Official Gwent beta Holla Forums thread

Where are my Gwent Holla Forumsrothens? What's your favorite faction? How many hours have you spent playing? Favorite card?

I will start:
Harpie (damn nerf to 4)

What the fuck is this shit

hey fuck you nigger

gwent sucks

Have you noticed the whole Wild Hunt Rider Trio forms the number 666, then it ascends into 777 through its hidden ability?

From Hell to Heaven.

unpopular opinion/10

As far as TCGs go this game is even more shallow than hearthstone, why would I play this?


because it parts away from the traditional TCG where attacks are the norm, instead you focus on doing comboes and summing points for the win.

As far as it goes, its a fresh of breath air to the genre.

your opinion is as shallow as your webm. Trashed.

It's just my opinion. Leave it at that, alright?

why come if you are not even gonna contribute anything to the discussion, not even read the OP.

Lmao you fail at life.

There's no rule saying I can't state my opinion in threads

nothing personnal right kiddo?

Why would you play a game based on a card game, when an actual computer-game is basically an advanced simulation of said game, but with more intricate solutions and ways to affect the outcomes of the games to your own choosing, than the stale "muh cards have more points than your cards".

If you're going to play card games, why not just play poker instead? Atleast you can win some money off of your timewaste.

it's called a hobbie.
Do you even Gwent?

skelliga sucks balls. nr machines are fun to play. weather is cancer. i'l wait for the next patch.

The more I play this game, the more strategically hollow I find it, at least right now.


Stop bumping your trashy shill thread.

On who's authority, faggot?

Played few hours of closed beta
Kinda liked it

You are not my boss. Leave.

On my own authority. Got any issues faggot?

I played the closed beta
It was better when it was an occasional distraction from a hundred+ hour RPG

Triple triad is more fun


Something tells me you're not from around these parts.

Pedro you need to go back.

Bump 2

no one cares about your shitty gwent thread. get out.

fuck off kurwa

Hey Nigger with a superiority complex nobody cares about your shitty existence.

Your birth was a mistake, now get lost.

This looks like the designated shitting thread.

No. This is the Gwent beta thread.

Definitely a designated shitting thread.

Then why is everyone shitting in it with no vol intervention if its not the designated shitting thread? Chinese riddle for you.

Your mom is a chinese riddle, and I decipher her every night.

Get lost I don't need your shitty replies in my thread.

Lolultrauberkidmode fuck off


bump 3

It was a good minigame

That's it

This nigger doesn't know how to take a hint.

Gwent, like chess, requires intelligence. If you can't comprehend that, leave.

No one wants to partake in your thread no matter how butthurt you are or how many times you bump it. You obviously can't comprehend this so gb2 cuckchan.

Hey fellow gamer! You should check out the Gwent subreddit if you want to talk about Gwent. Everyone hear is so mean xD.

I will bump another time just because you replied

Hello fellow players, what a jolly thread we have here! I tip my hat to you fellow gentlemen

You're not anybody's boss either. You're just a bitch to your employer. Clearly you're not from around here if you can't take the banter, asking people to leave your shit shill thread.

You have no authority, nigger. Don't even name a thread "official" again.

I'm gonna bump this shit because I want to see OP atleast reach >(50) by having no real discussion or content other than his asshurt

Witcher 3 Gwent was a great side activity but a lot of the enjoyment came from the collecting and the combos being broken as shit. The standalone doesn't interest me because all the broken shit is going to be balanced down and the collecting becomes not an achievement of exploring and tailoring decks to beat the AI's decks but just paying money or grinding.

Any answer other than Nilfgaard is wrong.

40 or so

Avalla'ch is pretty sweet. Been having fun with a mill deck using him, but I keep running into idiots with 40 card decks.


So, official one, answereth me - how's cyberpunk development goes?

See, sometimes OP's actually post good/fun games, but then act like total asshats and wonder why people dislike their threads.
Hint: it's not the game. It's you.

Tell me about that. What kind of game is that?

Northern Realms

I dont know, it doesnt track when you dont have gog running. Probably around 100 though.

Witchers probably. Phillipa is a close contender though, she can be insane value.

The standalone is great if you like cardgames.

Thats not how you spell northern realms m8.

What level are you playing at that people run 40 card decks? Theres a 37 card nr deck thats become quite popular even at high ranks, but at around 2.5k mmr i only ever run into 25 cards decks. and even then milling doesnt realy work if they dont thin like mad.

Okay I'll bite, can you post or link a gameplay video that isn't cancerous paid eceleb jewtubers?

Why are you suck a cock swallowing faggot?

NR deck is so overlooked I don't think anyone actually knows how strong it is. Sergeant -> Henselt -> x2 Sergeant -> 3x Blue Stripes -> Ves starting at the second turn means Ves blocks Scorch and Igni and you've got yourself 45 power at the end of turn 2.

No, and mostly because they're the target audience.

I personally blame the midget for wasting what good will this place had left.