ITT: Fun games Holla Forums never ever talks about

Now I have to play it.


Soul Sacrifice was the reason to buy a vita or a vita TV, it was a fucking magical game
I imagine if the psvita ever get's an emulator you'll see people crawl out of the woodwork to start praising this game and how it was such a masterpiece, kinda how people didn't fucking play dissidia till there was a psp emulator
To all who haven't, please play Soul Sacrifice

And kinda like being exclusive to sell a console hurts a game that could otherwise be universally recognized as good.

I do not disagree with you

If only.

What's a shekel-grubber to do?

Delta features the original story line, plus the new one with more bosses, attacks, dress up, and side stories. There is no reason to ever buy the original now
If you cannot grab it from the salted sealovers, wait for a sale of delta, or suck it up.

Strike Suit Zero

I remember you. Have the game download, still haven't played it. Probably will now that Vita has a working cfw psp emulator