Super mario "true" 3d games

Rank your preference out of 64, Sunshine, Galaxy 1 and Galaxy 2.

Favourite star out of the 602 possible in the above games? Least favourite?

Check out the ridiculous 602 star marathon runs here.

Realistically where do you think Odyssey will rank compared to earlier titles?

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What the hell?

Galaxy 1 > Sunshine > 64

You don't have an issue with the 120 green stars in SMG2?

64 is 30fps
Galaxy 2 is 60fps

Welcome to the world of autism

3D World is my favourite.

Is there a way to play Sunshine on the Wii?

but can you half an A press in Galaxy? No? Checkmate user.

People like you don't exist

Pfff, that's nothing;

I am half tempted to ask "why!?" but I've long since given up on such foolish trivialities.

3D World is also my favorite.

The number 1 ranked guy has done the run twice too and is planning another one this summer.

Oh shit nigga, I remember watching that world record run live. Well, as much as I could. Apparently the reason it takes so long is because you need every card, and cards evolve based on real time, so you can actually schedule sleep into the run.
It's one hell of an endurance test

What? There are cards that take two weeks or something of in game play time.

That's why the run takes a little over 2 weeks


SMG2 (best platformer ever) > SMG1 > SM64 >> Sunshine (rushed and fucked up all over the place, but still great anyway) >>> 3D Land (it's fun enough) >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3D World (FUCK you Nintendo)

If Mario Odyssey isn't great I'm going to be really sad.

Mario 64 is the best. perfect hub world + maney uniqye levels and goals. also deep lore

Galaxies are good-great.

Sunshine is ok, but suffers repetitively and poor level design

64 and Sunshine are good

Everything after 64 DS is fucking garbage no one should be subjected to play. Odyssey being more like 64 and Sunshine is incredibly good.

Galaxy 1 is the worst of the bunch by far


64>Galaxy>Galaxy 2>Sunshine

64 has the most freedom in movement and progression. Sunshine fucks up the non-linearity by having the final level be accessible not by shine count, but by finding Bowser Jr. So any mission after that is worthless, bonus levels are worthless (hi pachinko level), and finding blue coins is fucking worthless. And if you get every shine? A different ending picture. That's it. I'd feel so betrayed if I actually bothered with 100%ing Sunshine.

And yet thos freakish nerds don't know what I know about the game because I had the rarest bug ever on Dolphin and thus could see behind that soldier sitting on the toilet.