Twice at least.

So which furry is pissed off at this site now?

Chechen war.
Brush up on your history: footage is obviously made in 94, russian flag on tanks, everything looks like ass, but is not a desert…

My bets are on a classic wolf wit ha technicolor tongue.
If it's not a wolf, then a dolphin/orca whale.


Also be careful what sources you read, since the West likes to paint the Chechen War in a way that makes Chechens look like saints. And Russian sources are the way they usually are on topics regarding Russia.

What the fuck, never heard of this. The last book I read was the midnight dressand I cried

I kinda liked the earlier approach he took with a lot of the nightwatch stuff where he parodied the typical divide between the mystical creatures and played off those.

I was born in 92 in Russia. That whole ordeal along with the rest of post-soviet "wacky" 90's was obviously kept away from me by my parents, they're not overtly political. I was too young to understand what the fuck was going on anyway, all I knew was that plastic airsoft pistols and Rescue Rangers were the shit. And anybody who so much as sneezed on my Dendy the wrong way was a dead man.
By now all the history has been rewritten so many times by so many people on so many sides that it's almost useless to look for the parallels, the only truths on the subject, so I don't bother.
There's always going to be enough war to go around, but I've got a backlog to get through …

I still have my bootleg nes, thought it's broken
sure brings back memories



I had to take a look at a publishing timeline but yeah, that book was written right before Snuff and Raising Steam, which were two of the last three books he wrote, and where he introduced the Nigg- Goblins.

This paragraph in universe is from The Times' music correspondent, and while right before it there's a bit making fun of the flowery dialogue the rest of the book follows that that paragraph happened exactly as written. Given its contents and allegory you might understand why I was so angry about it.






what's wrong with some cute feet?


they're not sexual
there is zero reason to be sexually aroused by feet
or armpits
or knees
or children





why is this website such shit lmao

If I was talking in the woods and I saw that I would instantly shoot it.


Dementia is one hell of a drug.

What a qt!


I bet you want to smell her farts you pervert


jap memes are garbage

Not at all, I just think the voice and the editing were great.

You can't fool me you filthy crossboarder I'll report you to the meidos and then you'll never post again


Sorry mate, I only fap to /cuteboys/, not anime.


Alright I give in you disgusting pervert







That was really cute








It's set in the same universe and was written by the same dude.



What's it called? I'm interested now.

Koukaku no Pandora.




GiTS went to shit right after the OVA, even the psx game was shit

It's set way before the events of GITS, since the cyborg stuff was just getting started in Pandora.


Did GiTS specifically cover that this type of fetishes would degenerate into really bad shit? I remember that episode where the guy wanted to run away with his robot waifu, and section 9 had to stop him for some reason. I think it was more because he was stealing company secrets when he was taking robo waifu, but still.

Have some more.

Shit taste.
Yuri moeblob gives a heavenly feel.

So valve went out of its way to make it look worse? Why?

Youmu is a cute.


First Episode of SAC has guys swapping bodies with robot Geishas, he always expected people to be degenerates.


One of the more recent movies had bipedal antipersonnel munitions disguised as anime maids.



Don't feel bad, his brain was literally degenerating. If only we had have legalized euthanasia and he would have been able to kill himself before he wrote that dreck.

plus side is, we now have an anecdote for leftism being caused by literal mental disease

Actually the real reason all the effects had a massive downgrade is literally because of Hats and Skins

Source Engine has a sprite and texture limit, and if you pass it the engine will attempt to kill itself and everything slows the fuck down

When you load a game you're loading every special effect/cosmetic etc in the game at the same time, the more of this shit they add the more they have to lower effects/textures elsewhere

It's not an iOS thing, it's a decades old game engine thing

Since when did EDs earn the right to be this powerful ?




They are. No idea why, but I think it's due to people being vulnerable there. Probably the same reason why people are into kissing bellies or someone's neck.

It is the new chanology. After seeing way too much evidence, Kekistan is no different really. I am currently making a video which is compiling all the cringe and shit from all over the internet to prove my point.

That's more or less the point of it. Keep in mind, it's really more of a twitter/youtube thing than a 'chan thing. Which is surprisingly not as horrible as it sounds, given the shittiness of both those places.
The worst of it comes from halfchan, funnily enough. That shit goes full autism tier.

On twitter, at least, it seems to mostly be used to piss off both Holla Forumsacks and SJWs alike. Holla Forumsacks get uppity about 'stolen memes', and SJWs assume it's automatically a white nationalist KKK nazi cult while the kekistan lot calls them racist bigots because 'ethnic kekistani' is a thing now, thanks to apparently ethnicity being a 'social construct' according to the SJWs.

I recommend avoiding anything from 4chan around it, honestly.

This guy is something of 80% the reason I want to learn to draw.



what the fuck is going on here?

Something like this would be pretty fucking cool.
Just a huge, immense map you can dash through and explore side to side.

cute autistic girls doing cute autistic stuff

You didn't after they found that using magnets to damage the functionality of portions of people's brains also induced leftism?

Not stripping down and parrying the Guardian with nothing but a pot lid.




I wonder how much of that is the wait for Hitler crowd?













Whats the songs name?



>tfw when bulgar and constantly hear shit like this in fucking everywhere
its a blessing and a curse

I mean if you really want to piss off the compression demons




I was under the impression that "modern" music was more popular.


Is this supposed to be funny?


We have this absolutely disgusting degenerate shit called popfolk but there is also tons of balkan music played all across.
We also have some retarded discount rappers. Basically nigger and gypsy music is being pushed to make people degenerate. American pop music is also played on the "modern" channel and radios but its not that popular. 4th place goes to rock which I actually like. This is bulgar land of course im not sure about the rest.







Hi Ho Roll Me Over is also a great one.

But the whole point of a fetish is to sexualize something which isn´t sexual in itself, otherwise it wouldn´t be a fetish, silly.

Fetish's dictionary meaning is "Fetish for sexual arousal" which can be applied to anything that arouses people

One mans fetish might be huge asses, another mans might be huge breasts, another mans might be he only finds women attractive in high heels, or another only finds women hot when they're holding guns

Fetishes are sexual, and it doesn't just have to do with a human body etc

Also don't confuse fetish for kink, fetish is what arouses people, kinks are what people do outside their fetishes

No, technically a fetish is whatever turns you on. It's most often used in the context of things that usually don't turn normal people on, because it's already understood that juicy tits or thick asses are generally arousing. They aren't called fetishes, even though technically they are, because it's accepted that it doesn't need to be mentioned.

Fetish can also mean, in a much more oldschool definition, a kind of talisman. Like a voodoo doll or small artifact, or some mystical item having to do with the occult. On occasion you'll see video games with items that give you stat boosts or something and they're called things like "wicker fetish" or "gnarled ashwood fetish" or whatever. Offhand Grim Dawn is one game that shows that.

That's like saying Door's dictionary meaning is "Door for buildings".


hes not wrong

hey that's pretty good

shit wrong video

Except "Door" means "Door" fucknuts



Words have very specific meanings, door for example can mean literal or metaphorical IE - "Door to Success"

Most of them do, some are more nebulous and need to be picked up through context. Like if I say "bow" you're not sure if I'm talking about the arrow shooty type or the present wrapping type.

Oh, shit, that reminds of that autist who was in a webm thread a few weeks back or something. He was sperging madly about the use of the word "they" as a term for one person or something, he shat out giant walls of text trying to claim it was jewish subversion or whatever. I remember some user tried explaining to him that it was used to mean one person whose sex you didn't and couldn't know, but that guy just ignored it or dodged it every time.
Man, the types that get dragged in here sometimes.

What a fag.


that is fucking spicy




What's up with that studio? Why the graffiti?

Triple Q is so fucking hideous. It really explains his love of anime.

Why so much shitty normalfag music?





That's a homograph though, bow can mean a bow as in bow and arrow, or take a bow after a play

































Whats the source on this? I wanna look up porn of it


Black Rock Shooter anime.

Have fun. It's a bottomless pit.





Alice to Zouroku

This girl cosplaying as Tomoko or something?









can someone provide me with the sauce on the song name?
Shazam cant find it

Here u go ^^

Here's another one.

jadna bosno suverena by Miro Semberac

He made a virus that caused all other models of his robofu to an sudoku so his robofu would be the most speshul.

And that's not what GitS is about you secondary mongoloid.



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