Spoopy Night Time Yan Thread
Spoopy Night Time Yan Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
And not a single (you) was given!!!
If you are reading this then your thread was USURPED by the Great Fortune Lucky God Yan!!!!
Good luck and fortune will come to you, but only if you post -Rub Yan Tummy- In this thread!
Good Night
Oh good
I was just thinking there weren't enough dog fuckers around
Don't worry, I'm sure some cat fuckers will show up too eventually.
this is considered spam is against the rules
and against*
shit load of content here being disrupted
call the police
Damn, I just emptied the thread of all the relevant conversations that were totally there to start with. What a crime.
however this isn't a place to just image dump
unless you do what Ban did a couple of weeks ago and make your own thread for it(i dont remember if it did ever get used either)
Why would it not be a place to image dump when literally nobody is talking and nothing is happening? I don't exactly see the damage.
can't even tell if you're serious or not.
Why would I not be serious? Nothing is being disrupted. If I weren't sitting here talking to you nobody in the thread would have said anything for like the last 10 minutes.
I'm not really sure people would want to exactly come to the thread and post in it though that's just a bias I guess. Feel free to prove me wrong, I'm gonna continue exploring the void.
You do realize like half the posters like furshit, and of the half that don't most of them don't care if it's posted.
Post nongay furshit pls
I wish I hadn't gone to bed in the middle of the day.
Ain't spoopy unless I'm here.
Hey spoopmeister.
Hey furmerchant.
How go the alcoholic binges?
Friend invites me to drink in the pub today, I got work tomorrow so I only can drink 2-3 pints.
I'm more concerned with payday, to be honest.
Aww man, why did you have to say payday? My brother has a Payday bar on his dresser that I've been trying really hard not to steal and eat for days now.
What about you?
How are things on your end?
All I buy is cheap indie games, booze and cigarettes... with shitty ramen too.
Slow night tonight guys?
Waiting to hear back for interview stuff. Not much really.
So fucking rare to see sfur ever
Too bad cigarettes are like $800 a pack now.
That's because everyone who comes to this board is a gaymo.
Cigarette packs are considered cheap housing in London.
And i hope you get that job, with enough hours and higher pay.
Let's keep it that way.
I don't wanna tempt fate and end up seeing rarer forms of deviancy here, I'm already ashamed of myself as it is.
What brands do you have over there?
Eh, it'll be part time if I do get it, and probably only eight and hour.
Quite the same as yours, since they're a global industry.
I smoke either Player's, Carltons or Windsor Blue's; since they're usually the cheapest.
And sometimes you smoke all three at the same time.
I am quite the mess.
Can you blame me?
Yes, I can blame you. Thank you for asking.
If I could physically fill your face with cigarettes, I absolutely would.
make your own moonshine to save money and then sell some of it for profit in the underground to bring down the establishment
fuck this gay earth.
I can't help being an excitable force o' nature!
Just sayin'.
I doubt anyone would like to try my moonshine, let alone buy the stuff.
If I brought down the establishment, I wouldn't be top hipster!
Oh no.
it's quite upsetting, darwin. hold me.
I can't wait until the game drops down in price a year from now.
Post more pantsu instead.
I rarely buy games day one for this reason, but I loved human revolution enough that I knew I wanted this one right away.
hate it when this happens
I'd say three strikes, you're out. If it happens a third time with the same person, I think that he might be gay.
It's one of my favorite games, I don't mind waiting though.
I hope not. I hate gay guys. it's no fun because they actually openly enjoy what you do.
you're more "patient gamer" than I, for sure.
this is where it's at, tbh. phone sex is weird as hell, tried it once and was like NOPE.
I really like edgy-asuka
I can imagine she is 3x the cunt she was from the original series
well now I'm sad all over again about him dying.
I, too, am sullen.
I cant into phonecalls at the best of times... Cybersexxxing is more acceptable and processable...
She isn't edgy... s-she just has feelings and stuff. Linkin Park feelings.
top tier
he was pretty fucking amazing.
it's also a good way to explore a ton of fetishes.
I really haven't got anything to post, I may just lurk forever now.
huh, I thought I had the megasweet drawing of the healslut boy from scanners image but I guess I never saved it.
At least out of all the assholes who frequent here and play their 'personas' and shit, and lie out their asses, and make you uncomfortable or straight up berate you, at least Chiri never gave a shit about you the entire time.
"hey darwin, whatcha lookin' at?"
I'm sure you'll find more stuff to post.
thank goodness. it's a huge load of my mind to know this
Atleast there is that.
Knowing what shame you are.
What level of degeneracy you are.
And having to face up to that everyday on the bus.
Hoping the thought police aren't scanning you.
God damned policia.
Scratch that, I'm gonna have a nap, nini.
I just assume we're all being watched constantly and trust that my life is so boring no one on earth will give a shit about the degenerate stuff I do.
For what fucking purpose?
why would I save this
everyone has this cap at this point.
have a nice nap.
hey bern.
that or a tripfag clone.
what, was I supposed to tell the difference?
later, skater
that's not even a difficult corner and he isn't sliding.
barefoot points but no dorifto
**Scheduled Delivery:
Tuesday, 08/23/2016, by 10:30 A.M.**
welp time to shoot myself.
I hope you ordered a UPS driver to slap you.
Post more of them.
because I would have
Post less of them.
Why must you be like this?
I didn't realize you could order such a thing but I'll look into it.
I don't have much of this stuff saved, you degenerate.
Because of you.
You made me this way.
isn't moe anthropomorphism at its highest concentration just a shiba inu?
What an enormous pile of horseshit.
The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long, and you have burned so very, very brightly, Licky.
I typically find stuff on an "as needed" basis and don't bother saving it.
I have many more years in my life than you old man, I shall burn forever.
you tell 'im, licky.
stop posting that, and get a ups driver to slap you for money. and find outlets where I can slap you, but we say that it's an art exhibit so the violence is part of the exhibit and I beat the shit out of you after we both sign our clauses.
that sounds quite lovely, actually.
I'm going to start asking the pizza delivery girl to slap me in the face for a $5 tip in the online delivery instructions
tell me if that works because that would actually be hilarious.
You fail me yet again.
Only in my heart.
at this point you should be used to it.
I am trying to apply the "people change" garbage.
thought the flower petal was a condom for a moment.
What do you mean 'works'?
one thing you can always count on, is that I will let you down, darwin-kun.
bwaka bwaka
well, I think it's unlikely that they will actually slap you, but if they do, that would be funny.
I appreciate you not changing and providing me reasons to be vexed by your presence, then.
well I would try to make the delivery instructions clear.
I would then ask the driver if they have received the delivery instructions.
should everything go to plan, I may get my slap, or at the very least the delivery driver may state their aversion to violence for which I would substitute a high-5
it's what I do.
last one for you.
best of luck, chiri.
it's too late to order pizza here.
Will you slap me?
I kind of prefer to be on the receiving end of those.
You would, you dumb useless bitch.
Waiting for my fannypack to be delivered today...
see why can't more people treat me like this
Gif subtitles: "eh no I'm not really turned on at all, sorry"
Because you aren't a bitch enough, or the people you talk to are just pussies.
mostly the second one I think. everyone is just too subby.
Cup you're posting BOYS
is there a problem? plus I stopped.
I woke up just in time
you actually got some sleep?
Yeah, there is really no end to subs, I wish there were more doms, but I hate DomxDom and I hate subs. where do I turn to to get slapped in the face and slap someone else in the face and we just keep slapping each other until one of us gives up...
Care to join us?
I know! It's hard to believe, isn't it? Uni gives me a reason to act like a normal human.
In humiliating and demeaning Cuppers? Wouldn't miss it for the world~
Hila loves it.
She is an animal
Darwin is too subby, I would slap him if he didn't like it so damn much.
a slap game could be pretty fun.
a normal human? not sure you have enough experience at that to pull it off.
I bet you love getting slapped, licky.
we know you at least love getting shut down, since you keep trying to hit on squash.
I'll offer free slaps, but just this once for a limited time.
Squash loves me, he is just tsun about it
Wow, not even.
Chiri. Do not lie. Free slsaps are a given.
I dunno. kind of seems like he's just totally not interested in the slightest, but I'm a hopeless romantic so I hope it works out for you.
which trip was this I do not have it labeled
I can read his kokoro
Oh ya? Could a not normal human go to a sundae hangout and casually talk to the cute RA that lives right next door to my room?
as long as you e-enjoyed it, b-baka.
That is the one I still use on 4chan.
fighto, licky-kun
probably, if they tried really really hard.
I won't give you the satisfaction of knowing I loved it.
Yes I thought so, I just had it saved without a label.
It is a good trip
Well I did! I talked to myself in the mirror until I learned to stop making awkward twitches so much!
I accept your packaged logical fallacy. Such intention warms my cold little heart.
I wear it proudly to this day because some idiot gave it to me and it made me feel special.
that slap gif was for you, by the way.
that's a totally normal thing to do for sure.
And in return he got a second hand retired trip!
Ya...so fuck you!
That is how I roll.
Oh, just realized it was a gif, thanks.
I could watch this all day.
Post more.
you probably would, fag.
yeah it's a good one.
maybe another time.
needs more first person interactions.
The very worst of people
maybe when vr stops being so shit
Bird eggs have been valuable foodstuffs since prehistory, in both hunting societies and more recent cultures where birds were domesticated. The chicken was probably domesticated for its eggs from jungle fowl native to tropical and subtropical Southeast Asia and India before 7500 BCE. Chickens were brought to Sumer and Egypt by 1500 BCE, and arrived in Greece around 800 BCE, where the quail had been the primary source of eggs.
Why don't you stop being so shit?
Let's """"""interact"""""" in vr ;)))))
Any time, any place bitch. Let's fuckin interact.
more verbal abuse please
Nah you'd just like it.
well yeah, that's the point.
What I'd give to have a dinosaur egg. think of the amulet size...
so you're one of the odd ones who .. I'm not going to exemplefy your methodology but perhaps you have a niche fetish?
if it's not dominance, and if not even just physical retribution or harm , I wonder
I like my amulettes well done.
I like my amulets infused with evil.
With all of our modern medicine, we can't cure stupid
Fucking FUCK
Fuck this phone
catgirls have been out since 2006, you didn't get the memo
a niche fetish? I don't think enjoying verbal abuse is all that uncommon, actually.
-tummy growl-
hiya neko
i just took a C++ exam on 2 hours sleep
I'm glad someone appreciates it.
What's up?
why the fuck did you have poor planning if you were trying to be a fucking coder, are you a fucking idiot or did you want the exam to be a challenge?
it is a favorite of mine.
well done
how's it goin'
im tired
Just got off work
It was the most boring night ever
Could've been worse. You could've taken a Java exam on hours of sleep.
Oh, my mistake. It's wearing a dress. I will refer to it by the pronoun 'it'.
Not everyone understands or appreciates being verbally assaulted these days.
toasters used to scare me when I was tiny too
you say that about every night though
wouldn't a java exam wake you up?
fam, id happily write java instead of C++
you have to go back
oh wait, darwin is just jealous because now licky won't give him attention
Eh. I leave for work in like 30 min anyway.
He never does anyway.
well those people are bakas. or the people who should be busy verbally assaulting me.
This one was especially boring though
he gave you plenty just this thread. you just never appreciate anything.
Ohoho, look at you with the puns.
It's that kind of attitude that made Minecraft horribly unstable.
and then everyone asked Chiri about her morning egg recipes, of which were all amazing and easy to make in short amount of time.
yeah but because you are so bored all the time I have no way to be sure
like, i appreciate that C++ is worth knowing, but jesus fuck is it horrible to use
I'm sorry.
Hopefully it's a short day of work.
minecraft is bad because notch sucks at programming
He was only insulting me.
well by the time you're getting back I'll probably be off to work myself. and then I'll be spending the rest of my day playing the new deus ex game.
but you love that. you delightful human being, you
neru senpai, you know any prolog?
yup. not overwatch. I've been waiting for this game since the minute I finished human revolution.
That would explain why he sld out so willingly.
is licky
Overwatch is absolute garbage.
we'll see.
It was a hug
my big guy
We've gotten used to seeing so much fat, old dog cock that it hardly matters to us anymore. Conversely we've also seen a lot of underage asian cartoon porn, so I don't think it hardly matters to us anymore.
The only thing I had to do all night was sit on my phone and wait until my shift was over
It was more dead than this thread was
nnn only the very basics
I know.
I belong to someone else though.
League is complete twaddle too.
I would love to be able to just browse the internet on my phone all day at work. I miss working nightshifts.
well at least you're fair
Anything but that
Yes yes, stop being grumpy and accept the compliment.
don't disappoint us, more fat old dog cock.
One day I am going to get caught lol
league is shit
the only way it's fun is when you're in a skype call with 4 other people constantly shittalking eachother as you play.
yeah but you don't sound very upset about the idea.
All video games suck.
You're so negative
But that's what you want.
I still don't understand why.
This is why I don't play many games with you people.
shame, im kinda curious as to how good it is for general programming purposes, i know OOP extensions exist for it but all ive done so far with it is make an eliza
Would you buy that it is because you are a wonderful and charming person?
I liked what you were posting earlier :3
It's very unlikely
I thought it was because the rest were single player games.
Ram is best
A wise guy, eh?
That's because you're gross, my dude.
waste of a post
post better.
that's why nightshift is so great
Only late at night when I am too tired to remember I am not clever.
Overwatch has M E M E S too, so it's objectively better than league.
Did it went good?
Bout to lunch, pissed off at phone.
squash is kind of a dick for not letting a sweet guy like licky have his way with him tbh
Not one bit
Yeah I just don't like being alone
I would prefer to know why you are suddenly after me like this before I give any thing back.
yeah I know. you're super needy.
i think it went ok, im not sure exactly how well ive done but ive got to have scraped a pass at least
I've had enough people use me emotionally to not have my guard up.
tsk tsk tsk
nice desu ne
Me too. It feels great.
Often I find that beer is the conduit in which I find my consciousness slip.
Many of them can induce things
i dont like C++ ;_;
What are you having?
is ok tho
You're LYING
Raisin carrot cake is pretty good. Who knew that something as shitty as carrots could be edible when diluted with sugar at a ratio of 10:1?
but employment prospects
there there. no need to cry little girl.
from time to time i like to eat carrots raw
Carrots are the best vegetable tho
I always knew you were into raw dogging with carrots.
I'm not a girl
Why does everyone keep saying that?
Remember to brush your tongue too
one of
raw carrots are nice
It's THE best
There's not exactly a lot of competition. Vegetables would lose out to bricks as a food group if bricks were edible.
But they're good for you!
because you are a cute girl. just deal with it.
Hi, GarEE.
there are some pretty great veggies. and some are even better when you find ways to make them super unhealthy. like bacon wrapped asparagus.
I've literally never felt more insulted in my life.
Don't worry, I eat plenty of vegetables. Fried potatoes make up like half my diet, easily.
Nodoby's representing celery in that technically it's not bad for you.
you just hate neko because she is constantly horrible to you and your kind all the time always. get over yourself you nerd.
seriously. line crossed, darwin.
Going sleeps
Goodnight Kyle, I will see you soon in my dreams.
Yeah, let's take an overrated meat and wrap it around some gross green stuff. That will be quite the treat.
I'm not either of those
There's so many ways to make potatoes. I think i mifht actually like them more than carrots tbh
sleep tight licky
The blame is on you for emulating him, albeit unintentionally.
Cupcake PLS
You should. They're the only vegetable worth a damn. I guess broccoli can stay too, but only if potato vouches for him.
Can you just stop being mean to Squash simply out of jealosy of not being Squash and maybe tone your shit level down to background whining so that we can get on with our lives and not have to deal with your problems
Be nice to my waifu.
I mean, it tastes fucking delicious, so yeah.
whatever you say, cutie.
accept responsibility for your actions. you knew that was a blow even lower than usual from you.
squash is one of my best friends.
my bad
carry on
you are taken!
Forgive me, Master.
It was surprise that I have already made it that far.
I wish I had internet friends :(
Raw broccoli is gross without something to dip it in
This convo is making me so hungry
I say the truth!
Ya, tone your meanness down
even though I sense much sarcasm in this post, I will accept your apology.
oh. well, yeah. don't make it gay.
sometimes you do, girly.
hush, you.
I'm off to work.
Wish me luck.
All the time
good luck ya ole dog lover
c u l8r
one faggot leaves another shows up
Licky would have.
be a good girl and hush now.
That's why you cook the shit out of it and mix it with a hundred other things until you can't taste it.
What, you're leaving?
raw broccoli with ranch is amazing.
I'd rather wish your coworkers luck.
It is a terrible shame that he left dejected due to your insecurities, then.
Now that is some good anthro on human
get eaten by a mechanical sorting system
Me and Kyle have a support schedule set up so you'll never be alone.
I know this is a joke but I'm finding myself oddly touched by the idea.
I agree with the anthro part at least.
I'm oddly touched by the idea of your interest in other's relationships but I know this is a joke.
Just don't tell the officer it was a bad touch.
Hush now quiet now
I love it steamed and salted. But not steamed to the point where it's all mushy and gross i like it just nice and crunchy
That would be one awkward conversation with your dad.
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That's just 2 Bronson Extract, 2 Powdered Delta, 2 Flanergide and 4 Karmotrine, I don't see how that's illegal.