Yakuza and Persona are on Segas list to port
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Port to what? Is this part of SEGA's Road to 2020?
smh tbh
SMT is also garbage nowadays, would trade both for Vanillaware any day.
Why not just emulate them? I'm playing Yakuza 1 on my pc right now.
That's so cool dude
It says it's on the list they are talking about porting, nothing definite. The biggest problem would be the music which to my knowledge all belongs to Sony.
They also teases Bayonetta and Vanquish and they came out my dude.
What music? Yakuza?
I already have Yakuza 0 and Persona 5 anyway, but it would be nice to see past releases come to PC.
Whoever didn't think Persona wouldn't eventually find its way to PC obviously wasn't there for Persona 4. They adapted that shit to anything and everything, but back then PC wasn't on Sega's radar, or indeed Japan's in general. Now it is, and P5 is the hottest shit they have at the moment. It's really just a matter of putting two and two together.
Yakuza was more of a risky proposition, but western fans clamored enough to make it a possibility.
Of course that guy's right. I doubt I would shell for P5 even on PC. Not that I hate purse owner, I emulated both 3 and 4. But at least the playable characters in those tickled my fancy enough. Looking at the P5 roster I feel nothing but pure heh.
The localized music anyway. A lot of the original tracks in most of the games had to be replaced due to licensing issues and those tracks belong to Sony not Sega.
I'm not denying the possibility just pointing out that the article just says they're talking about it an nothing more and pointing out potential problems. I'm not trying to be a buzzkill just a realist.
How long is this gonna take Sega? TBA 2050?
have you tried to play EO on an emulator, drawing the map is super awkward
Port of this gem when, you sequel-wrecking Jewish gooks?
After PSO2 is localized
So nothing important then.
That's because it's designed for a different type of input. A proper port would be nice. Maybe a minimap that expands on mouseover to draw. I want to believe it would be good, anyway.
What is this madness?
Style over substance button mashers? No thanks. Not to imply Fatlus is any better though.
Are you implying that dragons are coming to kill us all, and our only hope is a group of silent titty monsters and lolis?
It's so you can apply direct headpats
That menu is annoying
The problem about what they are going to do about those tracks still remains. The reason they had to replace some of the music was because Sega couldn't afford the licensing fee in the first place so now they either have to buy the music from Sony or replace it again with even cheaper music.
You're forgetting the fact that Atlus wasn't Sega until recently,
If you play the 4th one you know we all die anyway but then it gets fixed so no big. Solid fucking series, I wonder when the translation of 2020-II is going to be done.
Where are my valkyria chronicles 2&3 ports SEGA?!
The Cancer has won.
Yakuza is obvious, it's open world shit with realistic graphics.
But Persona 5, a highly stylized weeb RPG made out of 50% noninteractive slice of life animu? Can't really see it.
Not really. In fact, Yakuza is just as much as weeb if not more than fucking Persona.
Nobody cares kiddo, sorry you hate good games because they're not all doom and gloom.
user the main character has hearts on her boobs and constantly yells "Let's get positive thinking!" If anything, 3 and 5 are the most negative/cynical.
Persona 5 is garbage just like3 and 4
eat a lead pill my man. 5 was the best persona since 3
Not exactly a sterling recommendation there.
He's right, but it's all flash and little substance. Great style, great music, fun boss fights, but at the end of the day, it's still an average VN stapled onto a game that doesn't need it.
and who are you to decide what the game needs and doesn't need? who made you the king of games?
fuck off back to your NES grampa
Patience is a virtue.
I've waited years for Bonerlord, DMC5 and REmake2 and they still didn't show them or have a release date at this years, at least I got a decent looking MH, guess I'll wait for TGS and Gamescom
>new universe, like 3/4 of the cast, INCLUDING THE REST OF YOUR PARTY, is still gone though to be fair it's not like the party is anything beyond "silent protagonists incorporated," plus Julietta recreated the time machine by accident so there's hope
>ends with the mascot-turned-semen demon pretty much confirming we will never know if Yuma and Allie returned
>postgame dungeon is pretty much "f-fuck you, you can't kill every dragon in every universe, haha I still win"
>DLC does literally nothing to help with the soul crushingly empty feeling after you beat the game
"everything's fixed" MY ASS.
Though, given that 7th Dragon is now a Sega franchise, maybe we'll be seeing the PSP duology and Code VFD on PC one day? also it's a travesty that there isn't more art for the game, let alone lewds
but why
Is Yakuza 4 worth playing or should I skip to 0? I've played 3 already.
Because emulating it is more hardware intensive than a native game, because on pc you don't need to use a gamepad if you don't want to, because you'll likely have much more options
4 is the best of the series. yes, play it at all costs.
Does anyone has that screencap when someone asked atlus if persona was ever coming out to pc and they just laughed?
Good to hear. Thanks.
4 is really bad.
Work work work and die at 40 of cold?
I would say every Yakuza game is worth playing. Why skip any at all?
Well story wise it sort of shits itself in the end but that happens with the writer for 3, 4, and 5. 0 was the first Yakuza game since 2 that didn't go full retard in the end and stayed excellent throughout. 5 had the best mini-games though.
Oh, you mean the PR guy at Atlus USA?
When even NeoFag calls you a liar you know you fucked up.
shit forgot about the flag
5 is good too, the whole game has an intense build up to the ending and it keeps you on the edge of your seat, but the ending was a fucking mess of retardation.
0 was pretty mediocre in my opinion. the style thing is practically useless because you dont even bother with any styles other than the heavy ones, and the mini games are a massive chore.
the ending of 4 was spectacular. the golden lock was that thing Date does with the helicopter and the newspaper.
the important part is, even though the setup for the ending was far fetched, each of the characters final bosses had a clear reason to fight against who they fought. the whole dilemma of the game is about who's in the right when it comes to upholding law, sort of a chaos good vs lawfag good moral dilemma. and besides Masayoshi was a great character. i kinda miss him. i didn't fancy baseball dude very much.
in 5 its just "oh this baldy guy is already here and baseball man needs someone to fight, so be it" and then "HEY GUISE I CANT BE AN IDOL BECAUSE MY UNCLE KAZUMA KIRYU LIVES IN WOLF AVENUE 123 IN OSAKA AND WE HAVE AN ORPHANAGE AND PLS DONT KIDNAP ME FOR THE 8th TIME KTHX BYE :^)". god haruka, you'd think that by the 7th kidnap you'd grow some common fucking sense.
user, that's lewd.
Women love getting kidnapped.
2020 one sucks because there are only 3 mebmers in the party. There is almost zero strategy and tactics.
Is it summer already?
The persona series is one of the few RPGs series where long time fans get attacked because of the drastic change in direction
Persona 1.
Persona 2 ( both games)
Persona 3 ( 3-2)
Persona 4.
Persona 5.
Those animations from Imagine were derpy as fuck. Why the fuck did they think any hardcore SMT fan wouldn't notice?
A bunch of dindus, use mythical brainwashing to force people who- while shit people are doing the things society has taught them to do – To do the complete opposite. The ends justify the means! and we must save society!
They then proceed to rehash the morals of Persona 2, without actually suffering any real loss or being forced into an unwinnable situation . Everything threat they face is just a tiny speed bump that doesn't even move their drinks.
Then, they borrow even more of Persona 2's story, since the majority of Nu Persona players never played it. Literally have Fused Velvet Lolis, word for fucking word repeat what was told to you in Persona 2.
Then defeat their God, aka the Imposter God from other, better SMT games in the most, OW THE EDGIEST way possible and get an absolutely happy ending with no drawbacks.
Persona the Fightans.
Anarchy Reigns is the number one game that would benift from a PC port.
Also Fuck Vanqish. They fixed nothing.
Vanquish isn't shit, but really not deserving of all the fanfare.
The game would be much more enjoyable if the stages were more open and boost has a different cooldown to the slow mo honestly.
Still really enjoyable and I love all the nods to Starship Troopers.
PC has enough grind-2-win games
how do you even enjoy things anymore? and i thought i was a depressed cynical fuck, but you just blow me out of the water by comparison.
Jesus that's some concentrated autism
Etrian is more read-the-guide-and-make-skill-build-specifically-suited-for-boss-battle-or-get-destroyed kind of game.
Not the Main story. And the styles are pretty useful on the harder difficulties. The Legend styles especially.
aren't the Legend styles just the styles they used in the original game?
i wouldn't mind the style stuff if they put it in a future game, but now they have to remake 1 and 2 to have styles too.
and who knows maybe remake 3 and 4 and 5 again because it'd be stupid to have a prequel where the characters are stronger and have more moves than they do in the present games right?
this is why prequels are always a retarded idea…
In my opinion the main story and the substories were both great and I liked the stlyes, it was the mini-games that were mediocre.
Fuck it, I'm continuing my P1-P2 playthrough right now
Yeah it shows how the all the styles evolved into the legend style. That's why sometimes prequels are good.
I agree with everything about minigames except the Arcade minigames.
With personafags it's endless summer.
You don't necessarily need a game pad even to emulate, but I feel you. That being said, I really don't think yakuza and persona would benefit too much from keyboard and mouse
shit meant for
Another pleb who doesn't understand that Vanquish is one of the, if not THE best TPS of all time.
There's a lot of enjoyment to be found in dismantling things and figuring out why exactly you liked it or hated it.
I mean, there's no point in discussion if everyone just agrees with you - so there are times you have to phrase what you're to say in the most austic and spazmatical way possible.
Personally and ultimately.
The Persona series is like a person going through Depression Treatment.
Persona 1, everything is fucked but what are you going to do about it?
Persona 2, you realize things are hard as fuck and there are times you just want to give up and die but there's always something to keep you going even if you don't know what it is. So you decide to go on meds.
Persona 3. You're on your medicine, you're suicidal as fuck, you can't control anything and you make dumb decisions.
Persona 4. You've balanced out your medication , you've increased your theraphy. You feel better but things are still wrong.
Persona 5. You feel like a new person, you see things differently but the reality of the situation, things are exactly the same way they were before. Nothing's changed but you really want change through any means possible – but you can't go back to the way you were and you start to incoprate parts of your past into your future and things look a little brighter as you try to express yourself more.
This isn't even my final form - - Armored Core is the trigger.
im pretty sure he meant the "main" minigames. Real State Royale and majima's host club. they were pretty annoying, but then again, when have host club minigames EVER not been annoying?
but they're a staple of modern japanese red light district life i guess because they put them in every single game.
Vanquish isn't Max Payne
The only reason why kiwami had the styles was because they had no budget and were doing 6 at the time so they just reused almost everything from 0, its practically a yakuza 1 themed expansion pack for 0, the remake for 2 wont have them, just like 6
Max Payne is completely rudimentary next to Vanquish. Story? Setting? Yeah, maybe you could make a good argument for MP. But gameplay mechanics aren't even comparable.
oh yeah, speaking of 6, i've heard around here that its shit, is that true?
i guess i wont be able to verify it myself until 2018 when it gets localized.
so will we ever see Vanillaware games?
it is and it hurts
And you're full of shit
how is it not
He got trips.
Well, he said it was rudimentary, not redimenary
The eternal asspain of SMauTists always makes me smile.
Oh fuck them. I don't consider them minigames, just annoying things to grind.
How so? Persona becoming more popular than mainline?
the 1/2 fags are forever salty
Their guaranteed tears whenever Persona gets brought up.
It's not the popularity. It's generally anger at new fans and the salt is directed towards the current writers.
Star Ocean for example, is still trying to work their ground changer into the series but hardcore fans still reject it. New fans don't know why the older fans are always pissed when someone mentions Star Ocean 3.
Persona on the other hand - - The ground changer laid the tracks for the newer games. New Fans don't even know what the ground changing event was, but old fans become increasingly irate with being beat over the head by said event constantly being mentioned ,alluded to and in P5's case. Being re-inacted.
SMT is garbage now, just like Persona
maybe because the newer fans aren't autistic zelda timeliners and just want to play a fun, individual game not connected to an overarching timeline/universe?
i mean the people who get salty about persona 3/4/5 are the same kind of people that, if they played zelda, would actually believe that every zelda game is a single timeline with huge gaps in between games instead of individual reenactments of a story.
looks like someone needs their corrupted desires stolen
if you're mad about SMT going to shit, blame atlus, go an hero with a bomb in their headquarters. because they turned the SMT main into shitrian odyssey with bad graphics for handhelds and made VN Persona become the new "console" standard
Except for the fact that there's a world jump between IS and EP.
There's a world jump in P1 ffs.
>Persona 5 has an interview with Adachi, asking why he hung people from antennas on TV as flavor text and probably more but I kind of sort of basically only remembered to check the TV that night because it's fucking Adachi, why wouldn't I confirm if it's real
Yeah no. Saying that Persona isn't all in the same universe technically, thanks P2 :^) is retarded.
I hope Yakuza 0 does come to PC. I know for a fact most people here will probably pirate it, but its genuinely the most fun I've had with a game this year, enough that at the very least you should support it if you like it.
they are, what im saying is that people don't really care and just want to enjoy the games.
Also I don't think it counts because it was Maki's dream and everything is fixed or whatever.
I actually have no idea for this one because I only finished the SEBEC route once back in the Revelations days and that was when I was a retarded teenager. Last I played the PSP version's SEBEC route, I got bored at Karma Palace and played something else. After I finish KMT, I swear I'll get back to it. No billy.
And what if people want to enjoy the games by going DEEPEST LORE on them?
I found the characters in P5 to be miles better than the P3 and P4 characters on average
then that's fine, but you're in the minority, and going into threads to sage and shitpost won't change that fact.
More importantly, P3's plot is a direct result of P1's, as Mitsuru's grandfather was part of the Kojiro group.
The fuck am I reading, you think Sega published Persona 4? Did you even play Persona 4? Sega didn't even acquire Atlus until Persona 5 was almost out of the door, they've never been involved in anything to do with Persona or SMT…
"They adapted that shit to anything and everything"? The fuck does this mean, it was a fucking PS2 game that got ported once to Vita. It has less remakes than Persona 3…
No JSRF, no buy.
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This is the most grasping at straws article I've ever seen.
You forgot about Persona 4 dancing all night
It'll be foreign versions just like everything else on PC, fuck playing any of those games in English.
Skies of Arcadia
pic related, old man
*Also on PC
Just like the /hack/GU remaster Mr Gook?
post the full version
Sounds like all the wonderful chaps that play zenimax garbage and don't want the world to be believable, games challenging or even lore friendly.
In short, cancer. Just like personafags.
Porting singleplayer games to PC is retarded since most will just pirate that shit. Just port Anarchy Reigns with the glitches fixed already.
I fucking hope so.
Oh no, I meant to reply to
I absolutely want to see that.
And why all the shitting on Phil Spencer, under him Microsoft started bringing their games back to PC and we may even get Xbox 360/ Xbox original games on PC, which would be xcellent.
tfw someone uses your OC
Did your mother drop you or did your father beat you?
It's not the language, it's the culture!
If they're doing the whole series they'll actually have to relocalize P2:EP if they use the PSP version as the base, as it wasn't released in English. They could just lift the PSX script for most of it, but there is extra stuff and they'd probably change the P1's cast names to fully Japanese (instead of Japanease last name + English nick name to fit with P1's original english script)
They could just release 5 as is. People gobbled it up despite not playing the first 3, and maybe playing the 4th, as well as no other SMTs, so it's not a stretch to imagine they'd do the same with a PC port.
They actually have ready english versions of the first two SMTs if they wanted, they could just port the ios versions. As great as it would be to see the PSX/PS2 era games brought over, you are probably correct in that it will just be P5 and maybe 3 and 4.
All of them or just the recent games?
Nothing wrong on having christmas cake at [email protected]/* */
If you want all of them, you must buy to show your support, goy
I recognize that. In fact, I just watched it yesterday.
Is that some Dark Love I spy, or is it just the same artist?
Prison Battleship
Now I'm going to leave because I feel embarrassed.
Master Murakami is a goddamn God
You need to leave alright, permanently
What do you feel embarrassed about?
What's next, questioning you are hetero because you like futa?
Well, if it didn't have piss and scat in it I wouldn't mind that much. The parts without that are pretty good though.
What the fuck, do you actually watch the whole video?
Who spends 20 minutes jerking off to anything but a hentai game? I usually just skip to the part where the girl's getting filled with cum and I bust a nut in under a minute. Don't you need more time to play video games, user?
-Taimanin Asagi is more tame
-Imouto Paradise is the same animation and direction but with bug eyed no noses and incest
Go watch those if you haven't yet
I have better things to do than jerk off all day, user. I drop my pants, nut in a couple of minutes, and go about my day. It's called efficiency.
sometimes the story makes it a better fap; however, the story makes the fap worse if it's NTR crap. Damnit, Jin!
Uh huh, like what
Play video games, of course.
lol get a life
I don't know where you're from user, but I think you might need to start heading back there. Nobody on Holla Forums should have a life.
go back to your kiddy video games lmao
Sounds like good news, but where the fuck is JSRF?
When Phil Spencer brings Xbox HUEG emulation to PC Windows 10 of course.
Hopefully they bring the entire Yakuza franchise over to PC. Don't remove anything either. I'm sure it'll do pretty nicely.
This would make me extremely happy. All I'm asking of Sega is to not make me buy a horrible system I don't want to play any of the games on in order to play Yakuza 6. I've been a loyal fan since the Genesis, but the 4gamesstation is a bridge too far. In exchange for this concession from Sega I'm willing to never again talk shit about a modern Sonic game no matter how bad it looks/is.
Sega does what Nintendont!
This list now includes:
tying their own shoes
Is it wrong if i want to penetrate Satania REALLY hard?
christ almighty, is that why we never saw those again?
B-but what about my Yakuza and Persona machine?
which? the ps3?
You mean the Bloodborne machine?
Becaue it all it still is.
Is there honestly any reason to own a Cuckstation 4? They just keep getting cucked by PC gamers.
Disaster Report 4 when ever that comes out
Digimon and a fightan community that doesn't die in a month.
Will Sega ever bring Daytona USA to PC?
Considering they aren't make a home port of the latest Daytona USA arcade game; never ever
At least you own a physical version of the game I guess
You know they will re-release it with new content soonish.
Daytona is on PC and so is Virtual On, just not on Steam
Is there even a reason to own a PS4 now?
Never was, everything on it was just a port of a Vita or PS3 title
An objectively inferior Souls game with a new coat of paint
The Nips already gave the best Persona a PC port. All they'd have to do is bring it to the west.
Nice meme.
Both Yakuza and Persona are better than ever.
Nobody knows that for sure. But now with HUEG emulation coming to XboneX, they'll likely show up on that.
*Also on PC
port to snes
The Persona series has only gone downhill since the first one. 3 was the point of no return. You're full of shit.
I honestly found the brawler style for Kiryu way better because the enemy can't hit you when you move around like a spastic kid who just ate 10 pounds of sugar AND it fills up your heat too. Played through Legend difficulty by just using Brawler coupled with the classic Dragon of Dojima style once in a while.
Oops, meant Rush, not Brawler. My apologies, I haven't played 0 in a while.
Losing the source code isn't as huge a deal nowadays. The devs of the Phantom Dust port broke open the executable and were able to not just restore but enhance it. I'd imagine the JSRF problem is the music rights because they transferred in the time between the game released and now since the record label folded and Microsoft helped Sega clear the sample rights. That's the biggest problem. I can see them fast tracking Orta and GunValkyrie to OG Xbox BC though.
Am I really the only one who is able to enjoy shit like Nocturne but at the same time still be able to enjoy the newer Persona games?
nah most here do too, but you got to keep the TRUE FAN or some shit facade up user.
Still, holy shit this deserves a dance thread.
Thank you based SEGA, port more shit please.
That's still good enough.
No, that's expectable. SMTIII Nocturne was directed by Hashino, and Persona 3/4/5 derive heavily from its formula. Especially the combat and fusions.
SMTIV follows a lot of Nocturne's conventions as well.
I have a sinking feeling that the next SMT will be more of the same, and redundant to boredom at this point.
I hope they'll prove me wrong.
We're done here
It seems like Etrian Odyssey is the last good Atlus IP.
Aaaaand that's the one and only reason for now.
If not for the fact that I really fucking like Bloodborne I wouldn't even be considering buying it
I dont get it, how does this make the ps4 not just a bloodborne machine?
Not so fast, Senpai
Its shit
Because you can play it on your computer, even if not native.
Certainly better than wasting hundreds of dollars for one game
What the fuck are you talking about? P4 never got ported to PC
I still dont see how that gets me to play bloodborne on the pc, the service is also about to be shut down.
Nah, he is just one of those smug fucks who go "I knew it all along".
Fuck yes. Can't wait for it.
Never cared, but this thread has completely turned me off of the whole series forever. If Personafags are this autistic then fuck Persona.
PSNow is avaiable for PC and is getting PS4 games.
The only thing being shut down is support on it for the
3 and Vita which will no longer be able to use the service.
Modern Persona is trash and the fanbase that was created after Persona 3 is just pure cancer.
They teased Skies of Arcadia for years and it hasn't happened yet.
I still hold out hope sometimes, only for it to be taken away
We memed too hard with this Bloodborne machine stuff. All it's got left besides Bloodborne is Nioh and i wouldn't be surprised if that got ported too.
Does anyone care about Nioh still? Seems everyone dropped it like a sack of bricks.
Eh I sort of care because I havent played it but im never going to buy a playstation.
It's one of those things i'd buy if it came out on something i already own but i'm not going to get a PS4 for it. A lot of people probably feel that way about it.
Everyone keeps saying Bloodborne machine but doesnt it have Nioh and Yakuza 0 as well? I mean they teased Yakuza relese, but it hasnt happened yet.
Never ever.
So PC may or may not be getting some old ports? idorts win again, as always.
yes, but spending $300 on a plastic brick is stupid, no matter how many games are locked behind arbitrary jewish business practices like console exclusivity
Yakuza 0 is PS3
meme weebshit games
But what if you like vidya?
then buy a pc. it has more vidya, plays the vidya at better framerates and resolutions, has mods, more additional features, lasts longer, and individual components can be upgraded incrementally rather than having to buy a brand new console each gaming generation
I am posting from a PC user.
Every 5-7 years? Woah, what a hassle.
If we're talking emulation, absolutely.
Youre shit
Enjoy your dust collectors
You play vidya on the platform with the most games?
Mid gen upgrades say otherwise
Even without emulation it has more vidya than any of the platforms avaiable
Its true, but Let It Die is still shit regardless of that fact.
Especially after launch
I want catherine
Fuck yes Yakuza PC finally
No Super Robot Wars, no Sekaiju no MeiQ, only the shitty MMO spinoffs for Monster Hunter… very rarely is anything I want to play playable on PC outside of emulation. Developers making games for PC is basically a Westerner thing.
Enjoy EMD2, as it will likely be the last produced EO game, unless the rumors about them rushing out EOU3 and PQ before the 3DS dies are true.
Not sure what EO is
Ah, yeah, I need to get back on 5, I started it a while back then heard they were going to release the proper soundtrack as DLC so I put off continuing to wait for it to hit FreeShop.
I'm not a fan of some of the updates either, but LID is still a good game.