People who hate hitmarkers don't know shit about game design...

People who hate hitmarkers don't know shit about game design. It's one of the best things ever happened to shooter games. To be a responsive shooter, a game needs a good damage response mechanic from the enemy. Many devs now and then don't bother to make response animations, therefore without hitmarker you'd never know if your projectiles were accurate or not. In MP games, twitching and response animations would disrupt the gameplay. Hitmarker is the best mitigation for both of these problems.

Other urls found in this thread:

Hitmarkers help in MP but they clutter up visuals and are frankly only useful when your game either
A. Cannot be designed in a way where your hit can be confirmed in a visual way otherwise (Quake 3), whether by flinching, blood spurting or some other thing that might just clutter more.
B. Your game is so visually muddy that the hit indicator is all you really have (CoD and MoH Warfighter are probably the best examples of this, with later entries getting worse and worse about it), so you're treating a symptom rather than the deeper issue.

A hit sound is enough. It's also more satisfying.

Before someone accuses me of playing favorites, just want to emphasize that in MP it's kind of understandable, but the moment you compare something like CoD zombies and Killing Floor you'll understand my point.

Hit sounds are okay, but all you really need is a kill feed.


Agreed. The hitsound in Tribes Ascend was pretty satisfying.

I actually prefer sound as a hit confirm, like in TF2
Playing as pyro and hearing the hit sound when the guy is out of your vision and then the kill feed shows you killed him is one of the most satisfying things I've ever felt in PvP games.

Git gud

Hitmarkers are lazy game design and nothing but a casual crutch at this point.



Shooters without hit markers or hit sounds aren't even worth playing. The last "shooter" I regretfully tried and then dropped without hit markers was Eternal Crusade.

Long range combat might as well be deleted from games with no hit response. Pursuing an enemy that you can't tell if you even hit or not is guesswork in any game without hit response, and that just leads to everyone being defensive, camping in corners, and fisting themselves.

I suppose removing that stuff would be a good way to pander to people who'd rather play a game that treats combat slower and more realistically, but those people are just going to play ARMA so why bother?

You're forgetting the best hit sound of all time.

Because nobody dies when you shoot them!

Go back to playing arcade games at Chuck E. Cheeses, casuals

everything went better than expected.

When games like Halo do a better job than hitmakers, the system has issues.

Can we take a moment to enjoy the Halo 1 Assault Rifle noise?

How was the response?

Bet you like dubstep and airhorns blaring while you tip your fedora too, faggot.

Of course, Halo invented FPS's:^)


Great Job

Well, there's a certain tension of not knowing if you killed someone, I bet this works amazing in non respawning games.

Sounds annoying if it isn't flesh squishing sound or other realistic sfx for me.

Because Skyrim's floaty combat is hardcore af, right??


That's a non sequitur, babe.


Of course it is.
Skyrim's, Oblivion's, and Fallout 3's combat is hardcore according to you.

Hitmarkers are retarded consolebabby shit. Hit sounds are all you need and they don't ruin stealth.

Was your first FPS Call of Duty 2 you goddamned underage retard?

That's non sequitur.

Hitmarkers (especially when accompanied with an audio cue) are only used because they give players an instant reward for pressing the trigger button, which they end up getting addicted to. It's actually part of the reason CoD is so addictive to so many people.

I prefer blood splatter/clouds as a form of hitmarker, at least that makes sense from more than a simple game design perspective.

honestly smh man.

Skyrim is the same tier as Call of Duty you fucking faggot holy shit.

How about you play a real game without ticks, tings, markers and other spoonfeeding garbage.

There's nothing wrong with damage indicators you faggot. Name a game better off without them.

What are

If you need to rely on indicators in order to play video games, then you shouldn't be playing video games. I get that Call of Duty was your first (((mature gaming experience))) and all, but holy shit, kid.



Kick drum is best hitsound.


wew, CoD didn't invent hitmarkers you fag. Also every game you listed goes for muh realism, so of course minimal hud is best. But hit sounds are crucial for games like TF2, quake,and tribes where you need to know how much health the enemy has left to plan accordingly. You really bought into the "hitmarkers are fro CoD kids and MLG videos" meme didn't you?

Forgot to mention, CS has a very clear noise when landing shots, especially on the head, so even though it's not strictly a hit noise, you can tell.

Refractor Battlefield were one of the few games that needed it due to the size of the maps and its multiplayer focus.
Everything else is not and with modern shit like animations, decala, blood splurts, better sound design, theres no fucking reason for hitmarkers to exist, kill yourself OP you cockgobblibg retard
Go back to playing your console shooters.

I'm not OP you mongoloid. And if you had bothered to check IDs, you'd know I'm talking about hitsounds. Not to mention animations and blood spurts are barely noticeable when firing than a ping.

kys you stupid fucking shit.
people like you make this shit industry even worse

Hitmarkers are a lazy dev's way of telling you you hit something, why put in the effort to add good audio and visual feedback when you can just have a little sprite pop up over your crosshair to show you hit something. a pain sound, some blood/sparks/whatever coming out of the player or NPC, and a pain animation (the animation does not need to actually effect a player it's just a visual effect) is a million times better and more satisfying.

Not exactly a meme if it's true, kiddo.

So you're dumb, underaged AND blind, got it.

I'm sorry that you have bad taste in everything, but better you than me. Pic related because that's where you belong.

what if you're deaf


Don't play video games where sound is an important element? Fuck, user, this is like asking "what if they want to jump hurdles but they don't have legs".


Don't be an ablelist, user.
You don't want to go to Room 101 of Miniluv do you?

Fuck you for sniping my reply

ITT: dogbrained casuals who crave instant gratification

I played a few hours of Payday 2, and the hitmarkers were really useful as the dust clouds that would be kicked up would linger for far too long and obscure the AI that can see right through it.

Still, they're unrealistic. Take FEAR, for example. Every fight kicks up a large amount of dust/debris, and neither you nor the enemy can see each other, so you wait it out or blindly fire.

If the game is so shit in terms of visuals that everything merges together and you can't see things, then the game is trash.
Only exception to this would be something like Project Reality/Red Orchestra/etc in which everything blurs together, but you don't get hitmarkers, you just git gud.

Hitsounds are scientifically superior for high level gameplay. Your reflexes to hearing a half the time that your reflexes are to a visual stimuli.

Hit markers are literally casual garbage.

People don't like them because Cowadoody is the most prominent user of them.

There are things such as hit markers in modern FPS made for casuals? Jesus. Yeah that shows how long it's been since I played a "recent" FPS, all I have is TING at best in what I rarely play anymore

Depends on the game. In the less realistic games like Team Fortress or Quake or whatever I have no problem with it, in fact in those really quick arena shooters some sort of a sound or a visible hitmarker is a must. In games that try to be more realistic it's just bullshit to have either. Might as well give them magic powers next.

Best video games are made by those who don't know shit about game design anyway. That shit ruins your mind. If professional game designers created a jigsaw puzzle they'd add floating arrows and hints on which piece you should pick up next just to make the game more fluent and user friendly. It would also make the game boring as fuck but I'm sure some braindead idiots who normally don't like jigsaws would fucking love it. That's what happened to video games when the people who know something about game design started to design video games.

"Game Design" in the first place should never be taught. It's basically what marketers and uncreative fucks spews to actual potential talent so they appeal to the dumbest nigger in existence. Gaming shouldn't cater to retards but now that it's a legit major source of economy, anyone with a brain is fucked. It became what used to be TV 30 years ago.

have hitsounds as normal, and an option int the start menu or whatever to turn on hit markers which are off by default, next to stuff like the colorblind options if there are any.

what would you call it instead?

Are you a legit retard or just illiterate?

Read my OP post carefully before replying. I swear Holla Forums and other video game related sites for that matter are the dumbest places on the internet.

I didn't say that hitmarker isn't the best way of doing hit detection. What I'm saying is it's the best mitigation for lazy devs, which are apparently quite the majority. Even professional devs like Carmack doesn't know the importance of response animation.

Oh yes it should.


there is no need for response animation at all. Hit sounds and maybe a cheesy looking blood spurt are all you need. Even then I would say it's unnecessary. Being unable to tell if you hit someone from far away could give a much needed downside to sniping and the like, encouraging more aggressive up close play.

You will learn everything you have to know about "game design" from playing games and talking to your non-retarded playtesters. san fran cucks don't actually play games and lack critical thinking skills so they need to be told exactly what to do. They still fuck it up and make incredibly shitty excuses for games.

Depends on the game. In Quake, Tribes and CoD it fits, in Counter-Strike it doesn't. In CS it goes against the rules of design and basically makes smokes useless allowing you to know if you are hitting something or not with random shots. In Tribes: Ascend you have 3 layers of hit verification, the hitsound, the hit marker and the damage numbers, and that's good for something so fast paced.

Of course there is. It's much more satisfying to shoot someone in GTA IV than in previous GTA games. Unless the enemy dies in one shot, response animation will greatly improve the responsiveness and player enjoyment.

Some people aren't that analytic though. Your idea that a non-artificial mechanic for responsiveness should be sacrificed for "challenge" isn't very critical either.

I agree, but CS could use more blood fountain and gunshot wounds. Games where the players and NPC's are given higher hit points than real life humans need something to keep them from feeling like unresponsive bullet sponges.

I can't tell if this was badly structured on purpose to get spergouts or not. I think it was.

In a single player game, they're retarded because you can easily make more immersive, 'realistic' ways of letting someone know they scored a hit. Bloodsplatters, flinching, "BY ALLAH THAT REALLY HURT" whatever.

In a multiplayer game it's necessary because you can't have players flinching and shit most of the time, because if you did you'd either have it throw their aim off (reasonable in a 'realistic' shooter but doesn't work for anything arcade-y) or they'd flinch, while swivelling their gun and firing it with pinpoint accuracy which would look so retarded I can see the endless youtube montages already.

They're definitely an imperfect solution (firing into a smoke grenade for example, should disable hitmarkers) which can be improved and iterated on. But saying they're always good or always bad is retarded.

What's wrong with Hitman: Blood Money?

Would we ever have another single player FPS game with the gore as detailed as in Soldier of Fortune?

Here's hoping.

What's wrong with just spraying blood?

Killing Floor 2

Do you understand what mitigation means?

The whole thread agrees, hitsounds are better. I remember the first time playing TF2 and shooting people without any hit/damage indicator, most DPS weapons felt off and weak.

This kind of stuff is needed on games where the players take more than 5 shots to kill. In games like counter strike don't benefit and also ruin the gameplay. They are usefull on some MP games with horrible netcode like BF2. Also, i just saw the new COD trailer and it has fucking hitmakers on the singleplayer campaing, is this because of DRM or forced connection?

CoD games already have sufficient response animation, I don't get it either.

And I accept hitsounds, but I don't want it in non-cartoony shooters.

Its there because of casuals, casuals like OP.

And dumbasses like you.

Oh shit seriously?

That's how you debunked your own argument, hitmarkers aren't that good, they're unrealistic and worse than proper well animations/sounds on the entity that was hit, you're justifiying lazy design.

They wouldn't. The player would just have to pay more attention to the game they're playing and in some cases focus on other things and miss the fact that they hit the enemy, it should part of the action.
Magical indicators that you did what you hit your target even in a situation where it would be impossible to se that is fine when there's no other option, but is not better than actual mechanics to indicate a hit. I don't see why you would glorify it so much like this.

I said that it's the best mitigation method. I'm not justifying lazy design, in fact I'm calling it out, but hitmarker is better than nothing.

My point was it's really annoying to get staggered by gunshots.

The hitsound algo in Quake which scales the pitch of the noise based on how much damage you did is the prime solution, in my opinion.

The visuals look like total shit, that's why.

Fuckoff back to >>>/suicide/ OP

Get that shit out of my games. Actually, get rid of HUD in general. Literally cuck-tier shit that holds the player's hand.

Literal cancer. Git gud you fucking idiots. Learn the maps, improve your aim and pay attention. HUD is cancer and has zero place in FPS.

That depends on the kind of game it wants to be. If it wants to be on the realistic side, it wouldn't have any hit indication whatsoever, maybe it will make blood spray and whatnot but other than that - nothing. The more realistic games don't even have hud and crosshairs and some do actually implement the hipfire not shooting directly to the center of the screen. If you want classic shootan then you want hit markers, crosshairs, and HUD.

Fuck yeah, this.
Remove textures from games, people should be able to identify enemies and friends from silhouettes only.
In fact models should be removed too, if you're not hardcore enough to just predict where all the enemies move and have good coordination with the AI you don't deserve to play.
Sound is also bullshit, 90% of the information we get is from visual elements. It's a literal crutch for casuals.
There should be a hard mode where the game is just entirely black and you can only guide yourself through knowledge you acquired from playing the game in the other difficulty.

Why not both, AND an option to toggle them?

You insufferable summerfaggot, go fuck off to Reddit. Try playing Insurgency or Squad you filthy casual, and stop being so carcinogenic before you kill games dead, you and your ilk.

Wow, that icon makes me think of MLG videos.

See? Quads of truth means God is on my side. Now either git gud or fuck off


Hitmarkers, or hitsounds have been in shooters since literally some of the earliest competitive MP shooters, if they weren't in some, they were often added in later or modded in.

I'm not sure what the discussion is here. Some mechanism that lets you know when you hit people is pretty useful and desirable in a multiplayer focused arena/fast paced shooter.

But, for instance, in your usual singleplayer game, Half Life 1/2 for instance, or in some slower paced multiplayer games, like Arma or even older Battlefield games, I don't think they add quite as much.

But in all fairness this is a done discussion, optional hitmarkers/hitsounds should be in virtually any multiplayer shooter and they generally are, the stupid part is that they aren't optional.

what's with your lame illustrated soft porn reaction image

This thread is gonna go places

kill feeds are okay but all you really need is a frag count

They absolutely should.

I know, I was trying to play a bit of slippery slope there

If it wants to be realistic, then people should be incapacitated or crippled by a single shot from 9mm. Cripple mechanics is nonexistent in most video games as well.

ARMA definitely needs either more gore or hitmarker, because enemies are unresponsive as hell.

Is weight gain truly the most patrician fetish?


No, we're just a bunch of poor losers who crave big 2D women because 3DPD types who fit our likings are one of the following:
Or all of the above. Plus most gain artists are utter Patreon cancer, while those on Pixiv keep drawing scat and wetsports art right next innocuous chubby women.

I kinda like the way RO2 does it. When you are close enough you can hear the fleshy tearing sound your bullet does when it exits the body, and the metallic ping of a helmet being penetrated can be heard from quite a distance.
The delayed killfeed system is also great, since it makes killfeedabuse less likely (can't check your killfeed to see if you killed someone immediately), but doesn't completely remove the satisfaction of having your name appear three times in a row after you throw a nade into a bunker, or after you hose down a room with 9mm redaway.

Kill yourself faggot


frag counts are okay but all you really need is to watch the chat for salt

Giving serious consideration to giving up on a normal career and chasing the dream of being a talentless smut artist who makes thousands by being insanely unproductive and disappointing.

Hit markers are pointless. Your enemy has only two states that matter: alive or dead. If you shoot, and he's still alive, shoot again until dead. Mission accomplished.

He's pretty great to be honest. I actually know him personally and he explained to me he doesn't really care what people comment about his artwork because no matter what he does people will always find ways to hate him about it. Also he's been winging the whole comic ever since he finished the first "arc" because even though he had some lore and worldbuilding planned around the characters (even before the production thereof) he fully knows no one cares about that.

There has to be something recognizable from any range though.

I guess models and sprites are pointless too, just put single pixel colored dots shooting at each other.

Wasted talent maybe, but definitely not talentless.

I remember why I come here now.

He shits out content.
Being menial workers, service providers, etc. are essential jobs that keeps civilization intact but people don't care about those, people care about consuming as much content that they like and they are willing to pay money to get their fetish done.
They only give a shit about service providers/menial laborers when there is a problem, and most of the time they shit on them.

my fetish is getting 420 noscoped

fufill my kink, Holla Forums

Listen, I love a good fap like every other man, don't treat the man like he's some sort of Michelangelo tier artist. He's pretty good in his non smut art, though, I'll give you that.

Yeah, it's called seeing his body go limp.

Literally the reason I had to restart the game, I couldn't figure out the controls at all. Later that day I realized I could've just googled them


Would you go into combat as a deaf person anyway?

But why?

Why tho? You dont get that shit in real life and why do you need it in a game? Especialy a game like arma where the whole point is to have milsim autism.
Oh nevermind I didnt know I was talking to an armchair expert operator and realism king.