Microsoft blames Gamers for Scalebound cancellation

Seems like Micro$hit doesn't want to take responsibility for what happened to Scalebound.

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OP copied it wrong

Its for fags that are too lazy to click on the link, so i just copied the entire article.

While it IS somewhat true that hype and inflated expectations may cause dissapointment among the fandom, it's the fault of these kikes thanks to this ´´hype culture´´. You thought those paid shills talking about almost a religious experience and a blowjob whenever you play their perfect games, as well as the paid Youtuber shills that hoot and holler like they're being blown by a Dyson vacuum wasn't gonna turn back on you?
Who am I kidding, kikes and yes men in corporate suits are retarded when it comes to long-term planning.

Nice way to cover your asses and blame Platinum and players there, Microsoft.


He's sort of right but its their fault for creating the hype in the first place

Calling your potential customers entitled over expecting dipshits sure will motivate them to buy your games. Yes, they will certainly lower their expectations to fit with whatever garbage you publish and happily eat it up, yapping for more like happy puppies raised on feces.

Holy shit. I'm surprised they'd actually be HONEST about it.
Says a lot about them.

If it's as bad as Platinum's games usually are then microsoft really dodged a bullet here. Smart move.

I wonder this can be?


kill all game journalists

You still copied it wrong.


Most Platinum fans only cared because of Platinum's name on the cover. MS didn't need to create artificial hype for it, Plat drones would do it for them.

Microsoft is pure, incompetent evil.


Pff, hahaha.

This game always stank of Microsoft suffocating Platinum to me. They probably made a bunch of demands (gritty art style, online play) that ultimately didn't mesh well with the style of game Platinum is good at making, and ended up with something that just didn't work. Never expect them to own up to their mistakes though.

Were people hyped for this?
I might understand excitement if it were that magic loli protag I'd heard they initially planned, but not for Isekai Donte.

You ain't fooling me Microkike.

Holy shit. You're fucking shallow.
Care more about gameplay, not shitty fucking fap bait. Though, if you can get both, then it's understandable.

Oh well. Now Platinum is going to take all that work and use it to make Drakengard 4.

what expectations?
everyone i know shit on the trailers

If this game had been a multiplat from the beginning like Near Automediocrata nobody would have said a thing

It's clealry an excuse. When has too much hype ever caused a publisher to cancel something? They love flogging us overhyped crap that fails to live up to expectations. I'm sure Microsoft must have done this a bunch of times.

Nice b8

You don't think you can make certain inferences from how the characters are written?

I'd wager they tried to do the old, run them out of business with bullshit then buy them up when they are desperate trick but didn't realize platinum has options.

Scalebound was ruined the moment Microsoft intervened and forced them to replace the Loli main character.

Fuck off pedo

If they had managed to do that they would have ended up owning bayonetta thus would be able to steal Bayonetta 2 by violating contract laws and just playing the fines because they are Microsoft and can afford to violate the law.

Well, it was a Kamiya Platinum game. At the very least, I'm sure it would have been fun to play. That character design did make me a lot less interested than I would have been otherwise though.

Nier Automata was a fucking mistake.

I said that only reason I would even consider getting an XBone after it was announced would be for Scalebound, and like that they pissed it away. I'm not surprised.

Look to who I was replying to but avoided giving a (You)

At least it will be technically competent, unlike the first three.

Good on Microsoft for avoiding a shitty developer like Platinum. If they went through with it, it would've been filled with weeb-pandering and shitty gameplay like Nier.

Microsoft has been heavily meddeling in Scalebound's development before it was canned. I don't know what Microsoft was even thinking.


we cancelled it because you filthy goyim expect a good game

Wait. There was originally a loli?

What the fuck is microsoft doing?
Lolis sell hotcakes.

Cute female protag doing awesome things.

Microsoft wants the "Western" Audience. Dudebros and Normalfags don't give a shit about lolis.

This is a company that managed to convince Nintendo, of all people, to publish a game about a witch that kills angels with demons summoned from her hair, what the fuck kind of drugs is Phil Spencer on?

Nah. We can't have that.

My bad

Are they seriously telling everyone to not expect good games for the xXboneXx?
Good job microshit.

By stripping.

Yeah, I didn't know exactly how to put that, considering that her hair was also her outfit, being held together by magic.

Fixed it for you.

It was cancelled?

It was cancelled ages ago, user.

And then there's Rare which convinced Nintendo to publish a game about a swearing drunk horny squirrel that fights a giant living pile of shit. What happened to them after they went the way of the M$?

Its been cancelled since the start of this year but MS did say they would like to continue making Scalebound but they'll give it to a different studio.
They might give Scalebound to Ninja Theory

I didn't hear anything about it, I assumed they went quiet.
I'm not very sad, though. The game wasn't looking great.

Don't forget that MS, not Nintendo, is the one that censored the word "shit" from the song sung by a little giant poo.
Nintendo rightfully gets a lot of shit but they are nowhere near as cancerous as MS has been for gaming.

They might give it to them honestly since they wanted a donte-like main character. And Senua's finally coming out in August 8th so they are available to work to ruin potential games at half the cost of Platinum Games.

Yeah, exactly, the story's been the same ever since the Xbox division even started: They, as publishers, meddle so hard in the development cycle, that by the time all the changes are put in, the game is not only completely different from what the studio set out the make, but also runs and plays like complete garbage.

>>>Holla Forums

I can see that happening.

Can't wait for Ninja Theory to create another trainwreck.
The damage control of DmC's failure was hilarious.

Yeah, because that will work, letting him ruin yet another thing that Kamiya was building.

It feels amazing when a shit game sells like shit.

Why is it so fucking hard to make a game that isn't dogshit?

Did anybody even care about Donte's Daycare at that point?
Even the filename is laughing.


What IS that option anyways?

Holy shit i didn't notice that.

Dudebros are devolved so badly they're essentially normals at this point.

I will never understand why companies bet on the potential audience rather than their established audiences.

But slowly, I learned to face it, if your game that isn't an FPS or MOBA doesn't get a "top lel 10 bux, this appeals to my sense of humor" meme within the first couple of months shut it down and call it quits.

For example, look at Persona 5 and Fallout 4. The characters, the themes, all ready to be packged and meme'd in a way that's appealing to normals and casuals.
It's so cringeworthy to see my kikebook feed with my friends talking about how " challenging" Persona 5 is- - and the best part, media like Buzzfeed and Kotaku is emboldening normals to try to fit in.

They're convincing them to use phrases like "don't gatekeep me" if you ask them what their favorite character in the series overall is.

We're seeing some real bullshit unfold right before our very eyes,


What really got me is that people in things like the movie industry looked at the "marketing strategy" that Tameem used, ignored the fact that the game sold like being in physical contact would give you AIDS-cancer, and tried using it themselves.
Hell, for the longest time, from the very start of getting the contract for DmC to years after release, Tameem was going around everywhere insisting that "classic" Dante is a faggot.

Dudebros is an SJW term

Pardon, what is this "Scalebound" game now?



yes i mad. This sort of publisher entitlement that fans are why your product dies is fucking maddening. You think they would have learned not to shit on your consumer base after EA's Mass Effect 3 GAMER ENTITLEMENT fiasco.


BUT ITS NOT 60FPS even at 1080

Still, someone like Paul Feig and the cast of Ghostbusters still somehow manage to keep making and starring in movies.
I really have no idea how any of the modern day "comedians" still have careers or anyone involved with a modern day comedy movie still has a career.

so they cancelled a game because it was over hyped, that has to be the most retarded thing i've ever heard.

(((G I A N T - E N E M Y - C R A B )))

You're telling me this is what they couldn't live up to? It's literally the same shit different and I would buy it regardless.

Speaking of that.
Tam Tam actually wanted to weaponize Donte's sexuality.

How the fuck did these fags get the right to work ok DMC?

I haven't seen one positive opinion about it IRL or online

Since when has Microsoft ever cared about the quality of games they publish or the satisfaction of consumers post-purchase?


Never. They're just trying to lie about the real reason it was cancelled it was a failed hostile takeover


Man, I can't wait for all these shitty megacorporations to die.

Capcom's deep obsession with outsourcing lead to this madness.

Resident Evil was outsourced, Steel Battalion 2 was outsourced, Dead Rising 2 and beyond were outsourced , Devil May Cry was outsourced , essentially most of Nu-Capoms shit was was outsourced to canadians and british nu-males.

I don't know why people were excited for this shit. Look at the gameplay, it's like if you took a typical Platinum game, added horrible Hollywood writing, and then removed half the gameplay.

The game was shit and people thought it would be good. I don't know why people thought this game would be good, it never looked good. Maybe if you've never played a Platinum game before and you're used to walking simulators, but that's it.

Giant enemy crabs were in video games since fucking forever. Why it is always mocked or memed in some way?

Oh yeah, I remember that. It was literally the first thing he said about the project, that he explicitly wanted to spite people.

Because it's turned into corporate shits

But why do they out source this stuff so much? They must know that they get shit sales if they do.

Im still incredibly angry about DmC.

Are there any Capcom games that are in-house developed these days?

Were people even hyped for it even remotely close to what they're saying? I doubt it. Sure it would have been a Platinum game, but it being on the Xbone would be enough to kill most of the hype I think.
It wasn't looking that great either from what little gameplay we saw.
When has that ever stopped them? If anything they'd be happy with it because people would go out to give them money. Why would they give a shit if expectations weren't met.

So easy to make up a narrative and blame "gamers".

It's obvious bullshit, I'm willing to bet that Kamiya eventually got tired of the executive meddling and told them to go fuck themselves, like what happened when focus groups did nothing but bash Viewtiful Joe.

That's probably also a major part of it.

Have focus groups ever helped a video game?


Focus groups have never helped anything. They always end badly because ultimately group think occurs based on what the "researchers" were looking for in the first place.

Nope. Remember how Overstrike became Fuse because CoD kiddies said it was "too kiddy?"

The money they make in preorders and dlc sales quickly make up the loss they take for using shitty outsourced companies.
Besides, if you outsource a game and it flops, you can simply cut off the company and pretend it never happened. It works for Zenimax
< but zenimax is a multiheaded immortal hydra., cut off one head and it grows 10 more.

Off the top of my head, I think only the fighting games are pure Capcom.
Inti-Creates has been doing more of the work for the platformers as of late as well.

E3 2006 my friend. Giant enemy crabs were always around but in 2006 they became (((IMMORTAL)))


Oh, yeah. I remember fuse now. Did they actually get kids to test it?


If I remember right, they just showed them that exact trailer and made leading questions to make the kids trash it super hard for not being CoD clone enough.

Tameme is a grown-up who never got out of his edge phase.

Oh hey, I remember that game. I hope the guys who worked on its original concept have learned a valuable lesson from the whole ordeal.

Thats a bunch of bullshit. I wonder if they regret the decision at all?

I'm still depressed by that game.

The original seemed fucking amazing, but what we got wasn't completely terrible, it just wasn't what was in that trailer.

Well, they did go on to make Sunset Overdrive, so I doubt they took EA's focus group "advice" to heart.

Man, these people keep getting fucked over.

Except Sunset Overdrive was the pinnacle of design by committee, it was literally Market Research and Demographic Pandering: The game.

The people who made it had no choice in what they made. They were forced to do change the game, what could they possibly have learned that they didn't know already?

They could have the choice of which publisher to go with.

Not in a million sales.

It is the American Danganronpa

"I should have learned a trade."

Kind of drives home the sort of mood whiplash people got when the Fuse trailer came out in E3 2012. First you see this shooter that, by the look of the trailer, doesn't take itself seriously, and then suddenly, you get some grim and gritty generic shooter bullshit that doesn't sound like the same game at all, aside from having the same team of characters.

Well, I never claimed to actually play it, but honestly, the fact that "generic fun" trumped what EA tried to accomplish kind of makes you wonder what the hell people are doing.

So Phil don't want to admit they fucked up with scalebound and now there is no one that actually wants a confusing sounding console.

Put it like this.

Insominac was fucked regardless.

If they stayed with Sony, they'd never get to do what they wanted to do but at least they'd still have their loyal fans backing them.
But then, they wouldn't have survived the transition into Nu-Sony.
Nu-Sony killed Zipper. Why? Because Zipper didn't get Call of Duty Numbers. Jesus. What a way to treat a studio that's been with you guys for over a decade.

If they branched outwards, they'd be forced into do what their publishers demanded but they'd do so without their loyal fanbase.

Hell, this is why Atlus rarely puts games out long spanning games to begin. They don't want to kill their sales, again , by betraying an aspect of their fanbase.


this same thing happened with tf2's focus group but valve just ignored them and released the game that they liked


Reminder that Microsoft's current CEO is a Pajeet, and that might be why they keep shitting the bed.

xbots will probably believe it, though.

He cant poo in the loo, so he poos on the xbox team

Hardly any difference.

I recall that the article in question just kind of came out of nowhere.

I will never not enjoy the schadenfreude from this. I seriously hope he received it.

Yep, it just came out of nowhere. They're still salty after 3 years.

didn't he shave his head?
I'd love to think that was his reaction to receiving that present

Nah, him shaving his head was the reason why the wig was sent to him.

I tout pursoner started at V like Fallout did at 3 and Finel Fantasm at 7

I wish games were niche and shunned by society.
At least now i can call every normalfag talking about video games a failure and watch them backpedal.

Remember how when you were a kid and you wished people wouldn't make fun of you for playing video games? Well thanks for wishing on the monkey's paw asshole. We will never get a year like 1998 ever again.

I never have.
I wanted games to be good.

At this point, I couldn't be any more not surprised

What a load of bullshit. I didn't hear a single fucking word about this game after it was announced at E3 all those years ago. This game fell off everyone's radar as quickly as it appeared.

So this is the year the xbox brand dies right?

probably not

Microsoft will never let it die, they would just operate it at a loss. If it did die, another company will make a console to take its place.

They usually make pretty good games.


It was too fun of a game to be that.

I thought they just renewed the license. It was speculated on the internet that they'd give it to another studio.

holy shit my sides


I remember the rumour going round back in like 2008 that they've always been operating at a loss.

I'm pretty sure sony also operated at a loss for most of the PS3's lifetime, not sure about now though

It wasn't that bad, actually.

The only good thing about it was that it wasn't as bad as DMC2


Wasn't 1998 the very first meme year in gaming, though? It didn't have a long term effect like 2007 or 2012 but it was the very beginning of hyped mainstream AAAs. A lot of normalfags can't even play anything older than 1998.

How do you describe the entirety of the 7th gen except the Wii then?

I'm surprised they didn't keep working with Microsoft to make the Xbox worth a damn for Sega fans, like they did back in the sixth gen.

Ninja Theory do have great art designers
Just like how LJN had the Follin brothers

Being not that bad isnt really good enough for a DMC game. It had some okay visual design. I'll give it that.

Part of it was Inafune's faust.

I don't know what to say. This is pathetic.

1998 was one of the peak years along with 2004-05, wouldn't blame people for getting hyped

The man is completely right. Platinum would deliver still usual medicore 6/10 all flash no substance game and everyone but gay weeaboos would see that.


Sad Kamiya.

This looks like a ten year old's idea of cool.

So progressive.

whorra and turdles

This story stinks of bullshit. I get the feeling Microsoft stuck their dick into the game and fucked with a development cycle that was already struggling due to the open world nature of the game. I'd like the place emphasis on the shoehorning of multiplayer into a game that quite frankly had no business having it. I also suspect the game had to work on PC via the marketplace and run under dx12.

So instead of shouldering the blame or bad mouthing Platinum (who likely has some hand in the blame) MS spews some PR bullshit at the one party who can't really get their shit together collectively, their potential customers

BTW I would love to know why Kellams bowed out of Platinum around the same time. He was a producer on the product and left around the same time. He took a job at EA to basically shit out Madden every year. Which strikes me as a total downgrade considering what he was doing before. The guy's a shithead and a total cuck, but where he's been arrogantly outspoken before, he's awful quiet now.

I'd like to point out that when FFXIV took a massive shit, S-E didn't blame gamers for not enjoying their dated, p2p skinner box. They took responsibility and and rebuilt the whole game. Thats not to say SE is great, but the move was a refreshing change. Microsoft has so much marketshare elsewhere that the gaming division can sink abyss deep and they still have stones to tell the customer that they're shit.

This is normal MS marketing, it just hasn't worked for a decade.

Some oxygen must have accidentally got into some execs brain for them to realise this.

I'm glad I wasn't the only one who was reminded of him from the way his lip curls.

me neither user

Wait a fucking sec are those frosted tips?

See, I think that's the main problem. They're arrogant. They haven't had their shit slapped since the 90's, when Congress hit them with several monopoly lawsuits. They think, "oh, we'll just half-ass this product, market as a (insert franchise here) killer, throw it onto an exclusive platform, and be able to make our money back. And if we don't, fuck 'em." This isn't even exclusive to their Xbox division, it's throughout the entire company. Their latest Windows 10 laptop is literally impossible to repair because every component, and I mean EVERY component is soldered together, not even Apple pulls that bullshit.

I really do have to give props to the user who made that edit, the resemblance is uncanny.

i went to E3 no one was talking about that shit,in all of the lines i was in one fucking person said he was going to buy one .


damn it's worse on the Jap version

He sounds like a fucking crow, my god.



No. So many great games came out in 1998 that looking back at it is fucking absurd. The hype and excitement they generated were all real, not like the (((marketing))) lies you have today. There was no such thing as a hyped mainstream AAA's in anything resembling the modern sense. I think Halo was truly the first.

Fuck, back in '98 you couldn't even hype video games outside of print magazines, nascent gaming websites, and goofy TV commercials. I want to go back

They used to. They've been really underperforming for a while. Playing vanquish after their newer stuff is really striking.

When is M$ going to get rid of this liability? He has caused so much damage to their brand that it's amazing he's still rolling. I'm not going to stop someone from making a mistake, just holy shit.

That's different. LJN was just a publisher, they never did any internal development. Their games were mostly developed by Atlus, Rare, Sculptured Software, and Beam Software.

That's all I'm reading here.


Trips confirm. Pray that Microsoft winds up dead soon for their jewery and morally objectionable business practices.

You clearly don't remember the last guy. Spencer is a god compared to that retard.

I can't wait for Windows to die with it.

Damn gamers, they ruined gaming!

Which is kinda true.

Well Cuphead and Killer Instinct will be on Steam, Microsoft can die a day after that and they won't be missed

Honestly, anyone can be considered a god when compared to Mattick.

the XBone was intended to be Microsoft's silver bullet to take over the set top cable/media box market that was surely going to blow up. by the time it was released, nobody under 40 had a fucking cable box.
they spent a huge amount of money to fill a niche that ended up being filled even for normalfags by a $30 android stick on the back of their TV that runs Netflix.
They made a $400 buggy whip right when the Model T was getting big. Microsoft has done a lot of stupid shit over the years but it really is at the top of the list.

Oh my God this is some of the most pathetic fucking PR spin I've ever seen holy shit.


I never understood how that dipshit even managed to get another job. Then again Zynga is about as trash as it gets.

They had a team of "specialists" and programmers that did co-productions with those said businesses
Follin was send to fix, port or make soundtracks of many needed productions
It was somewhat of a bad analogy, but you get the idea, a horrible company with a shining star among them, trying his best against the shitty context

Stop right there criminal scum

Thia idea is incredibly stupid in of itself, but I have to ask whether or not there actually was any hype at all. Every time they showed it I couldn't help but let out a resounding "meh." It just looked so bland and awkward, the exact same feeling I got when looking at Final Fantasy XV footage.

So, people are excited and he kills the entire project? What is this reverse marketing?

From the moment it was announced you could tell the executive meddling had already infested almost every facet of the game. The generic 'cool guy' western design of the protagonist was clearly something a suit at Microsoft had to okay, the fact that the game seemed intensely generic and was shooting for an open world design philosophy was only a larger indicator of this.

Then came the forced co-op and stale gameplay trailers, you could tell Microsoft had been fucking with Platinum every step of the way to make it as safe a game as humanly possible. It's no small wonder the game wound up getting cancelled, Kamiya had apparently been wanting to make Scalebound for some time only to have his baby taken away and raped by a bunch of gaijin businessmen when he finally got the greenlight. He doesn't really seem like the kind of guy who'd go softly into the night for that sort of thing, there isn't a doubt in my mind that he told them to get fucked when the game was shaping up to be generic shit.

I'm betting we will see the game reborn via the same assets worked into a new title and with the loli protagonist like what he originally planned.

It could be corporate code for "don't expect it to come back ever."


Don't promise to cure cancer MS when you can't deliver. It's pretty stupid because a Platinum JRPG should never be treated as the next triple A 10 million seller franchise.

Video gamers were a big fat mistake

Game, as originally envisioned, should just release on PS4 like all other Japanese games this gen. Scalebound was never going to sell on xbox anyway. The loli fanbase is on PlayStation.

Are you fucking kidding me? That and Crackdown 3 were the only Xbox games I was looking forward too.

Xbone is a failure they refuse to move away from and Windows 10 is inevitably going to be scrapped now that various leaks of source code and vulnerabilities have turned every Windows system into a ticking time bomb.
That's what you get when at least half your staff are streetshitter imports.

I wouldn't be surprised if it came to us in some form or another. The Yoko Taro/Platinum mix seems good, maybe we'll get a new Drakengard with the same general idea.




Why the fuck did they abandon this based on that? They had every reason to ignore the focus groups, I don't think there's a person on this earth that didn't thoroughly enjoy The Incredibles and this obviously is very inspired by it.

Filename to save as. h is for hash, (long numbers and letters) u is for unix. (a bunch of numbers)

No. I made video games my friends instead.

Wasn't the main character supposed to be a loli with a dragonbro, but then microshit started butting in, demanding changes?

It's almost as if viral marketing is bad for business

I wonder how one becomes as stupid as a Bioware writer, surely if they were born that way they would have been snatched up by the retard handlers.

I sure do love when my avatar tells me how to feel about what`s happening.

They dodged a bullet

Yeah I started gaming in 1998. Games were made for basement dwellers who were intelligent and could read. Fucking Deus Ex and Shadows of Amn.

I was actually excited when videogames overtook the movie industry. I was stupid

Anyway I transferred to JRPGs and VNs and transcended normalfag society.

Baldur's Gate is typical Bioware drivel complete with cancerous romance. Its the most normalfag shit for its time selling literal millions.

goddamn kids.

When I was a kid I wondered what type of ultra realistic and incredible video games I would be playing by the time I grew up, it couldn`t come soon enough.

I am an adult now and all I do is play old games trying to relive the times I used to be so hurried to end.

Underrated post

It looked like shit anyway.

If I'm responsible, I'm sure as fuck not sorry.


You do know there's a new Mario game called Mario Oddysee coming out soon right?

Well, yeah, but I meant more in the broad sense.


Gravity Rush 2.

t. focus tester on Gravity Rush 2

Story time.

This is such a retarded excuse no matter how you wanna look at it.
If a lot of people are real excited about the game, then the worst you'll get is high sales numbers with a bad critical score. You'd sell a good amount of consoles, because Platinum fanboys are braindead, you'll make money from console and game sales, and then you can move on to pushing out the next piece of trash that nobody actually wants. And the worst that'll result from that is 1% less people buying the next piece of shit you shill

Seriously fuck Phil Spencer. Just follow the traditional PR spin at this point, and tell us the game wasn't working out as you wanted and you couldn't see a way to rework it without changing things completely.

My guess is that Microsoft wanted Platinum wanted them to make a hand-holding God of War style game and Platinum wasn't having it.

The gameplay shown in the trailers was total trash, but the main guy made it even worse.

The loli would not have saved it or even made it decent, but at least it would have been a little less shit.

Not really much to say. Controls had some issues, Lunar mode was even slower and floatier originally, and Jupiter mode was even heavier. The kick tracking in mid-air was messy, and the Gravity Stasis attack for Jupiter mode was entirely different, with it taking up much more of your bar and shooting a freaking beam of debris at enemies.

Not really much specifically I wanted to talk about, I just piped in since it was a game that I actually got to see before launch and as such was able to see the improvements. Game still ain't perfect, mind you, but definitely better than it would've been.

It was originally about a loli and dinosaurs instead of some fag and dragons.

From what I remember the OG concept didn't even have dragons in it. Just dinosaurs. Just a little girl taming dinosaurs.

Women and normalfags are triggered by lolis. Normalfags want roided-up dudebro heros and women hate lolis for having the youth and purity they no longer have.

Is it even legal to ruin such a superior idea that badly?
The only time publisher meddling worked for the better was when EA cried at Free Radical to add a generic action hero protagonist to Timesplitters: Future Perfect. They even showed them a picture of Vin Diesel as a reference. Free Radical being the glorious fucks they were decided to take the piss out of it and added Cortez as the protagonist. An idiotic, awkward, lazy, and lovable character. RIP Free Radical.

Am I really supposed to believe this shit? Overhyping shitty games to make a bundle off preorders is the name of the fucking game right now. Now all of the sudden you care about a game living up to the hype? Give me a break?

M$ tried to pull the same shit they did with Rare and Banjo-Threeie except they forgot the facts that PG are
Then again on the other hand the game's producer was the faggot known as

topest of keks.

There is so much wrong with just making Dante gay I won't even start talking about it in detail.

Reminder that jap-women can be pretty based and a good portion of weeb media is made by them

I once read how Rance was written by a woman, but never bothered to confirm it.
Anyway, that's probably because they haven't swallowed the equality pill. The gooks still discriminate against their own thanks to centuries-old records which show who is a descendant of a hinin or eta.

More like the youth and purity that they squandered away, got used, dumped and now have nothing to look forward to in life.

Amazing when you contrast bills comments from before to now, when he's been fully whipped by his wife. Dudes practically an SJW at this point.

he's absolutely not an SJW, but I do find it very strange
I hope he doesn't get burned

i can see a strange logic that consolidates his words and actions
that logic being that he never believed in good relationships, and accepted the bullshit in a bullshit relationship as the only form of relationship if he ever wants a relationships to escape his fear of dying alone which she's said to hang over him

Nigger, go look at the E3 2016 demo and tell me if Scalebound can have a steady framerate without massive dipping if there was ever a official release.

Yeah, sure, who would believe that?

He's already cucked himself and thrown away a lot of his core values to keep her, devaluing himself. What more can she do to him when she's killing what he is inside already?

At least he'll find out whether its better to change yourself into something you hate, or to be alone. Shame he gave up his dog just because she didnt want her around anymore and she's preggers.

Daily reminder to lower your expectations if you want to see any new games being made :^)


I have no expectations at all; perhaps that's the problem, I have to keep at least a minimum.

so she made him take a dog he didn't want, he bonded with the dog, now she takes it away?
is she some sort of psyop agent sent to destroy a redpill-tier comedian?

who cares one more j*pshit game canceled

It's abusive behavior. "I can give and I can take away" shit. It's sociopathic.


and there you go, they wanted to do something retarded because MUH MARKIT REESERCH and platinum didnt want to, now they got a slave team that would do all the reterded shit they want

I lost interest the second I saw the "cool guy" protag. I don't particularly care about loli protagonists, but you can't force characters. A good loli will beat out a forced "cool guy" any day of the week, and if the gameplay is fun, I'd gladly play it.

Oh no, we can't have that. That sounds fun

May the Xbox brand die. But that would never happen.

What a load of shit. That's the most bullshit explanation I've ever heard, even coming from kikes. Even the explanations about the holocoaster at Auschwitz that they gave to reinforce the holocaust myth were more believable than this. They've reached a new low.

I promise all of you that if I somehow become head of Xbox, I will make as many loli games as you want. Hell, I'll turn Cortana into a loli so that you can fuck her in VR. I'm going to apply for M$ anyway as soon as I finish my degree.

It seems pretty responsible to me. Heartbreaking sure, but without a doubt the best course of action. If the dog had a history of violence, why risk having it around a baby?

Video games.

He gave it to a good friend and he gets to visit the dog all the time.

Pic related
never had i kekd so hard before i read this story and saw pic related

because they look like lolis, yet have the steely determination of fucking rambo or something

Nigga gaming was mainstream since at least the fucking mid-80s and the assertation that it was some sooper seekrit club for high IQ nuuuurds is asinine bullshit.

Technically they are right. Not too many people care about the Xbone. Though saying shit like this won't exactly drive sales

Everything was better in the 80s so it's a non-argument.

Either you want to sell to no one or you're severely retarded. Definitely autistic.

oh man, don't get me started

He's a sad little bitch


Wasn't it tied to some GamerGate "gamers are over" shit? I definitely remember GG folks having quite a giggle over the people who were still salty over DmC selling like shit 3 years later.

Got Transformers Devastation on sale. Not a bad game but not nearly as good as MGR or Vanquish. Those games are fucking great.

Oh please every shitter owned a Nintendo or Gameboy back then. Games were everywhere. Only a select few PC genres were niche enough that normalfags didn't play them, like flight/space sims. Don't hear any of you old timers mentioning Commanche, X-Wing/Tie Fighter, Wing Commander, etc.. No, it's always the mainstream PC shit like Deus Ex. That game has become so much of a meme it can't even survive under it's own weight. Frankly, I hated it then, and hate it even more now, and I have no idea why you spergs always hold it up as a shining beacon of gaming.

If you're going to bring up mainstream games from that time period, at least bring up the better ones that actually hold up, like Thief and Fallout. But hey, at least you're not completely retarded: BG2 is good(so long as you ignore the recent add-on expansion).

Daily reminder that Judaism only exists because the chief rabbi of Jerusalem betrayed his people in 70AD after inciting a rebellion against the Romans, pretended to be dead, hid in a coffin, and then sold the rest of the kikes out for his own survival.

I'd love to hear the details behind this one.

Define "mainstream". Video games were widely seen as something for children and loser adults with arrested development until the 6th generation consoles came out in the early 2000's. That's when they started to become accepted as a pass time for normalfags and the cancer truly began to metastasize.

How old were you in the 80's?

I need details.

i know i'd have been more interested in it with a cute girl protag than yet another cookie cutter clone.
which isn't to say i'd have bothered playing it.

The aways online drm and mandatory camera and microphone cianigger trap as well as the ps4 being slightly more powerful and 100 bucks cheaper didnt help either.

During the war with the Romans, Emperor Titus besieged the city of Jerusalem and was able to destroy the (Second) Temple on the Mount. "Rabbi Yohanan ben Zakkai was evacuaed in a coffin during the siege of Jerusalem, and a little later, obtained permission of Vespasian to establish a school in the village of Jabneh" (Eliade, History of Religious Ideas v2 pg 153).

The religion was made illegal when Hadrian abolished the Sanhedrin (council of the rabbinate) and forbade the study of the Torah under penalty of death, but Antoninus Pius recanted in his misguided efforts to curry favor with Ecumenical Jove.


what dmc game should I play then?

Who even had hype for the game?
Whatever. I want Kamiya's original idea of lolis and their dragons.

I wonder what the teacher would say.

Even better, holy shit.
I hope Kamiya still makes that game one day. It'll blow the fucking water out of Horizon Zero Dawn. Shit, Microsoft should have done it for that alone.


It's a goblin


InCase is the artist name



The funny this is, if DMC was just a different franchise, it would've sold just fine. Not great by and standards, but fine. It would've been another weak entry in the spectacle fighter genre alongside Castlevania: Lords of Shadow. But some faggy Brit cuck thought he knew what was best for a well-loved and already established series and doubled down on being a petty piece of shit at every opportunity.

Platinum actually made that game.

misread that as JRPGs

>giving him (((You)))'s

A boy goblin.

But they still buy them , and people still buy games for them and they buy games for others. They may be shit but they're not pirates.

They still buy if it appeals to them, they have to get their gamer cred somewhere.

All harmless pedophiles are buyfags, if they weren't they'd never get caught.

Also, don't confuse people who want to be the girl with people who want to fuck the girl.
The people who want to be the little girl are weird and harmless - - besides, who doesn't like the clothing options for female avatars?
Little girls > Little boys.

Die-hard Platinum Fans bought a fucking Wii U for Bayonetta 2 and Best Buy offers financing on Xbox units.

Sure user Baldur's gate is for normalfags. And let's pretend you've read a book in the last 12 months shall we?

No the majority of gamers are fucking stupid ADHD riddled goldfish. I've learned that over the years. And there's nothing wrong with that just saying.


The only outfit you ever need.

Why cant the devs just say fuck it and create Overstrike the way they wanted to today? It will sell like hotcakes if they do.


Black cargo shorts, white loafers, Thunderbolt street cap, white backpack of your choosing, black socks, glasses are optional but the white mirrored sunglasses work best.

I doubt it.

If you want to play a Platinum game, you have a Playstation, a Wii U or just wait for the PC port.

Ironically, Microsoft is now scrambling for developers to create their own "Horizon Zero Dawn" killer. Literally, they describe it in their job postings.

They had it right in the palm of their fucking hands, and could have delivered it before Sony release HZD, and they pissed it away for a multiplayer dude-bro experience that nearly drove Kamiya to a mental breakdown… and then canceled it "because the fans expected too much".

What a hilarious shitshow. But you know, maybe they were right? A game about a loli controlling dragons/dinosaurs… on an Xbox console? How absurd.

Enjoy your bumplock.
I'm here to bumplock the thread.

Enjoy your dicks.

It was clever containment for single men with brains.

I'm not actually a fan of the whole jewish conspiracy thing or any of that shit Holla Forums spews but in all seriousness Hollywood is like 90% people who went to the same 4-5 high schools, my dude.
Shit is basically more or less a caste system where you just know the right people to get anything done.

Devastation was like the last solid thing they've made but it was still visibly rushed.
Korra was a massive step down before it.

But everything after Devastation is an absolute fucking mess as of late, I get the feeling it's why we're getting Vanquish and Bayonetta ports, to remind us that they make good stuff in the first place.

Just give us the source already, how many times do we gotta' ask man?!

Congrats, you're retarded.