I made a thread
I made a thread
I made a mas
Good for you.
i made a mess ._.
But he only ever eats subs and pizza and fast food and refuses to eat anything healthy.
I doubt he's had enough fruit for it to taste good.
I made post
but ate
-wipes spaghetti sauce off your face-
Ffs loco
pf no fun.
in your pants
go to slaap
This conversation is incredibly disgusting.
don't worry
i cleaned it up
I could make it worse.
what are you talking about fun?
You're obviously an overweight old fuck in his 30's though.
By posting yourself?
: ^ )
You dont get to lecture me you layabout oaf
I was going to say by posting a webm of me eating my own cum, but you probably just forgot to include that second part.
look at her
she's an umbrella!!!!!
Do it.
I slave for you over a hot stove and take care of our child all day and this is the thanks I get?
This shit is also disgusting.
I'm so high rn
You aren't the boss of me.
What are you, gay?
b-but it's late
Show me your cute face, babe.
the day just started!
Snd have you both tell me "ergonomic vegan dildonomics" isn't s 'real' career?!
Totally me irl and not just some picture I saved off facebook.
yuri~ is pure! :)
Pokemon is just furry lite.
Alright, now where's the cum eating?
in asia maybe!
but we're here!
it's bedtijd!
that's a lovely painting
So now i have ro sell my soul to the corporations???
Doesn't matter aslong as you get to neck your Bombay sapphire before noon!!!
school begint volgende week pas
Nexit when?
Drink my cummies and I'll give you Subway and leeg OW skins.
You're a lovely painting.
I'm not a Canadian pretending to be a girl on the internet.
Better than being poor and watching our child starve! When are you going to grow up and get a real job already?!
Look at our son! Look at him! He can't even eat his spaghetti!
I resent that.
Willing to do stuff for money.
ik weet, super nerveus.
maaaaar niet te laat!
My paint kinda drips though
Suck Luka's baby carrot.
deez vrydag eigk al :^)
How much?
those don't go together.
She and girl do.
He and boy do.
So, a girl, SHE doesn't like boys. She is a lesbian.
Nevermind you innocent child
Name your price.
He's being facetious.
Luka is a guy.
huh wat is er dan??
Oh says the vaudeville whore!!! Mrs "im too busy raising a child to work in the family methlab",
Well maybe i will get a real job, atleast then i could afford both out drinking habits.
child support
he's a he. he lies about being a girl like how he lied about loving me.
30 years old
Holy fuck you don't actually believe this do you?
That's where the cummies are.
Pretending to be a trap/failtrap is close enough.
And I don't even play Overwatch. Or like Subway.
Guess we have to clean that up.
Why wouldn't you believe luka?
I identify as the Washington Monument.
Respect my pronouns.
I was mocking Luka.
But I guess it applies to you in retrospect.
Oh, Gilly-chan~!
pres preses preselfs
Ikt come to AX so I could hook you up with some shitty traps
Get the maid outfits!
maareh intro of al gelijk lessen??
Cuppy what are you doing
I thought we'd never see you again since Mankind Divided is out or whatever it's called.
soto kun.
Except I don't like any of the things we suggested drinking cummies for.
And there's only one person whose cummies I'll drink.
I'm suddenly a cripple. You'll have to put it on me.
I just took a shower so I'm gonna wind down a tiny bit first. I won't stay for long at all. I just need to cool off a little because I accidentally had the water way too hot.
she has pretty hair~
Cross chopping IKT in the wind pipe if I see them at AX.
What's up buttercup?
nothing, just saying hi. haven't seen you in a while.
pretty hard to hit someone in the throat when they're 4ft tall
but I did that part. I'm just waiting for my head to stop pounding.
I'll crouch.
Ask desu, I hear he's from there.
I worked with handicapped all my life.
I'll do it!
ohh dat is toch werken maar geen geld maar wel ervaring?
Stop posting gay furry shit.
Sounds about right.
Let's go start a tumblr blog.
You'll only go for Soto's cummies.
I'm not going to put any effort in. Nah.
i like emliu chan
with blackjack and hookers? and an inappropriate amount of flavor of the month memes?
There is no reason not to.
beetje geld
beetje ervaring
I'll pound your head.
This might be getting lewd.
I actually got a good laugh out of that so I'm not gonna correct it this time.
Story of your life.
Sounds about right.
It's honestly disgusting.
Nah not really. It would be wasted on me.
I know luka is a man but Loco is being a fuckin brat
You are being beyond a BRAT
I know it's a he but you need to stop urking me
Luka is a boy I know, and I know he's no child just a very shy special one indeed.
wow rin. how original and unexpected.
im not boy
But the other kids get to post loli, Onii-chan.
When is the last time someone even posted loli
i can gurantee it's been posted way less than fur porn in the past 3 months
it's shit the song was shit that's the point it's garbage omg wtf it's not good it's bad
it's not gonna suck itself.
Lmao pls no bullying
I've only been gone for a day lol
Hows your Tuesday coming along?
Ne-zi was doing it yesterday.
I'm not even posting loli
And you would only be right in that statement because Kaybe avatars as fur porn.
oh dan is het oké, ga je daarna bij hen blijven?
Ik heb nu alles! leningen* en gratis* reizen!
With you that's great to get to
I hate you
Maybe if it had vocals
as an intrumental it stands pretty solid in it's genre
ik heb alleen gratis reizen voor een jaartje
I'm sure it'll survive until I finish playing my game.
I was just waiting for a reply from...
it was too long without you, soto. you know how I pine for you.
tuesday is going pretty okay, and now that I've gotten a bit of attention I'm gonna go play my new game. see you later soto
I'm going to avatar as guro since we have no standards or decency anymore.
Why do I feel like you're flirting with Ikt in a language I can't read?
Should I be jealous?
Should I start sharpening the knives?
That's 1 loliposter in the past 24 hours
how many are posting gay dog sex in the past 24 hours?
i hate me too
Tsuncakes is falling for Soto.
Spoiler your gore please
I am only slightly discouraged by your approval.
Guro's a pretty degenerative fetish, in all honesty.
they say that shit sticks together
Lewds also avatars as porn.
Why was that never an issue?
Only 2 people post fur shit.
There are far more people posting loli than that. Soto almost only posts porn comics.
anybody into gore deserves their death when they bleed out from trying to imitate it in real life
gore is my avatar now.
I don't see any problem with this.
Spoiler your fur shit, please.
Spoiler your sfw lolis please.
Well, it happens.
Spoiler your sfw please.
Spoil- Nah, you're fine.
Gotta have double standards and hypocrisy somewhere, right?
wuh, das flauw.
iedereen hoort lekker te reizen.
eeehhh if you count talking about college and public transport as flirting ^ ^; maybe
What, dynamite butts or discouragement?
Am I the hypocrite?
I advocate for either all of it being spoilered or none of it.
Okay, fine.
Does lewds avatar as loli?
Not often
and they aren't posting everyday usually
You can bring up these people who post porn when they are here
which I do have a problem witch and have expressed before
to which i achieved nothing
But these people
who are not here every day
are posting a different kind of porn
than the ones who are here every day
every night
posting nothing but animals fucking
threads upon threads upon threads upon threads of them
I just hope to god that they're into receiving that kind of stuff. It takes a despicable human being to want to hurt someone like that and get off to it.
It just seems more like the "special snowflake" tier fetish where they're just trying so hard to tell themselves they're attracted to something edgy because "xD im such a psychopath"
There is nothing sexual about this animal
it shows no genitals
it shows no sexualization
get over yourself failed tranny fuck
can confirm
cupcake is shit
I almost can't beleive any body is actually genuinely into gore and is just trying to act edgy
A sentient pile of human feces.
Dude, were adults. If you can't get over some porn on here then I don't know what to tell you.
yeah could not word it better
Gorsecution is wrong
Fucking gay
I've already spoilered everybody but you who posts it
But it's pretty fucking annoying being in a community that has set cultures and then suddenly having all those cultures taken away and something that's never been a part of it forced upon us
Itt's fucking mroe than annoying
Alleen met jouw zou ik nachtenlang sjansen en soppen door de lange winters heen.
Still disgusting that they even indulge in it.
There are probably a few who are actually into it, and plan out scenarios to pull it off. Thinking about it pissing me off honestly.
Thats pretty weird
if there are really people like that out there they should probably get locked up away from society for their own good and the good of others
The board hardly has a set culture.
Porn has been posted constantly for as long as I've been around at least.
Fair enough.
Most of the /d/ tier shit is stuff that honestly more just screams they're trying way too hard to be "different" by being attracted to shit that defies any and all logic.
Darwin, can you post the Omadon potato salad image?
Please spoiler your porn
No no, that's "oppressive'. You need to be more open minded you white cis-male fuck!
I guess maybe the tabooness has something to do with it as well?
Me agreeing with you.
In this case I'd've been the hypocrite.
Since I was telling everyone but you and yan to spoiler.
I like how your first reaction is to get defensive, by the way. It's a nice touch.
Ich nein sprechen Deutsche?
I'm going to fuck Erin's dog.
porn is less ugly than anime
I guess occasionally it does happen, yeah.
Do you think I should get some Pad Thai?
Too post there siti
Are you high?
Siti = soto
Nice try, Erin's dog is a girl
That's exactly it.
It's just "teehee im so different from established norms and morals arent i cool? pls oh god validate me for being different. oh god no one thinks im special".
Too late. You goofed.
No wonder you draw shit art
I like you alot
You're a great person
and I want to stress that here at the beginning
But you are aren't even from this community
This is the direct desccendant of the anime threads And has been since the first time we left
People from other communities joined on
but this is still the anime community
where posting fur porn was never part of our culture
whre posting ponies was never part of our culture
Where posting loli and hentai WAS part of our culture
And I have even set aside that culteral norma and expressed my personal dislike towards it
This is like trying to enforce sharia law in a england
This is like trying to make an american woman wear a burkha
because it was part of the culture where the ones migrating came from
I can relate.
no wonder you don't get pictures of my buttplug
No wonder i dont want that weak ass game
Pun intended
Ich auch nicht.
You'll learn some of the words anyway.
fucking LIAR
Yeah man I'm super faded rn
Hey I think Cupcake likes me
Lol he's going on about waiting for replies or something lmao like dude what
Sounds like a good dinner.
The special snowflake generation is the worst.
please spoiler your gore
I haven't been lit in while now
I don't know why you put oppressive in quotes here, that would literally be oppressive.
Oh im sorry, but thats a bit rich coming from you
Fuck I know right?
I'm gonna order the house special and some Thai tea in a can or whatever if they have it.a
That shit's delicious.
You'll probably start teaching me when I keep staring at you like "Yes, those are phonemes."
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
5:59 PM - Cup: [redacted]
5:59 PM - Cup is now Offline.
I think his internet died.
shut up bard i'm being political
Who the fuck would want to be fucked in the eye?
It sucks that I'm literally a product of it. I may not seek attention consciously, but, deep down in my subconscious, I crave it.
Yes, but definitely not in a bad context.
Kinda super jealous, actually.
Fucking, now I'm actually hungry.
Eye wouldn't
When gore fetishists 69 it's not dicks going into mouths. :^)
Get bae to make you a cheese toasty.
I'm getting real tired of this "not part of the community" shit.
Grim did it too. You guys don't get to dictate that. Coming from a different place doesn't matter when it's part of being here. I have posted with you guys religiously for 4 years. Longer than a lot of the faces that pass in and out of here that are considered part of the community. And a huge number of you are from the pony threads. Being an Alice fag doesn't make you more a part of this place as I am. Me being a fur fag doesn't make me less of one either. It's a very VERY egotistical and repressive mindset, Bard. Nobody is forcing anything on you. Anime is only a name sake here. It gets said all the time. There isn't a culture here. Or at least not one to be respected. Any time people here dehumanize someone and bully them out of it I have had people say the same thing. It's board culture.
Filter me if it's a fucking issue.
Pretty fucking ticked right now.
me and scoots irl
But is it really like either of those things at all?
I don't even know what that means? A bad context?
and I can tease a lot with them.
Squash is madeleines
Butter me like a god damn pastry.
I'm in Riverside at a friends
Just being huge weeb faggots and watching anime and drinking
How have you been dude?
He needs to get out more
If you have mentally ill people roaming the streets that get off to killing people, there's an increased chance of a homicide happening. Locking them up and treating them is the obvious solution?
Don't worry, squishsquash, I was an Alice-fag, and I'm psure he hates me now too.
I'm probably just going to make some pasta or something, to be honest.
u are part of the community
By pasta do you mean Ramen?
I'm going to have sex with my girlfriend so I'm not so mad.
rip cuppers
I'm not an Alicefag or from the Alice community
I came from the Bern era
You say that nobody is forcing anything on me
Yet day after day
literally thrreads full of dogs fucking fat overweight bears
cats fucking crocodiles
it's almost impossible to find a thread on this board that isnt fucking littereed with fur porn
this is being forced on me
I come from a time where I had the option to go to a thread that was filled with fur porn and there was a time when iI had the option of going to a thread t where there wasnt any fur porn
This is a freedom that has been taken away from me
I have tried calmly and politeley exppressing my distatste
I have gotten aggressive with my views
I have talked to moderation
Nothing is ever achieved
and now I can't even comfortably browse this board
posting used to be somethign I enjoyed
that I could talk with my friends about
now it's something I am ashamed of
that I don't want to do but can hardly break away
And you were already filtered fro days ago
but I enjoy your posts enough that I am willing to unfilter you and have to deal with disgusting animals fucking each other
There's a mild hypocrisy because gfurs did the same whenever anime was posted in the fur threads, something you did as well.
I don't particularly give a shit about the issue. But you can't exactly say it's bad for someone else to do exactly what you did.
Have this penis.
I was going to make a sausage roll reference here. But youd need to know the backstory.
The sausage roll was invented, as lore would tell, by englishmen sticking it to the frogs.
Ramming a sausage into a croissant.
Take that TouLOSERS.
That brings us to
sausage rolls are disgusting.
I'll make up every time I do
If you don't like what I post then filter me.
But I'm not going to stop because it's my freedom to post what I enjoy.
I like you, but I'm not bending on this.
Use Overchan. You can just use a safe for work posting option.
This as well
there was always animosity of the other communities
which is why it is best for them to remain seperrated in their ways
I never complained about it.
The ones that did were known assholes and generally tried to get anyone out that they could.
It's why we stagnated and died.
So are your overly thick veins
stop fat-shaming people's penises Ioco
Well, there is something you both have in common
Looking at guro =/= mentally ill people roaming the streets that get off to killing people.
Uh, Bard? You know you can filter people, right? It's not on anybody else to post what you want to see. Either deal with what people post if you want to talk to them or filter them and shut up. Those are literally your options.
I want your sausage roll.
like I said
I've had you filtered for a while now
what is overchan
No, I mean an actual pasta dish.
But I'll probably be lazy and just make something really simple and easy.
I did it too.
Usually just because.
I've never actually cared about it.
But then, I was one of the more open faggots from way back when.
Mobile app.
Why yes. Looking at guro and getting off to it -are- separate things! Wonderful observation.
what's wrong with my veins
Yeah, people used to say the same shit about furries wanting to fuck animals and Bronies wanting to fuck horses. :/
I don't remember anybody caring. Everything was posted in threads, it was typical 4chan. It's not like there was a gfur mod who went banning anime poster in fur threads either, so who cares? Saying that you don't like something is fine.
Gore is hardly one of the worst things to get off to.
I fapped to a vagina once.
how do I install this on my computer and how does it let me block images or posters I dont want to see
either get creative or just hug you and ask what you'd like
They look like they take up half your dick's mass.
Shit's disgusting.
Like spaghetti?
they're all
I don't think anyone is forcing anyone out here.
Just saying.
Fur porn is revolting.
Spoilering PORN would be well mannered.
Adjusting my glasses for the derp to come.
An option that removes images in threads.
Simulate a phone OS on your computer if you want.
you should be in prison you sick fuck
We have a tendency to bully people as a pariah.
I can accept this.
Probably, yeah.
It's pretty hard to fuck up spaghetti, lol.
I don't even own a phone
I don't know how to do any of these things
I'm not some kind of programmer man
If there was an option that let me filter a specific users iages I would be more than set
but Holla Forums has a shit filtering system
Its fun. Kind of like a modern day lynching.
Looking at it, getting off to it, and being mentally ill and roving the streets getting off to killing people are in fact three different things, yes. I'm glad to see you're so keen on being obtuse and obfuscating everything you say.
Very low energy, could use some work.
no bully
That hides all images though, correct?
I do want to see an image if it isn't furr y porn or gore
At that point, it's much more work to have to click on every single image in the thread to find out what it is
and what if at that point it was something that I had wanted filtered in the first place?
that ruins the point of the filter
then put up with it you whiney piece of fucking trash
I'm agreeing with him.
I don't go out and murder people and jack off on their corpses anymore than you go out and fuck people's dogs.
The first and last one are different. Not so much the last two. You do know that 100% of men who have molested a child look at child porn, don't you?
Said the biggest little bitch there ever had been
It's silly.
I will skin you and wear you like a suit.
Said the cuck
as I have said 3 times in this thread and multiple times in threads before
I have the people doing it on filter
But it's pretty annoying having to unfilter them and see the entire reason I have them filtered so i can see their posts
I'm telling on you
it is I have is been learned today to dindin and bed
poor you i'm going to go on gofundme right now and start a campaign to develop a furporn filter just for you
yeah, you're tellin me
loco and scoots make up already, you're scaring the kids
Wouldn't want you too annoyed.
You sound angry
I don't understand why
You come from the pony threads right?
I don't think you would much enjoy if me and a bunch of other anime posers came to the pony threads and adamantly stuck to our own culture of anime posting, posting loli and hentai day after day in those pony threads
Fucking excellent retort there
Remind me why you aren't majoring in theocracy?
Everything is literally stupid.
Reality? Stupid.
Atoms? Stupid.
Any intrinsic reason for/to life/live? Stupid.
Locos modus operandi? Stupidest.
a. I wouldn't give a fuck
b. these aren't Holla Forums anime threads
fuck off
Maybe that's a bad example...
Wow, there's overlap, so I now wave my magic wand and declare that they are the exact same thing. What a rational way of dealing with anything in the world. I applaud your mental bravery.
♥ neru is here
Do not talk shit about my husbando.
Sorry, you're free to not give a fuck
but I dislike it and will continue to be vocal about it
nothing's gonna change either way so I want to make my position clear
I want no affiliation with it
I remember when this happened in 2012, and I enjoyed it greatly.
Anymore than I would hope you don't.
Too late.
It. Just. Happened.
Can't really say we never talked too much
I tried my hand at anime posting in a couple fur threads and pony threads and was VEHEMENTLY denied and pushed away
Ngl, it's been pretty rough as of recent, but things are on the verge of getting better. New computer and I might get paid tomorrow.
Also, for those still using Overchan, there's some weird under-the-hood stuff I no longer trust with that app.
Guys, I found the feminist.
You don't understand because you're not a real animus.
Wasn't it Aeris that went full retard anytime anime was posted in pony threads?
You see, when there is a people out there just roaming about with the thought of "Mmmm, cutting someone's throat would just give me the -wildest- boner right now", you can kind of understand how there might be some worry as to that person -becoming- the overlap. How the fuck is anyone supposed to know if one is or is not going to actually do that stuff?
You could argue that they're reasonably minded, so of course they'd abide by the laws!
But then you forget that these people are severely mentally ill, so, yeah, not really.
You only talked to your own people, from what I recollect.
The one and only.
Please, I wanted to forget this
Pretty sure i was one if the earliest pro-anime pones
Does a living girl taking a literal blood bath really count as gore?
Not because you posted anime.
But because you were from anime.
There was not a lot of interest in cross threads until recently.
Aren't you a huge pedophile lolicon anyways?
Who cares what you think.
You should be in jail for posting that image of an underage girl's buttcrack.
Pretty sure I was bullied in all threads.
You were probably denied because the old fur threads were way, way less hugboxy than thee Holla Forums threads, and people probably found you annoying or fun to mess with.
have the courage to link my post
To an outsider trying to join this community
the first thing they are going to see when they visit this board is probably fur porn
Either that or some generic anime bitch
These are two worlds of different things
and they are going to a tttract worlds of different people
alright well let's say in theory it attracts someone who is not here for the anime bitches and talk
someone here just for the fur porn
let's say in theory that this is how it continues to go until eventually
it's nothing but fur porn
The only reason you support is is probably cause you like to bust nuts to it
for now at least
I managed to get banned from reddit not one day after making an account
Depends on what's mixed in the bath and if she's going to rub one out.
i like neru~
What? No? I'm not even into kids my own age. I'm actually into older guys/gals.
You do have a point about asking why anyone cares what I thinks, however.
oh boy bard is doing this again
wonder what will happen
Ah man there's a possibility of that
but back then in those days I was trying mad hard to be popular
I linked nearly every post in every thread even if it wasn't directed at me
I'd have text walls for days
I'm not disagreeing because that is definately a possibility
but I remember well I was on that haikus grind shit and in threads like those I would
to my memory
try to get the mass appeal and exposure
I remember it even getting deleted on mlpchan in the Holla Forumsread there and the usual fedora tipping elitist types and some other autists going "IT'S RUINING THE COMMUNITY!!!!!!" when it was fucking ponies that were even posting it.
There have been like 4 fur posters here for the last 2 years.
There is no take over.
It will not just all be fur porn.
Loli could just as easily turn people off from this place.
If I had a blood bath itd have to be hot, otherwise it eill be done in cold blood
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
yay anime
i didn't even do fur threads and i was there when squash started posting witht that fucking shopkeeper folder grape or whoever made for him
How do you even managed to do that?
they don't like people attracted to plants?
No, you're obviously a sex offender because you have an image of a drawing of a sixteen year old girl who's half naked and posed provocatively in an erotic manner.
People like you are a menace and should be taken off the streets before you rape and murder someone's poor teenage daughter you sick fuck.
Wow, it's almost as if rational people have the ability to separate fantasy from reality and exercise basic self control within society. But maybe you're right, maybe we should enforce heavy, ineffectual censorship and round these people up, taking them away from their place in society and oppressing them as social outcasts and criminals. I'm sure that would make any country a better place.
I'm not argueing in favor of loli
as I have tried time and time again to make clear
that is more than fine with me if we go without that because that is not what this community is about and will sway future posters
I miss my Natsume folder.
Yeah. Not like fur porn drives people to fuck do.....
actually never mind.