So I couldn't help but notice that in casual today, the enemy team has aimbots out the ass and they were winning so hard they pushed everyone back to spawn, and no one could talk in-game chat because some hacker text kept deleting the chat logs saying something .IE has hacked you or something, even filling the command line interface, and now that I go back to it, all Valve services on TF2 are down.
Yes, these occurrences have become more and more frequent over the past year and a half. Valve just stopped giving a fuck. They're all more focused on promoting CS:GO and ASSFAGGOTS now. CS:GO will be getting Source 2 soon. TF2 wont
Post a fucking screenshot you MONGREL
Transgender Faggot 2late
Report the player, the chat-log deletion is just the hacker in question spamming a chat-bind to piss everyone off. You can do the same thing yourself by binding a text-command and mashing the key you bound it to.
Matchmaking in general is hit and miss, but casual makes for a better game than competitive does. Which isn't to say casual isn't usually pretty terrible, but it'll net you a better game than comp.
Linebreaks still aren't filtered in Source chat?
Nope. Valve will get rid of the "/me" command from Steam chat but they apparently have no interest in figuring out how to stop the most common hacking chat-binds.
What year am I in?
Some please fucking hire Putin to crash steam.
2007 + 10
I can't remember the last game that had more hackers. Maybe since the days of CS 1.5 or 1.4. There are so many botters that it's embarrassing.
So much for VAC protection. The first service that Valve touted as their edge over other PC games at the time does nothing. Valve really does not fucking care anymore.
I think you're blowing the situation out of proportion.
I had fun with this game, I love the characters and I like the how balanced the characters are in a first person shooter (except soldiers and snipers can be tough to kill in most situations). This game gave me the most fun I ever had while playing with hundreds of people in their servers. really.
Is a shame to see this game dying with each passing day.
You should stick to Custom Servers, the ClassicTF2 team are shitheads.
I just want legacy servers where there are no weapons except default and no hats. I have the most fucking short-lived fun when item servers go down.
You could always host one, the Allstock Sourcemod plugin is very data light.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with using aimbot scripts in TF2. The game is beyond salvation now, so fuck around all you want.
Other than telling everyone on the server that you are a little bitch that can't aim for shit in a decade old game.
Aside from strafing and moving the mouse what other ways are there of aiming in video games?
Yeah, you got your DDR Aim, your snap aim, and your follow aim.
Tf2 will be only remembered as SFM resource.
Is hacking is rampant, does that mean I can use my LMAOBOX without getting VACationed?
Like poetry
When the fuck did I support aimbot you triple nigger. I responded to implication that your aim is determined by your time spent on that specific game even though aim across all shooters is the same. At least games that want to take themselves seriously.
No, LMAOBOX is part of VAC now so announcing to everyone that you're using an aimbot via that built-in "get good get lmaobox" message is a surefire way to get your stupid ass banned from most Source game servers.
Well at least you don't deny you're halfchan cancer. Get the fuck off my board.
You don't have to be upset that you got VAC banned for using some cheap entry-level scripts.
Who said I was going to use it for hacking? The only thing I like it for is the sv_pure bypass that lets me see and hear my mods.
Cool thing about being Free Software is that you can compile your own drivers and force alpha transparency on pretty much every texture ;^).
Valve can't do shit without triggering false-positives since they can't possibly expect everyone to use "their" versions of the libraries.
How long until walking sim hacks?
How long until Holla Forums supports them?
TF2 is a good example of how updates can make a game harder over time. I think the devs are slowly trying to raise it around the difficulty level of Overwatch because they've seen its tremendous profits and e-sports potential.
Why does halfchan come here? We left them in their shithole, why won't they stay? It's what they wanted.
leaving was the best move I've made in my life
I come here for the OC and because we don't have a Holla Forums
I don't understand the appeal of Holla Forums
I lurked it for a couple of days and if they're not bitching about such and such post on such and such board they're sniffing their own philosophical farts
Why would you want Holla Forums?
like Holla Forums?
Who doesn't like laughing at Holla Forums?
You do realise 4/pol/ allowed both sides of the coin, don't you?
8/pol/ is only like it is because the mods were trying to remove all leftists to appeal to the right, which has led to an echochamber on both sides.
Kill yourself.
Having two echochambers is better than having one crowded room. If I see a news report that goes against my beliefs on one board, I can go to the other board for a different version of that report that I can agree with.
You communist piece of shit. This is now a LOL thread.
The better option is and always has been both sides being on the one board so there's actually debate. Without it, both sides will make shit up and not be kept in check by the other.
That's literally how the democratic process works, and thus is beneficial for discussing politics.
To be fair to Holla Forums, they did get abused by those shitty mods on Holla Forums and lots of users, but they had a hissy fit and fled to another board so both sides spiralled out and worse mods came to both sides.
Using it at all is probably enough to get banned, user. I got VAC banned on a prior account for having Cheat Engine open (not actually doing anything or even tethered to the process) while trying to play TF2, for instance.
Oh I'm so sure!
Well duh. Cheat Engine doesn't actually tether itself to a process until it has to attach the debugger. If it wants to read/write memory, it does so through the kernel, which is entirely undetectable from user space.
I miss the days I played TF2
Webms have sound there and have for quite some time, I can't actually find anything verifying or mentioning loli was banned across the whole site with a casual search, no NSFW on 4/v/ is a flat-out lie, shit-tons of places try to ban as many proxies as possible (COUGH Holla Forums COUGH) and disallow Tor here too, Google captcha is indefensible I agree, user-moderation and board creation on 4chan would be absolute utter chaos and doesn't actually work to Holla Forums's favor at all, how global mods work is better here on Holla Forums
Was fucking around in Way of the Samurai 4 my good man. Forgot to turn it off and didn't know VAC essentially detected a false positive.
It'd not be hard to catch people using cheat engine. For a variable they'd like to fuck with, save it in another location xored, then check it at some point later to be sure they match. Hire someone to move checks around frequently so no one ever feels safe doing it.
You could try to play TF2 on console since it's exactly that, but the downside is the hit detection is worse, there's a metric FUCK load of glitches still present (some even fucking breaking the game, causing one team to have a huge unfair advantage with bullshit sentry nests), no hitsounds or damage numbers, and a very small playerbase that's even smaller than what's left of the PC audience.
A small question, would you play TF2 with the new weapons (or at least those that do add something of value or a different gameplay style), but with a bigger attention to balance and every cosmetic would be locked to the weapon you chose (so if you used the Kritzkrieg you'd get the Pickelhaube so that the enemy can know which weapon you're carrying in advance)?
Or would you play it if instead of weapon slots there'd be literal subclasses, which are the same class wearing a different kind of cosmetics and having the unlockable weapons forced as their default ones?
Adding more than base weapons add more to learning than to mastering. Would you want a new weapon to be added to Quake?
go back to 4chan
Valve doesn't give a shit anymore so cheaters are more prevalent. Also the game is f2p, so if someone wants to shit around all they have to do is create a new account and download it.
Why do everyone hates fun lately?
The current system works fine.
Literally all the weapons are so distinct from one another you can't mistake which one someone is carrying
And even then there's like 3 classes where the weapon a class is carrying would and SHOULD actually warrant changing approach and attack strategies.
When was the last time the solution to a Jag engineer NOT shoot him with rockets until he dies?
And before you say short circuit
That's what the shotgun is for.
Yes Just give me classic TF2
ur a fuckin retard mate
even freetards get BTFO'd
fuck outta here, commies
I can't refute these digits
But yeah I hate that some of the cosmetics and weapon combinations look really cool while still fitting the 50's Warzone in Ye Ole Towne Americana (instead of being high tech gear or whimsical, exotic weapons) and yet the way the implemented them was shit. I'd like for them to live again somehow.
But in Old TF2 the design philosophy was that you had to recognize the kind of threat the enemy would pose to you even at a great distance. Letting them dress up like morons and carry guns that do things differently from slightly to immensely so goes right against that.
Yeah, and you still can recognize them from a great distance.
Tell me if you can tell where the danger is in this picture
Or how about this one
They all have different hats now
Maybe your team was just worse than the other team?
That's usually why people lose.
To me at least.
Assuming I'm on blue,
Rocket jumping soldier holding stock meaning a bomb is likely incoming.
Heavy is holding the Holiday Punch meaning that he'll likely try to flank you to get the critical hit laugh, although it does no damage, it might give that soldier an opportunity to attack you.
Assuming on red, we have a scout that's double jumping furiously yet appears to hold no weapon. However, the pose at which he's holding this invisible weapon would suggest either a pistol or the Short Stop. Considering the height of the scout, I'd guess the Winger.
The medic in the corridor also seems to be shooting SMG shots from a kritzkrieg.
The argument that the weapons are indistinguishable is a bit daft, even at a distance, the weapons generally have a different outline and even then, each weapon from Medigun to Rocket launcher also sounds different when fired allowing you to pick up (even if you can't see them) what weapons are out there.
Add in the kill feed having unique icons for kills also allows you to judge threats too.
Here we see a new soldier jumping towards us with the Discipinary action. For the soldier to be there, he must've rocket jumped and most likely decending meaning if you stepped backwards you should be safe and is no longer a threat. The Heavy and Rocket Jumping soldier may still be a threat.
It might be possible to dismiss the soldier due to the gibus but you never know.
You failed to see something
There was a huntsman sniper that pinned a blue spy to the roof.
You were tauntkilled.
But to be totally forgiving this was in Garrysmod which lacks a lot of the game specific lighting tweaks in team fortress 2, so it's entirely fair that you didn't notice, thanks for playing!
Another thing I didn't notice is how the platforms aren't out yet the control point is open and a heavy got on the point.
The heavy rocket jumped.
Also the map trigger for the control point failed to initiate and the platforms were too wedged to move
Saying your'e both a cuckchan and left/pol/ in a single post. Top bait right here take another (you) you earned it.
Use a custom hud that disables the twitch ticker, dumbass.
I never asked for this feel. Fuck you user, makes me think of all the good times I had on TF2.
Jesus, I hate summer
Valve got rid of the /me command forever ago because people were using it to scam kiddies with blue text. They've really hopped onto the bandwagon with blanket-solutions that don't actually work, most especially Steam Guard in its entirety.
Get the fuck over it. TF2 is dead gameplaywise. Valve fucked it to death. It was fun until they raped it.
Be autistic and think reporting them and spamming lenny faces will get them banned. They will just make a new account using a AHK account creator.
AHK accounts are detected and banned immediately nowadays, last I checked, though it is still insanely easy to just make a new account. I think Valve probably doesn't care as much about alts anymore because you have to dump money into the game if you're wanting to le epin greef xD or hack with anything that isn't a stock sniper rifle.
top kek they've been saying that for 2 years now
valve are so senile and apathetic they've forgotten how to even make games anymore
Any game getting a Source 2 migration is laughable, that would be an intense amount of work up to and including cleaning up the codebase of any game they'd want to try it on to ensure compatibility. Lord knows TF2 hasn't had a bugfix in eons.
Source/Valve is releasing games is more unfrequent than nintendo and square enix together. The word soon does not compute with these people.
"Soon" or "Valve Time" became a meme even for Valve workers with how infrequently they'd actually put out a video game, and even less frequently one of their own design, not a student project or independent game like Portal originally was.
That isn't true. Its impossible for steam to flag an account thats been made with an AHK. There's no system implemented to do such a thing. What's getting these skids banned is the free version of LMAOBOX. It's been flagged for years. You get VACd after half an hour.
t. dirty cheating nullcore fag
enough with the hackusations im just good
The fuck happned? We need a randomizer search or something, the casuals just don't wanna look through community sservers anymore.
Personally I blame E-celebs, they're the cunts who kept advertising higher tower and fucking randomizers
you do know valve hired a bunch of 6 vs 6 faggots to work on meet your match update? they asked them what to do
I still play TF2 because I still have a toaster. Matchmaking mode is fucking gay and awful. Community browser servers are superior even though they're usually 24/7 of some shit map.
altough i used to hate skial servers they are now my most played on servers
I've been saying TF2 is dead for years but it keeps suprising me by showing me how it can be even more dead
they are suposed to release a pyro/jungle themed update filled with community made maps and community made weapons and huge changes to the game this month or next one, they told us last year that they were focusing on this one, i realy hope it will be worth the wait
This month, supposed to come out the 22nd as the Meet the Pyro update
Which also happens to be my fucking birthday and it pisses me off that Heavy is not getting anything
same, this is pyro's big second or third update, heavy had only 1 and in 2008 even tough heavy is one of the most fun classes if you learn him altough i am sad heavy will not get his update i realy fucking hope they fix matchmaking or bring back casual that shit was so much more fun
Pyro mains are such insufferable faggots, almost as bad as medics t. soldier
My only solace is that heavy virtually remains untouched meaning he's still one of the BEST defensive classes in the game.
Go back to your servers with increased airblast delay you rocket hopping potato head cactus wanker.
they did nerf heavy alot even his minigun with his 2.5 damage delay on his minigun, but still i feel like i am playing the original tf2 when i play heavy
If it's any consolation, people who are actually good at heavy are usually bros. I don't like playing it myself, though
I'm more buttmad about you whinging about being a soldier main the most buffed thing in the game other than demoman
I'm not though, I just mean pyros are fags. Literally, when there's some furry or horsefucker on the server they're usually a pyro. I wasn't complaining because they can airblast.
Asked them what to do and then immediately tossed out anything they had to say, from what I here. I recall b4nny lying his ass off about what would be in the final game and he was just """confused""" after promising the moon and nothing he said came to fruition.
No, the 6s community is literally that retarded, no shit they backpedaled after fucking up the game for LITERALLY EVERYONE ELSE.
i like comp but only 9 vs 9 since it puts every class against each other and lets skills win the game 6 v6 is jsut autistic mains who cannot understand fun
Are the ps3 and xbox servers still up? Those never got updated I think.
No I understand the 6s community is mindbendingly retarded, but b4nny was one of those mouthbreathers talking about how great everything was that was already done and just waiting to be released, and other such promises. Then turned out he'd lied his ass off and he had a bland, passive reaction to absolutely nothing he talked about or what any other comp mouthbreather talked about coming true.
i think there might be a few servers but almost no players
They could never catch him because he was using Incognito… genius…
Overwatchfags truly are the SUfags of vidya.
Wrong, only on /gif/ and /wsg/
Nope, no nsfw allowed on ANY blue board. Spoilered or otherwise.
Also loli isn't against the rules, but will still get you banned.
Judging by your posts in this thread it's obvious you want TF2 to be seen in a good light but it's bad all around even today. I got morbidly curious and started playing TF2 again. There's hackers and aimbotters on almost every ranked match, casual or competitive. This is not exaggerated in the slightest. The best proof of this is how they're unafraid to go after cloaked spies and reveal without doubt that they're hacking. Their team won't kick them let alone report them. Trying to do either does nothing.
Lack of moderation was a huge, "problem" for 4/v/ back in the day, lots of people bitched and moaned for mods when shit like the Pokemon flooded the board, the 3AM furfag threads or the influx of bronies came pouring in to bait every thread with brony shit.
Yes they did nerf it, they way the damage nerf works is that they removed the damage ramp-up (the damage bonus that you get when shooting people within ~5 meter from you) until the minigun is revved for atleast 2 seconds, which means that ambushing as a Heavy will no longer warrant that sweet 150% damage ramp up until the faggot that you ambushed knows you're there and fucks off back to his spawn
My favorite salt to harvest when i'm maining Medic with the Vaccinator
Absolutely Bro-tier, the way you can see a Heavy main is that he's a stronk independent heavy dat needs no medick that way you know that you're pocketing the right partner that can function after you (unavoidably) dies, always be sure that he carries a sandvich
What are some mandatory configurations for each class?
I've got the rocket jump bind, but it fucks the alien thingy for soldier.
Well I mean
I own my own server
But only on Tuesdays
Every time I kill a heavy on their picnic break I get this wonderful feeling of satisfaction.
dunno, i have none and i am always doing good, just use what you realy like
but enough about /thedonald/ Holla Forums
huh, when did they add firing speed to that thing?
enjoying sandvich is an art in mind games, which you already seem to be a fan of. have you ever eaten sandvich to lure some arrogant bastards their deaths?
dirty sneak heavy is the best though, i still love the tomislav for its silence, but a little less after the 'damage ramp up' change.
Summer just stated and I already want it to end
storage is dirt cheap
To be fair that's not all Valve's fault. The community went down the shitter, guys who knew how to have fun were replaced with CS:GO-playing autistic teens.
Too be fair I said "soon" because they said "Summer 2017" and its fucking Summer '17. If they don't deliver then I wont be surprised but regardless you're missing the point. Valve said nothing about TF2 getting Source 2. They just stopped giving a fuck about it
ASSFAGGOTS officially migrated from Source 1 to Source 2 but the only reason why that was possible was because there is no modding community for Dota 2 so there was virtually no mod compatibility to even break.
You know it's funny to think about how fast TF2C just up and evaporated. I mean hell, we really only got to play it for a few months before it was killed.
Anyone still have the Jason Grant pasta saved?
Not really, Day one/beta tf2 was always a shitty meme from 4chan hipsters and nearly every time a server got hosted, everyone had Merc badges. The one you get if your account started playing tf2 a year (or later) after it came out.
Alpha Blaster ruined the server. The guy was a complete insufferable faggot who banned anyone who seemed like a brony or a furry. Pretty sure he was a pedo or a weeb, too.
Furfag detected.
Oh no something you don't like
Better downvote
stay mad furfaggot, alphablaster made tf2 great again
So how did it die? Was it Alpha's fault or the devs got their steam accounts fucked.
shit was just a fucking mess
with the already small playerbase fracturing over the tiniest piddling shit in addition to Alpha becoming increasingly lolcow it all just evaporated one week.
It was both devs and BetaBlaster's fault. Alpha being an attention/acceptance seeking total faggot and head devs being the same shit.
Alpha was a gay pedo who used to cram it in everyones faces how much he wanted to fuck toon Link.
No, Alpha would do some crazy shit, like dig through a guys past profiles/history to see if they may have had any possibly furfag connections from years ago. He also used to ban people for retarded shit like muting micspam, or whatever other retarded thing he wanted to ban someone for at the time.
He also used to shit up threads by posting shota Link porn and you could obviously tell it was him either because of obvious things like it being an avatar thread or just recognizing his posting style. He was also caught ERPing and, he used to confess a bunch of shit about him being underage, not wanting to be gay, using r/thedonald and other shit, if anyone has those screencaps. I think he also tried advertising the server on cuckchan
I never understood why that underage faggot had so many damn disciples who would lay on a sword for him, I always got a bad feeling from him, and it turns out like usual my gut was right.
It was a combination of the devs and Alpha. One of the devs they brought on was a tranny who got butthurt about the server. And that became a thing apparently, I stopped going to the TF2C threads by that point because the already tiny population was basically dead most of the time.
Alpha also like I said above would just ban people for no reason. Not just furfags, and other cancerous retards, but often times just guys from Holla Forums sometimes because he thought it would be funny. Also he really wanted to be the king of Holla Forums or some shit and have everybody like him.
A tranny furfag who proclaims himself as a meme queen is now running the fucking game, how do you explain that? Visit his twitter if you want a cringefest, "IT'S TUESDAY YOU PIECE OF TRASH HARHARHAR".
It certainly doesn't run as well as it used to, it's bloated. But a computer that can't run anything better than TF2 at low res with an fps config is still pretty toastery. The game's 10 years old.
A $400 prebuilt from 2008 isn't a toaster yet?
Hi, Alphablaster.
Meanwhile in tumblr, fangirls are discussing if the Scout should fuck the Sniper or the Spy.
It wasnt that he was caught ERPing, its even worse, its that he was saying how he was gonna kill himself because someone sent him an ERP session of a sparkledicked furfaggot fucking Link and he fapped becuase he was getting off to the idea of being forced to watch like the literal cuck he was. Also dont forget when /baphomet/ posted his shit in the lolcow thread, he rapidly changed his steam username to try and hide because he didnt realized steamid was a thing. Of all the shit you could say about Alphablaster, that he wasnt an entertaining lolcow isn't one of them.
Only if you're 13.
tf2 will always rememberd as a bro game for me, that is how i want to remember it
only useful for Huo-Long whatever it's called, but it's nice that it got a lil buff
You seem to forget that the sandvich's primary use is to heal medics (if there is any)
TF2 is a very, very unique game and it has a 'diverse' fan creations. It's characters, gameplay, and aesthetics all just clicks so fucking well that it's impossible to separate them from each other. and the irony of all of this is that it's own creator that tries to kill it
Thank god i never cared in the first place, from the first look i knew that it a bunch of amateurs that 'attempt' to fix TF2, and boy do i am very glad that shit went down
The Spy, clearly. The only way to get back at a man who's banging your mom is to fuck him in the ass.
But you can't like it, that would be gay.
There is not much between a furfag and "le link shota so hot! xD" pedofaggot.
Booted from the project last October. Didn't matter anymore since the project's direction was already fucked and the playerbase was non-existent.
Wanna pubstomp, pal?
we all love heavy here
I played this game months back.
Played as Sniper.
On 2fort. Start getting headshots. Keep getting headshots. Other team starts calling me a hacker. My team vote kicks me.
The people who still play this game are brain dead mongoloids. As I remember it was enemy teams Heavy who starteded the bitching, because there is NO WAY I could possibly get a headshot on a huge target standing still spraying a heavy machine gun.
When is Valve going to revert all the Axtinguisher nerfs?
when gabe will stop being a fat jew
holy shit, I haven't looked at that weapon in a while
what's the fucking point
Fuck fun.
keep it simple, stupid
leaks are appreciated nonetheless
The link contains code showing a clear pirate theme, referring to the classes differently (Demo is Grenaider, Sniper is Marksman, etc) changing the loading tips, weapon names, basically a TON of stuff. None of this is in the game yet, however I believe all of it is simply altered text for the Choose your own Adventure Campaign. I saw nothing on Pyro's new weapons or any rebalances.
Now my first instinct was "This is a troll. A year of waiting and this could easily be made." Then I looked at the sheer size of it and became a bit less skeptical. The list is massive. I think every single bit of text from top to bottom has been changed in this manor. Some of these are actually kinda funny as well. ""Top Hat wit' a Bleedin' Rocket Innit" Over "The Gentle Munitionne of Leisure" For example. Every hat, every cosmetic, every achievement, they went all out here. They even changed messages seen by HACKERS WHO GET CAUGHT TO BE PIRATE THEMED.
"Yer ship has been marked down fer circumventin' th' loot distribution system, an' stealin' our booty! We've taken back all yer illegal contraband ye've acquired.\n\nDon't do it again, or we'll take ALL yer loot!"
"[english]TF_CheatDetectedMinor" "Your account has been flagged for circumventing the item distribution system. We have removed the items that were illegally obtained.\n\nFuture violations will result in the loss of all your items."
"TF_CheatDetectedMajor" "Yer ship has been marked down fer circumventin' th' loot distribution system, an' stealin' our booty! We've purged all yer loot from yer treasure chest.\n\nDon't do it again, or we'll keel haul yer ship!"
"[english]TF_CheatDetectedMajor" "Your account has been flagged for circumventing the item distribution system. We have removed all items in your inventory.\n\nFuture violations may result in your account being disabled."
Now, the interesting thing to note, these changes seem to me like a selectable mode in itself. They even managed to change Halloween and MVM text to be pirate themed. Leading me to believe that is the "Choose your own adventure" Campaign. That it will be a selectable mode, and that it will be much more detailed than expected. 14000+ lines of code here.
This small bit is what convinced me this is the campaign.
TF_PersonalStats_Title" "Yer Own Spoils"
"[english]TF_PersonalStats_Title" "Personal Stats"
"TF_StatsLeaderboards_Title" "Spoils Tallyboards"
"[english]TF_StatsLeaderboards_Title" "Stats Leaderboards"
"TF_RankedLeaderboards_Title" "Ranked Tallyboards"
"[english]TF_RankedLeaderboards_Title" "Ranked Leaderboards"
"TF_QuickMatch_Title" "Board a Quick Battle"
"[english]TF_QuickMatch_Title" "Join a Quick Match"
"TF_QuickMatch_Desc" "Board an adventure wit' experienced\nCap'ns like ye."
"[english]TF_QuickMatch_Desc" "Jump straight into a game against\nsimilarly matched opponents."
"TF_HostMatch_Title" "Host a Battle"
"[english]TF_HostMatch_Title" "Host a Match"
"TF_HostMatch_Desc" "Build yerself a new adventure\n exactly as ye see fit."
"[english]TF_HostMatch_Desc" "Create a new game session exactly\nas you want."
And this here
"tf_Chapter1_Title" "Hydro"
"[english]tf_Chapter1_Title" "Hydro"
"tf_Chapter2_Title" "Gravel Pit"
"[english]tf_Chapter2_Title" "Gravel Pit"
"tf_Chapter3_Title" "Well"
"[english]tf_Chapter3_Title" "Well"
"tf_Chapter4_Title" "Granary"
"[english]tf_Chapter4_Title" "Granary"
"tf_Chapter5_Title" "Teufort"
"[english]tf_Chapter5_Title" "2Fort"
"tf_Chapter6_Title" "Dustbowl"
"[english]tf_Chapter6_Title" "Dustbowl"
"TF_Battlements" "Battlements"
Terms like "Build your own adventure" As well as some sort of leaderboards and chapters lead me to believe this is the campaign, it will be selectable to participate in (For a fee of course) and likely have drops, hopefully depending on skill and how much time you put into it.
And many thanks to the Russian Hackers who brought us this info.
Well holy fucking shit.
Thanks for taking the time, by the way.
pirates forever
wait are those supposed to be the same link
no different version, i simplified them in my post
no i accidently posted link twice sorry
probably but if you pay 5 EU or dollars in the first day and get as much loot as you can you can usually sell it for huge profit
i bought all of their shitty campaigns, made 15$ back within the first day because of shitty drops and crates i will never use but the faggots love them and buy crates for 7 dollaridoos
Yeah, that's why I am hoping I am not working at the time the update drops. On the first day, new crates usually go for up to $10. Of course, those very same crates drop in price by 80% after the second day, at most.
I'm being facetious, I have a shitload of botkillers
i hope i am not on vacation when it drops, since i barely have any free time (ironic)
and i got about 20$ on my steam acount because i keep melting drops for metal trading for games sell cards and make profits so i am kinda loaded with internet shekels because i am the master goy
i prefer handing out asskickings to 'pro' soldiers and scunts than stomping noobs thoughand i live in the SEA so no thanks
This must be a ruse, i believe it so since i had lost faith in Valve. Some things are too good to be true
god, please don't remind me on how they tried (and somewhat successful) at trying to rub CSGO's skinnerbox cancer to TF2, we had enough fucking cosmetics, even the weapons got them too but now? i say it again to you Valve
the campaigns sucked but from a financial standpoint it was good for me
F2P niggers don't like getting killed in 1 hit because of their lack of awareness. Valve decided that good Spies and Snipers already turned enough casuals away from the game so they removed the Pyro's ability to reliably kill anything other than Spies and Scouts.
There are people that unironically discuss ways of nerfing the Heavy.
it was a bit OP and it required almost no skill, altough i always loved the pyroniggers rage after he critted me and i mowed him down with my minigun
i fucking remember when trudging through message boards that is the 6s compfags, that they decided the fucking tomislav need a nerf because
This is also the reason i mostly despise soldiers who roam
Bullshit, if anything F2P fags always goes for Snipers / Spies when they have the chance and it's loadout is dime a dozen. Cunt Ringers spies are still cancer, if not more especially after Valve decided hurr durr the spy can be seen when it's burningI KNOW! MAKE THE DR HAVE AFTERBURN IMMUNITY WHEN ACTIVE
Sure it was good with the degreaser, but the fact that the pyro has to go into melee range is it's biggest weakness as well, RIP Targe for having its afterburn immunity removed
all but one class could survive that crit so it did not matter
here is a small visual representation
"S-Spy takes skill y-you're just mad because y-your bad…"
Why do fags have such a hard time understanding that the moment you get close to a Pyro you are already at a disadvantage, that's been literally the Pyro's only good point since launch. At mid to long range the Pyro can do fuck all unless he has a shotgun (which nobody uses) or the Flaregun which can be extremely hard to hit with if your opponent has more than half a brain.
F2P fags absolutely love headshotting and backstabbing but get butthurt very easily when headshotted or backstabbed. That's what i meant by good Snipers and Spies turn casuals away.
Thank fuck for pubshitter spies that think you'll fall for the stairstab for the second time. Free kills for me, to be quite honest.
t. haven't played for a year and a half
But the spy is scout's father.
Retards like you are why valve can get away with the shit that they do.
I bet you installed windows 10 too, huh faggot.
Oh no, $7.00 for 2014-2017 I've been le so scammed!
I installed Window 10 on 5 different partitions to account for some of you, don't worry.
Oh, and for the record. That's only for the phone, I haven't paid for anything on steam since the steam market came out.
Yes you have you dumb nigger, every time you sell something on steam you're paying valve a cut of the profits.
Oh no I spent money!
Guess I should just ignore the top-5 boards until summer is done with.
easy filter ty
At the end of the day, you're still the retard who paid 7 real dollars just to get $2 in valve monopoly money, and valve is the one that makes off with the real profit.
I'd agree with you but
I just sold an unusual hat for $1200 over paypal.
You lucky bastard. I left far before I could trade up to the unusual level. What was it, pray tell?
sunbeams patriot peak
Oh yeah? Well I just sold an unusual hat for $1500 over paypal.
Stormy storm Galvanized gibus?
Then you're just a straight up kike, still the lesser of two evils though, i guess. If only because you probably jewed your way up using regular ass item drops.
He's just lying. Don't encourage him.
It still has a bretty fucking good comic for vidya at least
Fuck me.
you fucked up
redtexting user
Even if TF2 isn't hacked, it's even more cancerous than i could have possibly imagined. Fucking hell esports ruins everything.
kill me now, dubsman.
There's your mistake.
Never used to be like that shit before. I mean, we're talking like 2010 here, but Turbine used to be pretty fucking chill, just fucking around killing shit, now it's fucking serious business.
He was a /cuteboys/ fag who thinks reddit is superior and worships the ground trump stands on
Just like Overwatch anyone who plays a casual game meant to be played casually as an "esport" is a faggot.
Is this the /cow/ thread from AssBlastedMaster
Give me an archive, this sounds fucking funny.
I think it has to do with how video game audiences have changed in general. There's more easily offended children then there were before thanks to social justice seeping into everything, and the heavier focus on e-sports attracts the kind of people you'd only find when playing ASSFAGGOTS.
for a not-Venture Bros comic about Team Fortress, i'd say it is a good supplementary material that actually genuinely funny at some points.
You do realize that you can mute them by yourself right? You don't have to vote just to mute some dumb faggot. My games 99% went without a squeaking dipstick ruining my concentration.
Holy shit
Top wew fam
Heh, that's pretty funny to say the least, though since it's just a (funny) cosmetic change, i don't think it'll add alot more to the game.
i think the change is for the update, i think it will be a complete overhaul we might know the cosmetic change but not the game-play wise and the team said that before the update came out they would let the community know what they were going to do and ask for advice
Seems like a cool guy to me.
Okay nevermind he's human garbage.
Actually, appears he was underage. 16 or something.
When people say "banned anyone who seemed like a brony or a furry", that included going through someone's friend list and looking at their profiles. I think it even got to the point where someone almost got banned for having a catgirl profile pic. It didn't help that the server he ran had a shit connection no matter where you were. At least some good art assets were born from his faggotry, I guess.
As someone who couldn't give less of a fuck about who people were, aside from blatant furfags, horsefuckers, and undermemesters, I want to hear more of this.
All I remember is someone with a Touhou profile pic almost getting banned because someone mistook it for being furry.
Rin? Chen? Sokrates?
The real question is Holla Forums TF2 server when? I miss playing with you faggots, even if Alpha did stupid shit
If I remember correctly, it was Momji.
I'm in the mood. It's too hot to go outside here. Someone, please, set one up.
i have an empty server where we all could join
That's a pirate translation of TF2 that's been there for a long time, as far as I know. It's nothing new.
IP? I'll play, even if it's shit.
it's a server wich i sued to visit but nobody is there but it is normal
Not unless you're planning to be a gay memer.
Kill yourself my man
You better be baiting, motherfucker.
Well i do hope you fags will play TF2, the server ain't gonna fill itself ya'know
It's funny that there's alot of ghost-town servers nowadays, since i hoped on how the shitshow that was Shit Your Match, i hoped that regulars would've come back to community servers and they don't since they mostly quit
I know this is a bit of gravedigging, but
From my experience as a heavy main from launch-MVM and came back a few months ago casually: fam bus is still the best slot 2 item for him. Sandviches are still a small medpack on throw, why would i waste a slot for a throwable small medkit? I'd much rather have eight shots i can use to pick off weak faggots, or meatshot bad scouts who think they autowin against heavy.
As for primaries, they really gave him the shaft, and feasibly only ass beast, tamishitter, and natascha are useful. I still have a soft spot for natascha, she really raked in the salt in the good old days. Especially in TF2L 7's.
Speaking of which, why did the meta get forced into 6's? only faggots genuinely enjoy 6's. 7's was always a loads of fun, i wish it carried on…
Errr no user, Sandviches are medium healthpack on-the-go,the one you referring is the Dalokoh's Barbut then again i use them (Sandviches) on Maps that have scarce large healthpacks (Badlands, Process, Standin, etc). To me though, the fam bus is good just for killing weak shits that are running from you (Scunts or Snipers) since you already have a giant automatic 'shotgun' as a primary, and i'd rather have a Large-Healthpack on-the-go instead of a somewhat more mobile shotgun that lets you fire without being a slow-ass target, but hey YMMV like that since our gameplay mindset is different between the both of us.
No, ass beast and natascha are now shit again since Valve thought it's a good idea to nerf 2 underpowered primaries because they obviously never played the fucking game
But seriously ass beast need a very dear buff since fucking everyone can headshot a heavy revving it, making it only good for Cart duties since the cart is faster than you. Here's how i think we should buff it
>put back the 20% damage resist without having the heavy near death
i miss the natascha too user, Valve never seem to let the Heavy get any fun
Because they're faggots on the highest order, and since their mindset of playing is going fucking fast jumping around like a nigger on meth, they will ban weapons that would slow down gameplay. Think about that for a fucking second.
It's rare to see heavy mains today lad, mostly they just go soldier, scunt, demo, or sniper
Hey but good news, they patched the Natascha to finally work in mvm a little while ago
Gurk's will is eternal. I fought alongside him enough to know how great heavy is. I carried the torch til MvM, and i come back to a furry cesspool full of cancer and pedos. Maybe with the pyro update, they'll burn the community to the ground. No survivors
You seem to play a slow heavy who grinds a lot. Heavy is best applied in a medium pace, youve gotta stay mobile and learn to hop corners to mow faggots down. Obv limited by move speed, but that is why GRU exist. I hope your slot 3 is permanently reserved for them.
Some of us care about the game for the game's sake. Not as if an immature faggot like you would understand that.
calm down, jbird, go suckle on hacker cock elsewhere. some of us want to talk about what went wrong with tf2, and remember the good times.
Pffft, typical extremist viewpoint.
Pffft, typical centrist viewpoint.
theres not getting killed and theres staying healthy enough to keep pace.
natascha still pisses people off, i like breaking it out when theres lots of pyros. i have never ever used that gun without someone expressing their disgust.
Heavy is underrated as fuck and should comprise the backbone of any team right alongside Medics and Engineers
Is there anything more fun than playing Spy versus an incompetent team? Backstabbing is satisfying as fuck and its funny as shit watching them become more and more paranoid
the opinion that hooby is medicore comes from competitive settings where the teams are small. i dont think the whole game was designed around such small teams.
6s in general completely flies in the face of the game's design because the format naturally evolved its own little meta where nothing but Soldiers, Demos, Medics and Scouts are viable, and faggots who enjoy or primarily (or even exclusively) play the gamemode try to push shit that works and doesn't work in 6s onto the rest of the game. It definitely wasn't intended for a team of six players, respawn time is a testament to that. Roaming Soldiers work (in 6s), one Medic taking care of the entire team works (in 6s), one Demoman being able to control the entire field works (in 6s), but outside of that format nothing that works in 6s applies and generally your team will loathe you for trying to bring that shit into a 32-man server. The people who say it's the optimal way to play are huffing their own farts.
I prefer Highlander (or 9s, whichever you want to call it), but it comes with its own problems.
halfchan was cucked beyond imagination by SJW
SJW are leftists
leftists demanded their secret club because were jealous of pol
so now all the cucks from halfchan are flooding fullchan because they have a safespace, leftypol
Holla Forums hugboxed itself and were more than happy to drive leftists out while leftists were more than happy to leave don't pretend they won't take their own safe-space if an opportunity is presented
Heavy shouldn't even have a fucking healing item in the first place. It's the medic's job to heal the heavy, not thr other way around.
The game itself failed at its own design - it has been so flawed and imbalanced since day one that it just naturally skewed towards that sort of meta. But rather than fix the underlying balance issues, Valve is content with just adding more toys that only serve as a distraction to them and have greater potential to exaggerate the issues.
Did they ever add like real ranked and all that. I can't remember the last time I actually ran steam tbh.
Regarding the pirate related links, the official Talk Like a Pirate Day is Sept. 19, it would make sense if they released the update then
FTFY Nigger
Heavy has a healing item as a tie-in to Meet the Scout (literally just the sandwich he was shown eating while guarding a point), and the penalty for being able to heal himself is that it makes himself a total and complete sitting duck. Hence, smart use of it would be to retreat and duck back to a safe-place to do it in, reserve it as support for teammates via a mid-medkit, or if you're crafty and have good timing to intentionally bait other players with the promise of a free kill, then the last thing they hear is your minigun revving. It's not intended to be a Medic replacement by any stretch of the imagination, something Valve forgot with the sheer amount of relatively scot-free self healing that the Demo and Soldier get. A Sandvich is time-consuming, dangerous, and not recommended in any action scenario.
As for balance and how it relates to the game's meta, this one's stickier because everybody has a different idea of balance, though there's very definite points just about everyone can agree on; Pyro is fucked and several other classes do his job better, both Pyro and Medic are having their class-defining abilities (healing, afterburn) given to other classes in limited forms, the game in general quite heavy-handedly favors Demoman and Soldier as far as new content releases go. It's true they're not interested in balancing extensively, hell, they can't be bothered to do basic bugfixes (Sandvich hasn't had a bite taken out of it after one use in years, Heavy hasn't said "Da svidanya!" on teleport in God knows how long, hundreds of other tiny things missing as the game bloats), and for all intents and purposes the Steam Workshop they were gassing on about as the future of content-submission for official TF2 inclusion might as well not exist because nothing gets added from it.
No, there's still not really any real "ranked" mode. Competitive and Casual lobbies for matchmaking.
The sandvich is still a crutch, bottom line. There is no "feasible" competitive reason to choose it over a shotgun. If you are in a ladder match, say 7's or highlander, you will never need to use that piece of fuck. Why? Your medic. If your medic is worth his salt, you will never be faced with a situation where you desperately need a medium medkit. And disengaging to go eat is just as bad as eating out in the front lines. All you do is invite the enemy demo or solly to come fuck your shit up — and you had better pray no teammate is nearby or else you just got them killed because you were selfish enough to lead the enemy to you for a heal.
There really arent any vocal heavy mains, and most that you see who claim they are, are post F2P shitters who have no idea how the game is played.
because they are generalists who can achieve more than most other classes. Thier skillsets and weapons always lent to this. The only way to outsmart or outplay them is to have enough experience playing them to know thier actions and movements. True, the items added over the years exacerbated this, but demo ultimately got fuckall except meme knight trash. Solly got some nice toys, though.
The comics were a mistake. Pinkerton cucked the comic to hell and back, and the art team working on the comic begrudged him for his cuckery til the end. I hope it never appears again and stays dead. Let those artists work on something GOOD
The heavy is a defense class, his job is to stay in one room and make sure his guys can get through it, and other guys can't.
If ANYTHING, the teamup should be engineer/heavy not medic heavy.
F2Pshitter spotted!
How much goybucks did you give uncle gaben to buy your max head and earbuds?
okay lad you really need to go back to [DISC}-FF- servers and stay there with your furpals
Can't the sandwich be thrown to instantly heal the medic?
What if you are healing your medic like said? And sandvich isn't a crutch, it doesn't make heavy OP and he's gonna take damage regardless, it makes him less reliant on a medic.
Last i checked in the tf2… "economy", earbuds aren't worth shit anymore, and the max head is, like, half of what it used to be.
Healing someone doesn't equate to pocketing them, you extreme-loving faggot.
Titling it as their job however, is.
The demos and engis guard the room. Heavy clears a forward path. A good heavy should have a med, solly and be the vanguard of the team. You clearly have never played heavy in a real capacity, if you think room defense is his primary goal. You distract the enemy and allow your demos who arent far behind or scunts to flank. Nowhere in the game have they said he is a sole defense class, that is engi's job.
If you need to heal your medic, he's shit. Medics have a multitude of ways to heal themselves aside from passive. Huffing thier medigun/taunt, amputator taunt.
No, son, it doesnt make him less reliant — it makes him a liability. Say you are running low on ammo(for this example, say youve only got 30 rounds left) from an engagement, and a scunt is running up on you. What do you do? Well, the first choice for any smart heavy would be to whip out the shotgun and blast the faggot in his face. What's that? Youre using a sandvich? Oh, shit, well youre dead and your med was just coming back to grab you, so now he is dead from the scunt as well. As heavy, youre one of the most important people on a team. You can single handedly draw all attention to you, and you want to waste that power on selfish shit like meme items? Sandvich is a pub item for pubshitters. You can cuddle your bologna all night, but it isnt going to get that kill. It's not going to save your skin from people trying to chase you, it only serves to waste an item slot.
In recent times, but it still is a golden goose item for F2P shitters to make them feel like theyve been here longer
source needed for .gif
some random ayy
You obviously never played Medic before, Medics will always be the primary target of good snipers, roaming soldiers, and scunts. Oh and the passive healing won't worth jackshit if you don't equip the amputator which you probably won't use since that slot is reserved for ubersaw to charge up more uber by hitting stragglersAlso another reason to use Vaccinator since it improves your likelihood of living when being flanked by 300%
Nigga those are worse ways of healing compared to using the sandvich, huffing the kritz will only give you 10HP, while the amputator taunt doesn't even heal him, it heals other teammate within it's radius although i'll admit that it's somewhat practical in some situations
Your assessment of Heavy's role in the team is spot-on though.
-t. medic main w/ 100+ hours of experience
Actually i do play Heavy that way, ambushing corners and taking out pockets is my job description, though i prefer a more feint-like gameplay by feigning a retreat then jump into the corner where the faggot would try to pick me off and fill him with boolits. It's just that i felt the primary has already got all the firepower i need so i'd rather switch it with something else to fill the healing niche
Close enough, i reserved it for the eviction notice since i felt the minicrit you get for switching to it is a near-death sentence for me.Plus ORA ORA ORA'ing spies is always worth the time
I'm usually stuck with using the KGB or the knuckle dusters for melee, because on one hand it lets me immediately fuck up bad scout players which are always a problem for me due to my bad aim when they start jumping (Also an issue with my FOV to boot) and the other, it's somewhat less risky than the gloves of running urgently.
Medevil mode with steak and KGB is fun as fuck though. I love all the demos that haven't taken on the skill concept of actually timing their melee hits and counting the amount of hits needed for a kill with their melee, that just walk into my fists, which is fun as fuck until they get smart and switch to snipers and medics.
Spawncamping in general is fucking rad especially if there's 2 engineers camping at different spots. I love it even more when the opposite team won't get the hint of breaking the spawncamp it's medics, obviously and tries to break the spawncamp just by spamming demo / soldiers
I'm always the cloaked spy in the corner of an intel room spamming voice menu laughs and stuff at the engys. Pretty much the only fun thing left to do in TF2 nowadays tbqh
Did CTF_Moonman ever get completed?
It was the best part of the mod anyways.
New thing, some of these changes seem really weird.
Spy on suicide watch.
Nobody asked for this.
There's so much of this I don't understand the thought process behind it.
The design wasn't actually bad for what it gave you and it was a great ambush weapon when done right. The only thing that needed to be done was have it so you can pre-load 50% of the shells to have in reserve or something
Not bad not bad.
All they had to do was make it so that you no longer lose Afterburn and don't get the speed boost on popping. This pretty much would kill off people using Ambassador + Dead Ringer as Aggro Spies.
It was a hard knife to use but it was one of the most rewarding too. Sadly the buffed big earner made that role a tad easier but they contrast quite well as the Earner would get you screwed if you fucked up your chain stab.
What was needed to be done: Fix projectile hitboxes
What was done: Boosts the damage of the ball for some reason?
Never had a problem with this weapon and the fix seems to be a tad daft.
"Lets give scout a means of sustaining himself more than the Milk which is a pain to pull off!"
Probably wont help the scout that much but I can see it being even more annoying to combat
Scout now 6 pieced by every shotgun class
Nerfed into the ground despite being a never used weapon
What was needed: Mini crits while deployed making manoeuvring it a more risk vs reward scenario
What was given: Base Jumper Soldiers now fucked by Snipers
What was needed: Merge it with the Gunboats
What was done: ????
What was needed: Sniper gets 6 pieced by Soldiers and Demomen while active
What was done: Pyros, fuck them guys am i right?
What was needed: Assists while using keeps 1% of ubercharge meaning your healing buddy needs 10 kills to get the 10% uber advantage.
What was done: Ubersaw 2 organ bogaloo
Wha? why?
This was fine before? Why fix what isn't broken?
MvM Engineer on suicide watch
TL;DR Thank fuck Ambassador and Dead Ringer is getting dicked but other than that. For what purpose?
Spy mains BTFO
why are we still here, to suffer?
the rescue ranger is the only thing that prevents me from raging as engie anytime because my team is autistic, also it allows me survive against the 2 most skillfull classes soldier and demo when they try to enrich me
But like, why? Some of them I get, and I'm glad they're going back to some old design philosophy (you couldn't see scout's atomizer so it was unpredictable) but some nerfs seem unnecessary (did people really use fists of steel ever?) and some of the focus on comp play has me worried, like when they mention in the razorback change.
I bet 6v6 did this.
This is just more incentive for snipers to camp a spot instead of actually playing the damn game.
This is actually reasonable and anyone who has a problem with this is a complacent idiot.
This should've been fixed years ago.
No. Those things were what made the Dead Ringer viable at all since before that it's counter was braindead easy, just spray flames and follow the flaming faggot. Even with regular shots, a lot of people could just follow the Spy and kill him when he uncloaked, like a Sniper going after him with a machete.
The whole idea of it was an escape mechanism, but if you can't really escape or outrun your pursuers, it fails and you're better off with stock.
The change seems to be more of a commitment to disguises, really. Your cloak, no matter which one you use, will suck hard and disguises take priority over it if you want to pull it off.
At least it cuts down on YER biggest problem: getting the first disguise, which is likely to be the reason it's not often used.
BAD Spy mains BTFO. The faggots that play "I'm a sneaky Sniper!" and fuck Pyros at medium range with Amby headshots, outside the range of a flamethrower or shotgun, those are fucked.
only one that matters
The Rescue ranger I don't really see much of outside of MvM because as soon as you get your sentry focused down, you're pretty much a sitting duck since the RR was such a piss poor weapon to use in combat.
Spy already has a faster speed boost and adding to that pretty much makes them impossible to track post dead ringer pop essentially causing a "round-about" spy where they'd sit by a large ammo kit or spawn, spam Amby shots hoping for headshots and then when fire gets turned to them, they leg it. removing the speed boost would at least make it easier to shut down these camping spy sets.
I think the reason for the Croc shield's buff was because being on fire drastically reduces the chance that a sniper could aim effectively. The razorback change is bullshit, though.
rr is alto of fun for me, and is realy usefull in pubs because most other engineers and team mates participate in the special olympics
That was the point. Most classes had a way to either counter or outflank snipers and pyro player's counter was using one of the flare weapons to throw off a sniper's aim. But then again the point of pyro nowadays is to show how to systematically nerf a character/class into complete uselessness.
It would be decent if the trade off was in any way good, but losing the SMG isn't as detrimental as trading the shotgun for a banner or the sticky launcher for a shield.
??? Walks at the same speed as Engy, Pyro and Sniper, the 3 classes he'll face more often and is slower than the Medic or Scout.
Any of these saw a Spy that they knew was using DR, they'd shoot till he popped then they'd follow him since escape routes are fairly predictable if you actually want to escape and shoot him when he ran out of Cloak.
I used to do this as Engy or Medic and I've suffered this as Spy to the point that regular cloak or even cloak&dagger seemed better, more reliable options since DR wasn't fooling anyone anymore.
Don't see how it helps against camping, since in those cases they have distance and don't need the speed.
No, the point of Pyro is to win regardless of nerfs to enrage bad players even more. Also, to be forced to employ things like combos that are not fun at all for anyone but without them, you're worthless and everyone will bitch until it's removed.
Stickyspam? What's that?
I like to see diverse portfolios.
They have so many useless weapons that they systematically fucked into the ground that they just can't get rid of, and rather than actually try to retire them, they're just trying their damndest to jam that square peg into that round hole and make them work. The DDS combo was far more solid when it was in that set with the Bushwacker, hat and sydney sleeper than whatever the fuck Nu Darwin Danger Shield is suppose to do.
i cant tell if this is a parody
You're all forgetting that none of these changes are final. B.A.S.E jumper nerf and Mantreads buff is interesting, but parachuting Soldiers being "hard to hit" is a stupid reason to do it, and Demo has lost the parachute and gained nothing. Eviction Notice should have stayed where it was too.
But I'm still willing to wait and see if these changes hold up, or if they get tweaked more from feedback, *and* we still haven't seen any buffs or nerfs for Pyro or Demo. As much as Valve loves to milk TF2 for money, I'm willing to give the TF2 dev team a chance to do something right here and make changes based on everyone's input rather than the usual "whatever 6's/B4nny suggests" or completely retarded nerfs like the Bison. Which I'm hoping will get the nerf removed with enough feedback, and there's sure to be feedback about it.
Don't go pissing your pants immediately, this kind of communication is a good thing.
if you were only concerned about "competitive feasibility" sure you probably wouldnt take the sandvich, but you probably would never use your shotgun either if youre just playing everyone to their strengths and everyone is doing their job properly.
but when do these magical ideals actually come in to reality? the medic is going to die assuming you ever had one and youre going to be the only one left defending an objective or crucial path. this is just reality.
What happened to weapons which you aimed, fired and things died?
That's still 99% of the weapons though.
I'd like to say guilty as charged, but i have SOME time clocked in from the old days. Never was my cup of tea, and i always had my internet friend med me as we would shit on servers.
He's been playing that shitty ARK game, and asks me top buy it. It hurts my soul that we wont roll servers like the old days. :'^(
only pleased about the miniguns, tbh
Wait what the fuck why did they do the GRU treatment to eviction notice
fucking 6v6
feels good still being able to rape a entire server and see everybody go pyro and cry that they can't reflect everything
i always thought it was strange how they made air blasts firing rate faster. i didnt think the point was to be all but immune to projectiles but to make the pyro less vulnerable to them..
pyroniggers think they should be able to reflect everything, it is fun seeing them wait for me to shoot so they can reflect but they can never predict when i shoot with the beggars
So basically going after a light class as a pyro will only give you a kukari to the face becuase sniper has the effective health of a heavy against fire
you illiterate nigger
in the blog it says pyro is special and they will make a special announcement on his proposed changes you illiterate goon
6 v 6 caused tf2 to fall in quality
You know Pyro is getting an entire fucking update of his own? For the second or third time. There were no changes listed for the Demoman either but I don't see you complaining about that you w+m1 fucker.