what did they mean by this?
what did they mean by this?
Sega more liek segay xddd
We already have a thread user
Nah, fuck off.
Sega is getting into the eyeball market.
You can't put Chaika's face on everything.
the eyeballs aren't very realistic
at that angle the iris should be pushing a bit outwards
this but with hdmi, now that they now people will pay a premium for a knock off ouya with pirated Roms on it,
Why does sega director look like yakuza thug?
yakuza don't fuck with other yakuzas
So, what you want to tell me is,
Did we seriously restart the eighties when Trump was elected?
Please Sega, don't go VR.
They already did long ago
given Sega owns Fatlus and a bunch of other good game companies now
this isnt that bad if they can pull it off
How is this an announcement for a new console? I mean, I would be glad if that were the case, of course.
"You caused the state of the world to regress by 35 years! What have you monsters done?!"
The worst part is that the majority of kids here and on shitholes like reddit think that this would be a good thing.
Oh boy, more miniature emulation machines sold at exuberant prices with limited supply. I sure can't wait.
All this rumor of Sega and Atari making new consoles makes me think that Sega and Atari are trying to capitalize on something big, like Xbox dying and dropping out of the console race.
xbox isnt dying its just got no audiance compared to Sony and nintendo
no matter how they try to spin their MOST POWERFUL CONSOLE EVER its nothing more than a normalfag CODmachine with no growth
that said I have absolute no idea how Sega or Atari can find a gap between sony or nintendo unless they go for handhelds even then its eeeeh given how hard the vita flopped
no, their on capitalizing on the NES mini.
Sega is only going to revive and create a lot of IPs while improving their relationship with gamers. That's all. No new console, never ever.
akshually, the PS4 is the normalfag codmachine right now, of my normalfag friends, who were actually dumb enough to buy a console this generation, every one owns a nogames4, but not a single eksbawks in sight.
Here's hoping sega brings something to table worth playing
ok, you got me to giggle
watch me
nice one fam
Is it all rumors? Are either of them officially making a new current gen console? If not, I don't see what the big deal is.
It'll be a plug & play of old genesis games.
Or just planning to revive IPs. There is no new console in the works.
marche go back to your board.
s-sauce on that first picture?
Who is ready for the golden age of games again? Sony and Nintendo won't be able to compete with Microsoft, Atari, and Sega consoles.
this one?
Any new commissions lately, Marche?
I wish, but people are still stupid and are sucking nintendo cock harder than ever
Wish I could keep mindlessly defending Nintendo too
If they start losing their userbase I'll be smug as fuck
But people are too stupid for that
If they were going to make a new console they would have announced it at E3.
But Sega already has an NES mini type system and has for years.
Sega should port everything they have to PC tbh
I got a couple coming from a friend I gave a hand with but nothing Ive really paid any money for to get
Uh oh
yfw Donald is reviving his favorite vidya
This sounds like a strong reference to foveated rendering VR to me. SEGA's going to try to relive its glory days when After Burner arcade would make you hurl your cookies from the motion sickness.
Kinda too late on that one.
So Kute____
That's actually kind of sexy.
Patrick Lawson/MrSega/tornado1994 is a piece of shit smelly nigger.
Yeah, like 20 years too late.
Though to Sega's credit, they realized VR was shit and it never got out of the prototype phase.
They had a cool ride at sega world back in the 90s
Oyy veyyyy!
They said they'd never make a console again, so what's this? Them trying to get into the VR meme?
VR console?
I'm not sure if whatever this ends up being will be a good thing for them.
Great job Mark
Sega will profit with Miku
If Sony and Microsoft bit the dust I'd be happy with this.
You're trying too hard.
t. butthurt redditor
Tell us where the naughty Sega touched you, user.
Yes, you're fucking kids
Let it die, 8th Gen is already worse than 7th Gen in sales and userbase.
And how would you know what reddit's reaction is, user?
Maybe if you were over the age of ten you would have the intelligence to see why that is retarded. If consoles die, the gaming industry dies with them, which means no more new games, so who's the kid now?
It was doomed since day one, one could hope the 9th (or 8.5th) gen would be better but it looks as bad
And now that consoles aren't the focus anymore, publishers and companies are porting all the cancer to PC
Nobody wins these days
The one PC port a month dream is dead
Playing After Burner and realizing that the T-1000 is about to get you is even worse.
is this the biggest cancer we have to face?
Gee, I fucking wonder.
How exactly is this a bad thing?
Next up will be Shenmue HD collection.
That doesn't explain why you go to reddit user.
lol fag
Sega can produce PC ports without hindering the development of new games you fucking moron. Plus there are games that desperately need to be preserved now that the 360/PS3 production has ended.
Sega Europe exclusively handles PC ports, It's a whole branch of sega that does nothing but market games and Europe and port shit to the PC.
I know, it's pretty obvious at this point considering how long they've been teasing it/how long it takes to get all the licenses for the product placement
I agree, comrade.
I need this soundtrack.
if sega makes a single player focused console without user accounts, emails, gold clubs, digital services, etc. i will pre-order it without any questions asked.
Was Vanquish ever fixed.
Top quality shitpost.
Maybe then people who actually like video games can rediscover how to make good ones.
That is actually a kiddy comeback. You just outed yourself.
What gives you any indication that either of them will be able to make a library big enough to justify a console?
How is it not going to be another ROMset
What about the games?
Sonic VR
I really wanna try NIGHTS, Yakusa and more Puyo Puyo games, what's the best ways to play them?
Alright, guess I'm firing up the Saturn emulator
No need, Nights has a PC port and Yakuza and can emulated on PCSX2 and CEMU respectively
oh, well that's neat, is the NIGHTS PC Port any good?
Pretty much flawless from what I played.
Yes, outside of missing the bonus Sonic mode and versus mode.
What's all this now?
Sega sent game journalists and Sega fans that cassette tape containing the songs listed with a letter. It's part of them planning a retro games thing something called Sega Forever.
So… are they making a phone or something?
Sega Nomad 2
probably just a huge collection of retro games on a mobile device (switch, phone)
sega product (music) on a non-sega device (cassette) that everyone can enjoy who has a tape deck
the reference to Sega Ages which were game compilations
sadly missing the best generation of sega but oh well, can't win 'em all
also to their old advertisements "to be this good takes ages - to be this good takes sega"
kys nigger
Rumored to be a subscription service for mobile or some shit.
Sega is really trying these days.
Sega is now Amazing Sega.
Sega does
You can put Chaika's face on EVERYTHING
What Nintendon't.
They're just copying Kinetendo and selling an emulator box with a collection of games.
See, that's something I do not get at all. Why the fuck do companies not just hire the guys making the fan game, adopt it, and officially license it? Sega are the only ones I can think of that actually does this.
Do companies not think the fan games are profitable? I understand why Nintendo fucked AM2R, it's because they already had a Metroid 2 remake in the works, but even then they could've hired the guy making AM2R rather than just fuck him.
I personally can't wait for Holla Forums to be dubbed "SegaGAF"
You know it's gonna happen
They wouldn't need to do all this considering that they've been selling flashback consoles for a while. It's a subscription service I heard. You could play the retro games for free, though with ads or you could buy the games ad free. That's the rumor.
Is this the second revision? The first one was absolutely garbage iirc.
You win this time, Nintendork.
Valve did this with Black Mesa, or something similar, I think the difference is that Christian Whitehead is better than Sonic team ever was, AM2R was good but not a step up, I mean I guess it's better than Other M.
Because their executives and investors are afraid that the developers outside their tradicional methods like internships or mid sized companies, not realizing that independent developers can do a better job than the hacks that they usually hire if they are given the correct supervision and support, most take it personally and are afraid to admit their own incompetence when they could be making a quick safe buck instead.
Look at Devolver and Serious Sam fangames, they live on that shit.
MercurySteam was under Konamis supervision when they made Lords of Mediocrity too, and they still hired Sakamoto.
They finally made a region unlocked console and now they're censoring everything, even in Japan.
The Switch was supposed to be a blank slate, I though they actually learned, but nope, and now I'm sour again
I still don't know how Sega is pulls off all these risky moves while being a publicly traded company honestly, but they still manage somehow.
Now I'm remembering how Black Mesa turned out.
Now I'm remembering how a glorified HL2 mod is being sold at a retail price.
Now suddenly I don't like where this is going.
At least they're uncensored
Its better than Prime 3, Other M and Fucking Farce, of course its a step up, stop apologizing for a shitty company
The game is great though
Seriously, pirate the full version, it really feels like a full game until you get to Xen
Black Mesa is artificial difficulty at its worst. Did you even play it?
I'm not apologizing for shit, it wasn't a step up, it was just decent.
Why would Nintendo hire devs who did nothing? They didn't make an engine capable of running metroid games, they didn't design any new interesting mechanics, they didn't compose any new music, all they did was reapply metroid gameplay into the return of samus story, that's why whitehead was hired? you don't think Nintendo aren't working with Indies' who the fuck is Shinen then? why the fuck is Yacht club getting love from Nintendo?
I actually fucking hate Nintendo with a passion
The only person who could have a stronger negative emotion than a diehard SEGA fan, is someone who has been betrayed by the big N themselves
Come on SEGA, fuck 'em up
The only reason Nintendo's games were so good in the past was due to SEGA being a genuine threat to their business
Now that they're gone, they've gone to shit.
I wish Nintendo didn't have a monopoly anymore. Their games aren't even good now. It's all brand recognition
>yfw the console wars were world war 2 all over again
I'm going to enjoy the switch dominating because it will shit people just like you, Nintendo were always the better company and in spite of 0 competition for Mario games Nintendo have still managed to outdo themselves time and time again.
Also Sega were never really good as a company, a few good games here and there, Sonic was never anything compared to Mario, it's good that Sega team is being shown up for the hacks they always were with Sonic Mania.
I actually hope that Sega release a new console so they can go bankrupt and be brought out by anyone else just so you can see all your favourite games run into the ground.
I don't even hate Sega, they were my first system and Sonic The Hedgehog was my first game, but of all the delusional fanbases on this place Sega fans take the cake.
3d mario, New Super Mario Bros. while decent I don't care for it.
The autistic Sonic fanboy is a meme.
Chris-chan, SammyClassicSonicFan, and others are actually paid Nintendo shills to make Sega look like the company of autists.
Are you braindead or just really shit at vidya?
Shinen wasn't hired for making an FZero fangame, they were hired tor making a ripoff thats worse than Redout.
They're a third party developer and they haven't done shit together.
A nintenkike, who would have though?
World War III begins.
Also the Switch dominating is a bad thing, dumbass. A couple of years ago Nintendo becoming a major player again would've been a dream come true for me too, but now I have seen the light.
Absolutely amazing
I can admit Sega's faults. Sega did a lot of mistakes, but they also had great moments. NintenDorks however would worship the ground Nintendo walks on no questions ask. I admit Nintendo did a lot of great shit, but the fans have to call out its faults too instead of damage control.
Slightly off-topic, but I think the gaming industry would be in a much better state right now if Nintendo and Sony didn't have a falling out, and if Sega was still making consoles.
If Nintendo didn't indirectly create the PS1, then the industry would just be Sega and Nintendo consoles to this day. How that would effect the industry, whether good or bad, that's something I can't answer.
I dunno, maybe Microsoft would've still tried to enter the console race. I doubt they would've gotten very far though.
Imagine if Halo was a cult classic FPS with no sequels.
To think that almost would have happened if there was no Xbox
So you're not going to prioritize enjoying it because of the games, but purely to spite people who don't have the same mindset as you, namely, ex-nintendo fans? That really says a lot about you as a person. Mainly about how you aren't in it for good fun, but rather are bitter that someone dislikes something you enjoy, and how you'll try and mock them to make yourself feel better about your sad complexity. Piggybacking and pretending to like something just to be part of a group is much more fun I bet.
That's relative. I would say that is fair to early 90's Nintendo. The ones of now are a sad joke though.
No, they haven't. Super Mario 64 was the peak of 3D platformers, Sunshine was bland as all fuck and gave platforming a step back, and Galaxy was a sluggish piece of shit made on rails, then 3D World came and made THAT look GOOD by comparison.
If you put 3D world and 64 next to each. The differences are stark to how much Mario has de-volved.
Really putting my last leg on Odyssey, because that's the first time I've been genuinely excited for a Nintendo game in about a decade. If that game disappoints me. Then I won't even pirate their products. Time isn't even worth it at this point.
The people who've outdone themselves the most are people who aren't even the in-house teams, take Kirby and Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze for example. Each stage that is in DK is crafted with the utmost care and curteous level design that would make rareware tremble. I'm going to go out and say it, Donkey Kong: Tropical freeze is a better platformer than any 2D Mario game ever MADE, even the NES trilogy. That's right, the ones who managed to create the best Platformer in decades aren't Nintendo, but retro studios. Suck a fucking dick.
Once again, subjective. YOU don't make that call. You have ZERO authority over this.
You are saying company, not developers as well. As a company they were better than Nintendo ever was. The schizophrenics at Nintendo went to the fullest extent of the law (and really pushed beyond) to trash anything they didn't like, which stemmed from fanart (gotta keep that Family Friendly™ image dude), to game genies, all the way to video rentals. Howard Lincoln helped the hellish downward spiral and gave social justice cunts a pedestal to actively call out to censor games. So, fuck you.
It's as if they knew longtime fans would make a better passion product when given the appropriate budget, something Nintendrool would never EVER do.
You have to remember, they hired them for a reason.
With the right time, they might. As of right now, it's still too premature. The road to 2020 just focuses on games.
I've already seen it all, this is the ENTIRE reason why I said I dislike new Nintendo in the first place, you god damn mongoloid. It seems you lack the critical thinking to have successfully processed this very point.
You don't need to be bought out to go to dogshit. I'm battlehardened from the abuse I've seen my favorite IP's go through. You can barely fucking stand someone critiquing your favorite multi-billion dollar paste generator without resorting to becoming a spiteful cunt.
I'm sure wishing them the worst totally isn't indicative of that.
Well good for you! Aren't you a little trooper?
The Nintendo and Super Nintendo were my first. You most likely never had your standards raised by their past games. I'm only giving Nu-ntendo shit, not the ones from the past. They're a completely different company at this point. A shell.
Confirmation bias. Go into any Nintendo video and you'll see consumers lapping their shit up like the second coming of Jesus. Not even Sony fans come this close anymore. That train has passed.
I remember even during the Wii days where Nintendo fans were a bit more mellowed out and critical, but now it seems a wave of literal cocksuckers has taken over and anything you say makes them fucking scream, like you are now. Federation Force was a wonderful exception. That was only due to them expecting an actual metroid game. Once the hate bandwagon stopped, they kept sucking shit again.
You've done nothing but make your entire point backfire right to your face, and make Nintendownsyndrome stricken idiots look like the most intolerant bunch of apes the world has seen. So PLEASE sit the fuck down and actually ask yourself if this is an appropriate way to act. You're very close to turning subhuman.
I can't wait for you to double down on this and keep digging your grave.
It pissed me off how Nintendo sided with Proto-SJWs against Sega, 3rd party devs and gamers while opening the door for SJWs to eventually get in. Nintendo may have saved the industry back in the 80s, but then they eventually doomed it to a different fate shortly after.
Like being adopted as an orphan (vidya industry) then being abused and battered by your adoptive parents (SJW's, Nintendo)
It's a sad fucking fate.
Don't worry user soon all of your favorite classics will be remade by a shady character that never delivers.
Now now, /agdg/, you can't ALL be winners. The sooner your accept that, the sooner you can get back to doing absolutely nothing.
Nigger, it's a fucking troll or a fucktarded fanboy. Don't bother giving him any more (You)'s, that's what he wants.
You're right about the worthless thing though.
can someone post a screencap of these post please?
Fucked up twice, here's the full size screenshot.
also shit happens
Wait, include me in the screenshot!
Just for you.
hu? i see nothing special here, the "nintendo is ded, sega will make games great again this time" argument has been done for years now
Except that wasn't my argument at all, you fucking retard. You shitskins misquote someone and misdirect what they say, trying to put words in their mouth, and it's absolutely pathetic.
My entire point was how fanboys are elitist, spiteful cunts that act like their favorite corporation is the best shit ever, and will attack anyone who sees otherwise, even if that person used to be a fan as well. They'll eat their own for not being part of the Hivemind.
You have to be a special kind of slow to think I was saying "SEGA WILL RISE aGaiN!!!111!". Please, go back to elementary school and learn to READ and ABSORB information, I was calling his ass out. You might as well improve your grammar while you're at it.
I'm fucking SICK of you dense motherfuckers
You're like a bunch of monkeys without any cute monkey features.
Thankfully, there are still people who are down to earth and understanding here, even if they have different preferences and mindsets than I. It's the reason why I still stick here, that, and the rule against console wars. It's a filter against the worst type of people.
wtf I'm with her now
I approve of this picture
The reason why they kill fangames is that while it is free advertisement, most investors look at them as a lost sale ("why would someone want to buy our expensive gaming console when they can get the Metroid experience for free on their computers?") and in some cases because they need to justify the years long development times when a bunch of high schoolers can slap together the same product they made but in much less time and which much less effort.
The reason why they don't hire them either is because on the one hand hiring new personnel is a much more expensive procedure than giving them a monthly salary and a project to work on, as most of the staff from software houses are continuously reallocated between jobs while said one man army indie devs might not be the best fit for the kind of environment the other employees are working in, There's also the problem of their pay, as they wouldn't be random pajeets or workaholic chinks but yet another person to be allocated in SanFran tier areas, and in some cases companies are flat out livid about people making a better game than they can muster.
However, what I just cannot comprehend is, if they're such huge fans of these games and they still know that Nu-tendo or the likes of them are going to destroy them upon release, why can't they just replace the graphics with the non-union equivalent? Once called out, call it Kretroid and make it about the journey of Sammy Aryan to destroy the Space Buccaneers. Bam, problem solved.
This sort of thing has been done before and not saved the devs from legal action (see the Great Giana Sisters, which was almost exactly what you describe, and STILL got attacked by Nintendo.) Though that was a commercial release, and is therefore probably harder to get away with.
Come to think of it, it has worked a couple of times, though. Sei Madou Monogatari somehow didn't get stopped by Sega despite having nearly the same name as the original (and having blatantly obvious copies of the entire cast). Mighty No 9… can't be called a "success" by any measure, but they DID succeed in not getting sued by Capcom, at least. And that My Little Pony fighting game that Hasbro C&D'd swapped out all the characters for generic farm animals and is now getting a commercial release using the Skullgirls engine.
Actually, this would seem to indicate that the shrewdest business tactic is to create a fangame, build lots of hype for it, get C&D'd by Nintendo, and then a week later announce your "totally original" (wink wink) game. I wonder if anyone has ever tried that on purpose?
It may be wise to archive it then, if only to document your autistic tirades
Just as bad as the Nintentoddler honestly
Nigga that's a great fucking post 100/10!
That's just grasping at straws, user.
Fair enough
But what about ROM hacks? Considering that Pokemon Prism god C&D'd a while back?
Its fukin nothin
Multi billion dollar company doesn't care about you. Nintendo has made it to being the most anti-consumer company of the industry, with nickle-and-diming, physical DLC statues, taking down romsites, fan projects, YT vids and ad revenue, Nintendo YT creators club, romhacks, etc. Nintendo has always been this way. Howard Lincoln.
AND you're retarded. Bravo.
Alright who's gonna be the one baiting people by putting this in every remotely positive thread about a new Sega game, claiming they've "betrayed" us?
Is it gonna be me? I don't like baiting people, I don't want it to be me.
Wow, decades later and Sega STILL has the best marketing team in the industry. Impressive.
Oh shit, really? What's the catch? That's crazy.
Ah well, not for me.
I heard they're working on the Fire TV version. Get it, grab a controller and done.
you know people like you make me wonder on why you continue on defending a copyright dogma, draconian censorship and social justice landfill that is modern Nintendo.. just why?
Passion =/= Autism
I would not have even bothered to type in anything if I had genuine textbook autism.
Just learn to read and think, there is no excuse. You ADHD ridden child.
that low quality posts fucking stinks, why is it screencapped
Nintendorks cling to the "Nintendo will save vidya again" dogma.
The truth hurts, doesn't it?
The post has poor formatting in the sense that a sentence has a new line but then you have an actual paragraph that doesn't have new lines afterwards, which the author has a syndrome where he writes in a small "widths" and enters a new line after a sentence after recognizing "it's good enough". Page 2 isn't that long or noteworthy; only needed 200 characters to be cut down, which was clearly dragged on by the "style" of post. The reactionary >quote and then assblast is kind of crap kind of style to use constantly. It doesn't make sense in an argument if you keep quoting and reactionary write some lines. If you were going to post hard, better do it in 3 "full-length" pages without constant newlines.
if this means a daytona usa 2 port in some form i will be fine with it
Retro studios is apart of Nintendo?
It's almost like as if the guy that makes all those Yakuza games is really into Yakuza shit.
i normally write up really long-winded posts but i don't really have it in me to write something too huge in honor of your crusade but i just wanna say thanks
Seriously holy shit has Holla Forums recently gotten annoying as hell at times with the people shitting up threads for EPIC BANTZ or whatever the fuck it is they're after. You're my realest nigga
Seems like a good way to bring SEGA to the normalfags. I don't really even own a smartphone so whatever, but hopefully this'll raise brand awareness and get unknowledgable faggots to have good taste in vidya.
SEGA hasn't been the kind of company to bend over backwards for normalfags for money so I have faith in them, but while I'm hopeful and excited for the future of them, I'm still cautious because I've seen shit be fucked up before. Here's hoping they end up doing some good shit though. The two new Sonic games look fucking rad and I'm planning on playing them, but I just don't think this mobile game shit is for me. I like the over-the-top 90's style advertising they had for that trailer, though.