Goon mods got triggered by a japanese game so new thread:

goon mods got triggered by a japanese game so new thread:
is this the best game shown at E3?

1080p/60 version here:

Other urls found in this thread:

It got DELETED!?
What the fuck.
That's odd, Mark is vehemently against goonshit. Ironic that the few things I come close to enjoy get deleted here. Anyways, must have been a mistake.

I'm still excited for this game. Too bad it seems to be a Ps4 exclusive.

Yeah best game, but it's not the best thing shown at E3.

Sakuna looks great. It and Zwei 2 might be the only things at E3 I gave a shit about. Why did I watch E3?

When was it deleted?

Is the deletion in the logs?

Wasn't this a comiket game? When was it shown in E3?
If you're that one comiket super weeb user who sucks jap dick, welcome back user. It's nice to see you and your recommendations again

Wait, Zwei II was in E3? When?


VA isn't that good

Yeah, I assume someone will post an undub not long after release.

And ill delete it again, stop shilling ur shitty game.

Getting a Fairy Bloom Freesia vibe from this

Same dev.

Is this the new bogeyman?


Yes, anyone people here don't like is a goon.

This actually looks really fun. Comfy music too.

If you don't think the way we want you to.

It's a natural combination of cuck and shill, as most goons are cucks and shill for social justice. Just breaking down the words for convenience really.

Why can't it be a fox loli instead?

Nigger are you serious?

Please hang yourself.

Looks pretty cool.

Nigger, the term is ancient. Goons have been around literally forever. Hell, m**t literally made 4chan because goons hated anime.

I hope he is serious. Kosher Shilling is not Kosher faggoh

Holla Forums's been misusing for years now so no. It's a pretty old hat bogeyman at this point.


Any difference between western furshit and weeb furshit? Japan at least goes for cuteness factor, which should make it less disgusting and degenerate as normal furshit.

I like furshit when it's completely silent(see Ori or rain world) and has an otherworldly look to it. Otherwise I'm completely turned off

Yeah, I can see what you mean. I'm a bit more lenient because I have an autistic affinity for adorable critters, but even I know to draw the line at just that, cuteness only. And i'm sure that anime might actually supplant that role, thanks to you lads.


What thread id? Not seeing anything recent in the log.

I'm sold

Weeaboos should be banned on sight

Holla Forums never changes.

Holy shit you stupid fucking newfags

Some threads just got fucked when Codemonkey moved the banner host.

if you feel as though your thread has been wrongfully deleted

Thanks for using Holla Forums, stupid cocksuckers

Not even a goon here but based on the footage you provided the game looks like a general run-of-the mill platformer/hack n slash catering to weeaboos with some farmville thrown in. I guess it's better than anything the other conferences had to show but so was the dump I took this morning.

you underestimate the power of bait my friend

How do I check board logs?

you fucking leave and never come back

Pls respond.

Did his dick turn into a dog dick or just get hairy?
I dunno why this has been bugging me so much
Now get thee hence, catamite

what a fucking waste.



git gud goons

Looks neet. Is it a Metroidvania?

Is it Super Mario Odyssey?

Otherwise no.

The funniest part of using goon as a boogeyman this way is that goons are exactly the type of fat, socially stunted losers who would be weeaboos. The delusional weebs here actually believe places like reddit and SA don't watch anime.

How fucking new are you ? We've used goon back when we were on 4chan.

Can you also believe they all nazis who masturbate to anime? How can weebs ever recover.
Should had listened to Lenin and Zizek.

Where is your tripcode?

You are right panda…the weebs and goons are one in the same, 10 bux have been deposited in your account and you should check your email for access to the starbound secret board. Weeagoons will control the world, and we definitely love anime m'lady.

easily the best game of e3

bump for grorious nihon