Favourite Mods

What are you modding?

What are your favourite mods?

Do you know of any mods that dont get talked about and deserve some love?

What mods are you playing right now and for what?

I hate kids


Horn of the Abyss for HoMM
New Horizons for Eador:Genesis

both add shitloads of content to their respective games

also, should I play vanilla Jagged Alliance 2 or the V.13 mod?

Good choice, user.
Tempest Architect OP, Mentalmeisters plz nerf
and yes, I do play Foehn

Been playing abit of the Back2Fronts mod for CoD 2, basically adds new weapons, changes the uniforms, things like that.

Who is the fourth faction, exactly?

For shame, user.

Anime Australians

Hey, at least I don't play Wolfhound Cheese Mode.

Some kind of high-tech faction from a time line where Yuri won.
Running theory is that it's an alliance between surviving members of the Soviet Chinese and the Pacific Front, given that A: they rely heavily on mechs, B: the Last Bastion subfaction has a lot of slow-moving, heavily armored units (much like the Soviet PRC subfaction), C: they have a superweapon that harnesses severe weather (similar to the Allied Weather Controller, which - if I remember the APYR lore corectly - was primarily developed by the Pacific Front), and D: the Soviet mission "Heartwork", where you have to destroy a covert Chinese weapons research facility along with a bunch of "prototype cyborgs" that look suspiciously like Foehn Knightframes and Lancers.

You should've said something China OP something instead, Wolfhounds haven't been good in ages. They're made of paper mache and take way too long to build. I'm not sure how anyone can stand to play Russia at all in its current state, the man and his dog is about the only thing going for it.

Thanks for the in-depth analysis but I prefer this explanation best

I like Medieval 2 and Rome 1 mods.

The LotR one was good, also Europa Barbarorvm.

Well, IIRC Australia is part of the Pacific Front (along with Japan and Korea).

Then why do people still complain about Wolfhound cheese? Answer: they're probably better than you think, user

HotA for HoMM3
Arcane Dimensions for Quake
Blade of Agony for Doom

Had a lot of fun with the 3 of them and all 3 are very polished, although Blade of Agony is bloated as fuck.

Because they're memeing about 3.0 and/or shitters. They're slow and fragile and outranged by every anti-air unit. A handful of GGIs or Archers will trash them, let alone something on an equivalent tech level like Aeroblazes. Wolfhounds are valuable as a true flyer that can move around the map easily and put out good damage against anything that doesn't kill them instantly (especially versus other fliers against which Russia is pretty worthless), but their value as a core/spam unit is virtually nil.

Up to date my favorite mod and Warhammer game. Even through it is still unfinished.

Are there any good mods for Starcraft 1 which make it less generic? anything which isn't amateur copy-pasta work.

Classic for Tribes2 is my fav mod. T2:C is also my favorite game of all time.

Forged Supreme Alliance Forever Commander

My nigger

t. waiting for 3.3.2 to drop

What's the best way to play RA2 these days? Does it have an open port like RA?

1.13 if you are hardcore

Survivors of mental apocalypse and remnants of old fractions in the lore
Anime trash that didnt fit into any other subfrations in reality

Wings of Coronia = Paradox Engine in the future Last Bastion = Allied remnants in alasca
Mark my words


Gekokujo for Mountain Blade, the one that reskins the game into Feudal Japan. Shit's pretty great, and it even has fun companions like touhou characters and George W Bush

Some time in the future OpenRa will include RA2
Download mental omega, read wiki, get your ass beaten in multiplayer, learn and improve
MO has that advantage that its still very much alive, its not hard to find 30-50 players most of the times

Top Tier taste, user.

Speaking of Doom mods, Lithium is a cool one. It's sort of like a System Shock and Doom crossover. Killing enemies and finding secrets gets you points to buy weapon upgrades, alternate weapons, ammo or system upgrades. Many upgrades take up CPU power, which you can upgrade by defeating minibosses that appear during gameplay. Minibosses also drop upgrade kits that let you unlock better upgrades for purchase. It's relatively new and still unfinished though.

Good choice. Supposedly there's an update dropping around September. I hope it's worth the wait.

Stalin fist doesn't allow you to produce aircraft anymore, which is a huge shame. It's still a versatile tool however, if you manage to capture enemy battlelab tech, specially against enemy Soviets.
I feel that the only thing Russia has going for it is tank superiority, at all times; Their T1 and T3 MBTs are pretty much the best in the game and completely fuck over anyone else that doesn't outrange or instantly disable their tanks. They could use better Anti-air though, only China has good anti-air for the soviets, the other two options (Tsvil and Catastrophe+flak) just doesn't scale up as well against shit like Bastion's hero, Norio or Irkalla.

Also i have no idea why everyone says EuroA is weak, have they never used t1 infantry along with their tank lines? They're incredibly overpowered with proper support and their AMCs with GIs basically rape buildings in seconds.

Are we talking about the same Russia?
Because their T1 tanks are mediocre at best

They win in any equal resources engagement against any other T1 tank combination in the game, despite seemingly being weaker in 1v1 against tanks like Last Bastion's or China's MBTs. Their gun deals insane amounts of damage to armor, almost the same as a EuroA's Mirage Tank gun, while still being fairly mobile for a heavy tank. Only thing that could be considered better for a frontal engagement would be Coronia's retardedly broken drone tank.