Whats the coolest Videogame party you've been to?

Whats the coolest Videogame party you've been to?

I went to a discovery zone when I was 5 and got the jackpot in Storm Stopper

there were so many tickets I had to walk all the way across the room with them stretched out from the machine and they kept fucking coming

I got a bunch of those bouncy asteroid balls with the tickets and it was dope

What in the fuck


Playing SF2 while drinking with my 3 friends after a night of doing shenanigans around town, i miss the good times




FUCKING normalfagS

normalfags are upon us


went to Showbiz pizza, got a fat stack of tokens by showing them my report card, and went nuts on 4 player Gauntlet with my friends.
because I was 13, and videogame parties are acceptable when you're 13.


The party at the end of Custom Robo where you can talk to people like that one character who tells you that there were two(?) other Custom Robo games released only in Japan was pretty comfy.


this is 900% bait

yes, because you obviously haven't lurked enough, summerfag.

yes, but it doesn't need to be a fucking thread, that's why it must be saged and deleted.

Not only that, it's one of those theme parties that's only cool if you're in the 10-13 age bracket that nuPPG and the like are supposed to appeal to.

When me and my friends managed to get 16 people in one house for a Halo LAN party.

My friend was really into Papers Please, we all made fake passports to enter the party and he stamped them after circling errors.
One of our friends made a really elaborate one with a nice legit passport style exterior and most the usual details.


Kitty's Airride is the best party game


I went to a dark play pen when I was 8 and an adult girlie touhed me and thought I was her boyfriend


A bunch of people I met at work all got together to play the new Soul Caliber IV a long time ago. It was really great.

I miss those days. I have no idea what I'm doing. Send help.

Getting drunk and doing runs in diablo 2 was good fun back in high school

One time me and my buds had a party where we played oldschool GC games from early in the morning till midnight without taking breaks. I fucking nailed the Super Mario Strikers tourney but got destroyed at Double Dash. Funniest days of my life.

Bamp xD