Seeing as the other thread is on the way out and there's still discussion going let's start a new thread.
What vidya are you playin? What Digimon are you Tamin?
Seeing as the other thread is on the way out and there's still discussion going let's start a new thread.
What vidya are you playin? What Digimon are you Tamin?
Other urls found in this thread:
Not playing much but the other thread finally helped push me to watch Tamers… I'm surprised with just how good it is, when anything digivolves it's like an eyegasm. Also, I could be wrong but it feels like it has a hint of Lovecraft in there.
Are any of the other series worth watching?
Pokemon will always be better. Your overdesigned shit taste is ridiculous.
Dude, I'm playing Digimon World 3 right now. Nice. I started with Renamon, Monmon, and Agumon, but I ditched Renamon for Guilmon and I'm trying to get Blackwargreymon before regular Wargreymon.
Where the fuck do you do machine training in this game? Past where I am, I assume? I really want to get Metalgarurumon for Guilmon.
Flamedramon has one hell of a tailhole though
Is there a chart of the must play games or something?
Also, are any of the Digivices worth getting?
I want to fuck Renamon 7777 times.
I wanna be the veemon tbh
I remember my old D-tector being fun as fuck to play. Still got those fond memories of defeating my friend in battles 95% of the time even though neither of us knew how the odds worked, he ended up getting so pissed he beat me up after my tenth victory.
Step it up user.
Is this the Monster Hunter XX thread?
Someone did a good rundown of the other series in a previous thread, but in my opinion, Adventure, Savers, Xros, and Tri are worth watching. The rest are various levels of shit or meh.
Appmon is cool! Eri is cute!
Why would I recommend a series he's already watching?
didn't you hear the news? Aids cat is the new hotness.
I actually found a japanese D-ARK for a pretty good price and ordered it. Hopefully it doesn't need any cards to play it.
Thanks, might as well start downloading while I'm watching Tamers.
do any of the others get as good as this one or is it all down hill from here?
Tamers is the peak of the series. Adventure is the only one that gets nearly as close.
I also forgot, if you watch Xros, just watch the first Xros. The second one is ass.
Small change to this that'll make happy; Appmon gets an upgrade from "don't bother" to "it's okay" after they released the traditional heroes-get-their-shit-kicked-in-and-have-to-earn-their-powers-again episode(s).
I miss when image boards would bully furfags daily.
Thanks. I was hoping someone would post it again so I could save it.
Reminder that Virus metal greymon is the true metal greymon.
I hope someone screencapped my LORE posts.
Muh, guess I'll post the Lore again.
And this is how all the digital worlds were made.
Who of you faggots thinks that both Rubmle Arena titles are infinitely better than anything from the SSB series?
Because I think that.
It was comfy around the town but holy shit did it get unnerving the farther you got from town.
That's one thing I really like about Digimon world. The town is in the center of the world and you gradually get further and further out and unlock shortcuts back to town. And you return to town frequently because the entire goal of the game is to bring digimon back to it and rebuild it. And every single one you bring back does something. IE: The augumon at the start opens the item storage area, the tanemon upgrades the meatfarm etc. As a result I never really minded backtracking that much in the game because it felt like it was constantly changing as I kept playing the game.
And of course the game gets surreal with some of the locations you go to and has an ass ton of content that's completely missable because the final dungeon only requires you to find a specific amount of digimon.
Agreed, it was quite fun and it never felt a waste to go way out and bring someone back, because you got something out of it.
Has anyone actually played the wonderswan games if so how good are they actually I'd like to know and has there been work on any of them getting an english translation?
Iirc one or more of them was released in Hong Kong so it had an English option.
I know some of them have fanmade english patches but I haven't played them myself.
Come back when you can type properly, you illiterate monkey.
It's like… one of them HAS a translation of the text made but hey don't know programming so, like, there is a script of it in english but it's not IN the game.
so there's nothing well that's kinda lame
all those years wondering what went through their heads when making 2 and it was right there. It makes so much sense now
I mean the one reason I could see you liking Tri is massive nostalgia for Adventure, but 02 is better for that. The latest Tri movie was okay but the first three were total shit. Nothing but waifubait. Barely any giant monsters, barely any lore. Fuck it.
Those patches do almost nothing. Whoever was making each one got bored very quickly.
All of them, actually. The first one has an actual engish version, and there's a website where some guy did his own translations of the rest, but he doesn't know programming, so you can read the scripts but they aren't in the games.
Try the first one. It's a pretty fun, simple little game. The grid based battles make it just different enough from Pokemon, but still simple enough that if you wanted a Pokemon clone, you kind of get it.
Apparently all the deep as fuck lore is in the later games though. And the gameplay apparently gets much more complex. The first one is quite bare bones, but it's alright.
2 was made into a dungeon crawler because dungeon crawlers were and still largely are really really popular in Japan. It was also done by a different dev and I've always suspected they were working on a different game entirely and was turned into a digimon game later on in development.
i guess im the nigger
digimon world 2 was fucking amazing.
it was slow but goddamn its FUN to navigate those dungeons and think the best strategies to reach the next "passageway" in a room without triggering the encounters.
pro fucking tip: one of the trigger buttons is the "hand brake" button. it lets you rotate your tank without moving it and hence spending no EP. useful for spinning on yourself and checking every adjacent square for AIDS/mines
obtaining new digimon is probably the most fun of any digimon game ever: you don't talk to them, negotiate, or recruit them through sidequests. nah, to get wild digimon to join you, you SHOOT gifts at them with a fucking CANNON.
there are gift types for every type of digimon (vacc, vir, data) and then there are special powerful gifts that are just toys. with the most powerful in the game being the Toy Plane. now once you spot a wild digimon, you press square to bring up the gift list, and shoot away. the more the digimon like the presents shoot from your tank, the bigger the "heart" above their heads will get. there are 3 sizes, small, medium, and large, the large heart usually guarantees a successful recruitment BUT not always. sometimes it can fail even with the large heart on, and the strongest the digimon, the more turns you will have to spend shooting gifts at them, even with the most powerful gift, endgame mons might take a good half-dozen toy planes to get a good heart on their heads.
but AYOOO HOL' UP, thats not all, endgame encounters have digimon of many different types, you have to shoot the gifts compatible with the "leader" (that is, the one that is represented in the map-view) and win the battle, mind you that since toy type gifts work on every type this becomes a nil point later on, THEN you must make absolutely SURE that you defeat the one you want to recruit LAST, because that's the one that will get up and be like AYYY FAM LEMME GO WITH YOU
the things retards do for attention these days… anyone have that webm of the speedrunner telling how speedrunners are just attention depraved faggots with no real talent in life? because thats exactly how they are.
Just sounds like a pretentious faggot. It's a damn hobby.
raping children is also a hobby. that doesn't make it ok.
That retarded comparison isn't an argument.
fuck off stefan. speedrunning is the most autistic fucking garbage done only by wastes of oxygen with no real talent AND a desperate hunger for attention.
if that wasn't the case they wouldn't be doing it for twitch shekels/attention.
Hes right, it was a shitty comparison though.
speedrunning is a shitty attention whoring scheme """"hobby""""
das better
I almost hate "Smash" at this point. I have nothing but dread for the next shitty roster, most of all, third party shit that isn't even legendary in gaming. So much autism and retarded faggot secondaries going on to shit up other franchises maybe even playing a part in how shat up they are today. I legitimately cannot see a single good thing it's done for video games.
I just hate the menu and menu music for Rumble Arena 2. It's such generic unmotivating shit whereas the original was bursting from the seams with great music constantly.
You're literally just being a retarded little bitch triggered by someone just trying to complete a game they enjoy that much as fast as possible.
i bet you're crying right now. can't believe 8ch Holla Forums has fallen this low, to defending shitrunners as genuine hobbyists when literally everybody out there knows they're just male attention whores. like okay, you want to waste your life on shitrunning a game that you've played 1000 times before? okay, but don't act like its some sorta unique skill.
attention whores need to fuck off. can we go back to talking about digimon instead of autistic wastes of space now?
You wanna fight about it, faggot?
You wanna fight about it, faggot?
Hey, what the hell is that last set of digimon there? I don't remember any of those.
what do you mean you don't remember?
those are Gazimon and Gizamon, they've been in since Adventure and the original World 1. they were also present in World 2 and world 3 as regular enemies around the very first area of the game (in the Kicking Forest zone specifically) all of those digimon were available in the original if im not mistaken.
Nanomon is japanese for Datamon, you know how english dub literally CUCKED us out of several digimon names. though i dont understand how cyclonemon, tuskmon, and deltamon could possibly evolve into datamon, it makes no fucking sense.
I mean, I remember them, but not in World 1. I had no idea that entire 5th group of digimon existed. What a cool ass game.
Would Digimon enjoy shitposting?
What do you think?
i might be mistaken
did you ever complete the evolution grid? i didn't. too hard to do as a 10 year old.
imagine an evolution of him that is pic related with arms
it would be called Sukablyatmon
yes, user
Looks like it'd fit right in with the mamemon line.
excellent, but there is one thing missing.
it needs the little pink mouse digimon hanging from it.
thinking i should have called it BlyatSukamon. you know how the first word in a mons name never moves back, but new words appear at the beginning
greymon => metalgreymon
not greymetalmon
BlyatSukamon still sounds good.
special would be Butthurt poop toss, a special type of digimon poop that makes enemies angry and incoherent, reducing their fighting capability, and also reeks of vodka.
Why, you're absolutely right!
Fucking superb. I want that guy as my partner.
i can hear the special move now
ur a witty cunt m8 i'll give u that
Very nice.
Have a reaction image for your work
That's some complex lore
What happened now?
Digimon is for 2 kinds of people. People who like coldsteel-tier edgy shit, and people who want to fuck cute furry creatures.
Order of quality is:
Tamers>Adventure>Xros Wars>Savers>Frontier>Adventure 02
Also check out the audio drama after you are done with Tamers, so your heart shatters completely.
Not sure about Tri yet, since it hasn't finished, but I've been hating it.
Also make sure to watch the subs, the English dubs for anything Digimon is unbearable.
The writer for Tamers, Chiaki Konaka is a horror writer who did Serial Experiment Lain, Texhnolyze and a real life adaptation of Shadow over Innsmouth.
Renamon isn't furry guys. She gets a free pass. I was always a DBZ guy but I still have a Renamon folder.
Her jap voice is really good, she is a good singer too.
any chance you know a working torrent for Savers and the audio drama's for Tamers?
Tamers audio drama, translated transcript and YT links at the bottom:
Nyaa has been taken down, so I don't know about Savers.
But I'd also recommend against watching Savers its terribly bland with really weak characters.
thank you kindly, and if that's the case I'll go ahead and just watch Xros Wars and maybe the JP dub of Adventure again.
Fitting as Prince Mamemon is the smugest motherfucker out there
Lets not forget that the writer of Hellsing had a heavy hand in Tamers.
Seriously, that series was some kinda perfect storm and the fact it was so self aware is something else.
No shit. Look at these.
Renamon is a digimon, though is unique because it's body size is larger than most rookie/child levels.
also reminder that the 5th gen D pet was a massive tribute to Godzilla.
Why live?
I wonder how she "trained up" to those proportions…
I bet if we looked at your image folders we'd see all kinds of shit that "I'm not into I just post to troll" right?
wait, so alphamon and gallantmon can combine? this is the first time i ever heard about it, what a nice surprise
You need to get over these handful of names already. It's starting to seem autistic, user.
Off the top of my head, V-Mon turns into V-Dramon.
As long as you're talking about audio dramas, you know how in both Adventure and Tamers they say they can never see their Digimon again, then they do? Both instances are only explained in audio dramas. Really bugs me.
There's also one for 02 where Mimi talks about how Digimon were involved with a major disaster in America in 2001. Digimon did 9/11.
Besides, the worst case is probably "Crusadermon" having at least three names.
Another one I noticed is that two main characters in Adventure 02 are Iori and Miyako, but in the dub they're called Cody and Yolei. But Yolei seems like it could be a translation of Iori, even though that's another character, and it's nowhere close to Miyako. I bet they just fucked up.
Also I never got why they changed Tai and Kari's surname in the dub. It's not like they use it much anyway. Why change it?
There is only one artists who can draw her really well, and he is western.
The second Tamers movie is not canon, the audio drama is.
They made the second movie without Konakas input and the audio drama came out later.
I sincerely hope that picture you posted is not a representative of this "really well" drawn Renamon. Because that's shit.
Would you say that Digimon's multiversial story is divided into two arcs? What you listed is mostly the Y2K arc. The Yggdrasil arc consists mostly of Yggdrasil going full retard and more lore about Royal Knights. That would mostly include the X Evolution movie, Frontier barely, Savers, and I guess Tri. You know, Yggdrasil is pretty into resetting the Digital world for no good reason, not sure why.
RustTyranomon could totally beat Machinedramon. Discuss.
If I were to guess, it's because Yggdrasil is constantly mucking about with risky data/concepts and throws it at the wall to see what sticks, or just tossing it into the bin and leaving it there.
We already know it's a thing that's got no sort of common sense, so it playing around with fire without any safety measures wouldn't be too far fetched.
This is the computer that presumably saw all the porn on the internet leaking into it's world, turning monsters into hot girls and was like "yeah this checks out" and did nothing about it. Then again I'd probably do the same.
I wonder if it's Yggdrasil's fault the D-Reaper mutated into whatever the fuck it was in Tamers. It certainly let it get as bad as it did and I'm not sure it even helped, because I forget if Dukemon is a proper Royal Knight and needs the admin permission to exist.
your body can't lie user.
Never said I wasn't a furfag, just that what you posted was ugly as sin.
fuck off weeaboo
Yeah Dukemon crimson mode is basically "Dukemon + any other royal knight".
Be warned: if you have a mega that is fused, you won't be able to ExE mid battle.
Yes, Dukemon is a proper royal knight, but you have to remember this:
mfw love digimon anime and a lot of their vidya but not a furry so nobody to share this hobby with.
Actually, other than the breasts, it's pretty accurate to the model.
An interesting idea. It SEEMS like a viable fight, but i'd say it comes down to a simple fact:
Accurate, yes
Well drawn, no.
my other partner is susanoomon. i already know. but also don't care because my partners are borderline maxed.
before gal CM i had an omegamon with the susanoomon, and i had to let him die to fucking get a leomon and recruit darkassholemon.
198 prosperity, and botamon won't give me any dank tips. wonder who am i missing…
just let it happen user. you'll love the fluffiness.
come on, just admit you hate it because its not a GRORIOUS NIPPONESE VIRGIN LIKE ME who drew it. sad.
perhaps you could elaborate on why you dislike it, or rather, what is wrong with it.
On another note, post your charts!
you made the dw pic? if so gj user. i use it a lot.
no thanks.
Yeah I made it a while ago, glad that someone else likes it.
Not all waifumons are furry, user.
or do you prefer husbandos?
Samudramon is pretty cool
he said he's not into furry
keep it up user, you can have this oc i made.
did I miss something?
There's plenty of robot and I think a few knight guys? Or are robots too furry? What would you be if you wanted to fug Mamemon? Aside from a faggot. Oh my god PrincessMamemon would be hilarious if it had, like, other Mamemon as tits.
yeah but you'd have to raise a furry (in most cases) to get the waifu/husbando and that's ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Also this user swings both ways so, pic related
Nice one.
the joke was that all furries are gays.
god you're slow, raise your SPD.
sweet jesus, I'm dying.
That is, other than
Hey no prob.
I tank too much to put points in SPD.
dumping more detailed digimon template if anyone interested in taking 2000 billion years in ms paint and leaving some I made
i am now imagining a mamemon that is made of 2 mamemons glued together with a massive laser cannon slightly above and between them
good on you.
Of course, they may go completely differently and have something similar to the King and Queen chessmon and make the lady insanely hot.
i bet kingchessmons dick is as wide as he is and as long as queenchessmon's staff. how else would he keep her entertained
didn't Dukemon CM happened because of a magic skateboard in Tamers?
More like a magic miniature jet that Dukemon/Gallantmon could ride on to fly, that Takato believed was sentient.
And because the Tamers world, just like Planescape's world, strong belief that something is true, means that it is.
aaand im done, mirageGaogamon was the last mon to recruit.
my city now has 200 prosperity. what else is there to do? endless coliseum battles?
You can do both. Look at his pic again and tell me it looks remotely good.
Damn, he thicc
it looks pretty good. its a happy renamon with 6 expressions, i'll give you that the nuzzle in the 6th pic looks a little bit smaller than the rest.
i already told you earlier that i think it looks good, so why make me repeat myself? and you seem to be the only one with a stick up your ass about it. your reason for that? that it was drawn by a guy that lives in the west and not your grorious meme homeland of nippon.
just fuck off back to /a/ weeaboo, you have no say left in the matter.
Go back to /fur/ dumbass. His pic looks like a yellow dog with gross hands, not like renamon. his shading sucks and looks like she's made of clay or something. I mean is western and looks pretty good, that other pic looks like dogshit in comparison, you no taste fagot.
Oh piss off with that meme already. That was practically fanfiction, just the author wanking off all the pent up edge he was restricted from dumping onto the show because, you know, it fucking was for kids. Are you telling me an audio recording has more weight than the games, animes and mangas?
Besides are you people forgetting about this?
kys and stop ruining the thread weeb. you said both pics are shit, now you say one is good and the other isn't, make up your mind.
I didn't say the other pic was bad though.
Since Bandai gives no shits about PC, what games should I emulate? I already played all the PS1 games and Dawn/Dusk.
Without spoilers to the main story, is it bittersweet or just downright depressing? The "edgy" thing worries me a bit.
t. reddit
It's just downright depressing.
I meant edge in a "putting things too dark and/or mature for the target audience" way, not the "overtly violent/gore" way.
I'm playin some Digital Card Battle on my phone.
I'm surprised by how comfy it is to play this game on the go.
Fuck off. You pokefags lost that argument when they started to just literally putting faces on garbage bags and keychains.
Are you a masochist user? I'm not really into sadism.
Also the weeb elitism is getting a bit silly in here. Both can be good guys.
The only thing that disagrees with is the second movie you moron, which Konaka said its not canon.
Xros Hunter shit is not canon either, and they flat out say so in-character
The audio drama is the canonical ending for Tamers.
Its pretty soul-crushing, especially Rukis message.
I want to make a program for this shit, but my hands are full right now, If someone is learning to program this one is a good exercise for a beginner/medium programmer
what games can you get him in?
The only games that I know where you can get him in are Cyber Sleuth and Next Order.
make your charts here people
what did she mean by this
Guy playing Digimon World 3 here.
I fucked up and had to reinstall my OS, so I lost my save. What starter pack should I go with this time? Renamon is for furies
i usually go for one that has agumon or guilmon in it. but i think both of those have renamon in too.
just pick the fluffy goodness already dammit.
Out of curiosity what is everyone's favorite Digimon FanFic series?
mediaminer. org/fanfic/s/digimon-fan-fiction/red-digivice-diaries/1
mediaminer .org/fanfic/view_st.php?id=9983&submit=View
i liked that game so much that i tried my best at mapping the Circuit Board by myself a couple years back, during the last playthrough of it i did. even though someone probably had already done a much better job than me by then.
i never even finished, but here, you can have my (incomplete) map.
each square is an area of the CB, the exits of each CB room can only appear in 6 forms:
2 pointing north (to the left and right of the screen)
2 pointing south (to the left and right of the screen)
1 pointing east
1 pointing west
rooms in the CB can have a maximum of 4 "paths", and no more.
if you see a square with 2 "arms" pointing up, then the paths are either the 2 north ones or the west one.
likewise, rooms with more than 1 arm pointing south are either the 2 south paths or the east path (because the game, as the compass in the corner shows, has an isometric view).
the Es are Entrances, or Exits, they're the holes in the ground on the ground level. and i marked which location is each one.
i've also marked whenever there is a digimon in an area, that way, you can use them as guidestones to not get lost.
i didnt even try mapping the post-game Circuit Board. that thing is larger than the universe itself, i think i read somewhere that the post game circuit board becomes procedurally generated instead of just being very long dungeons, but i have never bothered going that far.
this program doesn't work, did you install spyware on my PC?
Even self-professed non-furries like a bit of Renamon though.
hey, i don't disagree, i'd love an agumon.
though guilmon is pretty good, i liked his evil mega form better. what was it called again?
are you using the windows version?
sorry, I'm in the middle of something and can't restart into windows right now
yeah, i am.
the DOS prompt just spams the same lines of code over and over so stop haxxing me bro
This is such a shit meme.
Digidone as much as I can be bothered doing.
but I'm just getting started user
I'd say that doesn't take effect until after you watch Tamers.
I thought she was overhyped furbait before that, now she's prime waifu material
She is taken
Digimon only share a platonic love with their tamers…in the cartoons.
Didn't realize that's what it's arms were and made my own BlyatSukamon without realizing.
Also, if it is Blyat- why not give the rat a tracksuit with a logo on it, and having said logo painted onto Metalblyatmon's helmet?
I think i stopped watching the series after 4
Kids turning into digimon was fucking weird
Why was that even a thing, lorewise?
Very platonic
what, you wouldn't blush if your best friend cradled you in their arms? I'd blush.
Why are the digiboys so hot?
thats slavic as fuck, well done.
source on first pic
I decided I'm going to do a solo run.
With Kotemon.
Nice job user, you completely blew me the fuck out.
well good luck, the problem with solo runs is that some enemies are real bullshit.
oh, and by the way, if you're going to do a solo run, don't buy revival items, they're pointless as you have no other digimon that can use them when kotemon dies.
What kind of a retard buys revival items when you get a game over when one digimon dies?
i dont know how much knowledge of the game you have, and i can't read your mind over the internet, so i gave you a basic tip.
Well, I said I lost my save, so presumably I'm not so retarded that I don't know what basic items do.
Did you also know you can buy 99 Power Charges two hours into the game and use them instead of staying at inns until you need MP?
i've beaten the game 3 times, i know mostly everything there is to know about it.
protip: farm Tuskmon in Plug Cape (west of central park) or Ogremon/Tuskmon in west Desert (the area that has a Gym on it) for a chance of dropping a Counter Seal/Crest, singlehandedly the best accessory in the game. it randomly gives you a chance to make a normal physical attack on an enemy when receiving a hit yourself. this drastically increases yoru damage output as this counter attack doesn't consume your turn.
I already had some on Agumon and Guilmon, actually. They're pretty great. Do you know if you can crit with a counter? I think you can, but I'm not sure. Would that Crest that boosts critical chance also boost the chance to crit while countering?
not sure, but i don't see why you couldn't.
What if Gatomon was a cuntboy?
Oh shit I'm not sure, I grabbed one at random
she practically is a flat chested living onahole anyway.
even if they don't crit though, thats still one more attack per round, thats a lot of damage and speeds the game up. some regular battles take several turns for you to win.
oh and by the way, do you know about the rare item Auctions held in that big abandoned building at the edge of asuka city?
Post your partner digimon you double Sukamon.
was there ever any doubt?
also your dumb quiz has a typo
now go datamine somewhere else
still waiting for the partner generator user to fix the windows version.
This isn't the digimon I remember.
fuck it, used as template
Does this help?
because you watched the cucked western version.
It has been a very long time and I only watched what happened to be on tv. Did they seriously air, in English, a "totally not tentacle rape" scene?
I believe so, yeah.
I am more than satisfied with my result.
Yes, this was a major plot-point and simply couldn't be removed.
They butchered a lot of other stuff though
Weird but okay
I ain't complaining
Well shit. Is there a not cucked eng sub floating around, or would I have to learn moon? Also, which series do you recommend watching. I know there's a ton. Tamers is on the list.
its like the perfect party of fuckable digimon.
refer to and simply work your way from the best to worst
You'll find where your limit is.
The hell are you on about? I distinctly remember watching en episode and all the kids warp/whatever nude with nips digivolved. I'm still surprised to this day that they let that slide. It left me so damn sexually confused as an 11 year old kid
really late bloomer eh?
my point was, i think they removed the nips in the cuck version.
Oh ok, so i'm guessing when they reran the show they censored it. Makes sense.
every mon.
the fuck is going on? board shitting the bed?
guilmon, naturally. the best mon.
oh there we go, posting is back
post the guilmon sauce
Hey, wait, do they stack?
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Meanwhile in Bongland, they censored Tamers by deeming it "too scary" after only airing two episodes, immediately purging it from ITV's schedule.
Anybody who didn't have a cable or satellite subscription with Fox Kids included wouldn't see Digimon on TV again until Xros Wars / Fusion, over a decade later.
i don't believe so. but that didn't stop me from equipping 2.
whats with the thing in the middle? someone's OC Donut? more like OC Do Nut, if you catch my drift
also oh fuck shit's hitting the fan
that thing in the middle is my fursona
for fucks sake stop posting crops, give me a link so i can jerk off to that little thing
Oh hey I got quads on your page.
PS did you ever pick up any fun fetishes
is that carrot's art?
no, aside from like somno, it's still just ζ and cubs and the usual mostly vanilla stuff
Is that supposed to be a dragon dildo
no but i have some cub carrot art on my IB, that fucker is really hard to get a commission from
We have a board on Holla Forums for such discussions and you already know what it is.
Cease or be banned for faggotry, Bui.
none of us are bui, retard
The fact that you deny it confirms it.
Holy fuck, this is like the 14th time in the last year people keep mistaking me for him, am I really that
no im stay
The fact that you think it's bui tells me you you believe whatever gossip you hear without actually researching anything.
I'm just here for the eventually lewd posts. I'll take Renamon too.
All furries are equal under the eyes of god.
equally as worthless, as below dirt, as dirt produces life with time, while furries rot and spread diseases of the body and mind.
Too bad you get veemon
gimme da guilmon b0ss
I'm here to watch the eventual 404 due to furries.
But you've seeeen it all already
theres been furries for days dude . since the thread started even
i havent seen those before and they're 10/10 god damn
delete this
I can't find the webm but I've got the jewtube link.
Who would have thunk that furries are deleterious upon threads, even without opposition.
Goose is great. I'm really loving his "speedlore" videos about GoldenEye speedrunning. It's just too bad it takes him a month between episodes.
oh shuddup, its small and i want to fuck it and glaze it in cum.
you know, i actually got a seraphimon in NeO, my 3rd mega i believe, it wasn't very strong for being one of the 3 holy angels, but it was nice to see as at that point in the game i didn't have the dojo. the game really starts like a legit DW sequel, and then becomes piss easy after the city remodeling.
whats Mameos real name anyway? he keeps it secret the entire game and never really tells you. i was convinced that it was "Hiro" something.
for fucks sake cuckmonkey LET ME POST
well i love cum
that looks awful…
What should I think about your character doing?
i dont know user, thats a weird question
Someone said they wanted to jerk off to it, and I can kinda see it now
he can look pretty fuckable, depending on the artist. it's pretty hit and miss since he's actually pretty hard to draw not shittily
thats great, so do i, but can we talk about digimon now
trying to post a fucking webm but its impossible because this per-post captcha expires BEFORE the webm finishes uploading
hell… with PP captcha, we might as well BE /furry/
Yeah, but that's why I want to think about him doing something murry
sure i've never played a digimon game in my life
well maybe you should start, with the original.
i dont think tamagotchi count as games.
This is a deep-rooted, ancient kind of feel. Goddamn I'm 21 I shouldn't be feeling this shit.
Is this how waifufags or the autists who kill themselves to be with their imaginary/cartoon loved ones feel?
You are a blight upon this earth, kill yourself.
keep in mind i didnt post my murrsona until someone asked, i only posted guilmon at first
i picked IM STAYING.
fuck the real world, its gay as shit. im staying with my renamon.
well as i said, should start with Digimon World 1, or at least with the first anime Digimon Adventure.
why are you surprised, no matter what chan site you use, this is always true
I still can't believe we can't escape this shit. Autists that have to force sexualization in to something come in and fuck everything up all the time, mostly furries.
Why is captcha per post on?
Bui was asshurt about something and spammed us and a few other boards
you just got here right?
tl;dr: Holla Forums got spammed the fuck out
Actually it's the goons / intl clique. Who the fuck else would use the word "rulecuck"?
Not bad, not bad.
why are we all getting renamon?
how many possible partner digimon are in this quiz? 20? 30? 500?
I thought I'd get Guilmon because I prioritized a lot of things like Family, love, and friendship but the stoic answers got me Renamon.
well fuck what was i supposed to answer, im a neet dammit. there weren't any neet humans who got a partner so the quiz is aimed towards normalfags who would get a partner. there's no partner suited towards losers who'd stay inside all day and have no friends.
and no Ken doesn't count, because he only became a neet after becoming possessed, and shortly after having his Kimeramon BTFO by magnamon went back to being a normalfag.
I'm far too solitary I guess. I got her as well.
So what, does everyone end up getting railed by Renamon's big fat dick or something?
It just means we're all either
Naw dubsman
You can only pick two in this case. NEET's and losers with no social life.
But I'm a stoic loser going to STEM college, I'm no fucking dirty NEET.
You're still a loser, so you're still in the boat. Asocial faggot.
Is Renamon the default or something?
But I gave answers about being a NEET with no friends and I got Gabumon.
I really don't know what's happening here.
i'd rather renamon with a long slender dingerdonger to reach far inside me and cum deep~
Then it definitely factors in stuff like stoicism and logic for Renamon. Gabumon was shy in Adventure, seems fitting.
apparently bamco had a test booth with Hacker's Memory, i've seen too many cool cutscenes about it but in the end the game is just turn based like the first.
i hope to god they unfuck the "training", that 100 point cap was fucking stupid.
so we're all getting renamon because we're cold, stoic, and "with a wicked sense of humor"(™)?
did you choose you like the night more than the day? because in world 1, that was the one choice to get gabumon instead of agumon. also what crest did you choose? i choose sincerity because i hate lying, its too hard and you have to keep track of your lies so im just brutally honest with everyone i meet.
i wouldn't mind in the slightest.
Yeah, I chose the night cause stars are cool and shit.
And I chose Light because it seemed like the coolest answer.
They're literally stars.
As in, the sun.
Why not pick day, where you can actually see the fucking star?
Reported & Filtered.
Because you can see more than just the sun at night, you can see all the stars a million miles away being all mysterious and stuff.
Also it's summer right now and it's colder at night.
That's gay man.
Wait, what about the video games?
sexualizing digimon is more fun than video games
they're pretty good.
except for data squad and 4, they fucking suck
Sexualize it.
with cummies
But how can you sexualize these things? That doesn't make sense to me.
You put a dick in it or think about how its bumhole would look
how can you not? they have cute faces, thick thighes and fat asses.
hey Holla Forums should we try and get a group going on Digimon Masters online?
its a shit F2P grindan4ever hotkeymasher with microtransactions, but it has a digimon paint-coat
I want to fuck gatomon
No, Sindoll we cannot.
How big?
i dunno like 9-10 inches
yeah i guess you're right.
sometimes i have these moments of weakness and the MMO itch crawls back up my spine. but then i realize the genre has been killed 20 times over and they keep smacking the corpse to see how more awful they can make it smell.
i tell you what though, i would play a private server of the original digimon RPG, if there were any… sadly the korean version is still the only one, and its walled tightly by korean security.
Stick to jerking off to my digital sex life I guess
This thread should be nuked.
your BP should be nuked imo
no thats me :^
well we're already past bump limit anyway.
Sexy digimon with boobs and vagina that don't have penises are allowed.
All other are banned.
What if he's a cuntboy with boobs
Checkmate atheists
so gril guilmons are ok?
Now that I can get behind.
that's not how it works.
Boy I wonder how that happened. Could it have been the 3 shitposting literal faggot furries spamming nonsense and non-digimon related bullshit?
i've been shitposting professionally for 11 years i'm not going to suddenly stop now
Okay, fair enough, DFC is allowed too.
yes, post now
Dumping a singular image of a female isn't shitposting.
That's the curse of every general or pseudo-general thread though. It eventually gets filled with circlejerking putos.
here you go my friend
Back over the wall my friend
I think the problem is that the face isn't human enough, it just isn't doing it for me.
Kinda eh artwork.
THAT was supposed to be spoilered.
beggars can't be choosers. most good artists make gay guilmon, not female guilmon
just close your eyes and pretend, then.
no can do.
im trying to talk about the games and the animes while posting some lewds. but the people who want porn haven't played the games, and the people who have played the games are too busy bitching about the porn and how it ruins everything to reply to my posts about the game.
it really makes you think
what? I didn't even see it. Does the site auto remove deleted images without needing to reload the page?
Boy I can't wait to post the shitty drawing I've been working on
I watched the anime. I don't even recall the games I played however.
Almost as if not posting your god awful porn would be the best way to talk about the game.
I watched the first 3 or so seasons of the anime and played the first game.
or you could just enjoy the porn
Have you considered perhaps that posting porn and being a faggot attracts other porn-posting faggots who barely give a shit about the topic in question?
i guess. What's even rarer is humanxwhatever female.
but it's fucking disgusting, so no can do.
i would be in this thread even if he hadnt posted porn just because its about a series i find to have many fuckable characters, so i would have showed up regardless :^)
Who are you to post the binyot?
how dare you
im happy to get a cute pupper
Who is the saddest digimon?
That would be your partener.
It's Renamon obviously.
probably Puppetmon because he's hollow inside ;_;
anyone knows Hackers memory release date?
Too small.
small is great though
Almost done the linework
is it possible to get Imperial PM as a regular partner through DNA?
i recruited Imperialdramon, and had an Omegamon as partner, i thought i could just do that dojo thing where you DNA with a recruited digimon, but it didn't let me.
Aight, I can work with this.
Apparently i didn't post this
v0.3 is up
can now choose files outside
windows version should be fixed now
Okay good enough
btw I drew this for
Nigger I don't even know where to begin with. Is that a dog's dick and balls where the whole peeled dick is instead a set of human dick and balls, with the dick still sheathed?
Is that the so dreaded Xenomorph Dick?
her feet and legs are broken in every place.
holy shit how did you even think that right foot was acceptable in any way? look at it, its like a unfolded rug that was wrapping a square picture frame.
alright, you got me there.
now go fix that fucking mess. both of those feet are abominations, specially the right one (right of renamon, not your right)
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