Here's how it would go:
Deirdre Skye: The biggest Mary Sue in gaming. Can literally do no wrong. Turns from pacifistic space hippy who humps mindworms into Anita in space. Will likely be the only character to get any "substance" (aka we gave her every advantage possible so she kicks everyone's ass)
Pravin Lal: Less than beta cuck who sits there with his thumb up his ass while Deirdre conveniently gets his "support" - turns from "beware of he who denies you information" to "SOCIAL JUSTICE STRONK"
Nwabudike Morgan: Black Trump. Great Satan. Ayn Rand on steroids with constant allusions to Hitler et al. They would racelift him even though ironically he wasn't that bad when it came to blacks in gaming. You won't get to play as him because that would be bad you cishet cracker.
Prokhor Zakharov: Fedora tipping can power Planet, especially the death camps where we lock up all "undesirables" (aka anyone who hates SJWs). You can be him, but just don't expect his classic lines like the one about man's unfailing capacity.
Miriam Godwinson: I don't even need to explain.
Corazon Santiago: Remember when she had a mentally deficient son canonically? He's gonna turn into a transsexual wonderkind who can do no wrong while she becomes cliche homophobic gun nut. Likely gets raped even harder than in original canon.
Sheng-Ji Yang: Morgan's partner in getting lore raped. Will probably be the one character people latch onto for the "did nothing wrong" meme (if not Morgan).
Cha Dawn: Probably even worse than Deirdre.
Cybernetic Consciousness: "Can we fuck them?"
Data Angels: Expect plenty of "satire" and "parodies" of 4Chan, GamerGate, etc.
Pirates: Saving the day via deus ex machina somehow.
Progenitors: "Can we fuck them?"
Then you tack on the DLC, the Beyond Earth-style streamlining, perhaps a console release, and presto: casus belli for bombing the shit out of those studios.
I always turned it off for most part. I have never listened to the radio even in real life, user.