There's already a cringe compilation!!!
E3 2017
I didn't even last a minute.
So on the E3 report card can we just put down EA for absent or expelled?
I feel bad.
Marketers are the scum of the Earth.
Just think of it as newspeak for rape.
I watched this shit live. Half of the fucking show had nothing to do with vidya. It was just SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS CARS CARS CARS
I'm surprised the hunger games guy acknowledged criticism for Battlefront
Microsoft and Bethesda are going to have to work pretty hard to fuck up worse than EA
Any decent announcements? I dont watch this shit.
I heard about a new Ace Combat though.
I still dont know why they got I "cant solve the first portal puzzle" justine as a commentator.
What if E3 coordinators are being cringeworthy on purpose now so we all watch E3 like some sick game of 5D chess after seeing how successful E3 streams were in the past just because people wanted to see corporate suits fuck up? That would be dulling Occam's razor though… OR WOULD IT?!?!
Are you dumb?
Intended cringe as in campy entertainment?
I can imagine that
How many lies will we be told this year, Holla Forums?
I think you're right, it takes an idiot to not think about that. Look at Far Cry 5 and their tries to create an outrage of it to the point of faking it.
They got you dumbfucks there.
Best form of entertainment once in a year. Better even than president election or new year.
I wish i had the source, or at least clarity of the recollection, but i remember a company making a commercial bad on purpose so people would talk about it. So it's very possible.
Intentional cringe is kind of hard to do without going full crap (to the point where no one will watch it, even ironically.)
In all honesty it would be VERY EASY for them to hire some Cringecore/Mumblecore comedians like the ones who make fake documentary style comedy movies to write for E3. It would be worth looking into actually
The whole thing is like a bad parody of a 90s evil corporation. If this is a mere appetizer for the shitshow E3 will be I can't wait.
Sony's conference is almost always better than the rest. Thats not saying much since the bar is so low, but sony has games that arent sports and has potential for surprises.
Wait, EA started on Saturday?? What the fuck!
I should have kept up with the schedules, I didn't think it would start this early in the week.
Let me run it down. Sport sports sports battlefront 2 sports new shitty need for speed sports cinematic garbage. Thats it. You missed nothing.
user, E3 is for laughing at with your friends. There isn't a single thing I can think of that I'm excited about for any of the conferences other than how much they can fuck it up.
I just want DMC5 and metroid.
Bannerlord. If you're not excited for that you're gay.
Butterlord, you homogay
you didnt missed anything
They are occasionally entertaining, if for no other reason than their competition seems to have a knack for coming out on stage and shooting themselves in the head - to which Sony promptly strolls up and pisses in the exit wound.
Uh huh
Keyword being occasionally.
Keyword being "no".
Where were these photos posted?
I missed that one. How can that actually happen?
EA is always boring shit, Ubisoft is always cringe-inducing hilarity.
Sony and Nintendo usually make up the real meat of the announcements that everyone gets excited for. Microsoft at least has the potential to show off cool stuff, but they never do, they usually shoot themselves in the foot.
Any Drumpf "jokes" yet?
We won't be told lies, we will be told Todds, sweet little Todds.
You do realize that the missed high five was the joke
Are you seriously this autistic?
Hearing that they want to use denuvo on it killed most of my excitement.
It's still cringe, no one even laughed.
Source ? Plus it's not like lenuvo is a threat anymore.
When someone hacked denuvo's site or whatever a few weeks or months ago. How the hell did you not hear about it? There were emails from the devs saying they wanted to use denuvo on Bannerlord.
I didn't find it funny.
Holy fucking shit, you retards still hung up on this? There is no confirmation they will use it, all we have is a letter from a TW employee inquiring about Denuvo.
If they do use it, fuck them, but until they come out and state it clearly one way or the other all you're doing is spreading false rumors.
There will be a new Bioware game at Microshits confenrece and it's about a wall. Or something like that.
The fact that they even considered using that anti-consumer piece of shit kills any will I had to support them, and also makes me suspect that they think that the game can't stand on its own merits like the previous. Despite Warband being so easy to pirate, people bought it because it was good and the devs weren't idiots.
EA's conference was not a games conference, it was a sports conference. That's why it was boring shit, maybe I would have laughed at this cringy crap if they were actually presenting games.
I forgot how many games they presented last year because I don't want to remember their conferences in any way, but I'm pretty sure this year they presented less games than they ever have in E3 history.
sauce for anime?
nvm I found it.
E3 has been fucking shit so far.
When hasn't it been?
Well EA did go first, if so far E3 wasn't shit then we would be living in bizzaro world.
Sure is summer in here.
This. Christ, even Cracked once upon a time used to rip the shit out of 'em and it was hilarious.
thats not it.
Exactly how many "Please Clap" moments were there? This vid didn't even have the "diversity" cringe in it!
That's what she said
Woman presenting Star Wars feels so forced to be there.
Obviously doesn't even play games, but a job's a job.
We've only been through one press conference and there's already 7 minutes of pure undistilled cringe to enjoy
This one by far made me cringe the most.
Do any of you degenerate fucks actually watch the snoozefest that is soccer
It was on the television one day when I couldn't sleep, worked like an entire bottle of sleeping pills.
What are you talking about? this is best E3 yet! :D
Because of nepotism + being an attractive gamer grrl to hook the room temperature IQ normalfags.
Be grateful you're not so retarded that you don't recognize what they're doing.
It was EA, you missed literally nothing.
Sort of. Bioware's new game makes reference to a wall used to keep monsters out. Not sure if it's intentional or coincidental.
it also mentions that the game will be set outside the wall, meaning it'll probably claim that being behind the wall makes you sheltered and weak, or that it's actually a prison, or that the people inside the walls are evil shitlords for not letting you in too.
I always watch the worldchampionship
Come on now
you can just call it "football" for short
no need to trouble yourself
The EA presentation is always boring but this year they took a step further with all this esports and "youtube content creators".
It was like nails on a chalkboard.
its better than handegg, at least they play the 90 minutes of the game, not like handegg where you watch a 15 second play an then 2 minutes of ads.
I tried to watch the superbowl but after 15 minutes of ads i said fuck it
Yeah this is really weird when i saw a match of it for the first time
I'm starting to ask myself if they even have any IPs to rape anymore. No one in this day and age gives a shit about NFS and only dudebros get excited over another yearly release of sport shit.
Well, this is the only part you missed. The image has not been edited and his nose is really that big
They were considering it but it was never confirmed.
Maybe they got scared by the price and all the bad advertisement it got since then (plus the fact that it's now considered useless).
Normalfag detected
I'm English and I hate football.
You know what the worst part is? It has been low energy shit. At least last years was so shitty and cringey we could make fun of the games and people trying to act cool. This one is just downright boring.
They can't even disappoint us right.
I opened chat when that wall game was shown, turns out gamers aren't faggots. Tons of "build it" and "10 feet higher." So proud.
"World's Sport my ass"
Never again am i wasting my time like that.
Ren when?
He already said he's a burger.
His fucking brain is a burger, a moldy one too.
oh lord
It's an old meme. What's bothering you about it?
Yes user, clearly the sport is to blame for your poor experience.
Should be against the law to let the two mix tbh, you're only wasting the rest of the world's time.
Seriously though, these presenter people are middle class hipsters and Football/Soccer is a working class game. Any interaction these people have with it was always going to be cringe.
No cunt on the terraces would use the word "suave", he'd get his bloody teeth kicked in.
xbox when
Wasn't really nothing that memorable.
That and shareholders and investors
Uh oh here we go
Only because retards like you gloss its fuck ups over how it brags about data mining you to the extent that it thinks that it knows what games you are going to buy and download them in advance.
This was the worst part honestly, forget the rest of the event, these fuckers have already claimed the cringe title.
Imagine what gaming would be like if licensing sports titles is illegal?
Imagine how much less EA can get away with if their sports titles can't use real players and/or real teams.
You cucks the the anomaly. every one else prefers soccer
[Disdain for Nerds Intensifies]