New Dragon Age game is happening

Bioware's Dragon Age team has been hiring loads of people

For what sins


Can't wait for another shitshow.

People? Surely you mean shitskins and trannies.

Oh boy oh boy i still remember being the naive… 22y-old me being all hyped up that my favorite game had a sequel and like the dumb faggot i was who blindly jumped in the hypetrain despite all the warnings around like short development-time etc i went and pre-ordered Dragon Age:II…

Well atleast you could say i learned my lesson the hard way, never EVER jump in the hypewagon and NEVER EVER pre-order games.

Taking bets now, will it be worse than Androgyny?

I was underage at the time, and even I knew it was bullshit.

I didnt get to play much vidya around 14-20~ and most of what i played was just games old even then because of shitty computer so my view was skewed.

Never experienced huge disappointments in vidya before.

Do you live in a third-world country or somewhere rural

Didn't they already shrink their studio? How can EA possibly expect nu-Bioware to make two games at once? If the official excuse for ME:A was that most of them worked on Cisquisition, and thus didn't have enough people, how do they expect to work on this and The Wall game?

Dragon Age Inquisition is still worse than Ass Erect Androgynous, or at least for me
So following the trend its almost certainly going to be worse
I doubt they'll even be able to sell it on the PC after 4 shitty games sequels, So i think its a mobile game, if not console
Although come to think of it, all the dragon age and mass effect games were console games anyway

Don't be mad, this trainwreck will be as fun as Mass Effect Andromeda.

Finland, i was just going through troubled times with school and jumping back and forth between home and whatever shit in the form of Youth departments for troubled youths there was and those places didnt let you own any computers or consoles hell at most they had ps1 with few games and that's it.


I got it for $10 off a friend who was going to return it for $20 store credit but couldnt be bothered walking to gamestop

I bet it's going to be a shitty MMO.

Also my Dragon Age folder is empty somehow, post the funny shit about this trash fucking game so I can fill it please.

I agree. The MMO-style quests are less in-your-face in ME:A than in Cisquisition.
There was no real PC version of ME3. It was a straight console port: downgraded graphics, textures, lighting, animation, gameplay (couldn't even holster your weapon). The only good thing was the co-op horde mode.

There are 3 Bioware studios (Edmonton, Montreal and Austin).


I've some, let me dig them up.

Becoming a pig was a real improvement over how she actually looks in the game.

But the new one is still going to be shit. I'd be willing to bet, like legit put money down on this horseshit, that none of the "circle/clique" employees were flushed out of the command chain that were present for the creation of DA:I during this recent downsize/rehire cycle. DA:I will be wholly reflected in whatever new game they shit out. The story will have a flimsy premise with a plot stretched atom thin which is constantly undermined by its own characters.

So you're telling me that, after putting the final nail in the coffin of Mass Effect, Bioware is now off to murder Dragon Age?

I can't wait.


You mean it hasn't happened already?

did they not already kill it with cisquisition?

how far deeper into the abyss could they possibly fall?

Seriously, the demo was terrible.

you shouldnt have asked tbh
you've spat in the eye of the devil and dared him to up the ante
you cannot be prepared

Marxists/Communists aren't people though.

You guys misunderstand. EA has shelved Mass Effect "definitely". That's the killing I am talking about. If this ends up being Andromeda-tier, Bioware is done for.

nvm the commies
the development team will 99% this

i want to see it. i just want to see what it looks like.

the world has been unkind to me and now i want it to be unkind to everyone else as well.

The last Dragon Age game I played was Origins.

And more. Kind of nice. in a nostalgic fashion.

Adding some classics.

thats like wanting to watch cp or genital mutilation lad
they enjoyed making it
you shouldnt enjoy watching it

I hope ME:A's poor sales prompts them to rush this game out, and they're still stupid enough to use Frost.

Anyone got the guy with the stock texture cloak?

Round 4.

Thanks, I'd lost those somewhere in my HDD.

Bloody hell, I kept a lot of these.

Working on it, I have it saved somewhere.


the collapse is coming. they will continue attempting to pander exclusively to the self-flagellating type that buy their games and suffer the consequences. until then i want everyone who didn't do what they had to to stop this bear witness to their creation. and yes, that includes you fuckers who made fun of it here and on halfchan; you incensed them. they see themselves as galileo telling everyone that the earth revolves around the sun. every time you talk shit at them, it hardens their resolve. they think they're the smart kids in class and you're the bullies.

the solution to these people is to ignore them and their works. let them speak for themselves so that their words echo about their heads and they are left with no other option but to contemplate them. that is how you stop them. let them think about what they've done.

Solid advice we should get Bioware out of our heads and our hearts.

I did pirate ME:A though even though I didn't play DA:I or ME3.

Ignoring them doesn't work when they false flag their shit.


There was a mod that made some characters white and it made some tumblrtards sperg out. Don't you have a picture of that? That is the only thing I remember from DA:I


false flags lose their potency without the oxygen of extant negative sentiment.

Cole the Hedghg is by far my fav anime character.

LOL no. Ignoring problems doesn't magically make them vanish. It's like you're a baby with no sense of object permanence; when someone covers your eyes in your mind the whole world stops existing since you're not looking at it.

But will this one give us another autist waifu?



They aren't going to ask, no.

I wonder if they're going to ask their interns to write shitty Metacritic reviews of similar games from other companies.

i'm not saying ignoring them is a panacea, i'm saying it's part of the problem. ultimately they are the ones at fault and it will only stop when they either come to their senses or are forced to stop, one way or another.




another sin of DA1 and 2

I don't give a HECK about any dragon age, I just name em like I see em



>actually having fun


How did Dragon Age even manage to get another sequel?
Didn't DA:I failed enough to have it shelved indefinitely just like Mass Effect?

What, it still doesnt show the fullname when mouse hoovering the name, and neither when downloading it.

for the nostalgiafags:
Anyone remember burger sjw writer that came up with the blowing up of the tower becouse you didn't want the mage go cornholio on your bunghole?
Eventhough the game was shit, it produced a tubload of memes.

I never quite got into why witcher fans are so desperate to insist their game is any good. It's relatively good. Relative to skyrim, relative to bioware games, but both of those games are fucking awful? It's like saying yeah my game is better than an absolute piece of shit

it's really weak and it's kinda sad they're so insecure they feel the need to point out that their game is better than absolute garbage.

Werent Qunari originally not an actual race but more like confederation or something of different races all united under the Qunari banner which was more like "Noble Islamic Communism" or something liket that?

Witcher games are good though. 2 happened to release right around the same time as DAII so lots of comparisons where made.

And that's it. That last one's great bait.

Bioware and its fanbase had a tradition of actively attacking the Witcher games, and banning all dissidents. You see the other side of the coin here.

You should have stayed away from gaming. People like you are cancer.

they really aren't. the first had some potential but the combat was incredibly mediocre, and the second instead of improving on the established combat goes for some weird awkward pseudo demon's souls turn-based-real-time mess with incredibly jarring balance issues and no understanding of basic game design.

seen journos and the bioware forum screen caps but its like really low hanging fruit either way

The Weekes (husband and wife) are part of the cancer at Bioware.
A couple of years ago his wife tweeted that pic, saying how the GDC was finally a safe place.


You have to know someone or have a shitload of cash to spare to get into GDC so it's no great loss, unless you really want to network with their lot.

thanks women.

If nothing else Muslims have the right of it when they beat their women for everything. Women ruin everything they touch.

So, it's like university for game developers? They pay out the ass to go and get indoctrinated with leftism.

rope yourself my dude.

When I first played it I enjoyed it because I was younger and my standards were lower than nowadays, but I pirated it recently and even with mods it bores me.

No~! :^D

Compared to?

Everytime I see her name I think about the fake article titled: "Is it rape if you kill a female character in CoD?".
Also I wonder if she will ever be able to write an article that isn't based on her personal issues or the trannies that live in her apartment.

Well, no. It's a clique, and always the people who go there to talk video games are overshadowed by shitty takes hosted by the people who go there to suck up to flavor-of-the-month influentials. The bigger companies and publishers also host private parties later on where the real networking happens (dancing chicks, free-flowing booze etc).

How does this thread not have any webms?

anyone want me to dump them?

this actually makes it seem like its fun though

Do it.


BG is horrifically overrated, especially compared to other crpgs of the era. Even among DnD crpgs it falls behind other games

cant argue with trips

No one likes that garbage fire user.

Cool and wrong opinion, I dare you to find a more faithful adaptation of d&d in video games.

I'm honestly wanting to see how badly they fuck this game up, and if we can get some quality character design like in ME: Androgynous.

holy shit I forgot why I lurked, "this is on point and a functional quality rpg." so what I didn't ask your opinion on if its the best rpg I enjoy it and its fucking decent kill youreself faggot.

NwN was better.

Holy shit, only on Holla Forums.

What really gets me is how we will never get a worthy sequel to Bloodlines or Arcanum but this festering turd of an IP keeps getting sequel after sequel shat out the door.

IIRC Bloodlines belongs to Paradox now. You don't want a sequel


And Arcanum to Activision.
Do you want a sequel?

All you did was double down on your premise and added an analogy to it. Again ignoring the false flag that doesn't work if people don't question it, it gives the impression that it the 'victim' did nothing wrong. Going by your analogy the false flag would them "oxygen" without needing an opposition.

I said "worthy" so, no, I don't want them to rape some of my fondest vidya memories thought I know Paradox will shit out a "sequel" to Bloodlines eventually.

Wasnt that game a broken piece of shit?

Mods fixed it. Now an autist is porting the Icewind Dale campaign into the game and it will be glorious.

Oh yeah, but even in its broken state it was the pinnacle of emulating d&d.
Nowadays it's not even broken.

That dragon looks like it belongs in a Mario game.










Man I remember pirating the first game years back and deleting it after half an hour, I'll never understand how anyone can buy this shit today.

okay then how does one discredit a false flag? tell everyone that it's not real?

"lol really? you think we made up attacks on our game just for publicity? hey everyone! look at these dumb goobergobblers who attacked us and then desperately tried to claim they didn't attack us! aren't you glad your on the right side of history like us?"

just stop talking about them. i'm not saying that ignoring them will be fatal strike, i'm just saying it's the only thing that can feasibly be done. they make money from victimhood, it's their entire culture.


Naw, they are pretty much fantasy Klingons. In DA 1 at least, never played any other part.

You're not getting it do you? If you don't question it, then people will assume it real, then it will have the same effect as 'talking about them'. They don't need us to talk about them, all they need to do is look like a victim. They can do that without us.

oh look a brainwashed child
just another suicide statistic in 20 years

you're avoiding the question: how do you discredit a false flag without looking like alex jones talking about gay globalist frogs? that is, how do you not make it worse?

Simple, they want to be a victim, prove to people that they're a bully.

I liked the trailer and was a little hyped, but not "buy the game at release" hyped. I just got in GameFly. I finished it once, but I couldn't bring myself to do a replay through the SINGLE FUCKING DUNGEON the game had another hundred time. Origins was at least worth multiple playthroughs.

I miss my GameFly+PS3 days. Things were fun and innocent then.

and that's working out so well with the whole vidcon thing
people will always swallow the garbage peddled by the kotaku and polygons of this world

you do realize this is an infected NSA honey pot open sewer? let the shit fly man

It is, actually, before she was practically unquestioned, now you got other people who got no dog in the fight saying that antia and vidcon fucked up. All you gotta do is keep up the pressure that they're bullies, there's a reason why that passive protesting works, it's the aggressive overreaction that pisses off neutrals. Your suggestion would to not even formulate a plan of doing that, since that's 'talking about her'.

please pay attention who you're talking to
we do have IDs here after all

I don't get that first pic. If the characters are being written and grown by the same people who wrote them originally wouldn't it be correct to assume they will turn out alright? I haven't played DA:I but from some clips i've seen Varric, Morrigan, Hawke and the notes you get from the Warden all seemed more or less fine.


I don't know why but I can't stop laughing. It will be terrible.

It's funny how much attention this got at the time yet nobody noticed that DA:O lets you actually rape a demon if you play as a mage. It's not even ambiguous, you're just straight up using an intimidate check to fuck the desire demon.

It will be a terrible game, yes, an even worse cRPG, that too, but it will be an awesome sitcom about dysfunctional Holla Forums denizens.

I just want a proper sequel in which I can Make America Tevintar Whole Again

A proper sequel to Origins*

da2 is that


Shoo shoo


Holy fuck, that shit was on par with NMS in terms of dissapointment and post-hype backlash.

I'm just saying that if hamburger helper didn't get her hands on them they should've turned out ok.

DA2 is shit.
And so was DAO

Maybe you misunderstand my statement, so I'll rephrase it for a retard like yourself.

I wanted a proper sequel to DA:O, not DA2

DA2 was a proper sequel. As shitty as its predecessor.

Every fucking time. Goddamn commies who are the exact same as liberals.


DAO was actually pretty fun and left alot of optimism for the series. it was like an "action" turn based diablo with room for strategy and creativity, and one of the best "difficulty" levels in a game.

harder difficulties actually caused enemies to use better strategies in addition to getting stronger instead of them just becoming damage sponges.

the game was a good size, and the buildup towards the end actually felt earned. you actually built up an army to fight and depending on your choices you'd actually have an easier or harder time with the last battle.

it definitely had flaws, but it was a solid title.

DA2 was unplayable button mashing trash with no challenge, homosexuality, and simple AI.

Report for shilling.

Bioware and their fans are so buttmad about The Witcher series and other games because of sex scenes or fan service but everytime they can't stop talking about how much they want to fuck a character, it's hilarious. They are just colossal hypocrites. This company and the fanbase is fucking disgusting lol

Hey we can save stuff as UNIX filenames and the feature isn't broken now

The only guiding principle of a leftist is his or her wish to spite heterosexual, white men. That's all they ever want to do and everything else they say is window dressing.

welcome to Holla Forums newfriend, remember. sage is a downvote ;^)

It’s still broken, you fucking faggot. Take an HCI course.

*isn't as broken

Bitch please, take your head out of your own ass, you're selling this so hard. The game is boring bullshit, choices only somewhat matter but it's not like it actually matters. Trying to replay the game after you do everything is fucking boring, there's no replay value, no interesting or new choices unless you mean romance options in which case fuck you.
i played an arcane warrior. This is the tankiest and most overpowered class in the game, you will never die. Specialized in bombs and you can just toss hundreds of bombs out to kill everyone as those are fucking overpowered too. I even play all the way through on nightmare with this character, he plowed through everything even once everyone was dead.
I played rogue and warrior's too. Honestly it's not a good game.

DA2 and DAI hammered home the fact that they are originally one race who then went on to conquer and integrate other races into their way of life. Literally Muslim Soviet, if you need any more proof that Islamism and goyimmunism are pretty much in the same bed for these faglets.

He says it's an M-rated game but the developers and characters act like children. I've never seen such an obnoxious and immature cast. I don't know how the fuck these people got on a dangerous, experimental, exploratory mission to another galaxy. Content-wise ME:A is pretty much a YA take on ME.

agreed, it was the only DA game worth a damn

Game made by leftists for leftists.

The current theory is that it was basically a soft genocide. They shot them at another galaxy in hopes they'd all die along the way.

Tumblr is basically maladjusted manchildren with deviant sexual fetishes.

All I remember from DA:O was the warrior culture they had.
That sound like pretty much any conquering nation though. What makes them mudslimes?

the choices you make lead to different sidequests and possible missed boss battles. also the race you pick leads to different openings and different parts of the story. even members of your party are optional and you can even lead down paths that kill certain party members

If I am not mistaken the next game will take place in Tevinter.


We memed too hard you cunt. I told you not to sexualize the autist, I told you.

Still long names end in … , so no.

I also remember comparisons to Witcher 2. Does anybody have them saved?

My ex girlfriend bought me Dragon Age Inquisition for PS3. That shits unplayable on a console.

I played a large variety of characters, sexes, and classes. There's some unique interactions but most of the time they say the same things. You might get "oh ur an elf" that's how different it is. The classes play differently but you can still create bombs regardless of class as well, you missed what I said entirely in fact; You can play as whatever class you want, nightmare difficulty isn't challenging because you use the games own mechanics against it. Have someone be a potion maker, have someone be a trap expert, have another be a bombs expert. Bam now you just need a dedicated healing sort or you can abuse overpowered potions which are cheap as shit to make.

I heard if you voice your disapproval of that tranny character in Cisquisition you get scolded by everyone and lose relationship points or whatever. Is that true?

those races are from DA2,
Quanaris in 3 look even more retarded
but man that female one from 2 umph

Shit, son. You were playing that on a outdated console to booth.

No, this isn't true. You don't even have the option of saying anything bad about it, the closest you can get is misgender it when you find out its true gender, and even then nobody will overreact to it since the tranny is such a insignificant character, and it can possibly die during a loyalty mission.
You can still punch the faggot mage in the face when his approval is low enough and he will leave forever, but nobody will react differently.

They scream "she is a man! Don't question it" but you don't lose approval
BTW, I hate to tell that she actually looks like a man. Not just because of the short hair style, but because she is a fucking colossus. It kinda takes you by surprise.

I've played the demo and after playing it I knew I didn't want anything to do with that game
After that was the time where they stopped releasing demos, (((weird))).

Anders in Awakening was the thing that made me stop playing it, he came off as insufferably smug and out of place, his predestined role in 2 set his smarmy level to max on meeting him and I just wanted to purge.

Cole and Sera were insta-trash characters they were such cringey shit, the game was already bad enough without them.

Sera is tumblr's self insert, so it's only normal to be instantly repulsed.

The fucking condescending faggotry these cunts talk, as if their shit-mouth opinions/orders matter to anyone but their circlejerk echo chambers.


Just slit the author's throat and make the world a better place, quiet now, no more life for you.

Did CISnquisition sell well enough to warrant another one? I was under the impression that it flopped.

I think Bioware is just desperate to please their master, and ME:A is an obvious dead-end

It flopped fucking hard but BioWare has no other IPs to use.

Social media noise has no place in gaming, no dev or game maker should listen to one iota of the endless petty shit emanating from those cesspools or else you end up with a compromised, bastardised mess of a product as we're seeing again and again.

Twitter needs to die.

Good to hear. Should be fun seeing the sales numbers for DA4: Transgender Otherkin.

They won't release sale date, that's how we know it flopped. Hell, they won't even tell us how many units they shipped to retailers. If Andromeda is anything to go by it sold like shit, and you need to consider that ME was the more popular IP by far, DA being an irradiated, toxic carcass ever since DA2 imploded on them.

Anyone noticed this trend:

Ass Creed dissapoints even its casul fans, developers say they will take a break (implying some years) and then make a great game, several months later they announce a new ass creed

Cisquissition disappoints even the most brainwashed SJW, devs say they will take a break from Dragon Age games, surprise it wasn't true and new Dragon Age incoming

CoD IW pisses off tacticool dude bros and promises to take a break to make a new CoD, 1 year later CoD WWII is almost dropping

Almost. The first Witcher game was an actual game. Decent overall with plenty of flaws and good points. Witcher 2 was more of a "cinematic experience" with QTEs, which made the lack of solid gameplay or near total absence of combat/exploration/monster hunting even more apparent. AKA it was a bad game.

Next PC is a:

Indian nigger from China who is a female FtoM tranny who still dresses and behaves like a woman, fucks dogs, is 70, overweight, in a wheelchair, worships Zeus, is an illegal alien and is 6 months up the duff.


I don't think blatant lying while maintaining the course is a new trend for game devs

Xe's transracial you transphobe.

Has anyone suggested to that pile of woman that instead of talking into a camera about how miserable she is, maybe she should lose some weight that might help. All that unused glucose in her blood is thinning her skin.

i am incredibly angry
why have you posted this ?

Oy vey, worshiping a white God, are we now?

To make people angry and remind them what will happen if leftists win.

ME2 should've imploded like DA2 did considering both were equally bad.

"We have to stop the Reapers!"

Nah, let's just focus on daddy issues and retconning player choice. But hey, you can fuck Miranda, so it's all good lol

The true irony of all this shit is; if they were being genuinely 'inclusive' (excuse me while I gag) there'd be a purist NatSoc NPC calling them all degenerates that none of them could beat in an argument.

BioWare in a nutshell. God forbid you are put in command of stable individuals that get shit done and can actually focus on important issues.

Miranda was ugly as shit. The only good thing about her was her ass, and that one was fake as fuck. Should have made the rest of her fake too instead of copying that ugly mongoloid whore.

Can't give the nasty goys someone to root for for once.

One (of the many) abiding problem(s) with Bioware is they push this shit, like anyone should give a flying fuck.

Games are the antithesis of sex, all genuine nerds know this, anyone clamouring for garbage-tier non-event fade-to-black 'sex' in a game is a fucking weird childish creep who doesn't know how to use the internet.

All you have to do it look at the dialogue to understand the people aching for it are mental children.

If there was ever evidence needed that they've lost focus on what matters is shit like this.

They care about that shit because it's what their guaranteed audience cares about. Tumblrinas buy these games for the shipping, not the gameplay or the storytelling or the online or the graphics.

Why not just shit out Life is Strange styled dating sims?

Jesus christ can you imagine having to pander to Tumblrtards as your job? Every element needs nuking from orbit, the rot is endemic, full purge required.

Cos that's not rubbing our noses in it enough for them.

Considering they hire from tumblr I think they actually enjoy it.

Oh, yes, I forgot, they must spite us at every turn. They must really hate their lives if they want to get shoahed.

Whatever happens, it's going to be gamergate's fault.

My sides.

That just isn't marketable. I mean, sure, we'd love to have that happen, just like logic and reason would demand, but it's just not gonna happen when you have gaymers who are so cucked by life they need a substitute for real pussy.

Just saying that's why people swallowed the ME2 BS as they did. Sure, you lost all your player choice from ME1. Sure, you had to be shoehorned into working for an organization like Cerberus. Sure, you had to waste your time with daddy issues when you could've been working on solving the problem involving the too strong for the story villains.

But hey, at least you get to fuck shit, so it's all good in gaymerland.

That's why I hated the outrage over ME3's ending. What the fuck were people expecting? Bioware discarded all interest in making a logically sound franchise storywise long ago.

That's why I always wonder how Samantha/Steve were so accepted by Biodrone cucks.

It was basically glorified lip service. Samantha had no real character - she was just there to be the token lesbian because why not? Yet ironically she did more work when it came to dealing with the Reapers than anyone else in the entire franchise.

Then you have Steve who's sole claim to fame is STEEEEEEEEVE! followed by MaleShep's lame as fuck response when he says he's okay, like it didn't even matter the guy nearly died.

All you have to do it look at the dialogue to understand the people aching for it are mental children.

Agreed entirely.

Pretty much. But:

That's exactly it. People buy these games so they can fap to their fucked up fantasies.

Same with Bethesda games. I doubt anyone clamours to play their games vanilla.

They can't even pander right. Samantha Traynor's "romance" arc looked like it was pretty much ripped from lesbian porn with how cliche it was.

And Steve basically got the shaft in more ways than one.

Marauder fucking Shields had more of a personality than either.

It's been 70 years and they've yet to stop screeching about the Nazis. It will be GG's fault in 2050 as well.

I wouldn't mind a game that focuses on party relationships if it was done well. Take out the AN ANCIENT EVIL HAS AWOKEN plot, give the player a crew, a ship and let him experience the social dynamics of a crew of colorful misfits while going around space and engaging in quests, trading and exploration.

You can make a game about waifus and daddy issues if you focus on that, but BioWare is fundamentally incapable of doing anything but rehashing the same fucking game they've been making since Jade Empire, with the same plot, same characters and perpetually broken gameplay.

Yup, to really make it stink up the joint they have to take a known IP, with one half decent title in the distant past so it riles up old fanbois and then push their hot garbage into the new iteration to 'teach us a lesson' about what white privileged meanies we are for not vocally craving to virtua-fuck a load of furries, trannies, crowbarred faggots, nigs and malformed gimps in what is supposed to be an action/RPG game.

It's all about alienating the original buyer/fanbase now, so many of us can see the spiralling decline and can't countenance the idea of paying for this kind of shit. Irony is, as you say, that tumblrtools are more than happy to pay for schizophrenic, poorly cobbled together dreck as it's so very similar to the ethos' that rule their lives.

Dragon Age Inquisition > the witcher 3 >>>> other RPGs

Excellent post friend, you've really done it :^)

Shit guys, can you imagine if there was a decent modern D&D game?


I find it funny because the "romance" that I liked the most in a game was redeeming Aribeth in the OC of Neverwinter Nights.
It was just you talking to her a few times early on and then if you did all the dialogue properly you could capture instead of kill her near the end.

It's best if the characters are cute and such things are only implied or stated, but not actually done.
I think it can give a nice layer to the overall story if executed well.

Because it's not a big name like ME and normalfags would never want to touch LoS.
They want it to be a victory of some kind by fucking up a game which already has a fanbase.

'Subtlety' has sadly become an alien concept to them, also 'making a playable game'.


Fade fuck shekelfuck shit piss ass

I find it kind of funny that they continue to try the same thing over and over, I guess they must still make a little bit of money off these games, but you'd think they would stop trying to bank on 10's of millions of sales for these series. If they were to just hire less people and scale back on production costs they could probably make a lot more profit on these games, but I guess EA's gotta chase after the one big hit.

Are you applying for a writing position at BioWare?

is it bad that I want to fuck her if it wasnt for the tits

Yes, yes it is. You need to seek professional help.

>implying (((CURRENT YEAR))) professional "help" won't further brainwash user

I meant a prostitute. He's obviously in need of a good fuck if he sees Sera as attractive.


I forgot to add

Actually, they don't. Even the Jews are dying out. Create a bulwark of goodness and whiteness and whether the next century and you're home free, Son of Odin.

Got that mudslimme war in 20 years m8

Actually probably more like 10

Not really. In Israel they breed like rats.

But gender doesn't even exist in English like it does in Slavic languages, German, French and Spanish.
Mary will always be her/she
Jack will always be him/his/HE
Neuter in english always refers to inanimate objects like chairs, fans.

Aren't they still mad at how Cisquisition was forgotten a week after release and Witcher 3 is still overshadowing their shit game even 3 years later?

You don't have that long user. When history is written, they will say it began years ago.

Hasidim do, yes, but they're too busy trying to bond with YHWH's Shekinah to influence politics.

Dude, you weren't some teenager, it's common in some places to have kids at 22. You should have known better.

Yeah I hear ya, I started getting fit a few years ago in preparation, oh what a busy time it'll be.

Remember that the spiritual war is of more importance than the physical one. In the terms of the enemy, there is a greater and a lesser jihad, and the greater one occurs inside the heart.
t. evola

Next up: "The French language is Transphobic!"

Sera would look fine after korean plastic surgery and a boob job.

A couple of trannies here in Quebec tried to get a gender neutral pronoun into the official French language. They were told to fuck off in no uncertain terms during their hearing, they didn't even made it 5min in before the panel looked so annoyed they were told to leave.

Hope I can clean all that greater jihad off my spear.

I kinda like the pig face. If she wasnt made by horrible devs that give her a wig for hair and oily skin she would be alright. And the tits,a nd the horrible writting

Now that's interesting, they get shut down for their fucking idiocy where language doesn't permit it. Hmmm there's something useable there.

It actually is, because by default some foreign entity attempting to undermine millennia of language's development makes them seem like a huge fucking faggot and a threat to integrity.
And aversion to trannies or faggots is healthy and genetic, just like you avoid feces or rot.
So ironically having genders in your language saves your country from gender ideology.

Polish for example has 5 total, 3 singular (masculine, feminine, neuter), 2 plural (male - when talking about a group with masculine words, non-male - without those) it affects forms of adjectives and declension.

We are very protective of French here being surrounded by English speaking provinces and states. Since it was an hearing of the national assembly it was filmed but I can't find it anymore.

Another thing, when female and male pronoun conflict, for example Bob and Mary do something, male pronoun always take priority. Soggy knee!

I wonder what fucking an morbidly obese woman is like? I can never get anywhere with them because I can't hide my intentions to harpoon them with my penis.

This little fag has no idea the kind of world he's entering.

We used to say "fuck off back to ghazi", but nu/v/ doesn't even remember that.

I'm looking forward to how bad this will be.

How well did Cisquisition do anyway? Did they sell well? They're making a sequel so it must have right?



Your Hitler dubs absolve you of your steveberg jewniverse image.



Satanist nigger you missed

That's exactly what I think Mass Effect should've been like.

Yet people will lap it up like dogs.

Eh, at least the OST had a couple gems.

See, that's the thing.

All this talk about "inclusiveness" and all Bioware does is basically lip service. No real character development, no gripping story, nothing that might imply their sexuality actually means something if it's such a big deal.

Nope. It's just "I'm gay guiz kek" without any real meaning. And in a time where "da gayz" are supposed to be oppressed and all, you'd think they'd want strong role models, not just set pieces you can fuck if you want.

I mean, they had a good idea with Traynor but fucked it up. And everything else never even had a chance. I really wonder how any self respecting GLBT person could even support Bioware's shit.


You know what I mean, user. For all their talk about respect and tolerance and how they should be noticed and what not, they settle for the lamest, most self-defeating shite around.

Then they wonder why people are so mad when they react negatively.

Look at how the mono-gendered Asari suddenly got changed over this stuff.

Who cares if ten+ years of lore got retconned as long as you can look good in the spotlight?

Can't help but imagine how bad the smell and how grimy the sweat would be. You'd think a fatass would be glad of the attention from anyone.

Maybe throw a Reese's on the bed, that should do it.

Compelling if true, I'd like to see a map of countries with gender infused languages vs their level of cuckedness.

So there must be at least a few contrarian bitchy femnazi French (et al) bloggers trying to reforge the language(s) by deliberately misgendering their chair or whatever else they lay eyes on so they're not word-raped by their man-centricly labelled household items, yes? Must be at least one loud one.

how come lesbians get to be first?

They're the only ones anyone really likes.

But why did you feel the need to switch around the acronym, or for that matter use it at all? Just call them fags and queers.
Who gives a flying shit? The fags and their enablers eat it up anyways because they love the attention and ass licking.Also,

It's just stream of consciousness shit.

And a lot of people give a shit when it spreads onto every single piece of fiction because "muh inclusion" trumps everything else.

If you want to suck cock or something, fine. Indulge in degeneracy. But don't shit up everything with ihis shit.

Plus you can't edit posts on here. So I couldn't change it anyway.

What's so aggravating about the deviant stuff in DA is how ham-fisted, preachy and horribly clunky it all is, it's so clearly some mewling faggots agenda being poured up your nose while you're trying to distract yourself from how the rest of the game is so weak. Gayness was around every corner and that woman-man had a straight up "ARe u a Man or a Womb-mann?!" option, it was the most crowbarred thing I've ever seen and I destroyed a large shed with a crowbar once.

Then ME:A took it to new hitherto unseen levels of painfully bad, foot-down-gullet dialog, from the bits I've seen of it it just looks like they doubled down making it so bad you want to kill yourself rather than tap on.

Damn shame that the reality of true lesbians is overweight, shaven-headed, denim clad, troggos who could weave a shirt out of their prodigious pubic/ass hair.


Please just let them die already

all this cancerous fucking faggotry