Let's post anime-inspired games, but not games made by Japanese and rather games made by western developers that are big enough weebs to produce games in anime-stylistic.
Pic related is probably the most obvious and well known example, but do you have anything else that would fit that description?
Also, Shogo's opening because it's really fucking fun to watch.
user, please no.
Alexander Rodriguez
Adam Green
Jordan Thomas
Also X-Blades seems to fit the bill although I haven't yet played it.
What game is this?
Matthew Miller
I will now need to check it out, thanks user.
Carter Morgan
more like "we want the tumblr audience", rebecca sugar aesthetic shit
Robert Perry
This game does actually look really interesting now that I look at it. It reminds me a bit of aesthetic of PS2 platformers with some anime thrown in.
Adam Hall
by aping animal crossing and pokemon
Jordan Cruz
That's really not an indicator that this game is made with weebs in mind though. Those two games are popular enough for people who aren't interesting in weebshit to like them.
Easton Scott
Here's another classic.
Elijah Gomez
Would Puzzle Quest theoretically count? It has an anime-inspired stylistic but I don't remember much about it's story or characters.
Jaxon Allen
Remember when LucasArts made good games?
Luke Gonzalez
God fucking damn, this looks like a fucking Zaku, seems I know what game I will be checking out when I open up the SNES emulator again.
Levi Murphy
You wont be disappointed. It's one of the best action games on the system
Elijah Martinez
This is no zaku boy
Xavier Lee
Wut? A side of the whole gentleman fighting, I dont remember being weeb
Ethan Martin
Those character designs look slightly weeby though.
I feel you man.
Levi Anderson
If you like it, check Cybernator/Assault Suits Valken too if you haven't already, it's practically the same game. Metal Warriors came later with some changes, but it doesn't matter, both are great
Luis Thomas
closed there, not just because she's a horrible goblin and i dislike SU to start, but because if you open your trailer with with the "creator" jerking themselves off you know the game has nothing to show for itself
Benjamin White
Pretty much the closest we'll ever get to a good GitS game.
Blake Edwards
Jacob Harris
It wasn't very good tho.
Parker Williams
I have. It's really not that good (especially the controls) and has very little plot to begin with. The cutscenes are nice though, I'll say that.
>still no GitS game where you can make your own character and join the team and make the Major your waifu Life is suffering
Kayden Kelly
That song is still catchy af even after all this time
Jaxon Sanchez
Major is not for waifu. Major is pure.
Zachary Wood
John Adams
Major requires a good dicking so she can become a good housewife and mother.
Henry Sanders
Jacob Turner
Westerners should be forbidden by law to make waifu games.
Daniel Jackson
Justin Collins
I like my waifu games just fine, so long as the waifus aren't Western "real women". This piece of shit even has a nigger sow in it, on top of all the other disgusting shit.
Gabriel Russell
Unironic waifufags are literally the worse. I've seen them shit themselves over a fictional character having a crush on another fictional character. Why don't unironic waifufags just create their own waifu that'll only love them and draw her going on waifu adventures to not risk heartbreak?
Aaron Martinez
They lack the creativity to pull a Pygmalion.
Ryder Ortiz
Waifus aren't real though.
Aiden Nelson
neither is love from a woman so hey
Owen Russell
Play the fan translated version of Assault Suits Valken by Aeon Genesis. The official release took out all of Urushihara's character portraits for some reason.
Carter Lopez
We'll have sexbots soon enough.
Julian Robinson
unfortunately due to me being hung up on the concept of free and self image i won't purchase a waifubot knowing it means i didn't earn that sweet waifu pussy through means other than monetary
Colton Peterson
That's how you earn the attention of every woman though.
Noah Young
also muscles, but at least working on my muscles benefits me in more ways than fumbling to touch a boob again
Dominic Russell
I ignored the story, it just got in the way between me and battling more mechs
Dylan King
Hey don't be like that. West can make quality waifus if they really, really try.
Angel Davis
Made by an actual weeb tranny.
Isaiah Bailey
why do you do these things
Julian Wright
Read the thread dipshit.
These are actual weeb games, as in made by non-Japanese devs trying to ape anime/Japanese aesthetics
Camden Fisher
OP posted Shogo, though. Isn't Monolith based in Tokyo?
The Monolith that made Shogo and the Monolith you're thinking of are different companies. The Monolith you're thinking of, the one based in Tokyo, made Xenosaga, this Monolith is based in Washington (the state), they also made F.E.A.R. and Blood.
They've got the same name and they're sometimes confused. You're not the first person I've seen who believe the Xenosaga Monolith made Shogo.
You don't need to be so aggressive about this, user. It's just a confusion due to the companies having the same name.
Ethan Flores
Its above average id say but I absolutely loved it as a kid, one of my favourite games on the xbox before it burned up.
Dylan Watson
Noah Wood
In what universe is that a Zaku?
Gabriel Thomas
She could use a dick.
James Sanchez
She could use a dick.
Anthony Walker
This game is inspired by mech anime and the artist that designed the ships and the mech is Japanese.
I don't give a shit what anyone says, i like this game
Jose Miller
Jayden Reyes
Please don't be mean to Hope Jacob Chapman
Asher Johnson
Does souls-like games count as weebshit?
Carson Evans
Overrated jap shit with even shittier narrative ? Yes
Aiden Green
Jesus fucking christ that (((schnozz)))
Hudson Hill
Do you have the souls-like souls game souls game like a saouls game webm? I misplaced mine
Dylan Wilson
Oliver Taylor
I knew hanging around TGWTG and ANN wasn't going to end well. Those places radiate insanity.
Aaron Ortiz
Daily reminder that Microsoft paid marketers to push the "japanese gaming is dead" narrative, to sell the Xbox 360. And it's starting again.
Nicholas Baker
Considering that XCOM2 is reasonably moddable, it could suit a GitS style overhaul
Dylan Long
Looks more like a Virgo to me, or even those two suits Vayeate and Mercurious. Zakus are always rocking it's iconic gas mask look.
Angel Long
Where the fuck is my sequel, bungie?
Jonathan Bell
Does Shadow Warrior count as weeb?
Blake Gutierrez
I really have to wonder who decided this was a good idea because the human segments are awful man. If shogo 2 ever happens I hope they remove human segments or just make them exactly like F.E.A.R.
Also F.E.A.R is heavily inspired by those ringu movies but I dont think that really counts.
Christopher Green
If anything japanese is in it it's weeb, you should know how the anti weeb spergs work by now.
Logan Robinson
Yeah, it took a while getting used to the human sections. Dieing immediately from surprise ambushes isn't exactly what people coming into playing shogo blind would expect. And the 3D models were ugly for the characters.
I'm retarded it doesn't look like a Zaku and I mistook the names but to my defense I'm only now getting into Gundam
Xavier Martinez
I was about to make the same question as it has a shit ton of anime references, but it seems to reference anything eastern in general so it's hard to say.
Brandon Hughes
Jokes on you, it's actually a pro-japanese pro-weeb thread as I fucking love those kind of games
Luke Gutierrez
I swear to god, I want to hatefuck that MC.
Levi Thompson
The human parts were a bit cheap at times but I found them still quite fun. I liked the fact that your most powerful human weapon was the least powerful mecha one.
Nolan Watson
Thank fucking god. Current year developers would rape his rotting corpse.
Colton Hall
Are you kidding me Septerra Core is a basically JRPG not actually made by japs. Everything from the character design to the gameplay just screams JRPG.
Dominic Anderson
Not a fan of weebshit for the most part, but there's a handful that I've enjoyed over the years.
Brayden Gomez
Adrian Brooks
(checked) I feel compelled to say that Salt & Sanctuary is fucking garbage. Sage for somewhat off-topic
Easton Nelson
Begone, foul beast, for thou art an abomination in the eyes of God.
This thread is about Japan-inspired Western games, not Japanese games.
Christopher Howard
Brayden Cook
E.Y.E. i really like Eastern cyberpunk aestethics, it sould be used more often
what you gonna do 'bout it goy?
Nolan Harris
Wrong thread, retard.
Oliver Bennett
That actually does make it weeb.
Luke Clark
Get the fuck out.
Ryan Rivera
Or a beat them up game, fuck and to think we almost got ONI 2.
Kevin Torres
Jordan Turner
I don't know if you can call it being weeby, it doesn't really seem anime inspired as much it seems just inspired by Eastern culture.
Agreed, mixing some Japanese themes into cyberpunk aesthetic usually comes off as fucking great.
Brayden Reed
Joseph Stewart
The game's starting level - the canal with the giant pipes extending overhead, just outside the caves? That's where one of the scenes in Akira takes place. The firing sound for the HS010? Ripped straight from Ghost in the Shell. The abandoned church with the ruined tank inside it in the second level? C'mon, take a wild guess.