Botnet Wars II: The Ransomware Strikes Back

Reminder to install non-Microshit operating systems on your PC's to play your videogames on.

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>>>Holla Forums



This has nothing to do with video games and only idiots install ransomware.

This. We all already run gentoo.

I'm a cheapskate that bought an used computer and installed Ubuntu because it's free.

Explain which part of it qualifies as cheapskate

Why make things more harder then they need to be?
You are installing a shit ton more bloat for no reason by doing that.

Wine is shit.

This tbh. Shit's easy as fuck.

Is the natsoc flag to discourage those

IOMMU works way better than WINE and you only need to set everything up once.

will this method run the same as if I was using windows to play my games?

SystemD something something illusion of choice, controlled oposition, etc.

GNU/Linux encompasses libertarian values far more than filthy communist or Nazi values.

But can I get it to work well while running proprietary nvidia drivers because fuck getting 1/3rd of the performance on nouveau?

Essentially yes. In some cases you lose a few frames, in some you actually gain some.

How how does one exactly get this ransomware?

By just having windows installed you have ransomware.

made me laugh user, nouveau is like 10%

None of this matters because all your Intel and AMD CPU's are backdoored. Unless you're shitposting on SPARCstations I don't see how you're superior.

I can't play any of the games I enjoy on Linux.

Pretty much. Of course, it does mean you'll be stuck with integrated graphics on Linux if you don't want to buy another GPU. You'll also want a $15 or so KVM switch

I've been using OpenRC on Arch with no problem.

yes but i don't want lolbergs on my Holla Forums

IOMMU means you'll be giving access of the GPU to a virtual machine, so you'd be running Windows in the VM and you would use the proprietary drivers just like on a normal windows machine.

AMD FX series doesn't have PSP.

What about in 10 years down the road though? You can't expect to survive on a FX-8350 forever. You and I better hope RISC-V becomes viable..

You could also use Synergy. It's under GPL2 though you need to either compile it yourself or download pre-compiled binaries since the official site only hosts the "paid" version with tech-support.

If you really need that much privacy then why not keep a few FX in reserve?

If you re gonna tinfoil it then wrap that shit well, that's my motto for security.

Being stuck with integrated is my issue.
I want to play video games on linux and windows, If I were to get another gpu i'd just use both on SLI on windows and installing linux for video games just so i can skip it entirely and use windows on top of linux is completely retarded.

Then what's the point of Linux's security if every modern computer has at least several fatal flaws? A computer is as strong as it's weakest link.

You can't use two of the same video cards with passthrough due to how it works. If you were to go with two discrete GPUs, it's best to do one AMD and one NVidia, or two cards from separate generations to avoid any fuckups.

10 years is a little far off, who knows what could happen.

You'd be running them at the same time though. You'd be doing your normal stuff on linux and using windows just for games.

Have you used Nouveau in the last year?

Do you only enjoy DX12 Windows 10 exclusive games?

Speaking of that dx10/11 barely have any games.
I think DX12 is going to go it's entire life without a single good game.

I run windows 7 and I'm not concerned with ransomware.

I like Forza Horizon 3 and Motorsport 7 is looking pretty good too. That's it though.

How do people even get infected with this shit?


That's how. The vast majority of people are completely computer illiterate and revel in their ignorance.

The vast majority of people aren't people.


Correction: Windows only as dirty slut system that is not connected to the Internet while you use a libre waifu system for everything else.

OP are you so stupid you run random files from the internet?
Do you have to run a deliberately incompatible operating system because you're too stupid to use any sort of networking security?

You think that's bad? RMS personally shared his password with every one of his colleagues.

How do you even get something like this on your system?

Must have been a blast to grow up with him.
I might have more tales if anyone cares.

best solution for comfy
it's only a matter of time before windows malware starts trying to escape vm's though


It would be funny if it was Microsoft doing this with the tools they got from the NSA dump, to force the last few holdouts to get Windows 10.

commonly by opening microsoft office documents that appear to be from someone you know/in the organization.

NEETs win again.

nigga i don't even doubt microsoft spies on people but this video is fake as fuck

Then how do you explain US elections?

just act retarded

Get the fuck out of here with your proven fake news narrative bullshit…


You can't hide the truth forever.

itt: autism

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

Nigger it's a symmetrical key it's used for both encryption and decryption. Asymmetrical keys are way too computationally expensive to use for large chunks of data. People would fucking complain if their computer froze for a solid 3 seconds every time it wants to send a screenshot to Microsoft.

3 million years in google,

Your falseflags will never work Holla Forums, just like communism

The malware spreads via port 139 and 445; it probes IP addresses on the local subnet for vulnerable systems.
-Verify that systems are fully patched (MS17-010 and CVE 2017-0199 apply to this threat)
-Disable SMBv1 on all machines. This is the primary methods of infection used by the Petya malware.

Remember when mac tried to bank on that then enough people started using macs that virus making became viable on it? Your a shitty shill and can't even get people to use a free and shit OS without resorting to lies

Good luck installing any sort of virus on a system that requires passwords to install anything

Well yeah he's a commie, he believes in that whole sharing private property with the public garbage

pick 1




Yet he will post the same shitty video again in the next thread, you can bet on it.
If the video was real there would be worldwide unrest and tech blogs would have already picked on its trails or other people would have tried to do the same thing, but nobody worth his salt would use this video as evidence.
If you want to prove Microsoft blatantly spying on people's shit you can use other resources like the case on this article

What sort of website was he visiting? Porn?

Many ads redirect you to shit that auto-installs malware. My grandparents are fucking idiots when it comes to clicking on ads.


GNU/Linux doesn't willingly keep holes open in its design so that shady government agencies can exploit them.

It's all free though.

The key difference is that you have to run the ransomware.

under the hypothetical assumption that Linux ever becomes popular for gamers, or as a desktop, you can trick many people into installing your spyware/ransomware/ etc if you convince them you are giving them stuff like pirated software or games, and then the need for antivirus like applications will arise.

I didn't even knew piracy existed on linux platforms until a couple years ago, the only way to avoid it would be if everything was FOSS

so, the march security patch for Windows covers against this fuck too?

Of course, but then the issue moves from software to social engineering. How do you keep dipshits from clicking on "millionth visitor" bullshit?

Linux is wonderful.

IT runs all my favorite vidya even the vidya that I had trouble running on windows.

It runs some applications better then native windows However that voodoo work.

Wine does the job without needing a virtual windows install.

I may vm eventully but im not sure if i can do a gpu passthrough on this pos.

It's probably going to gain some popularity when Windows 7 finally bites the dust.
I think you could also better contain stupid on Linux given you put in the time to set it up though nothing is perfect obviously.

Call me when Linux stops being shit.


Blow your brains out, inferior.

Are you baiting?

Sorry, people here actually use their computers for more than just posting and updating distros.

Call me when Linux has gayms.

Checkmate atheists.

How do people even install ransomware ? I'm curious because since I have a computer, I never had any type of viruses or malwares, but everytime I go to my parents house, my mom wants me to "fix her computer", and when I take a look at it, I see dozens of random softwares installed, hyperlinks viruses on her browser etc… And when I ask her, she always say that she never install anything on it, is it some kind of technologic hex that only older people get or something ?

They install shit they get in emails. Thats really how it spreads.

Oh, so it's like the "pdf is an exe" thing ?

No, just straight up exe files. Sometimes in zip files. I dont think they use pdf files that much now that web browsers can read them and not be insecure.

Meanwhile at your mom's…

My parents claim to not install things but their system is full of 'helpful utilities' whenever I go home. The last batch seemed to be from them attempting to pirate country music from the shady as fuck mp3 sites you find in search results.


I can understand the pdf/exe way because some people are simply not careful or have extensions enabled, but how can a person with even a minute understanding of computers can just open a random exe from an email ?

I just remembered that the last time I went home, her Win 7 turned into a Win 10 and she didn't even know why and what happenned.

It could have hot women or cat pics

By downloading "Utility" Programs or more outlandish things my grandma thinks apps are pictures and videos she gets sent on her phone though to be fair the latest ransomwares do use exploits and move laterally through networks.

Are you AU me? Why the fuck are Italians (and Italian parental figures at that) so fucking retarded when it comes to anything that isn't their fields of expertise? I became the local information tech wiz because I can program the VCR and can google shit and even then whenever there's a problem it gets blamed on me because I'm the one who shitposts the most on my computer.
Whenever I try to explain why a product is better than another one and where I read that or what I tested, the usual response is "no I know that this Chingchongpingpongâ„¢ Samsunweipple Tv Smartphone is the best because I've bought another and it was great" (despite the fact they had to bring it to the Albanian Tech Support at least three different times and they overload the poor retarded gizmos with an incredible amount of shit). And even after getting their stuff repaired they still think they know this shit better than I do, even though I just apply amateur fixes. Whenever I try to solve a software related problem by just making them use a workaround or shortcut they just jump at me for daring to change their layouts and then act so indignant when they can't use it right. And this is something that's been going on for years regardless of the current technology, both with friends and family.

Technology was not meant to be used by people like these, and most importantly not by the people from such stellar countries as Sardinia-Piedmont or the Cisalpine Republic. Is this the same for all of you guys?


We just can't win


Most people on Holla Forums use Windows, meaning they do not use their computers at all. The moment you install Windows, Microsoft becomes the sole user of your computer. These people are like farm animals thinking they own the barn.

Even if that was the case, even animals can discern between a shit barn and a good one and will choose accordingly.

its been great, maybe even a power trip since im the admin on all the computers in the house and they can't install shit without me

i've put debian on a few laptops for tech illiterates, but it's not nice to lock them out of things user.
libreoffice is easier to use than office365 at this point unless you're syncing with an exchange server.

they'll just stay in the barn they're born in, they don't even care that the barn next door has blackjack and hookers.

windows will warn people about opening executables directly and most people will pause for a moment to think of the implications.

just stick a visual basic script in a word document and set the initial text as something like 'this document is confidential enable scripts to view it' it's very simple to compromise a single system if the person using it thinks you're someone they know.

i only locked them out because every time something went wrong they came to me beforehand. so now they come to me before things go wrong which is much more rare since they decide it isn't worth bothering me to install every clickbait memeshit they learned about from facebook. besides in a thread like this i think its for the best that they cannot just install anything, and they seem to value my experience so it isn't outright against their will or anything

Thankfully no.


swing and a miss, terry-kun

You underestimate the average person's inability to read. The problem with Windows Smartscreen (besides it being useless) is that it trains people to click OK asap so the program starts. No-one reads the warning.

What could you possibly need? I can't think of more than 2-3 things I've used very rarely on Windows over the past few years that can't be used on GNU+Linux. All of these things are school related and will never be used or touched again the second I've got my worthless ass degree.

There's a reason people develop these things for windows and not linux.

Ubuntu is free as in beer, and the default installation comes with no proprietary software (wit a checkbox to install some.) I'm not defending it, because it's a bad distro, but quit being a meme loving fuck.

Remember to report, sage and hide all Buzzy threads.

Remember to thank the CIA every day for enabling the creation of malware like this and WannaCry.

It's been 6 months since I've last reinstalled an OS and my PC's starting to get slow as ass, so I figure I might try Loonix instead of bothering to find that one pirated Win7 cd I have.
I don't play any AAA stuff mainly because this PC is old as shit and it was pretty low tier back when it was new. Assuming I use my PC for not much besides dicking around in whatever programming language I momentairly pick up, indie/old vidya and browsing, would switching to loonix be a good idea?

Sounds like a good candidate for using loonix but I'd strongly recommend doing dual boot first and check for any unforeseen problems like audio, video and generally getting accustomed to it.

It encrypts the MBR you fucking retard, because it is quicker than trying to encrypt the whole hdd and is called petyawrap and is a mostly rewritten version of petya
The vuln had been known about for a while, it was considered to be more of utility flaw than an exploit. Also, wannacry was trash malware written in about two weeks by people who had a rough idea about what ransomware should actually do. Wouldn't suprise me if it was written by uki kids or pajeets
You write like you're from reddit and probably think because you have a vm or a spare laptop running jewbuntu and read an online guide on how to set up wine so that you can play nekopara, that you are the bee's fucking knees on computer security and nobody is going to be able to fuck with your shit.
Please do yourself a favor and beat your self to death with that T61 that you bought to be edgy and cool and shit post on /g/ with.

Comparing ransomware targeted at windows to ransomware targeted at linux is like comparing genocide to the murder of one individual.

And you call others retards?

just to make sure is windows fine if you make sure there is no internet connectivity

This man may be the most tragic individual I've seen in the software industry.



it's bad when it interferes with programming making it actively worse

Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it's proprietary.

I stopped playing video games. I may as well install linux since I wouldn't be losing much.

How long until mememasters start making ransomware similar to pic related?

At least pick a non-autism game where only skill matters, expert video game players will be in high demand to recover hospital files.

Nah, the more obscure and bullshit the better.

And in the end it is critical to businesses and not your waifu folders.

>not knowing about Terry Davis' psychological breakdown that (((coincidentally))) happened while working for the government

Anything that promotes basic human values tend to be looked down by the kikes. Why do you think when GW couldn't get the masses to stop watching shows like season 1 simpsons they moved to their plan be and just pozzed the IP from the inside?

Your autismo is of bad taste.

I hope your pic is related.
I take your meme game and raise you a a true test of autism.

Strategy games rots the brain, action games makes your mind fitter.


can someone give me a guide for NVidia, I wanna use a 1080 for gayman and a 750 ti for Linux, but can't get the fucking VM to show

Jesus christ this chart is a relic.

Linux user here. (Zorin OS 12.1)
I wouldn't consider myself any sort of "hardcore" gamer, but I do have plenty of games that run native in Linux, including several popular steam titles, a few non-steam games, and plenty of emulators to play with. I used to used to be a windows user, and I switched to Linux as my daily driver 6 years ago and have had few issues.

And for those who say linux is hard to use, or you "need to use the terminal" for everything, here's a screenshot of my shitty desktop.


TBH m8 you want to pass through the Nvidia card and run your Linux host on AMD. AMD cards are absolutely shitful to passthrough and are likely to crash either your host or VM.

Disregard anyone who says Fedora is easier for VMs. It absolutely isnt. Get yourself latest ubuntu and block the nouveau module then enable iommu and vfio-pci in grub. remember to update-grub/initrafms. Check lspci -k that vfio-pci is the loaded module for your card. Then download a shell script called vfio-pci-bind or vfio-bind and put it in /usr/bin/ . Then write youself up a Qemu launch script starting with something like
sudo vfio-bind 0000:02:00.00
sudo vfio-bind 0000:02:00.01
or where ever your card sits.
Reference this:
You will need to use the UEFI bios.

Something like this

sudo modprobe vfio
sudo modprobe vfio-pci
sudo vfio-bind 0000:03:00.0
sudo vfio-bind 0000:03:00.1
sudo vfio-bind 0000:05:00.0
sudo vfio-bind 0000:83:00.0

qemu-system-x86_64 \
-name Win10 \
-smp sockets=1,cores=12,threads=1 \
-M pc,accel=kvm \
-bios /media/YOURNAME/WIN10/bios.bin \
-enable-kvm \
-cpu host,kvm=off \
-m 32000 \
-vga none \
-net none \
-device virtio-scsi-pci,id=virtio \
-drive file=/media/YOURNAME/WIN10/win10.raw,id=disk,format=raw,if=virtio \
-drive file=/media/YOURNAME/Steam/steam.raw,id=disk1,format=raw,if=virtio \
-drive file=/media/YOURNAME/WIN10/Win10_1703_English_x64.iso,media=cdrom \
-drive file=/media/YOURNAME/WIN10/virtio-win-0.1.126.iso,media=cdrom \
-boot menu=on \
-device vfio-pci,host=03:00.0,multifunction=on \
-device vfio-pci,host=03:00.1 \
-device vfio-pci,host=05:00.0 \
-device vfio-pci,host=83:00.0 \


Don't do that.

Further to this if you're using a version of Qemu > 2.50 you can use HyperV enlightenments. If you do then you have to spoof the vendor id of your card to get Nvidia drivers working correctly. Not a big deal but it will make you hate Windows and Nvidia even more when you realize you have to lie to both of them for them to work correctly.

I've actually seen a decent amount of articles lately talking about Linux exploits, specifically one that has been around for a decade and never got patched


You could log into some Linux distros by crashing the lock screen by pressing backspace 28 times and then typing some command.


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