I've seen a lot of mixed opinions about the original Crash saying it's not really a challenging game or a platformer. But is that taking into account how it has aged over the years or always? Do you think it was a great game when it came out 2 decades ago?
Original Crash Bandicoot
Crash Bandipoot
only good if you have a "double" setup, where you bind the r1/r2/bumpers to move left and right.
Now you can go real fast.
What do you even mean by original Crash? That's not a picture of Crash 1. Crash 1 is very obviously a platformer in every way. It is definitely quite difficult, getting the gems on some levels requires a high level of mastery of the game. It copies more from older games like Donkey Kong Country whereas most popular platformers of that era copied from Mario 64.
I think he's talking about original crash trilogy now that we have the crash nsane trilogy.
Well I meant the original Trilogy. The new remaster gives me lots of bitter sweet feelings.
Sure, the original crash games arent that hard,
but try beating crash 3 100%. Go on, do it.
You'll find its really fun to do so and challenging
I'd be OK with it if it was more stylized and the colors were darker
it was legendary
I can't wait to see how much it butchers the three games.
There are already hour long gameplay videos. It's exactly what you'd expect except it goes out of its way sometimes and tries too hard to remaster things. Certain sounds have unfamiliar new sound effects. Also they made it so you can play as Coco for fuck knows what reason. It doesn't even fit her character. She carries around her laptop and spins and breaks boxes. The fuck?
Also there's something that irks me about the style of the game, I can't put my finger on it but it just looks meh
Also I gotta know, do youtubers have a terminal illness that is lethal unless "hit the subscribe/like button" is said once every 5 minutes?
Something about it feels off compared to the originals, kind of like what mentioned.
The game looks like everything was made out of plastic and rubber, just like the plastic crap toys I used to play with as kid back in the late80s early 90s. That's what is off about it.
I legitimately still do not have an answer to this after all these years.
By better, do you mean "more fun," "more well-made," or "more important"?
What a totally stupid notion.
The remaster looks too fucking sterile.
I think the player is just a retard who doesn't know there's a charge button
or they removed the charge
99% sure they removed jumping inside geometry to go even faster
It was popular because everyone wanted Mario 64.
What is this post even saying?
Crash 1 was nothing like Mario 64.
The original game was so hard they had to cut out an entire level. You can still play it with gameshark codes though.
They're bringing it back in the remaster.
Everyone wanted something like Mario 64 on the ps1.
They didn't realise that until they bought it.
the original game wasn't as hard as you'd think, only certain 100% bits were hard and even then that's only because you wouldn't really get it the first time around
I am getting tired of hearing this "argument". It seems like delusional faggots who never experienced the original games but base their opinion on spiritual successors/remakes which are generally shit. Its happened with Megaman (Mighty Number 9), its Happened with Banjo Kazooie (Yookah Laylee), and its now Happening with Crash.
I know it has happened with sonic too, so it makes me wonder if they is some kind of group mentality trying to convince everyone that all the games we used to consider good and use as a frame of reference for what makes a good game is garbage. It seems to happen with every new release/spiritual successor.
I think its more of a combination between edginess and trolling.
But the thing is it doesn't originate from the chans. Sure, they are some faggots here who say that, but overwhelmingly mostly comes out of other places. You have it with those click bait nonsenses flying around youtube too.
And underage b&s who would rather revise history rather than lurk in another person's hobby.
To me it seems like retard kids who don't bother to learn the game or think their opinion is fact and try to shift public opinion in their favor.
I dont know about the remakes, but i still 100% 1-3 every few years and still enjoy my time with them.
Feels real fucking good when cracking out an old gem and playing it to completion.
The Crash trilogy is amazing even to this day. They were games where not even the plot took itself seriously, and it was one the few platform mascot games to truly stand out.
You could play as Coco in The Wrath of Cortex, as well, and although most of her levels were kind of boring and there weren't many to begin with, they were still much better than this shit.
Only on vehicles.
Is it just me, or does that screenshot look exactly like a low-texture quality version of the N-Sane trilogy? It has the same shit plasticey style, just lower res textures.
Why did they take the style from the shitty one? Fucking christ, you could have done something similar to Twinsanity, that looked way better.
or just don't rape the originals
It's probably just you. The N. Sane Trilogy has way better models and brighter colors.
In that case, the original Crash trilogy. They might not have been huge 3D platformers like 64, but they certainly controlled a lot better and had more interesting aesthetics and models.
Games don't age, YOU age. Games aren't wine.
If you only want to do enough to beat the game, then the original series is most a smooth ride with some peaks here and there. Now, if you want 100%, then you have a good challenge.
Great controls, presentation and frame rate, go play it, but don't buy any "collection" or "remaster" edition, don't give your money to the nostalgic jew. Burn the ISO and play on a console, or play on the PSP or, in the last case, emulate.
I don't know. I don't recall the polar levels being as slow as the remake video without the use of a dash.
I'm still pretty amazed how some of the crash games looked fantastic.
I mean the lighting for the dark levels in Crash 2, that was some really impressive stuff.
Actually looking back I guess Orient Express was slow without the dash button
Crash 3 is my least favorite of the three so I wouldn't really know much about it.
I normally hear about how Crash 1 is hard as fuck. Though 2 and 3 are a lot easier. But then if you try to get the Platinum Relics in 3, good fucking luck.
The Crash games are definitely among the best of all time. Just fucking look at it. I don't want to be a graphics whore, but Crash and Spyro make everything else on PS1 look like shit. People talk shit about PS1 graphics and I never understand it because Crash is what comes to mind when I think of PS1. Then I realize they're thinking of Final Fantasy VII or something, but that's not the PS1's fault. PS1 had games, early games, that had fantastic graphics.
The sound again is awesome, with memorable songs and themes that make every level memorable. But also, it blew my fucking mind when I heard the full voice acting in Crash 2 and 3. Meanwhile, N64 was stuck with nothing but text for nearly every game, except for late stage technological marvels like Conker. But to this day I can vividly hear the specific deliveries for every line in these games. Helps that they got good actors like Clancy Brown. Still mad that they got Lex Lang for the N. Sane Trilogy. Surely they at least tried to get Brown, I hope. Though I couldn't imagine why he wouldn't do it when he's in every cartoon made in the last 20 years.
But the gameplay is of course the main thing, and it's the best part. I appreciate Crash for being a pure platformer. In this era, platformers started to get confused with collectathons. Games like Banjo Kazooie where you do practically no platforming whatsoever, and instead just walk around and fight things. Even Mario 64 has this to a degree (though it still has a great deal of platforming). Crash took a different route and went for linear but tightly designed levels. In Mario 64 it was hard for the devs to make platforming challenges when you could just walk around them, and so you got the Bowser stages. Crash was nothing but the Bowser stages. Though this isn't to say that Crash was copying Mario 64, they were made at the same time, but Miyamoto has said that part of the reason they made Mario 64 have open levels was because they couldn't find a way to make it as fun when it was linear. Crash got around that by just focusing on very tight design in those linear levels. Much like Mario would later do with 3D Land and 3D World. Or like Sonic would do when it finally became 3D with Sonic Adventure.
Personally, 3D Platformers are my favorite genre, and Crash is the best example of that genre, in my opinion. It keeps the formula pure and does it well.
That said, Crash 1 is like half 2D, and Crash 3, while having almost no 2D sections, is like half vehicle levels. I like the 2D and the vehicles, but I just wish I could get more Crash style 3D platforming. Few games do it the same way. I hope if the N. Sane Trilogy does well they do actual sequels with the knowledge of the design philosophy that they would have gained from remaking the originals from scratch. But when they do, do more regular 3D platforming levels and less 2D and vehicle levels.
It doesn't matter if it fits her character. It's a bonus character. This is exactly the type of new content they should be adding.
holy shit
Stop posting.
I went back to them recently, but I just couldn't get back into them like I had before. They feel slow compared to Mario or Sonic, and their collectables aren't as fun to gather up compared to Lego games.
rock the dpad left to right.
All the sliding around just makes me wanna play F-Zero…
Wrath of Cortex is better than everything that came out after Twinsanity.
Play Crash 3. You gotta go fast as fuck in that one.
Crash isn't meant to be a collectathon, it's not about the collectables. The only things to collect for completion are crates, and they're very rarely hidden. The closest you get is alternate routes that are unlocked by 100%ing a different level or by not dying up to a certain point in the level. It's not about exploration as much as skillful platforming. It's not at all the same beast as the lego games.
Except in the scuba levels which are the worst fucking things in the series.
If you want the relics you still need to go pretty damn fast in those. Takes a ton of tiny little tricks to increase your speed enough to get the Platinums.
Looks fine, faggots.
I don't like the new sound effects tho
Damn straight. Crash can do much worse than Wrath of Cortex, as we've seen.
I want to replay these but my PS1 is 3 states away. What's the best emulator to use if I want 1080p upscaling, ePSXe?
I would use retroarch and the psx cores it has
…Or should I do Retroarch? Mednafen?
Not trying to turn this into an emulation thread, just want a sound response. I've heard Retroarch and Mednafen are supposed to be more accurate, but I'd prefer it to not look like a pixelated mess.
Alright, I'll try it out, I appreciate it.
Has this fucking mongoloid literally never played a video game in his entire life?
Fucking PS1 game, with OK-ish visuals, on a PS4
And it's thirty fucking frames a second
Sonyggers BTFO
Probably not. If you can't make one of the first basic jumps in the game you clearly should not be trying to monetize youtube videos and should instead get a real job.
Does every "remaster" have to replace the iconic sound design with some generic shit? Is that some kind of unwritten rule I don't know about? They are going for the "nostalgia" market, aren't they? Are they just unable to contain their natural proclivity for ruining older games?
Crash 1 is the best Crash.
The fact that it assrapes casuals just makes it better.
Who is this guy?
Where you that bad on your first time?
No? So that can't be it. It's just a normalfag unsuccessfully pretending to have some understanding of video games. Nothing new.
But the original Crash games were 30fps.
Did this guy immigrate from the fucking moon?
Is he even HUMAN!?
He sounds like he has some kind of brain damage, doesn't he? His difficulties don't bother me, because this is not a game for people like him.
What bothers me is how Activision had this guy near the top of their list of people they want to promote this game. Someone who has trouble traversing one of the first parts of the game requiring you to press a button to proceed.
A verified YouTuber in the address book of Activision's PR and/or the agent with his "multi-channel network". This is who they trust to introduce the game to potential customers.
The PS1 sound effects and voice clips are too compressed.
lel, sure thing bud
Even God of War 3 (which is much prettier) got bumped to 60fps for a PS4 re-release because if devs are capable of it they will go for 60fps every time, and only idiots believe the "30fps is a choice" excuse
If they can't find better copies, leave it in, or try and make something that sounds like it. The sound of the game is important enough to be preserved, and anyone who can't recognize that fact shouldn't be working in any kind of media involving it.
So were the first four Halo games along with ODST, yet even the mentally handicapped developers at 343 were able to get a good framerate when they brought them to Xbone.
If you're going to throw the art direction and sound design out the window, at least bring up the framerate, even if it means 900p graphics.
Good point. I don't know that much about game development, but maybe they didn't have that much space or something. It is a remade 3-game collection.
That has absolutely nothing to do with the framerate, it's because of shoddy programming that they can't hit a stable 60fps, and decide to limit it to 30 instead.
Unlike other collections, this is actually remade for real. It's not just retexturing and upscaling and shit. It is, in technical terms, a new game. Hence why it lives up to the standards of new games, low as those may be.
has nothing to do with hard drive space, more has to do with performance.
There is absolutely no excuse for a fucking PS1 remake to be 30 FPS, shill.
I'm not defending 30 fps. I think it's a shit deal; I'm just trying to come up with explanations as to why they did it.
They're shitty programmers and they can't into optimization just like everyone else nowadays, that's why.
Because it looks like an uninspired, probably rushed, and watered-down hackjob of a remake?
Because it's by Vicarious Visions under Activision?
Even if you don't like it, are there many more cases of actually remaking games from the ground up, yet staying so faithful to the physics and level designs? I mean any other games would just do simple remasters rather than remakes for this, but they clearly put more effort in than that when they decided to remake it from scratch. They may have failed, but they tried to put effort in.
Halo: Master Chief Collection, Halo: Anniversary, both Zelda HD remakes on the Wii U, Super Mario All-Stars, Super Mario 64 DS, Namco Museum's first five volumes, Capcom Generations, Arcade's Greatest Hits, Sega Ages on Saturn, the list goes on and on. None of those involved emulation, they were all re-made, often from the ground up.
Well, I'm all torn up on the effort they put in when their subpar product is still $50 with no refunds or some other kind of satisfaction guarantee system. They only give a shit about this game for as much money as they can cheaply and quickly squeeze out of it and they don't give a shit about your satisfaction because nothing bad happens to them if their games aren't any good.
I knew the Mario examples but thought the others were simple remasters with some added features. Interesting.
I'm not telling you to feel pity. But you said it was rushed, and I pointed out that they put in more effort than they needed to. I'm not gonna argue with you about the rest because I didn't disagree in the first place. Stop creating strawman arguments to shoot down.
It's insane how poorly made everything is nowadays.
Hardware is only getting faster for materialistic, consumerist purposes. In actual reality, software always seems to catch up to it and make it as slow as always, rendering all developments pointless, and design itself becomes more and more inferior.
Just burn down the modern world already.
Anyway, go play the original games. Marathon them. Do it on a CRT if you can. They actually still look damn good.
And don't forget CTR, like Activision did.
Yes, that would be one of the original games. I played it in 2015 or 2016.
I also played Crash Bash again fairly recently. It's alright. Not as good as the others, though. It's a fun concept for sure, though.
Nobody asked for the shitty new sound design or the borked art direction.
The greentext part of your post is not at all related to the non greentext part.
Nobody asked for their shitty "effort", including (and not limited to) the redone art direction and sound effects.
Not the point. I was only disagreeing on one point.
I like the idea of time trails in Crash 1 and 2 as i spent a lot of time getting all platium relics in Crash 3 back in the day. So they did make some effort into this because of that. If it was no effort at all they would just update the graphics and that is it
Relics in that game are a modern method of torture.
Especially the crashball ones.
fuck Mad Bomber
Hopefully they do still have dev times that you can see after getting all Platinums in a game. And hopefully now you can actually look at them without beating the final boss and watching the credits every time you want to check the time for a level.
What worries me is that, though the physics seem very accurate, they are technically new, so any minute changes would change the difficulty of getting the Relics and Dev Times in warped. For the first two that's not a problem, since those times will be new, but I wonder if the times for Warped will be the same as before, of if they'll be different. And either way, how will the difficulty be affected?
Fuck those Coco jet ski missions, I played through the game last night and those levels frustrated me to no end.
Really? The Coco missions I can usually gold on the first try when I pick up the game. I think it was the first console game I ever owned though, back ageless aeons ago.
The vast majority of times rely on non-extensive movement techs (aka no spin ledgegrabbing, air jumps/slide, Nitro/TNT spin, jumping inside geometry, wiggle jumps or other bullshit) as long as NSJ is still there all the old times are beatable theoretically, still requires cycles to be the same or not obstruct you even if they're different.
My gripe was with trying to get all the crates for the gems, the time trial isn't bad at all.
The one time that was ever bad was the dark polar level and that one insanely hard ice level, both in crash2
Sure they probably won't be unbeatable, but I also want them to not be easier. None of the relic times require any glitch movements like you described, you can do them all with the basic moves, and I have, before learning all this shit from the internet. Just it was hard as fuck. But that's the fun. Maybe the fact that I don't use any of those moves explains why I can't beat any dev times, though.
Given the level of detail they seem to be giving, I doubt they'll fuck up the cycles. Most of them are pretty obvious if you start going for the Platinum times, so I think they'd notice the importance.
Gems are easy mode. You can take your time and be as thorough as you want. The relics are way harder. Level 26 is a particular bitch with Coco.
why does she take her laptop out of her malletspace pocket, presumably its safer in there, also why would she want it in her hands when she's spinning, she'd have to grip it extra hard to not have it fly out of her hands due to centrifugal force and smash against a wall into about a billion pieces
just why
I actually got a platinum on the last Coco level the last time I played 3. It's the most open of the bunch, so if you get the pathing down, it's not too hard. It's one of the few levels I ever got a platinum relic on; that, and Eggipus Rex. With a bit of luck, you can even beat the developer time w/o too much trouble.
Hot Coco and Eggapus Rex are special levels that you reach by super secret methods. I've also never not gotten the Platinum on them, even when I was a kid. I'm pretty sure the Platinum Times on those ones are unusually long or something. Maybe because you can't actually look at the times in the Warp Room, so they just made it easy.
The devs times for regular platforming levels for most part are beatable with three of the "intended" as in the devs knew but didn't fix tricks, activating the trial from slightly offscreen with the bazooka, NSJ and 3D jumps, and obviously you need all 5 powers and a good route.