Is NeoFag finally kill?
NeoFag admin arrested for CP
Other urls found in this thread:
NeoFag needs to be shut down.
Nah, NeoFAG will go around and talk about how they are the victim to "racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, Trump Goobergaters."
You want Neogaf to kill then die Sony, I'd say that's worth it.
Every time.
no surprise there
God, I just don't understand forums. You have to be a complete narcissist in order to use them. Like, just look at the first pic here
What a completely self-centered faggot. Looks like the type of person who posts all the time to increase their e-peen size. Maybe it's because I've used imageboards for most of the time I've been on the internet which explains my love for anonymity.
One by one, they'll all fall down.
Spend more time on your English lessons before you post again.
Didn't the head admin rape a girl? I don't think these zealous little lemmings give a shit about their own deeds. Instead, they attack & shame others for violating their cultmarx dogma while being abhorrent little fuckstains among themselves.
Not white, but a jew. See: (((GOLDBERG)))
Well, the surprise here is that he got processed
It never fails.
So discusing video games is actually considered an unethical practice in neofag, go figure.
Aren't Jews shitskins, anyway?
good god that image is so old i nearly had a stroke.
Only the Sephardic ones. Ashkenazi Jews are like corrupt whites. By soul and spirit.
Honestly at this point would anyone be surprised if the GamerGate cabal were mostly pedophiles?
confirmed for shit genes
Buzz off Reddit
Next is whoever runs /cuteboys/
Do they still let 15 year olds post their wangs there or what?
Fucker could've shared before he got caught.
He did nothing wrong, except ,maybe running a shitty videogame forum
They never did.
Dude, it's the age old little girls playing on the beach cp. It's common as fuck
I only have been on imageboards for 4~ years and I thought forums were faggotry for way longer.
Don't you fucking post it
Oh yes they fucking did. I had to stop contact with a few of them.
Goddamnit Holla Forums
Hopefully Neofag gets absolutely assblasted over this and doesn't survive the fallout. That place is a cesspool.
Then again, it also acts as containment, so maybe keeping those faggots locked in their safe space might be better for everyone.
If you're curious, here's where they fall in relation to others.
Imagine if they invade leftylol
Why are there so many degenerates in this thread
All day everyday faggots that clearly look underage posting their buttholes, and their discussions are mostly about the younger the boys the better.
FBI should 24/7 monitoring that shithole, gay pedophiles are way more likely to be the real thing than a bunch of hetero virgins fapping to chinese cartoons.
Why are there so many degenerates in this thread
Nice reading comprehension. Nice forgetting that we come from an imageboard that had both a loli and a guro board.
Are you also having trouble posting? What the fuck is going on?
Unfortunately true, there are people that only come solely for /cuteboys/ to get some fresh meat and there are guys that lie about their age so they don't get banned. You can never even tell either, since differentiating an 18 y/o from a 14/15 year old is pretty fucking hard nowadays.
2D =/= 3D
Get off my board.
He had a little boy as an avatar.
What are the chances that "child porn software" was Tor?
Fuck, almost got excited
They wiped all records of his name.
This is my first imageboard, I come from gbatemp
Cuckmonkey fucked up something, again
Top Lel
Nigger saved CP on his phone, running either flavor of botnet, it was matter of time
>little boy is also a Mother character so he can show off his obscure (Mother isn't but they act like it is) gamer cred
Double whammy right there
Suuure chaim
Holy shit, that makes me so happy. I never knew tempers would be interested in an imageboard like this.
They know it's illegal, why do they keep making these fuckups?
No wonder you're a faggot.
I'm having trouble since months ago, having a quoted number in the URL never leads me to a post (the 100% sign), but now it takes 2 minutes for the post to register, even after the no quote and 100%
God, his eyes are glassy. Too much crying or too many neobux spent of mushrooms?
It's fucking over.
If drawing lolis being lewd is the same thing as being a pedophile then killing an NPC in a video game is the same thing as being a murderer.
Yeah sure a part of chan culture that has been around since the begging was all a kike psyop.
Why would he look at kids when he had such a selection of women to choose from?
If they didn't law enforcement would have carte blanche to investigate his history on Neogaf, his private messages among the mods of Neogaf, thus exposing other Neogaf pedophiles. I don't believe for a second that the other degenerates staffing Neogaf weren't aware. They had to wipe any evidence tying them to this.
Is this the kind of sick shit you wank yer noodle to? Gross, good thing I have all these references to slam you with.
I love that all our enemies turn out to be the biggest scumbags.
It seems everyone is a scumbag, "our" "allies" are sick cunts too
They certainly look like God's Chosen.
Chosen to be beaten with an ugly stick, that is.
Only user is pure.
Next you're going to say that imageboards are totally unrelated to SA despite the original group of posters on the original western imageboard were the result of an underage posting about his new site which had it's code copied from a Japanese imageboard that was the bunker of a Japanese textboard.
Oy vey, stop being an antisemetic misogynist. I bet you're one of those goobergators too.
You're not wrong. We're all scum on the bottom of the barrel, it's just that we float a little higher than the rest.
Hopefully this NeoFaggot squeals and brings the whole sonygogue down.
Pretty much, halfchans fate was sealed when it stemmed from that internet subculture. It was only a matter of time really.
Imageboards are totally unrelated to SA despite the original group of posters on the original western imageboard were the result of an underage posting about his new site which had it's code copied from a Japanese imageboard that was the bunker of a Japanese textboard.
user, you just want tight moist wet tender cunny. We understand.
I'd argue there weren't massive amounts of problems in the community until shit like the Habbo Hotel raids and Project Chanology took off. Of course Digg dying and Reddit replacing it didn't help.
I see you're an ebin memer. You're in good company :^)
They are fucking hypocrites and they need to get over themselves
There are lots of moral subjects more important than underage willingly posting their bodies.
But to answer your question yes, mostly brazillians
reddit was the beginning of the end, you see people over there still sucking gaben cock and acting like it's permanently 2007.
Even their fucking interface is trash.
Everyone needs to watch that movie
I can agree with that. Good stalemate.
God damn those fucking Brazilians, I mean they're prime for the fucking, it's a guilty feeling
Was it straight shota or just shota?
There's a big difference there.
What makes it even worse for us is that HW thought they were a better group of people to have on the site and would shill over there on multiple occasions.
Everyone has CP nowadays. Who cares at this point.
What we should be talking about is the trend of black men dating white girls.
Hol up lemme post the article I capped
Habbo Hotel was not so much the problem, as rampant shitposting and a sizeable amount of casual racism is not going to attract people
Chanology and its wide campaign did get a lot of newfags, too many, coupled with m00t giving the hammer to W.T. "did nothing wrong" Snacks and parallel boards accepting Redditors by the dozen (Holla Forums, /mu/ at some extension)
With a Snacks at full mode, and some global mod having a future vision, we could've bought maybe 2 more years of glory. Then again Mark and HW invited Reddit and it was all over, either from reddit invasion or our own overly pessimistic attitude that was more than justified, still we didn't push hard
I'm gonna skip this question
Yeah and you're a moron expecting a dead movement to have traction in the land of the free, you soviet kraut rapebaby.
But user, it's the opposite, he was a staunch anti-loli
He's one of those fags you would find calling other people pedos for jacking off to fully developed anime girls
There's always finding near dead imageboards that haven't been cannibalized yet and not telling anyone about it so they don't go to shit.
No shit that they're a bunch of pedophile freaks.
Gays need to go in ovens.
Hitler has the right idea.
Is Hitler still alive? Does he hang out with Mozart?
never ever
Amirox is not gonna beat his mom for drug money anymore
Yeah fucking right, CP is ridiculously easy to find nowadays. Million or more people are going to download this shit and spread in on popular media sites. If these recent pedo news aren't a sign, then idk what is.
Lay low seems to be the key, as we did get a lot of people to shill for us at Half but then we reserved ourselves for October and November, then the Reddit exodus happened
Good goy
Iv'e been on imageboards since 2007 and I honestly can't remember seeing CP.
At least anything besides nude pictures that cunts would keep spamming.
>normalfag MUSIC
You clearly don't remember sound threads on halfchan
Even when HW invited rebbit, they didn't come because they know boards like /hebe/ and the pedo threads on Holla Forums were still around. And these where the boards keeping most normal fags out. But then HW stepped down, censoring took place, and they came en masse, shitposted Holla Forums to death, lowered Holla Forums to a shitposting outlet, and then left leaving 8ch half dead and dealing with cancer.
Go outside, user.
Not CP, he's just talking about the pedos themselves
There wasn't real CP in those boards nigger see
Go outside, you fucking nerds.
pedo talk always scared the normalfags aways, me personally, I didn't give a shit as long as that crap didn't leak to other boards. But I'm not sure if they ever actually posted cp but then again why shit in your own home?
outside is for you people, you don't want us there.
we want to fuck children here.
Didn't this faggot beat the shit out of his mom over tendies or some videogame
I need to know more
Why are Jews so autistic?
thankfully my mom gives me plenty of tendies webm related
They did, for 3 days there was hell, but the negative backlash made almost all of them leave, but many stayed, which made the alert status on many stay permanent
Now that you mention it, that did happen, censoring was always there, either with Mark or fag vols, but plenty of boards got nuked, not to mention the whole Jim fiasco with hebe and the arbitrary rules that lead to the Bas Dost rule
Jimason and Codenigger were a mistake, Holla Forums as the trigger man in the exodus went full cuck in both the Hebe and Reddit cases, if there ever was the case for another exodus, it would from our hand, and the majority of Holla Forums is too condescending or reddit themselves
They haven't gone away you know
Fagmins are a dime a dozen. He'll be replaced easily.
Do you think they were aware of /r9k/?
Fuck off Goon
Of course
But I'm actually not and I hate children in general. I prefer T H I C C women and sometimes the occasional passable shemale.
how dare you?
Don't forget that there were redditors inviting retards over from Trump subreddit because they were "redpilled" also Holla Forums shilling themselves on commie subreddits and inviting them to Holla Forums in an attempt to colonize and take over the website
This is a real pic, btw. Not a photoshop.
>>>Holla Forums10150460
Every porn site funnels money to the same Jew
user, the retard kept CP on his fucking phone
Aside from that, the dude was straight up trading shit with people and all he had were some pics and one video, you could get a bigger collection than that just lurking Holla Forums at odd hours for a few months
People that dumb deserve to be laughed at no matter what they did
Some halfchanner works as a writer in brazzers for porn, what do you think?
Who cares
it was actually good business idea, even if 99% of people pirates porn
who is this jew and why should i care?
It literally says in the OP are you actually illiterate?
Hes jewish, what do you think?
I am completely and utterly retarded and I suck dicks for 5 dollars in Chinatown subway.
only the dumbest fucks pay for porn
Let's not fool ourselves, old school Holla Forumsicemen and redditors both went serious lengths to invite people to use them as useful idiots for their shill and "redpill" schemes
The thing is they played themselves, and now they are invaded to hell and back, forced to accept them and some of their customs, much akin to their dreaded "syrian" refugee crisis in Europe and somalian east coast Obama program, completely hypocrite stuff.
I quitted there for months, and some weeks ago i returned to see very clearly how some users were explaining 1-2-3 stuff to obviously insufferable newfag redditors, even the mod is notorious turkroach redditor
It's a bizarro board, no wonder the huge astroturfing when bunkers get more popular and controversies arise within the admin team, much like Mark and his goon/flavor of the month boogeymen
How many people here do you think
A) pay for porn
B) masturbate to 3DPD porn
C)have watched those meme pornos beyond a webm or a 30 second clip to mildly chuckle at it
why doesn't the website mentions it?
Do people actually still pay for Porn in the current year?
Actually how in the fuck is the porn industry still solvent? Is it being propped up?
it checks out.
That's evidence tampering. Expect what's-his-face the goblin to be arrested next
post moar
Ad revenue. Duh
Is there a chance that the NeoFag administration will actually be arrested?
Please god destroy that cancerous tumor.
I'm surprised they're not dead already. How do they have any community left?
no, you should be arrested for being a pedophile too.
It's a containment site, do not open the gate
I repeat, do not open the gate
What's the age range for cp anyway?
No they'll go to Halfchan Holla Forums.
They already infest the place.
If the motherfucker flips and says 'Oh, these admins on NeoFag told me where to find CP' or something, then yeah.
Eternally if it is 2D, says Canada
How many retards do you think we let in from Reddit?
I only like 2D
source please
Can the Something Awful servers get seized yet?
Oh yeah its all gone to shit. An army of useful idiots can come in handy but you want to keep those idiots completely separate from yourself. If you let them join you then they only dumb everything down. Board quality has been down and newfaggotry has been up across Holla Forums. And I fear its not going to get better. I jumped ship from halfchan before the first exodus due to declining post quality and I don't think I can make that jump again honestly
Too many, but I've gotta believe those ones at least have degenerate enough tastes to avoid 3DPD. A man can dream can't he?
No i mean what age ranges are considered to be cp?
I'm assuming you meant until 18 and i misread you…
She doesn't do vaginal cause she has a boyfriend.
She also creeps the shit out of me.
The kind of people who get pissed if this place doesn't get credit for something it does are already the majority so I don't even care anymore.
i guess the whole point of anonymity is getting off being a massive hypocrite scott free
You know the difference between reality and fiction right?
I seriously hope none of you guys do this, it makes me wanna cry.
What the fuck? Does he like getting cucked on film?
Can someone post the "i threw my mom" cap?
Came close with my dad once. Otherwise I have a perfectly tranquil family life.
Seriously though, familial violence is bad, don't do it.
ah yes, that old line to divert away from the issue and protect only yourself.
Except she doesn't have sex with anyone because of him.
But apparently sucking dicks is okay for some retarded reason.
Don't try to understand women in porn and their cuck boyfriends.
Just don't.
Nigga pls she spent most of my childhood heavily obese while barely feeding me and my brothers and she just spent most of the fund my grandmother made for me.
If one day I hit her I'll be perfectly justified.
He is probably baiting (I hope so) because well, I usually pretend to hate loli too but its actually the only thing I fap to, it's idiot-proof bait
Oh yes, I forgot, we should ban GTA and such because killing in a videogame is equivocal to murder.
Second and fourth from the right aren't that bad. They look human at least.
You can go to prison with him, furfag. Maybe you two can be fuckbuddies.
I personally don't care for loli. That's the other guy but you're obviously insane if you can't distinguish between fiction and reality
Boys, what are the chances we can take back cuck/v/?
Thats basically "its not cheating if its only a blowjob". do you think her boyfriend gets off to her porn?
Boys, what are the chances we can take back cuck/v/?
I love people arguing about this.
Please go on.
There is no winner in family fights.
Why would you even want to? If you want to go back there so badly go right ahead
No we should ban such degeneracy for not being fun, faggot.
What are the chances we can take back this Holla Forums
I don't mind, gib source.
So what, does she only suck dudes off and do anal then? That's a shame. Hopefully she gets dumped so she can take her work seriously.
If you're gonna post crops of furry porn, at least post crops of heterosexual stuff
No Anal.
Xex Bellringer.
Yeah it's a stupid fucking name
It's not until moderation/ourselves go full purge
Back then i had the time to post in every thread i saw with decent posts and made OC just to maintain this place and discussions alive out of fear. Now it seems i don't, but we are going to make it mister, we need to make it, the problem is when and how can we move the good ones out
There's been plenty things more egregious here than m00t's GG stickied post, so might as well never happen
Fear is coming sooner than later
So we can claim it for our own and take back the whole website little by little. It's a conquest user, it's a conquest.
gee whiz, where do you people study this script? every time is the same replies in the same order.
i do too, i love seeing the rampant hypocrisy that comes with anonymity, and the hugboxing that follows. its just another ugly yet beautiful display of human nature.
I'm still not tired if winning.
But user you're on the retarded side of the discussion.
Are you baiting?
Not an argument, tell me how it's different.
That's, ..such a dumb name.
Go away buddy and don't return
Go right ahead and go back there now and try to take it back we'll be right behind you.
Unfortunately there's no way to go full purge outside of being no fun allowed rulecucks. Nothing can happen I think. I mean look at what's been happening lately. Not a single thread can even get a half okay discussion going before becoming Holla Forums Holla Forums shitflinging or threads going wildly offtopic. Even this one now is insanely offtopic. Not that it really matters considering it was shit to begin with
Shouldn't you be in prison right now, (((Goldberg)))?
Actually it's Xev.
Still fucking retarded.
fuck off
Neogaf is a great site and the fact that the admin got v& is even better. It shows that he was open minded sexually and wasn't afraid to go beyond the cultural norms, even if it cost him his freedom. Truly inspiring.
you go first
He actually scammed the forum into giving him over a thousand dollars and then told them to fuck off when they found out he spent it on heroin.
Faggot mods and the high-elf owner protecting him back then.
He also bragged about beating up his mom one day. In other words, a true piece of shit.
you 2D hypocrites are one step below this guy as far as society is concerned.
and after all, what "society" thinks is all that matters. because what society thinks transforms into laws, moral, and culture. what are you going to do when society comes for you kicking your door down? tell them that its okay because they're drawings?
you guys are like the 2nd weakest kid in school, who looks somewhere else as the weakest one gets brutally bullied everyday, willfully unaware that as soon as that kid dies/changes schools/drops out, he's next.
if you don't jerk off to lolis you're not a real man
pretty sure the king of the elves also pay for his rehab too.
rolling for dubs!
fuck off you probably jerk off to children ecery day you sick fuck.
Someone should inform the warden you got out of your cell
If you wanted me to post you should have just asked
I don't personally associate with pedos, i just consider anti-pedos to over react easily in the light of virtue signaling and feeling like paladins of justice.
Nice try faggot, if you really wish to help then let us formulate a plan. We need someone to infiltrate the moderation team first, or possibly a janitor position. Then we systematically have them flag/delete all neogaf/leftist/shill threads. Watch as the rest of the board laughs at them for raging, for their posts being deleted. The community comes back together like the old days.
Sorry to hear that user
Morally bankrupt birds of a feather flock together.
I needed some good news.
You still haven't explained how killing in 2d is ok but sex in 2d isn't.
I gotta agree here
Fapping to lolis and saying it's not pedo is like fapping to traps and saying its not gay
I'm OK with it though, as long as they don't fap to REAL children. Keep that shit in fantasy land.
Mark, explain. What the fuck is with your (((tribe))), brah?
Does he really think that his post makes NeoFAG look any better?
Or the possibility that he was part of a CP ring
1. say you only do it to 2D
2. accuse your accuser of not being able to differentiate reality from fiction
3. compare it to violent videogames, GTA specifically, but you can spice it up by using other games
4. claim moral highground/superior intellect with reaction images and low tier basic ad-hom.
5. when all else fails, accuse the accuser (again) of being a specific person
6. once argument is lost: rage, ad-hom, and spout memes like bubba in prison, chris hansen. wait for thread to 404 and pretend like you've won.
i think i figured the pedo-in-denial script at this point.
fuck you,might as well jerk off to real children in that case
if the browsing history of pedos was thoroughly searched I guaran-fucking-tee it would show they were jerking to that shit. But ((they)) don't let us see that.
I believe it's called projection
He's that way so everyone else must also be that way
All that projection holy shit
Let's make the case that you are right.
Owning cp is illegal because it's done with non consenting children and it creates a market for it, making more be produced in the future (which btw is a logic fallacy just like piracy, but let's just assume it's true).
If that is the case, owning loli porn's legality should lie on the question: do you believe loli porn creates new pedos?
If not, there's no reason to make it illegal, since it doesn't create a market for cp, and it just makes artists more money (supposedly).
You both are faggots, just want you to know that.
remember that time patton oswalt poisoned his wife to death?
fuckin pedos bedos
While we always had Holla Forums stuff, as half of the userbase hailed from there, the new wave is insulting, these elections really did a number on a lot of newfag attitudes
Only another exodus with a very specific set of circumstances will push another glorious era, but i can't see how, the only thing that might work will push everyone, and it will result in our same sad state
A purge from ourselves, that is extreme nuclear amounts of shitposting to force a cleaning/push the weak away will only lead to IP range bans from the jews
While i don't plan anything like that other fella about saving his old cuck shed, the only possible way so far is to plan a one-month experiment at some site, problem is how to announce that so we dont get infiltrated by kojidrones, redditors and other homo filth, as another board will not suffice or get bombed by Mark buttbuddies
No clear way m8, just dreams and prayers
Gift that keeps on giving. Why are SJWs and their cesspools such pedophile subhumans? Everyone spam Sessions and Trump and give them the death penalty.
Without Codemonkey fixing the site via Alacrity Daemon, Holla Forums would no longer exist. It had gone FAR BEYOND unstable and into downright unusable status. Hotwheels had completely given up interest in the site, the IRC goons had permanently warped his mind. He just wanted the code to keep crumbling until there was nothing left. We are still about 800 unique IPs shy of where we were before the site started to massively fuck up posting. If you want to wonder why quality went down, it's not because of "muh Redditors" (they were always here because of GG) it's because those 800 IPs contained some good posters that are now gone.
Did that actually happen
You don't project feelings as heavy onto a virtual individual while killing them as you would a loli when creaming, it's not as intense killing a random fantasy monster as you do to want to fuck a fake kid and masturbate to them.
You see more threads here talking about a videogame and the characters rather than focusing purely on the "Let's see how much we want to KILL THE BAD GUYS AND MAKE THEM SUFFER WITH BLOOD", talk. At least, not as often as people here would sexually a character.
It's a bit of a false equivalence what you're saying, because you discharge your fluids to one, and just press buttons with the other. Unless you try to train yourself to be an assassin after killing a vidya person for some autistic reason, if you want the comparison to be more even.
That's just my 2 cents though. I personally don't shame people who fap to loli because it's a "Tofu Soy" alternative to real pepperoni pizza. I hate pedos with a passion, and 2D is an excellent proxy/substitute to pin those unacceptable feelings on. Unless you're talking about Hebe Then it's OK because puberty
He's a troll you retard. No one cares if you fap to cartoons.
still waiting for you to make a distinction between killing and sex.
Oh come the fuck on, that's hebe not pedo
Fucking americans
I don't believe in making it illegal, the current laws are just fine. As I said before, It's fantasy, it's okay. This is similar to the trapfag situation where dummies believe the "traps aren't gay" meme and have literally said chicks with dicks are REAL women. They're a substitute for women, but that's a whole different story. It's only similar in surface level.
You are implying that people who like 2D are attracted to real children which is not the case
You and I are very different people.
You're showing signs of brain damage but user's example is good since finding a loli or trap IRL is almost impossible unless it's literally a photo but with pencil/brush effects. Think of it as fapping to ayyys.
This thread is like that one time i posted a greentext about a 10 year old talking smut to me.
Why is Holla Forums so afraid of kids?
yeah, I said he was retarded. But he probably wanted to browse it comfortably in bed.
uh, no
wow, rude
t. big faggot
Other way around, loli is excellent for pedos, so they don't jerk off to real children. I, myself know a few who love children, but go to 2D due to fear of the law, or to try and rise above.
I'm mainly speaking from experience, so I do understand if you pick up my confirmation bias. We honestly need a survey.
Why the fuck would anyone do this? I know some people don't have computer smarts but clearly is no excuse. Somewhere there is a dumbass saving CP on file sharing sites like Google drive.
>fucking up (((they)))
Found the faggot that doesn't belong here.
Also, (((they))) know your browsing history and can see it too all it takes if for you to become a problem.
Just a coincidence, goy!
that's an incredibly retarded argument. obviously it is meant to portray a child and to stimulate thoughts of being with children.
heh heh, y-yeah, w-who would be dumb enough to do that?…. heh
To the surprise of nobody.
All of them. Pedophilia is how they black mail.
Trips confirm.
I remember a bunch of redditors said they would never stay here because of the confusing layout, and they didn't know how to reply.
I miss the good old days when we were united under a single banner and we didn't let our own personal ideologies fracture us as hard as it does now. Hell, I remember having a nice conversation about future economies beyond what currently know as capitalism, socialism, etc. It was fun, but now try to discuss economies or even try to criticize anything, you're automatically labeled as the boogeyman of the board's choice. We need to nuke this site, fuck Holla Forums, fuck nu/pol/ and fuck redditards.
Nice post Cuckmonkey
Why? They managed to bag the only pedo on neofag. The rest are too interested in taking big dicks up the ass to care about children.
If they can convince my dick they're a woman, that's all that counts, biological reality be damned
It might only be similar on the surface, but anything under the surface is irrelevant when talking about whores anyway
That was never the case, and you know it.
Aha, your true intentions have become clear.
Just kidding. I agree strongly
do some more gymnastics with that logic of yours, come on, make it elastic, stretch it then twist as hard as you can
what happened to you? got a sudden surge of honesty?
this one is on the right track, thats all pedophilia is about, its a blackmail tool. it was never about "protecting children", who gives a shit if your idiot kid gets raped as long as the powerful have a strong grab on the throat of, well, basically the entirety of western, slavic, and oriental civilization.
Kids are absolutely evil. I don't believe in any children that has a 'good heart' but the fact that they are conditioned to be good and obey the rules.
I hope this never happens to Mark because laughing at Neofags and goons improves one's day.
Same, but I lie to appease the degenerates. After I'm done I'll remind them they're all man, but god damn, that ass.
What do you know about Mark that we do not :^]
fuck off pedos. Masturbsting to pedos is bad and if you do it youre going to hell.
If you don't like then just fuck off, no one is holding you back here. No one's telling you stay. There's absolutely no reason for you to be here other than to stir shit up. Go to fucking endchan faggot.
No cares either than you.
Post pics of yourself and prove it bby
I don't know what to do, i don't have a picture smug enough for this, i need the smugest one ever made, the most animeiest smuguest picture.
I mean yeah. Holla Forums stuff is fine, the problem becomes when every single thread gets shitposted to death by a horde of autists who can't contain themselves because someone mentioned a nig or a fag. When it's on topic it's fine but it becomes ridiculous I just want to talk about videogames
If you really want the pedos to leave start telling them how their attraction to children is a mental illness.
No. I just like to admit my faults.
If I have no substance to my case, I'll openly admit it. I'm the type of person to usually cite my sources, but if there are no sources, I'll just admit it's a gray area, unless my opponent brings his own case, then I'll analyze it too.
I try to prioritize objectivity above all else. You're definitely used to seeing people here being stubborn as hell, aren't cha?
Get off my site, retard. This place was far more chill without pieces of shit like (((you)) poisoning the well.
The pedos with no internet knowledge are always the low hanging ones that gets arrested. The rest has been lurking for CP for 5+ years.
Loli does not exist, so it's OK.
Just don't fuck or abuse children and I have no beef with you.
Was it about pokemon and a 3DS or something?
I remember one greentext story about some user sexting with an 11 year old, the topic completely derailed because of it and later the thread was nuked because a single greeentext post
I meant masturbating to pedo material is bad and you're going to hell if you do. Same with regular porn but I didn't want to piss off 15/16 of Holla Forums
I don't think you're using "fantasy" equally here, though. If you like loli but aren't attracted to real life children, then calling you a pedo would make the word damn-near meaningless (in a culture that values women looking as young as possible).
Why is it that these people end up turning out to have some juicy skeletons in their closets? I wonder what else half of the people condemning us may be harboring, and how they try to get off on the moral high ground all the time.
You don't belong here.
cp is a victimless crime.
Mark is Jewish so it's not beyond possibility.
that's not the fucking point you retard. Delete your pedo shit. Its fucking degenerate and was made by the jews.
You're right, i forgot to mention most normalfags would just make pedophiles illegal even if they never acted, saved cp or loli porn, or produced 2d porn to fap to.
Basically thought crime.
This huhuhu shit is getting hilarious.
I'm surprised anyone even remembers it, but yes you remember right!
Masturbating to someone with the exact proportions of a child (or even a TODDLER) raises a red flag though, unless you mean oppai loli or something similar.
It depends on how thicc the loli is here as well, along with proportions that are hard for real children to achieve.
Yes, we are going this route
I wonder if that's a fetish. Masturbating to pedophiles instead of children.
Like there has to be at least one person on Earth who's only attracted to convicted pedophiles.
It's okay user, when we all die there won't be a damn thing, and that's scarier than any edgy torture dungeon boogeyman story you could ever come up with
seriously though, those videos of little girls on younow or whatever who stream themselves masturbating, who is the victim of that?
fuck off kike. Bet you suppprt drumpf too and >muh based israel.
I don't masturbate to it myself, I just speak for the others. I like to analyze behavior.
it was nice knowing you pals, i can hear the van parking outside
Neither is hanging pedophiles since you can only commit crimes against human beings.
Go be a degenerate somewhere else.
It's because you don't become a part of these groups without being initiated. If there are no skeletons in your closet, it's (((their))) job to put some there. It gives you an incentive to keep the corruption going.
It is degenerate though, and furthermore it's mental illness. You're attracted to something you can't reproduce with. You're not well, let me help.
you are the reason child molesters sometimes kill their victims.
I can post it again btw but i only managed to screenshot it from my phone, sadly.
I sat my ass here after getting off moot's cucked ride and I'm not going to let a blowhard like you say otherwise. I'm not even sure why you're even attacking me to begin with.
I just fapped to this wow
I used to want to get fucked by older men during my teens
I was hella ugly and fat though, so I needed company
Some pedos are surprisingly attractive, mostly the people that get arrested for fucking 14-18
I' not attacking you, I'm laughing at you. We always called each other faggots. We do have some nearly universal opinions, but there are very few.
Oh god, you gave me flashback to halfchan threads where there were little girls with than same ass bikini tan.
Sauce for gallery
As I've said before in this thread I'm not into lolis but you're retarded if you can't distinguish between fiction and reality. Might as well not play any videogames because the things that happen there are too real for you
user you should kill yourself.
you never know until you try.
No, user, it's degenerate no matter if it's 2D or 3D, and you need help.
I can understand the ideas behind making loli illegal. The idea that there shouldn't be any laws dictating what you can and can't think is preposterous. It's one of the few things the left got right. You can't have a populace that just thinks and does whatever it wants, that's what leads to fags/trannies, pedophiles and a range of other types of degenerates. The government needs to exercise more control and stop pussyfooting around issues with obvious solutions. If you don't fit the mold the mold shouldn't be discarded. The people should be.
never stop being childish Holla Forums, this is why i love the board.
kids are instinctual, like dogs. until you teach them morals and values and whatever stupid shit you want to put in their blank heads. some of them might have the instinct to rub their genitals or masturbate without even knowing what masturbating really is, they'll do it because they feel like it.
isn't that what anonymity is about? everyone here is stubborn as fuck because they can't be "tough" in real life, where arguments aren't purely a clash of ideologies, but there is actually a whole other layer of complexity, that is, the social aspect.
Man, I'm letting this bullshit get the best of me. Maybe I am a faggot, you faggot
No! I'm fine now. I would make like 95% of the people I talked to EXTREMELY uncomfortable when I was in my teens.
I was a troubled child user, I have harnessed that emotion into charm, and now people love me. I may be a sociopath though.
You're the first person to ever have that kind of reasoned response, instead of just going "muh child proportions" and leaving it at that. Yeah, the more realistically-proportioned, the more of a boner-killer, for me, unless there's something else like stylized face or something. Toddlercon is up there with guro or scat.
All pedos should be gassed, check these dubs, fuck off cancers
The difference is that violence and combat is a fundamental part of human nature and necessary element for the foundation of social order while pedophilia is a severe mental and moral sickness that has absolutely zero benefits to society.
There is nothing wrong with killing your tribes enemies, there is something severely wrong with fucking children.
I've met a MtF transgender with age disphoria who used to get his rocks off by making pedos cum to his loli looking body.
I never said anything about fiction, or reality. Pedophilia is simply mental illness that's it. If you're trying to say loli is not CP you're technically right because no minors are involved. But you still need to die, like right now. You're like the people who say kemono isn't furry.
No you can't. They have not developed enough to reproduce. Here let me help you.
I can go to jail for masturbating to rapists? Are you trying to tell me only children can be rapists?
You have trouble reading don't you? I'll say it again since you're a fucking mong I don't like lolis aras are where its at but if you don't understand that drawings are different from real people then you're retarded and should kill yourself besides, video games are degenerate too so why are you here?
Basically this. Having any sort of tolerance for degeneracy only leads to more of it. To accomplish a truly pure society you have to crack a few eggs. It's not as if most people aren't disposable.
You don't belong here if you think guro is on the same level as shit
Lolicon shouldn't be illegal, it's a substitute that prevents actual children from being raped.
Doesn't mean that the people who need lolicon to not rape kids aren't sick fucks who should kill themselves.
Who's going to make me die? Your fat ass?
There wouldn't be a need for prevention if we simply killed all the pedophiles. I'm not above advocating for using internet search history to condemn them.
So basically what you're saying is that if it's old enough to breed, it's old enough to seed
(((Christopher Goldberg)))
Not even surprised anymore.
No. Just be aware everyone will try to kill you at some point because you honestly believe you're mental illness is normal. You will never be tolerated, ever.
there wouldn't be need for prevention of any crime if we just killed all humans
you first.
m8, there's hardly a difference between shitting dick nipples and that one comic about being filled with holes. My dick is equally unmoved.
i was going to screenshot it but i forgot why i didn't
i mean screenshot the whole thread
I sure do love me some videogames.
I agree with the sentiment, but this kind of thinking is how we lose privacy and never get it back.
*tugs your shirt*
A-user I'm horny…
Which part of history are you referring to? 2100 where wars are nothing but news channels flinging shit on each other? Girls don't live long ages ago and they certainly lost their hymen way longer than you think is appropriate.
Now I get to finally say it!
That was a bit too hardcore, it reached more than 200 replies.
The salt was just perfect tho.
No i'm saying that violence has it's place in society while pedophilia doesn't.
So making a false comparison between video games violence and lolicon is a false argument.
There will always be crimes, but that doesn't imply we shouldn't do everything we can. I get it. You want me to say we should do everything we can to prevent crime. Yeah you're right but the first step should be monitoring the net so that we can catch pedophiles as soon as they start searching, and we should exercise a zero tolerance policy for it. There are plenty of unemployed people out there. The few who happen to be pedophiles won't be missed.
Provably false.
Fuck video games and fuck you.
Privacy isn't important unless you've got something to hide. We should all be cooperating to wipe out pedophiles rather than worrying about the privacy that protects them.
*unzips katana*
In the past it was never ever acceptable to fuck pre-pubescent girls dumbass.
Except in the Islamic world, the cunts.
Give it enough time and you will find that every single one of these virtue signalling, revolutionary, #resist, faggots who want to censor the internet and deny rights to people over crimes of wrongthink… Give it enough fucking time and you'll find that every single one of them has a disgusting vice they are covering up and trying to justify through their actions. If they can pretend to be good people then it doesn't matter that they tried to rape a 12 year old last year. If they can promote feminism then it doesn't matter that they have a collection of snuff porn. If they can stop Donald Trump (somehow) then it's okay that they capture and torture small animals.
They're fucking psychopaths and they are trying to balance the scales by being as overbearing with their ideology and activism because they are so wracked with guilt and shame and self-loathing that they think all this marxist bullshit will be their way to absolution and freedom from consequences.
But the logical conclusion of your argument is that 10 or 11+ is perfectly fine
Let's just end this stupid fucking argument.
Hi FBI, how is the NSA doing?
Well thread is sinking anyway, might aswell post the greentext now.
yeah and every time someone accidentally types 'loli' when they were trying to type just 'lol' should be included in the figures and sent to the deathcamps. oh they were only trying to type 'lol'? a likely story. off to the deathcamp with you!
all of this is moot because pedophilia is natural and you have to accept it.
No faggot
Stylized face IS a good response.
I don't know what else to say to you, I pretty much agree with your answer.
I think it's questionable when people fap to the equivalent of drawn realistic children, but when its stylized enough to the point that having [subject matter] in real life be an impossibility, I'm not as bothered. If anything, I'm a little turned on
For example, developed sex organs, or doing sex acts without issue (or without force) and PLEASURE is obviously not applicable to kiddies. I've seen real CP videos, and they are EONS different to doujins and the like.
Mainly because I know the exact context that is always missing with actual kids, that don't choose to do it and are being fucking forced AND AREN'T DEVELOPED.
The lolis in doujins are obvious fantasy, and in no way represent how a children would act. It's an escapism, fucking real children is awkward, slow and you can't even fuck them right unless you've damaged their insides and tear tissue, ruining them for life, there is situation of early bloomers, but those aren't kids anymore, they're teens.
Once again though, it's still all 2D. I'm not gonna police people for even fapping to drawn children having sex (even if I'm completely disgusted by them looking like REAL KIDS)
That's their choice, if people let off steam that way without hurting any actual kids, I'm 100% with it, as opposed to fucking 7 year olds.
Literally everyone has something to hide, it's called a personal life
Stop baiting and start posting some lolis geez
What a shit poll
what happens once you eliminate all "degeneracy" from the world?
you will get bored. you forget that human nature cannot be changed by a mere few generations of brainwashing. once you are too bored, you will begin to think of new things to mark as "degenerate", and you'll start eliminating these too, until you become the very society that you claim to be trying to stop.
these arguments are lovely, pedophilia truly became more of a social phenomenon and a tool of control than what it really is, a simple sexual preference.
its a topic that by merely being mentioned, bypasses any and all logic and does a critical hit into the emotional part of their brain. not to mention that if you need someone "gone", you just plant some pics of laura B in their computers and let the brainless law enforcement take care of it.
with this in mind, gathering an angry mob to do your biding is easy for anyone with just a little influence, just say you want to save the children from an evil that nobody in the mob knows anything about except for the shit you feed them through the media (which you also own) and presto. you have a mobile unit of brute force for free.
big surprise
Oh my god you monster stop triggering me
Brb, masturbating to John Wayne Gacy
The way that subjective morals become objective is if enough people believe them.
So yes fuck you my beliefs are 100% objective and i'm right about everything.
The internet SHOULD be censored. The idea that the internet isn't censored to begin with is way beyond idiotic. Believe me the internet is well beyond censored, and rightly so. Some thoughts shouldn't be expressed and some images should not be seen. That is the one thing these people have right. If they didn't have so many skeletons in their closets they might be capable of sincerity, but their excuses for said censorship as well as their hypocrisy damn them.
The FBI doesn't have time to browse a backwater imageboard.
XevBellringer. She's aging so fast.
But they have hit puberty, unless they're a late bloomer
Earliest can be even a lot younger than that, without even counting unnatural illnesses
You literally cannot have a civilized society without public acceptance of violence.
Think about what the police are retard.
Lets throw a random era and pick the Viking ages. Tell me what's the average age of fucking since marriage is rarely done and usually after sex.
just because you're a pussy who can't deal with certain ideas doesn't mean other people shouldn't be allowed to.
censorship is telling a grown man he isn't allowed to eat a steak because an infant can't eat it.
you're an infant.
I'll live a meaningful life in a society steadily advancing towards the stars.
Equating fun and degeneracy is a special kind of retarded.
All you've proven with all your words is that in their heart of hearts some people still believe in Justice. Even if it's just a small part of them, people will rise up and fight if it's for the right cause. If you have nothing to hide you have absolutely nothing to worry about.
Censorship is true prevention. If you control the information you control the people. People won't choose peace on their own. They have to be forced into it.
Why are you avoiding me baitkun?
I think it's a typo, I saw somewhere he had 4yo kid pics in his cellphone
Good luck getting what you want censored in this day and age. If anything, you'll get dissenting ideas more so then pedoshit because pedoshit won't topple a power.
Holla Forums chose morality without any prompting.
The theory that humanity is fundamentally evil and thus needs to be controlled is complete bullshit.
Now this is bait I can reply to.
Your bulge is so big and delicious looking…
Can i touch it? owo
You're fine.
I have a few loli/toddlercon stuff on my google drive too.
Wanna feel my hairy chest baby?
*raises paw*
oWo what's this????
this thread hasn't been deleted yet because the mods are waiting for cp
further proof that pedophilia is natural.
Hi it's me Goku
Are you going to tell me that they lived without rape and pillaging while also keeping their virginities intact till their late 20's?
Shut the fuck up David. We can't give away our position just yet.
We have to convince the goyim with cute hardcandy pictures first!
Alright fine but as I post this I think we should all keep in mind that she's well over a thousand years old. Any civilized man with basic arithmetic knowledge would agree that that is well above the age of consent and that this therefore makes it okay and not degenerate. All pedophiles should be kill. I am not one because she is well over a thousand years old. That's really old.
user senpai your dick is gonna rip me apart!!
Vikings is a bad option, since humans evolved as hunter-gatherers, and since the dawn of civilization we've been actively fighting our biology.
Men are obviously going to be attracted to around the time that a girl could get pregnant, since it means the most chances to have a child, as opposed to an old-and-busted 25 year old (if they even lived that long). Menopause is proof positive that we aren't designed to live past 40, back when we were still in Africa.
Pedos just have a screw loose and want to fuck someone prior to puberty. Just like incest-lovers have a screw loose and want to fuck a sibling. Or, more apt, like someone with a pregnancy fetish, since being attracted to pregnancy is obviously a poor way to spread genes.
Too bad that the most relevant post is covered by shitloads of useless and pornless data.
Completely natural. Police should bag any relatives too.
That's not the path Holla Forums chose though. Holla Forums started out mostly libertarian but as degeneracy got worse until it exploded in full blown crazy SJW they found out unlimited freedom without order will lead to decay and collapse. We're already Weimar and we need an Adolf Hitler.
Can I have what they're smoking. God fuck.
well, considering you think gravity will stop functioning if people stop believing in it, you would definitely "reach the stars" in no time.
but did you really need to spread out your retardation in 3 different posts?
oh my sweet, naive summer child. thinking your understanding of the world is at its summit when it hasn't even taken flight yet. if that is your definition of justice, i wonder what you would think if a bunch of people gathered to kill you, considering how childish you are, you'd think its "unfair" because you didn't do anything wrong.
this was a wonderful thread, i must sleep now.
I'm not going to argue with this, but there is functionally nothing wrong with wincest in a world with plentiful birth control
That's not the path Holla Forums chose though. Holla Forums started out mostly libertarian but as degeneracy in society got worse until it exploded in full blown crazy SJW they found out great or unlimited freedom without order will lead to decay and collapse. We're already Weimar and we need an Adolf Hitler.
user mentioned that fucking younger girls is out of the question in the past and isn't instinctual. It most definitely is if she can bleed which mean she can breed especially during dire times when the mortality rate is high and age of expectancy is a lot lower than today's standard.
I have a screw loose, and wholly agree
Honestly i'm not entirely sure what would happen if all of humanity stopped believing in gravity.
Meme magic ain't nothing to fuck with.
Baby can bleed too.
You fuck baby.
You fuck baby now
Unga Bunga
What's age ratio by the way?
Wew this is big news
This symbol is so familiar…
Do you guys think i won something?
I loved those as a kid, they were expensive but they cream was delicious…
.. …..
I don't agree. The internet is one of the few things that should be kept like the wild west. Its golden age was the best back when the least amount of censorship existed.
Are you stupid?
Cream 100% natural ;)
So you CAN fuck babby.
Fuck banby now
Fuck babby hard
Unga bunga
good times
>On April 22, Monroe County District Attorney’s Office Detective Brian Webbe (who conducts investigations to catch those downloading and sharing child porn online) used means to discover a suspect computer possessing child porn image files. The files contain images of prepubescent girls with their private parts exposed
Kind of curious to how all these people get "caught" with these images. Seems like the police do illegal shit to catch people that happen to be doing worse illegal shit.
Spread it like wildfire
No shit
But honestly, what would you anons do if a cute 15 year old really wanted your dick, and was flirting with you?
I'll give you a tip girls are usually more mature than boys the same age
lol like nigger wut
how can the natural human body be illegal to look at? like smh
Its just fancy speak. They connect to a bittorrent swarm and write down ip's, or they search edonkey (which, yes, is still around, and literally only used for this purpose) and write down ip's. Subpeona the ISP for subscriber info, and then search warrant.
reminder even you can check what other IP has downloaded via torrent:
Was that GK Chesterton or Mark Twain?
I've seen that some people have downloaded some fucked up shit with that before
i was under the impression it's a Twain quote.
You might want to check out the former. He has useful things to say about virtues, vices, and politics.
Fuck off markgoon, your own delusion is driving us to the ground
Seeing the lengths people go to to justify their depravity helps me stay away from my own porn addiction.
You are not better than anyone if you are here
anyone who doesn't jerk off to lolis is infinitely better.than someone who doesn't
Porn directors are either lazy as fuck or 100% 0-fucks-given shitposters
I don't jack it to CP, and I'm distancing myself more and more from porn, so you're wrong there, buddy. But keep projecting your fetishes on other blank "Anonymous" slates so you can pretend you're "normal."
Who said anything about that?
how could anyone be that dumb right user?
/sp/ owns endchan now. There's no bogeyman, only in your head. I'm just telling you to go back where you belong, in other words, go to where your kind congregate. You guys are not enough to warrant the title of boogeyman like GG does. Just kindly fuck off if you don't like how things work here. Codemonkey released the source code after the hack, you can fucking look at it. You don't like like the way things works around here then fucking change it, the tools are out there, the 8ch source code is out, make your fucking own, Jim and Codemonkey are as transparent as Hotwheels was, even more so. Don't think you can fucking fool me, I have not yet seen hard evidence to back your claims Go take the fight to fucking halfchan where they do need it, where obvious data collecting and spying do take place. Nah, bring the fight here instead. What the fuck are you trying to do?
You don't like it then FUCK OFF
Sickos yelling at other sickos is the best. It's an excellent way to study mental gymnastics.
Sadly they'll survive this.
If you have nothing to hide, then you should still fear because people can fabricate evidence and accusations to use against you anyway, and proving those accusations are false and/or recovering from the damaging slander is never a guarantee.
All thought should be expressed. Having some type of real-world experience is how people become sure if something is truly a good or bad idea, assuming those same people are willing to accept the outcomes of those actions. All thought should be expressed, but expression without consequence is fucking retarded and a good way to turn your home into the next Weimar, San Francisco, or some other third-world shithole.
Seriously, someone alert the authorities.
Isn't pretending not to know a criminal while you in fact do something that police investigate? That is enough, right?
Explain then why is that bad. It gives them a harmless 'pressure valve', letting real kids off the hook.
That's a easy answer. No. Being mature on a mental level does not equal to being mature physically.
Hello pot? You're looking for the kettle black? As yes he's right here spewing out hypocrisy like a dumb shit.
hang out, get to know and then if we're still into each other, give the dick for sweet sixteen when it's legal. i never really understood the point of doing the whole one night stand song and dance just to get a mediocre shag and move on anyway. i'd rather spend that time playing video games or something. that said, i am a virgin so who am i to talk, right?
ljl at thinking the state gives a shit about pedos.
Pedos are the excuse they use to scare you into accepting greater state control of the internet so they can crack down on copyright violations for their kike masters. If anyone high up in law enforcement actually gave a shit about pedos half of Hollywood would have been swinging from lampposts decades ago.
It is not bad, user.
Click my ID and have a read at my other posts.
That's because Hollywood subverted the system a long time ago, trump caught them off guard of course.
Things are BARELY changing. Don't expect it to be the same within 10~ years.
Clearly just a coincidence goys I mean guys, nothing to see here, move along…
its funny seeing all the pedogoon neogaggers trying to run interference for their gay child raping mod.
garbage taste
Agreed, let's start by censoring you from posting here.
You're going to find a girl and she is going to love you very much.