Who thought making Drake's daughter look like a SJW tumblerina was a good idea?
Who thought making Drake's daughter look like a SJW tumblerina was a good idea?
Naughty Dog, who is comprised of SJWs and faggots wanting to make "grown up" (((Cinematic Experiences))) instead of video games.
They picked literally the worst one
uggo butterface
Do we know what the mom looked like? What’s up with the round nose?
You may not like it, but that's the image of the teenage girl boosted out to maximum average.
Soney could probably make 5 or more movies with the money they waste on these "games"
Why the fuck are western devs so obsessed with average looking plain boring characters?
I know the "muh realism" bullshit but interesting, good looking people also exist in real life.
An SJW tumblrina. That's who.
Objective beauty is evil to kike puppets, user.
>>>Holla Forums
inb4 drawfag gives wardrobe change
Who thought making Uncharted was a good idea?
Why the Jew of course! why go with Amy Hennig's vision of letting Drake have a nuclear family, where the player can empathize with the son and daughter when you can have a stronk female future protagonist! Hope you like more representation when that bitch who has no fucking role in the Uncharted 4 will have a chick flick with Chloe.
It's because they can't write interesting characters, so it's only fair that they have the design and rendering teams not make interesting characters either.
I can go outside for 10 minutes and see more attractive teenagers on average
maybe I'm just lucky to live in such a place, but I still think this design was fucking jarring as hell especially with how attractive Drake and Elena are
looks like a kike-lite nose
I like how they're under the impression that this game will make the same blockbuster bucks the previous ones did
Chloe can be fairly charming at times, but with no one decent to actually banter with (unless Sully returns) or have some sort of sexual tension against she really loses her strengths, especially paired with that black mary sue from 4, who might as well float 2 feet off the ground at all times and breath fire
Drake was the biggest selling point and the brand icon
I'm sure this game will do at least decent on release because hype and idiots, but it won't have the staying power of the other games
SJWs, and hipsters will eat it up, but your average gamer dude will probably just ignore it simply out of lack of interest, which means it'll only be really selling to the hardcore fans, who already got closure from the last game
Uncharted is going to become more and more like Halo as time goes on, it'll keep afloat on brand loyalty, but it won't be ruling the roost anymore
what about her strikes you as looking like a SJW?
Why haven't Drake or Elena hardly age at the end? It seems like they adopted her
Because cute/sexy things are a dog whistle for patriarchy.
bite me Hansen! your sting operations are a joke.
I haven't heard anyone talking about the chick lead Uncharted games, not even hardcore fans. Which is a good sign, I hope it fucking dies.
Obviously you didn't look for hardcore enough fans.
No, not every nose is jewish. I'm not sure what that nose is actually. Probably either slavic or some Mediterranean shit.
I would tap that.
fucking hell
who invited normalfag scum?
get out, retards. never mind that pointing out a mere fact is hardly being a pedophile
they flat out added her to appease SJW's
one of the playtesters even called them out for it
Because post-modernism says that anything beautiful or inspirational must be destroyed.
What. Since when neets are normalfags?
Why does she have friggin sideburns?
when they get offended by someone saying teens are attractive
You know muslims are normalfag scum too and rape teens on streets of sweden, france, germany and england?
They added a lot of stuff to appease SJWs, but the kid at the end of the game?
I just don't see it. You can say she's ugly, but a lot of the characters are ugly. They were not making an anime.
I don't just agree with something because someone crys SJW, what is wrong with her?
Im here for the porn, where is it?
The Platonic Form is probably a better way to phrase that.
It's literally not rape when you don't understand the concept of rape.
Local law also agrees.
If that isn't true, why are feminists importing savage 60IQ incestuous rapists to show them and their beta cucks what a real man does?
It's true. Western women have an oversupply of beta cucks, this is why two digit alpha nigger are allowed to flood their countries.
words mean something, OP
this looks literally disgusting
none. I still don't know how they got PS3 models.
And besides, why would anyone want porn of this ugly cunt
well, look harder at the images posted in this thread
yeah, like "you're retarded"
When you aren't busy going your own way do you Jack off to Japanese cartoons?
I have no idea.
Explains a lot.
What have they done to her? She looks like a tranny?!
I bet Druckmann will ruin the character in the DLC and make her a lesbian and she'll have sex with Nadine (Druckmann's Mary Sue in U4).
But the celebration of the mundane and average isn't post-modern. Further, this schlock isn't even worth the title of post-modern, as it's the video game equivalent of kitsch art for the disgusting working man.
Because first they confused women with men in the 80s and 90s and thought they were the same.
Then they started hiring real women.
And then the real women see all images as competition like a parakeet pecking a mirror, so we get uggo women in media so the real women feel secure in their ability to control men.
Just wait till you start thinking like us, whether you agree or not, the thoughts will pop in. Then you're here forever.
Why doesn't she exhibit any of Drake's facial traits?
Because that's Drake.
Heres a hint user. What do military men in tour, with wives at home and drake have in common?
Proficiency with firearms?
Western men need to realize that the best way to get back at western women and niggers is to beat them at their own game. White men need to go and impregnate the female niggers and ignore any other woman.
there is some after all
Just looks like how the girls dressed when I was 12 years old 15 years ago.
Move along, OP is getting triggered over nothing.
thanks pixiv, there's other 3d shit but its 3d shit
Witches work in covens user.
They still hate each other even if they work together to achieve their ends.
Just look how then turn on one another at the drop of a hat.
Doesn't everyone do that though?
Sure, that's it user.
come on guys, you really are triggered by anything
looks like a regular awkward young girl to me
Do you turn on your friends over petty bullshit or because it suits your agenda?
If so you'd probably make a bad friend, but a great SJW.
Do you believe this user? Can you poop on command?
After the stronk black womyn beat the fuck out of the unkillable video game man to placate SJW writers hate boner for white males, how long until Nathan Drake's daughter becomes a coalburner?
They'll probably just make her into a lesbian tbh.
And you'll have an option to thank her for her courage in telling you and saying you're proud to have a progressive daughter. By option I mean both options are to say that.
Wait, you can't poop on demand? Really?
No. I'd turn on anyone if it ends up being more profitous than not though. I left all my friends behind because they were losers who would never amount to anything more than minimum wage. They're still peons.
Y-yes? Is it something uncommon?
That's a pretty big dog
Doesn't anyone?
That game is such a joke, one of testers got fired for calling this scene stupid.
Stop inhaling greasy foods anons, give your system a break. You will get colon cancer.
I also don't think a greasy diarrhea shit is going to slow most rapists
Do you just spontaneously shit whenever you need to?
Fair enough if that's how you want to live.
How about this, instead of focusing on making cute characters they focus on making good games with an interesting story, gameplay, atmosphere, and uniqueness? This is something both western and Japanese devs fail at at least fucking slavs get it right and other Eurofags.
That's how everyone should live in my opinion, it's the only mindset that allows the development of the person. It's the only mindset that promotes self-improvement.
So when you poop, does it just happen? Like are you like a rabbit, who just drops little nuggets of poop wherever he goes, and it falls out your pants leg? Or is it like a diaper thing?
Also, I dont have runny shits, I have too much dairy, so my shits are rock hard, to the point that i've had anal tears when the poops get to be too big for my boyhole to handle.
I prefer this one.
Ahh, fresh bait.
Thank you for this insightful quote Ken-sama.
I can already vividly see this in my mind.
Whoa, so insightful: if you're twelve.
No, I'm regular, I shit once a day, usually in the morning, sometimes midday, solid, not too hard.
I eat a lot of dairy too. If you are shitting rock hard, try more fiber, leafy greens like spinach and kale. I make my own kefir in stead of buying expensive yoghurt, and I can tweak the kefir so that it acts as a mild diarrhetic but I normally don't have to but you can try that user.
Get the fuck outta here with those numbers.
As always, Satan tries to deceive us.
because if they made a hot 12-14 year old girl they would all be crucified by sjw+
Well Holla Forums IS much more weeaboo than halfchan, so posters tend to be quite "exquisite".
Muh opression.
Wasn't there some playtester that called them out for all the leftie shit? I think Druckman was super butthurt about it and posted something about it on social media.
oh boy
At other points in history, people would have flooded this post with replies of laughing faces.
Now, what do we do? Unironically reply with stupid questionings and unneeded reasonings.
(((W I F E ' S S O N)))
try diapers.
What the fuck is that?
A true Holla Forums user.
So, they just redid Tomb Raider again?
A movie promoting veganism.
Ew disgusting. I mean veganism.
White man wins either way
what ever you need to tell yourself pedo.
In my country 14 year old cunny is legal.
we don't prude age limits here fucktard
Fuck off you illiterate nigger.
user's you apparently lack reading comprehension. Let me make this clear.
2D =/= pedo,
17 (borderline 16+) =/= pedo
finding children attractive = pedo
I am calling the pedo a pedo. Stop inadvertently deafening Goons and redditors who want to equate innocent loli with child pron you fucking faggots.
You know you're talking about the company that added in afro negress to Uncharted 4 for the sake of muh diversity?
Except that doesn't work for Halo even, because when the new dev team picked it up after the story was closed they decided to fuck over everything about the story and add in their unlikeable shitheads who replaced the old groups of characters. 4 was a pile of dog shit trying to ride on Call of Duty and 5 is as well. No doubt 6 is going to pull the same shit.
The only crowd left for Halo are little kids who want generic space CoD clone, but then Advanced Warfare, Black Ops 3, and Infinite Warfare came out so there is no demographic anymore. All of the hardcore veterans of Halo either grew up out of gaming or are working on reviving the original Halo trilogy on PC (Halo:CE, Project Cartographer and ElDewrito respectively)
You know, not every kid starts off hot. The whole point of Elena is that she was an ugly duckling as a kid, and she grew into her own. And she's not exactly the hottest girl either, the whole point of the first games was this whole idea of "will Drake go for the homely but still attractive Elena or go for the hotties who betray him?!"
And we know how that worked out. She's got a charm to her, don't get me wrong, but the whole point is that Elena isn't just the 10/10 sex bomb, there's more to her character that Drake fell in love with. His daughter is the same way, she's going to be a late bloomer, and there's nothing wrong with that, I don't know what the big deal is anyway, I find her to be quite cute, would molest frequently/10.
So calm down, Gubsy, and quit jerking off in the bushes outside the local highschool, they know you're there, you know.
Does anyone here unironically believe Uncharted was ever good? God I hope not.
Never thought Uncharted was good, mostly because of (((Neil Druckmann))).
That's just the tip of the iceberg.
Disgusting, why would anyone bother being autistic about a subpar console shooter?
Indiana Jones and Tomb Raider aren't exactly original in and of themselves, you know. Indiana Jones is someone's thought process of "how cool would it be if we took the Doctor from Journey to the Center of the Earth, extrapolated that type of story into an entire franchise, and exploded those character traits?"
You end up with Indiana Jones, and then they expanded on him. And then in part 4 they destroyed the iconic aspects of the character to try and replace him with a long lost son he never knew about, which thankfully failed, because Shia Labeouf couldn't cut it in Michael Bay's movies, imagine him trying to be the next Indie.
Yeah, the game's completely unoriginal and awful too. I think it comes with jewishness, you can't create anything original and lives by parasitizing more talented people's work.
You can't really destroy something if it was never good in the first place.
Bitch could walk on water with those boat-like feet
How underage are you?
Disregard that, thought you were talking about Uncharted.
Ah, alright.
No, leftypol, not everyone is cancer like you.
Communists are all about charity, the fuck are you on about?
No bait flag, so I assume that when a nigger with a knife orders you to hand over your valuables it's a donation incentive and not robbery.
Charity is voluntary, theft isn't.
All charity is bullshit and only faggots willingly give their money to people because they're "poor" or "sick and dying" without any personal benefit.
He got booted because he called Nadine things - namely bitch. The fuck? So you can't shittalk a game while you playtest?
Speaking badly about pixels harms all of vagina-kind user
This sucks, Beavis.
Be the change you want to see. Instead you posted a man who has AIDS.
Your body, my disgust.
I actually thought my webm was this song in the first place, I thank you for uploading it.
No problem, user.
hello? do you need help?
shut up you retarded illiterate weeb go jerk off to some lolishit
it's the smug duck all over again. Get that shit outta here. That last pic is weird, though.
Zero effort, kike.
And you know that this isn't real life, it's a game/movie with fucking zombies, mythical guardians and other shit.
character design means something, dumbass.
that sounds hot as fuck
you've already been indoctrinated then
maybe you should just end it now
Flandre, pls. According to the SJWs and liberals, good looking people either "don't exist" or "they're part of the partiarchy and promote sexism"
I like it tbh. She's older, but I think she's still cute in a more realistic sort of way.
Plus they gave her dat ass back
admit it, you'd do the one on the right
speak for yourself faggot
(((she))) unironically looks like a man
she wasn't homely, the ps3 graphics were just shite
more like a cute boy
check out this hardcore motherf*cker right here
No tattoos, no danger hair, no metal in her face.
She isn't looking tumblr
loli is for cute not for yankee doodle dandy you fucking pedophile.
Well I don't find her to be super gorgeous or anything, so whatever.
God I miss /r9k/. This shit is hilarious
t. denial
I have no idea what being a sim has to do with that design, sims can look however you want them to
However, I agree that they should have used the earlier interations. These are almost perfect, of course they need to be untooned. Not sure why they'd do concept art in such a cartoony art style but these really scream "Drake's daughter" more than whatever the hell the final design is based on.
some movie about a giant hippo running around
This shit writes by itself.
Because Drake supported Bernie Sanders.
What happened to it, last time I remember it was like Holla Forums but they were pulling historical excuses about fucking children.
Not to mention that these girls look adorable and make me want to protect and play with them
bitch, there are levels, okay.
And if you examine the model, she is a bit chunky
Tumblrinas are obese.
Like I said, levels. I know I've seen more than my fair share of obnoxious feminist twats that look like her, they're not the worst kind but I still don't want to see that shit anywhere near muh games.
Even worse, we missed out on a potential cutie.
t. fat person who justifies themselves being fat by not being that bad
what. now you're just completely changing the topic
t. stinky stink boy
t. mook
t. homosexual memelad
It's because ND is pulling talent from the SJW clique, all of their art looks the same. That's why it's cartoony
says the twat spouting nonsense
get your head checked, bro. It's called shading. And it looks way better than the design they went with.
t. a jew from israel
He's talking about the final in-game design.
To a certain extent, but the sim creator is not a miracle worker. She has the goofy-ass face of a typical sim character.
Ok, obviously not on the same page.
Show your masters some respect, goy
she looks like an extremely average 12-14 year old girl.
and yes, average does equal unattractive nowadays.
japs are gay as fuck
Those are koreans
Western games have to follow the new liberal codes or suffer consequences: Getting anally pegged by anita sarkeesian's minions.
Don't buy western games: Pirate them, make porn and spread it but don't buy, and i know i am preaching to the choir on Holla Forums, but still.
Thing though is that making a video game does not by default make a western person a social justice faggot. In fact there's westeners right now who don't like SJW shit and produce games and associated assets, it's just that they're harder to find or they're covering their windows because of who they refuse to pander to. The better idea isn't to just go "If it's not from Japan, clench the dollars in your hand", but to look for people who don't capitulate to leftist shit regardless of region of origin.
It's past chole nibba. are you thick in the head.
don't buy eastern games either because they're shit
You just don't get it, do you?
How about just don't buy anything