Lads, let's have a monkey's paw thread

Lads, let's have a monkey's paw thread.
I wish for Intellgien Systems to give us a new Advance Wars game.

Other urls found in this thread:

ok but theyre all penises all big fat penises and they eat penises and lick penises and penises everything is a penis is a penis its all penises

peenus weenus :D


I wish for Viewtiful Joe 3.

It's Sonic '06-2, even worse than the first one and will kill the series for good. Sega will go bankrupt as a result.

Its trash like all the others.

I wish all the cuckdevs had a heart attack all at once

Everyone either dies, stops devving because they're scared to die and a wave of fat soccer grandmothers move to ban everything vidya related out of their fear of heart diseases.


It's localized by Treehouse.


Star Fox 2 get release


It's Shadow the Hedgehog levels of edge,

We get a new Animal Crossing.

On one of the previous threads I asked for a racing game, I got a new racing game, but I got monkey pawed really fucking hard.
Don't play around with these threads.

The new sonic game is a 10/10 smash hit (in paid reviews) and revives the desperate franchise to hook an entire new generation of youths to play.

The game is an MMO where you create your own character with their own bio, looks, species, other-kin, gender, affiliated tumblr site, sexuality, political stance, fetishes, and image sharing between players.

Soon the game is busted for being the hot new way to sneak CP across the internet and isolate children to groom. The kids who played it before the game got busted are permanently warped from the "progressive" exposure and now in meat-space formed a terrorist group demanding the government force the turn of Sonic and that their "Sonic-lifestyle" be a protected class. Christian Weston Chandler is their leader.

They commit terrorism through bio-weapons. Worming into day-care positions to have kids make their own Sonic-OC, spread aids through spritzers and water-balloons at grocery stores, churches, public parks and play-grounds.

The horror indefinitely.

There's no dating, no new characters, and its entirely amiibo based

Jesus Christ.

The new Advance Wars becomes as casualized as Nu-Fire Emblem with its focus being all about waifus and it gets (((LOCALIZED))) by Memehouse while in development.

Wait, aren't we getting two new Sonic games this year?

Viewiful Joe 3 will be made by some shitty western studio that will make Viewiful Joe 3 as M-rated as fuck like Donte May Cry.

We get Stalker 2.

It's a Call of Duty clone which was what the real S2 was shaping up to be anyway.

I wish Reggie and Miyamoto dies.
I wish Treehouse was shutdown for good and is replaced by translators that are good as XSEED.

It's co-developed by Todd Howard and Stalker 2 is a Russian version of Fallout 4.

I wish for a really good third person shooter to be released so I don't have to keep playing the same 10 games over and over again every time I get a craving.

I wish for Tekken X Street Fighter to get released and it's the best fighting game in the past 15 years.

I don't think you understand how monkey paw's wishes work.

Although the gameplay is superb, the entire game is filled with Holla Forumsack propaganda, pedo apologism, stale and obnoxious meming, and all the playable characters are stronk independent feminist POCs who don't need no man. with Trump as the villain.

You get it, but it has online-DRM, can only be played multi-player wise, ran by Ubisoft and uses their servers, player base consists of screaming 10 year old autists and is set in the minecraft universe.

It also comes with a cyanide capsule.

Every Jew, nigger, and fag will simultaneously die within two days. Oh and for Halo 3's source code to be leaked and then ported to PC.

Actually that doesn't really sound too bad, at most I can just skip the cutscenes and not give a shit about anything not-gameplay

Now that's some fucking shit.

Pedophilia becomes legalized


Pedophilia is legalized, but society collapses and you're thrown in a gulag where you slowly die of starvation still a virgin.

I wish I actually wasn't so fucking lazy and managed to learn to draw and like, just make game.

But then are replaced by redditor tier devs.

But furfags, SJWs, and goons are still around.
It only contains half of the original source code and the other half is gone forever with no way to recover it. Also the Halo 3 PC port is shit.

You will draw furry porn commissions for the rest of your life.

You're no longer lazy, and become an excellent artist, and game developer, but the video game market crashes destroying any chance of making a living from it.

I wish that Valve would stop being shit and make/update games again, FNaF/Undertale/BATIM cancer died, and devs had to optimize their shit.

Every last white person inherits ALL of their traits and become a freakish mix of the three. And Halo 3 becomes to bugged and crashy to work properly on PC

How can new fags be made if no one is there to poison the water?
People just can't become Russians, user.
You're saying this like it's a bad thing.

I can take what I can get, user.

The indie market dies out completely and Valve produces nothing by hyperoptimized AAA gaming garbage.

I just wish Pokemon could get a good game for once.

But that's cultural appropriation, user.

The entire game is a furry h-game with the most horrifying furry porn you'll ever lay your eyes on.

Kebabs nuke and destroy every piece of art ever made by man and reset us to the stone age

Fuck you monkey paw, I won.

This is fine.

As long as we remove the kebabs in the end, I'm fine with us being dirty barbarians again.

Another game with mechanics like Kirby 64 is released.

2D barrier is broken and animu becomes real


It's all inflation porn.

None of them want you.

user let's be reasonable here.

Motion controls only, with mandatory waggling.

All the anime girls still avoid you, and go for Chad Thundercock.


Thats fine

Theres a wide variety of inflation types: air, piss, cum, even scat and vomit if yohlu like that. It also heavily overlaps with hyper and expansion

1. Valve's first new game in years is a Overwatch clone that has more (((diversity))) than Overwatch.
2. Every FNaF/Undertale/BATIM fan will retreat to Sonic and the Sonic fanbase is now 100 time worst then it usually is.
3. That will only work on Windows 10.

But it's a crossover game with the Minions with dank maymays.

They all get BLACKED.COM.

Shit, you got me.
I wish computer VR got good enough you could experience games and the internet like in neuromancer

Burn. On a side not, I want a new Age of Mythology.

It's a ASSFAGGOT clone

Isn't that already a thing? I think Hi-rez was making it.

Fine by me, indieshit is bad anyway.
Done, but it becomes an ARPG with 3 menus that need to be entered every time you want to switch Pokemon.

>1. Valve's first new game in years is a Overwatch clone that has more (((diversity))) than Overwatch.
Jokes on you, I care little about diversity.
I don't give a fuck about Sanic, so whatever.
Pirates will fix it.

It's developed by Mark Zuckerberg.

So, smite?

You already got it. They just resold it as "HD", but did nothing but allow you to play 1080p and demand full retail price.

Thanks satan.

The gameplay is so refined it turns out that it can act as a hyptotist. The game, being the most popular game in the world, turns everyone who plays it into an Antifa loving commie. The White House is destroyed as literally millions of people storm it to finally impeach Trump. Antifa finally follows it's doctorine of "No White People" and starts herding them into concentration camps to be gassed. Except for the women who are either trafficked to Dubai to become Dubai toilets or given to BlackLivesMatters for reeducation. This leads to the death of Western Civilization as it collapses on itself in a day. With nothing to stop them, ISIS begins to Allah Ackbar the world until it conquers all, unfortunately their religion is too good at creating suicide bombers and they Ackbar themselves to death, leaving the only humans alive as Australian Aboriginals who use the mystical artifacts of a dead civilization to reenact Mad Max.

They just huff all the remaining petrol and starve to death.

It's also filled to the brim with Marxist propaganda that will make Truthseeker and Holla Forums very happy.
But every game will be over 100 GB for now on.

Pretty much

webm related

I wish for a new fresh and non cancerous concept in this industry


The cars all run on solar which is just fine if you juryrig enough batteries on it to store enough electricity to run for more than an hour. Guns and bullets are no longer a thing so they make lances out of stop signs and joust eachother on solar powered cars.

Playing Going Commando again is fine, I guess.
would there be a chance that someone like myself could make a difference in the ME?

It's already dead, as evidenced by westerners' lives being so worthless they can't be even bothered with protecting their own life/life of their children or the only values being money and cummies.
it died in 1920's, because polish democrats were fucking retards who dissuaded Japan from having a 2nd round of war with Russia.

You have to clarify before I can monkey paw that.

Forget it, I don't want to stick this thread into not vidya territory.

I thought you might have meant Mass Effect.
It's too late to help out in the Middle East, the (((plan))) has worked perfectly since the 1900's.

Granted, but because it's fresh and received well, every single company under the sun tries to do it, making it shitty and cancerous.

I wish that every single Zenimax employee would be vaporized from existence and for the properties they took (Quake, Prey, Fallout, etc) to go to developers that actually know what they're doing and will produce good games, free from the jew.

An even worse behemoth than Zenimax will rise from the ashes and take different properties dear to your heart.

The developers, while competent, are never funded, and

While they do make good games from it, the sudden and mysterious disappearance of all the (((Chosen))) from Zenimax causes the (((Chosen))) community to turn their backs on the various game companies that are making the games. These games not only recieve no support from anyone else in the industry, they are actively propagandized against as the third coming of Hitler. Viral marketers all over Neogaf and SA make sure that the games are mocked before they even come out and newspapers everywhere move to get the games banned by the Government. This leads to the games being incomplete due to bankrupcy of the devs or because the games were actually made illegal and the devs arrested for Hate crimes. You can only find these games on the darknet now, and thats only the games that werent confiscated. Having these games on your computer is literally worse than CP and can get you jailed for life.

Elder Scrolls 6 comes out, and it fixes all faults with open world.
It has no gamebreaking glitches and the game is dense and interesting.

Heil Hitler

Everyone that plays it gets brainwashed into loving paid mods.

It's an episodic game with every 5% of the game being a $60 episode. It also has mandatory paid mods

By fixing all the problems with an open world, it becomes an overly linear game, and is used by gamedev teachers as an interesting example of what not to do.

How can something optional be mandatory?

The game is only as you described it after $500 of paid mods and you can't pirate any of it.

All mods must have a paid element or else Pete Hines declares it an illegal mod. Illegal mods are persecuted by Hines, his legal team and Bethestards forcing people to host free mods on the Lovers lab site, which is also illegal now.

The main menu is a mod
The HUD is a mod
No loading screens is a mod
Most weapons are mods
Saving is a mod
Keyboard and mouse controls are two seperate mods
Keyboard rebindings are a mod
Mouse options are a mod
Graphics options(low-medium pack) are a mod.
Graphics options(medium-high pack) are a mod.
Graphics options(medium-ultra pack) are a mod.
Graphics options(low-ultra pack) are a mod.
60 fps is a mod
Character customization is a mod
Resolution options are a mod.

Should I continue?

At least try to be realistic

Who knows user, while I'm joking now it could turn out to be true in the future.
I mean shit remember how some games sold the true ending as dlc?

You're right, that would be DLC. Paid mods would include:
The class system
The Attribute system
The Skill system
The Perk system
The magic system

I want Bannerlord to be REALLY good

I-I own one of them…

It is.
The day after release, Edrogan arrests the entire dev team and puts them to death for not including enough pro-muslim propaganda in the game. Edrogan then hires Pajeets to make a mandatory update and expansion which fills the game with bugs, pro-ISIS propaganda and poor gameplay. The Journalists praise it for being diverse and "A sign that the gaming industry is finally growing up".

Nah that doesn't work. Someone will put the original, non-updated version on a torrent. A real monkeypaw would be something like:

or even worse:

That's a tiny bit sociopathic

but that's not realistic enough. I can't see that happening.

Something more realistic eh?

I wish the feelings of being a worthless piece of shit that only inconveniences others would go away.

You get rid of the feelings by becoming a drug addict, much like all other addicted it helps you forget your troubles until you can only feel normal while not sober. Soon you become an actual parasite and become homeless begging on the streets for money for your next hit.

Everyone on this site gains the talent and motivation to produce good videogames

I wish for Kojima to stop producing things.

McCarthyism is revived as journalist sites, newspapers and the industry itself attempt to purge itself of wrongthink. The AAA industry is filled with nothing but leftist communist propaganda while there are many good indie games which are ostracized for no good reason, all of them somehow being "worse than Rapelay". These games become the Citizen Kanes of videogames in more than one way as they are only appreciated by the hipsters of the future.

He does. A shitton of people start misremembering him as a God of writing and game design and become copycats.

That's what people do now, user.

The games are made for Power PC processors and don't run on x86.

EA files chapter 11 bankruptcy.

Take 2 grab all their assets and a complete jew monopoly occurs within racing, sports and half of AAA games

All video games unconditional cater to my fetish.

>The new Advance Wars becomes as casualized as Nu-Fire Emblem with its focus being all about waifus and it gets (((LOCALIZED))) by Memehouse while in development.
>it gets (((LOCALIZED))) by Memehouse while in development.

Turns into a mobile game where you have to pay microtransactions to purchase operators.

>He stops producing games and starts making shitty 2dee4u movies instead I guess thats sorta whats appening already


Ubisoft gets all of EA's IPs and make them all into openworld wankfests and are yearly releases.

A barely known company called Intellgien Systems is hired to make a new Advance Wars game, since they are literally unknown turns out they only made mobile games before, so the game sucks.

Alternatively he stops being a producer and now becomes a full time director.

I wish a bad Kirby game was made.

Granted. The Kirby game rivals Superman 64 in how bad it is. The franchise dies until the Kirby brand is sold to Ubisoft. SJW Kirby is born.

I wish Holla Forums could have actual video game threads.

I wish that none of the wishes in this thread ever realize

Its not skyrim 2.0 and there are no funny glitches to show on lets plays so it ends up selling like shit and bethesda learns that redeeming yourself doesnt work, so they double on their current shit.

Kirby now only appears in a Rabbids themed Skylanders knock off, similar to how they used Spyro to kick-start Skylanders with a brand name. He has none of the same abilities or personality, just a marketing shell for brand recognition. The Rabbids are also similarly restyled not as minions but as edgy zombie mutants with a grim dark origin story.

It's a bad game by Kirby game standers, but its overall a OK game.

There are video game threads on Holla Forums and all of the off-topic threads are gone for good. However, you can only talk about video games & video games only for now on. Any and all thread that seems to be the slightly off-topic (i.e. linux vs windows, talking only about the porn/girls of Dead or Alive & not the gameplay of DOA, complaining about SJWs/Marxist takeover of vidya, vidya censorship, draw threads) are immediately deleted. In addition, the mods of Holla Forums are now /a/ moderation tier hotpocket janitors.

Anything remotely off topic is removed but you get banned for your shit tastes. The same night a gang of rabid niggers in desperate need of crack money and hired by the cake kike break into your home, shoot you in the dick, rapes your pets and set your home on fire.

But then are replaced with other wishes that are 1,000 times worst than the original ones.

It stays locked in the SNES classic and no scalper sells any

I wanted Fallout 3. I got it.
I wanted a spiritual successor to Torment, I got that too.

I wish the Switch flops and Nintendo becomes a Third Party dev.

They both died their hair rainbow and embrace Social Justice.
The new translators are pretty good, but without a person like Tom to make sure that things are going well the new translators end up being Aksys Games tier translators.

Fallout Van Buren in an advanced gamebryo engine on x64 and all dreams of original Obsidian creating New Vegas fully realized in the new sequel.

Unfortunately konami takes them over and turns all nintendo games into pachinko. Kojima returns to Konami and makes a long movie game of gay link to challenge preconceptions of link. It's met with critical acclaim and sets the standard for future nintendo titles among the gaming community.

A new open-world medieval fantasy RPG is made and rivals the Elderscrolls, while retaining its unique characteristics.

Is the moral of The Monkey's Paw not "be careful what you wish for because it might come true", but rather, "don't wish because it'll come back to bite you"?

It's made by Bioware that's filled with (((DIVERSITY))) with the main bad guys white males & final boss being Ronald Dumpfeinstein.

But their are paid mods and Todd Howard is the main dev. Also it's causal as fuck.

The last part is pretty much the moral of the monkey's paw.


I wish the assfaggots community wasn't toxic and cancerous. Just to see what would happen

The game is free to play and relies on daily energy currency called war assets to purchase units inside a match. You can purchase more War assets on the fly with real money.

As it turns out, it's an episodic game, except that all the content is already on your computer when you download it, they just add fog walls preventing you from going to certain locations; these barriers cannot ever be removed without paying, not even by cracks, as the game is uncrackble thanks to the almighty Denuvo. Furthermore, the game is a huge success thus securing the financial future of Denuvo and rendering any criticism you have of the service or game completely ignored. Enjoy your hell.

I wish that all of the Nintendrones, SonyNinggers, and PCfats would all died from a heart attack within two days and nobody will replace those fanboys.

It's no longer toxic and cancerous but now filled with moralfags who go out of their way to ban any who doesn't follow the rules.

Hilariously enough that would be a good thing for a team effort based game. Thanks monkey paw!

This happens, but now that microshit has a monopoly on all video game the jewing gets worse. Micropay, mini-DLCs, episodic individually charged yearly releases, $100 prices for every game, all on whatever DRM box they are peddling every two years. In addition, since all PCfats are dead, there is nobody to crack games and the pirating scene dies out forever, forcing you to pay for every game you want to play or even just try.

Also, you can no longer say "racist", "homophobic", "sexist", and "anti-semitic" comments in the game or else the UN police force comes to your house and put you in re-education camps that are funded by (((George Soros))).

You can't change a wish after you grant it.


I wish every game "journalist" on earth died for cancer simultaneously and are replaced with actual vidya players that has the same skills & tastes as 8/v/ does.


You hate niggers now but then later on in your life you fall in love with the BIG BLACK COCK and become a cuck king like Louis C.K. the Cuck King.

They're forced to sign contracts that prevent them from effectively digging up good games because WE NEED THAT ARTICLE FOR ASSASSIN'S DUTY 7: THE NEW UNCHARTED OUTSIDER RIGHT FUCKING NOW!

I wish the tycoon genre would return to its roots and stop being freemium mobileshit.

Granted. But they too die of cancer leaving /a to become the new gaming journalists

/a/ you mean?

It returns to its roots but then the AAA companies catch wind of this and now the entire vidya market is flooded with nothing but AAA Tycoons.

I wish that the Steven Jewiverse shitposter leaves 8/v/ for good and NEVER EVER comes back on 8/v/ ever again.

He's been gone for a while, Holla Forums just has that much shitposters.

I wish to ban videogame development in any countries except eastern europe and japan, and no, i don't care if America is not Hollywood.

All the shitty gamedevs move to eastern europe and japan, and everyone who would otherwise pick up the slack get gulagged because they're not in eastern europe or japan.

Considering that they've already gone on record as saying the only reason there hasn't been a new Advance Wars game for so long is because they couldn't find a way to work relationships into it like they did with Fire Emblem, you don't even need to use a monkey paw to fuck that one up.

Then explain why for the last two weeks the Steven Jewiverse shitposter has been posting current info about his favorite Tumblr tier show that no one in our board cares for.

You damn fools! Every thread is a monkey pawn thread!

It always felt like Truthseeker was just Holla Forums roleplaying as Holla Forums. The comics where so retarded and poorly done they seemed to be done like that on purpose. Do you think he will ever come back?

I wish everyone liked video games

Everyone likes SHIT videogames now, user. Even you.

Since everyone like vidya, all future vidyas for now on are causal cinematic experiences with SJW propaganda thrown in.

Beats me if Truthseeker will ever comeback from the dead. The last time I hear of him, Truthseeker was debating with Mr. No non-arguments allowed man about how modern communism is not the real communism and Mr. No non-arguments allowed man BFTO Truthseeker in said debate.

I wish a BF

/leftycringe/ will also ban you for mentioning the debate. Funny enough

You get a tranny boyfriend without a penis.

90% of the replies of this thread ffs, use some imagination instead of parroting what happens in real life anyway, jesus fuck.

Your wish for a better thread is granted. The replies in the thread will become imaginative. But unfortunately this thread will soon die.

I wish no video game company would see this thread. I fear they will make some of the games suggested here.

No vidya company saw this thread, but since (((Microsoft))) is a tech company, (((they))) use this thread for ideas to make vidya even worse than it already is.

I wish all devs would stop pandering to libcucks and commies.

They start pandering to lolbergs instead.

They pandered to normalfags now and forever.

I wish for not 1, not 2, but 3 excellent quality-oriented games about Alien and Aliens, no predators.

I wish for the licensing issue for No One Lives Forever to be resolved and a new game in the series to be made.


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It's resolved by the license being sold to Gearbox.

The IP is now owned by EA and the new game of No One Lives Forever is made by Dice.

I wish there was a new Armored Core game that was as solid as DaS1

I want Holla Forums to remember to have fun again WHILE keeping the leftygarbage out of the hobby.

The new Armored Core game is great, but it also brought upon the same cancer that DaS1 had and now every mech game for now on is trying to be a Armored Core clone.

I want a terrorist attack committed by a mudslime rapefugee in a major fighting game tournament like Evo. Ono, Harada, Ed Boon, Mike Z, and Mike Murray die in the terrorist attack with Maximilian, Justin Wong, Filipino Champ, and every other douche bag in the fgc (no one from the Smash community survives). Bonus points if others like Cristina Vee or Runka Chan are among the victims in the attack. and the terrorist entered SFV or Tekken 7 with Kuma or Ken. Shaheen and Rashid would look too obvious.

Now there's right-winged propaganda, and it makes Holla Forums act even more autistic. Holla Forums Still hates the left and anyone who makes a shitty SocialJusticeWatch post.

Done. Fighting games are considered halal to the west and soon mudshits start calling for video games to be halal as well. The entirety of the EU is purged while the only ones who play games there will be mudshits and soon mudshit games are the norm. Meanwhile in the US Trump stops the halal bullshit from reaching his nation's shores but in response to his "grievous attack on musilm culture" we see mudshits turn the US into mini civil wars all over the states.
Also, Mike Z survived but now is called something else. You will never know though.

I wish for a real Paper Mario game to come out, by Intelligent systems, by the team who did TTYD.

Shit, that wouldn't be the end of it either. They'd probably try to bring back black people by cloning them.

A mixed bag but the civil war is a nice touch.


Someone decent enough to make a Mage Ascension/Awakening game with appropriate amount of poz (aka keep it to where it belong and don't shove it down everyone throat) .

Eerie dubs…

You know how original games dealt with some feminist themes? Like how Cate Archer had to deal with her sexist colleagues who kept disguising her gadgets as girly things, or evil minions in NOLF2 discussing why there aren't enough females willing to work in evil organizations? Well, guess what, now Cate looks just like Anita Sarkeesian, she was raped in her backstory, the ENTIRE game is all about sexism, and the villain is thinly-veiled Trump.

I wish all the kikes in the industry when up in a puff of ash.

They are all replaced by pajeets and patels.

Does that mean that all games are now Poo in the Loo simulators?

The new Paper Mario game is great and the gameplay is like TTYD, but the story and characters are at the same level as Sticker Star & Color Splash. Also, no OC characters and it's a crossover game with Characters from all of Dreamwork's worst movies (i.e. Shark Tale, Bee Movie, Home, the later Shrek movies after 2, Over the Hedge, Monster VS Aliens).

Now that's awesome, thanks Monkey's Paw.

I wish for Monster Hunter XX for Nintendo Switch to get an international release.


Current half/pol/ or pre-2014 half/pol/? Either way that's bad but at least I don't have to deal with Marxist shit in vidya again if what said ever happens. It's the lesser of the two evils I guess

All international releases has been (((LOCALIZED))) by Memehouse including the original jap version through a update. Enjoy some dank maymays fam.

Current. Complete with Bebe and Nazi larpers and kekistan


reddit and ur dubs.

Can't wait for textboxes to look like reddit spacing.

Such meme.

Much dank.

Indvitable I'm with (((HER))) reference.


Pepe you mean?

It's a Aliens+Aliens yiffing porno game with excellent quality in every way except the alien design, art style, and catered fetishes all rub you the wrong way, with 2 sequels which all get shared everywhere and are generally loved by many but never you

I wish for Sunsoft to stop making mobileshit and make good games like they did 25 years ago.

There's no dating, and Isabelle never appears again, she now lives in Bill Trinen's rape dungeon.

It's now Xbox One X exclusive, and is unplayable without a Gold subscription and an internet connection

We are perfect together
Oh, Finn, thank you.
Word! Now let's go wreck up that Magic Man!
[They jump up and down excitedly.]
Let me get in on this. I'll form the pants. [Jake wraps his body around them]
Food. Food for a beggar
Magic Man
[Finn gasps. Magic Man is in his hobo disguise]
Y'all got any food?
Magic Man
We've got a little orange juice left over from – Wait a second…
That's right. It is I, the magic Man! [Reveals himself and heaves magic their way.] Zap
Magic Man
[They all shout.]
Come on, apple grease! What are you gonna do?
Magic Man
[Zap punches Magic Man.]
Magic Man
We're not afraid.
Are you sure about that?
Magic Man
You're darn right we are!
[Gork vomits lava at Magic Man but it is deflected.]
Give us our bodies back!
[Finn kicks Magic Man into a pile.]
Why should I? You still act like a hero only so you can get what you want.
Magic Man
Oh. You were trying to teach us to be kind without expecting anything return. I should've given you that sugar cube without even thinking about a reward.
Wrong! [Hurls magic at them again. It hits Finn in the face.]
Magic Man
Ah, geez!
[worried] Finn!
[angry] You've gifted us nothing but heartache, Magic Man! What is the life lesson in that?!
[laughs maniacally] Yes, my children, you are so close to the answer.
Magic Man
Answer this!
[They jump on top of Magic Man. He is stuck underneath Finn's foot body.]
Get his eyes! Cut him in the eyes!
I wish I'd never been nice to you 'cause you're just a big jerk!
Oh, yes, that's it! [Slips from under Finn's foot body] You've finally learned your lesson. [Zaps them with magic that returns them back to normal] And now I'm off spread my teachings to more sissy do-gooders. [Opens a portal to escape] You're welcome!
Magic Man
Man, I frickin' hate that guy. But at least now we can all go back to our regular lives.
[Gork, Kim, Trudy, Wee Wee and Gorflax are still voluntarily linked as a single body – even though they have their original bodies back.]

Sunsoft's first new game is Overwatch clone that is a EA published game then EA bought out Sunsoft and later on EA shutdown Sunsoft for good.

Hey, you doppelganger, go get your own damn wish, I made it before you

Oh well, here goes nothing:

Give me a new Super Mario Strikers developed by Next Level Games without Nu-Tendo's influence and with the old sportswear look or even the urban one and no localization bullshit, no physical dlc bullshit that can't be unlocked, no realistic elements to destroy the arcade fun of it and I don't want them to get Peach or other female characters in a burqa over their skinny suits.

I wish Miyazaki would release a new patch for Demon's Souls that gives you access to a cheat engine that you can access with the konami code.

That's still an improvement

I wish to get laid when I go to the next city by 2:30am to meet a girl.

Enjoy your tranny

These quads can either mean great luck or great misfortune. Use them wisely.

But… Didn't I already use them? Just now?

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2

oh wait, that already happened

I wish that the BO & mods of Holla Forums, AKA Holla Forums 2.0, would get their shit together + do their jobs for once and ban every shitposter/leftistfag/btard/cancerousposters on Holla Forums and make Holla Forums only about TV & Movies again in addition to ban the word (((KINO)))!!!
I'm so tried of the cancer that killed Holla Forums!!!!!!!!

Okay, but they ban so much the BO decides to close the board, and there is no replacement.

nah, no moderation on Holla Forums made it good. Name a board that has over moderation that is good? Just look at /a/ lol dumbass. Sure I hate the Marie fags and jenny fags dunkakino fags too but other than that its pretty good.

Unfortunately, Nu-Nintendo barely promoted the new Super Mario Strikers game and it sold worst than Fed Force so then Next Level Games is forced to shutdown for good.

D4 gets more episodes.

There's always /film/ so I win monkey's paw.

It was also it own worst enemy that turn the whole board into a Holla Forums clone. If you still don't believe me then look at this archive and tell with a straight face that there is nothing wrong with the current state of Holla Forums.

They're exclusive to Xbone & Winblows 10 and they will never ever come to other platforms.

I wish for Half-Life 3 to come out and for it to be amazing, one of the best games ever made.

The gameplay for Half-Life 3 is amazing; but since most of the original Half-Life team had left Valve for good, Valve hired the same cucks that made the Nu-Wolfenstein games so now the main villains of Half-Life 3 are the (((ATL-RIGHT NAZIS))) AYYLMAOs with G-Man being a Donald Trump rip-off all along.

I wish for a Seinfeld videogame.

Have fun with Seinfeld: The TellTale Series.

It's only exclusive to the PS4 remaster version.

I wish for a holy bolt of wisdom to strike all those affiliated with Bethesda so we can get an actually good Elder Scrolls game with interesting lore, great world building, perfect itemization and gameplay that does not make me want to scroll through the ol' nexus for the 400th time in one playthrough.

The developmental capabilities, or lack thereof, of Bethesda result in mass suicides and a canceled game.

At least the nightmare's over, then.

I wish for all of the marxists, normalfags, goons, SJWs, fags, furfags, and jews to leave the vidya industry for good and never ever come back again so that vidya industry for now on only panders to any person that has the same taste as 8/v/ does.

You just did your own Monkey's Paw.

I want wonderful 101 to come to the PC


It has a new 24/7 DRM that is worse than Denuvo.

BOTW gets more DLC with actual cave systems, blacksmiths to make and repair weapons for you, and interesting ruins and interiors to explore.

It's a port of a port to mobile and uses only mouse controls for the entire game.

Could they do that?

That horn looks like a frozen turd that someone shit on to her face and it got stuck there in a Canadian winter.
She has nice tits though.

Yeah Elma's horn is kind of weird looking. Still best dragon maid girl though. Sorry for off topic

It cost $60 and will never be put in any GOTY edition. Also, it's 50 GB as well.

fuck the monkey paw

I wish for Techland to release Dying Light 2

It's a overwatch clone.

how would that even work?

Have the zombies as random mobs to kill while also fighting the enemy team?

Pretty much what said.

EA/Dice releases Bad Company 3, it has a good funny campaign and multiplayer builds up on where BC2 left off.

riddled with DLC and microtransactions.

That's too easy.

I wish for a new Jet Set Radio.

It's co-develop by gearbox and the writer is the same one who wrote for blunderborn.

It's a mobile game.

I think
will work or anything

I want video games to stop being shunned, and everyone to like them!

It is also made by Telltales Games and exclusive to Iphone as well.

So like what they did to crazy taxi? Plausible.

Everyone now likes them, but all women are now ugly and fat. Also they hate you for not treating them like dog shit but have made it illegal for you to treat them like dogshit. Eventually you will find out the greatest evil the world has ever known was actually the good guy and he lost.