I am not joking! These are the exact same animations from the Souls games just reskinned!
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Why wouldn't they reuse them?
So? What if I wanted Dark Souls 3 but with edgy anime skin? This is exactly that - they are selling specific product to a specific audience - ME.
Because it's an entirely different game that should have a different feel to it, but instead they just want to make anime dark souls.
Even then, though, the animations should be different since it is a new game and should have its own combat. Otherwise it's just a reskinned dark souls.
I'm fine with reused animations but I really
hope they add more color to the final game. Why does everything have to be that awful yellow-brown?
I'd tell you to get better taste and stop wasting your life since it's finite.
And that makes it okay to lift the combat animations - let alone the death animation - from the Souls games? That makes this level of laziness acceptable?
What is wrong with you people?
It's okay if from soft does it.
It was obviously always meant to be anime bloodborn to begin with and making new animations would have been a waste of time.
Artistic integrity
I think the running animations are slightly different, buy yeah I can see which enemies they ripped individual moves from. I wonder if fromsoft has any legal options here.
Does not compute.
But I want anime dark souls, I don't want it to have different animations. And my taste is obviously superior to yours. Thank god Bamco makes games for those who plays them.
You fags are just like feminists - you want shit to change, but you won't play it either way.
Fuck off of my hobby.
This guy gets it.
Don't play dumb, nigger. I was being facetious anyway.
This game looks terribly boring.
Ya'll just bashing it because it's anime when in fact it's much superior to your western SJW garbage. Get owned, libruls
jokes on you I am dumb.
Why does everyone in this game wears masks?
It's made by the Godeater team right? I really wouldn't expect anything good.
It's part of their master plan.
That explains everything, GE is such fucking garbage.
At least its not PS4 exclusive. Bloodborne was trash, 30fps occasionally but half the time it was like 20. I didn't even bother with it, I traded that garbage in. How you consolefags deal with 30fps with dips is beyond me.
How could they be the same ?
Does Bamco own Dark Souls or does Fromsoft ?
I'm not really seeing it tbh.
Looks like they added weight to the hits, that's nice.
About the reused animations, it's really lazy, but there is a limited number of different moves you can do with a weapon without looking retarded and most of those where already used on the souls games.
That level is a destroyed city at sunset, so that's actually how it should look. In the trailer the other environments looked different.
Still waiting for scorpion girl to be playable before i decide to buy this.
From is a developer, Bamco is publisher. Publisher usually owns shit, not dev.
This the worst, instead of dfc or big fuckn tiddies you get what's comparable to the loose skin on old people's arms.
You aren't allowed to tell people to get better taste.
none of those animations are from soulsborne games
maybe you should actually play them
And want is their master plan?
so it will also have enemies turning around mid-animation and suddenly killing you?
Not suprised.
Not even one fucking bit.
Crashing this industry WITH NO SURVIVORS.
Can anyone make a comparison video to see if this is true?
listen, i'm a fucking dark souls autist
they're not the same.
I don't even like BB but not playing something because of muh framerate when there are no other ways to play it sounds kind of petty and casual.
The only new ones are sword and halberd attacks protag uses. Enemy's ones and protag's movement/rolling are all from BB and DS3.
That only happened in DS2.
Having low standards is casual.
No, they aren't. You're wrong. The roll MIGHT be the same, but that's all.
But From has also had things published on Playstation exclusively by Playstation. Demon Souls was Atlus and Bloodborne was Sony.
t. shitter
No I'm not wrong.
So you won't play AC5 because there is no 60fps PC version?
so what is this? anime dark souls for casuals?
Dude I played Dark Souls 3 for two thousand hours. I'm not proud of myself but at least I'm not wrong about this.
But there is, emulation.
Also that one open source thing
I'm a Bloodborne autist. I know those moves from the enemy and from the protag. Even the dying animation is the same. Look at it again and you tell me you can't immadiately see the enemies we've fought before just in a new coat of paint pulling the same thrust, swings and stabs. Same animations.
Probably not, since Bamco probably owns the rights and code.
Yes. The last AC I played through (several times even) was Last Raven. I skipped most of the ps360 gen because fuck 30 fps.
I've played only DS1 and it happend in it all the time
disregard this post, I thought you were talking about Ace Combat
Weird I have like 500 hours in DS1 and don't remember that shit.
I guess that applies but i was talking about From Softs Armored Core, which really needs to be on PC.
It is still utterly lazy, but yeah I guess you have a point.
The closest we have is I guess Project Nimbus, although truth be told I'm starting to lose hope of that ever coming out.
How is this news?
This. The video looks fine to me.
And if if they do reuse animations from from, that's fine too. No point reinventing the wheel.
You can't stop me from tentatively looking forward to going vampire/monster hunting with a waifu in tow.
Sony does this shit all the time with the car models from GT4, 5, 6 and PSP have all used the 4 models and Sport seems to be doing the same.
I hated it so much that I dropped the game because I felt like the game is wasting my time with those cheap deaths.
I was after that double boss, I don't know how far it was.
Are you sure it's not DS2?
Double boss in DS1 is pretty far, but in DS2 it's pretty early.
Wow breaking news. Something they've done for years.
But seriously it's fucking hilarious that they cut corners all the tiem to save money, but they'll double down on Denuvo even thought it gets cracked left and right.
I hope they give you the option to customize your character or at least choose who you play as.
I don't want to play the entire game as that edgy-ass anime fuckboy.
God Eater had customization and yet no matter what you did you ended with an edgy-ass anime fuckboy.
Abandon your hopes here.
Well if i can at least make him a cute edgy-ass anime fuckboy then i will be satisfied.
Thank god. Then I can skip this without even an inkling of wanting to get it.
Do you also want to cum inside all the JoJos?
This, how many ways of swinging a fucking sword exist? Do you really expect to see a new moveset on every new game?
This is probably why they don't want to keep going with the souls games, there is only so much times you can repeat a formula
Maybe swords should take a hike and we should switch to whips or spears as the main weapon for medieval fantasy games.
You better not start spamming jojo yaoi again.
and when it comes to guys i prefer the ones that look like girls so i'd only accept narancia.
people keep falling for it!
Ya but I was watching it. It doesn't even look anime-like. Say like Trails of, Phantasy Star, Atelier, or Tales of. Just looks like generic hit shit in grimdark. Yeah I do agree with the whole "exact same moves" complaint being stupid. Rolls are rools, swings are swings, you slash from over your left shoulder to across your right knee etc. Can someone really proved the entire model moves the same way?
Because when they use the exact same animations it makes it clear how low-effort they intend to be and to just cash in on a carbon-copy "apocalyptic tokyo souls" like we've been meming for years. The sword swing animation I have a problem with not just because its copied, but because its clearly for a sword much smaller and more realistic than what the character is using. Different swords, especially longer or wider swords, have different distributions of weight and the way you'd swing them would change. I'm willing to give them a pass if they just say they're placeholder animations, which is likely the case considering how early in development this game seems to be.
Maybe it's from bloodborne/DS3, but I don't remember any of the souls series having those lunging attacks like at 40-45 seconds on that video.
Sure is neofag in here.
Wouldnt bother me tbh. I remember koei does this a lot as well. Like the movesets from toukiden 2 are from dynasty/samurai warriors
Nearly everything from the movement and animation speed, to the pacing of the combat and moody atmosphere without any music just screams Souls. The similarities are so obvious I shouldn't even have to mention them.
With that out of the way, this game better step up in delivering several unique mechanics, because the Souls series has gotten pretty stale at this point. If games like The Surge and Code Vein (judging by how it's being presented now) are going to be hailed as the evolution to this formula, then Nioh needs to be ported to all platforms, because that game was one "Souls-like" that actually had something new to offer.
Nioh was too fast paced in the combat and had diablo loot. More of a run-of-the-mill ARPG than a souls game in my opinion.
Shame. I like all kinds of men, you're missing out bud.
lmao fuck off with your baddie taste. "Diablo loot" as you put it lets you /fa/ it up without suffering too much in stats. The combat is much deeper in Nioh than in Dark Souls 3, which suffers from the same balancing issues the previous games did, where the viability of a weapon was dependent on its moveset and hitbox as much as the damage it could deal.
But thats a good thing?
Holy fuck, even some sounds are the same.
I am certainly getting that game. Did they promised multiplayer?
It works for Dark Souls, but I like the way Ni-oh does it better.
It's been a long time since I've seen a good old brown and grey game
Also why does everything in the game have a silver lining?
So retarded game journos that call everything "The Dark Souls of.." were actually correct for once eh? Broken clock, twice a day, etc.
I thought everyone was calling it Anime Dark Souls just because it seemed to play similarly but it really is Anime Dark Souls.
Why do the monsters have a loincloth while a huge cock is hanging from the middle of their face?
Well, if anything this might be the first clone that actually resembles the thing.
It's not a matter of taste, it's what defines the souls series as their own type of game in a sea of ARPGs. The weapon moveset thing, the slow, deliberate combat, and the non-grind loot.
You get weapons with ridiculous hitboxes like Santier's Spear or stupid fast movesets with huge hitboxes such that the metagame is shaped around using/countering those weapons. Ni-oh is fast and requires focus. Dark souls isn't "defined" by any single mechanic so much as the rabid fanboys who will defend its every flaw and feature.
Who cares about pvp
What exactly makes a game like Souls? The checkpoint system and the 'lose your currency when you die' mechanic, sprinkled with RPG elements and the possibility of different playstyles are the most common aspects across these games.
Combat pacing in Nioh is slightly faster than Souls, but it isn't quite on the same level as something like Devil May Cry or Ninja Gaiden, it's more grounded and less combo-focused. Hell, Team Ninja even patched out juggling from the game a while ago.
Name another clone that doesn't resemble the thing.
I'm more disappointed in the ruins, looks like too many average games shoveled our way.
i used to like more hunky jojo type boys but then something in me just turned off, and now i only like the girly-boys.
i think mike pence getting inaugurated put me on a reverse slippey slope, slowly degaying me.
Oh, I forgot about the stamina system, uncancellable attacks and looping levels with shortcuts and whatnot, you could say those are "must-haves" as well.
As far as the loot system goes, I honestly don't see it messing with the formula too much. That is mostly abstraction, and you could finish the game without worrying about having the best equipment possible at all times. That stuff is essentially added replay value meant for higher difficulties, you likely shouldn't even bother with the blacksmith during Way of the Samurai because soul matching equipment gets so insanely expensive anyway.
All of the loot in the souls series is roughly equivalent when upgraded, even the few direct upgrades are only a few points higher. You don't have random enhancements to grind for, it's not even an option.
but they're feminine boys instead of masculine boys.
I'm getting real tired of games putting cloth physics everywhere they possibly can, especially on characters that move extremely fast because it just looks like shit when it moves quickly. The capes and bits of cloth are constantly colliding with moving limbs and end up bouncing around and sometimes even clipping through itself. It looks real janky
People are giving this game too much shit tbh.
It could be a sleepee hit that beats all the Souls clones by combinibg DaS3 gameplay to DaS1 interconnected world.
Recycling material and dropping cutscenes is the way to save vidya from unlimited budget inflation.
i just want more bloodborne and if it can bring me that gameplay wise i'll be happy.
It does look a lot more like BB due to lol no shield.
I'm not doubting that it couldn't be good. But if they don't change the animations then it won't float well. Right now they're probably placeholder anims, and if not the shitstorm currently brewing will convince them to change it. Or can the game altogether, w/e works.
Bamco had nothing to do with Bloodborne m88.From Soft and Japan Studio(Sony) developed and published it.
they've chosen some gameplay footage that makes the game look incredibly tedious that's for sure
What does this have to do with Sony? AFAIK Code Vein will be on PC, Xbox and PS4.
Stop trying to justify your faggotry. You're a faggot and deserve to be thrown into a bog.
Why do so many edgy anime have some character with a gimp mask? Also have you noticed that a lot of those edgy anime have Re: or ; in the title?
I wonder if this game's sequel will be called Re: Code; Vein
It is an oni mask, what the samurai wear to battle.
A full set of samurai armor usually had a lower face mask that was meant to be fierce-looking, so like said they were usually oni-inspired.
Reminder souls-like is now a genre, and this game is what you'd call it.
Lord of the Fallen, Nioh, the last one I forgot the name, Dark Souls 2. Do I even need to mention the 2D """"clones""""?
Why do faggots in the comment section always feel the need to defend this?
What sickens me is that these aren't fanboys, just gullible retards
It already looks damn good.
that's not gonna do anything user, i know how to swim.
Yeeeeeeah i'm gonna need a sauce on that
This is the hentai where the guy was being cucked by the trap, but raped him back. I never found the source, can you please point to it?
Never mind, I found it.
If you're okay with buying and playing the same game painted a different color, then you're close to, if not on the same level as codfags.