Last one mysteriously vanished.
Touhou Thread
I need more Tewi bullying Reizen.
Shoo, shoo, murderer
I want to watch Touhous get fucked by animals.
Just the strongest passing through
post oppai cirno
Anyone wanna play some soku?
No fuck off this is a secondary thread __
b-but I have hope in user's desire to improve!
W-working on it.
Let's play. You know the IP.
Source? Looking for some good reading material.
Stop being a pants-on-head retarded secondary shitposter and actually play videogames.
I'm no moon expert, but even i recognize that title.
have some ちちるの
would you fug a blackskinned 2hu?
Tewi is a good girl and Reisen is not for bully.
Blacks are a real world monster and thus have no place in Gensokyo.
Top Tier:
Twinkle Touhous
High Tier:
Camera Touhous
Mid Tier:
Regular Touhous
Low Tier:
Arkanoid Touhous
Shit Tier:
Fightan Touhous
So does Touhou have a story?
I've never played Touhou and I don't even know anything about it or what it is. I don't even know the genre of game. On a whim I just yohoho'd Touhou 6 and I'm about to play it. Might I assume I don't need to play whatever these things are in order?
Either research or lurk more, it can't be that hard to find out.
not really, the story is only "thing is happening, go stop thing and fight bosses for no real reason"
Truly the greatest of all video game plots.
You forgot
wanna play me famalam?
I wanna fug a 2hu
Don't wanna install Hamachi again.
Sounds like you need to learn to host
I won't argue against that.
Those matches were played just recently (a few hours ago) without any sort of hamachi support. Either learn to open ports properly or let the other faget host it for you.
Fuck it, I'll just host, if no one connects within 15 minutes I'm gone. Don't forget sokuroll.
rip in pepperoni
File related.
That's how most of our matches go. I do good execution throughout then one mistake ruins it. In this video it was me thinking I was to your right. The idea was to hit you as you got up. Instead I ended up to the left and hit nothing. That one spellcard does 6k damage even without drizzle.
Saw that coming from far away. Too late to block.
I can't punish that properly because I'm afraid to get behind you. I was expecting the spell hit you before you turned invincible.
just fyi cirnos boobs make ice cream
Honestly, it's cropped porn that leads to "cartoon network" on google search. You should give source on shit like that if you know it. I'm sure it's on sadpanda, though.
Anyone have a mega file of all the Touhou manga? I want to read them, but I can't find any download links.
Nevermind, I found some.
No you're right.
This is a fan game.
It's not a fan game.
It's official, just not developed by ZUN.
now post some epik gameplay from ULiL :^)
There's been a Soku fad lately.
It's 5 mb where it could be 1 mb if you lowered the quality to 10 passes. If you're complaining about meme losslessness, then save it as a .png, fucking retard
i found this gem recently
enjoy the autism
Bump, anyone wanna play vidya games?
Between the horrible music and the generic art it's not 2hu at all.
The typical fighter brainlet.
What video games?
Ah you know, the usual. PoFV, Soku, AoEthanols2, MM2.
You ask, i host. I don't have HM nor ULiL though.
Why the dislike for the game? Not like I'm gonna get defensive or call you names for not liking it. Mad that Reisen is only on the PS4 version, fun as her style is.
It doesn't have the robust netplay backbone nor the percieved gameplay depth as its predecessors, it also wasn't able to gather enough of a community to patch these issues out before it fell into irrelevancy. Hopefully, the new HM clone coming out soon will attempt fix this.
I would host some games for you but it'd take me days to redownload ULiL again with how things are looking over here
It's truly a shame about Reisen being PS4 exclusive. It doesn't bode well with a franchise such as Touhou to have content locked behind a console, specially something from Tasofro and a character so anticipated since the release of LoLK. I wonder if Tasofro sold themselves out or if something happened in there.
I'm getting too old for this.
Possibly an issue of funding. I'm not sure how big it is now in Japan, but I remember that it was a stupidly huge franchise and I think its expanding outside of Japan. Pretty easy to imagine a console dev wanting an incentive to get people to play it on their console in exchange for funds.
y can't i beat 2hu 11? it been half decdae tryn.
2hus deserve rape
The only 2hus that deserve rape
are the shitty shrine maidens
requesting download link for toho bossa nova 6 (shibayan records)
Unfortunately, I only have mp3:
Better than nothing. But thanks.
what about Seija?
yeah, nah, fuck that
Fucking a bathroom urinal is probably more hygienic and the urinals has probably been used less times as well
But she's one of the best girls in the series.
Reimu is probably the most deserving of rape out of all the 2hus
she is living trash in the form of a human being
Sleepy Touhous
Doujin is Pajama Party by Mimoto.
why is everything impossible to play on piano
has anyone here played shanghai.exe?
Is this the designated cuteposting thread?
Also why am I so attracted to the early stage cannon fodder?
Yes this is the
secondary thread. Cutepost to your heart's content but REMEMBER: No video games.
My sentiments exactly. Bullet hells are not my brand of autism by far but this is something I can get into with you anons. Where can I get it?
In my defense, Ive finished atleast one Lunatic and Extra run
it's alright, way way way too easy.
bottom of the page probably has everything you need in terms of links. I haven't played in years so if it doesn't, someone else will have to correct me.
That site doesn't have both games downloads, only patches.
Use this, the link contains both Hisouten and Hisoutensoku, plus the tools to play them online like Sokuroll or SWRtools and the .dat file that unlocks everything. Around 500~MB.
What are these, I've been out of the loop a long time.
Sokuroll is a network balancer. It automatically adjusts the game for any discrepancies in ping or due to any lagspikes that may happen in online play and prevents desynches. The game may still desynch with this enabled, though it's very rare it can happen, so watchout for that.
It also has framedelay tools for people who don't have a good connection, it defaults to 4 frames of delay for online play, so the other player can catch up in terms of packets faster, but it can be lowered to 1 frame of delay or risen to 8 frames, depending on how laggy everything is.
Everyone plays with this enabled online so you should always run it when playing, it won't let you connect to other people who have it enabled if you don't.
SWRTools give you a few quirks like displaying players moves on replay files, adding a counter of number of matches played when playing online to keep a score tally plus a few other things that the original games do not display. It isn't needed for online play but some people find it useful.
What's that? A game where you can play as cute little Shanghai?
megaman battlenetwork clone
Reisen is the best !
That is a funny way of spelling Tewi, but yes Tewi is the best I agree.
Do you think returning to the moon and saving everyone was enough to redeem herself in Eiki's eyes?
Hey guys.
What is it about Touhou that you like so much?
I've seen all kinds of Touhou stuff over the years and it amazes me to see this many dedicated fans let alone the immense amount of content that gets produced.
I know it's not because of the fucking games.
Isn't Hecatia higher on the pecking order then Eiki as far as after life bureaucracy goes? Would it be seem as a positive or negative to punch a god in the face? Technically Hecatia is just mad at all the moon people for all that not dying they are doing.
The games are fun. Especially the fan games.
The music is pretty amazing too though.
If you could pick a game that would get me hooked which one would it be?
Don't worry, I'll take any difficulty. In fact, I'd prefer a challenge.
Its the girls that do it for me. But I'm a vanilla fag and the 2hu doujins get into some pretty fucking hard fetishes so I avoid them.
I require the scans of these doujin.
Aren't women with peepees just men?
Hecatia is higher on the pecking order, yes. I have no idea if its seen as a bad thing to punch a god in the face in Touhou, but if she is supposed to be inspired by a western goddess, then Reisen is fucked.
Are Eiki and Hecatia even part of the same bureaucracy?
I'm sure Reisen will get a pass since Hecatia was causing trouble.
Perfect Cherry Blossom
IN and SA are better
I know
I just found PCB easier to get into when starting out
I actually liked IN more because the teams were cool, 4 (technically 8 (TECHNICALLY 12)) characters that you've seen before, generous bomb-death, and generally easier, even on normal.
Plus it's got a ballin'-ass soundtrack… I never found anything about PCB particularly interesting
I agree, I just found it easier to start out with PCB. Besides the first stage music I found IN far better.
Can't believe someone hasn't posted sort of best Touhou.
I'll post some right now then.
For me it is the games. I'm definitely in the minority so my experience is different. I became obsessed with the series shortly after I discovered it. I love how rewarding the games are. It's a great feeling to get better and beat challenges.
Can predators love prey?
This is a board for video games.
>>>/a/ for touhou
Aren't women with flat chests just men?
…I feel like I know you from somewhere.
haha i wonder if alice gets embarassed when she poos out a doll in front of marisa? haha
So you hate video games ?
stupid damn youkai
That will never cease to tick me off until the day I die.
It was the fan games that got me hooked rather then the actual main games.
A far as fan games goes, here is a list of them that can get you hooked.
1. Megamari
2. Touhouvania, also known as, Koumajou Densetsu: Scarlet Symphony
3. New Super Marisa Land
4. The Genius of Sappheiros: Weekend
As far as the best official game to get you hooked, I would have to say Great Fairy Wars.
new bullet hell shooter.
Looks great. These guys have been making twinstick shooters for a while.
Daily reminder that 2hus eat humans
Girls believe that you solve this mystery…
Reminder that Remilia and Flan loves to have humans for dinner. Have them over, have them for dinner, same difference.