"Jus who da fukk r u white boi? ?"

"Jus who da fukk r u white boi? ?"

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I wanna fuck a thick black chick. Anyways, aren't these ugly anatomically incorrect bitches based off some communist whore?

That black "chick" is obviously a transexual man.

That's just how blacks look like.



I didn't watch the shitshow, what game is this?

no blacks just all look like that
the most attractive blacks look closer to white
this ranges from hair to skin to complexion to facial structure to fashion

No no no you get this all wrong. She won't speak ebonics because dass raciss. She'll be totally witty and strong with good dialogue and barely a hint of niggerspeak because she's being written by a white person.

Commiestein 2


She is a crack addict.

Drugs make you look fucking old, especially if you abuse them like niggers do.

There's a story from TES: Redguard about how the VA for Cyrus personally thanked Kirkbride for giving a black person the chance to say non-nigger dialogue in something.

Present day, minorities get plenty of "non-nigger" dialogue, and it's almost all still tied into race. And it's all shitty. Isn't that just a bitch?

You mean a kike.

This shit beyond parody.

whoa derr silly cracka dat shiett is rayciss as fuk.

Kike, nu-male, same difference.

True enough.

Augh. Sweet Jesus.

She also has that fist bullshit.

Mixed race blacks are better than pure black people. Black-Asian are the best kind.

Redguards have no relation to real niggers though.

If they love Africa so much, why don't they go there?

I bet africans would just erradicate them for not even being part of any tribe.



They have nothing to worry about in the Western world, all the problems they have now are their own doing. If you tell a complaining nigger to go to Africa and see how long he will survive their he will flip out and shout racism.

Did you just assume my gender? :^)

They have lesser intelligent, but supreme at athleticism.

How many times are you going to make this same thread?

Like Shiva

Niggers only excel in running and jumping. And that's it.

tits or gtfo
or at least look at pictures of my cock

They're just white or East Asian people painted brown.

That's the only way to make good looking negroes.
Anyone have a pic of Beyond Good and Evil 2 black couple?



Does anyone noticed both of them are filthy criminals? not even lovely simpatising criminals, but straight up niggers robbing a poor pignese american business man.



The narrative sure did a fine job representing leftism.

Um, fighting the establishment and law without any reason is cool now, did you miss the last few years?

Please tell me that's shopped.

Show me your cock


Makes me still wonder how Michel Ancel, of all people, thought of those two and believed they looked like good characters.

I kinda miss True Crime NYC, it wasn't great, but going nuts in perp's legs with a .38 and then arrest them was satisfying. Especially since the MC was black.

wait are you serious?


Yeah, I wanna see it. Post it on >>>/cock/ because people here are prudes and will report you.