*wakes up*
*wakes up*
THAT's depressing. But I like it.
Leelu, write a song about Caroline with the Grey Eyes. Also, eat jerky while I jitter.
Hai I'm new here
Okay hold on
Oh, also I ordered a ukelele. I'm sorry.
Hello! Your name and tripcode is awfully similar to someone who used to post here not too long ago.
Hello ! Yeah this girl I met on steam sold me her name and tripcode so I could make friends easier ! She was really nice ^_^
more cute images like this please, and less lewd images.
Don't tell lies.
How was your nap?
Bleebloop, why so sorry?
I don't post lewd images !
s-she even let me kiss her feet after, she's the best !
For buying a uke.
I hope not.
I am the least lewd person here, no nsfw images dare touch my hard drive
That first image in this thread you posted is nsfw.
Depends on where you work
ugh.. whatever.
-pet pet-
-pets more-
n-nani ?
Uke-idding me?
Ah. Having a nice day at least?
Holy fuck I'm going to cum
I'm not a nanny, let alone YOUR nanny.
I'm having trouble with this song sabs. I don't think I can write a song about some dead girl without making it very heavy and depressing.
You just woke up what's so bad about your day already
It's not important.
It occurs to me that Ash, Clemont, Bonnie and Serena have all been under both of Xerneas' Fairy Aura and Geomancy.
They are immortal.
Just like AZ.
I want the yama to castrate me with her feets
I tried to write some lyrics, but my brain's still all foggy from the caffeine. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh.
Meh.. it's whatever, not like i'm important to anyone.
Caffeine's supposed to do the opposite of that.
I once poured like 8 teaspoons of coffee into a cup and filled it maybe a quarter of the way because I stayed up all night before a test. I don't know if it was the caffeine or the sleepiness or both but at one point everything went really sharp and clear and my palms started sweating like crazy. It was pretty surreal.
That's my coffee story. I hope you liked it.
Salutations, salty sailors
i like to chew on coffee beans and pour boiling water in my mouth
Want my rare karens ?
pretty sure that's a mr bean gag you fucking hack plagiarist
I missed Helen.
Succ for membership
give me AN HOUR since my internet is shit
you have theforever
You have my unconditional friendship
Brb getting jerky and beer
slow thread
Seems feasible.
Real carrys would have all golds :^)
The solution is obviously to not play Overwatch at all.
I'm not in a good mood, Yan.
Kind of just at a whim here.
It's just one person bitching. Not like I'll stop playing over that.
"elims don't matter"
"damage doesn't matter"
"gold medals don't matter"
"that solo team kill doesn't matter"
"ur bad kid u need 2 switch"
"ur the reason we lose"
i wanna try
I guess snipers are suppose to be taking literally everyone out instead of all the turrets and snipers.
My balls smell pretty great to be honest
praise be jeebus, it's a meerukle
yeah i mean if you aren't playing crazy like this ur useless
Must see
super lolitas
cyka blyat
helo yannus in the anus
my entire body is wracked with fatigue today
I had so many dreams aftter i wactually woke up because i just fell back out
i wana share one if thats okay
how are you today
I had a dream where I was about to learn the secret to enlightement: how to cum with zero physical stimulation.
bouta' go buy spandex in an hour
I'm the best obvsly.
git gud
The first one ? Where'd you die ?
get fucked
The first dream I can remember took place in a pretty acurate reacreation of my town For some reason there was someone like lebron james or something like that someone super famous, they were wearing a suit and they were visiting the town. I went and talked with him a bit
I think he ended up staying in llike a guest room at the house i was at or something, but we spent a good amount of time in proximity and talking about random shit and this dude was super kind and generous and respectful and shit
I ccauht him outside later in the dream and offered to help him carry some o the stuff he was carrying cause this dude was carrying like 4 or 5 telephone poles or something like that and I could carry like one comfortably and so we put them in his truck
Something cool about the truck it had two beds
one in the back and one in the front
and he said thanks and I'm pretty sure he asked me to folllow him or asked if i wanted to go with him so i hopped into the front bed and we drove around and then he went to the dinoss pizeria and steakhouse and went in it was super busy and he met up with like someone else i think it was like kobe bryant or whatever i never talked to this dude but he didnt really seem to want any visitors and i couldnt finda chair to sit down at even thoguh I had my own money to pay so when the original dude who was visiting came up to the register or whatever i went and shook his hands and told him it was good to have him visiting and i respected hhim and shit and he shook my hands with both his hands and gave a genuine thank you and then we split paths and I didnt see him for the rest of the dream
The next part I can remember I was out at some kind of weird farm community of like 40 people
my grandparents were there too i think i was living with them
and like
every time we would eat we'd all get together a s a community like outside or whatever and then after we ate wed just wake up in our beds well onew time we startedc eatign and it was getting kinda stormy outside but it turns out that we all got drugged with this kind of sleeping pill or ppoweder or whatever and so I had to help carry my grandparents insid before the storm got there but it was reallly hard because my entire body was wracked with tired
it still is all of me tired as hell
The end
i don't beleive in those kinds of things
Oh.. I have yet to beat that. I made it to the catacombs area then stopped playing for months and forgot where to go so started over
When you believe in Harambe, all memes are possible
ive beaten 3 before im just going through the area solo and the knights are too op
the cincinnati zoo doesn't like harambe memes
I like you though.
Knights are easy.
What starting class did you even pick?
Do you need some help?
Desu are you still mad at me?
It's the fucking worst when you die like 3 or 4 times in a row and you tilt into oblivion
thanks I hate me
I always wanted to try a mage.
the one with the turban
im fine just need a break
You shouldn't hate you, lots of people are willing to do it for you for no good reason. :3
Go for it. I'm a monk.
I'll beat you up and give Rosaria a good slightly used tongue afterwards.
I understand.
I can't game for hours and hours on a single game like Kyle either.
Unless it's Rust or ARK or something.
I game because my life is a dismal shell and the mediocrity of games keeps me clinging to what little sanity I still have.
Who -doesn't- hate themselves?
Normies, probably.
*pats your back gently*
there there~
I'd hate myself too if I had property of boo on my name
And I'd hate myself if I were Desu.
You both suck.
Let it goooooooo.
pretty picture~
more pls
maybe i can get one of them to do me
I'm the suckiest, mind you.
It's not super comfortable, but that moisture wicking is like magic.
i sincerely hope that name is ironic
Correct. Well, to be fair, I'd do it if anyone asked.
Do it for me.
that's disgusting
Not as ironic as we'd like it to be, though, I imagine.
I'm a disgusting human bean.
Remove the Boo part.
Put "Property of Rin" in square brackets.
Got it.
Never add it back.
what a relief
allo bruv
what do you viddy here today
I don't know why I game.
I don't know why I buy new games anymore.
I don't even enjoy them, and they don't distract me for more than an hour or two at best.
If anything, the disappointment makes me want to kill myself even more, because I feel like something I once loved and cherished is just being abused and capitalized by shitty corporations who only care about making money and don't give a shit about their fans anymore.
On disc DLC, day one DLC, games that are so hacked and incomplete that they sell you the finished product in DLC or pre-orders and even then, it's still not even any good.
I should live a fulfilling and happy life based on my career and accomplishments, but I don't.
Every day my life feels empty and shallow and I don't even know why I'm alive when virtually nothing makes me happy anymore.
I am the most boring, uninteresting person I know and I am at times, my only friend.
I want to die.
pardon me
Until I'm asked to again.
this is a giggle
Should be
(Property of Boo (Property of Squash))
Are you using Yan's script?
How's your day
up to much?
Erin's, sorry.
I'm retarded.
No idea what that is! I'm kinda of manually doing it here.
Sorry, but I'm autistic.
it's nice
parents took me to my favorite restaurant cus i'm leaving for college at the end of the week
and then we went to look at books
I think this would look more cleanly.
She made a script that has some thingus, one of which is a persistent subject field.
yeah, I bet you suck.... a lot
I see.
Where'd ya eat at, red lobster?
Good luck in college dude, I hope it's everything you're hoping for
what are you majoring in? going for 4 years oor perhaps more?
I tried my hanad at that college stuff once but eh
Ehhhh is just not for me
Hahahahhahahaha I've actually never done anything gay in real life, nice one though.
hahahaha holy shit
me either ;~;
for real?
Coney Island, it's a Michigan thing
Media and Information major, this'll be my sophomore year. Hopefully just four years
Never ever.
like thats hard
College books or book books? Find anything interesting?
what are you intereted in going into once you get out bud
most quoted posters over last 1000 posts
youre bias
i can fix that gurl
Wow good job dude.
That's nice?
My mom had a Barnes and Noble gift card.
I found her a book about John Lennon cus she's fascinated by him now
I'm going to school for video and stuff but I'm starting to get really involved in the campus radio station, that's something I might wanna do instead. Hoping to gain a lot of experience there.
*hugs warmly*
I highly doubt you'd want to.
I'm so cool.
you're gay
no you
fantastic job I hope you can enjoy it
That's a career right there, radio station work
Kinda jealous ahaha bbut you would deserve it if you put in the work
I wish you the best of luck with it
what inspired you to go down that path?
Bet I'm last place in popularity right now
They're nice stores, but everything is so expensive. I'm glad we have several secondhand book stores too. If I'm going to pay full price I'd just as soon get it on Amazon.
That's you !
pic related
my e peen
might be different if you tried to change that from time to time
at least I don't have a crush on a penis
your real peen is bigger
as if it were sentient
Thx~. I'm really trying to get involved in more things there, I just gotta talk to some people when I get there in a week or so to join some more teams. Thinking about joining the air staff
I just really started getting interested in music over the last couple years, plus I've been with the station for a year now and worked on a lot of cool shit
I was gonna buy a book there but Amazon had it for like $15 cheaper. I still like walking around there since I don't really follow what books are coming out. I like perusing the biographies.
What was it you were going to buy? I got this really cool comic encyclopedia at a secondhand store. Might get the slightly updated version on Amazon.
that's so badass we have a station here I was interested at one point in getting involved in but I don't have any credentials ahaha
Sounds like You've got it made my man, and you're still pretty young
For You I'm glad
what's it like where your at now?
get outta here empty
no mans sky is great and u suck
i like it!
Pretty sure Erin knows my trip now.
The Complete Pink Floyd: The Ultimate Reference
"the most amazingly comprehensive guide to the band’s entire career, complete with rare and never-before-seen photographs plus key memorabilia. Representing years of painstaking research by Floyd expert and documentarian Glenn Povey, it covers every event of note, and includes a full record of concerts, rehearsals, recordings, releases (vinyl and otherwise), interviews, set lists, and new material about the Abbey Road recording sessions."
I'm a total sucker for books like this.
Yeah right now all the works I'm doing is strictly volunteer work but eventually I could get a paid position doing something if I learn something, like audio engineering. But thanks dude, appreciate it.
Right now I'm just back in my parents' house passing time, finding stuff to listen to
Really? What a fucking joke.
I disagree.
There's no point to a journey if it's boring and uninspiring.
Did you pull the trigger on the Amazon order? Or did your better angels of frugality prevail?
speaking on of no mans sky
I dunno man fuck
I'm not familiar with the intimacy of your feelings towards dick.
It'll be playable in 2 years
yah this is pretty lame
Sean murray has mentioned about adding something like that in the future and hopefully he does
but hey
every game can't be perfect
This is the first game in years I have actually been anxious to play when i go to work or am hanging out wiith my friends
It's hours of enjoyment
Another thing I love about it is how aesthetically pleasing it is
ps4's media player is the worst I have ever seen
doesnt even have a visualizer
so this more than makes up for the missing fvisualizations
There's something about listening to XXYYXXX at 3 a.m in the mornning aone in a semingly endless universe
The feeling is so incredibly lonesome yet
not unpleasant
It feels like I'm an adventurer or explorer
And quite honestly I can't see why this game is so widely diisliked
I think my parents are gonna buy it for me
what sorta music are you into.?
I told you there's no nsfw on my hard drive..
yes you are
You'd better french them to show your gratitude.
But not there now.
Don't try to argue what might be patched in.
People are displeased with the product as it is now.
He already says that he likes the game as it is now, though.
you should take psychs
I don't give a fuck what they think
This is my own opinion of it
I like it
I love it, best game I have played in years
It's overwhelmingly disliked almsot to the point of it being a meme
so, with it being disliked as much as it is
what are the other options of games to play like it?
I am more than happy with this game
and those people who don't like it should be more than happy to go and play a comperable game
He was posting in reply to someone who didn't seem to.
Dunno I like a lot of post-punk, jangle pop, 60s pop rock, psych rock, stuff like that
Listening to this right now: youtube.com
Would have to be a lot more than $17
I've done enough hallucinogens by now surely
this is uniue I havent heard anything like this
Where, you know, there's a mod for literally anything.
The reason that Noman's Sky is disliked is literally because it isn't what players were promised.
Minecraft is nothing like No Mans Sky.
I'm not even intimate at all with anything.
Then go ahead and play minecraft and I will keep playing no man's sky
is there actually a fucking 4chan serial killer
I don't know if you can compare Minecraft very readily with No Man's Sky.
but you ever a weed
Rad song.
it's me
everyday LMAO
poor waifu
Some of the best lo-fi pop I've heard
Right. It's a game that gave people what they were offered.
Who said I play Minecraft, Bard?
I'm more doing it to bother people.
oh lord
It's Bebop.
damn you're gonna flip when you see mine then
okay well you can go ahead and substitute that game for any game you enjoy and play that instead
I'm more than happy with what I'm playing right now and it is only going to get better
Not the same genre, but you might like it.
sweet lol cool
Yours is the one I am talking about.
Looks like it's working. Pretty l33t tr0lling.
I guessed.
Dont show anybody please
It is less than what you were promised.
Frankly? I don't think it's going to get better.
I think it's just a long road of more empty promises.
I got three whole replies with it.
And all of them missed or ignored the actual point I wanted to raise.
I'd call that a good return.
haha okay dad you too
Not too big on synthpop, but it's decent
I don't listen to a whole lot of non-English music anyway
Maybe if people keep missing the point you're trying to make, that's a sign that the point isn't being made particularly clearly.
hey check out this song its vry mu core
This is uwu as fuck
There are certain things you say in certain places knowing people will ignore the pertinent information.
Only if you promise to show me?
no it's not fucking faggot it's mu ill kill you
you have the freedom to beleive that
I am still hopeful for the future
Honestly though, I think it's fantastic as it is now
40 hours into it or so and more to come
it's just about everything I've ever wanted in a game minus llike 10 featurees
you're fine, nobody can touch you! ^_^
Boy does that sentence ever set off my apologist alarms.
Yeah, dirt poor.
What about your struggle snuggles?
a-ah jees well
it's not me....it's...it's you....
anonymous san I love you but.... we can't keep doing this anymore.....
I just...*sigh* I dont know what to call you and that bothers me
... >.>
I trust you Luka.
there's no Holla Forums one right?
You can call me whatever you want, love.
I'd be more hopeful if they didn't break a number of promises already.
Frankly, I'm not into 40 hours of noStimulus.
How do you mean?
there is no chan serial killer. stop digging/.
thats a shame
Thhat was pretty nice
pretty bouncy and enjoyable and I like it thanks string bean
reminded me of snail's house
I think I'll call you
You were totally only unclear because people wouldn't have paid attention anyway.
I think I'll accept that!
Now can I see?
*pets cute bunny lovingly* ^ ^
mhm none here!
we're like polar opposites
I'm intimate all the time
with everything
it's me
gonna hunt you down and tie you up
How was I unclear?
There's two statements in the post in question, one of them making an inapt comparison, and one making a very real, and accurate declaration.
The fun part was knowing no one would pay attention to that because the inapt comparison was to Minecraft.
ok okok sorry
good girl. maybe you get to live
Maybe nobody replied to the declaration because they didn't disagree with it. I guess I can see how it would be fun having people reply to your "intentionally" (I doubt this very much, by the way) dumb comparison.
Suits me just fine.
oh my god it's you
well yeah youre on the better end
The only person with any reason to reply at all was Bard, regardless of if they disagree or not.
There's so many butt jokes I could make.
That is...quite impressive.
i bought a ukelele today. it should arrive by thursday.
are you proud of me mom>
DIES irae, dies illa,
solvet saeculum in favilla,
teste David cum Sibylla.
Don't tellnobody
Ukes are awesome
what tuning is it?
Only beta males buy ukuleles.
No hablo.
You're on a chat image board, dude, get out of here with that "The only person with any reason to reply at all was Bard" garbage. What a stupid thing to say.
idk. it's the small one. soprano.
Mum's the word.
is it Sop? or Ten? Alt? Bass?
and ye, that's cool!
We can make songs together and I can teach you how to play
You're cute.
That isn't a compliment.
if he says ur cute ur cute
soprano. i figure i already own a bassy guitar so go for the highest one.
that would be fun>
I'm still going to take it as one.
Good for you.
By the way, Tsuchi, I'm pretty sure she's wearing contacts in that.
*gives carot*
yah! When we're both not busy we can play
*gives tarot*
Which carrot ;)
*Gives parrot*
You should get your nose out of there.
It's unsanitary.
a yummy baby carrot with tasty dip!
also luka is a GIRL he doesn't have a carrot
Luka confirmed for Nezi tier.
I identify as a carrot.
*gives carat*
heh heh heh
with tasty dip ;)
I'm sure he's eaten enough of his own ejaculate to know its taste.