Oy vey!
Are they going to ban all depictions of Stalin and communism too?
How do you ban mods?
I wouldn't be surprised if this was true, but I'm gonna wait for an actual source.
I think they might have bit off a bit more than they can chew with this one.
For consoles they just take them off the mod store.
Nice source you have there.
Whatchya doing there, Todd?
I still don't understand how Trump is a white nationalist.
based todd
Well he's white and he has a nation.
Everything else I can see them having grounds for taking down because of dumbass "hate" speech laws. But I'm pretty sure denying people the right to make mods featuring Kek or Trump is a violation of freedom of speech. Of course, this is only if true because:
They surely will, goy.
Based Todd
Fuck the underage memers and the whole "kekistani" thing, its pure garbage
But of courshe not.
Stupid goyim doesn't know that REAL socialiscm simply hasn't been done yet.
Every time.
What's your plan for a future where every job is automated?
bravo user
That's not going to happen.
Isn't that the cuck who killed himself after failing to prove that they were superior to anyone?
Why not?
no source gtfo
Reminder to filter people who pretend to be retarded.
It's a woman too, so you know it's a coal burner.
Gulags, of course.
Automation for lowskill work is not fiscally viable and is only a response to whiny middle class socalists that got a useless degree and think they deserve to pay their college debt with a McDonalds/Walmart job.
I wouldn't be so sure. This may be fake, but Bethesda controls what gets on the mod store. Same thing as censorship, but not like Bethesda is going to stop.
Tell that to McDonalds. They seem to be doing fine after replacing all those cashiers with machines.
Do you have a source for any of that?
It's part of Fallout's lore :^)
You deserve it.
Because it's the same exact techno-echatological fantasy that's been passed around since the 1540s. Every time people's lives change a little bit they declare the end of history and labor and declare themselves gods.
Is there any (((Western))) gaming company not owned by kikes?
Jews aren't white
Never going to happen. Machines can't be creative, they lack ingenuity and foresight like people do. Are also more expensive than human workers. A human worker that doesn't work out within a week for a corporation like McDonalds only costs them like $150 for the employee's paycheck. If a machine worker fails within a week of deployment it's gonna cost them $500 for repairs labor at least.
Upload to Bethesda's mod site can't contain real world political content according to their TOS. Them singling out a specific type according to OP, "Page Not Found" aside, would be redundant and virtue signalling to the max.
sage and reported thread for a waste of time.
The difference here is that this is the first time in human history where computers are actually capable of replacing human jobs.
McDonalds is doing that as we speak and these machines rarely break down. I don't think that Comcast approach to new technologies is gonna help anyone.
Donald Trump mod was deleted actually…
… from Nexus.
honestly, its project chanology 3.0. Its probably best to let reddit have Pepe now.
And it's all but certain that by the time tes 6 finally comes out,the only way to get mods pc and console will be through Bethesda's own mod store, so any shit they do now is just a preview of how they'll handle things later on when they have full control over modding.
Hell, that might be the thing that finally gets them to use a new engine, the ability to drm and lock down mods.
Do a quick search for "soviet" on any Nexus site and you'll see a fine example of liberal's double standards.
I was expecting KEK to become a normalfag meme just like any other memes. Eventually all memes turn to 9gag and reddit. You can't save your memes.
And this time its a disaster because its a cultist "god" of some sort.
Aren't the soviets and communists actual factions inside fallout universe?
And they get the order right each time, unlike the subhuman niggers and disinterested liberal arts graudates they had to hire before.
On top of that you have machines that can more accurately diagnose patients than doctors do, ones that are better lawyers than humans, ones that can write articles, write soap operas, etc.
Commies get the fuck out!
what's so liberal about limiting expression? I think this is a case of someone calling themselves liberal while acting authoritarian
A $15 minimum wage makes it viable, and once it's viable enough to be used even in small regions the experience gained from field testing will drive costs down even further.
Would GG be chanology 2.0?
Communist China is. I don't really recall any information about the state of Russia or Europe being on hand.
Oops you got enconomled
This is why the chinese can virtually never sell products domestically.
Hence why (((they))) are pushing for abortions, homosexuality and the mass importation of third world savages. Once the West descends into civil war and the population gets culled they'll have all the time they need to gulag us.
10D backgammon
missing the biggest part
And that's why the government will be forced to create more social programs if they want the system to continue but as more workers are replaced with robots the government will be forced to become communists.
Extremely small-scale automation in a handful of locations with a company that has 1.5 million employees isn't even a drop in the bucket.
Anyway, so the problem with automation is that (((capitalists))) are solely motivated by profit. Automation is expensive, but shitskin migrants are cheap. This is why you see every major retail/service industry corporation pushing for third-world migration: cheap labor. This is also why they fight against paying their workers a living wage, because guess what minimum wage workers are fully eligible for? Welfare. (((They))) pay their employees table scraps, and then the taxpayer foots the bill with massive welfare spending.
If you want to see massive automation, push for raising the minimum wage, because machines need to be cheaper than shitskin migrants before automation will ever truly take off in the retail/service industry.
Those are Neo-Liberals, which are not liberal at all. You've probably heard the expression "Classical Liberal" which in the context of today is a sort of centrist libertarian.
user, but Pepe was already becoming a normalfag meme its just Meme magic happened and it revitalized a Egyptian god of chaos who gave White nationalist one of the most pro-Isreal Presidents who has ever existed. But ultimately, once its no longer funny, it best to let it die fam.
at least we still have moonmandoom
there was a time where companies recognized their workers buy their products and tried to create decent working conditions to breed loyalty. now companies do the opposite and act like a workers wage is 100% never coming back because why would your underpaid workers buy your shit?
Hi, retard.
Chinese communists are, but that wasn't the point.
Not much info on Russia, aside from one of Fallout 1 playable character being a russian diplomat granddaughter
Automation is expensive initially, but the costs drop off sharply once implemented. Adidas closed one of their factories in China and moved it back to Germany and didn't hire anyone because the whole place was automated.
Also, you assume the shitskins actually do any sort of work. Truth is, they don't, 90% of them are not employable in any sort of capacity because they can't speak the language and have an average IQ of 60. They're there to keep the globalists in power.
Thats that whole (((universal income))) mark kikerberg is pushing. Soon niggers can sit around and smoke weed all day with free gibs. … wait a minute
Do you guys really believe that rednecks aren't the biggest leeches around?
Enjoy your neocon cuck doing nothing, retard.
Yes, because it's proven, you cocksucking faggot. Niggers and beaners are the welfare leeches.
Same sort of moralfag bullshit, same push for inclusivity and attempts to attain the moral high ground and same obsession with PR.
Spics and niggers account for the majority of welfare spending despite being minorities.
Are there any loli mods for FO4?
What the fuck is happening.
just as planned
Nah, that would be the kikes. Orthodox Jews are the laziest subhumans to ever exist.
✡Codemonkey✡ can't code worth shit. Every time the thread auto-updates, a new set of download links appears on the last image posted before the update.
top hu
Porchmonkey outsourced coding to Brazil and we are no seeing the results.
The subsidies and military basis in red states are gibsmedat social programs that are designed to give rural towns money without them sperging out.
The only difference between cletus and Tyrone is that Tyrone is aware of the fact that he is a burden while cletus demands respect while doing nothing to earn it.
And reported for being an obvious defeatist shill. Either leave the site or help us fight back against this faggotry, you self-absorbed faggot.
even tits mccamwhore hates it.
I wonder if Brittany let Mark rub his jewish dick between her tits?
HWNDU was a mistake
Thank god i only bought one game from them a decade ago
Never again!
Let them fall
What the fucking hell is up with all these newfags coming in and thinking that their typing style won't be instantly recognized?
I lived long enough for 4chan to become the new Ebaums. What a strange time to be alive.
HWNDU was pretty funny though, but yes, it got too much exposure and attracted the wrong crowd of imbeciles.
They do, they just don't work hard and are ridiculously incompetent. Down here in southwest FL, it's becoming harder and harder to find white fast food workers.
Neither the niggers nor the spics speak fluent english here, yet they're definitely still being employed.
Fairies aren't sluts user
it was only funny for the first few day's. It became pure cancer very quickly.
it was the best sitcom to date
I meant stealing the flag and driving the slimy Jew into a paranoid frenzy. The camera shit was mostly attention whoring.
this is why we should have just stuck to doing it for lulz instead of trying to push political views
w h a t ?
Well, the article isn't a bit wrong after i searched. Lots of commie and anarchy mods, but the only trump mod is a joke mod about million dollars.
you know who else liked to erase undesirables? stalin
I honestly want to kill that faggot for ruining what would have been otherwise hilarious. That due is the source of the cancer.
Yeah that was ok but it was still pure cancer. At least 4chan got all the fame. They are like a normalfag filter now that certainly protect us.
what if you literally are a racist Gentile and also hate Trump for being a cuck of Israel?
dude *
Say that to my face fucker not online and see what happens.
you mean sponge
normalfags getting a glimpse of the internet beyond facebook and twitter will never stop being funny
You all the same to me, fagface. And your pop culture dramas too.
shit thread. may as well roll
Rock My Cock
Rock my cock
Rock My Cock
Please give me a 3.
Why the
Are gamergate threads still allowed and why do they not just make their own board. This place is dead.
What's wrong? You love your shitty anarkiddies when they are in some tv show? Do you also "punch nazis"?
Faggot. In real life you are all losers.
they have a board
the initial excuse was that the board is the proxy while they have their sekrit base here on Holla Forums
least we still have tet
Because they are attention whoring spergs that can't go a week without having a collective meltdown and purging all the nasty wrongthink people for muh ethics muh PR.
Oh you.
Where the fuck do I even go for lols now, 8ch is a fucking joke and no way am I going back to cuckchan.
Yeah, it was fine for the first two months. Whatever.
sure whatever
they contain massive amounts of genuine autism from contaminating the board.
Rock My Cock
rolling for a fast and painless death
You got a long life full of suffering instead
I don't watch your jewlywood shows, faggot.
They've made multiple boards. Every one of them died.
Don't blame me, blame the dictionary.
I don't think there were many mods with mention of Kek or 4chan the only Donald Trump mod I downloaded is the Exp gain sound change to a million dollars.
Fuck it Rock My Cock
federal subsidies are also welfare
Re-rolling for the love of god
Rock My Cock
I'm just one man. How can I kill every gay in the world?
There are too many gg boards bby
I wish I knew
humor and lulz are dying faster and faster
its run its course. i don't even know anymore
It would take a lot of time and money, but it could be done.
A lot of those states are majority black too.
Forget lols, I can hardly find good discussion anymore.
Holy fucking shit.
What a surprise!
Dadaengine is not real writing.
Before bethesda retcon, WWII ended different way without nukes being dropped on Japan which lead to nuclear energy being so positively seen as a viable alternative to oil when it ran out.
Western and Central Europe was united into European Commonwealth which imploded and destroyed each other during the resource wars times.
Russia was partly Annexed by CHYNA
You might not have thought about labor simply not being worth that amount.
If i was gubmint, I could set the minimal hourly wage to 10000 dollars, to accomplish that I'd simply cause inflation.
It's not about having more money, it's about money having more purchasing power.
he also understood democracy and that those who count votes are in charge and not the voters.
Maybe if you didn't use cartoon morality you'd understand historical figures like Lenin, Dzierżyński, Stalin or Hitler.
fuck off
guise we finally got a program running people are no longer that rile up about, i guess we can get modders to make quality
content for us
time to moderate it to death
It hurts
you only have yourself to blame for revealing your powerlevel
you're in it right now faggot
shadilay brothers
Poor little sutter baby having a shitfit.
Please don't be American army
Why the fuck would you tell him that? What is wrong with you?
What I get for browsing on my phone, I am not home much as you can imagine
as long as my child rape/murder mods are left alone…
Rock my cock
Rock My Cock you uncreative meme motherfucker
Scientists since the 1920s have been crying out about the extinction of the white race and how the birthrate for the white race will dissappear by 2015. This is just as much a fantasy, but you aut-right retards don't have trouble crying about it. Additionally, how are robots becoming advanced enough to take jobs from humans a "fantasy"? It is already happening.
How is it not the point? It's canon to the Fallout universe, and therefore can be seen as lacking any kind of political agenda that a "Kekistani Drumpf XD" mod would bring.
Nice elf.
well the real leagal case would not be freedom of speach but the areguemnent that you have the right to use their code/assets in any manner you wish to use it (save redistributing THEIR CODE/ASSETS) weather they want to bitch about you distributing on their site is a non issue but being able to use other distribution methods will be the big line that you would theoretically need them to cross.
Why the fuck is this shit thread still up?
but are loli mods banned?
Only a hwhite nationalist would want more than one scoop.
The source leads to a 404 page, actual retard.
This makes no sense at all given the trumps have money in (((Zenimax))). Robbert Trump is a board member. I understand it was Nexus that was censoring the mods, not Bethesda.