So what do you think?
I like the art style but the Monkey saying "Fuck" every 2 seconds put me off.
Beyond good and evil 2
Other urls found in this thread:
Says the niggerlover.
The monkey looks fucking retarded, and the chimpanzee with the bandana isn't much better.
French sure love blacks. Open borders for France.
those stupid fucking games are going to turn this board into an even worse Holla Forums vs Holla Forums battleground along with constant false flag posts for plebbit and the like to harvest our reactions to prove that buying these games will ebinly troll the nazis
i want these games to vanish
No, they don't. They have a neo-nazi movement that is aggressively growing and my french friend says they hate non-whites.
You should go there, it would fit an autist like yourself.
Yeah I dread it too. It just stirred the pot more so to speak.
Wolfenstein 2 looks good though, I cannot wait to remove Kraut from my country.
Just report and hide, is not that hard, user.
Casual Garbage, now with more forced "Diversity" and "Social" Justice.
if that's its only merit i fail to see whats good about it.
I think its absolutely outdated culturally.
Michael should retire already if his concept of diverse and multicultural future includes a MONKEY acting like a stereotypical black man who is a pothead and bastardizes Jamaican culture and Rastafari religion.
Frankly, any gaming site that defends it should be sent to the gulag with all the rest of the misoginerds in this site.
i borrowed a console copy of the last one and played it for a weekend, i didn't hate it but i think 2 is gonna be really bad, its releasing this year and they didn't show any real gameplay footage in the reveal, they're riding the potential outrage and being "fucking bananas"
Have you played the first game user? You play as a black woman uniting different groups of diverse people.
I saw plenty of gameplay, are you sure you saw the latest trailer?
Why does every fucking black woman shown in an E3 game have a fucking fro?
Nicely done.
I'm glad they finally gave us an update.
and apparently that makes me a homosexual
Thought for sure it would be the dick I sucked but nope, it's this
I can wait for the rule 34
Did they really get an Afro-British guy to voice a chimp? and was the chimp throwing gang-signs as well? And was the love-interest a black woman? This is something only an idiotic SJW could come up with.
Probably because it looks cool.
The voice actor is white.
i saw the one last night that was mostly cutscene footage, i should catch up. If they improve general shooting a little bit and axe out canned stealth the game would be a lot better than the first though, even if just for dual wielding shotguns
He's still speaking in an Afro-London cadence. That shit is in poor taste.
Niggers aside, what about this resembles Beyond Good and Evil?
It's a prequel, so no Jade this time.
Space pigs and floatey bikes
Black user with a white GF. What's the issue? Should I not want a cute white GF?
You should stop revealing your race, it's going to derail the thread
I'm black too
It has furries. Great start.
I was too hyped to get mad at this.
Although annoying that she got more words in than the dude who actually worked on the thing, then again he was busy crying so I'm not even mad.
They need to get rid of the lasercraftwerk too
Well if you needed any more proof this is going to be shit, there you go.
At least it's not girls with tied-back hair, flat chests despite being at the least post-pubescent, shooting people with bows before crying about killing the man.
There's nothing wrong with a little bestiality.
wrong guy
needs a robbie rotten edit
This, I just want fun vidyas. I thought narrative driven was trash but that was before I'd seen agenda driven, what the fuck.
These aren't games, these are some dickhead trying to make a statement - the gameplay suffers every time someone tries this just look at Undertale
It's fucking ubisoft™.
next they'll whine about half-life
the statement still stands.
Gay Ben is a cuck
is that you? cute dog
But how is it Muh? How can you tell Jade was put in for Diversity?
A wee ago I jokingly said they'd show Beyond Good and Evil 2, and Beyond Good and Evil 2 with Dragon's Dogma 2.
Now one's actually here and everyone's shitting blood. I thought you guys liked video games.
Fucking kill it
Jade is black? News to me, user.
We like good video games.
BGE2 is shaping up to be a pile of shit.
No she's whi-
I have no problem with the first game, that wasn't diversity for the sake of diversity. This shit in the new game with the sassy monkey and his negress is, how can you say it's not.
Jade barely looked black too.
no u
You're lying, stop being an asshole dude, they didn't say that .If they did that to the game people would boycott the company.
I had always assumed she's either typical cartoon French woman, or perhaps an Asian, since the French have this thing with Asians.
Or maybe I just liked the first game.
The chimp was white, blacks are bonobos.
If you don't want children then you are ruining a girl and that's degenerate. If you do want children you will have children that will be unable to relate to either of you, you will have no experience to pass on that regard, they will always feel between two worlds never belonging to any, breaking culture, breaking foundations, in the cases of white, participating in white genocide (japs are declining too, I guess that's what you meant by asian).
I kinda understand you not wanting to be with a black girl, they are crazy as fuck and they were the first the Jews targeted to destroy the black American families, now they are in a spiral of single mothers who will either breed a gang member or another single mom.
>in multi-ethic multicultural human society
I am literally just posting this to upset you.
You shouldn't you dilute every genepool you touch, stick to your own nigger.
Read the fucking press release
post gamer luna loods tbh
So how do you make a game with a non white MC that isn't "Muh Diversity"?
This is the closest thing I have.
Genetics don't work like that.
Their race doesn't determine their personality dumbass. Most white guys on /r9k/ cant relate to any of you normalfags
Culture is not defined by race exclusively, we'd be americans
Set in place by whom?
Whites are growing and are the majority in white countries, they also make up most of the numbers for racemixing
Like Undertale xD
When you're liquid snake they do, go fuck yourself recessive nigger.
Do it like beyond good and evil 1, or crackdown or shadow warrior or jade empire. Think about it for yourself or are you see high on current year you cant anymore?
i completely forgot about that shitty gimmick because that's all it was
oh fucking big time, even if the narrative was something i liked it would still end up detracting from the game 9 times out of 10
You can't, because now that vidya has been subverted, every non-white MC is understood to be there because these fucks think they're changing society with fucking videogames. It can'tbe done without being understood as a political message anymore. This is the world we live in now, get used to it.
Well, don't make it the most niggery of niggers with the nappiest nigger hair imaginable. It's practically a fucking stereotype. Also, black woman seems to be the go to for the "diversity" choice. Jade was Asian, and nobody gave a fuck.
I hate you for showing me this
White are gonna race mix no matter what.
No amount of social pressure will cancel out yellow fever or chocolate cravings or that thirst for hot sweet punani.
99% of black genes are common alleles to that of white genes.
dubs for truth
make him a pink sexball that gives 10/10 sucksucky
game will be shit
Your kids will look nothing like you and will grow to resent you, you will abuse your wife when this happens. Just watch you fucking ape.
And the difference between a chihuahua and a great dane is less than half a percent. You're disproving yourself, leftypol.
Every time you fap to anime you are race mixing in your mind.
They will look half like me
Most people give a fuck about the black chick either.
It's just Holla Forums and Holla Forums
Yeah but mixed dogs are more healthy than pure breeds so you aren't helping that point.
*don't give a fuck
Holy shit Ubisoft bought my ability to type.
If you liked the first game, how the fuck can you defend this shit?
They have a literal fucking ape playing sidekick to a stronk independent black womyn who don't need no man, in a prequel that will never touch on the cliffhanger ending of the original game, being made by fucking [CURRENT YEAR] Ubisoft.
For god's sake, just look at who they chose to be the face of the dev team
Literally nothing good can possibly come of this.
Give the player a reason to be interested in the character beyond "they're [choose one or more of the following: non-white/non-heterosexual/non-cis/non-christian]
Pure dogs have a much higher risk of genetic diseases, but generally have much higher intelligence. I don't want want every distinguishing breed to end up 20% pure and 80% chihuahua. No breeders let that happen.
And nothing like the mother, good job ape. Having kids isn't all about you ya fucking freak.
Wait a minute, that monkey looked like that chimp from that one shitty animated about chimps going to outer space. I think it was called Space Chimps or something like that.
Yes, but it takes one gene missequence to change an entire characteristic you fucking ape. We're roughly 93% similar to field mice too, why don't we start fucking them?
I'd hate myself if I didn't look either white or fully black.
Just a dirty mullato.
Because it's better than ten years of nothing and some cunt had a CD in her tits.
He and some other user are just shitposting and baiting, dont take them too serious.
it's only bait if you hurt your mouth on the hook.
can't be done anymore
It's called shitposting then
dont half races suffer from identity issues and cant properly fit in anywhere? I remember reading a study or something that claimed they usually attach to activism or concepts like communism because they dont have an actual racial group theyre a part or feel like they belong to like races of full blacks, full whites, full asians, etc.
No they're not. Mixed dogs have different health issues than "pure" breeds which have been irresponsibly bred from the dross of the bloodline which should have been culled, but was instead sold for a discount to idiots who don't know how selective breeding works. Inbreeding only becomes a problem when you fail to cull the diseased offspring.
Go find an oldschool animal breeder and have a little chat about selective breeding practices. You might just learn something important.
(you) are low IQ whoever you are. Race is not just the skin. We know that whites work well, we see that some asian/white can go supreme gentlemen and mulato generally resent everyone and become Black Lives Matter activists like that football player, or similar culture destroying activist like Obama or Malcom X.
Diversity is a hazard.
they should have made the girl a chimp as well
White/Asian go supreme gentleman because of the estrogen in th tap water americans drink making white men weak and asians bitchy, as well as the incompatibility between american and any Asian culture resulting with american-asians becoming annoying bitches compared to normal asians.
You're my kind of degenerate.
No, it's really not. We went from stealth based fantasy scifi to literally chimping out on a bicycle.
The games should have stayed dead.
I think everyone will spend all their time complaining about muh diversity and muh evil corporations and everything that's triggered them so much that they'll forget that no matter what it's about this is a Ubisoft game. Which means it's just going to be Assassin's Creed. Anyone who still had hope for BGE2 after AC2 or so is completely delusional.
Do i need glasses? She is a chimp as far as i can see.
They are trying to pass her off as human
You hire a video game studio from a black country.
This is the future that liberals want.
is the first game even all that great? It's been a while since I played it but I don't remember it being all that spectacular.
Stop bringing attention to race and gender all the damn time.
by making a character that actually is a character and not relying solely on the fact they aren't white
It would of looked better as a more French Comic Cartoon style rather than French Realistic Style.
I got hyped about it until the chick said stuff about being Multi Diversity and Multi Cultural being one of the points of the game. Then I got sad.
It was alright. There was supposed to be this government conspiracy plot, but it played out like an angry teen writing anti-George Bush fic.
Played a bit like a simplified Zelda. Stealth was important, but clunky. Good world design. Oveehyped, yeah. But it was overall solid enough. People like it because they think it's smarter than it is.
oh shit, wrong thread.
It's shit.
This is literally the first time I ever heard anything even close to this about the game, are you sure you're not just bullshitting?
you wanted cuckishit
you got cuckishit
now start stretching and lube up unless you want to bleed
That's a great argument.
You've completely changed my mind.
Oh wow an ms paint comic. Good job on being retarded
Was the Wilhelm scream on purpose or is Ubisoft just that out of touch
I'm not sure which would be worse
Mixed people are considered more attractive on average
Only if they don't have a strong nuclear family to identify with. This is the case for most such social activists no matter what race or non-race they are.
If you have a shit family, you're doomed to be a shit human being.
Audience is paid (probably) and told when to clap.
So whites should only have children with whites but kill off all the duds!
Ever notice how games like Beyond Good and Evil and Psychonauts get slapped with the label "Great game that nobody played". Well, that attracts hipsters who over analyze shit.
The conspiracy storyline to BGAE is straight up Alex Jonesian. The "twist" will not surprise you. They project that shit a mile away. It acts like it has this deep story, but it's typical "NO BLOOD FOR OIL" tier fodder.
We do what exactly? You are just parroting opposing stuff and declaring that it applies to whatever you are mad about.
Welp I got permabanned from cuckchan for spamming gore.
How do I ban evade there, they banned all the VPN's and TOR nodes that I use.
We live in a different time now. It won't be done in good taste, it'll be rammed down your throat.
Remember, all these games were developed under the assumption that Hillary would be President. Could you imagine what that bitch had in store for straight white males? The drums of genocide against white men would be starting right now.
wow you sure showed them
I dont know what circles you run in but I never heard anyone praise the story for something it isnt, its a neat story in a cute little world and I never had the feeling it was pretentious at all. So yea you either get hipster faggots from outside praising the game but the actual in game story didnt come across as anything other than just a normal vidya story.
Going away from the MultiCult shit, there are plenty of other reasons to assume this game will be bad.
They're pulling a DmC/Jak 2 on us.
Good job on throwing your and your gf's heritage away.
Are you retarded?
buy into an Israeli VPN, not kidding.
im laughing my ass off at these kikes
they try so hard
Fucking seriously?
How far gone is cuckchan?
How so? By that logic whites through it away thousands of years ago when they mated with Neanderthals
I cant believe they pulled the "bang bang___" twice in a row, did the monkey swear? I believe he did
Got your back lad.
100% I'm on two with Israeli servers and they are rarely banned. I think Passes may be popular in Israel so that's why.
Low IQ nigger tbh, you just can't grasp the fact your genes are a blight on the earth because said genes prevent you from having an IQ above 85
That is the perfect description for this game.
Edgy garbage reskinned to look like something it isn't.
He did. I don't really remember anybody from the first game to be cursing alot or at all.
How retarded are you? You can literally check your DNA to see what percentage of it is neanderthal
He probably believes the "out of africa" meme too
How much of a nigger are you?
The first game was 7+ in my country and I dont recall any swearing at all
cuck/pol/ is actually getting better and less cucked.
cuck/v/ on the other hand is fucking full of SJW's and Neofaggots.
Why do they have to call it Beyond Good and Evil? Why can't they just call it "Gayniggers from Multiplayer Space", or something, and leave the old game alone?
How long until that creationist retard comes into the thread denying evolution?
The entirety of cuckchan and the entirety of Holla Forums both of them tbh are irredeemable trash.
Did you know that you need at least 70IQ to discover the most basic form of agriculture?
You are the only nigger here user.
Holla Forums is best board.
This is a fact
Denying known science is the first and only sign that the person you are arguing with is a retard. SJW's do it all the time too.
True I was just happy that the game was getting made, but again with the mentions of the Multi-this and Multi-that, that really crushed my dreams.
Fuck you I wuz Atlantians and shit.
Is sassy black woman the new bald white guy? Like i've seen like half a dozen of them.
We wuz not.
As someone who really, really likes beyond good&evil (as in 7 replays or so during these 15 years) I truly want this to be a nice space adventure with the same art style, music and shit. But everything points towards huge disappointment. How hard would've been to make it like:
The possibilities are endless and those are just the first I could think of. It only needs to be on the first game's level, same style same entertaining and varied levels. Most importantly, being really defenseless against huge towering hammer holding behemoths, the feel of being a weak little girl sneaking around a slaughterhouse full of deadly alien mutants and running for your life is what makes the game great. I fear they will add weapons (as in handheld fireguns to shoot mobs of enemies on foot. Guns on vehicles is alright, but sparsely)
Oh yeah there's also that. It's not a jak 2, it's a fucking SWOTOR. Or a mix of both
The pig uses fucking three times on a sentence
Nostalgiabux of course
That's not necessary with that large of a population cross section. But you already know that, right?
On the other hand if you're asking me if you could fuck your immediate family members closer than 3rd cousins and have a functional bloodline by culling the diseased, then yes, if that's what you're really into. Like I said it's obvious there's a whole lot you don't know about about evolutionary pressures interacting with population genetics and breeding practices, but then most people don't either. If you actually want to advance your understanding of the world you'll do much better to listen and research than regurgitate mostly incorrect popsci talking points then fly off the handle and strawman anyone who dares contradict your position.
Jews are the real 'thals - ask Mark.
Wew, why do you "trust" this science? You think it's immune from the same manipulative bullshit that infects everything else? Niggers like you make great cattle, I can see why they use you so much heh.
Ebola chan was the last good thing they did, now they're just another alt-right mouthpiece. Pure cancer.
I thought it was a chav.
You can get DNA tests from some private hospitals too you know. I know of at least one in my country that will do it if you cough up the cash.
Here have a spoonful. Literally 2 seconds on google.
They all use the same 'standardized' science which has been largely politicized and therefore prone to manipulation.
Nice conspiracy theory retard. Neanderthal DNA has been sequenced for some time now and we know for a fact that Protoeuropeans contain some of it.
There is nothing demoralizing about having Neanderthal DNA. In fact it's really cool since Neanderthals were cool.
Because I don't let my ideology warp the world around me.
By just making the fucking game and not bragging about muh diversity on fucking stage.
You are an idiot.
Nice COINTELPRO terminology, braindead nigger.
Only a subhuman 'groid would think other subhumans are cool, you're hilarious lad.
You're doing that right now, appeal to authority. Maybe it's lack of an ideology that drives it. Those who stand for nothing fall for anything you know, and as a nigger who wants to pollute the white genepool it's pretty clear you stand for nothing.
Look up 'sluggish schizophrenia' you might just have it.
You do know that you'll get lynched if you even talk about the "alt-right" on 8/pol/ right?
You faggot, I had saliva in my mouth and I spit all over my screen and keyboard.
Is that why the entire fucking catalog is Trump faggotry and alt-right activism. Get real Holla Forumstard.
You have no evidence that it is manipulated. Since multiple studies all show the same thing. You are an idiot as dumb as the worst SJW.
There is a fee you can pay where they don't manipulate the results. You need to trust in greed more.
I think you may actually need to look up what DNA even is and how DNA works right from the very inception as a budding science and to now. At most the things that will be obscured are specific DNA sequences or simply not mentioning. Again for a fee you can get your entire genome sequence as a raw dump you just have to fork over the cash.
And you have no evidence it's not manipulated, I'm not trying to be an SJW here I've effectively turned on all science and trust none of it since it's highly politicized now.
Take the flatpill you cuck
LA Beast makes me laugh every fucking time.
Neanderthals weren't subhuman, they were just as human as any other species of human. Whenever Holla Forums brings up genetics it is always cringe.
Am I being baited?
Maybe this is a Holla Forums false flag to make people think Holla Forums is really this dumb?
Yeah, thousands and thousands of years ago, and between now and then, massive natural selection unlike today.
Obvious shill argument
Can't tell if shill or not, I assume not because I'm optimistic.
Different species of human that are incapable of living to the standards other humans have set are just as human as real humans? Ebin.
Do you apply this "logic" to God as well?
Holla Forums here is actually kind of fucky ever since the turkaroach BO and started turning it into a Trump cheerleader board. Trump is just a populist, user. The alt right backed him over Shillary but that doesn't make him alt right.
They hate every single figure on the alt-right and even doxed the shit out of TRS in large part for being alt-right(among other reasons).
You have no idea what you're talking about.
Did you even read those links? It only casts doubt on the 2nd migration. It even says that the researchers aren't denying it happen.
And these people call old games problematic? The shit they presented was an 80s stereotype.
This is just sad. Throwing out logic and then calling someone silly for using science and logic isn't how you win an argument.
Wasn't the "priest" in Wolfenstein 2 also a communist?
Here comes the butthurt Christcucks.
It's not fucking rocket science. Just make a goddamn game with the characters you want to make and don't jerk off about how nonwhite it is.
Exactly. Are there any neanderthals left? No, because they were bred out of existence.
Did they? I only saw the trailer, did Ubi actively bring up race?
I really don't remember. I thought she was SS Paranormal Division
Face it, your entire board has been taken over by alt-right retards who suck Trump's dick and LARP like they're serious about "saving the white race"
Holla Forums didn't dox TRS kukold, /baph/ did, and they simply did it because TRS shit talked them and dared them to.
Is that why the board's full of people that defend Spencer and that canadian kukold shrink?
I just want to shit talk some racemixing nigger, not have a serious discussion about genetics on Holla Forums - I think science can be manipulated and have seen it myself in the form of skewed carbon-emission statistics that paint the individual as worse than big corps that really pollute so I reject all the 23-and-me-tier DNA tests, at the end of the day whites probably do have some 'thal DNA, don't take shit-flinging so seriously.
Yes. They said it takes place in a "multiethnic, multicultural society."
Read the first link
Neanderthals would have died anyway. Racemixing is literally the only reason their genes still exist at all.
And yet you have a worse grasp of science than a nigger, how does that make you feel user?
"Don't jerk off" and "momohime" don't belong together.
I'm 2% neanderthal. I've got extra bones in my skull, a few extra muscle groups attached to them, and insulated skin. They're sort of left.
consider the following
rule 34 to be soon racist as hell
Read the 2nd link that shows that it is talking about a 2nd migration and in no ways claims humans didn't come from Africa. Are you really so offended by the idea of coming from a country just because blacks happen to live on it now?
And you are a nigger, makes me feel good I'm not a sack of shit who's throwing several million years of evolution out the window. Fucking dumb nigger.
Actually in my experience Holla Forums hates the label "alt-right" with a passion.
They sure LARP like they do, in reality they are alt-right to the core and barely try and hide it. It's pathetic really.
Considering you are clearly more dumb than a nigger I wouldn't be talking about genetics right now if I were you.
And considering you are a nigger you shouldn't be calling real people dumb.
I don't care what labels you like but the fact is that if you oppose race mixing then you do actually fall under the blanket label of alt-right.
Science and logic? That's quite a haughty declaration, sounds like leftist arrogance to me. Can you argue without that? We can all declare that we are backed by 97% of scientists as a tactic while hating the idea of Logos.
I don't support 99% of the shit the alt-right does, I just fucking hate niggers.
But you are. Look at your posts where you argue against known science and basic logic.
You lose and going "Well, at least I am not a nigger" doesn't make you not dumb. Do the white race a favor and get your genes out of the pool.
Okay how about looking at the actual academic paper instead of some random online publication?
Technically yes, but that is what has been going on in this thread for a while now and it's just sad really.
What the fuck is an alt-right?
What is "right-wing then?
Maybe Holla Forums objects to using a shitty label created by an attention whore adopted by the media to find bogeyman to attach every pepe the frog twitter user with
Which is only 'known' and 'basic' because some authority figure told you it was. Dumbass nigger.
I'm not the one with ape genes, I can't lose.
That's all I'm asking you to do, stop polluting our genepool you fucking freak.
Tumblr was apparently triggered to all shit by the monkey in the segment acting "black".
I know, because my girlfriend was just bitching about it and saying that is anti-egalitarian reverse virtue signaling.
I don't know what that is, but I believe her.
Alt-right is just anything right of the overton window. It's just a label for a ton of other smaller groups or movements that disagree with each other about 90% of stuff.
I saw the monkey as like a white British guy, I suspect he will be the MC and sort of act like a blank sassy slate so anyone can impose themselves onto him.
No, you can literally see the publicly available records of sequenced genomes.
Holy shit you are an idiot. All humans are under the classification of apes.
So you aren't human then?
Oh so a label where you can throw everybody you want to discredit at the moment?
even a neonazi can be an alt right now, because it's not right wing, it's alternative right.
tomorrow we'll throw in monarchists or fascists
Don't give (you)s to people who cannot respond in kind, it is also participating in destroying the thread, it's noise tactics, even if there was truth here, if it was 30 posts long it would have been found, but 150 posts of useless bitching will tire any normal person and make him skip, just like John Oliver skips the fact that terrorists are Muslims and call them "assholes" instead and lull people to sleep. And I believe there is truth here.
Dumb nigger.
And some act a lot more like apes than others, probably why you fucking freaks make up 13% of the population but commit 50% of the crimes heh
Can you prove I'm not a bot?
The fuck are you doing.
I insert my statement I've made countless times with prequels/reboots such as Harry Potter, Devil May Cry, Mirrors Edge, Lara Croft etc etc etc
Holy shit. I'm gonna need a bigger spoon for this. Did you just blow in from reddit?
How is looking at recorded data "authority"?
All humans are 100% ape. Acting more ape would literally mean I am acting human. You are an idiot and uneducated.
You are right.I think you are a bot made by Ubisoft to shill the new Far Cry game by acting like an idiotic "Evil Nazi".
What do you mean?
or are you proud alt-right because you get attention and a sense of belonging to a "movement" led by attention hungry blogger or some shit who has great and noble ideas of "making america white again" but doesn't seem to be willing to share them with general public.
Nice formatting btw. you should go back.
Nope. Only pathetic losers go for asians, and it is NOT ok. Everybody knows that when you see a white man with an asian girl he is pathetic.
To an extent it does you stupid nigger. Everything about humans (and every other animal) is partly determined by heredity.
So your using a small subset of society to substantiate your point? We are talking in generalities here. I could give you a million genius blacks and it wouldn't mean a thing.
Did he say this? You're projecting black and white thinking onto others. A large portion of culture if defined by heredity, which is affected by the environment, which also affects culture.
The superior race.
In 1950 whites were about 90% of the population in the US. That number is now 50-60%(Mestizos and illegals are tricky to pin down with statistics). Whites are a global minority, and our numbers a simply growing with the world population, whiles shrinking relative to other races.
Well no shit you dumb fucking nigger, whites are the only people having large amounts of non-whites imported into their nations.
OF COURSE THEY WILL RACE MIX MORE, not to mention Jewish propaganda, which plays a large part.
And racemixing sped up that process immensely. They were weak in one way or another, and were consumed by another superior race. This is the same situation white people are in today, we are weak, spineless, and unwilling to take action.
Doesn't really matter, they are extinct.
Where do you think this 'recorded data' comes from?
So you niggers chimping out all over the place and ruining entire cities and continents is more human that whites and meds who are the only ones who've both historically and presently been able to maintain civilization? LOL.
It's going to be a great game.
It's funny seeing leftists trying to spur up themselves as "alt-left". They copy everything except what matters.
We get along pretty well. She knows I'm a redneck southern fuck, who likes beer and chewing tobacco.
She's a "gamer" and weeb lover, but we get along.
They've said in interviews that she's intentionally racially ambiguous and has no established race, because it's a sci-fi setting and takes place on another planet. Do the new characters look "racially ambiguous" to you?
It actually likely did the opposite. Racemixing with Homosapiens was probably the only thing stopping them from being killed off and allowed them to make peace with the more "Fit" competition. In a case of having some of your genes survive and none of your genes survive this was the better outcome.
What is that guy? Chimps don't look like that
Serious question.
Are you married?
White supremacy is fucking retarded because if you were actually a master race you wouldn't need to assure everyone around about it.
Zionism is too busy with winning to waste time on rhetoric, only when asked they'll tell you they're superior if you're too stupid to notice
What's alt-left now?
Red left as opposed to the rainbow (more successful one)
because rainbows actually understand that family builds civilization so they destroy that first, reds want to do away with private property first.
Why do you ask?
He obviously means in the sense of nature, where chimping out at everything is the rule of the day every day.
Are you retarded nigger? Racemixing with subhumans like you just creates more subhumans.
'thals mixing with homosapiens was breeding up, a white mixing with a fucking nigger is breeding down and benefits nobody.
hes just a cartoon black buy with absurd sideburns
They did say it was a multiethnic society
Do you know how DNA sequencing works? Do you know how the human genome project worked? Do you literally believe the thousands of individual sequences from multiple different government and corporate branches all conspired and still do conspire to create a conspiracy that includes them replacing literally millions of DNA base pairs with that of others for every single person who gets their DNA sequenced? This is fucking Chem trail or flat earth tier.
Apes are very intelligent creatures, you are insulting your own breed to imply ape is a bad thing.
I mean if you weren't a complete newfag or had basic reading comprehension you would understand the fact that monarchists and fascists have been alt right for the two or so years that the term has existed. You're not so new that you don't know what the overton window is right? I told you that everyone right of the overton window falls under the alt-right label.
Anyway you're filtered. I might agree with you about race but you're an idiot.
Just face it, your "people" aren't suited to live near or breed with civilized folk.
Trying to paint you as Virgin/loser because hes out of arguments, typical SJW/Lefty logic
We are talking about Neaderthals and Homo Sapien Sapiens. For a second take out your Holla Forumsshit and let me talk about the fact that Neaderthals only exist in any form today because they mixed. Also scientists aren't actually sure how intelligent Neanderthals were compared to modern humans.
So I should not trust scientific studies at all ever because they disagree with your bias despite them coming from multiple different sources that all agree? Yeah, I agree chemtrails!
And your friend is a Jew who also told you about the time Michael Jackson's car broke down in front of his house and he had to come in to use the phone. Or the time he was attacked by Nazi ghost vampires.
bonobos do
Alt-left are the small leftist group that are not in power but desire it dearly. Up and coming politicians who try to ride the Trump tide but are cucks, it's trying to be edgy, it's not a distinctive label made to distinguish traits, they outright call themselves that to distinguish themselves.
They mixed up which preserved them, mixing down only dilutes anyone that engages in it. If you think hating niggers on the internet makes one Holla Forums now you're just fucking braindead. I'm not some alt-right homo.
Basically, science can be manipulated and in a highly politicized world it's best not to trust any information coming from governments and corporations all of which want both of us dead.
We are talking about neanderthals.
That is why you do multiple studies from different groups that way a lie will quickly be caught. When literally every single human sequenced all agrees then you have to be an idiot to believe it's all some lie. This would also mean every single geneticist who works on human genetics (which include thousands of different scientists from all over the world) are all telling lies and fudging Data on every single sequence. Again, this is fucking flat earth tier retarded.
Youre trying too hard.
no the nose is still particularly off and the chimp isn't hairy enough
In fact i've met lebs more hairy than that guy
The dev is doing an interview.
The weird creatures in the series are all human-animal hybrids created by humans years prior.
Fucking kill me.
You are right. I can't teach basic logic to someone over the internet.
I heard that to.
That doesn't even make sense, in the first game they were all meant to be different species, you documented them all for a company.
It's a correct MS paint comic.
Great job not reading my entire post. And you're right, I misspoke. Whites are not superior, they are certainly above blacks, but Jews are VERY intelligent. Next time try to read more.
Or the homos took their women and raped them. This is more likely the case, white aren't know for their hospitality to other races, especially ancient whites.
They don't exist today. That's the point. If your ancestors are 97% black, they sure as hell aren't white. And there is no doubt over time those genes will be COMPLETELY wiped out. That is not a future fit for any race, but alas, murder and rape is not a fate fit for any Human.
Meant for
well he's a humanized chimp, so some of his features are more humanoid, like the hairlessness and nose
actually all the mixed species (half human half animal) were called homo and the animal's scientific name
No I'm talking about niggers, you tried to shift it to 'thals by spreading some whites are neanderthals meme. I then tried to shift the discussion back by outright dismissing you and then you went on a tirade about genetics and how much scientist cock you suck.heh.
Do you really think shit works like that, that review boards, editors, and publishers don't exist? I bet you think it goes straight from lab to publication.
Basic logic dictates that one should question authority, something that niggers were once good at. Seems that now they're a bunch of authority lovers when the authorities are on their side. maek me dink tbn
You call humans apes as if a chimpanzee is just like a human and then you still declare you have logic on your side. You don't even try to retrack the conversation into something productive, you even sidetrack with chemtrails, with what little I've read, you've shown only contempt and disdain.
What is your science anyway? That Neanderthal fucked with Homo Sapiens? Ok. Is that your story?
Fuck i messed up the quoting.
Try telling that to your average nigger, this is why they are subhuman.
You sound like a leftist faggot. Holla Forums already hates kikes, spics, faggots and blacks.
hes technically right about the mixing up and mixing down part is by up and down hes referring to the humans with traits more likely to give them an advantage
Also i used to believe multiple studies proved something until that shitty climate change consensus
Still i think you're mostly right about Neanderthals being human
They're at least better than the subhumans that mixed with the humans in southern Africa
There is literally no reason they couldn't make a civilization while Egypt could
And Egypt was mostly white back then, at least according to multiple studies, if the ruling class is anything to go by
but humans and chimps are apes, but humans are not chimps. like house cats and tigers are cats, but a house cat is not a tiger
I never said this. You are fucking retarded. Humans are apes. How has this fact offended you?
No better way to question authority than by looking at independently collected evidence from science.
Technically this is true for all genes. You likely don't have the same genes as the first microbe that ever existed. You likely have a bit from common ancestor microbes though but that is only a fraction.
Actually, Adolf Hitler never used the term "Untermensch" or subhuman in this sense, rather he used it to describe the lazy and weak segments of societies vulnerable to communism, and the Jews were their leaders(another common misconception, Hitler viewed jews as opponents).
Although Hitler didn't have blacks in his country, so I suppose I agree with you.
shes asian
Holy shit, is this that creationist faggot from a few months ago?
That is generated and published at the behest of as you said "governments and corporations"?
LOL real rebel here.
Either way you're ruining your girl's life and will abuse her after you guys have children and those children begin to resent either you or her due to not being able to racially identify with either of you. Kill yourself heh.
And when the heat death of the universe arrives there will be no genes.
Welp I'm off to sell heroin to child prostitutes!
A consensus and what studies show are different. Do you really think scientific results are based on opinions?
"the subhuman is a leavening agent that exists in every race"
It just so happens that the vast majority of niggers are subhuman, ie weak segments of societies vulnerable to communism, and by extension the Jews
This is what they mean by "multicultural".
They want to defend the future human/pig hybrids.
Science has always been heavily influenced by politics. Not saying studies are inherently wrong, but they can present their findings in misleading ways. This is a big issue in internet arguments where two queers post studies with only a cursory glance at the abstract.
I agree.
FUCK, I clicked post before I finished. Jews are not "vulnerable" to communism. They know damn well what they created and don't believe a word of it.
So? They are all independent. There is not a single bit of data that disagrees within thousands of sequences. This would literally be the biggest conspiracy of all time requires thousands of geneticists to falsify data daily. Are you by any chance a flat earther to?
When it comes to finding Neaderthal genes in modern humans there is no room for BSing. Also you are confusing how people react to scientific studies and the studies and results themselves.
If you want to go technical humans are called great apes but calling human apes colloquially is more misleading than anything.
Weren't most of the bolsheviks yids? I have a feeling you're right but that might just be the inner-slav talking.
Why do you think I think everything is so conspiratorial? It's very simple, "governments and corporations" skew data to uphold their agendas, therefore in a highly politicized time the majority of science should be questioned. You're still dodging the real issue here to uphold some kind of upper hand you think you've got.
No, I'm a holographic fourth density hollow earther. Time cube is a documentary.
The issue is that it's fucking hot. Everyone needs to sample some delicious chocolate at least once.
Orks confirmed followers of moonman
That's what made "whites" better than the other races. Neanderthals are ubermensch.
They are sadly, CO2 did increase the temperature in a closed environment, they then did a consensus that it would do the same on the whole Earth and did actions with real world consequences in according to those scientific results.
On top of this you can sequence your own DNA now and those also agree.
Can I blame /christian/ or Holla Forums this stupidity?
Not when you have many different independent studies all agreeing. Can you give me an example of dozens of different independent studies all being skewed to show the same thing? That would be nearly impossible to do.
I have proof on my side.
Oh no you misunderstand. I'm just speaking in a general sense, not about specific studies. The studies you reference are most likely correct.
No, if a study is conducted, It's findings may very well be 100% factual, but the omission of certain criteria leads to people reaching in conclusions.
The two issues are intertwined.
Yes, they reaped the wealth resulting from the labor of the proletariat. They lived in luxury while the people suffered, and if there was a slight peep of resistance the Bolsheviks wiped out large amounts of people.
You are confusing a study and it's conclusion.
How do I keep fucking up my replies?
That all depends on what specific Criteria an experiment is looking for. That isn't skewing. Jesus Christ the 2nd exodus has killed the average IQ of this board. Holla Forums is the niggers of Holla Forums.
*leads to people reaching certain conclusions
no, they're supposed to be based on the objective and honest opinions of people experienced and educated in the subject with several underlying methods and principles, which include being repeatable
Which why we have peer reviewing and other such things to try and sort out the bullshit studies
However In the end it still comes down to opinions of the many outweighing the few, it relies too much on scientists being unbiased and honest when in today's time its fairly easy for scientists to be bought
Doesn't matter, there's too many scientist being pumped out of universities with poor job opportunities and the corporations want to keep this going to lower the individual cost as simpler tasks are becoming phased out by robots and such
Its particularly easy to get a corrupt/unethical scientist, especially when they found out that Most scientific studies aren't even repeatable due to fucking China
And even then they don't have to fudge the numbers, there's numerous ways of blurring the results of a study that don't break any rules of the science community at all
also fuck social scientists
We already went over the lack of reputability that commercially available DNA tests have you dumb nigger.
Try >>>/4chon/
Nice logic, nigger.
Easy, climate change studies that paint the individual as worse than the corporations, and pharmaceutical studies where corporations pay people off to write pro-[pharmaceutical] documents. You can see this most easily with Chantix.
You can prove your children won't develop disdain towards you? You can prove you won't abuse your wife when this happens?
LOL, we've got a real clairvoyant over here. Maybe you can tell me what kind of gameplay Death Stranding will have, I think it's going to be a Horizon reskin with a 'time travel' element.
I guess I did. Although there are cases of where results were tampered because of opinions. Science has to be dispassionate for a reason.
No you dumb shit, you can sequence your own DNA with a personal DNA sequencer. You are an idiot and I have to prove you wrong every single post. I just want Sony's E3 to start so I can stop dealing with you retards.
I never said it was skewing, but studies can be conducted on certain criteria, consciously ignoring equally important criteria which could lead to people arriving at a different conclusion.
This can allow certain groups, or scientists to promote an agenda.
Why? You know it's a waste of time
That then gets sent away to a commercially available service using the science backed by as you say "governments and corporations"
Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is a sign of insanity, go get checked out m8.
LOL. Found the absolute retard redditcuck
Oh yeah, every single doctor in the world is all in on this huge conspiracy. You are totally not retarded.
You wish, mongrel.
You still have to get this sent to a lab.
The correct term is National Socialist, please stop being so NatSocPhobic
This is probably a "no shit sherlock" kind of statement, but they really seem to love their canon reboots when it serves them. This literally only shares a name with Beyond Good and Evil.
Truth hurts dude.
So every single lab ever is in on this? How are you this stupid? I have argued against flat earthers smarter than you.
I don't know what's being argued here.
It's pretty easy and common for people who actually try to tell the truth to be snuffed out. Anyone who agrees with the agenda can stay, those who don't are destroyed.
You keep trying to discredit me by calling it a 'conspiracy' - could it be that they're all just wrong and unwilling to reevaluate their findings because the results make them feel good?
Could it be that science has historically and presently been used as a means of implementing political ends(like a carbon tax with all the climate shit, or the spanish inquisition which passed Biblical faggotry off as scientific) and therefore highly politicized facets of science are less trustworthy than non-politicized facets thereof?
Goddamn nigger, still dodging the real issue too.
I'm with you there, comrade. Capitalism is obsolete and cancerous.
Top kek, you can see that faggot posting bullshit since the start of the thread. I thought he was baiting first but this is just fucking sad. Great job derailing faggots, learn not to bite the bait. Seriously just look at his first ten posts
It isn't about agreeing, it's about sequencing. You would literally have to falsely sequence every person.
It's not bait if he's a based black man right Holla Forums?
Right. What are you trying to imply? That people wont lie to push an agenda?
So when they say the Earth got 0.00001°C warmer, is that bullshit as well?
Yes. The earth is getting colder.
please use
So every single doctor ever is lying?
Do you think gatekeepers of knowledge exist? Do you think that educational institutions are legally obliged to tell the truth or anything factual?
Bleeding to cure plague is backed by science, go slit your throat heh.
Ever? No, but with what I said here:
It's probable. If a scientist tells me that the sky is blue, I'll want to see it for myself before I can believe.
Most people aren't willing to entertain retards for that long. I wouldn't call it shitposting, I would just call it sad.
That's not how you should argue because most doctor could very well be in a huge conspiracy, maybe not on this, but on something else
Just prove your point so that it stands by itself, you know you are not just two people in this thread.
It's not the narrative that kills the game. It's the fact that game development is getting more and complex and more expensive at a staggering rate - yet none of these companies want to actually culture talent or creativity because that would eat into their marketing budget. As a result, most people with talent are either sidelined or silenced, projects are routinely outsourced to the lowest bidder in second/third world shitholes, and 3/4s of the rest of the team gets layed off after the game goes gold.
So when the turds get released on the market, if the stink is powerful enough to even get the casuals to start covering their noses, that's when the agenda comes into play - and criticism is deflected as "horrible misogynistic trolls on the internet just trying to preserve their white boys club". Either it works and shames a few extra sales out of the white knights, or it fails and provides an excuse that doesn't involve them actually doing the job properly.
Your link didn't work dude.
Not the same user you were arguing with, but I never said that you fool. Try not straw manning once in your life. I'm just saying that It calls the results of your test into question.
At least its not a thread about a good game and there wasnt that much to talk about anyway with just one shit trailer and their desire to make it some online shitfest.
What I heard was this, the Earth got warmer, got colder since 1997 and then since 2010 got warmer but by an insignificant amount, completely destroying the correlation with CO2 which exploded in amount in the air.
He's a nigger, he can barely exist in civilized society let alone argue on the internet.
i was expecting for a robbies face being being pasted onto the femchimp, but well done
user, DNA sequencing has been known for about 20 years now. It can be done cheaply and easily
Then look at the sequenced genome yourself.
Nearly impossible. There is no way you can keep dozens of thousands of people lying without a single person saying something without a single person saying the truth. Especially when all it takes is someone with a DNA sequencer to prove them wrong.
It isn't a strawman. For every human sequence to be false and yet all confirm it would have to be true that every single lab and doctor is falsifying the information.
fug, how sad
And that means that every aspect of it is entirely legitimate and never skewed by labs?
You got my damn hopes up on nothing.
You keep doing it. These are not my points, I'm not saying "Every single DNA test is tainted because EVERY scientist and EVERY service for DNA testing is full of hook nosed kikes"
Are you stupid? You aren't arguing against my points.
Doesn't mean it's 100%, for example, can you find me a doctor who will tell you that steroidal hormones testosterone doesn't pose any serious health issues? Or that eggs are not dangerous for someone healthy back in the 70s?
Don't rely on the expertise, just point out the underlying concepts. Like I said, it seems you are arguing with one person, but others can read it as well, you can rarely convince someone directly on an imageboard, yet a vast number of us all believe about the same thing because we did convince each others.
Underrated post.
Ayo I'm out to play some vidya, here are some webms
i dont like critical. he peed on a girl so i hope he is shot
where da the video games ?
maybe if we had some actual gameplay to look at
Yes. When you have literally hundreds of thousands of cases all showing that humans have part Neaderthal DNA the sequences come from different independent sources, companies and governments it is a fact. Am I being trolled? If so good job, you baited me well 10/10.
But that has to be the case for the Neanderthal DNA conspiracy this conservation is about to be true,.
Oh and yes I abuse my wife every day. I beat her up and there is nothing you can do about it white boi.
Is that what you wanted to hear you cuck?
Who the hell is arguing about whether humans have neanderthal in them? That's obvious. We do. Neanderthals still roam even today. Just a bit diluted, is all.
No but it's the inevitable outcome of betraying your race, fucking nigger.
No but it's the inevitable outcome of betraying your race, fucking nigger.
In a sense, I admitted several times I hold the belief that whites have neanderthal DNA, calling it a meme to dismiss your spergery doesn't change the facts you subhuman fuck.
How is having sex with white women betraying the white race? Blacks love white women.
*black race
The entire shitstorm happened because someone argued that whites having Neanderthal genes in them was a jewish conspiracy despite it being a well known scientific fact.
That's just about the most grating accent they could have picked.
you have to go back