Other urls found in this thread:
btw dude if you ignore neko (black cat) he'll have no one to talk to
he'll learn not to be passive aggressive and it will be a huge win for team boo
sound good?
Hello Welma
I wanna do a Goggers impression too!
"I am the best australian"
Perfect impression, true too
You know its true.
Thanks fam
hi maddie
pls response i used your trap name
i could be australian like a madcunt
i always respond to neko
he's my bro
I thought he just had that gay relationship with that other gfur poster that always flirted with one another.
literally ruining the operation
are you a retard
But then you wouldn't be one of the best americans
Hi Colbs. How'd your week go?
I heard we were talking about perfect people!
they all mutts anyway lol
Orihime is cute & pretty~
perfection= delusion
no like nefel actually had like a house and a family on a lake or something
weird, i know
Which is me.
holy shit luka is alive
he didn't post for 12 hours i thought he died
Welma is better because I helped pioneer it
You're not dead?!??1
It went pretty good, I'm slowly learning how to do my job lol. You?
I do not believe the lake part is accurate.
and the winner
both lol
If he keeps telling himself it enough times, maybe he's convince himself.
Just seems a bit odd.
That looks like a lamb.
I think the current one was my suggestion.
what a rocky relationship we have
especially if youre a goggles fangay
imma post some orihime too! ^ ^
so that i can share them with you.
What was the American dude that Nefel always had like a hatefuck thing with?
lambs dont have wide heads you fucking retard
It was aight. I don't think my dad hates me and I'm going to visit mi madre tomorrow. Glad you can do your job now haha.
Didn't Kuus come up with it though? I used to have caps.
wanna let the guy down soft yanno... keep expecting perfection will live a life of disappointment
Im glad you showed up ruka
how was your day
it was very convincing lol
irregardless i miss that guy
he was a tolerable aussie
Fair enough!
I would not say fan but I like them, they have never needlessly been a dick
Her necklace in that looks like the millennium puzzle from old ass yugioh squished
Maybe I am! this is just a sequel to unfriended
oh so you just have incredibly poor standards
i guess we can still be lovers
whoa when did spoilers come back
He is still around. I named one of his kids.
i'm so lost
The main girl in seven deadly sins almost ruins the show with how much of a whiny cunt she is.
i slept
then woke up a minute ago!
or more like bakuras milenium puzzle dagly pieces
and thats a narrow head
he has three huh?
glad we could agree on this
Mercy is getting buffed.
Shes the worst character.
Good morning~
i hope you slept well
Heh, I guess that could be me. Hey Spoilers.
You're fake as fudge.
had a little headache
but now it's fading
The Blizzard projectile now pierces barriers
Radius has been increased from 8 meters to 10 meters
Caduceus Staff
Healing Beam
Healing-per-second has been increased by 20%
Resurrected allies will be able to maneuver after 2.25 seconds (reduced from 3 seconds)
speaking of four
i just watched the latest installment of the divergent series
kinda sucked
why is four not the protagonist
if dies in the last one i will literally lose it
The pig is more useful than she is.
Go ahead and tell me how perfect I am.
Poor ruka
You do anything for it?
i stopped following the series after the second was pretty crap
U r cute and pretty
I actually kinda like the pig.
Give me an e-hug.
That poster is ban
dont lie to me
Me too he's adorable and makes me laugh
I might call it normal standards to like or dislike based on how people treat you lol but point taken!
Bakura was into other dudes tho
All countries are the bad now in their own special ways
**I know it is you!* hey there how have you been doin?
i knew the mei one was coming ^ ^
Yup... that's about where i pictured they were going with mercy.
now her team seiging power is gonna be OP
make team full 20% faster which will prolly only take 2 seconds for me
yeah dude it's so all over the place
its all shit, time for mars colonies
Are you like an awkward third wheel?
post more mai instead
i felt like they were just dragging it along
remember when george quit
and then kyle quit
and then we weren't subjected to as much gay dog porn?
that was kinda rad
its nice when you walk into a pub and she knows your drink and its waiting before you make it to the bar
Nah. I took them out for half off appetizers at Applebees.
My feet hurt too much to drive.
>.< Onii-chan~!
i think i prolly just need an Energy drink to full at full power again~ ^ ^
i havent watch bleach since they were doing the Rescue Rukia thingy >_
feels bad man
What a cheap date.
Kyle has quit around 10 times.
If you download the PTR client you can play them now.
Classic Luka.
I mean, I eat their food at the house.
Hurry up so we can talk more
we can also OW some if you want in a bit
they have the dude from dumb and dumber as the villain now
but i just realized that the last villain was naomi watts
damn that woman is fine but i didn't even recognize her
Your perfection goes as far as mediocre.
Good, just probably going to get some lunch soon before diving into some busy things.
We are due a new departure.
i can wait, for official release.
yay Overwatch!
Nothing has happened to upset me here after coming back though.
I won't forget this.
BUT do you wanna overwatch now?
Will they kick you out if you eat the last can of ravioli?
oh hi
how was your nap?
Any day now...
Squash, you're fat and have sex with dogs.
Now you'll leave.
I would just kill myself.
I wasn't able to really fall asleep.
Going to try again later.
i mentally filter that retard
We would just shit it up too lol
That folder is in the growing process tbh I had barely enough images for one thread with her so when I get the chance I'm saving more once it hits a good measure I'll be back to it plus bleach just ended so this is like in honor of a series that was best in the first two arcs and had it's ups and downs only to be forced to end too early leaving it with a nice but stupid ending lol
You missed a metric ton from arrancars and aizen to yhwach and his quincies, oh and the fullbringers but no one likes them
As long as you enjoy yourself! Happy to hear how you are doing
i mentally filter half the thread honestly
theres so many people i just dont enjoy here
watch me make sick dunks in the spawn
*Nibbles your feminine penis*
Watashi's kokoro goes doki doki for Onii-chan.
yeah seemed kinda early to even try
You're better than this.
Or just not this bad.
Well I only sleep 2 hours a night most days so I just go when I'm tired.
Plus I worked a good 11 hours today in the hot sun for the moving company.
I'm worn out.
senpie you make me feel squishy ishie with your doki dokis kimochii >w
Now make a post this long telling me about your sexual fantasies
make sure to include the spoilers
To I need to cyber you to prove a point?
It was a joke
and yet that
is what makes the community successful
i've never enjoyed more than maybe 10 percent of it
but i certainly have enjoyed shitting on the rest of it
I'd rather kill myself tbh.
yeah... i only saw him unlock bankai and travel somehow to soul society and fight eyepatch guy with no bankai
i haven't even seen how they rescue rukia from execution
the worst people of any community are the most enjoyable
Cha~! @
Desu-bozu is baka no brain!
why can't you sleep more than 2 hours
that's fucked up for real
Is that what you call it.
Kyle, do you have a soft butt?
Yeah but when it becomes nothing but autistic shitters, it's not even enjoyable anymore.
It's just sad.
im neither enjoyable nor good...
He does not.
We can work that into the RP.
It's been a good 2 months now. I don't sleep much anymore.
Yes. My butt is nice due to my work.
Now say it non jokingly
Then we'll fly to cancun and start our new lives as fishermen
i really dont enjoy it as much as you do
been bitching a lot lately
Go get that energy drink and lets play
So I am the most enjoyable?
nah m8
it's fucking funny
unless they get a full hugbox going
i enjoy u
That's for faggots.
Literal faggots.
uawawawawa !~!~!~!~!~ squashie-ashie sugopi desuneeeeeeee baka daka nagasaki teriyaki bakayaaaaa !~ UwU
can you please get off my jock rin?
tokai might find out
fuck off my roleplay girlfriend dude
You haven't seen my ass, you wank.
who b u?
like /lewd/ or what kind of people?
wow calm down m8
it was nothin serious
That is what you think.
You just lack the talent.
Toyota-chan! Stop it, baka. You'll make me overflow~!
[Insert sexual act]
I knew it would be fine, I told you all along
Schrodinger's butt
That's what this place because at times and it's unbearable.
This place at times, too.
Why not?
youre dags right
the only good aus poster?
I know you have not.
I think it's more lacking the desperation.
i-i can't keep this up you win
He could've gotten it from someone else you've shared it with.
That's what makes it fun though.
I am doing alright, have a few rough spots every now and again.
it costs money...
i dont know who you are
tell me or i kill myself
Your cummies are forfeit.
I wish to ride on that bolt guy from the olympics shoulders while swinging a sword at my enemies
Eye patch man used his bankai in the last arc, turns out the pink haired girl was his zanpaktou
@kyle boo rin and desu
do you guys wanna tiny and let darwin lurk?
Just seems a weird thing to me.
Like it would only serve to make you feel even more alone to do.
n-no more squashy-ashie cummie-wummies ?
I'm going to sleep soon
Ever thought about robbing a store?
you'd make bank
could probably pick up some energy drinks too for free
holy shit i thought that was gonna be really lewd
i was about to blush
i dont like all three of those people
welterusten jackson
I trust my friends not to share it.
Eh, maybe another night.
I don't work 'till Tuesday.
I think it could be fun given the right person.
what's wrong with kyle and rin?
i pretty much only started posting here last week
before that it was like 5 posts every 6 months
Victory is mine.
People are snakes.
i just finished my noose too
now this rope is no good
Snakes are people
You can do whatever you want :3
god i miss grim
watching a movie... nite ppl
my shit is already shared
it's kinda freeing
Fuck your gay ass Big Brother shit.
I'll get you next time
just go lynch someone
cant waste good craftsmanship like that
Your approval means the world to me.
wat... u had something else in mind?
there are way too many mexicans here
itd be too hard to decide which pablo to deport to hell
You have no cummies left to wager.
I have no reason to contest you on this.
I know you cry yourself to sleep every night when I don't call you a dogfucker that day.
I'll get a loan for 10k cummies
man you guys are being hella sardonically cruel tonight
i like it
kill a jew live on cam
It's how I cope.
I'll think very hard about this while I play games with other people.
>_< spoiler alert!
big brother is literally a worse version of Holla Forums imo
not sure i know any lol... real tho, im tired gonna fall out rewatching suicide squad
guess you just have to kill yourself then
Cope with alcohol like a goddamn normal person.
W-what about your cheeks, are they soft?
k nite folks
I will give it a try one day.
i heard its shit
i can give u some better movie recommendations if u want
ive seen like all horror
Your credit check came back in the red.
I'm sorry, but your loan has been denied.
I'm going to bed once I finish this thing I'm doing.
the big brother circlejerk is moderately better than this one
only prob is it's only in the summer
Kyle, have you had any random Steam invites yet?
I drank a 5th of vodka one night and didn't even get buzzed. I gave up on booze.
George can confirm.
finally i get to escape from this shitty life
see you in hell loser
No. Why?
just torrented like 20 movies, ill pick something...
i dont even seed
k going
i never seed either
my net is 2.5 mb/s lmao
torrent one more horror movie before you sleep
norai:the curse
you do things?
No reason.
Can you fit a lot of food in them like a squirrel?
he posts here all day dude...
what things would he do?
Well for your sake I hope the rough spots become rare af
I am okay with this lets find a room
One day
That is quite the room to have fun with then!
And telling you Orihime won was not?
Heck, I'm off to sleep then
added to cue
I don't eat enough to know.
night retard
just promise me you'll go to me when its that time
i kinda figured rin just sat on his broken washing machine cybering tokai all day
probably not that far off
I am here to facilitate your fun
no i think thats literally what happens
If I poke them will you say "puni puni" for me?
Do I have a say in it?
It would be cute if you did.
I am still unsure as to your odd attraction to me lately.
We have never spoken that I know of.
hi maddie
i dont think its happening mate
Do you have soft hands, or are the calloused from work?
see i'm using your mentally disabled name
i'm slowly accepting the grand transition
It seemed an appropriate response
He has callused feet.
My hands are hard and cracked from factory jobs the last 4 years.
My feet aren't important.
I regret my decisions.
Me too.
Who is that guy?
ah rats
I bet the texture feels nice, do you moisturize?
thread really sucks now
i think tp friday is over
im gonna return to not posting
ill see u later dude
Vince McMahon
See attached video
I don't.
welterusten my friend
the traps always ruin the vibe
Would you allow me to moisturize them for you?
I cannot make promises! Commitment and me don't work
Fellatiate my fun :^)
I'm sure it will get there
I would object.
I can't. My internet is dreadful :(
spoilers where you been man
What do you think I am, some kind of wimp?
If your hands are calloused, you're better just grinding it down than trying to just use lotion.
Yeah mine was too for a while, it sucks. Time Warner is absolute garbage
here is my impression of spoilers
gets called out for being eva
comes back suddenly
I really think it's the AC units messing with the wireless somehow, but I'm not a tech nerd so I'm probably wrong.
You can always change your mind.
TP: Drank
Joke's on you, I liked Eva and I like Spoilers
Honestly who knows? There's so much shit that could go wrong
Spoiled, give me a hug because Murder's a cunt.
Unlikely. Distance and materials it has to go through are about it.
You did not, and then you did. Fucking commit to an opinion on someone and never reverse it like a MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Guess it's just coincidental that it started being shitty when we put them in the windows then. Huh.
The only thing good about eva was his taste in avatars
what kinda things besides habitually asking posters to email nudes to you
Yes, I possess the ability to reevaluate my assessment of people when they change
He had thoroughly deplorable folders. He had about 30 images saved and those were all he posted. He also ruined Misaka.
Things I'm not going to tell you so as to avoid making you think of me like a person.
Like, other than changing names?
You hook your phone and shit to the WiFi automatically and use the stock modem from your ISP, right?
It's probably just it being shit.
I said avatar not folders
I'm sure they were absolute shit
s a v a g e
i'm a novice when it comes to anime folders but eva was a piece of shit and i hope he watched his mother die
oh hey spoilers
Misaka was long ruined before he came along.
I know. It was just an addendum.
I changed my mind.
How is that savage?
I made the mistake of letting you know things about me and now you won't stop saying nice things about me, as if I'm a person to say nice things to.
Yeah I mean I wouldn't expect you to try to dig underneath the surface like I did but there is a difference
I have no idea.
Why would you do so?
Tp i lost all my gg caps when my laptop broke btw looks like you'll never get them now.
How did he ruin misaka tho
So i'm perfect right?
Fair enough.
orihime what?
His general style of posting paired with those images.
What changed your perception of him?
Personal conversations.
I hardly know you.
He gave Ian several blowjobs
Oh, did he try to convince you that ghosts were real too?
How about we just shake hands in a friendly manner and I just happen to have lotion all over my hand. Does that work?
Wasn't it similar to neru's except littered with tildes and emoticons?
Gakkou gurashi
but ghosts are real
No, he didn't. He was genuine and honest with me and I appreciated that
Then I just feel like you finished wanking.
oh... what?
It will be lavender scented.
Sort of but the intention was to appear friendly and presumably cute. Neru is just Neru.
B-But I am those things with you too.
Hate you so much right now.
Except about the whole Louise thing.
Hey there Goggles
Nah you love me.
Hello, Shiro.
still not entirely sure about the louise thing
like have not seen the actual louise since darwin claimed to be the one cybering colbert on the reg
Do you not like lavender?
The one you would not stop begging me to give you
With shovelchan
His merry folder is still dreadful. I have no idea why i never finished mine.
How are you doing today? :3c
You never need to stop there just giving an out!
Busy af
Won the shipping war crap lmao
I have no regrets.
So what do I move on to when I'm done with your fun?
grocery store ^ ^
Hail Satan
I am doing well, thankyou.
Great job.
We will cross that border when we get there bae
Nooooo, so close!
I hate everyone and everything.
I have never cared nor will I ever care about post numbers.
Why doe?
You do not care about anything.
I kinda wanna cross it right now tho
dont follow
with what bro
Only get I really cared about was 80085
Sorry, it's a tradition. Can't help it.
I care about you.
For a second I scrolled past that thinking you were someone else.
Cupcake cared about me once
ha. boobs.
it's a silly tradition.
he got a job
kiss his gigantic ginger dick goodbye
i'm fucking emo
Any plans for the weekend?
Haha right?
Glad it's finally cooling down in AZ
Why do you try to placate me with these lies?
is it? been hot as balls around here.
I can't do much if you think it's a lie.
Life mostly but in my spare time I have been playing a lot with friends, plus this place is not that fun all the time lol
You are fucking an emo? I don't judge, there's a rare few emos I would fuck too :^)
Too bad epic gets don't get enough attention on this chan's Holla Forums. Only once did a bunch of anons flood the pony thread on a wasted get by a pony fag.
why is that on pbs lol
I got a job too, and I work more than he does so
can it just be mid-october already where it gets down to 75, fuck AZ.
I have no idea
I thought it was from Twitter
it's just so pointless. but I guess I think most things are.
you know how I feel about you. you know you were fishing.
Cupcake cares about me.
I am
am i supposed to know what that means?
like in sandboxes and swings and shit?
It's been low 100s instead of 110-120
Rain has been helping a lot
I wish. I can't wait for the winter. Going to sleep so fucking good
who are you.
true. still pretty unbearable though.
You know how needy I am, you could at least humor me for a bit
If you care unconditionally for me, it does not matter who I am.
good show tho
Don't take my heart, don't break my heart, don't, don't, don't throw it away.
it's best not to give in to emotional blackmail.
All that has and ever will be relevant in our last years of existence is video games.
I speak with Looeez from time to time.
without knowing who you are I can't say I care about you.
you can keep it. I bet it's all twisted and black like your soul anyway.
yeah video games are pretty great.
BERB brb
Oooh so you want the fucking?
No but there was once when we were a bit high and had to walk through the park to get back from the movies, creepy as fuck place though in the middle of the night
It's not even emotional blackmail, it's just me not wanting to ask for it directly
I really liked this video, also made me laugh for an extended amount of time.
Sorry, Steve.
I am going to be busy doing things for most of it.
I am shattered.
Not only will Kyle not let me lotion him, but cupcake hates me.
I only watched like 2 episodes
The first one fucked me up though. I thought it was just going to be another k-on.
getting lewds by email doesn't exactly constitute "speaking with"
He hates all of us.
I like it. Worst part for me though is going to be waking up during the winter and getting frost bite in my hands from working
Also so vague
Need to trust me more baka
Not sure how I feel about tomorrows rave
Oh man
"cupcake used to care about me"
is emotional blackmail. if I say nothing, it implies I do not. if I say anything other than "I still do" it implies I don't. if I do give you what you want, I've given in to your obvious bait when you already know exactly how I feel about you.
I know you want me to be the nice, friendly person I used to be colby, but I'm not like that any more. I'm not going to throw out random hearts and whatnot just because people say something sad where I can see it.
Oh Cuppers, if only you could be a game...then I could love you properly.
I laughed so hard when I saw a video on what happens when you finally reach the center of the universe.
Oh, so Ian has talked to you while he is drunk.
So mainstream
I am the one who fucks
oh, licky. yeah, I don't think I care very much about you yet. you're enjoyable to watch post usually though.
I definitely used to not mind the heat, but that was before I was paying for air conditioning.
you'd probably be too rough with my controller.
of course.
Say it ain't so.
I will not go.
Exactly why I said I speak with them from time to time, not that I get nudes from them by email when I need new material.
How did that go?
what movie
is it weird that i kinda cried a bit during the last ep?
He gets very awkward and creepy when he's drunk.
I didn't see the last episode so i could not tell you
we used to get drunk together regularly for a while. I am used to it.
I barely know you.
Who were you?
I heard steve is a chill person, not angry.
So do you.
s a v a g e
they all come back
I meant recently.
yes recently we have spoken while he was drunk. I know what to expect.
I'll make sure your ports stay clean, bb~
Does that really matter? I'm trying to hare a laugh wiht you, and you're ruining it.
Oh yeah AC can be a bitch. Normally I just blast a fan right next to me
Ask some questions then ^^
I'm not the on that post pictures of the dildos they bought in thread when they're drunk, just saying Mordin
I refuse to believe you are fundamentally different than you were, stop trying to convince yourself that you're a callous person
I'm an angry person
that is a supremely creepy face to go with that post.
I have to use ac and a fan because I don't want to turn the ac too low.
He really did that?
Really wish I didn't click that
People tend to be very angry here.
I'm certainly not an overly cruel or outright mean person, but the person I was is not the person I am now. I have no need to convince myself, nor frankly do I need to convince you. you are free to believe as you wish.
oh shiro i kinda feel bad abour laying into you several weeks ago
it wasn't fair how i went about it
I do not! I'm not creepy! I just have issues staying awake and... alive.
Oh no I wasn't drunk, I've hardly been drunk at all this year. And they weren't mine! It was a prank. they were my friends.
I always did like Twilight. An insane mind with malicious intents hiding under a professional demeanor.
I'm angry all the time.
Gimme rems pls
purple smart is pretty great. until they ruined her.
The first time I talked with Mordin in voice he was drunk and wanted to fap with me in voice.
True story
People need to learn this the hard way.
even the fucking dog comes back :)
Say what you will. Princes Twilight is a cute. A. CUTE.
Yes, yes he really did.
Maybe you aren't the same person, but there is absolutely no reason for you to be so negative about yourself
Jesus Christ, Mordin. Your excuses are "the dog ate my homework" bad
Just stop
c'est la vie.
I refuse to click another spoiler
she is. I won't deny that.
this discussion does not seem very productive for either of us, so I'll withdraw from it now.
mordin kinda seems like a more dumb desu
Soon enough it won't matter
Excited to go out to LA with woman. Going to be some nice weather
It is still painful when it happens.
Exceptional taste
Old Cupcake is long dead.
New Cupcake is here to stay.
How good/bad that is depends on your own views.
nice. hope that goes well. make sure to rail her real good.
was it for you?
The fact that she's a supressed insane mind with high political power makes her all the more attractive.
I shouldn't be around hostile people.
Do you like sushi?
But I do love you the way you are now, no matter what.
I am not averse to that
Just remember that my position likely will not change
There is a balance between the two
Bye bye then
Words I've longed to hear.
Lucky cupcake
Made me angry.
I have said it to you too.
cupcake will get obsessed with another homo again
then we will not see him for a year
then almost die in an automobile accident
then get dumped
it is kinda his thing
Don't worry I do every time
Says she is sore the next day :3c
I do, but it can't have seaweed in it or I toss my cookies
I wish you'd step off a chair and learn to let noose
you really do like your bad girls, don't you.
why thank you, darwin.
I wouldn't expect it to. it's part of what makes you such a good person.
licky don't worry. he loves you more than me.
are you being serious right now?
I didn't hear that
this post actually made me laugh out loud.
nice. you stud you.
What kind of sushi doesn't have seaweed?
I don't have a thumbs up betty pic.
Darwin saying he loved you?
Yeah, but not angry at you. We have talked about it.
Such a shame, it's wasted on the youth
Is this an intentional lynching joke? Because if not, it's a hilarious unintentional lynching joke
Just try, okay?
That was low. I apologize.
Kinda reminds me of her, you know...
my memory is shoddy sometimes.
as I've told you numerous times I am trying every day.
It's not a joke you should really ky
damn. you're like the new me.
yes I know. your little jailbird.
is brad here?
Maybe >.>
She spoils me quite a bit
Makizushi is the shitty rolled stuff that is mostly in America
Nigirizushi is the god tier hand pressed stuff
I don't doubt it. I would just fail if I wasn't constantly reminded
I will only come back stronger than what I once was.
You're a lecher.
It's the truth! they were enormous, far too big for me.
That's not really true. We were just making cat sounds.
Wow thanks for the support!
You just want it to be true.
I'm neither self loathing and still think rather highly of myself.
Your complete antithesis.
She's not in jail! I saw her on Steam recently...although, much to my disappointment, she didn't reply to me ;-;
cant believe darwins talking about people being awkward/creepy
hasnt he been like that for 5 years
isnt that why even cuckwork tanked him
I do not discriminate.
I do not create fantasy, I only expand on those that exist.
Shit support. Never wards, etc.
That would be a fate worse than death
Don't ignore me, you little slut!
oh my. anal?
I'm destined to fail, but feel free to keep reminding me.
you've got a point there. darwin isn't exactly well endowed so you don't need much in the way of practice with big stuff.
🍆 🍌 🥒 🌭
darwin's size, for those wondering.
darwin is actually tag reaming cockshitg mordin and that other guy
darbear is based af
slow your shit
I may have chuckled.
only in that one thing though.
she didn't reply because she was getting arrested. she livetweeted the whole thing to me until they took away her phone.
whoa i should turn on a light i type for shit
i dont think anyone who can only pull cuckwork/mordin is based
You know I wasn't reminding you of anything, stop trying to turn this around on me
Even that is too generous.
darwin is a pedophile who has somehow not been vanned
p based if you ask me
it's okay colbs, I know how hard it is to think when you're drunk. I forgive you for not reminding me more.
I didn't want to be a total ass.
Eh I don't either really. Just salty I can't have seaweed. Have to choke it down if I want to
Not yet, but I could get it if I wanted to.
Last night I had to give her a ride and she gave me gas money, bought me drinks, and then came over to my place for a bit before taking her home.
Do me next
So there are still faint glimmers of who you were.
He's not that small.
Stop fantasizing about these things, it's creepy!
Consider improvement.
Now I feel like ignoring you further might make for funny outbursts.
I do not need to improve when my mid laner dominates every game.
Oh, wait.
he pretty much has all the characteristics of a creepy pedo doesnt he
he's like a tolerated sci
I'll make it worth your while
Well now I just feel fucking awful
I literally just said I don't fantasize
Good night imaginary internet people.
Later, Maytag Man.
Still the most consistent player of the premade by a fricking mile.
Then don't lie.
Buenos noches
our taste in genders is probably pretty close to a direct mirror, yes.
sounds like you should get yourself some anal. she's totally your bitch.
as I mentioned, I'm not overly cruel.
you're right. by his own admission he is smaller.
well don't.
goodnight rin.
Sweet dreams Rin Nakai
>Do me next
Don't wake up.
When did I lie?
You told me that you don't really mind it when I do it but it annoys you that lots of people seem to have adopted it and it annoys you, so I should be more crass to compensate.
You must wake on the inside before the outside.
darwin has better taste in art
Yes, it is absolutely detestable, like Kyle's "they/them" bullshit.
my thing was a joke. playing off your previous post. you should learn that I'm not often very serious.
Eventually. I'd have to work her up to it
Feels good having someone who genuinely cares about you
Hahaha oh god that's cute
I can't wake up.
Neither am I, but it really should be extremely obvious when I'm not joking
Shall I save you from this thing that you've become?
Can you save me?
Why does it have a dong cover?
I was gonna trade you the caps
work her up to it? just pin the bitch down and lube up and ram it in. trust me, bitches like that kind of thing.
it's hard to tell online sometimes. especially in the threads.
How are you gonna do that?
How can I save you if I can't wake up?
There is not a dong there, unless it's fan art
And then it's exaggerated
Yeah, sorry. I'm more in tune with emotions than people sometimes and it kinda fucks up my expectations, sorry
No need to trust you when I already do that to her. She doesn't do anal stuff though so it'd rip and tear.
I am the one who should apologize here. I would never deliberately try to upset you and you know it.
just use more lube man. always the answer. and make her bite down on something.
It looks like they're wearing a cup.
Do I look like a faggot with this leather jacket?
You look like a faggot without it
My sensitivity is no one's fault but my own.
I assume that futa artists play that up as a cup but idk
You always look like a faggot
not really. but you don't look overly cool in it either. just kind of there, ya know?
I was kidding Mordin please come play with me I need you
also this
I suppose. it's odd to see people with personal accountability.
I am accountable to no one but myself, and even then it's shaky. But I try
oh. alright then
So you made me kill myself? sounds about right.