Is this game feminist propaganda or some shit?
Like what the shit? Isn't this game made by killzone devs? I expected some cool sci-fi shit, not this fucking anti-man parade.
I mean mechs were cool, but you have only one melee weapon with one combo, so it's isn't even sci-monster hunter I expected it to be.
There is like everything wrong with this game.
Is this why there are never any threads about it here?
Other urls found in this thread:
So how much did you pay for it?
We discussed this all in february.
I watched it on youtube.
Look, your first sign that the game is pozzed should have been when burch's voice came out of the mc.
It's one of the most pozzed games I've ever seen in my life
No, not at all, no feminist/SJW pandering there at all.
Hopr you enjoy the Emoji movie as well.
Good job, OP. You are for once not a faggot. Thank you for not buying Horizon.
Isn't it possible to pirate games on PS4?
No. Only ps3s with a certain update can be hacked. Ps4 is currently locked down.
Here guys, found the torrent for the game.
Because research? I mean I kept watching to see if combat becomes better or what weapons there will be, and I ended up skipping 70% of the game. Gaia being portrayed as niggress was the last fucking straw.
I can't imagine actually playing it.
Turns out it's a PS4 exclusive and I don't even have PS4 lol
I don't follow VA scene. Most young-adult female voices sound pretty much the same to me. Both western and japanese.
Burch's sister killed persona 4 dancing in the west. Her performance was so fucking bad that rise will never recover from it. Her just being related to burch should be a huge red flag.
Wait sister? I though it's his ex-wife. I remember there were screenshots all over Holla Forums where he proudly admitted that she fucks with niggers all night and then just sleeps like a log at home all day. And then they divorced or some shit.
I absolutely don't follow this shit.
Both his sister and ex-wife are named ashley.
Is this wife or sister? She's kinda hot. Much hotter than horizon protag.
Sister, and yes, I would also hatefuck her any day.
Fug I googled his wife and regretted it. What a pig.
Early concept art MC was a qtπ and legitimate waifu material. They fucked it up hard.
I have conflicting emotions about that image tbh.
Still better than what we have in game.
Thats an actually good looking and attractive character her boobs are too small though, but the sjws cant have attracive female characters or else the game is mysoginistic.
The problem is that the backstory or lore is absolute shit the quests and all that is meh at most.
Maybe you mean his new wife I think. The new wife is actually pretty piggly.
His original cuck queen wasn't just pudgy with a mousy face.
I can't be assed to figure it all out tbh. I might fap on his sister once or twice though.
I liked the whole terminator/matrix thing going on and how they actually decided to recreate biosphere. Concept is pretty neat.
Have fun, buddy
If you want to tribute her and send him a pic via twitter I'm sure he'll enjoy it.
Great job killing the mood.
They didn't "fuck it up", it was always going to be shit.
this was probably one of the last games ashley burch was contracted for, fortunately the strike is going terribly so she'll just be losing jobs for a while. I suspect there will be at least a 2 year window of new releases where we don't have to hear her flat fucking acting
Sure, it makes sense from that perspective but the game in itself kinda shits its bed when the gaia can't overrun the program but has probably made and re-made life over and over again.
So maybe they over-explained a concept that did not need explaining?
Long story short.
same name is like 10% of the package, they look oddly similar too
Should we start getting into the Aaron Diaz drama and how he has a character that looks like Ashley Burch who he has undress at every opportunity?
you need to take a break from the internet
Wow, so fun
There's where you went wrong.
Niggas, why is this being told in parts?
Not familiar with this, go ahead.
We already had this thread several times months ago. Why bring it up again?
Probably for the same reasons .hack threads saw a sudden resurgence mysteriously before the remaster was announced. Probably DLC or 4K remaster or something.
From what I heard the evil scientists in the past were white guys and the good scientists were black and muslim women
What's the problem?
Is Sony even trying anymore?
shooo shooo shill
I want summer to end
Nobody cares what you want.
le counter sage
Long story short
Look up Dresden Codak, that's the comic with his Waifu in it
Did anyone even enjoy Horizon, honestly? Outside of it being a grrrrlll power game, was it even enjoyable on its own?
The TV told me it was the best game out this year. Remember The Order 1886 and No Mans Sky? Those were also good games.
Are you stupid? It's a Sony game and you play an ugly as fuck female protagonist for no reason at all when men are factually more intelligent and stronger than woman, just the better soldiers.
Then you also have nigger women literally saying they don't need the help of men.
Have a guess.
Luckily it's a 2/10 game anyway.
Get fucked Cody
Was she a drunk hobo or something?
Most modern Sony "games" can be watched on YouTube for the same experience.
They basically copied the actress from Game of Thrones.
I don't play or read GOT, but that girl is cute. Is it a good show?
Also bump.
I watched MGS4 and then played MGS5 on PC and didn't feel likeI missed out on anything.
Short answer, no. Long answer, if you're really desperate watch the first season (or read the first book) and then forget the story ever existed because it all goes to shit afterwards.
Yet slowpoke idiots still feel the need to ask. Anyone who looks at gameplay videos of this and isn't immediately turned off probably shouldn't post here.
Why would I be desperate? Does it do anything unique or outstanding?
I tried to watch The Flash, because I liked his quick punch move in genesis justice league, and dropped it because all female actresses were so fucking ugly, with a bunch of nigresses and chinks, and I think police chief was a faggot and everyone was totally ok with it, so it was obviously SJWs approved show. Fuck that.
Is GOT SJWs approved?
I mean I can deal with shitty writing or cheesy combat as long as show doesn't shove politics down my throat and I have pretty girls to look at, not pigfaces or niggers.
sage because offtopic. I think.
That's the thing - you look up some gameplay and you see an amazing giant robot dinosaur launching at you with fast and hard hitting moves and you see player laying traps and hitting parts of enemies off and you think "wow this is fucking sci-fi Monster Hunter, I want this in my life", which is huge fucking bait and switch as you basically have 4 weapon types for the entire game, and only one if them is melee.
You're asking about GoT.
Not particularly. I mean, what is novel about it, at least for the fantasy genre, is the focus on politics and intrigue and the low magic setting (though this changes as the story goes on). The story is basically War of the Roses fanfiction.
Welcome to modern superhero anything. It's all pozzed to hell and back. Holla Forums should just kill themselves and end it.
Yes, very much so. It's full of strong womyn and the author is a fat, virtue signaling cuck. That being said, he also has a rape fetish so it's hilarious to watch tumblr masturbate and pretend to get triggered at the same time.
I think GoT takes the cake in terms of ugly cast. They even have a particularly ugly goblin in one of the major roles.
To put it simply, there is nothing worthwhile about GoT for you to bother with, not unless you're bored out of your mind to the point you'll watch anything.
So like is there a low fantasy/historical show full or pretty women and good aesthetics/set pieces? Doesn't have to be new, since I barely watch tv/web shows.
I kinda feel an itch for medieval show, but I ain't watching GOT after all you typed above, fuck that, and I'm tired of anime, because let's be real after you watched LOGH, you're pretty much done with anime.
Any raging faggots and cringy trannies yet in it?
That's because in the games own story the whole "cultural" aspect of the Horizon project was made SJWs, who really went out of their way to ensure diversity in the future.
That's interesting because the tribe the MC is from is led by three female shamans, and they are portrayed as superstitious lunatics.
Again, by the games story this AI didn't have any voice capabilities and just uses it from an old combat robot.
Well, they went for a coherent aesthetic were outfits actually serve as armor.
Having actually played the game, it might seem like "feminist propaganda", but I'd say it actually is more subversive of that.
And the only man that's actually portrayed negatively is the guy who was responsible for the apocalypse happening in the first place.
No such thing exists. Legend of the Seeker has a pretty hot cast but the writing is complete garbage.
Brienne of Tarth.
why are you defending this trash
also, the game has far too many niggers in it.
The show added tons of explicit male/male sex scenes that are not in the book at all. We are at one point meant to sympathize with a traitorous boywhore over a set of monks.
I just remembered. You can watch Rome, it's a pretty fucking good and historically accurate (at least in terms of locale, costumes and behavior) show about Rome around the time of Julius Cesar. IIRC the cast is reasonably good looking.
I dunno about you but I looked at gameplay footage and saw poorly animated cutscenes full DIVERSITY
Shit, they added a donut steal Mary Sue female character straight out of a fanfic novel. The plain jane noble girl that is well educated in the arts of healing and willing to help the poor, isn't afraid to get her hands dirty and is liked by everyone. She clashes so badly with the rest of the female cast (that at least have a shred of depth to them) that I can't imagine how she got put into the script.
At least in the book they showed Robb's "romance" to have been complete idiocy and a product of grief and poor thinking and didn't focus on it.
I can get behind the costumes, but not the rest.
Cut-scenes are not gameplay. But they are that, yes.
Thanks man.
Where the concept artists from tumblr or something?
Likely, yes.
The story goes to shit as soon as you realize the boring ass Starks get a major role while the One True King and BAMF Stannis gets regulated to being the story's bitch, nevermind that he's the only convincingly legit character. He's the ONLY one who cares about the tacked on Walkers that (like the Reapers in ME) pretty much guarantees a shitty end for the story.
Shit, he's the only actual character. Everyone else is a two bit cardboard set piece ripped from shitty suburban emo tweenager Narutard fanfic. So of course they have him burn his daughter, thus ensuring that there's no point to following him, and then have SJW bait Brienne kill him, nevermind Renly was nothing more than a usurper faggot.
And fuck Jon Snow. Of course they'd pick the GQ model lookalike to be "DA HERO".
What did you expect? GoT is incredibly Mary Sue filled anyway with Dany, the Starks, Jon Snow, etc. These characters ALL come from fanfic novels.
Hell, I called the ending of this shit back when it was just some books - Dany is going to defeat the White Walkers and marry Jon Snow or some shit and become DA QUEEN GUIZ.
While realistically the only true ending is the Walkers killing humanity off in Westeros as a warning on misplaced priorities.
GoT is basically historical fanfiction written in the style of a Narutard by a failed TV writer who got lucky and would rather whine about handegg on his blog than actually finish the story that, to be honest, he lost track of anyway after the RW (which I liked because fuck the Starks).
If it wasn't for the sex, no one would even care about this franchise anyway.
Also, for being based on the Middle Ages and being touted as "realistic," why haven't we seen the smallfolk pull a revolution yet?
At this point, a French Revolution-esque event should've taken place already. Disagree if you want, but at least it'd be something unique for a change.
The march of the headless frogs couldn't have happened in the GoT world. The frogs revolution was kind of a perfect storm, many things could have prevented it and most ingredients aren't present in GoT.
HAHAHAh go read the books you dumb nig. Just about everything you're talking about is subverted pretty hard.
If a game ever has ugly female characters then it's feminist propaganda full stop.
None of that shit happened in the books. The (((producers))) can't all that for the TV series.
Just download Heavy Metal and cry about what could have been.
But persona 2 exists.
isn't the main villain a black guy? i dunno my roommate was playing it but it just looked like more pointlessly huge overworld game. combat vs humans looked abysmal too. its a shame because i liked the idea of fighting robo dinosaurs and i liked the killzone games from the studio but everything in this just looked boring
This is from e3
Where are all the qts in modern vidya anyways?
Bad guy is literally black yes. With a bit of red.
Do you have brain damage? SJWs are constantly bitching about the titties and violence against women on the show.
Every single season there has been SJW outrage.
Plenty of things that pander to SJWs still get hated by them, thats how they work.
No shit. Were you actually arguing the point or just agreeing with me?
Comparing the show to the book (which is written by a top beta already) the show still manages to add a bullshit agenda because of the two (((directors))). Now that the show has gone completely off book into the hands of the directors I expect even more SJW garbage.
I didn't so much mean an exact clone of the French Revolution, but moreso a revolution at all period.
For a series all about realism, it begs the question.
Actually, no. I'm not a showwatcher. The show is trash. I read the books long ago when they first came out and I didn't see the appeal.
All the show does is magnify the problems the books had. But feel free to post smug animay lolis rather than concrete discussion.
Of course not. The books are largely spent waxing and waning over detail porn like how much food some such character eats, the Starks being Mary Sues, and Dany doing fuck all in Essos.
1/10 for ingenuity, user. I just think the show/books are grossly overrated. Of course, mileage may vary.
It's always been SJW garbage, though. How else can you describe Dany the strong and independent Mary Sue deus ex machina'ing her way to Westeros after how many books of her doing nothing but fawning over Daario?
Now I'm certain you haven't read the books. While it doesn't go out of its way to point it out, the books showcase just how shit Dany is by having her every "glorious" action come back to bite her in the ass, if not fail outright.
Rule a city? Failed
Free slaves? Ruined the entire continents economy and threw it into war
Keep/raise dragons? 2 went feral and other only gives half a shit about her
Invade Westeros and restore her crown? Bitch sat on her ass forever and convinced herself she was doing the right thing
Not shit herself? Failed
Dany may be a SJW-magnet in the show, since the (((directors))) went out of their way to portray her as that with a shallow understanding of her character, but the books impart the message that she's a stupid bitch who ruins everything because of her vagina.
Goddamn, even the impact of the fire arrows in Horizon are not angled with the surface they're hitting. I thought at least the water interaction would beat BotW since it only produces a small texture effect and doesn't distort the water at all, but in Horizon the character walking through shallow water does literally nothing to the water.
>fire arrows explode & burn in water
Holy shit, they really just focused on making it look nice for trailers and nothing else. When it came to any logical mechanics/interactions they didn't give a single fuck. I knew Horizon was shit, but I didn't realize it was this poorly made.
Why is there asshurt over this video? Did the creator do something wrong? It looks like any Crowbcat comparison to me.
Japan, over here the studios are infested with SJWTwittercunts and Betacucks who 'yes and' their every retarded idea which includes fuglies because they're more 'realistic' as if that was what anyone wanted.
Horizon IS factually feminism proapganda, and it's obvious. They even made her ugly on purpose. Why can't we choose gender ourself, why no character editor? Women are weaker, fact, they are worse soldiers, fact. Why we play a girl?
Is there a good story reason?
There is a reason Geralt is a man. A witcher, witchers are usually always male. Men are stronger than women, a girl most definitely wouldn't even survive the trial of grass. Sorcerers are mostly female, same with lower vampires and they're usually lusting after Geralt or at least pretend they do. This wouldn't work in the game if Geralt wasn't a male. Geralt is a father figure for Ciri, this affects their entire relationship. And Yennefer or Triss aren't lesbian either so that's another aspect that wouldn't work in the game if Geralt wasn't a man. The whole sex aspect wouldn't work in the game either since men usually take the dominant role during sex, so unless you want to play a degenerate slut who persuades guys to dominate her and fuck her from behind all the time (which is what feminists wanted), it wouldn't work.
And that's just Witcher.
Even Zelda or fucking Twilight wouldn't work the way they do with different genders.
Horizon is literal feminism propaganda and it doesn't shock anyone because Sony is kike studio anyway at this point.
This video is amazing. Both, actually.
Can't believe a stupid French fag made it.
Well if the game has a goddess, then it's no surprise if the general structure is a matriarchy. Without playing the game, I'm guessing the plot is some bullshit like Siri becoming sentient before civilization crumbles and the remaining humans revere her as a goddess.
Just having a stronk female is not enough to classify as propaganda, plenty of stuff is fantasy based on stronk females. I like my stronk female fantasy. Or are you saying half of the animes out there are feminism propaganda?
Do you also think "Viva" is a French word?
It irritates me because almost every feature in BotW should have been standard 10 years ago.
I looked up the story. The gist of it is that a mentally unstable CEO of a robotics company fucks up and his robots destroy everything. Then the Mary Sue scientist and CEO of a rival company, a former child prodigy who is absolutely perfect in every way that creates loving environmentally-friendly robots and is also is also the clone source of Aloy, creates a perfect plan with no possibility of fucking up where the entire fucking planet is somehow terraformed. She creates a bunch of AI systems with the managing one being names GAIA, the negress goddess, that each do their own things. But for the sake of plot, she also creates a system called HADES that destroys everything. She dies and the mentally unstable CEO freaks out and destroys an AI system names APOLLO, which reeducates future humans because he's a fag and doesn't want everyone else to know he's a fag. He then suffocates everyone else who could save humanity and justifies it by saying that in order to protect people, they need to die.
Oh yeah, and the mother and Aloy are voiced by Ashly Burch.
Better, but are those characters so flat that they only represent their fucking gender or are they fleshed some more?
you've been watching too much anime
you lack perspective on noses
Try reading the post, the characters were so fucking perfect they're boring.
No because anime also usually depict owman as what they are, hot fuck machines that need a good dicking. And I can't tink of many anime where women are stronger and better than all men anyway.
However, yes, there is actually a lot of degenerate shit in anime when measured by our cultural conditions. For example semi-naked lolis or all the feminine men. This isn't a problem in Japan because feminine men still look masculine to them, and their fertility rates and libido is so low, no one there has to be afraid of rapits or pedophiles. This actually is a problem here in the west, though. Anime actually is a threat to our culture.
A lot of dumb people cannot cope with it.
And of course there are also some SJW fags in Japan too, usually when in contact with kike companies like Sony.