On The Last Episode of Fighting Game General

Arc System Works is developing a Dragon Ball Fighting game with 2.5D style graphics. A trailer for the game is already out.
Pokkén Tournament DX is announced for the Nintendo Switch. Features every character from the arcade version plus Decidueye, new modes, supports (Litten and Popplio) and Local Play. It'll be released on September 22nd.
PC version is up for pre-order on steam. It'll be released on June 13th. Pre-ordering the game gives you instant access to the closed beta. The game is also 20% off if you pre-order.
Arcade version will be released on June 29th.
Two guest characters from other franchises confirmed as DLC and Season Pass users. Dataminers found that Tekken Bowl is in the game and one DLC will have meter like Akuma/Eliza: w11.zetaboards.com/SFxT_Mods/single/?p=10023208&t=30258549
Costumes and modes were also confirmed as DLC. Eliza will be put as a regular DLC in July.
Supposed leaked cast: archive.is/DWPhD#selection-6593.1-6593.43
Game will be released on September 19th. Deluxe version includes Sigma, other 5 DLC characters and 6 costumes, skins for Ryu, Thor, X and Hulk.
Red Hood trailer: youtube.com/watch?v=2lovdnOUCqg
He'll be released on June 13th for Deluxe/Pass owners, 20th on regular stores. Starfire and Subzero will soon follow as the first 3 DLC characters.
The game/update is out.
OST: mega.nz/#!OopXgLqT!KQUY2RuETD_4Tk6sqQWdGwOmFK60FOMx5GGZrVAVdrc
Game is updated with the new CFN, balance patch, new trials for season pass onwers and DLCs: Ed, Vega's SFII and Bison's Stage.
Fairy Tail and Shingeki no Kyojin(including the stage) packs will be delisted from PSN, Steam and Xbox Marketplace after June 20th: teamninja-studio.com/doa5/lastround/us/info_20170522.html
UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH Exe:Late[st] is confirmed for PS4, PS3 and PSVita. The game will be released on July 20 in Japan in physical and digital media on PS4. Digital only for PS3 and Vita.
Erika Wagner has been confirmed as Under Night In-Birth Exe: Late [st]'s second new character for the console release.
EVO 2017 will feature 9 games: Blazblue CF, GuiltyGear Xrd Rev2, Injustice2, KOFXIV, SFV, Melee, Smash Bros. WiiU, Tekken7 and UMvC3.
EVO Japan will happen between January 26th and January 28th.
Treta Championship LATAM Will Happen Between Sep. 30 and Oct. 01. Will Feature MKXL, T7, SFV, KOFXIV, SMash 4, Injustice 2, GGXrd Rev2, MvsCI and a community choice.
Punch Planet new video featuring combos: youtube.com/watch?v=43QjykqeKiI
Cerebrawl new character: youtube.com/watch?v=ayHtKpk5ib4
Trajes Fatais(TRAF) will be released outside of Brazil under the name TRAF: Suits of Fate
Fightin' Herds latest stream: youtube.com/watch?v=ipvxFkQ4iaw
Strides 2 Glory latest gameplay: youtube.com/watch?v=KKuIW3jXry0
Kemono Friends Fighter latest character trailer: youtube.com/watch?v=f6vmfguGB0w
Omen of Sorrow gameplay: youtube.com/watch?v=jKIXxF-oFfg
Download and register for Fightcade here: fightcade.com/
Get the full rompack over here: mega.nz/#F!EoJjwSLB!Tukuk9bZAa7YXXxKNVHorw
Website with mods: w11.zetaboards.com/SFxT_Mods/topic/11497627/1/
Steam Group: steamcommunity.com/groups/fightans
Discord group: discord.gg/DbHMSCd
For most fightan in general:
For fundamentals in ST (still applies to other games):
Maj's footsie guide:
The Beginner's Incomplete guide to KOF (please watch this if you want to get into KOFXIV):
KOF Shortcuts/Sequential Buffering: dreamcancel.com/forum/index.php?topic=168.0
KOF XIV Combo & Tech: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYOYeNKeV7TsbPWCQo03--oA7iB5KYpNg
Guilty Gear Crash Course: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLj34EySs1IeZ8GpjKW8R2T6dzI6B3GSuH
Airdash Academy: youtube.com/watch?v=HWfk3tOJjaQ&list=PLj34EySs1IeaAqwsVY_P43mP13AD1Pp3R
The Complete Killer Instinct Guide by Infil: ki.infil.net/characters.html
DOA5LR - Full Character Guide & Frame Data - Created By Arcade Sensei: drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B1xzXhKnihroVG1teFBhejQzSHM

Other urls found in this thread:


Post your mains. Who do you plan to main in Dragonball Fighters Z?

I want an android team of 16 17 and 18

It's gonna be the worse of both worlds from both bamco and arksys

Remove monkey.

What are the chances DBZ Fighters actually sustains a population on PC? Most fighting games don't but this is DBZ. Is crossplay a possiblity?

I don't own a PS4 so either I get it on PC or xbone

Finally put one of these together.
r8, m8s.

are you gigadev?

0/10 Unless you give me that Morrigan image in the proper size

I knew those Dragonball fighter screenshots looked too close like xrd for comfort. Honestly, why does there even need to be a traditional styled fighter when the Xenoverse games exist?

because xenoverse is not good?


morrigan_aensland thick_thighs is a fun search to remember.

Because Xenoverse was fucking shit.
If you wanna play a game where you do the same inputs on repeat to get things with higher numbers play with a calculator.

10/10 You earned it

i hope i can just have a team of 3 yamchas in DFZ

Pretty big

Well, at least its on Pee Cee.


I wonder how fast denovu will get cracked for this one.

Marvel is fucked, Nignogs love DBZ more than Marvel

I'm really impress at System Arc works to make anime style looks good in 3D. Did they have their own engine to render that?

Nigga didn't you see what Guilty Gear Xrd looked like? It's made in the Unreal engine, they explained how they did this years ago.

The cel shading is great but I can't stand the sprite esque animations

Why even make it 3d if you aren't going to take advantage of it's benefits?

Judging by the title it's all Z characters, right? So much for Tao, Piccolo Daimaoh or the other fun DB characters. Maybe there's still hope. I'd get this in a heartbeat if they put Dr. Mashirito with Caramel Man 001.
Wishful thinking aside, Cell because I'm a Wakamotofag.

Why? It looks exactly like the TV show. Which is a technical achievement.

What does this even mean "take advantage of its benefits?" The more frames you add to the movement it stops looking like the show and just looks like another slower moving 3D model. Fuck that. I want to play fast and it look like the show, not another slow plodding 3D fighter like the last couple of releases.

Previous thread: archive.is/G9r8P

Xenoverse was bad because it had 0 balance and 0 replayability but DBZ fighters looks like a cheap version of Guilty Gear with DBZ reskin

You are not wrong. I'm watching E3 with friends and we screamed like little bitches watching the trailer. So far, this is the only game we're hyped for.

Daily Reminder Wake up Sludgebomb is good for Gengar Mains

If it's cheap, why does it look as good as it does?

cheap = shiny graphics 0 content

I agree which makes it even funnier that it still looks massively better than MvCI and SFV despite having a fraction of the budget

Cool, so you played the finished release? Can I borrow it?

Because 2D sprites have a certain snappiness you can't replicate in 3D without intentionally making it look more 2D. Sprites often age better than 3D animations, too.

DBZ fighters (at least the Budokai games, from what I remember, maybe not so much with Xenoverse) tend to have plenty of single-player content. Same with the Naruto fighting games.

I can't wait for the war that the 2 games are inevitably gonna have.

remember how you fags hyped up Xenoverse 1 to be the best DBZ fighting game and it turned out to be a cashgrab? Then you fags hyped up Xenoverse 2 aswell despite everything showing its gona be same as Xenoverse 1 but with few more chars and it turned out to be same as 1

I wana see them showing gameplay videos

Dude, I barely know anything about DBZ. Xenoverse showed up on the AllGamesDelta feed one day and I could tell it looked like dogshit from moment one.

Sure, me too.

You can make changes relatively easily to 3D models even with all of the lighting shenanigans they have to go through to make them look like sprites. Not only that, the game scales (visually) with increasing resolution instead of having pixels the size of hams on someone's ultrapro420xd4k monitor which increases the game's total lifespan especially when people are looking down the barrel of shit like 4k becoming more affordable.

So no. You haven't played the game yet say it has no content. Well done to living up to the stereotype of "Holla Forums doesn't play games."

I have never seen anyone bring up Xenoverse in these threads before. I've seen Budokai mentioned once or twice but never Xenoverse

what is wrong with you

I know they make Xrd but this time they really improve on it in term of visual. Xrd still looks clunky and weird when to goes to a close up of the character for their special attack.

So tell me Holla Forums, tell me about the character that made you fall in love with a fighting game. Tell me about the character you just clicked with after a couple matches.

I started learning Under Night inBirth and the roster feels ok, Carmine looked like he was going to be my favorite character until I picked up Akatsuki. His specials are not as versatile or screen filling as the rest of the cast; but once I get in his normals feel so good and satisfying to connect. There's a rhythm to his strikes that just gets to me which is rare for me because I rarely gravitate towards the characters that feel very methodical. My usual taste in characters are people that have forced randomness in their kits that makes me have to adapt on the fly with my playstyle or expectations (Mr. Game & Watch in Smash, Faust & Zappa in Guilty Gear.) I enjoy a little chaos but this guy is nothing but order and powerful strikes.

I'm also glad to hear that he's getting some buffs in the next console iteration. Looking forward to that.

S-Tier Jewpuncher.

What looks clunky about it? All the super flashes look smooth to me.

They did a presentation on it, it's to have assets similar to sprites that they don't have to worry about over time being seen as lower quality.
Making sprites is costly and over time as resolution sizes go up they get lower quality due to shrinking on screen of bloated by stretching, by making 3D models that can replicate sprites they can enhance a model to be fit for purpose and still use all the animations with it, with sprites to enhance them you have to pretty much redraw everything from scratch but better.

keep blindly defending it and dont forget to pre-order the game and DLC



At least his bro is keeping him company now.

I think Bamco would be more of a problem

Fug, maybe I should pick up a new main. I always feel guilty when I pick highest tiered characters and I'm not big on mirror matches. Maybe I'll learn Nanase


Don't, you picked him up now and know the struggle, anything you get afterwards is going to be just desserts. Also, you think people are going to jump exclusively on Akatsuki when he still has incredibly short range in a game of full-screen normals?

This one, to be exact. It's a good watch.

The animation, is doesn't look smooth at all. Its like they're trying to emulate 2D animation by slowing down to 25fps.

Get better bait.

But why would they purposely hinder the game's content? They have no reason at all to do that. The only complain I might accept is that it will probably have denuvo, but who knows if it'll still be alive by then.

Because 2.5d cel/toon shading with clean animations looks uncanny. This animation style works much better for the artstyle, although it still has improvements to offer. From what i know, animation tv series work with 8 drawings per second, and with ghosting it is drawn out to 24 frames to look fluid in your eyes. However, sprite like animation in games ignore ghosting and often they go beyond 24 frames per second, which results in the characters looking "laggy/sudden" going from one frame to the next. I still don't understand why japs don't limit their animation style games to 24 frams together with ghost frames to make it look truly anime like.

Really nigga?

Thanks for the video.

Xrd Runs at 60 FPS.

The characters are animated without frame interpolation so you're correct on that front. The game itself runs at 60fps as is normal for fighting games. However, I don't think that applies to supers as they seem quite smooth to me overall. Note that the game is still on PS3 (and PS4 and PC) and kind of chugs when supers are on-screen vs PS4 and PC, so it depends on the source.

You know there's going to be a beta right? Everybody can get their conclusions then.

By why try to replicarte sprite animation to begin with? Why not just actually use the 3d models and animate them like 3d models so the animations are hyper fluid?

Guess I'll just wait till july to see how [st]'s online community plays out before deciding on switching mains.

Bamco cuts corners all the time for the anime games they publish, like Eyes of Heaven was suppose to have local vs and co-op vs but bamco won't give CyberConnect2 extra dev time or money


If they'd gone ahead and made it full 3D instead of the cel-shaded sprite mimicry that we ended up with I'm pretty sure people would've burned down their studio.

DBFZ is going to blow MvCI out of the fucking water so hard is not even funny, but I get a feeling that Capcom is going to pay for good reviews or slander of Fighters Z, not like it will work, DBZ is Star Wars tier when it comes to sheer popularity.
pic unrelated

Well, I didn't know that, I guess we'll have to hope for the best. At the same time, I doubt arcsys had a very big budget for their games, so that isn't much of a concern, is it?

Because most series when moving to 3D try this and the overall opinion is it looked better when it was sprites.
So with Xrd they tried what if we just make models that look like sprite animation so they have what they know people like and at the same time have access to assets they can use for a long time.

I don't have any issue with the cel shading, that looks fucking stellar, I just have an issue with the animation.

The Naruto games aren't competitive, but to point to them, they have similarly good cel shading while having extremely fluid animations. Or any game made by cyberconnect 2, even.

Have you considered that's because most early 3d games looked like shit and didn't allow for smooth looking animation themselves anyways?

I can also understand the arguement that stiffer animations make frame readability better from a competitive outlook, but hitstop can accomplish that while only compromising on fluidity at certain points.

Is this 60fps footage of a 30 FPS console game
Name any current fighters that are 3D that people don't think the sprite look was better on, not just early fighters.
For relevant comparisons as of the time.
Compare SF4 to SF3 Could even work with the later 5
Mahvel 3 to Mahvel 2 Could even work with the new one
Even from their own game using 3D got a bad rap for looking ugly.
They get people like sprites more in their fighters so they made a method to get that likeness using models and used them for that.
That would make it look inconsistent then, better to have a consistent sprite look then it's fluid until people start blocking.

That it actually looks like the TV show, which was the goal of the developer to achieve?

get better marketing strategy

closed beta was announced and we all know how that ends up by looking at Xenoverse 1 and 2


The issue with the animation is that it looks like it's struggling to hit a decent framerate rather than how classic animation works. This isn't just games that do this, it's modern anime in general. There is simply no master craftsman doing animations anymore in this field. To get a better idea read what Dave Perry said about Earthworm Jim HD.

I've been trying to get more into fighting games for tekken 7 and i hooked this up to my pc, is it adequate compared to other fighting sticks?
thick thighs really are the best on girls and boys

It it just to replicate sprite or anime animation, there's no mystery to it, really.
Same reason they replicate smear frames.
The objective is that it looks like srites, move like sprites, but are 3D so they are easier to make and can be seen from various angles.

can you do local multiplayer training in T7? or is there any way to do infinite health infinite time vs?

Training mode with the other bot set to player control?

It is, sadly, because those are the only webms I have saved.

I don't think this is a very good example, because SF3 and Marvel 2 have some of the best spritework in the medium and a specific visual look to their sprites. DBZ hasn't ever really been in a game with super good sprites.

user, it's not a matter of me not understanding, I understand why they did it, I just think it's dumb and they shouldn't have.

I'm not into Dragon Ball as much as my friends are, but I'm sure they'll love this game

"I understand why they did it, I just think it's dumb and they shouldn't have."

Don't like, don't buy.

Is there a way to lower sensitivity on fightsticks? guilty gear is being annoying by reading minuscule motions that my stick makes and not me. So for example I can't do johnny's low sweep into mist finer cancel because his super comes out instead

The cinematic stuff (supers, 360ºclash, intros/outros) are locked at 30fps. But I think on PC you can unlock that maybe

I never even see someone bring up Xenoverse here. But we still need to se the button placement, mechanics, how assists will work and other stuff that Bamco might impose to ArcSys for some retarded reason. I have faith because ArcSys already proved themselves with other IPs like Hokuto no Ken and Persona.

Looks like I might keep an eye on the new version

Pretend they wanted and made a sprite game.
But the sprites are magically easy to make HD and can be seen from various angles as a bonus.
The naruto games are examples of 3D games made to be 3D games, this one is a 3D game made to be a 2D sprite game. If you don't think it's reasonable to want to make a game about 2D animation look as 2D animation as possible then I'm sorry, u dumb

Well, they did and nearly everyone's loving it so it seems to be working out for them.

It does now, they're literally competing with autistic super fans using Mugen After it raped their last DBZ game Extreme Butoden, which this game seems to be taking some animations from

whats the use of law's fake step?

oh also, general tips for law? buddy wants to be good at him

Fluid animations look like dogshit in fighting games tbh. I like snappy animations with iconic frames which linger. For example, Falcon's Knee would look like shit if it didn't have the amount of freeze frames it does.

When is NetherRealm going to fix this censored shit?
They also covered Power Girl's legs and gave Harley Quinn some granny shorts that look hideous from behind as well.
Last time i saw some bullshit like that was when i saw the chinese version of KOFIX, and that was because of government censorship, so nothing SNK could do about it if they wanted to sell the game there.
America is supposed to have something called "freedom of expression".
Seriously, what the fuck!?

western devs are pozzed: the movie : the series: the show: the remake: the sequel
nothing new from NRS

No slides at long range.
No more junkyard kick in neutral.
Learn the DSS.

you sound like a tumblr degenerate who takes part in Slut parades

What the fuck are you talking about, do you realize that is because of those "tumblr degenerates" and jews that we have shit like this?

Have they learned how to create female faces yet?

He's done nothing but shitpost so far, just ignore him.

I'll beat you up in Virtual Fighters nigger

you are special kind of stupid if you believe that considering they are doing the opposite, they are showing more vulgar shit and sexualizing everything

hello pre-order shill

It's amazing just how well VF2 holds up

Well kinda, Black Canary, Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn and Supergirl look really good.
Wonder Woman looked hideous then fixed her face, but now seems like they went back to the previous, ugly one.
Catwoman still has that manly jaw.


Hyper's sprites are technically impressive but the art style is ass, the characters look stretched out.

I think it can be done right. I agree that in shit like injustice it doesn't look that great, but Pokken strikes a good balance between making the actual important traits of the move frame wise are visually communicated while still looking fluid.

Pic related, for example, you can see the exact moment Blaziken realizes he's about to fall flat on his face and he flips out

I watched the entire story mode on youtube and was actually rather impressed by how good the facial animation was.

It feels that way because of hitstop when it hits. When it whiffs it looks meh like every other 3D fighting game animation.

I am not sure if you are just retarded or a SJW pretending to be normal and accusing others of SJW shit

Why the fuck would they censor shit when their goal is for women to be degenerate sluts who walk around semi-naked?

Never because WB dictates what they can and can't put in their games. Times Warner are currently completely Jewish owned and breathe SJW rhetoric.

Blade Strangers seems interesting, only for the fact that it's a fighting game crossover that lets you play Solange from Code of Princess and Curly from Cave Story.

Never thought I'd see Umihara Kawase in a fighting game. I'm game for this even if it does only have about eight characters.

Damn I hope Bamco fixes their shit soon, I keep getting CTDs randomly in T7 and have no error messages to know what causes it. Sometimes I can play for 4 hours straight without problem and other days It crashes before my first match of the day. At least it barely ever happen while I'm in the middle of a match, it's usually during loading times in between.

The hitstop is party of the design. 2D fighters apply the exact same concept too, and thats why makes animation look less "fluid". When you whiff Ky's forward HS its smooth but has that same "stoppy" motion on block or hit which that guy was complaining about.

I'm pretty excited for it already. I fucking loved playing Blade Arcus with my friends

Dong Dong Never Die best fighting game.

Sure, but the hitstop is applied to everything on hit. 2D games still have more keyframes (and thus more iconic, snappy frames) on whiff. 3D games

Well they don't seem to have any kind of problem in their comics.
look at that.

If Arc and Bandai play their cards right, DBFZ could be huge not just for itself but for fighting games as a whole.


Tien if no Yamcha, if NONE of these guys then I guess Vegeta

Western games are more cucked than comic books

Akatsuki is a manlet.

good to see that it's gonna be a 2d game, that gives me much more confidence that it might be good, wasn't expecting it to be a 3v3 though, have arcsys done one before?

Guilty gear advance had 3v3

Wasn't that more Kof style 3v3 style than MvC 3v3 style?

Heavier spring, heavier switches, different stick altogether.

People need to use Blazikens Charge move its so fucking good agianst Charziards burst attack animation. It straight up stuffs it taking off the pressure from the player


Who you fuckers maining?

I'm waiting to see actual gameplay before I even decide if I want in on this.

I'd love to play as Master Roshi but it seems fun isn't allowed anymore in dragonball games.

It's an OK beginner stick.

Hardware problem. If you like the size and feel of the stick, replace the parts with SANWA or SEIMETSU. Otherwise get a new stick.

VF Ryu > SFV Ryu in terms of graphics

These two and Goku
Or three 18s if the game allowed for that…

Krillin, Tien, and Piccolo most likely, maybe Goku, because I'm boring

Oh please, you should've seen how this looked like when Jin did it in Tekken 3.

thank you

Who is the most GERMAN in Tekken7?

If I gave this game a try, probably Buu. He seems like the only heavyweight fighter in the DBZ universe, although I'm not sure how relevant that will be to this game.

Off the top of my head: Nappa, Recoome, Burter, Android 19, Android 16, and most infamously, Broly. There's probably a lot more, especially from pre Z that i'm forgetting.


Who's a gimmick fighter in DBZ?

what game is this?

It is in the post he is replying to.

A sweep.

Piccolo no doubt maybe Buu too.

wow so fucking boring

Dr Gero. It's like playing Dr.B in tekken 3, I'm on a level most people don't understand.

Well, I guess I'd give Broly a try.

Isn't Nappa basic bitch tier though? What about that new girl Kale? I hope she's in this.

So yeah, Buu, Broly, Kale.

Gee, I dunno, maybe the one that's fucking german.

It's called Blade Strangers. Apparently it has easy inputs and characters from Cave Story.

More footage. Webm these before they're taken down.

kinda sucks a bit that there are no inputs for going SSJ

oh thank god, he's actually trying to combo this time.
It actually looks pretty promising. Thank god its not another fucking budokai clone


Part 2:
Part 3:

It looks like there are some special transformations, like Freiza going super gold mode in that vid. This also could mean they'll add SSB. As a transformation or a separate character, I don't know.

Capcom SFV news for E3 week

Yeah, looks like SSJ3 is a form you can enter as Goku as well. Still, part of the fun is starting at a base form and working your way up… though that's a small complaint considering this is the best looking game since SDBZ.

Reminded me of something I wanted to talk about.

If Street Fighter needs big hands and feet to be readable, isn't that a problem with the artists and animators and not the character proportions? Anyone can see an arm or a leg extend out and if it blends in with the background, that's a coloring/artstyle problem more than it is just about the parts being too small. Especially considering the hands and feet are just small parts of their respective limbs.

Are we ever getting another Snk vs Capcom game?
hopefully one with a balanced geese/zero. They're both so fun



Here's good footage, better quality and better players

Why the FUCK did Tekken 7 have to use denuvo? WHY?! It was the only game I was looking forward to this year, it's also the only game to use denuvo that I actually give a shit about. Even if they crack it, it still won't have online. Of all the games to have this happen to it, why Tekken 7? I would have bought it you fucks.


So basically MvC but with DBZ, as it originally looked like. I'm okay with this.

I think there's a method where you can play online, it's done through steam so it may be a bit risky. Look up the crack done by steamworks


I don't care about DBZ and I have no intention of playing the game, but I absolutely love how it's making everyone shit all over capcom

You can only hope some group cracks it open so Denuvo gets fucked again. The cracked gams' devs had their money back at all?

I'd love the game to have OG DB characters. At most, we'll probably get Mr Satan/Hercule.
On the plus side, it looks like the monkeys are preset to chimp out mode so the roster won't have 5 versions of each.

Honestly gobsmacked at how good the visuals are, there are a lot of games that capture the aesthetics of the IP in question (like JoJo ASB) but this takes it to another level.
I gotta agree with the people saying this might be a big thing for FGs in general, provided the game is mechanically sound, the third world migration from Capcom's shit to this will be the final nail in their coffin.

Incidentally, I can imagine people at Capcom watching this trailer/footage and going like that guy in Alien 2 "Game over, man. Game over!"

So what are the chances of Dragonball Fighter Z using Denuvo? Remember, Namco is still involved.

100%, Bamco already confirmed that every one of their PC ports will have Denuvo after the last Tales game they released on PC


That's disgusting. I hope the Tekken 7 thing will pan out eventually and get them to fuck off with Denuvo.

It's time

They're most likely gonna talk about the new Sonic games before VF5 on PC.

aaaand here we go again

What do we do if a PC port gets announced?

I get to play Aoi again and get my sweet revenge on that ninja faggot.

You will get VF6

I just want to be a shit and main Taka-Arashi again while winning 90% of the time because ring outs.

Don't do this to me bro

Buy it, play with [insert waifu here], fap to [insert waifu here] sfm porn, go to Holla Forums, complain about online, fps, ect. stopping playing and then [non-sequitur expressing desire for VF6].

God fucking dammit, nothing has pissed me off more than getting knocked out the ring at that stage with the high ass fence. It's funny now but young me was nuclear.

i really preferred dragonball to dbz tbh

Man I'm surprised how many mods KoF XIV is getting already

Get hyped.

What did he mean by this?

probably not care

just as i dont care for dragonball or mahvel

hes saying he'll skip tekken 8 and 9 and go to 10 next

idk whats hard to understand
he's gonna pull a leisure suit larry


He's making fun of Windows

Seriously, it's the same shit since forever. Nothing changes besides the platform.


I figured he was hinting at TxSF DLC for T7

i think the dream is dead and akuma in t7 was the remnant of that

or maybe the dream is still alive and we just dont know it

Hey, if nintendo, Capcom, the pokemon company, Arc System, and other companies can do it then let DBZ do it. Speaking of which, what are the odds they will actually use Falkner music in some way?

I remember them saying that most of the characters were already done around the time SFV dropped. Maybe they'll repurpose those assets they had done into some quick guest character DLC?

Jesus H. goddamn Christ, that's infuriating. The game's coming out in 2018, so hopefully Denuvo will go under before then.

Does denuvo even do anything bad or is it just a principal of the matter thing?

Like does it impact preformance or require online checks past the intial install?

0, funimation doesn't even use it anymore.


Yes to both.

Which is considered te better and more active platform for SFV? PS4 or PC?

A grave.

Getting a person in a karate gi to punch you in the testicles repeatedly

Congratulations Bamco on making the most bullshit final boss battle in fighting game history. I sure love having 25% health fighting a boss that can regenerate health and has super armor and infinite super meter.


Marvel vs Capcom trailer at sony's e3

Looks like the leaks are real.

DBFZ is going to eat their lunch.

Please post a mirror as soon as you can find it. I'm dying to see all the awful character models.


This one?

Monster Hunter
Strider Hiryu

Captain America
Captain Marvel
Doctor Strange
Iron Man
Rocket Raccoon/Groot

It already looks like shit with a godawful plot that might be Injustice 2 with different characters. DBZ is the nail in that coffin. Good.

Just quit and practice Heihachi's juggle combos. When he lands, circle+down or triangle+down, and start over.

Jesus. Trust it to Capcom to take the concept of fucking Sigma and fucking Ultron fusing into an ascended robot god being and make it lame.

Holy shit what did they do?

pure fucking garbage. Who thought it was a good idea to make them look realistic.
please tell me we'll at least have sigma and zero back. Otherwise, the only "good" thing about this is that strider isn't DLC

I have no idea why they dropped the comic book look. UMvC3 looked way better than this trash.

I honestly though UMVC3 already looked like trash, but at least it had an art direction

For the Marvel side, they want the normalfag money which means the drab, no-fun-allowed movie looks. Capcom side has to bear and grin it for some attempt at aesthetic coherence but they can't be redesigned as that would take work and likely be met with backlash. Cue Avengers meeting with Zero's glowing D-cups.

Jedah is pretty popular among fans of the series. The problem is that if he's in this game, you can bet he'll be heavily censored. Either that or esports banned. Whichever's more retarded.


Is jedah really that popular? iirc, he was only in one game, which was DS3.

honestly, I would have found it hilarious if capcom went for "maverick hunter" graphics for X and Zero

I hope you guys are not expecting to play as Zero at release.

I have higher hope that there will be no Denuvo in the game, mainly because the game is going to be developed by third party dev. None of their games developed by third parties have Denuvo, that includes Xenoverse 2, for example. And before that they released plenty of Denuvo titles already, it's up to Arcsys unless Bamco itself will handle PC version and Arcsys have their own dedicated PC team. Or of course Bamco could force Arcsys to implement this shit.

so is panther DLC or does he get a pre-order costume?

Also I'm wondering now if the story mode will have brain dead AI like the SFV story mode did. Anyway time to watch some streams of it


I think people like Jedah because he's a grappler with a projectile and an airdash. He breaks a lot of the rules of Capcom games, even in something wacky like Darkstalkers.

So Black Panther is DLC despite being in the story? hahahahahhahaha

Damn shame DBF won't be coming out until 2018, I wanna see Capcom burn for this trash. The only good thing I can say about this is at least they've got Dante instead of Donte.

DLC character and he'll have a dlc costume.

Cant wait to see the retarded FGC leaders defend this, like they did with SFV.

Can't wait to see people like Max talk about how having dlc characters that are already in the game like Sigma and Black Panther being day one is a good thing.

wait what?
garou terry is that low res?
I wouldve figured hed be higher res then the rest of the kofs.

I dont think this picture is accurate

your wish is my command


Sigma was literally the first character to show in the Story trailer.

Unless Capcom pays him, he already moved on.

Garou was still in the oldass MVS. Is truly a work of art considering it was a 10-year old hardware.

What a time to be alive.

I'm dying. Send help


Capcom's incompetence truly knows no bounds. And here I thought SFV was the bottom of the barrel.

Bravo crapcom

Nose is too small, come on crapcom you can't even fuck up hilariously enough.

Was also in Ono's Mugen (Capcom Fighting Jam) but I can't blame anyone for not remembering that. I wish I could forget it.
Very unique character with a crazy ass move set, which is saying something for Darkstalkers.

To be fair, that applies to most of the cast because everyone in DS has a command grab and a good chunk have a air-dash and a projectile (Morrigan, Hsien-ko, Huitzil, Raptor etc).

They will and they'll have to work extra hard because not only are people getting fed up with their kikery, DBZ seems like something the normalfags can alternatively flock over to.



Yeah, but Jedah has several grabs (Dobson, floor hands, and one of his supers, I think) beyond the universal command grab. I guess on paper he doesn't behave that different but I remember watching gameplay of him when Darkstalkers Resurrection launched and his neutral seemed to be unique: I remember a lot of zoning with his projectile and the floor grab to control space fullscreen while mixing it up with his airdash followups.

Could be completely wrong, of course; it's been four years since that collection launched.


What the fuck is this? Miss Marvel looks like shit, Chun looks like super shit and fuck man, everything is just so ugly.

MvCI Dante looks more like a drug addict than Donte did

Donovan never had a fanbase like Huitzil and the rest. The only popular Darkstalker characters in Japan were Felicia, Talbain, Morrigan, Jedah, Lilith, and Anakaris for some reason.

The mad men did it. They actually topped SFV for ugliest, shittiest looking game. All of those models are terrible. Wtf!? All of them look like Tumblr shit!

Holy shit, Wong has to stop dressing like he's 21, and actually look like a 30-something. How do you live like that?!

Wong lost his EG sponsorship? How did that happen? I never had respect for the guy knowing he's a two-faced, shady shitbag like his buddies Marn and Max, but Christ.

This is fucking Poser-porn-tier renderring. Wtf, Ono!? Wtf, Capcom!?

Japan loves Egyptian shit

He didn't lose it, he jumped to Echo Fox for a better check.

I wish Pyron got a bit more love. I know he's in Project X Zone 2, so Capcom hasn't completely forgotten him in favor of Jedah.


Too bad no one mained him until Fighting Jam, the only game he was actually good in.

Watch Ono or the schmucks behind this shitty game go, "This was absolutely intentional to pay homage to Liefeld, guys!"

Any chance we can forward prayers hoping a Mudslime rapefugee will be at Evo with knives/bombs/guns, killing most of the fgc, Ono, Harada, and Boon if we're lucky?

He has the Dobson and a diving air grab. Both his supers are ground-based unblockables - the "contract" which requires you to press the button for the hand to attempt the grab and the blood depths where the hands pop under the opponent's position.
His neutral is unique because he has a stationary projectile that lets him put a lot of oki pressure and he's got a flight mode besides his air dash (which, like Raven in Xrd, scores a hit by itself).

Really fun character and conceptwise, he feels kinda Lovecraft-lite - alien being made of energy that fucks around with planets for his entertainment. Even his stage is full of random abstract shit.

A Anakaris player won the VS CB tournament. That shit was fantastic.

Am I suppose to feel bad for you?

It would be easy getting past security, he just needs to say he's a Rashid cosplayer

maybe you could
you know
buy it

You got a vod? I didn't know people played DS after Resurrection died on arrival.

There are Anakaris players in Japan and Fightcade. It's just that whatever he does, everybody else does it better.

People still play VS on Fightcade and in Japanese arcade events.

Cosplaying as Rasheed or Shaheen (aka Rashid 2,0) would make anyone think he's up to something. It needs to look like it was unexpected.

How does it feel like knowing some 18 year-old who figured out how to make shitty 3d-rendered porn can do a better job making 3d models than Capcom, guys? How does it fucking feel?!

I think I'm gonna be sick.

For you Rocket, anything for my drug fix.

So this is it isn't it?
Were gonna see capcom put their fighters on ice for a bit and the Capcomdrones are gonna bring the "dark age of fighting games" meme back to light.

The down + down = DP rumor was real apparently

Shit, really? Demitri's always been my favorite, aside from hsien-ko. He may seem a bit generic, but I think that adds to his charm greatly. He's such a pimp too, fucker even canonically absorbed pyron, iirc. Even his ingame portrait is great. Either it's a scowl that pierces everything with such an air of contempt like in vampire savior, or he's a smug motherfucker like in SvC.
Not to mention the fact that he has the best move in any fighting game ever; midnight bliss.
too bad I can't play him on fightcade or I get ripped to shreds by talbains

Match starts at 56 minutes.


I think it's time the fighting game genre died a painful death, and never came back.

I shouldn't be surprised after seeing what they did with Ed.

Media wouldn't do that when NRS games easily sell millions

This just keeps getting worse and hilarious.

Don't you remember the last time fighting games died? I wouldn't mind it happening again.

They retconned most of DS where it favors Morrigan (she beats Pyron and Jedah iirc). It's a shame Capcom ruined the old lore because it was very good (If you think about it, Savior was supposed to end DS if you go by most of the endings).

The genre is going to shit even if KoF14 is the only decent one so far. It needs to die.

My sides just exploded thanks to this

Sad thing is Ono or someone at Capcom will try to make it look intentional "to respect Liefeld." I don't know anyone who takes Liefeld seriously, anymore.

Is Dante a charge character?


I don't. can you explain?

I had hopes to see this move revived but then Skullgirls got cucked by its own fans. A character was going to transform people into musical instruments and I would have liked to see how creative they got outside of the obvious "Peacock is a banjo, Big Band is a Sax".

Anyone have the Midnight Bliss mp4 from the last thread?

For a large chunk of time between Third Strike and SFIV, Capcom fans claimed "fighting games are dead" because there wasn't a big, obvious Capcom title for them to dicksuck. The industry was certainly smaller then, but the various Mortal Kombat, Virtua Fighter, and Tekken games sold just fine.

This delusion has even manifested so strongly that people nowadays will use it to defend SFV because "if SF wasn't here in one way or another, the genre would be dead."

Capcom fucked off for a bit and everyone else continued as normal? Yeah that was bretty great.

Kof XIV, Rev 2, BBCF, UNIELst and all those other weeb fighters, I'm good with how it is now. Only Capcom, NRS and Bamco needs to get their shit together.


BlazBlue is horrible (I'll give you Rev 2).

That's an insult to Liefeld.


And I ain't even black. That shit's fucking cash right there. Almost makes up for the fact that the Mario + Rabbids thing is fucking real

I guess we have hope since they busted this out. Looks like a few companies are gonna die off this year, or at least bleed.

So there's another MvC:I gameplay trailer confirmed, Dante, Rocket, Arthur, Dr. Strange, Nova, Spencer, Thanos and Zero. Does this mean the leak list is fake? It didn't mention Zero.

It's got some balance issues but the gameplay is solid and it's a complete release since it's the last game until whenever they revive it.

The leak list mentioned Zero as DLC, I thought.


What a darn shame.

the best games out there are Tekken 7 and Rev 2

it's pretty compelling that the best marvel type will be dragon ball, capcom completely fucked it up

kof14 is ok, but the problem is that it's better than neither kof98/kof02 and you can play those two for absolutely free, vs any skill level with superior netcode

I'm so happy folks are waking up to Capcom's stuff now, and DB Fighters is making them sweat bullets


anyways, 02UM is still one of the best KOFs

Oh so it's just fanboys being autists? I wouldn't mind if Capcom and NRS went under.

Blazblue is fine.

He looks copy pasted from UMvC3, I'm 90% sure they added him in quickly just recently

Dante's a classic rushdown character with loads of moves and entry possibilities and he has no charge moves, if you mean the "hold direction for number of seconds while attacking" thing.

Also he was never a charge character either, that honor went to like Chun Lee and like no one else I think.

Tekken 7 was dog shit since day one in the arcades.

Nah, the game kind of sucks.

Would you like to elaborate?

Seocnding explanation. I want to like it myself, but I can't git gud.

Story went balls retarded since CS (even the "funny endings" are cringe-worthy), Balance is a roster coaster of cluster fuck, and each "sequel" added one more retarded Mary Sue after another. I wasn't keen on the whole negative penalty and combo system, but those are my personal beefs with the game.

Meant to say roller coaster or cluster fuck. My bad.

Are you referring to the vote characters? It was dissapointing that we could only have a select few get in. I'm stuff upset Annie and panzerfaust are out. It's not all bad though, since beowulf is fun

God damn, the aesthetic clashes with the movement so hard

Hoping for Cell to have his weaker forms, and perhaps Hercule if he isn't actually shit like in every DBZ game.

But that's Hercule's appeal It's Mr. Satan, you faggot.. He's supposed to be a joke character in the games.

Being weak is fine, but people actually shitting on people with the joke characters is even better



My god! They look like they are made by an amateur XPS "artist"!

Please tell me my vision is failing me and that thing that's supposed to be Dante has white hair and not blonde.

Anybody played he MvC:I demo? How bad is the gameplay?

DP is replaced with down twice, there is scripted losses and let's just say you'll know why "Infinite" is in the title when you see the combos

Is Capcom trying to be NRS now? Which characters play well and which characters suck?

They most likely do. IIRC MKX sold like 6 million in its first year. Funny in the past people would say MK was copying SF


Truly we have stumbled upon an alternate dimension


I haven't played it enough to tell whose good and bad yet. but the Time stone basically gives every single character one button infinites

Oh my God, they actually did it. They actually managed to make my opinion of them drop even lower. Fuck you, Capcom.

And wait, what's with Infinite's control layout? Why are they using a KOF four-button instead of the JJBA layout like in MVC3?

They even changed the inputs for the Lightning Legs and the Spinning Bird Kick to Quarter-Circles. Capcom is finished, holy shit.

Dragon Ball FighterZ controls. The homing button is interesting. It sounds like AH homing but with grazing like in 2hu fightan. That alone has gotten me really hyped for this game

I'm bad at reading, is this a 6 button fighter or an 8 button fighter?

Thank God, I was worried that it might be borrowing Extreme Butoden's controls.

Hard to tell without the left side but it looks like it's 5 or 6 button, RB and RT are just macros.

Looks like 4 buttons to me. RB is 1+2 RT is 3+4. The pic is taken by a retard though so I can't tell what the fuck does the left button and trigger does.

Did they hired NRS to do the animations?

Quality VA work as well from MVCI

also system exclusive DLC. This is the train wreck that keeps giving

At least it wasn't the original Ms. Marvel costume.

This has been done for years and is not wrong anyway. Soul Calibur 2 and 4 had different character for every platform ffs, just a costume is nothing

Just because it was done before or has been done worse doesn't mean it's okay. Platform exclusive content is cancer regardless of how it effects the gameplay

Why? This is just a pat on the back for PS4 owners, it'll give some people the satisfaction of getting something others don't. It's fucking useless otherwise and doesn't affect anything

Ryce said the list was missing one Capcom character

Look, '98 and UMFE might be my favorite KOF but both '98 and 2002 has many problems specially with balance stuff. 2002vanilla is an ugly mess of buggy shit but hues still love it and never really moved on to 2002UM that also has a fucked up balanced with a Vanessa worse than her XIV incarnation and godly Kasumi and Nameless

Honestly I like Blazblue more just because it doesn't have retarded stuff like Danger Time and I'm not a fan of comeback features like Hellfire and Guts.

Link is dogshit in the gamecube version. Heihachi and Spawn eventually ended up in the HD version proving there was no reason to do that in the first place. Also, Yoda and Vader are just DLC in the PS3 and 360 respectively.
I know it's just a costume and it doesn't really matter comparing to a character or even a stage but still is retarded. I would understand if it was an Uncharted costume or a Parappa hat for Rocket Raccon like Bayonetta did for its WiiU release.

Are you seriously defending baby's first anti-consumer practice?
It's like telling someone who is buying a car they can't have certain colors for the car they picked because they chose the automatic model instead of the manual model. The color of the car doesn't matter but the customer is still being denied options.

Do you even play the game?

Well, I'm not thrilled.

That's pretty small. In SFxTK, they had at least three characters as Sony exclusives. MK also had Kratos and a Stage. Hell, it dates back to Soul Calibur 2, with an exclusive character per system too.

Call me when theybuse this engine for a new Jump Stars.

Except it's not that big. It's more like one place you can buy the car from gives you smiley tickets with "You bought the car from us :)" with cars. And you're complaining about not getting that. Out of all the problems that game has an exclusive costume is not one of them

It's a fucking problem thrown into pile with all the fuck load of other problems. It's still denying content to certain customers and that is anti-consumer to it's fucking core.
It's not the biggest issue, but it's still a fucking issue. Brushing it off is like defending bamco keeping denuvo in tekken 7; sure it can be pirated and it doesn't hinder performance like it does for other games but it's still DRM

You DO know I was talking about mechanics. And what's wrong with Carl?

I christen thee


Yeah this is totally something I would pay money for Capcom, thank you

What the fuck this is unprofessional shit. Capcom get your fucking act together.

Was going to post these exact same ones. If people still had doubts this game looks like utter trash…

"normalfags please leave. Raeee."

Don't tell me you want actually good characters in this train wreck?

Thank God they didn't announce a new DMC.

What happened to Dante's fucking face? Why is MVCi such a disgrace?

Tekken 7 just got an update on steam. Anyone know what it's for?

I'm actually mad as fuck about this. Capcom is a fucking joke. I can't believe they messed up such an easy success by being LAZY.

it's the Denuvo update

It's not, that was a 3 mb update a few days ago

This is the online update that consoles got already

The only reason the game exists is to replace SFV and for marvel to shill the MCU.
That's why it's getting rushed out in less than a year since the announcement.

Marvel vs Capcom INFINITE

I Ironically prefer Donte instead of this…thing.

Almost makes Kens face look okay by comparison.

Anybody up for some Tekken 7 tournament ?
I use the cracked copy but I think invites work with the legit ones.


goodbye miek russ

Yeah, just like they did with SFV.



Is he afraid that the moment he's not playing "his game", he's gonna get bodied in every other game he plays?

Literally "We won Reddit!"

We need to somehow destroy all these esporters' lives. So then there will be no more excuses from the "tournament crowd" that the gameplay is good nothing else matters.
Sooner E-celebs and their ilk die off the better.

And I've played the demo the game play is fucking awful.

Oh yea and Rashid and Gwenpool are in.
Fuck this game, fuck the characters, fuck SJW characters like this and Fuck their day on dlc.

They aren't even hiding their shilling anymore

That or he's desperately scrambling for a reason to get away from SFV. Can't blame him for that, but his desperation has obviously clouded his judgement or Cuckcom is paying him

To quote the imminent wisdom of Carl the Cuck - "Are you kidding me?"

And I forgot to say Ada Wong will replace Jill and Ant-Man is in, (that was obvious)

Those characters were in a previous leak that got debunked and the new trailer, in turns, pretty much confirms the more recent leak.
Is there any new info about the roster, base or DLC?

Nothing of value was truly lost, these people will eat anything up of Capcom's.

This is cringeworthy as fuck.

4 DLC packs after the initial day one pack are planned.

1 is Fanastic 4 pack with. Super Skrull, Doom, and She-Hulk

2. Is Xmen pack with Cyclops, Wolverine, and Deadpool.

3 and 4 I do not remember.

Pretty sure the leak for the capcom DLC was darkstalker pack with Hsien-ko, Felicia and Talbain so they could recycle 2 MvC3 characters
and the other was a Street Fighter pack to do the the whole X-men vs Street Fighter homage.

First gameplay of Decidueye in Pokken. Players are pokken community members so it's not an actual match, but them testing moves out and trying to guess frame data and move properties

No fancy inputs here either.

That's a lot of quarter circles

I don't think it's a big deal, move inputs are only like .05% of the skill in a given fighting game, almost all of it is fundamentals and timing and muscle memory.

I guess they're trying to ease DB fans that don't play other 2D fighters. It's shitty, but it's a bit more understandable than what they're doing in MVCI. The last DB game with proper inputs bombed in the West because Budokaibabbies couldn't figure out how to do them. With MVCI, they just hate the fans and only want retards playing their games now, I guess.

As I say in though, does it really even matter?

Skullgirls only has quarter circles and dp's and it's not casualized or anything.

Who's the guy below Rashid in the HUD?


Ada Wong

His shorts are stupid

Here is the model that was used for the fake and a clearer image of the fake

The FGC is truly the most cucked community on the internet

It shouldn't be this easy to fake screenshots, but MvCI's style makes it too easy.

Anyone else have this issue? I tried booting up the games today and all the colors were all distorted. I'd take screenshots but for some reason steam won't let me.

Webm in a minute


Update: It turns out running KoF98UMFE or KoF2002UM in fullscreen causes the colors to glitch out. I don't know why this is suddenly happening, but I think a recent win10 update may have to do with it.


Question regarding Darkstalkers Resurrection. If I import a Japanese PS3 disk (I prefer to own a physical copy) Will I still be able to patch the game using my NA account?

Yes, but why would you want to patch it since the online is dead and the only thing the patch does is censor gallery art

I thought the patch fixed some bugs for versus but it it's not an issue then I'll just leave it as is.

If you're getting the original print then it fixes the bugs. If it's the best price version, then it has the VS bugs fixed but no censorship patch

So I want to pick up the best price print it sounds like? Thank you

The PS2 collection is a wiser purchase IMO. It's in moonrunes but it's from a time when Capcom cared and it shows.

Justin you have a real job, you don't have to do this anymore.

What if he does it for free?

Do you actually play BB if you don't know what's wrong with fucking Carl.
Upon any hard knockdown the sister can hit low and Carl can hit high on meaty, what do you thing this leads to?

yo is there any way to use auto key pressers in tekken 7
i want to cheese treasure battle while i sleep with katarina's 44444, I've done like 300 fucking matches and I STILL dont have the training set for josie >:^(
i dont have a controller with turbo so autopressers were my recourse but they dont fucking work, they enter the key in any other window but they dont actually activate the button the key is assigned to, it's fucking infuriating

What do I do against Steve as Paul? They all have tight as fuck defenses and block everything I try.

Are you new to the game? If you are and you're going against a Steve that has a great defense you're playing against a quite advanced player, chances are you won't be able to do much against them atm. Or just play defensively, Paul has great punishment

I am, and he blocked or swayed out of every mixup I threw at him. When I tried to go on the defensive I ate jab pressure into toe stomp punch, I can't see how anyone can react to that toe stomp.

First round of DLC characters potentially leaked in the fucking demo folders, including confirmation of the leaked roster.



is there any way to change default stages in Guilty Gear xrd? I hate always playing on May ship for Johnny

DS4 or XBONE controller?

Eddie Brock and Flash Thompson skins confirmed

If that's correct, it's pretty underwhelming. There is nothing interesting or engaging about that. Where are the trully wanted characters, like Captain Commando, Jin, Falcon, Plasma Sword characters, BoF characters? Nothing. And Death? Thanos girlfriend? Kind of makes sense with Sigma Ultron calling for the end of all organic life, but, really? At least for the fans os spoopy tit monsters, there will be something to, maybe, fap at.



Oh god they're pulling a SFxT again and all the DLC data will be locked on the disc aren't they?

No, they'll pull the files just like I'm sure they did with Shit Fighter V.

So it's a sausage-fest version of UMvC3.

People have to be particularly desperate.