"Oh, whoops. I dropped my monster condom I use for my magnum dong."
"Oh, whoops. I dropped my monster condom I use for my magnum dong."
Other urls found in this thread:
RUM HAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
keep up the good work.
So you made me kill myself? sounds about right.
bc literally showed me this like yesterday.
Only if you do the same.
I'm not going to use any lube on you :3
poor little guy never even had a chance.
not even my own saliva? seems a bit mean.
Better ky
Magnum dong always wins obvs.
I never said that. I think you're neato burrito.
this thread is far better, I'd have to agree.
That other thread is dumb
Oh well, we had a chance.
You know where you hope this train will take you, but you don't know for sure.
you still do.
You are literally the only person who posted in it.
So yes.
If I do, you do.
I know for sure.
I'm a horrible person
What can I say
interesting logical leap.
What Tuschi said
Basically, yeah
horrible in the best way though.
You are the worst of the worst
Leap or not, it is logical.
Fucking lol
you should have checked last thread. only this one got linked, silly.
I am unsure.
You need a map.
If I can muster a bit of faith in my pathetic self, then you can do the same. You don't really need to deliberate on that
It does feel going being a horrible person and complete savage
some may even say the worst person in the universe
But I had just gotten here and the last post was the link to that thread!
Maybe the worst person, but those martians tho
as it should. that's primal nature.
I made no link to the thread I made though.
You can leave and never come back now.
neko pls go
I am not a cartographer by nature.
hi cato
how are you feeling rockboy
Someone here did!
preparing to leave my EVE corp
That sounds like a pretty big problem.
I bet you're real proud of that one.
I have level 5 mastery with Ezreal :3
you mean boo? he literally said it was a failed thread.
Posting rap music.
always so sweet Cato
But you still won't catch me
Ahhh it's fun putting her in her place. I felt a bit bad because I ripped her clothes last time, but she shouldn't have fought back so much
kinda miss when colbert didn't just post to whore support in his mobas
No more.
sounds like it was her fault to be honest. bitch should have just let you get them off without so much violence.
Oh is that what that is?
I thought people were just making blank posts but they were posting vids the whole time
I can't even see them
How embarrassing
Thats rough
dont hesitate new beginnings though catosa
its very important you stay happy
Ezreal is a carry you loser
Stop being 60 years old
but really
what the fuck happened to you
Alright fine, my work here has been completed anyway.
What even was the job?
I thought boo meat this was the failed thread!
I will get you eventually!
Just you watch!
Although I excel at reading them. I was always got to hold the Refidex when I was little.
he turned into an angry little girl after he got kidnapped
nope. boo would never endorse one of my threads.
Make a bad ezreal pun then want to kill myself over it.
as you should. begone.
acid is supposed to open heads
not make them play more mobas
Oi don't call her a bitch lol
She just likes it when I man handle her. Would go into lewd details, but lewd
Still not sure what you're going to do if you ever get the chance
You can eschew the latter.
sounds like a bitch to me.
I'm gonna go to bed soon.
But everyone likes cupcakes every now and then
No idea, apparently I am going to catch you
this album is kinda the best though
nope. cupcakes are horrible.
Understood, I will go now.
I can manage that.
bye bye licky.
Just let them inevitably disappoint each other.
Do not heed his advise and stay instead.
you know I can't just stand idly by and watch. I must be part of the reason it fails.
So that would make you a bitch too huh? ^^
better not squander your chance
takes one to know one.
You maneater.
Literally nobody doesn't like cupcakes
Yay, smiles!
When am I going to get said chance?
here is my impression of colbert on acid
*jumps out a window with no shoes*
watch out boys, he'll chew you up.
You missed my post, fam
This is very political
you sound like donkey from shrek.
And stop that. I have nothing to peak your interest. :^)
Shhhh it's alright
Just judging you
Hmmm no idea
Not now though because I'm too sleepy
stop what?
judge me harder, senpai.
oh come on that was lol worthy
Judge me next
I am a very anti-political person.
I am channeling my inner Eddie Murphy
Go to bread
Reading the shitposting.
stingy on the lols
I see, I see.
very well. ignoring you for the rest of the night.
I think I get what this all implies.
What the fuck happened to you, man? I didn't think one man could degrade so fast
I really need to get better, though
daily reminder that smiles cybered cato when he was 15
yeah barely any OC gets commented on now a days
everyones self observed in their own convos, you know
His downward spiral started when he stopped walking dogs tbh.
practice makes perfect.
I thought that was Trevor.
i dont think the people tp makes fun of getting mad at him indicates any 'downward spiral'
Way ahead of you baka
hm hm hm
Don't tell me what to do Cato
Passing out
Have a good night everyone
this. everyone mad jealous of tp. and boo for that matter.
But i'm correct when i'm implying implications.
goodnight, shiro.
that hurt man
remember when we used to be friends? and you didn't recycle my insults?
How does the age keep getting younger?
I'll just make some cupcakes instead
I said bread, go to it
goodnight, shiro
I always gave you your own shit back dude
i fat fingered
you gonna get fat.
is that what that is?
you okay dude?
wanna talk about something?
Lol duh
I was just agreeing with you boo. mada mada.
fun stuff
dude sometimes you come a little too hard back
but i love you
legit tears right now
And sometimes you step over the line initially
Equivalent exchange my man
he takes things very very seriously
he gets really angry at any joke about him
I'm not going to eat them all!
are you sure you can contain yourself?
You're not allowed to have fun, you have to brush your teeth and go to sleep.
I'm gonna go jackoff instead.
I'll share them!
but I don't want any.
i also appreciate how when i take shit to a level he will follow
can't blame a nigga for fighting back
i dunno if i would think that way
I suppose that's one way to prepare for bed.
Is it though? Is it really?
so my sister is in town
wants to ride the ferris wheel
what the fuck
Take a present!
im omw
presents are for queers.
He hates presents.
"I have a dream!"
"What is your dream?"
"To have a dream!"
Yeah, and?
well played.
here is my honest ranking of my sister vs other posters'
colbert's sister is a fucking model
test's sis is like cozy girl next door
my sister
soto's whale of a sister
Post sister.
I wanna see Luis' sister
i bet tp's sister is a 10/10 southern fox
Post your sister as well.
You go first.
I wish I had some autistic copypasta about wanting betty to be my sister and doing perverted things to her ready to go for this.
I'm thinking
My sisters are all underage, so I'll pass.
i have respect for my family members
like why would you ever fucking post your family members
I do that a lot when I try to sleep.
yeah. I'm trying and I just can't come up with anything that sounds nearly as bad as the stuff desu does.
I await the day when I can be estranged with my eldest sister. She is too damn loud.
He just takes that from /r9k/ or /jp/.
*smooches your belly*
i mean look at cuckshit
you don't even know if that retard is 10 or 30
see even that isn't nearly cringy enough.
Yeah, there we go.
i dont have a sister
its why i didnt turn up hella gay like you guys
What has been cringier?
I had a brother
still became a tranny
I remember he jacked off on mic for me.
if you weren't an only jew entitled child you would understand
which is weird why people like colbert and test jew out their fucking fine af sisters
i dont care what you did though
every single 2hu pasta that desu posts.
i wouldnt be so handsome if i was a jew
He is worse on mic.
I am ignoring you still remember? also I know.
you seem pretty jew
i know cause i've seen a lot of jews in my day
I agree
I actually did not remember.
Has he asked you how big your dick is and all that shit?
You don't want kogasa to walk all over you with her cute feets etc.?
actually I can't remember. it's not like we've had a bunch of chats or anything, but we've played overwatch a few times and the last time he was being such a bully. it was very rude.
well I didn't say that. I'm sure that would be quite enjoyable.
Zelda is so racist. The good guys are all white blond-haired Aryan types, and the bad guy is a brown-skinned man with a pronounced nose.
Other races like gorons and zora are considered "good" because they submit to the Hylians.
Not the gerudo, though. Nope. They want to be independent and refuse to be dominated, therefore they are "evil."
Say, doesn't Hylian kinda sound like Aryan?
Ganon wants to create "a world of darkness," because obviously a world not ruled by white people = darkness and chaos amirite?
Link is the chosen hero because he has the blood of ancient Hylian warriors. He's a hero because of his blood? In other words, he's automatically the hero because his ancestors are white?
Master Sword, huh? Is that like the master race?
The Triforce is a KKK symbol.
The final boss of Zelda 2 is Shadow Link, who is exactly like Link except he is black.
Nice pointy hat, Link. Was KKK-mart having a sale?
can i just say that darwin and cuppers are my two favourite pony leaders
just kinda weird that they are both here
right now
but still
im very materialistic but i think thats my only jew trait as it relates to the meme
lenkos nose is like 4x bigger than mine
So you have not seen anything.
none of this is even a little wrong though.
bitch we were the only two leaders.
I suppose not as much as you. but who has? you've wasted far more of your time here and with these people.
you constantly talk about mobas and who is going to buy you skins or weed
"As punishment, the yama will castrate you with her bare feet. Who else couldn't possibly think of a more wonderful way to die?"
I always did looked at Ganon as a middle eastern guy
I had not been here much before you showed up.
there was that serbian who pushed a car up a hill
He is my boyfriend now.
well now that's a bit extreme for me.
he's literally obama but in a video game. same secret agenda too.
I think I might be a little flattered now.
aeris? you lucky dog.
aeris was never a leader. he just wished he was super super hard. no one really liked him much. other than idiots like tom the heart bringer.
They are unrelated.
You already knew. I told you the other day.
I'll believe they are at least somewhat related and take the compliment gracefully.
I didn't believe you. I believe you now.
You'll miss him in the darker times that are ahead of us.
I don't have any more material to carry on.
eh there was a time when aeris dominated
probably, to be honest.
life is suffering.
there was a time when aeris posted an extreme amount, yes. he was vastly unpopular because of his incessant need to be liked and to stir up shit at every opportunity.
ive literally never unironically asked anyone for money
i have too much pride for that
and i dont think i really have ironicallly
dont mix me up with desu
You said, "a little flattered," so it was not that much of a compliment.
He is dynamite in the sack.
he probably cybered you when you were 15 as well
I believe it. someone like that has got to be pretty amazing in bed.
licky get out of here.
Link is übermensch!
I would rather not try to dip into melancholy right now. But it's not that bad.
I will not heed this advise
I never actually knew Aeris that well
And I don't think I started posting until I was 16
I actually do have some stuff from when he and I "cybered" back in the day.
you didn't miss much
aeris was a fucking retard
one of those
typed a lot
said nothing
oh I was just saying that because you said you were out of horrible copypasta. not as some depressing thing.
heed mine. get out of here while you still can.
wait seriously? oh man, that's funny. I had no idea he even did that shit.
It was him trying to be funny.
He broke his arm tipping a fedora and swore he was the smartest man on earth.
Of course he cybered anyone.
now that I do remember. he tried to do that quite often, and was painfully bad at it.
4:29 PM - Trixius Incendius Pineconicus turns into you and pulls on your tail.
oh yeah, I posted along side aeris when aeris was assumed to be a landwhale girl so I saw all that
And then talked to him through association with Tom every now and then
just didn't know him personally
I dunno man. it really seems like something out of character for him.
the most adorable ones make the best terrorists.
Why should I do such a thing?
that one, that's the best cap
good point. stay and post more please. I like having you around.
Why is it always animal stuff with you?
Who was Kipper? He was using Kipper's name when we cybered.
you like that one huh? why is it the best?
Give me this folder
shit I remember kipper but I don't remember who they were. did they have any other names? I definitely remember them now, they were pretty nice to me.
Post the cutest picture you have. Go.
Because I am a reverse transgender reindeer-kin.
Is cute
Then what about the dragon stuff?
Ui has it uploaded somewhere, ask him.
I cannot remember anything about him.
I actually have quite a few pictures I would consider to be my cutest. but this is one of my favorites.
and this one. same artist. both requested by me.
Oh, maybe it was Justin who was the reindeer-kin, then.
Furry scum.
im on rock now
sry fam
I am still unimpressed.
it's funny though
aeris always pops up when there is any election or community unrest
last election he tried to reinvent himself as a cute nice anume poster
and one more. same artist.
Your mind is so jumbled I sometimes wonder if you even recognize me.
He was the person that tried the hardest to win the "Holla Forums admin election".
It was really kind of sad to watch.
He just confuses you with all of the 15 year old boys.
You are that guy who called pretending to be the Zodiac.
his linework kinda clashes with the coloring
Of course, that's Aeris
it's pretty cute, yeah.
you're welcome.
I can't remember much other than that he was nice.
I could post some pretty cute furry pics.
subjective taste in cute tends to be this way.
i mean what were his options at that point?
banned from mlpchan
I thought that was my old one
Never mind
still one of the best /vp/ drawfags from the time I used to lurk the thread for good art. he was a whiny little bitch though. seriously couldn't handle the slightest bit of criticism or anything.
It is not very extensive.
Don't go furry.
You're not quite that bad.
No one is as bad as the furry shitters.
Yes, Master.
12:16 AM - cupcake stands there, topless, her breasts on display as she smiles shyly
She did not have a lot to work with from what I remember
Meiko is better anyway.
you never let me have any fun
this cupcake chick sounds hot
Or was I?
that oen specifically is very expressive
He would hate me, then. the last one is really the only one where his line style actually works
but what did he mean by this
that one is one of my favorites.
To be honest, I don't even remember what she is from.
The sunset would be up there if he actually blended the colors well and didn't blow out the big side-ear-thing way too much for some reason
I am just trying to keep myself sane by talking about whatever while I do busy things in the background.
you're just being rude. it's just his style. or something.
he also drew some lewd stuff and was super hostile about it any time it was brought up. pretty hilarious.
Cato and Ban need to rehook back up.
ah, okay. carry on.
I came as soon as I woke up
morning wood gotta go somewhere I suppose
I think it's just oc
what is your age
what is your gender
what is yourspecies
what do you fucking do
Too much information!
I have also been stuck on listen to old timey music since last night.
how horrifying. listen to some rush.
See, that one is drawn much better
thank god i have a virdin wet af fern ready to ball
I gotta say
The scene where Cindy leafs through the photos and they're all blank and the guy with the twisted face are strokes of brilliance that make me love Scary Movie 3
Also Jeremy Piven is great
All of them after the first are bordering on unwatchable.
it's one of his older works though. some he just puts more effort into than others, like the third one I posted.
I don't even know what that is.
not really
he had like 3 good movies
I think that calling any of the Scary Movies brilliant is reaching.
all the more reason to listen. here.
I despised 1 and 2
3 was amazing, 4 was okay and everything else was garbage
That should not be your focus man
I did not call any of those movies brilliant, so
Also Anna Farris wears a thin white tank top for a substantial part of the movie so there's that
this feel though
I hope it was the feds fucking with me and they're actually here to take me away forever
Also Scary Movie 3 had Kevin Hart in it before Kevin Hart was well known
i'm kinda realizing why most black people consider voodoo the best album ever
better nuke that hd, bebop
What's f-list?
site for furries to role play with each other.
@bawbop can you please remove ids?
have you noticed how bloodchan is not here
you no longer have to worry about beatings
fuck yourself retard
you just want to anonpost like a little bitch
IDs are godlike
Bebop do not remove them
Not to actually be used for role playing, tho. That's place isa whole new level of degeneracy.
add me fam
just ironic 4Head
I will listen right after this song
nah it's just stupid to make IDs for a board that had no reason to do so
erotic role playing is still role playing.
heads or tails
you'll love them. probably.
guess who the only people bitching about it are:
the two people who hide behind user the most
I didn't even know he was a furry.
Holla Forums had IDs when we left
Stop trying to make excuses for your anonposting TP, suck it up and use proxies
in case you didn't notice, this is not 4chan and like we get 0 outsiders
I have bwakafeast now too
woods are pretty lewd
these teams
My penis! :D
i hate when i feel obligated to comment on outside gossip about me
his profile seems to be a human so he probably isn't one. it's not just furries, just mostly.
havent seen bc in days
she quit btw
he stopped posting the second ids were turned on
Do you roll for initiative?
where is tsuchi to >she this man
why would I know this?
why is that relevant
Poop, Cuppers. POOP.
don't come to Holla Forums tomorrow
also you're wrong
when we left there were not fucking ids you retard
I should make the board forced anonymous too, right?
forced user with ids please bebop
But then we would have to give Milky our information. Oh, wait.
I replied to you first though!
I see, so I was misled.
You were the one saying it was roleplaying so I figured you knew!
the krusty krab training video is my favorite spongebob episode ever.
yeah but I have no idea if any dice are rolled. I keep my cybering simple.
tfw nobody says heads or tails
i didnt want to reply
i knew someone else would tell you
where the hell is that worthless sack of crap anyway?
#foxed user
wait did you ask? I call tails.
He got too depressed after dating me that he quit entirely. :^)
Good times. I even enjoyed the first Spongebob movie for theaters.
seems about right. not even being sarcastic. he always was pretty pathetic. and that's coming from me.
tfw fanfic stopped updating ;;
that movie was amazing.
you think i give a shit about ids
i was the one who made them
and made them disappear again
beepop is a fucking cuck
you have been posting about them a lot in the past few minutes.
If you don't care about IDs then stop fucking talking about them retard.
obviously you do though dude
*dunks on you*
gotta finish what i started
do u have my bnet added
carry on my friend.
Just use a proxy like this.
Most people there were.
It's too late
But then the violence got cut down...and the adult jokes disappeared...and the humor became more childish....
lets play soon
very true.
bebop nooo
yeah. season 4 on is pretty trash.
aw yiss
it takes like getting like three people complaining
preferably one who lives in washington and claims to be underage
Pls don't be MLP's future...
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
or oregon
wherever beepops tribe is