If Far Cry 5 flops How will Ubisoft damage control...

If Far Cry 5 flops How will Ubisoft damage control? They except people to take Far cry 5 seriously after creating a setting and enemy as laughable as North Korea invading America after replacing Silicon Valley in Homefront.

Far Cry is a big enough name that it's unlikely to flop

That been said of ass effect 4 and primal

Not gonna lie, the idea of getting to fuck up some crazed doomsday cult in the middle of the American Mid-West sounds pretty fun. It might be some really stupid anti-right wing bullshit, but hopefully it just has fun with the general idea of letting us go GI Joe in America, which hasn't really been done before as far as I can remember.

It won't flop because of the name that it has.

Primal is a spin-off, ME4 got exposed for being shit because of the retarded animations etc. FC5 looks good graphically and normalfags will buy into that.

Unlike Homefront, Far Cry wont flop because of the brand name. With that said as cool as it is to fight a crazed cult in Montana I wonder if Far Cry type games in urban settings are impossible. Homefront TR clearly had too small a budget considering its not so much open world but open district with areas being seperated by loading screens and the development was troubled to say the least, but I wonder if the only thing that keeps people going in these kinds of guerrilla warfare type games is that they arent based in modern day America where you know the setting probably wont happen like that in our own backyards.

Isn't it obvious?

inb4 they shoot themselves in the foot because some cucks start finding pretty good arguments and reasoning in the villain's motives, or the sights of nature, religion and unity makes them slowly drift towards that in real life

thats just true

You mean like what happen with pagan Ming and not trump in watch dogs 2?

when did they shoot themselves in the foot with pagan min?

Oh look another terrorist. I will explain for your monkey brain:

I didn't follow E3 closely at all, did they announce another Watch Dogs game? I was under the impression Ubisoft is content to pump out sequels at an alarmingly high rate no matter how badly the games do through sales, they probably still make enough to keep rolling.


they painted him as a tyrant because he is a tyrant, doesnt matter if hes polite to one person out of a million. they even give you the option of not killing him, if you so desire. besides that, they never attempted to hide that all youre doing is perpetuating a cycle.
these are all decisions they made while designing the game, thats hardly 'shooting themselves in the foot'

It's a "good guys :) kill bad guys :(" story with a conflict between the two main good guys :) shoehorned in to create the illusion of the story being deep

sounds like wishful thinking on your part.
even if the story is an accident, it is what it is.

Far Cry will never be as fun as the 4-player co-op story-mode in Far cry 3.

I don't really like the idea of putting a cult and a bunch of doomsday-preppers/survivalists into the same basket.

like sjw always do

they will buy some GOTY award and pretend it sold well

Opposing criminal gangs in the aftermath of a big disaster sounds like a better plot for an open-world shooter set in the US than Far Cry 5's plot.

A disaster (or overlapping ones) would give you all sorts of variety in terrain (flooded suburbs, ravines, fallen skyscrapers) and gives a good reason for where the hell the national guard is.

Reminder the canon ending in FC4 was waiting out 15 minutes for Pagan to come back.

"doomsday cult" as in talking about how the end is coming and everyone is going to die, not as in "preppers"

As shit as Ubisoft is that was actually pretty great.


They never made homefront?

That setting is obviously unrealistic, but it's so cheesy it's funny.
Meanwhile FC5 is kneejerk reaction of assblasted lefties where you kill "evil cult" that somehow taken over 90% white and Christian state with full 2nd amendment rights.
What, did the cult come in when everyone was asleep?

I actually love the idea of exploring and killing stuff around rural montana.

We already got GTA and shit, and GTA V already has first person view. I don't think that's really necessary.

Ubisoft has diddly dick to do with Homefront and Revolution. Ubisoft has its fair share of problems, but why is it their most fervent opponents tend to think all bad games are from them ?

It won't. Feminists don't buy games, but average geeks do. And they're already completely brainwashed.

ME:A didn't flop as much as you think

Crazy rednecks are in right now. People love that shit.

Sorry I misread that. When I wrote my reply I was thinking about what the director said, if I recall correctly he wanted the bad guys to be survivalists/preppers but couldn't find a way to write a story about it so he went with some kind of cult instead.

Mac Walters, pls.

Just the mtrying to drum up all the bullshit "alt right hates our game" narrative shows you how fucking desperate they are.

If it has anywhere near the quality of 3 and 4, then it probably won't flop. A game has to be pretty fucking bad to repel normalfags.


The only way Farcry 5 could flop is if evil racists sabotage it's success. You're not an evil racist are you? Only an evil racist could hate Progressivecry 5. Make sure to preorder a copy for yourself and your friend, to show how much of an evil racist you aren't.


They wont need too, if Far Cry 5 flops it doesn't matter, they dont fucking care, if you've seen their conference it's painfully obvious they are going hard on pushing their agenda and are willing to spend an untold amount on cash on it whether the games take off or not.

Ass creed and this game, they don't give a shit, they'll keep going until bankrupt and some rich jew will bail them out. They're not gonna stop.