Fuck EA
Fuck ubidoxxed
Fuck sony
Fuck microsoft
Fuck treehouse
and fuck a little bit nintendo.
but most of all FUCK ESA
say it with me faggoy's:
here is there video
Fuck EA
Fuck ubidoxxed
Fuck sony
Fuck microsoft
Fuck treehouse
and fuck a little bit nintendo.
but most of all FUCK ESA
say it with me faggoy's:
here is there video
Other urls found in this thread:
Wow, colour me surprised.
It wasn't funny, unless it was your first exposure to parody
their crowd at least was real
i get it to 60mb, stop complaining like a lazy nigger and do it yourself.
What I want to know is, will absolver be a multiplayer only thing?
It seems like such a neat idea to be wasted on that.
it was too long and our kike overlord demands us to crown nintendont the winner
Devolver won
Yeah I liked it too + the weird pre pre show that twitch did.
Gotta love how they make fun of all the things , like the inflection and repetition of words over and over, like "4K" and all that marketing bullshit that means nothing.
fucking cancerouse gaming industry.
Why do they even need an E3 presentation? They don't publish as much as say Focus Home Interactive and I doubt they have a steady stream of games like Ruiner to show off, shit they only showed like 5 games and two of which weren't a montage only thing.
Unless they're willing to spend 10 minutes on Serious Sam4/Talos Principle 2 this type of deal will get old really fast.
betacuck thread confirmed
They were there to take the piss
Is Ayy-nime the new meme?
Devolver's audience was prerecorded actors you retard.
Devolver uses their brand name to bring in indies. They don't publish them, they just show off their game. There might be some money going to Devolver, but I doubt it, as they are well known for being incredibly kind with revenue to indies, and it's free publicity if they have more games there.
nobody at e3 was good, don't kid yourself
looks legit
Devolver was by far the worst one. Take this garbage to the webm thread where it belongs.
Yeah, they have games to show, so people come see them, and it entices indies to sign up for Devolver to publish them.
I disagree.
Winning is easy when the only thing you have to do is take the piss out of everyone. Especially when everyone is retarded.
its true, of all the shit in e3, devolver has stuck with me the most, i already forgot most of the other shitshows
Bethesda was pretty bad, I dunno. Doom VR with no movement controls is pretty hilariously bad.
Didn't you faggots get called out for shilling STRAFE like a year back and there being an archive of like 10 threads all with the same OP?
Also, you faggots don't even make anything, you just take whatever indie crap is given to you and shill the fuck out of it to make a buck.
It's time to take the stick out of your ass.
By the looks of it we've managed to meme the western vidya crash. Better learn Japanese anons.
It's time to take that trannie's cock out of your ass faggot.
which is it schlomo ?
As interesting as it was to have someone take the piss out of E3 at E3, the time slot would have been better used by another publisher, preferably a publisher with games to show off.
I don't know, maybe if you had reading comprehension beyond the 4th grade, you'd be able to clearly read the part where I say the indie devs come of their own volition, Devolver butters them up with this kind of event then publishes for them after the event.
the pre preshow wasn't part of the devolver conference you dumb shit
Such as?
Nicalis :^)
What platform isn't Cave Story on? Switch was already announced.
Xbox maybe, but all cave story versions that aren't the original are horrible, all of them.
The OG PC release?
What makes the other versions inferior?
i'm not aware of which part of devolver's presentation was parody
I want to fuck a little bit of Nintendo.
Don't you get to play as Curly in some versions?
I want to leg wrassle with the devolver lass.
apparently Dragon Ball FighterZ got a shitload of Best of E3 awards
I'd love to see how pissed off western devs/publishers were after their "cinematic" "games" lost to fucking DBZ of all things
I made a webm for this tread
Is this kino?
That's how you know they had the best.
This is your brain on Holla Forums
I'm actually a Holla Forumsack but your trips roasted me regardless