Other urls found in this thread:
Then why continue replying?
Leave it be if you want out.
I understand, if you get it longer it won't be so hard though.
so trap up
That's cause your hair is shitty, Rin
mind your profanity
YOu're shitty SOTO
I would be the worst trap ever
Besides I like being a normal guy
I bet you'd try it out if it was a drinking game
Shō ga nai na~
If it were a drinking game and it were just the two of us then maybe I wouldn't mind
All acconting to keikau
Every time I die in dot, take a drink.
yo we dont wanna kill the dude
I wouldn't do that though.
I fear what you might make me do.
Alcohol Poisoning:The Game
Scrub cup is on.
Gotta play game now. See you later.
Just pretend I'm Rin :^)
You haven't got hair luxurious enough to pretend to be me.
i wanna sleep but i wanna play gamu but i wannw watch anime
Black hair > brown hair
I choose the real thing over a mexican copy.
Tbh, they're pretty much the same.
And only people who feel inferior for not having luxurious hair would try to argue otherwise.
I didn't say I wanted out.
Just I don't expect much of anything from it.
Scanner your linking is shitty
p good/10
yeah okay, I had the absolute greatest expectations from this.
but life don't go the way we want it huh
You have.
To say.
in the links
Didn't you hear, Colby? You're not allowed to like Hard Blush after being a furry for more than a year. You have to start liking the real stuff like sweat inflation and stink death.
I don't get where this hostility is coming from.
We just don't normally associate so I did not expect it to last.
Your "yup" was met with a response of equal value.
If you like HB to begin with you're shit.
Reminder: You like bara.
Get back in your hole, bara-boy.
And you like shota.
I'm not furry
I'm sorry if you experienced it as hostility.
not my intention.
iunno like, I feel like we just don't get each other.
and that's all fine, but I don't see how this can go anywhere.
Kaybe ^^
You have a tendency to be very crass with people who don't praise you all the time.
As far as getting people I tend to avoid conversation simply because we share little to no common interests save Loco's sweet and succulent hole.
Bern :3
Hey Hopalong.
You don't actually believe that, do you?
I love you.
Post Katia's.
I am Bernicus.
I was looking for it, unfortunately I think I've only got ones that were saved to send to Katia for the wall.
hi -petpet-
yea. look at dat username
This is kinda where I wish I'd given someone my trip so they could pretend to be me and we could fuck with Mana.
How are you? And more importantly, why are you?
I get enough of that in the real world, I don't need it in my online fantasy high school.
He's just kidding, though. I don't think he'd fall for it.
hmm another thing I don't recognize.
But yeah I get that, it's just that I remember very early on when I got in threads we were really at each other's throats. but despite just not sharing much we made up and I really appreciated that. however I think the cause of that like fighting is still there and might spark, so I tend to keep my distance anyway.
yes, thanks sentence
where's cups, I'm gonna bully him for not drinking
Don't be so hasty Al, I mean, what have you got to lose?
I'd hope so, but I've all but given up on having expectations of people who post here.
He's been offline for a while.
A girl in one of my visual novels bullied me today. I'm kind of upset.
I don't care much for you in the most neutral of ways because you just would not respect that I didn't want to hear trivia about your homeland, and that you were very arrogant in our interactions. I tend to just ignore most people anyway, so do not read this as me being snarky.
how cute
I really hope this turns into a crush fetish photo set.
Fucking squirrels
This shit is why people call you passive aggressive.
That's a cat.
Nothing in that is passive aggressive.
I'm just being honest and letting them know I don't have any ill intent in saying this.
I just don't know how else to put it.
Thanks, Gilligan.
You know he gets that gif out of my folder that I gave him.
Did you get that attitude from a folder from him?
It was a jokeeeee
To be fair, you do have a fucky face that's all weird and stuff. So she has a point.
Among other things.
If that's true, the way to actually handle that situation is not to respond. Because whether you meant it or not, that was super passive aggressive. You don't get to choose whether you sound passive aggressive or not.
I want to fight with Test so the make up sex is good.
No, he copies my style cause I'm cool.
How was that passive aggressive?
chara a cute psycho
w-what? whats going on T_T
the answer to both is 'soft'
Not that I'm saying you shouldn't do it, I like it when people fight.
Maybe I can COPy a feel.
I need help with my phone you guys
I just don't want us to be enemies.
And back then I did it to annoy you, but didn't expect it to be so serious.
It wasn't until "so do not read this as me being snarky."
For me, that pushed it into the territory.
Im gonna throw a fit if i dont get the tack and field tracer skin before the end
Don't stick it somewhere you're not confident you can pull it out of.
I just want red and white Gengu
How so?
I don't hold any ill content.
I just don't activly come to threads trying to start conversations with him because we don't really talk. It would only be passive aggressive if I was trying to be a dick. Saying I wasn't being snarky is because tone is hard to read over text and I wanted to be clear in my intentions.
See above.
i already got two of those. wtfffff
Atfer the summer games, they're not gonna be discontinued are they?
Subtle was just having another one of his "Haha I was pretending to be retarded" moments
I think they come back next summer
Son of a bitch
if it says 'only available in summer games loot boxes'
how you gonna get them?
Soto is petting pussy in thread...
I was thinking about that youtuber with the really high voice
When does it end?!
But they say they will make them available next year too.
2 days.
iphone or droid and whats it doing?
Pumping 70 bucks into loot boxes will do that.
Maybe you can buy summer games loot boxes for the currency
I got the tracer skin you want but I would've liked mccree or genji
lol fuck I go on holiday tomorrow morning
Well thanks anyway
We're talking about how you come off here, not your intentions, because you are both responsible for what you say and for what other people hear. When you voice that, it does come off as passive aggressive. If you don't want to come off that way, just don't respond to the person. I know that you don't like ignoring people, but that's just how it is. You could also improve the phrasing, because it was really bad if you don't want to come off as being intentionally snarky while also saying that you're not being snarky.
Me neither, hate poisons the mind.
die ;-;
trade me skins T_T
i dont want the genji shitty one
tracers is cool
If I am intentionally and explicitly saying I'm not trying to be snarky then why in the fuck would people be taking it as passive aggressive when he understands that I am not being passive aggressive?
Not responding is even MORE passive aggressive.
"That's no good." - Sonic
Context and inference
Does he understand that? Because I sure wouldn't.
He obviously understands as you can see our conversation has stayed on a neutral if not positive tone.
That's a sick costume.
Well sure, but wait until that jackass gets hit upside the head with a burning hot coal. Totally worth it.
If trading was a thing in Overwatch nobody would EVER buy loot boxes.
wow tracer has two legendary summer skins and i dont have either.
just end me now
Haha. I have both and don't even play her.
Blizzard loves me more.
That's because we're in hugbox maximus. I hold firm to my position.
I don't even want to understand this world anymore.
I politely disagree.
oh shut up.
When it was unpluged and screen off, it suddenly lit up and shut off. Restarted itsself and I was weirded out. It went to the lock screen and I tried to do my passcode and it shut off again, restarted but got stuck on the "LG android" screen before the sprint screen. and it's been like this forever now.
im dead
Try removing the battery or letting it drain.
Might need to just hard reset itself.
Don't worry, I'm an oblivious jackhole too basically all the time.
Have you tried turning it off and back on again?
tracer is shit anyway
See, I could say that's a passive aggressive dig on me.
It's easy to just twist this shit.
remove the battery. wait a minute or two and put it back. hopfully a hard reset will do the trick
'There you go' - Luigi
I like the version with drinking poison the most.
like, Hate is like drinking poison and expecting your enemy to die
Kaybe, I understand.
I like the coal one because it seems like somebody would actually do and wouldn't realize how dumb it is until somebody pointed it out.
*something somebody
That's because it totally was a passive aggressive dig on you. Passive aggression is one of the surest comedic devices, along with smashing watermelons with a hammer.
Holla Forums stop killing my name please
I know that there's something wrong with you Tokai, it's okay.
I tried to remove it, and turn it back on but t wont shut back off without the battery being removed.
So, how do I let it drain? unplug and let it turn off like, let it die?
Yeah of course and it got stuck on the same screen.
hasn't worked ;-; but I'm doing it againr rn
heheh that does make sense.
we all have our demons.
Just let it be on 'till it dies.
Nap time.
youre gonna end up taking it to your carrier for an oem phone swap
If it's an LG, it looks like a common problem. And maybe a hardware thing. Might have to send it in and wait a few weeks. That reddit thread I linked had like 1600 comments.
That's true. Sometimes I fall asleep without brushing my teeth. Don't tell anybody, though.
Yep, what a bother.
that is just a fingernail of the larger demon lurking
What the fuck is the deal with all the animal fuckers lately
Yeah, you're right. Sometimes I wait a bit too long to cut my fingernails too.
shoot... at least I get a newphone
welp, new phone for me
I think that you boot looped it on purpose. What a despicable display of fraud.
id suggest you take it where you bought it.. best buy or whatever. they can usually swap you on the spot so you dnt have to go without. hopefully you had the foresight to sync your contacts and content to google before it failed
sync was always on
It wasn't even my phone to start off with. my fist boke, then i bought this for 100 bucks fom someone, and then about a year later it bootloops.
Oh, well, if you bought it from someone else I don't know how any of the sending it back to the oem works. Hopefully it's all the same.
id suggest a note 5 or s7... i have the note 5 myself. love it
A note 5 would be fantastic if I wouldn't need to get a baby carrier to take it with me anywhere.
I have a Oneplus 3.
Good night threadfags.
lol it fits in my pocket..
Sleep well.
want an oppo r7+
such a sexy handset
Are you like the official nini giver at this point?
dem specs tho
You don't know the woes of tight pants with tiny pockets.
this sounds like a you problem tho
I am stuck with the shitty secondhand clothing I have received from my hipster brother.
ok... soooo
dont get the thing then... or get it and also get a holster since it wont fit in your hotpants
If I could get away with hot pants and a fanny pack, believe me, I would.
I think Kaybe might be gay.
There's literally nothing gay about hot pants or fanny packs. They are victims of the fickle tide of fashion. But they will return.
oh my god
Shorts that go halfway between your ankles and knees may be the worst thing to have happened to clothing in the last 50 years. You need to let go.
Good morning.
Has Australia sank into the ocean yet?
I mean tbh fam
daisy dukes are pretty nice on a cute guy.
do straight women actually find that attractive because it's p disgusting.
There was this weird looking monster that was a peaceful grazing animal but looked like the big monster dragon at the end of How To Train Your Dragon with little butterfly wings lol
Maddie y u so cutie 3.14 like 4 real fam
im not! >///
Post ugly pictures of yourself to prove it.
Dubs don't lie
Btw I'm back.
One of those guys who is so big he looks like he has trouble moving?
Btw, Serbians understand the meaning of 'Vintage'
As much as I can remember the conversatiion between persons.
Am I supposed to share dick picks right now?
?Subtle rhymes with BUTTLE
Oh hey there Raccoon
He would always post Justice songs.
CONGRATs wiTH the cheat code.
s shit got me hard.
5eva more.
I want to make a folder. Want a new folder?
What a loser
Yan rhymes with bran which is particularly rich in dietary fiber and essential fatty acids and contains significant quantities of starch, protein, vitamins, and dietary minerals.
I agree 100%
what are links lmaooo
BUTTLE loves cucks hehehe
It's not like she enjoys Emilia being chosen over her?!?!
FINE I pick fucking Beatrice, god
I challenge anyone who can party stranger;
and anyone who dealt with danger.
I wanna seduce kogasa
I've been pronouncing it "yawn" in my head this whole time
fucking nippon bleeding into my English mayne
pic related
Hestia is shit tier too hehehe
you have a thing for cucks and cancer grils!
Yeah, just rememberd, time differences.
Any othe English fucker is wrong; who is up at this time.
So I gotta pace myself down.
I knoe that doom, you know the ocean, right?
I'm on the lifeboat, and you're on the icy sea with the shitty ring..
I see you shivering, but I don't feel it.
I want to pull you up, Swede.
I just don't know how, cuz Im' a retarded mouth breather, tell me what you want.
I bet Buttle wants to lick her feet and peep at her pantsu lololol x3
That pronounciation sounds really really American to me :c
How much of a trekkie are you? Do you know that ep where Kirk goes back in time/to an alternate timeline and has to discover it? That's the one I remember most
Better than Yuno Gasai..
Wow you are making me feel old because I watched dis when it aired on TV
lmao no comparison sowwy
Wait do you want the kittyrabbit thing or the blue haired gril?
Oh, and lets not forget being the inspiration for Yandere Simulator.
What would anyone even make a game for Hestia about?
Being a cuckslut?
Fuck it, I'm an adult now, I don;t give a shit.
I'mma sleep.
goodnight scanner.
I was just bantering, but you're right about the "carry the anime" thing ^^
I'd torrent it tbh
C-cute >///>
ah see this time I picked up really fast.
I'm flattered.
so what is the mood like when the hawk is out to play?
You wouldn't unsubtle a subtle.
Of course I'm right Buttle!
It'd probably be one of those shittily animated flash games where you rub and touch the girl and do lewd things to her like brush her teeth.
Oohru, that sounds a bit like Sodomy, I think I just ruined it! Fup!
Not like I would perverse the idea of harems or unconditional love.
I would totally not understand the messed up idea of... Ihad an argument,but I''ve forgot it.
I just came back from a party with some good friends. Would assume it from being sociable and drunk.
so somewhat similar to the other one I didn't realize at first. well I'm glad you're in a good mood. I just woke up after some sleep. my body shut itself down after 24 hours awake.
a song about maddie? how interesting...
:O no u pls
I'm exhausted and it's barely been 12 hours. Truly redbull has killed me.
I am not the cute one, here.
Maddie what series do you want capped
I know the feeling. I almost broke down and drank one to try and stay up even more but figured I could just deal with the issue of being awake at weird times tomorrow. future cupcake's problem, ya know.
Kinda want a proper Whis folder tbh
You could, but everyone involved with regret it
Hey, some guy somewhere puts a lot of effort into those games. And he fulfils his promises unlike NMS :3
Truly future Cupcake has to trudge through a lot of shit. The drink usually makes me feel sleepy, up to a point anyway.
Sorry, I refuse to watch Super until it's dubbed in Engwish.
I can't stand Goku's japanese voice actor.
red bull makes you feel sleepy? good grief. but this is not the first time I've heard of this. I wonder what makes some people have the opposite effect from energy drinks.
speaking of drink...I should really get that going now that I'm not going to pass out after the first one.
also yeah. fuck future cupcake. that guy's a tool anyway.
well I dunno then :(
Up to a point. Need two or three to get a rush. Going to start alcohol?
And yeah, future cupcake likes getting fucked over anyway.
this. you can't prove it does.
he likes getting fucked. not so much fucked over. but hey, again, who cares. that's his problem.
yes. alcohol indeed. it is time for more.
Ahhh, must've been a typo. Last I hear it doesn't happen much anyway.
What's your poison?
don't rub it in.
same as usual. vodka and lemonade.
I have to meet a quota of being a dick somehow.
I've seen worse, then.
The multi-twins from Knights of Sidonia
Every westerner I ever drank with seriously left under the table
Kinda wanna see how much you twats can actually handle
fair enough.
what is the worst you've ever seen someone drink?
hello flan.
the booze*
A drink my friend asked to make them. Was a mix of rasberry vodka and irish cream.
well there's no competing with other countries usually. you all start drinking at like 7.
disgusting. just reading that made me want to vomit.
Suggest not asking for me to "Suprise you" when asking to make you a drink then.
Whoah this looks weird! Do they have good reacions and stuff? I never watched Knights of Siddy.
There's 22 of them? Why for?
Damn shame
To be 22x cuter, obviously.
game ^^
holy fuck someone show this to blood chan
If you were that cute the sun would explode!
A lot of people in western society care about their mind and body (to some extent) and would rather their chair breaking from being overweight and falling under the table than drinking alcohol.
america competes in other ways. like winning the olympics all the time.
I'll keep that in mind should I ever visit.
sure we can play a few rounds. I've played like 8 hours today though so I won't want to play very many, okay?
You don't sound picky, so don't expect anything extravagant.
-about to cry-
Why would you want to have to spend more money an alcohol to get drunk?
I still like the drink to taste good. it has to make sense
oh hush. we're playing now.
manipulate your nipples
What fuckin' fungal rimjobs aye?
I especially like Micheal Dopin' Phelps
Bitches even got mad at Hosszú
I invented a drink tonight as well.
yeah phelps is awesome.
oh really? what is it?
1 part black spiced rum mixed with 3 parts canfield's chocolate soda.
Chocolate rumball.
how come when girls take baths they make their water lava hot?????
opens your pores
imouto take a bath you stink xd
Aren't you Cookie?
It's night time. I'm further up North. Higher above sea level. We're in for cooler nights~
Made a lot of sense banning Russia
also because hot water does good stuff 4u
Melts your skin and opens your insides.
I guess tf, it hurts.
I am
yes sir.
sorry my skin is on fire.
There's nothing nice to look at in that image.
You could just not do what everyone else is doing and have whatever temp. bath you want.
Then why are you asking a board full of men a question that you can answer yourself? Just seems counter intuitive.
Smiles I think my imouto mixed up our links for her replies
For the attention, obviously.
This one?
I can't believe they tried to make me come in with the fucking power out
I'm not watching a fucking dark ass store with no power by my fucking self all fucking night
It passes the mark.
sounds pretty delicious. might have to track that stuff down and try it.
owo? what's this?
I'm jealous. it's still too hot here.
agreed. fuck those guys.
I hope somewhere there's a red-dyed lube that's the perfect shade for this kind of stuff.
Blood coagulates and gets sticky so it's shit to use. :3
You're still in a bad mood, poor Neko
Do this to me
Good luck. I had to turn over three stores to find it.
You have a desert. USE. IT.
I didn't have to so I am a little better
my friend drew it for me
I don't have them hot. I take cold baths and showers, my frind drew my bath for m so i was asknig.
I am feeding my doggo popcorn, want to see? :333
I guess
Sure, if you want
Time for new friends
I hafta make it smaller first hang on
You like this one right?
I need to get some new stuff I guess.
Better not be another dick pic I swear
I just posted it up there.
I've never sent you any dick pics.
I see. That's pretty cute. What kinda dog is that?
She's a purebred german shepherd with sable coating.
Mercy my favorite
Shepherd dogs are the best. I miss my blue heeler even though he was so naughty
I miss my kitten, he was super friendly and always wanted to be around me and got along with the dog, but he wandered into the neighbor's yard and their stupid fucking pitbull piece of shit snapped it's neck
So I had to bury it and do some heavy drinking.
Poor thing
I always worry about that with free range kitties
I don't want another kitten, my last one was perfect!
He liked to snuggle and would climb up onto the back of my computer chair and perch/lay there and watch me vidya and shitpost
mine does that when I let her in the room. sits on my shoulder like a parrot.
tell amy when that pig gets back here to commit suicide in a manner that will be very painful.
amy seems to not be suicidal any more.
Damn shame that disgusting worm of a human isn't anymore.
She deserves nothing better than a painful death.
Liked, commented and subscribed
and you are who, exactly?
She's Ghostie
lizzy from the land of nowhere.
I do not know this person, so I care even less than I normally would.
Isla / Ghostie.
Thanks Lizzy
yhou wanna play some ow with me and my friends
no idea who you are.
Im from nowhere definitely.
She's been around forever.
I gotchu bby
damn nigga you mad
I didn't even do shit
yeah i disappeared like a while ago.
yes you did you fat disgusting pig.
Kill yourself.
You know what you did.
You deserve nothing better than a painful death on the side of the street.
The sad thing is I will never get to spit on your festering corpse.
what did you mean by this?
you do
you said me to message you when you wanna play
do u have da skypu
I left for about three years myself. came back last month.
looks like someone doesn't know how to take a compliment
Mine loved falling asleep on me while i played Pokemon
It was the most darling little thing ever
it's also hilariously pathetic that you came here just to tell me to kill myself since I won't go to that other place anymore
ah. fair enough then.
Looks like someone is too autistic to understand what is okay and what isn't.
That isn't a compliment you wanted to brag about getting me to do that you disgusting shit.
You know damn well that isn't a compliment, and you know damn well you deserve all the negativity that comes your way because of it.
In fact you are so hated because of it you have to retreat here since you have literally nowhere else to go.
Soon people here will hate you because you are human trash anyways.
Go lie about more diseases and try to apply for disability since you have bpd.
You could not hope to challenge my stand
my boys probably only wanna call
i just realized you might not recognize me
im punished boo, hero betrayed by my country
so tell me, why do you hate the fish so much?
the punished pepe thing filled me in on who you are tbh
Lizzy told me you came here to post.
So I said I was gonna come back here since I haven't been here on a while to check up on who still posted here and if anyone chill was still here.
Also to tell you to kill yourself because that would be a good fate for yourself and you know damn well it is since you are just a simple leach to this world.
Wait, why does Avdol have a metal diaper thing
He ate his last can of ravioli, too.
Trap fight! Trap fight!
I see. thank you, I was just curious.
fucking MONSTER
Go fight one of them :^)
i bet youre happy to see me
that fucking op image ROFL
Just a bad person in general.
So whatsup with you?
new thread
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i still dont have your frog folder boo
i came here JUST to ask for it... im taking a big break right now from farming in WoW if i dont get my folder.. ur gonna regret it