>Big famous devs from yesteryear announce a spiritual successor to [Game] which is called [[email protected]/* */]
>[[email protected]/* */] turns out to be mediocre, meh, or absolute fucking trash compared to its original counterpart
What is this timeline, Holla Forums? It's a weird fucking timeline. I would have never thought that the people who worked some of the most legendary games would make something as dull as the first three pictures. I've also never thought a hated mascot would return to make a pretty okay looking platformer. Do we expect failed products from the 90's to pave the light to modern games and make it all rise like a phoenix, is this what life is like now?
Things are Changing
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That fucking JonTron video painted the entire series in a bad light.
The first two Bubsy games were alright platformers, the PS1 game was an absolute pile of dogshit and he acts like the entire series is trash because of it.
I want to ___ Yooka
Yooka laylee was good and jontron getting cucked by the devs was also fine because he's retarded.
what bubsy? looked like generic shit.
This isn't about Jontron. The game was mediocre as fuck, with or without him. Jontron's single voiceclip doesn't change that.
Which really speaks volumes about some games today.
The were a bit finnicky with the controls though, and that he did. Even before Jon, bubsy was roasted long before he made a YouTube channel
Generic shit is still better than most video games.
Thats because there are who development teams behind those old games, not just one fucking person. Its all a cash grab. Try and keep up.
I mean don't get me wrong, it could be alright. But that fidelity and the model for the cat himself don't look all that good in all honesty.
Those are green iguanas not chameleons you dunce.
It will be better than the 3d game and the gameboy one. I had the gameboy busby game as a kid, once I realized it was just pyramid, band and a plane levels ad infinitium I never touched it again.
Many more things need to be erased.
You guys wanna hear a joke?
So just like Banjo-Kazooie then.
People really should remove their nostalgia glasses for collectathon kusoges.
The game didn't even come out yet you fuck. What the fuck
Nice bait
Every single one of these characters is overdesigned by three or four layers.
This. Fag worship lead to these.
It will be shit and everyone knows it.
It was exactly like banjo. What the hell were you expecting anyway?
Maybe we need to take more artistic liberties?
Do that to suggestive mermaid pictures of Sora.
Or maybe you're dumb and delusional.
Ok, explain why.
I don't know where dolphin benis goes.
Somebody made a video explaining the problems, but basically the character designs are kinda crappy, the world is too empty and the collectibles are too sparse and not used as indicators of where to go as effectively as the old colletathon games did. The level design therefore isn't good and the mini games are kinda crappy
You should have covered up where his little boy bulge would be.
Up your butt
user, recalibrate your brainal lobe.
In you.
If you're full of shit then don't bother replying.
No. Hush your mouth. This game was flawed because it was too big, too empty and it was like a chinese knockoff stripped of its charm. The few problems BK DID have were transferred over to YL, which didn't help its case.
Was it this one? If it wasn't, care to post the other one?
But dogs have knots, user.
yeah but horses cum more and have reverse knots when they cum
Fanboys raged hard at that video, funnily enough. No one could come up with any retort though.
So it shrinks? Pretty sure my dick does that after I cum.
Stop misusing that word or its gonna lose its meaning. Asswipe.
It's true. I wanted to like it myself, and ironically, if /I/ said I found NOTHING wrong with, wouldn't I be the one wearing nostalgia glasses in the first place? I love how people instantly go for "NOSTALGIA!!" as an insult when you don't have their narrow, ideal thoughts for a game. It's some kind of projection I tell you what.
Wow sure is high school in here. Why don't you take things less personally and stop being such a fucking faggot?
no, the dickhead flares up like 3 times the size. a knot at the front instead of the back
But dolphin dicks are prehensile. They can grasp things and corkscrew.
Your arguments were definitely fallacious. You didn't even talk about the demo they released or anything at all that could actively give any clues as to how the game will turn out.
More ad hom. Not an argument.
Except bloodstained looks good still? There's nothign wrong with it yet.
I'm honestly sad that Yooka-Laylee turned out the way it did - not because I was a fan of Banjo games(Which I only played for 10 minutes at a Toys R Us as a kid and genuinely disliked compared to Mario 64)- but because I miss that genre of casual 3D platformers with vibrant colors and simplistic mechanics. Jack & D, Ratchet and Clank, Mario 64, maybe I've gotten to old to enjoy the newer games out there…such as the new Marios and shit…maybe that's partially why I'm sad. Because everyone's outgrown these types of games.
Maybe these games would've made the cut 20 years ago, but time's are changing. People are hungry for the joy they had as kids - nowadays I barely enjoy games and RARELY finish them… I usually feel ripped off when I buy one. Last game I probably finished was The Last of Us or Dragons Dogma. It's been a fucking while.
Shit, I'd probably get bored of old classics like OoT and Mario 64. I've tried to pick up Dark Cloud 2 about 12 times this year and keep dropping it. I think LoL and Counter Strike ruined me. I'm ADHD or something.
Fuck. Maybe it's the pressure of bills and being alone all the time. Maybe that's why people want this shit- to remember better times. It's like escapism inside of escapism. Fuck.
Damn I'm so pathetic. And so are these fucking games.
There's your problem. You should be getting everything for free and maybe if you really like something pay for it later.
Aren't their dicks like 14 inches?
That would hurt like a bitch.
To say nothing of the possible drowning.
Don't dolphins go off like a shotgun when they cum?
I personally think its more of the problem with constant sales. You want to buy a product because its on sale and you panic thinking "What if its the last time the game goes on sale for this price?" So you buy it and eventually get so busy you never touch it. Sometimes it isnt even a game you like, but you get it anyways.
You honestly couldn't tell me that MN9 and Yooka Laylee didn't look like shit from the get go?
I don't know enough about Bloodstained to give it an assessment about it's quality.
It's an Igavania so I'm not personally interested in it regardless but I hope it doesn't end up sucking.
What Yooka bits would you erase, user? :3
Fuck off retard
Just because you liked to eat shit doesn't mean everyone else does too.
Bloodstained looks alright though.
I can't say about yooka laylee since I didn't pay attention to it, but the MN9 art from the kickstarter pitch led the impression that it was going to be purely 2d not 3d. So no, after the 3d reveal and the dina shitshow, yeah I could see that, since I was disappointed after the 3d video but that was after it got funded.
i-i'm someone else '~'
null'd quadruple amputee?
Deep down you know the not castlevania is going to be meh at best, and the new busby game isn't going to be 3d bad it can only go up from there.
This thread turned to cancer real quick
You and I have no certain idea how any of these will turn out. Speculation is fine, but the claims for quality by the OP are pure bullshit that belongs on Reddit and Halfchan because it means absolutely nothing.
Please don't.
Please don't encourage him.
This looks like an early 2000s webcomic
It's about to get even worse with numbers like those attracting even bigger fonts of cancer. I hope you know what it is you've done.
The final thing you listed.
I wouldn't even mind furfags if not for the fact of how fucking obnoxious they are about it.
I don't want to know what you masturbate to, nobody does other than other furfags.
yes it'll be an ottagon maybe but its not a murrsuit
it's too late
good thing theres other furfags here
I sure as fuck don't want know that someone on this board enjoys any elder scrolls game past morrowind or halo.
Do Skyrim: Home of the Nords, Province: Cyrodiil, Project Tamriel, OpenMW, c0da (well, that one's not actually a game, but~), etc, count as post-Morrowind?
What about Daggerfall? A lot of people who loved that hate Morrowind, why does that game make you so special?
The concept art MN9 look great. Then actual assets and gameplay was released. They should have stuck with a HD 2D style like Monster Boy is doing. Wouldn't have helped the gameplay but if they had been competent enough to get the art right then maybe they would have been competent enough to make it play well too.
In hindsight, that still looks kind of shitty.
When I think of Megaman games, I think of crisp pixel art, these things just look like trendy vector art.
You're just being a smartass you know what the fuck I mean.
While there is debate over which of those two are better it's clear that oblivion and skyrim are shitter than the other elder scrolls game you don't like.
I think all Elder Scrolls games were shit and they're just being contrarian.
I actually agree but if the game had looked like the concept it wouldn't have been a complete dumpster fire.
The real core problem of MN9 is that it wasn't ENOUGH of a Mega Man clone. They innovated too much when all they needed to do was make MM2/MM3 with all the serial numbers filled off.
I'm surprised my posts got shoah'd but I'm not banned.
cum on step it up
y-yeah I guess I am… it's just that while of those are Morrowind, all of them are also simply developed post-Morrowind, take concepts from games made after Morrowind (or OpenMW does with its distant land, at least), and/or involve setting lore developed after Morrowind… maybe there's some purity of Morrowind you'd see as being lost somewhere in one of them? (´・ω・`)
But you're right even if you're being an ironic retard. This is a videogames board, the only reason other people care about what you play is because these other people also play games.
I still wonder if MN9 would have been better if it were all in 2D and if online multiplayer was never considered. To put it bluntly Inti Creates sucks at using Unreal Engine, and the fact that they're using it again for Bloodstained boggles my mind because Iga had to get teams to help out Inti. There's also something about 2.5D looking games that makes them look kind of ugly, I wonder if its the poor animations or something.
Pic related is one of those faggots.
Didn't it have the same awkward dash based design that Gunvolt has?
Wow it's fucking nothing
forgot pic
I hate the idea of 2.5D because everything looks a lot less clear to me when I'm playing the game.
Good 2D platformers make use of color contrast and nicely crafted sprites that make them stand out from the background so you know which things are monsters and which things are decoration.
Also handcrafted sprites always look better. 2D camera defeats the purpose of a 3D rendered object because those are made to look good from every angle, whereas 2D handcrafted sprites look good from one specific angle and are made so that they do that.
I think so.
I feel bad for saying this but I really want to fuck that guy's mouth. I'm sure he'd let me.
He cosplayed as one of the overmeme girls, the one in the mech that's portrayed always bingeing mtn dew and dortitos. So yes, yes he would.
I chuckled
wotter u doin stalkin mi m8
This is not the correct use of that meme
You could have just left it at
The problem is you grew up and are realizing that collectathons suck.
Mighty Gunvolt also sucks IMO.
I was considering adding you back on Steam but I got shy
i dont even use steam very much anymore. i use the latest meme messengers like stickergram
That's what I've heard. At least it's proper pixel art.
Even if you think cosplaying is gay, (I just think it's autistic), crossdressing to cosplay as a women or trap character screams 'I want to get fucked in the ass right now'.
What if you cosplay as an original character?
That's not cosplaying, that's just putting on a costume. The entire point is mimicking an existing character or concept.
So what if I happened to be a furry, made a Kickstarter/Patreon to fund a shitty game and released it, and then cosplayed?
Then you have made it and can ascend to Mt. Yiffmore.
Regardless you're a fucking degenerate since your putting on a fur suit.
That's it?
user, that's a fucking garbage comeback. It suits you though.
Holy SHIT, watch the video you autist.
THIS. What the fuck OP.
Please don't, I'm tired of being disappointed.
Then you must learn to cleanse your mind of expectation.
I don't like gaymer youtube videos.
The trick is to have low expectations, that way you're smug when it's shit and ecstatic when a game is actually good.
I must learn to clean….
the gaming industry.
You must haaaate being corrected as well. It's okay, you don't have to admit it. It's an imageboard, everyone here is stubborn as fuck.
Funny you call someone gay when you're being a huge faggot right now.
If you don't know what the subject and refuse to learn about what others are talking about, then don't participate.
I just don't like gaymer youtubers m8.
I don't. I admit when I'm wrong. This attitude shouldn't be encouraged.
Then don't try to chip into discussions. You're like a reprobate student who refuses to learn just because he thinks his teacher is an asshole.
I agree strongly. Try telling that to the hundreds of people who post here every day though.
Go back to >>>/tumblr/ fag.
You're not my teacher and samus a shit.
He was baiting you into spoonfeeding him. Good for you for not falling for it.
Now he's shitposting
Don't give him a (You)
It's not gay if it's rape.
t. havamal AND bible
I was about to do that, then you came and smacked some sense into me. Thanks user.
He'd be too stupid for me to have in my class.
Samus is shit but without her, we wouldn't have the Zero Suit to slap onto other characters
Kind of true, but then there's games like this. 2.5D isn't back, it's just done as a way to cut costs, because good pixel art is more expensive than cheap 3D models.
Both are in the wrong here, it's not spoonfeeding when your argument is in the line for it
A 3d model isn't inherently cheap, it's just that once a model is made you don't have remake it everytime for each new frame of animation.
I almost can't believe these are 3D models. Amazing. This is probably more expensive than making the 2D models.
No, you're on the wrong here. First off, it's not a giant book, it's a 10 minutes video.
Second, point where it is? It's the whole video.
Third, if he's really such an ADHD faggot, I made a summary a couple of posts back
He can't be assed to watch a 10 minutes video, he can't be assed to just read the thread. It's obviously a stupid idea to spoonfeed him. Nothing more to say.
Comparing youtube videos to books valorizes youtube videos by a huge amount. Youtube is just modern radio.
If one is unwilling to watch a video not even long as 15 minutes what makes you think they'll even read a short article or hell a fucking post that has more than a paragraph.
It wasn't even in hindsight. I funded MN9 knowing full well that it didn't look as good as it could or should. Mega Man has a mostly consistent pattern where each subseries's first game has a neat concept, but is a weird and clunky mess, and is then followed up by outstanding sequels as the concept is ironed out. My hope was that the same thing would play out here, and that funding the first in a new series would result in something more worthwhile down the line. Clearly it didn't, but that was the rationale.
Bloodstained is looking good, it's literally exactly what I fucking wanted and asked for, a shameless SOTN ripoff with some of the following games mechanics added like Soma's dominance, which is also a shameless ripoff. And I really love it basically this They wanted to do something else with MN9 which is why it failed. As for Yooka Laylee, it is mediocre, but faithful.
He was cucked for the wrong reasons. Never liked the guy, though.
Wasn't there supposed to be a Ratchet and Clank movie?
And a Klonoa movie?
What happened to them?
the R&C movie happened dude, where have you been
The last 3 years have been a bit of a blur. Even days and weeks are starting to all become contiguous
wtf are you a neet
While i believe you are correct in objective, you are wrong in posture
aka Faggot discussion going nowhere, there's plenty of those in Breddit, friendo
No I got a job a year and a half ago so I can stop being a parasite
is it a job or a mcjob
A mcjob, but I don't want to move to the city and compete with pajeets
Anything discussed in imageboards go anywhere, it's like the whole point of imageboards unless it actually affect the real world somehow. Discussions themselves are pretty pointless. But it's fun to argue, I guess.
I'm feeling better too, maybe I can get more meme silicone sculptures soon
meme draconic phalluses are so passe my friendo
Oh no im out of touch help
You're admittedly posting admitting you're wrong and complaining about a discussion that goes nowhere when you're making a far fetched point that won't go anywhere. If anyone belongs to reddit that's you.
ur ded
Pls no bully am trying my best
I used to analyze DNA. Three years completely gone, lost to 60 hour work weeks, constant stress and exhaustion, no life; the money was not that good either. Before that I
busted ass in college. I have chosen as of last year a McJob. I am 130 pages into my first novel's first draft. It will probably suck. But I will have written it. And the second one will suck less, and the third…
I haven't seriously considered suicide in many months. Failing in the correct direction is much better than failing in the wrong one. If you're scared to take a chance, how the fuck are you going to get rich?
I think a big part of the problem is that the genre is already totally saturated. There are like 50 2D Megaman games, and a whole bunch of fangames and games that are inspired by or resemble Megaman in some way or another. There is no desperate need for more games like this, and unless you manage to produce one of the absolute best, you aren't going to make a splash. People put their anger at Capcom first, and never stopped to consider if more 2D Megaman was actually what they wanted.
I mean I was at Walmart but I have no debt and 30h/wk is more than enough for me to save money and live comfortably
Minimum wage is supposed to jump to $14 or $15 over the next few years, so even though basic goods will rise in price, I should be able to come out way ahead because I can save money unlike some people
You're a legit retard if you thought that wasn't fake as fuck.
Of course it wasn't real, it was a mockup
Anton and Coolpecker never ever
platformers were never good, you enjoyed them because you were stupid kids
No they weren't. They were crap, and I hate Jontron more than anybody here. I don't get my opinions from that squawking dipshit.
I actually played them as a child, they were total garbage. Not only were the controls really unpolished and slippery but the level design made no sense and things kill you that don't even hurt you in other games. Bubsy dies from falling, TOUCHING water, or touching enemy hitboxes which are miles out from the enemy's sprite.
Play Bubsy II for the Sega Genesis and tell me how "decent" it is. You can't tell where you're supposed to go or what you're supposed to be doing and I remember playing these pieces of shit as a child and not being able to finish a single level because the designs were so obtuse and nonsensical.
Now I'm not trying to say the new game will be bad or anything like that, but holy hell, the awful precedent set by everything else with Bubsy in it makes it a really tough sell.
The new game seems to take away Bubsy's ability to go fast, which is what drew autists like Ulillillia to it.
Didn't uli just play Bubsy3D
Also he's better than an autist
the timeline while you sit on your ass and complain about the world like someone whos 60 years older than you really are
Im not sure if 96 year olds have the high energy to complain much.
theyre thinking about it
He did came out as a tranny recently though, he said he always admired the proud, noble negroes.
Graphics are shit in it, they should at least do normal 2D backgrounds.
They all look like posers.
The backgrounds in last year's demo looked better. I'm guessing (and hoping) a lot of it is still work in progress.
In comparison a lot of the stuff here doesn't look complete at all. Look at that shower curtain.
Well, Mario is still good. So that's a thing
I have hope for a good soundtrack. As for the graphics and the background, they look good as they are, mediocre, but I don't ask more since the gameplay looks good enough already. not like the last games had more background detail, but I'd like more complexity and aesthetics on them.
The first Bubsy game was a miserable piece of shit with bad controls and abysmal level design.
2 was playable but average.
That'd be nice