Space station 13 - butch pete edition

it's a role playing atmosphere simulation and clown removal game make an account and then download to install byond cilent, once it's up just press on space staion 13 on the side

that depends on the server as each code base does everything abit different but you'll get a decent feel of it from our wiki

we don't have a main server yet but we do have some nice people hosting random code bases for us till we're more set

it's not a permanent server so expect to be only playing at certain times

Other urls found in this thread:

Fallout13 is pretty fun.
Play as Raider and try to survive as long as you can by kidnapping and raping anyone you come across. If you live longer than 10 minutes you're already rich in ammunition and everyone will be wanting to cut your head off and put it on a pike.

Reminder that Atmostechs are the kings of autism and that no other job can compete.

Sadly we're running the newer codebase, but i'm unsure if that's a turnoff for some people.
Good news is it appears to be relatively easy(I.E even someone who's code retarded can do so) to cut out the donation shit and get down to business in the code, so it should be good.

Throwing this trash back up after a recompile, give it a few minutes.

Pretty nifty then. Hopefully setting up this will discourage the "official" fallout13 server to lock shit behind a stupid paywall.

are you kidding me? they're Russians

Their code's open-source, so it's likely they'll have a hard time getting donations out of anyone when you can literally just do what i said.


Attempting clean compile, please hold.


if you could pick who your holoplasie is that'd make it no as useless

Telecrystals would have been better spent on Syndicakes.

Tbqh there needs to be a "bar holoparasite from emerging" button

You left out the new player guide, OP. Here:

that's why clockwork marauders are better

Nu-tgstation is fucking garbage.

if the content was gutted and put to use with a less fucked codebase then it'd be fine

host fag is done molesting the code base, shit's working now

They fucked atmos hard and I"ll never forgive them for it.

Clean Compile finished, donation shit's still locked, if you feel like looking like Doomguy or Mad Max just ahelp.

I know


Nah mate fuck off.


I didn't sage, it was a bump

I was really to unload hot plasma all over you in full power armour to if my talk didn't go well with you

I remember this shit. There was a non-slavic non-dead server running it a while ago. It was full of erp faggots and whiny admins. I got permabanned for "muh immursun" because I single-handedly broke in and killed everyone in the vault as legion, since the entire vault was filled with hair-dyed lesbians who couldn't stop having sex long enough to check if the door was secure or not. Good times.

I figured it was better to just hobble on out of there when I saw the guy in power armor walk in on my breaking glassWhich was somehow on top of r.wall

I was wondering if you just simply forgot or if it was a joke.

The tumblr filename was a joke, right?



well tbh I wanted to recruit you since the other guy that spawned killed him self for some reason

the server is down btw, pretty laggy as well and the code base seems to be abit without goals

PizzaStation fork:

Start listing shit you want added/removed/ported etc, either in the thread or as an issue and I'll see what I can do. If anyone wants to help, go nuts.

I usually save incidental reaction images to my desktop and then clear them away every few days, instead of sorting them into a dedicated folder. I usually resort to a quick google search for the one I want, that's all.

right now,I'd suggest just general optimizing and bug fixing, lets not add a bunch of shit that'll just make it even more of a cluster fuck then it is

Virology rework.

Make it more proactive and beneficial to the station
Nasty viruses shouldn't be cured by eating chips (nutriment); instead, a more diverse number of cures should be introduced
Some cures should be downright impossible to produce, or very involved; virology is supposed to create blood cultures from a cured monkey, so instead of injecting a rare concoction, why not just do it once and create antibody injections like you're supposed to?
One codebase had a virology machine that added 1u doses at the click of a button, no more fumbling around
Add rats, vermin to maintenance, maybe 25% of them have a benign or minor disease of some sort. This way, a shitter or traitor can steal its blood and start making ghetto viruses if they can steal milk or plasma, and make the virologist USEFUL

Just some ideas

there's alot more and I can go in detail but I'm cooking right now

>OCC for the next round was the Medic bitching about how my "gimmick" wasn't funny

that's some autism, which serb?

A smaller station for ~10 people would be a good start. We could use the already made MiniStation, but I think our own map would be fresher.


if we could get a mapper to make mini like meta in terms of sheer comfy and personality then I'd get behind it but we'd also need another power generation method too

http:// archive. is/2CFDL
^ archive of previous thread, it contains vore server exploration.
degenerates were found

can someone tell me what kinda server I should rent for spessmens?

Europa code is very good

Make it more proactive and beneficial to the station
I started work on this and trying to make each trait more 'real to life' and add some new ones a long time ago. Whoever wants to do this? Good luck. It'll take a minute.
If we get a real server up I may continue my work.
Nasty viruses shouldn't be cured by eating chips (nutriment); instead, a more diverse number of cures should be introduced
This is as hard to do as changing two (2) lines.
Some cures should be downright impossible to produce, or very involved; virology is supposed to create blood cultures from a cured monkey, so instead of injecting a rare concoction, why not just do it once and create antibody injections like you're supposed to?
See above. The thing is operated by a list, and depending on what percentile your shit is in 'resistance', it moves further up the list.
Idiots added a shitload of traits that passively kill stealth and resistance though, so it's almost always nutriment at the moment. If you shrink or change the list itself, it changes the outcomes.
One codebase had a virology machine that added 1u doses at the click of a button, no more fumbling around
Any changes to the Pandemic should be avoided. The less interface changes, the better. If there's anything that'd be useful, it'd be to add a tab in the machine for storage that you could directly move bottles/cultures to. Ideally that'd be appended at the bottom rather than moving the buttons around.
Add rats, vermin to maintenance, maybe 25% of them have a benign or minor disease of some sort. This way, a shitter or traitor can steal its blood and start making ghetto viruses if they can steal milk or plasma, and make the virologist USEFUL
This is a map change thing and a sprite thing, the only way you could implement it purely in code would be to make it so that mouse 'mobs' occasionally infect people who step on them. Ideally they'd get a 'basic infection' and not an 'advanced virus', though, so I'm not sure if you could ghetto up a supervirus with that.

Just gotta be up 24/7 and reasonably specced. Spacemen isn't impossibly heavy, but I've never hosted a server. Maybe one of the owners will pop up now that the thread is bumped.

tbh I'm just worried about getting something massively expensive just for spessmens


Played it for a few hours about a year and a half ago because I saw a thread here. Tbh the game sucks. Sure there is lots to do but why? At the end of the day its pointless and nit fun because people are so fucking autistic they pick a job and stick to it and wont do shit else. I have a job in real life

It's a game about not dying horribly. If everything was calm and self-contained, the traitor wasn't doing their job.

Now if only we can get people to use it instead of the typical "IT'S GREENTEXT BUT BETTER"

right so if you nerds need a server to play on you can try archangel


it's left overs of absolution so it's fairly dead when there's no one on but once there is you can get something 10-14 around

Which of the populated servers is the least cancer

hmmm tbh

Come on niggers, come and play wh40k with us.

Everything is cancerous so you go in, loot the armory, and kill everyone. Or you join science and maxcap the station :^)

I'm coming, just lemme download this shit.

it takes awhile to load back up again since the host is trash

Did the bolter kick the living shit out of you when you shoot it?

no it didn't sadly, it should have though

Weird, the wiki says it does unless you're a spessmuhreen or some other shit.

the wiki is all kinda shits

I think that's bolt pistol. What was its name on examine, is the question.

Ok, why the fuck is the download so slow?
It even restarted the download for no reason.

musta been when the round restarted



More than that by now.

Couldn't get on for a bit, big storm happened.
I'll try to join, if I can actually load in this time.

tfw nobody to butch your pete

serb ded?

no? reconnect

It's live right now.

oh fuck my net is broken yet again



Other than the Mexican, who else was alive?

About 8 people.

that random scienist who went afk in dorms

join serb

tfw most robust ss13 player in existence.

if you're going to play on a 40k server, at least understand how to actually play it tbh

where we playing lads


I'm confused.

seemed like some shitter tbh

not working for me famalam

It was turning over the round.
It just got done.

nevermind, it's working now.

wew lad

Everything about /tg/ just seems so sluggish and garbage. I like /vg/'s lighting, atmos, and cooking. Fuck /tg/ cooking.

Only thing TG has over /vg/ is pretty much everything from R&D. More endgame shit besides BoH, AEG and Diamond Drill, SENTIENCE POTIONS and the ability to upgrade machines into actual usefulness and not +2 production speed.

40kserb returns.

TG is making changes to R&D.

They still haven't sacked that garbage?

Server crash, or is it just me?

Can't connect to serbia anymore, what happened?

Station is charted to be WEEB STATION 13, and it should be more stable than this server for the moment.
Hop on and pretend you're a little girl or something.

Can confirm this shit's being hosted, come join if you're up for *INCOHERENT WEEBSHIT*


It seems pretty neat. If someone gets a serious server, I'd love to try it.

7 online on the S.S. Weebshit! The more people, the better.

Oh joy, hope the round stays up for at least three hours so i can download this weebshit

Its not SS13

I know this already. It's still gonna be fun i'd hope.

Whats the requirements for a server?

Might be able to host.

it can run with anything just about it's a very old program, I'm going to be renting a server for us but if you've got something that's not your desktop or laptop then please do host

If you're going to make/host a ss13 server, enforce anonymity.
Secondly, which server is everyone on? I'd like to derust atmos.

do you have that code? if so

I'm sorry, I'm not a coder.
I was one of the hosts that were kicked out due to being too autistic towards fellow team members.
The reason why I would like anonymity to be enforced is because of how much drama this fucking autistic game can cause.
I haven't read through any of the files, but it would be pretty simple to enforce anonymity, all you need to is restrict the "who" command from normal players, code in or change everyone's ooc name to "Anonymous" or some shit, and give admins seperate accounts like "serveradmin1" to stop namefagging admins.
Also if you need any hosting tips, I am more than happy to help.

quite honestly I'd prefer if someone who actually knew what they're doing hosted and I paid for the hosting, also I remember someone coding that thing for the /vg/ server we had but it never went in because we had no coder to put it in

I do know what I'm doing if you want me to host, just make sure not to give me admin.

alright add me on discord and we'll do this Wolfspider#8471



he hosts it on his rig while also being a admin on a different server

my server is going to come on shorty once these fucker get in contect with me

I haven't been paying attention to the ss13 threads of late, what has wolfspider done?

theres an unofficial fallout 13 server running,
hardly any rules with some light rp, its preddy good.

the admins were pretty chill.

wew lad

fuck off loser lol

He isn't entirely wrong, to be fair.
It's just that the vast majority of players who'll be your whatever are massively unrobust.
What we need is little essay-writeup things what let you choose based on that, sort of as how the PAI does it.

I'm all down for more robust systems tbh

Here's my general guide to fixing things that set off my autism in ss13
>rewrite antag system so that people get x rounds an hour/day to play as antagonist, however they can't choose what type
This sounds stupid

Chemistry and Toxins are based in reality, to a large degree, so it'd be a terrible idea to mess with them for gameyness. R&D and Botany's mutations need reworking, though.
I like this idea.
I'm not sure why there isn't a list of 'preset' laws you can hit a button to implement with added effects, like 'do no harm'.
You don't just press buttons and magically make slimes. It's a bit of a process already.
Of all of the jobs, Xenobio feels most like you're actually sciencing. It could still use some added complexity, but I'm happy as it is. Best case is they get actual xeno races to play with and breed and abuse, rather than just slimes.



Please no. It's already a fucking pain in the ass if you aren't some autist with a spreadsheet.

more races to fuck around with is always a good idea

I think alot of jobs whoever coded them didn't actually think how those jobs actually work. like with R&D the job is basically asking questions "what if these two materials are combined, how do I combine them, what is this good for, is it conductive" type of shit

Do any of you know what a MUD is? I'm slowly working on one. I want the SS13 audience





























A lot of SS13 is visual. Blood on the floors or clothes, the various lighting functions, types of floors and walls and danger best seen.
If you have a way to represent these sorts of things as well as or better than Byond, you'll get 'the SS13 audience'.

blood in the environment is as easy as stating "there is blood on the floor". Blood on characters is pretty easy as well but the player would have to take the time to examine the other people standing in the room

It's already a bit of a pain to manage slimes without getting murdered. I'd rather not have yet more creatures to murder me in retarded ways. Xenobio is indepth enough, and probably one of the most rewarding, if largely redundant, fields

Ideally you'd be introduced to more comprehensive toolsets as you move up from low-reward but fun slimes to dangerous, entertaining beasties.
You want to make this visible as possible, as fast as possible. As you note for players…
You want to find a way to represent this with no such delay. If you manage it, and I'm sure you could if you think real hard, you'll definitely get 'the SS13 audience'. New coats of paint attract attention.
Speaking of which, is Doomstation still indev?

haha whoops I meant to reply to after

Problem is, as is slimes are one of the most deadly enemies, certainly to work with. They can stun, and inflict rather difficult to cure damage, at a quite high rate, without being able to be cut or otherwise damaged outside of coldness and water. Of which, isn't even that effective, quite frankly. Takes a lot of shots with an extinguisher outside the airlock.
It's why the very first thing I always work towards is slimeperson. Because eventually you will fuck up. Though, most my deaths've been to the first initial encounter, in all honesty. That startup is just plain painful, every time.

Proper ayys are either going to be stupidly hard to deal with, or they're going to be easier to work with than the slimes.

I fucking loved MUDs back in the day, I wouldn't mind playing one if you actually finish it. Tell me about it

I think the player interaction/ world interaction aspects will be the deciding factor and not really the various representations of blood but that may be a diverging opinion. It's never really going to feel like a new coat of paint since the form of gameplay is pretty much archaic. But hopefully it will be so interesting and so well made that people won't be able to resist playing it anyway. Twitch-type gameplay is very much possible and things can get intense. There are people who powergame the hell out of these.

This looks like some gay autist game. Whatever happened ti good gameplay.

It's going to be a sci fi theme but also have kind of cartoony wacky shit as well so not really super serious. Every player arrives on an alien planet as a human station worker but there are various ways to go about turning yourself into a different race and class like you can turn yourself into a skeleton or something. You can try to be a useful member of the station that's on the planet or you can just go rogue and try to sacrifice other players at temples in an attempt to appease various alien gods and stuff.



it wasn't even max cap u nerd



If this was the round I think it was and you're that scientist, you're lucky as shit. I was the AI, and I had a lawset that dehumanized anyone who damaged the station, regardless of context. I was going to play it cool and then flip the lock in the burner until you husked, but had to bail for real-life reasons, so I let it go. It'd be mean to PURGE and run.
Never ever go in that airlock. It's a real bad idea.

I only know how to play botanist and cook/bartender fully
Give me a middle-difficulty job that I should learn


Should put us on the hub

gunna poll that, see if peeps want

If your going to put the server on the hub, make new players have to wait to play important roles.

oh but robusting insta hos skrubs and captain pickers is such a rewarding thing

Not when there hasn't been a competent captain in the past four rounds.

It is a whole lot harder to maintain the station in working order as a captain than winning a robusto fightoru vs the HoS as a disarmspamming greyshirt. Please be considerate of that.

Though if the captain is making 0% effort in actually maintaining anything and is acting like a shitter, don't give a single shit and beat his head in, he deserves it.

I'd be in favour of open hub, but changing Space Law so mutiny against shitters is perfectly legal; word it to something like "NT wants only the most capable leading, and if you lose to a mutiny, you're not capable." That allows anyone to simply bumrush cap at round start, so maybe it could be something like you have to send a fax to CC to get approval for the mutiny.

Killing/overthrowing heads should be on a case-by-case basis and not handled by the rules. If the captain is just incompetent, fine, ignore him, inform Centcom or let other heads sort it out. If he's an active threat to crew/station(Either by gross negligence or malicious intent) then lynch his ass.

Alrighty, going to have a crack at making a new ministation for us. I'll make a quick outline in paint to show you guys first.

Also, if someone has the code that removes Ckeys from the Who verb, that'd be handy. I could just remove the verb completely, but then you'd not be able to see if there are admins online or total users easily.

Anyone want to give opinions on this map? It's not going to be the end product, at all, but this is just a starting point so we can figure out what we do/don't want.

Top of the map, away from others. A central location means they can reach everywhere pretty easily, which is shit for tators. Also, mid-proximity to Science means they can check them for any """funny stuff""", as science tators can easily murderbone everyone, especially lowpop, so keeping them in check is nice.
Close to Sci and Sec, which are where most injuries will arise in, either harmbatons or toxins tests.
Close to sec, that's about it. Maybe Genetics can go inbetween Med and Sci.
Away from others in case engine goes off. Not as near to Medbay as I reason if you're fiddling in Engineering you know what you're doing.
Merged, somewhat. They rely on each other to some extent, so this is neat. Close to Engineering should they want to ship in engine parts or whatever.
I think Supply and Service should be merged into a single department/role, else you'll have places unmanned during low pop. That's a concern for all departments if we're aiming for 10-20.
Not sure what to do with mining. Perhaps only have 1-2 Cargo Techs and have them double as miners, giving them mid-tier tools so they can easily get ore without having to spend a lot of time mining.
Couldn't decide where to put this. I thought about making the front entrance of Sec be the Bridge and merge Captain, HoP and HoS into one role. Again, reduces role clutter so everywhere can be staffed.
Not going to go there, I just put it there so I remember about it. I feel like a single z-layer is better for everyone so we don't have people missing constantly. That being said, 1 or 2 z-levels with 2-4 Space Ruins would be nice. Only problem with adding Space Ruins is they're not in PizzaStation, so I'd need to merge in those files, and I'm not sure if Space Ruins rely on nu/tg/ code.
All up, z-levels would be: CC, Station, maybe 1-2 Space Ruins. We don't need much else for smaller populations.

Assuming we'll ht no more than 20 people, I'd divvy up roles like this:

There you have it. r8, h8, masturb8. I'll need a rough idea of what we all want before I can start mapping, else if I start this and everyone hates it, I'll have to scrap it and start again.

Only one thoroughfare is a TREMENDOUS vulnerability. If you can't get at least two ways around to Escape, that escape is worthless.

Green is maint, so that's two ways to escape, plus through Engineering if need be.

I did think about how easy it would be to cut off the station with a bomb, but it's a small station, so a maxcap bomb anywhere would take out the main hallway in some form.

Another idea would be to swap escape and supply. That way, if a bomb goes off on the north or south side, you can go around through maint.

An idea I had, that I'm not sure on, is having thoroughfares through departments. Only example I can think of quickly is Science on Paradise, in which there are 2 or 3 spots you can walk through from maint.

Med/Science should be a nearly seamless single are and ideally H shaped off the side, with two wings on the front side (general med + robotics share surgery near front, chem + r&d + genetics slightly more secure but also on front l), a tiny armored hall, and the l toward space having xenobio and science in containment. Ideally, there'd be some interaction between the two.
Engineering should be more compact, but have a dedicated area for the grav gen. AI Sat tram should be shared between security and engineering, in best case. Metastation is atrocious for access to the AI, and to compensate, it had to sacrifice security. Makes malf rounds annoying and easy, if you know what you're doing. Furthermore, command and engis both need access to telecomms for different reasons.
Maint should have integral reasons to exist. The one off security isn't connected enough to be sec maint and have the secure, brig-powering power unit. The one off of engineering is beefy but deforms the ship where it should make way for a longer engineering rather than a wide one. Supply doesn't have enough maint in principle.
Finally, ministation or not, it's a good idea to make a few small multipurpose rooms. If you shave off space and optimize other spaces, you can include things like a secure area for exclusively cargo/engineering to build in, an 'all natural' botany area, a lounge, or so forth. Real ministation has problems, but it does a great job with this.
Oekaki I'm still not happy with, but maybe it can help visualize some of what I'm trying to say.

Don't waste time making a new station. Just use Ministation and spend all that time you saved on better things.

I'd put Security near escape rather than arrivals but other than that I think it looks good.

You want medical to be as close to everything as possible.

you wont just be able to cram everything into supply and service, I suggest we use layers like vore station

If only it were that easy.
this is vore code
this is cp code

well I don't really know what's easy and what's not so I can only hope

The best way to answer this is to ask you to think of every possible situation that could arise from the thing you want to implement.
So you want to implement a multi-leveled station, what happens if:
You then have to translate all these questions and their answers into a language that really only speaks in black and white yes/no responses.

If this sounds difficult for the thing you want, then it will probably never get implemented; unless, of course, you man the fuck up and learn to code for yourself.

well it's already a thing in vore station so I figure must of those questions are answered already

alright so what the fuck should we call our new station?

I was thinking of cripple outpost 88 and the admin was thinking of chanserver but I'd like somemore input on it


If the server goes public, i'm going to fuck with every single normalfaggots i can find.

Outer Pizza sounds good, Camp Auschwitz would work too.

it looks like it will be and I'm sure bullying fagits is fine

I think bigslices secound station was named that though

inner pizza station: eXtra cheese edition

I don't think pubbing even works anymore? You haven't been able to search for new games for a long time.

wot happened

I had to fuck off to shop for fuds

the heck is going on

Literally nothing

people wanted sandbox modo and it was low so it happened and much wtf was had

We're starting actual games now, please join.


I can't join unless the round is still loading.

it was reloading, try now.

Only if we're mandatory cripples with wheelchairs everywhere.
Something like
>Spacefreight Merchandising

I like that

8 nignogs on, hop in for semi-low pop!

Character Setup and Join Game aren't responding. I'll try again in 10 min again.

make sure to update byond

any kinda errors?

It's updated. I'll just try clearing the cache.
I think the bug is caused by hardware acceleration and needs to be turned off then on again, but I can't recall if that was for another problem or this one.

Food is ready, anyways, so 10 min or so.

how hard would it be to make byond run on gnu/linux?

it didn't work again did it?

To host or to play?
Hosting is easy, but to play would require a WINE wrapper. I can't remember the specifics needed for WINE to work well with SS13, however.

A simple VM with W7 would work as well. Wouldn't even bother with a passthrough, as BYOND runs on anything.

That was me being a retard and trying to stop a process and hitting the wrong one :^)


Sorry everyone, the codebase has been changed to (((turbo)))'s code.
The reason why the serber was not up was because the port changed and it took me 7 minutes to figure it out.
Please do not bully, thank you.

Now, the third syndicate nigger is rather curious. Up until now, the heads of each one had been rainbow haired females or subhuman races…

by the way, this was on our server

[five minutes before Big Bro died]
[fifteen minutes later]
that is why kiddos, you should always listen to your chaplain.

We're reverting the codebase. Please give me a couple of minutes. Thank you.

Server is up. Thank you for your patience!


What's your favorite server anons and why? I'm looking for a server like vg, but with lavaland instead of the astroid. I've been playing tg for a while, but the only thing I really like about it is lavaland. Anybody got any recommendations?

I'm looking for a server like /vg/ but with the boatload of ghost revives /tg/ gets. Maybe something can be arranged?

Yeah that too. My other problem with vg is that rounds can go on for hours but there's like no revives. I remember one time I was playing as a miner on vg and a vampire got me and shoved me into a locked locker in the surgery room in medbay. Nobody found my corpse until four hours later.

I hate to say this but vore is a branch of bay and it has a bunch of shit in it from /tg/

we need coders for this server tbh, what happened to the few people who were interested?

I'm still about. I was talking about making a new map yesterday, but otherwise I'm juggling learning /tg/ code, my studies and shitty volunteer work I get forced into.
I think the current server running Outer Pizza has no coders, however.

it doesn't, that's why I'm asking, we got a mapper though so if you want I can ask him to talk with you on how to map but if you're that person I gave the outer pizza code to I fucked up and actually wanted to give you this one to work on, assuming it's the right one

new code base going up

So we got a dedicated server now? Who's running it, Benblu?

no it's someone new

Who is it, though? Nobody we know?
Seems a bit weird to have it pop out of nowhere. But, eh, I guess another one's always good.

(((Turbo))) 2.0 code on server.
We're testing out codebases to decide which one we like the most.
If it doesn't have a thermo-electric generator it can go fuck itself


I'll be more than happy to expose myself.
I was going to be the host of turbotracker/sierra/aclarke's server before removed for being too autistic.
my original ckey is Roleplay Rascal. I don't own the server, I merely maintain and administrate it.

Oh, I remember you, vaguely. Don't have a good enough memory to know anything notable, but I at least remember seeing the name.
Hope you'll pardon my initial skepticism. We've had servers out of nowhere in the past that ended up being questionably run, unfortunately. Sounds like you're going fair, though.

Are you looking at major changes, or /tg/-based?
I mostly ask because I fucking hate learning a new codebase, so I'd probably join in when you've actually got sort of established.

Its understandable friend, Even people i've worked with don't remember me.
regarding the codebase, we were originally using bigslice's version of the code, but we're trying out both of the sierra codebases before we eventually kill ourselves.
Its still going to be /tg/. I'm sorry incase you hate /tg/

I hate /tg/, but fortunately, it is also the one I know best, and because of it, hate the least.
Because at least it's a known element.

Re-learning to be robust on some other code, say /vg/ or whatever it is code, is fucking suffering. Died in so many stupid ways to that one early server what tried it. Vox were cool, though, kind of wish we could import them.

If you don't mind me asking, why do you hate /tg/?

Depends on which /tg/ we refer. Latest shit is dumbed down for heavy server unrobust scrubs who can't do anything.
Earlier /tg/s just have a bunch of issues strewn about too numerous to pinpoint and whine about. Little items, and ways certain jobs work, as well as things that just simply bog down stuff.
I despise any of the advanced web-style menus, as well. They just don't run right on my system, and near as I can tell, this is true for the majority of players. It causes a half-second minimum lag to open any menu, resulting in slow-going through a lot of things what require a lot of terminal use, such as chemistry, robotics, or science. It's also half the time broken. But, in really early models, that wasn't as often around, tending to go the route of proper flat text menus instead. If I recall correctly, hatestation had that for the majority of the time it was around. Quite liked how it worked. Limited? Maybe. But far, far easier to use.

Anyway, like I said though, every other codebase I've used has also been shit, and I'm just not familiar with otherwise.
I don't want the grind of learning a new one. Especially not after having finally gotten relatively decent with /vg/ or whatever it was, only for that server to die off. I've just not got the energy for it.

Well, if you'd like, I would like to hear the changes you recommend, since I believe its nu-/tg/ and I do not like promoting being unrobust.

this code base is before nu/tg/ happened

Biggest one is get rid of the fucking new-style computers and other such terminals.
Classic, text-based stuff, while ugly, simplistic, and limited, worked miles better thanks to its speed.
I am much more willing ot use an ugly terminal that is quick, than I am to use a pretty terminal that is slow as all fuck.

Otherwise, I'd have to fiddle with it, see exactly which version you have, before I can recommend any fixes. Tator items I believe were the largest issue.

Oh is it? Okay.

Well currently we're using is
So go ahead and fiddle around with it.

who was the smart guy that thought that pub was a good idea

NEW round startans



new NEW round starts

Got 10 on now, hop on and play spessmens!

I've always been intrested in SS13, but never really got into it. Would you or someone else be intrested in showing me the ropes and tell me what to do after that?

use this

and send the admins a message in game explaining your new, they will help you.


no, thank you, but i had enough autism last time when wolf spider tried to self insert himself and got buttmad when the admins at the time said no.

He's paying for the servers and delegating to others for real staffing/GMing. I'm still on the fence myself, but as long as things stay as they are, it wont particularly bad.

it wont particularly bad, i assure you that.

Past events have no bearing on active and present actions.
If he makes a shitload of spiders and maxcaps, that'd mean that things didn't stay as they are and then it would be particularly bad.

Change the Forum URL from a year-old SS13 threat to Meatspin. Tossing it in thread for posterity.

gj on the history rewrite there

he's a changed autistic and won't shit himself when thing don't go his way.

Wasn't chaosyourgod the same fuck who, after being repeatedly told it would grant him no special favors, donated to a server and then demanded special favors.


Don't forget to add back in the Chaplain's ability to hear ghosts.

It's not even that hard to put back in. Last I heard, it was still in the code, just commented out.

I demanded no such thing, sierra though did pocket 100 squid of it though

Ghosts're talking about a lot of ICK OOK stuff.
That'd mess things up a lot. Unless it's specific haunt partial hearing.
Seeing ghosts would be okay, though

It was a chance to hear them talking when they were near the Chaplain, and you'd get a horribly distorted version of it when you got lucky.

From what I remember, they removed it because dead players were specifically giving Chaplains the wrong information JANITOR'S A CHANGLING, KILL HIM to make it into a second Clown job.

they added that back in with that fucking ghost sword in /tg/ ghosts can point at shit if they orbit a person so they were just making people kill everyone

Sounds hilarious, when are we getting this?

It's amazing that this got implemented in /tg/'s codebase, given their "We don't want to give the players anything that we might have to jobban for later" stance on everything.

Both of these are golden and I retract my initial worry.

Chaplin is basically a non-job, so it wouldn't result in a jobban, I'm sure is their logic.

also the more ghosts orbit the sword the stronger it gets, so you can basically one hit anything with enough ghosts on it

Excuse me? Miner jobbans?
Miners can have anything they could ever want. Its all good! Ranged limb removal? AoE burn damage out of the ass? Syndicate nuke op hardsuits?

But they spend over half the round in the solitude of the asteroid/mining spot.

oh and they can get every OP shit in the code fairly simple enough

doesn't mean they wont stay there, I've seen rounds where faggots will become drakes and come back to the station just to kill bait

You're funny. I kill you last.

If they go through all that work to become drakes, don't you think they've earned a little fun? Miners are the one class that consistently helps out the rest of the station when they bring back minerals.

it's not all that much work though what tends to happen is they just power game it with super viruses so I don't think they'd earn more then what anyone else does and I don't know about bringing stuff back. sure I've seen them do it but it's never been much to really supply science

new round starting


pretty sure TG removed any sort of megafauna sentience potioning because fun is not allowed to exist and if you spend two hours carefully planning your suicide to rub a dragon cock with sentience potion then fuck you, player.

there's a chance a drake can drop an item which can transform you into a drake, it's a chance sure but you'll see it more often then not as there's not many items it can spawn

This is some bullshit level of bullshit

Download the client

You are not very bright are you?
It has a dependency on IE!

What i meant is - is there a way to circumvent the need to have Internet Explorer to play SS13 in the BYOND client.





Rounds over get in here

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do yourself a real favour and add me over byond goy

new round starting


OOC: CoolGod1198: Bad fucking server. I just joined and I'm already getting assaulted. What the fuck, remake your fucking rules.

Erry time

Pubbies are a mistake. You niggers want a screencap for collection?

Yes please my friend.


Maximum scrub

I can't get fallout13 to work, as I get that horrible bug where I'll move but loads of tiles won't, and then I can't see what's actually around me, or if I'm walking into a wall of a cazador, etc

Please consider what you know, what your character's motivations are, what your goals are, what your past is when you play.
It's very important. The larger appeal of SS13 is rp, and without it, games are rather dull, and quickly devolve into play-to-win deathmatch trash.

But more seriously, please, use [sign] for paperwork. It's an actual signature that cannot be replicated.

Oh god, I haven't laughed this hard in a long time.

Reminder that the height of roleplay is pretending to be a Space Mexican.
If you have a chance, try pretending to be someone with butchered or questionable English, or a disability, or something else that should very clearly disqualify you from working on the station, and play with it.
Add a note at the start of the round with your own objectives, whether it's to steal a Sombrero, free all animals on the station, or become friends with a majority of people onboard, and roll with it.
It makes the game much more fun when you're playing it and not just going through the motions.
Don't look to actively fuck up rounds, naturally. Not everyone needs to pretend to be a pyromaniac. You could 'be' very OCD, desperately addicted to Space WWE and proud of it, or a loyal Chaplain to a chicken deity. Let your imagination go wild, there's a lot you can leverage for fun and profit.

Bit late, but I'm back.
I'll clone that now.

gods speed good man, I may have someone to help you read byond if you need it

I love you tbh



In other news, I come at the end of round, HERESY is everywhere and we're abusing pubbies.
I'm finally home.

that's the poor pubbies handy work


the stance is their mind is still there

Still, it's way more fun to embrace your role. Say, as a syndiborg, go full Syndicate mode, or as an ayy, play the ayy.

no question

every time I click anything that opens a new window it freezes the game for 5-10 sec. is that normal, and if it's not could i get some suggestions on how to fix it?

you on nu/tg/?

Sort of normal, if it's the newer model consoles with higher-end textboxes using internet assets instead of standard HTML.

it happens on all servers

alright, thanks. pretty annoying but I can deal with it, i guess.

Our server should be using the lower tier gear.

it happens on all servers, though. not just vg, or whatever. if anything the freeze is worse on this than others.
i'm thinking that it might have something to do with that fact that i don't actually have ie on my computer and if byond actually depends on ie to run i have no clue how it's working in the first place


Proper Round Next Round
Thank you for being patient!

Yeah okay no.

I had given the mime 50u of mindbreaker and 50u of meth disguised at anti-toxin because he was annoying me

the AI had the law protect the station.

Protect the space station against damage. Anyone you see harming the station is to be no longer considered human, and is a threat to the station which must be neutralized. Protect the space station against damage. Anyone you see harming the station is to be no longer considered human, and is a threat to the station which must be neutralized.

you were told this afew times.

AI, from what I understand, was banned anyway, for spamming the admin
AI tried locking me and syphoning chemistry for no raison, so I am guessing it is likely that's what happened with you, too.

yeah he did went ahead and be a shitter after getting into a long and stupid argument with the admin got himself a ban by him as it was his second strike

You sure this was the same round? This was a while ago.

Its extreme for a window, is AI an antag role now? Having an absurdly assholic AI with a bigger murderboner than most traitors/lings leads to serious bullshit. I could see that if I broke an important window to break in somewhere, steal something or expose an area to space but the window in the back of tool storage is the most useless fucking thing. And its cancerous for someone to defend this kind of behavior. It leads to more shitters and more bad behavior. I'm disappointed in the admins for that mostly.

it's a law which clearly states "if you damage the station you're going to get killed" what don't you get about this?

The more I hear the more I want to remove the new pizza station from my bookmarks what the fuck. That sounds like the dumbest shit but whoever gave the AI that law should get in about half as much shit

I'm pretty sure it gives the AI that law round start so if you want an excuse to ruin rounds for everyone here's your golden ticket. You can lock down an entire section and void it of air because someone knocked a pen off a desk with a fart.

it's rng

The trick is to not be an asshole, and consider 'damage' to mean 'actual fucking damage' as opposed to 'minor dents in the wall'.

yeah well here's a trick do whatever the fuck you want and get away with it by pretending to be friends with chaos or host, fuck em I get away with shit like this and whoever decided to kill this gay ass changling almost got away with it until he backtalked like fuck
even if you get banned just get virtual box and hotspotshield a vpn with overr 800 IP addresses on different ranges for free and then you basically cannot be banned ever. why get mad over ss13 when you can just metakill the person who killed you later

Explain that to then

That's what I just did you homosexual cuckold


But you (you)'d at me shit for brains, you look at the person you're addressing for maximum effect.

Or I just post it in a fucking thread where everyone can see to a post what makes the best sense for the context of what I'm posting.
Hang yourself, you tripple-nigger.

i am pretty sure its called a rhetorical statement you 6th grader

you might as wel sage when posting uuuuseless shit

*4th grader
its like you fell from the retard tree and got your ass impaled on the way down by a branch large enough to ruin your brain

With English skills like this, I'm really not inclined to take much stock in your estimate of what 'grade' I'm in.

You post like an angry redditor trying to sound smug, too bad you can't upvote your own posts.

its the spicy new flavor of cuckchanner posting because a big bad mod banned him a couple days ago

That's what (you)s are for :^)

As opposed to 0 efforting your way around, putting the same amount of care and consideration into your posts as you do with your English?
I'd certainly rather see that flavour, over whatever you call your shittery.

if i put effort into my posts your mom would catch yyyou spasming on the floor with your dick in your hands again, kiddo



Should of hid in maintenance.


Give me a list of valid assistant activities and then remind me why it's even a role.


page 11 you dumb nigger

Being an assistant is all about finding something to do with your time.

Personally, I'd suggest getting a beaker of Cryoxadone from the Chemist so you can open a hole in one of the maintenance corridors and expand it into a personal office space. With that stuff in your system, you'll sustain damage about as fast as you heal it in the freezing vacuum of space.

Once you're done and have sealed off the area, go ahead and crack open a pipe to fill it back up with air, so you can install lights in peace.

If you can't manage your own time, don't even bother.