dead community
Luka you fucking piece of shit
Stop making threads as soon as i make my post you fucking subway prostitute
Fucking kill yourself
hows nezi?
sit down lamo
I'll give you one with clothed feet. There are some without.
mordin, you wanna overwatch with me and squash?
Squash and I*
You are my new favorite poster
nope. you wouldn't say "do you wanna overwatch with I"
I can play for a bit, sure.
I hope you choke on a poisoned footlong
luka is here too. wanna hop in with us?
okay :)
quick like a bunny.
suck it, thread life.
Sup fags
Finally found someone who has my kyouko caps
I can't tell if you blanked me or possibly posted a video
The rock
Has come back
oh shit i fucked up that wass upposed to be
"how do you do m'lady"
I don't speak weeb
My apologies
Have they gotten to you too!? D:
ur a girl
Girls are gay
I am not
Yuri love is true love.
Noty i already masturbated
Yuri shimai
pure girls don't masturbate thats not christian
It's the only way to remain so purre
So sleep.
Pure girls only masturbate.
After all, they aren't pure if they aren't virgins.
And girls have urges too.
FURexit when?
i have never done a siesta
Thank god no girls come here.
The faggot gave me the link without the key and now he's offline and I have no way of getting them
Son of a bitch
Excuse me?
I forgot what I had to say so
Only pretend girls, traps, failtraps, and trannies.
afternoon nap
It's hard to keep track of them.
How is your day going so far
Every time I try to nap i just end up sleeping all day
It was, like, half the community at one point, was it not?
I just woke up.
Good morning.
super nap
Again, I do not keep track of such things.
Got paid today
I'm going to buy a hdd to usb cord to recover the folders i lost ob my laptop and a new charger for my brother's laptop. Then i am going a new ps3 controller.
Everything is closed right now though so I'm just waiting
Good morning, Wife~
How's your day been?
I wish we didn't need sleep
How's your day been?
Well, fair enough.
Do you have a store around there that sells HDDs?
sleep is nice though
Okay. How was your sleep?
i hate technology
I don't need a hdd i need the cord that hooks it up as an external
Alright, I guess. Played games and have to go get my teeth drilled again today.
yeah you sure love getting things drilled
more like shit game amirite
I'm not looking forward to it.
maybe you'll get more belly action though.
He has to pay for the dental work somehow.
I can only hope.
Wanna have folder?
very nice.
hope is for nerds, nerd.
Don't give it to him
Give it to me instead
Hopefully I do not get an erection again.
but no
maybe you will.
maybe he'll notice.
maybe he will like what he sees.
well excuse me, princess.
Relinquish them to me this instant!
I always wanted to get fucked in an office.
who are you even
Cupcake, I didn't want to be the one to have to tell you this, but Squash isn't actually a girl.
strange day
Havent felt tired yet today
Whats up with you dudes this wednesday
I have had sex at work before. it's pretty fun.
wait what? well fuck him, then. gonna stop trying so damn hard to get into his pants.
I can imagine.
yus pls >w<
Hello, are you new?
imagining things is for nerds, nerd.
Waking up. Having no food.
Yeah, exactly. Now that you know he's a boy, you know just how easy it is to get into those pants. Never again will you waste effort.
pretty sure it's bard. hard to tell since he didn't have the courage to link any posts.
no silly I'm Bard
The mulatto kid
I have no idea what I'd do without you looking out for me, kaybe.
Bard says dudes.
I imagine us together as lovers.
no food? or nothing to eat?
two different things I guess but pretty much the same
pot pies are like a buck at walmart I hear
If you can find like an egg you can make an omelette
I like that name.
I feel like we could have quite a bit of fun in that scenario
Probably something weird, like grow long hair and drink a lot of alcohol. Can you imagine?
thanks I like your name too
I can't imagine because I lost my imagination in an imaginary car wreck.
Nothing easy enough that it's worth getting up and making.
I hate pot pies and eggs aren't very good either. Not that we have any of either.
I'm sure. Though I honestly am too tired to really keep it up this week.
there's always next week.
The imaginary car wreck being a metaphor for every moment of your life up to and including now, right?
I suppose there is.
Not ring bells
no, just a boring old imaginary car wreck. I was imaginary driving on an imaginary road and an imaginary jackass in an imaginary hummer side swiped me.
I don't think we have ever talked before
Well I do feel better today.
I might jack off.
At least he gets shit imaginary miles per imaginary gallon.
Ah yus
You're a disgusting manthing.
I'm the one who makes all the folders
Probably what I am best known for
That, and the gnarly webbed toes.
Webbed toes?
Iunno about that but I also love feets so that might be another thing
I have no idea what this means
He's shy about it.
It was...
The same as always.
I refused to get up again and ended up sleeping in, so I don't feel as shit though.
I totally misread that.
I blame sleep.
I was going to make a joke about oral sex but because I watched a video Cupcake beat me to it.
that's a good idea. nothing like a little arm exercise.
yeah, that's the one small imaginary comfort in all this.
I would have beat you to it anyway. I'm a very fast replier when I'm actually sitting in my chair and watching the thread.
I can't wait
I am so excited to get my shit back
You'd've beat me alright.
I keep anything I'd be sour about loosing backed up.
How long;s it been now anyways
I think I recall when that happened
I thought you were the one doing the beatings in this?
They were unfinished so I never got the chance to
There's also a lot of game data and stuff on there too
You ever just stop what you're doing and look at it
It's a fucking mess
It has been for years
What the fuck have we all been doing? This is disgusting. When did the industry die? I mainly stopped buying into this shit ~3years ago and I just looked into what has recently been going on and it makes me want to puke.
They should be ashamed of themselves and some people definitely need to be sued, fuck them for lying to this many people.
This is all the more reason to keep thinking the way I am, it's all a waste of time.
pic related; it's me
I think it happened in early spring
not sure what you're talking about, but goodnight bebop.
I meant that as a handjob joke in this context.
Rip you.
Beepboop, some faggot named Bebop said something mean to me, can we ban him?
Good night.
Pump me full of cummies daddy
wat game?
oh, in that case yes, I will administer many beatings off
Getting it back so not rip
notices your buldge
what is this
Italian earthquakes
Oh my
Here i go agen
You don't get any attenshuns because you didn't reply to my ohayou this morning.
Bad girl.
ded thred
ded community
JAJAJA Mi Gringo!!!
Steam did not give me the notification
It's not my fault
Maybe you shouldn't leave your games running when you aren't playing. :^)
what the fuck do i do ? This hurts more than I expected
I don't have any games running
Im on a phone
It's the truth!
I deserve all the attention!
Tell him you have a penis and post results
What's a stacy? Is it the female version of a chad?
What if he stops buying me games..
Hmmm, I dunno.
Only good girls get attenshuns.
Are you a good girl?
It's going to have to happen eventually
I am a good boy yes
I see.
I don't give boys attenshuns, that's gay.
Only good GIRLS get attenshuns.
I was born in the wrong universe.
Do i really have to say it
Rin you are perturbed in all the right ways.
I heard that drinking bleach will transport you to any universe you desire
I am too scared to try it tho
I know that feel wayyy too well
I'm choosing to take this as a compliment.
The last time I tried that I just started puking everywhere.
It wasn't fun.
0/10 wouldn't recommend
*pets the ikt*
You must not have drank enough to feel its full effects
I am a good girl
bleh eheheh
I dunno, I had, like, four liters.
musta been crappy bleach. bleach is shit, drink something better
dag my man
whats up this morning
W-what is Chino doing with those pans
New Game! is a GOOD anime!
I feel so sorry for you
it's still 10.26 m here ! nots much, might go sleep soon getting kinda cold
coca cola, the most refreshing thing in the world. i dunno yo, kool aid?
Because you are a baka
Winters almost through my boy
-yanpettu petsu-
I don't actually like sodas, kool aid sounds good though.
I usually stick to coffees, teas, and juices.
Wow, Neko.
Why am I a baka this time?
teas coffees and juices are good, i guess.
anyways ima try sleep, i got work seeeeyaz
Because you can't even into bleach heaven right
I think you were just mislead.
Well, you said you were too scared to try it,
and I just ended up puking everywhere.
I dunno.
Evidence is speaking kinda loudly.
-ear scratchies-
You get two attenshuns for being so good.
You were srs about that?
what does dewa mean
but srsly i'ma bed now
what is she eating o:?
Cutie Neko.
I'll let you see my latest funny pics.
I dunno, were you serious when you told me to drink bleach?
Dewa matta ne.
It's effectively "Hope to see you again."
But I'm being lazy with it, so it's more like
"See you."
What pics
No i would miss you too much
Don't post my waifu with that kind of filth.
Then I probably wasn't serious when I said I drank four liters of bleach.
How's your day going?
But I'm your spouse!
Why even live
Like dis
It's going
I'm incredibly bored rn and I am pretty much just waiting
I wanna watch some nore rezero but i forgot which episode i was on and looking through each one to figure it our seems like such a chore right now
How about you rinrin?
Have you watched Tekketsu-hen yet?
Gonna go watch Nekketsu-hen?
I was there for that post
Vampire neck bites sound so lovely
But I'm stuck on a planet if I can't find Zinc to fix my jet engines.
How was your day?
Probably gonna watch Kumamiko finally.
Or play more DA:O.
I dunno yet.
It's a great post.
It fluctuated.
Don't cap that you faggot
You're on a Zinc-less planet.
That's no good.
Anything you care to talk about?
It's not faggotry if you're a girl.
It seems kinda lame tbh
Is it faggotry when faggots yell ree?
Everything scoots does is faggotry
I heard that every episode just throws the MC Miko girl into more and more soul crushing despair.
Yes. I have to run a few hundred miles to find an outpost with intergalactic trade.
No thankyou.
Despair is my middle name
I'm around if you ever want to.
I think I'm going to cap this cutie.
Ill have to look into it when I am finished with the other animus im watching
Run? How many minutes was that
The sigh of defeat~
Stop stealing alo the good avatars rinrin
I have turned 12 to 6.
Ram is like gone from the show after episode 12
I forgot to even download it, apparently. Lol.
Well, I guess I'll do that now and play nohammer Rabi-Ribi.
And Rem doesn't even exist.
Have fun
Rem is love pls stop hating
Nah. She was there to show when Rem didn't even fucking exist anymore lololol.
You could say the same thing about Emilia.
delta time with #1 on today's daily
wat's 'delta time'
and today's daily???
Fucking Impreza has a turning radius wider than the fucking earth
The outpost didn't have a trader...
I have to keep searching. Fuck this planet.
see those lines in space?
follow those towards the plants to get gud scans
dank chysolithyeium on dose ice planets~
good morning
I like this game.
Sounds like it was worth every penny. :3
Oh. Well see ya then :/
Luka you're a fucking idiot. Learn to read.
Hi, Maddie.
How's you today?
Spam the scan button
There is nothing on the planet. It's barren.
I don't know yet.
Goals for this playthrough:
No upgrades. Not even the hammer.
Get Ribbon
Fight Lilith first.
Recruit Saya first, without fighting Ashley in the Golden Riverside.
Don't save Ribbon's friends.
That should be, like, 7 achievements.
Just woke up?
Ohayou Maddie
Kinda. This morning grogginess is really really difficult lately.
What's up with you?
Awwe. I feel like it's my fault, because I've been sleeping in and having little to no morning grogginess.
Playing some Rabi-Ribi no upgrades on hard mode while I wait for an anime to download.
I may be being a nerd right now.
hi yan
bye yan
how would that translate to being your fault?
Yeah, sounds kinda nerdy, but that's whatever.
I'm gonna see if I can scrounge up some food or something. see ya
Oh that's what that means
You faggots need to stop with the subtle spoilers
Because you're draining my morning grogginess or something, Idfk.
Okay, see yah.
Enjoy whatever you scrounge up.
Rem a shit and she doesn't exist :'D
Kill yourself
Wait, who doesn't exist?
Why doesn't Soto avatar as Hentai Kamen?
she doesn't exist :'D
Wait yeah, who were we talking about?
Oh great now the fucking game crashes
On the bright side I finally found an outpost. I can get off this hellscape.
The same reason you don't avatar as my buttslave.
It's too honest :3c
What sort of phone are you using? iPhone or Samsung?
Omg what the gay is that
Betelgeuse is mai husbando
I don't even know.
But I bet whoever it is must have been a massive fucking cuck.
My phone is neither of those options.
But it is an Android.
Please, Yan.
I already belong to someone as a butt slave.
Oh, I forgot that Androids existed.
Is it functional?
sauce on the app you used to make that cute cat girl
Most samsung phones run Android, you know.
My phone is a Oneplus 3.
What's an outpost?
Samsung Galaxy Avant I think.
It's you. :3
Ye he's pretty great
Yeah they must have been.
Good thing we have and always will have our one and only superior pink Ram-chi.
Walmart does not count.
Also Roadhog is not a real boyfriend.
I never heard of the Oneplus, also I didn't know that.
I just know that a lot of people like samsung.
Yeah I was wondering because you were posting gifs and images with image names. iPhone doesn't allow any of that.
I do not personally prefer or reccomend Apple products.
Also I'm pretty sure your booty is not phat enough for me and I already have a cuteboy for dumping my cummies in.
Do you still have that Giant Dad image I made you?
It was lost with my old computer.
I have nothing from before I got this one.
When I get home I will upload it for you. ♡
Ayyyy lmao
Shut up bb I kno it
/pimp strutting
I think I like their tablets and phones, but other then that I wouldn't recommend any of their other awfully priced products.
Maybe the tablets.
But if you want a tablet in the first place, you're either a child or developmently disabled.
I'd rather use an iPhone over a Windows phone too tbh. Glad I have android.
Apple are pretty dope.
They converted me.
I wanna suck that white iCock
He's so wacky
I love it.
Stop trying to fuck my wife Scooter
I need to watch [email protected]/* */
Get cucked in the cuck.
You should cap it for me too.
I'll give you a blowey joey.
Erin will never let you smash xDDDDDDD
Guess what... i am not trying to smash
take that you fucking cuck
gonna git got
You are saltier than this Grim-flavored potato chip muh lad
what the heck
stop it
get some class
you're really dumb
"Suck my cock" is worse
get the fuck away asshole bye
Omg she is so perfect
I can't wait to get caught up so i can start capping again she has so many great scenes after ep 12
Gimme rems
Who has some great scenes after episode 12?
I checked and it's only 500something
You do
That thing reminds me of choi
There better not be any cuck porn in it
I'll get rid of it
Its you
I appreciate it
No it's choi see?
No its you, because you're a girl.
I'm not a girl dammit
Gimme that pic without the cap in it tho
What app is that tho, Yan?
That's not what this documented evidence says.
S-someone stole my tripcode!
I'd've posted with it if I had it to try to cover for you.
But we all know I wouldn't post with Felix.
I happen to know this is not the case
And that you are in fact, a little sissy girl.
If you're willing to admit that, I will give you the cat girl image with no cap, and the name of the app.
You better not cuck me here, Neko.
I will not!
Fess up pussy
I'm a big strong manly man
Why you lying tho :3c
We all know this is you.
This is harassment
I'm calling the authorities
If you want I'll allow you to confess to me in private on steam and I'll still give you the image.
I won't even cap or tell anyone if you did.
I don't believe you
Yan would never lie.
I pinky swear on my waifu.
If I break my promise I'll delete my Anzu folder and my Yuno folder and my Renge folder.
Only a liberal would call this progress.
No one fucking cares Jack go crawl back into a bottle you lifeless Russian-cucked scum.
Getting ready for bed. bye
I want people to be free to do whatever they want, but at the same time I hate what people do with said freedom.
Hedonism can not become the statutes quo.
Shut the fuck you worthless miserable degenerate cunt.
New thread when, btw?
jack has a point
People only degenerate themselves with freedom. We are not a race which should roam without control.
Are you all actually retarded enough to think some cross dressing faggot will ever procreate?
Hurtful, insulting, heart breaking.